".V I ' i . f .. -. . v. . E3UEDWEESLVV ; PRINOPIS, NOT MEN $2.00 A YEAR IN AD VAXCS VOLUME XLYI Ashebore. North CarsiinaVThursiisy, Jum 1 1921 , NLTMBEI. XT II , r. ... c 1 : ) ". EXPECT NO RELIEF FROM MILITARISM Big Interests Are in Saddle arid, Big. Army and Navy Benefits Them Most. TRUSTS WANT PROTECTION Not Satisfied With Enormous Prof its Negro Question Up Again--: Looks Better For Linney Now Transfer Prohibition Enforce ment Other Washington News Babies bow learning to walk will go tottering down the final laps and their children will be born and passover before the heavy burdens ot the World War taxes are met. And why should this be said; because the pow ers That now rule are fixing to en trench the big interests in power for a generation unless the shackles are stricken oft by the people at an early date. Never was there such a lobby at the caiptal. Those in authority are not to enact a revenue producing tar iff but a prohibitive tariff in ' the in terests of those, who have grown rich with war profits. The revenue bill to be enacted after the tariff bill is ;en acted is to be a shifting of burdens from the estates of those most able to pay to the backs of the consuming masses. The Dvl Points and the Morgans and Rockefellers are now just entering the hiffh tide of their greatest'' 'era of profiteering. The steel trust' -the chief concerns 6f interest in legis lation. The bigger the army and navy . the greater the profits of big business. 'The' Chinese Trade . Act permitting corporations to be incorporated under the laws of the United States for the purpose of developing China, .and re lieving of all taxes is probably the most vicious legislation yet enacted. The real purpose of the law as enact ed is to enable rich men to. hide. their vast wealth to avoid the vayment of Bur-taxes. ... Railroads are to build. factories erected and all manner of exploitation of China's interests with cheap Chinese labor and with Ameri can capital untaxed in any way. The Dye Trust ' On of the Americn industries now fostered by a protective tariff in their interest during the recent war in or der that the business might get money invested when then were so many inviting, fields- for ; investment, now comes forward and has not toe lace to ask for an increase running up sever al hundred per cent; but through its shrewd well organised lobby asks for a license system to prevent ; imports that is a species of robbery requiring very legitimate cotton and woolen mill to pay tribute to an industry which the American Economist, pro tectionist organ, in its issue of ilay 20 contains the statement that the Al lied Chemical and Dye Corporation show a net profit lot, 1820 of JL6, 179,939. This infant industry, is grow ing fairly well . 'Un"? -On December 81. 1920. the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation acquir ed the stock or the General vnemicai Company, the Solvay Process Compa ny, the Semet-Solvay Process Compa ny, the National Anilene and Chemi cal Company. The grand total of its assets is now $282,743,000. .( -. These infants ought to give us some soherent reasons why we should ail pay mors for everything we wear..,; . . M iiin -'-,1 1 " , I- -. t .Y i .j i t vi . . k i A bill to regulate the meat packers Is being debated in the House. , lt has been under consideration for several days.'. . v-.;i' w'.. ''' ; Borah's Victory Tame" i White Senator Borah got bis resolu tion through authorising and requir ing the Preklent to call a conference of British, Japanese and American i presontatives to work out plans for a naval holiday by . which the country, ould practically , abandon ' naval mittee was' to meet and report a peace resolution last Friday. Now the Re publican leader says it will be Thurs day at this week. The truth is they are jazing at the stars and praying for wisdom to get out of the hole into which they have fallen and the wiser ones, know if the present course is pursued it will lead to their doom in the next election. House Votes Jloney to Enforce Prohl 1 bition 4 The Republican leaders kept hold ing back, the second deficiency bill ap propriating one hundred and ten mn lion dollars. When the bill was report ed to the House it was found th; many million dollars of it was to be used to create new offices for the fis FRANHINYME NEWS (DUDLEY" BTTSHOSIE RUN it! vJt The Ecworth Leairuo of the M. E ' ASHEBORO " WOX SATURDAY'S chtirch gave a most 'excellent entex-1 ' GAME FROM WORTHVILLE 12 tainment at the M. E Church Sunday! TO FIVE RANDLEMAN CAME night which was enjoyed br a lanre HEAR WINNING A GAME. audience, who was proud to see the! '' ' ' noble work these young people are v By'nitting Jarrett hard in the firsi rendering the church in all its prog- three Innings ' of Saturdays game ressive movements. The following Asheboro won from Worthville 12 to program, which lays spetial stress on 6. Lineberry relieved Jarrett in the the centenary movement, was well ren- fifth and after this Asheboro scored dered. . i ; ; only two runs. Cameron for the locals Professor D. - M. Weatherly has Pitched good ball, however, easing up moved back to his home. i in tne latter innings after his team had Childrens Day the first Sunday in ane.levei run. leaa- , . june , j Jtang, Armstrong ana irogaon maoe r j, i. -ii j - some spectacular catcnes wnicn -rut 2 L h? '. ! IS: off ninsTThe batting honors of the ding a few days at home. He holds fc day g0 to mng ranford and S. position with the National Biscuit w King an' Cranford each got T,P Sy - r ' three nit3 out of fou ts up and W. C. Jones has installed a Deleo Wood made two hits out of three trips lighting plant, 1750 watt. He lights ail up. buildings and is prepared to charge ! Kino-made a home run fn thtt seenrul b&ttries for automobiles ' - innine. beinsr the first made In a raim- L. M. Jones has bought the Allred lar game at Hammer park this season, store building on Craven Heights ane The Asheboro infield worked like has moved it to the corner of his a clock, but one error being charred borne lot and will run a cold drink against them out of 22 chances. stand. . I Soma nf niir nannlo aHonJaA ' BoX Score Quarterly meetinar at Hollv Snrines Asheboro last Sunday. ' .Cranford, cf 4 The Baraca class of Baptist " S,'sAe4d 3b visited the orphanage at Thomasville; T00" b ;fs i las Sunday. ; .' earn2b 5 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Husband; 5' lk ' T Charles, Katherine, and C. H. JuHarf C Zi " S 1 ( ; " ........ w AB. R.H.PO.AJ!. spent Sunday at the home of Teague, near Pleasant Garden. "I Armstrong, rf 2 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grimes and Hiv X, 1 and Mrs. Clarence Grimes High Point last Monday. Mr. Charles Preddy, of Rocky 3 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 34 12 10 27 14 i Mount and Mr. Walter Brower, ;of Worthville auama, were visitors at our Pacejee(,e 2h 4 last week. ' " o On Saturday night, Misses Kittle i t::';:' o Lee Jones and Lizzie Parks entertanV j b ' J! ' 2 ed Miss Lorena Haiglers music class rvkio s at- tha hnm"ivf My- anJ Mra WnM-:olY " eod Readin?,' If 4 , ;:?jTrogdon, cf 4 Kich, c 4 at the home "of Mr. and Parks. Much fun and a jolly time was had by all present . Score by innings Betterment Society of Frartklinville The Betterment Society met Friday night, and officers for the year of 1921 was elected. Mrs. Hugh farr.s, president, Mrs. Joe Buie, vlce-pres-;w Jt,iii. cal year beginning July land underlMr 'Hen Joneg treasur;r. y 'Asheboro the rules of the House lesnslation fori mi A ..; ..v- appropriations for the;, future cannot Lf i.A mMmo- SxK 3ummaryt tniirn rfet AB. R. 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 H. PO.A.E 1 2 1 0 0 Z 0 1 1 RANDLEMAN NEWS WEEK'S SOCIAL EVEJiTS Friday Afternoon Club Meets The last meeting of the winter i son of the Friday Afternoon Clubs i with Mrs; ii., w. Walker. Tables i Mr. Charles Spivey made a business trip to High Point Friday. Mr. W. C- Ferree, of High Point, nrna & viifnr hem last wvI Mr. Bill Stagg made a business trip arranged for cards for those who tn Ashehnrn last wii ed to play in the library, while f Mrs. W. T. Herrin, who has bew "! visiting her mother, Mrs. John T I served by the hostess assisted by A&x. 'Hal Worth and Miss Bent Scarbsm. The plates were made more attradfiWj, with the use of daises, while sweet, peas were used for decoration in titm rooms and hall. About .twenty were present. Pugh has gone to Raleigh where she and Mr. Herrin will make their home Mr. Herrin who until recently was manager of Gilmer Brothers Greens boro store has been promoted to their larger store in Raleigh. Mrs. Myrtle Milikan, who has been visiting relatives and friends here nas rurueu w : uuu u n. MiBS Ferree cdehwte. .BirtMbr Mr r. x wcrW nf Greenshoro J 0n l?st afternoon little Him S Za ;tv, v,nmo fit i Vera Ferree, daughter of Mx. an Z 1 Mrs. Robert G. Ferree, celebrate t - ,5 ifi'th birthday. Various games nt Mt m::11 -: Pyed . the lawn after which aeato tw-Uo ir., ..t, walk followed in which Miss PuXTndOmaRichardsorand, t ni,v,; oita it, 'judged the best "walkers." The P,f r,h I was a large chocolate covered cake Mr. Bob Hanner who has been visit- cutflf ln, two and awrded to .the sub-,. , ing his parents here has returned to,"?ful,walk: The home was taste Winston Salem fully decorated with cut flowers. The a Mr. R. M. Caudle visited his sister room unusuallv attractive, to Mrs. W. T. White last week who is in m decorated with mnk roses whxk Guilford General Hosp.tal Highj- Pof olor scheme Mr.' Bart Prevost and Family, ot,creDe Paper waa festooned to thetoar Greensboro, are moving -o Handle- corners of the table where they ne man. We welcome them to our town, fastened vath bunches of pink isk Mrs. F. W Russell visited relatives A irthday cake with its nine pk in Julian last week. icandles fo,med the cejitex place. Ice , Mr. Lacy Kirkman, of Greensboro, ! cream and cake were served. was a week end visitor here last wees. . . D. ... Master Clyde White, of High Point Surprise Burthday Dinner is visiting relatives here this week, j ,Ab.out one hundred and seventy-fiw Mrs. R W. Laughlin, of Randleman, relatives andfnends gathered tt ttev spent last week with Mrs. N. C. Trog- honf of f B. Uaen 8mm, 3br don here 22' to celebrate his 56th birthday. He Mr. John Ferree made a trip to ' was away from home when the crowf. Asheboro Monday. ibe&an gather and was very mocfc Misaps V.W Rrnwn and Par- surnseu lo una so many m on - , vS sons left Wednesday morning for WI1- turn. mington, N. C. to attend a state' A l&tS table was made in tueltaa- 24 5 9 24 11 4 000 343 001 010 130 Olx Runs 5 12 rtr1 .wnjrx , ; i,uiu. and Beeds sum)ort of everv true dolla 8, whereupon the Bepublicaus two base bits. Hinsbaw Cranford, S. Woo, King "arid : Carney ron: three base hits, Kicn; nome run, VkVZhXi ThLZ Ki; sacrifice hits, Coble, Cranfora, Since the school auditorium . y 0 j d iTA. Jt-n,ar. meeting of the Daughters of Liberty, i rve waa loa ;u WJM! Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Bean and Eooa lnTmKs l Tl J and daughter Miss Ora with Messrl Mr, J. D. Welch made a good talk J. E. and J. W. Parker attended the which fitted the occasioned afc services at Holly Springs church Sun- ave thanks lhe One Who doeln aii (things well, after which all . enjoyesl Mr. T. J. Hutchens, of High Point, , the dinner to the fullest extent, was a visitor here this wceK. I . M ter a sociaUhour,. all left wishmjr; Mr. J. F Bisher was a business vis him may more happy birthdays. i ltor in Asheboro Monday. over night bad a meeting of the rules and reported a special rule authoriz ing" enactment of the special legisla tion. Knowing that 700 prohibition agents had been Jaid off. it was a little sur- nrisin that the bill made no am.ro- me'.l ,n ,more. Vays. lnan one- . lne men by Jpirett 3 (Armfield, S Wood -h- T.V society aiso wjsnes to announce to any n. K no. v mtt. off jarrett 8 ln one living in Franklmville, who has , inrAnss. off Lineberry 2 in four arrouna tneir nome tm cans, is now used for a gymnasium the society wishes to sell the seats, (as they are so heavy to move in ahd out) and re-seat the auditorium with fold- mi i i v i ing cnairs. mis woura oe an improve- Linebe x off Cameron 1; hit bats ment in more ways than one. The ... i ' o ,1, c vj rMrs. E. P. Steele has returned from itfrh tvppla Iriaif" WWii " frinnWa anrf relatives in Hieh Point and Thomas-; Young ville. The Philathea class of St. Pau!3 GUILFORD-COMMENCEMENT People of Randolph County Graduate The closing exercises of GuilfonS S. Wood and King; double plays,. S. church will give a 'awn party on the College began with the presentation Wood to Kearns to Jttusn; struc out rree lviemonai nospnai grounas isat by Jarrett 2, by Lineberry 2, by Came-1 urday evening. ron 4; bases on balls ott Jarrett 1, on j priation for he few remaining weess until July 1, so the Democrats intro 2L5ft!!?!? buckets etc. that should be removed ing this work, and all because Secre to send their wants to Miss Laura O . . . J .1 1fl.k ft?.T!SS5L,?!S?n 5S5 June, and if they will gather the cans ,j four innings, off Lineberry Umpires Sommers and Alridge. SEVEN KILLED IN AIR WRECK ask for this . appropriation, although the estimate was furnished him by Prohibition Commissioner Kramer. For several days the House has been considering the second deficiency bill of more than one hundred million dol lars end not a dollar for the denciency this year in the enforcement of prohi bibtion, and when the matter was r f erred to by the minority a vicious at tack was made by Chairman pood, of Ohio, on J. F. Kramer, National Pro hibition Commissioner, claiming that he did not divide up his expenditures up, and place them in boxes, barrels, or old sacks, the socity will have them removed. The Ramseur-Randlem.in game at Randleman resulted in a score of 12 to 11 in favor of Ramseur. Won. Asheboro 6 quarterly as required by law. An amendment; was finally offered and , adopted, over the intense opposi tion of Good and many Republicans, only few Democrats voting agams it, Ward of North Carolina being one Peacock Trial to Have Rowan Jury The trial for Dr. J. W. Peacock, prominent Thomasville physician, for the murder of Chief of Police J. R Taylor of Thomasville, came up in the Asheboro 7 court at Lexington Tuesday morning. Ramseur 6 It was decided, and so . ordered by Worthville .. ..4 Judge Finley directing a special Randleman . . . . 0 venire 01 100 men to be brought from 1 RANDOLPH COUNTY LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs Lost 2 2 2 5 8 .(. .750 .777 .750 .444 .000 used to restore the- 700 emDloveea now on' a vacation, so that their sala ries may be continued until July i when $ fund of three and - ono-half times as much is appropriated for next year as, wss appropriated for tne current year. , Volstead, it is said,; blames secreta ry, Mellon for this failure to request a . deficiency ror promuuon eniorce- vhen everything else Is provided for. "The Emergency xarin Din passed the House last week agreeing to the conference resort under special rule without debate by a vote 01 Z45 toTT. The deficiency bill, was the target for attack by the Democrats who, re citing the boasts of Republican Lead er MondeU ia the last Congress, that millions of dollars bad been cut from the estimates of government depart mente. charged that those statements e "pure camounags ana Hypoc risy", and that instead of reducing ex penses, the. Republicans were Increas ing them. . RepreseaUtlvs Byrnes, ' of "South Carolina, caustically criticised the majority for. many million dollars of "indirect" stmropriations. which' be building for five years, and thereby jestlmated ran the total expenses of Rhvdx mimtv fmm nrViixh 19 wmiM t Games for Saturday Jane xn, itan- chosen to decide the fate of the dleman at Ramseur, Double-Header;) Doctor. The belief being that rt , Worthville at Asheboro. would not be possible to obtain a fair The WoivMe-Asheboro game was scheduled to be played m Worthville, Soin" aftr Tir. Pawk- hmnirhf but by agreement between the man- ui uieia. , iiuo wuciiuinciii. i'iuviucb tn tho rnifltt mnm ha w.i lnlnH hn Ulcers 01 uie icwui uiu mi. " two hundred thousand dollars to bej. wifa Tnd two chlldran. vha wm president of the League the game wi! Seven lives were lost late Monday when a large Curtiss Eagle airplane crashed to earth near Indian Head, Md. The plane was returning from Langley Field, Va., to Washington, when a severe electrical storm was encountered. Those who reached the scene first found all seven occupants dead. Upon investigation it was found that six of the seven watches stopped at 6:25 o'clock, showing the exact time of the accident. Army offices who saw the weckage said it was the worst they had ever seen and they were anxious to know the exact cause of the wreck. An investigating commit tee has been appointed, but it is not likely that much information will be obtained due to the fact that al' the occupants were killed instantly, there by depending wholly upon eye wit nesses. 1 by the music department of a cantata "The Rose Maiden," Saturday night. Slunday morning Dr Rayner W. Ket sey, of Havtford College,, HavefonLj Pa., preached the baccalaureate seas on. Sunday evening, beginning at M o'clock, the annual address before -X. W. C. A and Y. M. C. A. was delriBS ed by Dr. Dudley D. Carroll, dean . the school of commerce, of the Uni versity of North Carolina. Tuesday the literary address wmm made by William C. Dennis, an w thority on internatonal law Mr. Deft spoken on "The Pacific Qustion." De grees were conferred Tuesday. Tie graduatng class was composed is XX young women and Beven young men. The followng young people of Ran dolph county were among the grsd ates: Miss Frances Bulla, of Psnrfle man; Robert Chapman Bulla, of Rae dleman; Miss Madge Albright Coote. of Liberty; Miss Myrtle Reela .Cox, pt Climax. save something like two and a half millions every day, but it is claimed the Presiden Is not ready and will hot 'call the conference until peace Is de clared, and yet he and his party are holding up the peace resolution be . can e the , Republicans are bearing l rora their tonsUUientS daily eon dnmnlnr them for toting down Tom CxmnUy's res luUon requiring ; tne I'rfRldnrit to tall this conference to tonsillar UsrmAment before , spend .1 T a elo'.lar of the rproprlaUon to 1. i.M V-.t I '? wnrtMri, eontlng t i t ' . " y f.....n dolUrs, 'i' i. .- J:t;.r,s Cora- the government for the fiscal year to moM tkn tO0.OOOiX)0. ' RepreMntative Kinchclee, of Ken tucky, said the people did set "give a tinker's ding" how much the esti mates ef government departinents were reduced: "they want to see the expenses reduced. . During the four 4sys' consideration a continuous fight was wsged by s number of Democrats sgalnst provi sions ln the bill which they declared would create new position In the De partment of Commerce snd el whtrs. (CV.iiiiij 1 cn S) most affectionate with the Doctor, one '&e plyed in Asheboro. ot the children climbing to his- lap. Much local interest is being manifest ed in the case, and the .legal battle promises to be one of the largest and most interesting in this .section for a leng time. CONCERT BT CLASS FROM ' CHILDRENS HOME Worthville Team's Batting Record Following is the batting averages of of the Worthville team for all men who have claved two or more games. P. Wood leads ln batting with aa average of .372, he is alsd ahead In the number of hits made and runs scored with 16 each to his credit Walker is second in runs scored with 1L and Coble, Is s iv. 1 second in hits made with 14. The team Methodist Protestant Children's home,1" "wed 75 runs, and made Whrts, from HW Point will give concert 1 l?J?? JX'iS st the Kethodist Protestant church , v"""" -'-- U1 -t mm S .AA -1- ftv I , f i ' P. Wood J7Z Allred M Coble .850 Hinshaw i -23 iuiim aw nwwk- Alia riTnu i, m.l will enlrt nf mnalral ulvtU. Ifi WOOa reading and Bible ouotatolns. charges for admission. , v NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED SHOWS A DECREASE Julisn Walker I Lineberry I Jarrett American Federation of LaW, from?,rn reports reaching him show that now In 210 cities there are 1,826,061 per- .... V.V --!.- .-A i. .1 VUfli WW1 HUIWU wiu uuu-uiiiurt, uu w u& employment, as compared with 1,39V oMtha last of March, - ; : 8n4 UU1 Peach te BegUsiag ie Uev The hundred cars of Maches from the sand hill section in Moore'gnd Mrtw 00 .293 .292 J70 tll Z36 028 Montgomery and upper Cumberland and Hoke will bring in ' this year a million dollars, and a little lower down in Scotland snd part of Hoks and lower Richmond the cantaloupe t '. ... . ....... Wllllsa Csaoy Dies William F. Canoy, aged 8) years died Monday at i o'clock at the home of his sinter, Mrs. Mary Turner, south of High Polntr . i 1 Mr. Canoy was bofn ia Randolph county on Ksy 7, 1888, a son of Mf. U. H. ' vnoy. his wire, who wss Mitts iiwnie Davis, died De cember 29, 1918 , Surrlv'.nr are two children Herbert and Winfrey Ca noy, In addition to the father, one brother. D. L. Canoy, and two ! uhlpments In July and August will ters, Mrs. Mary Turner" and Mr. Em- bring In stabstntial return". One m Crotw, the latter of .Lexington. Ir.whtrk to both these as w.l s ail The funeral vrj held st the home other SfrriruKural trri sre the eee- duct4 fcy i O. L. Ruth, pastor ef lively high fre'gH rates, I the Ilolir.e church. Annual Meeting of .the Womsns Cblfc Club women .of .North Carolina wOt ' gather at WiitesvilleJBeacbJane 14 for the wth annual conventfsss On next Sunday, June 5th, at the Union Churrh, Worthville, Old Peo ple's Dav will be observed. Rev. Amo Gregson wil preach at 11 o'clock; oth- of the State Federation - and er speakers and special music In the munity service will be the keynote ef -afternoon. Everybody invited. the program. School Commencement Closed Tuesday Evening The commencement exercises of the of the school Sunday morning tkm Asheboro City school closed Tuesday first exercise' of the MA . .school ism evening with a play entitled "Safety held, at the court house. -as .were Xea turtx." The event, as were all the tx- others. This was .the baccataareesa excises, was unusually satUfactory sermon by Rev. Donald: Mclrsr, ef that to the teachers and performers as well First Presbyterian . church, Burttgr as the financial side, which was a ton, N. C decided success. The play was" a light I William. Underwood won .the arftlar comedy, and was given in a most ef-, scholarship medal lor the highs flcient and pleasant manner. The average grade for the past two yeets money will be used for improvement ln This medal was given by .Mrs. K. X the school conditions, (Armfield. i Monday was CIsss Day- In the" KVf" afternoon the graduating 'das bald . by Mr J' ' R-u," their exercises. The program was.tru. lL i.t 1 made up of cUss histories, propbesfes,l". .W" vWo" a poem; valedictory, and music. The !5h.olrfhlP b'.M.- welcome address was made by the pre-t tTTV0? 01ne" 8" Qaas Hlntonr hri .r D,"la ,gaoes. v sldent, Alphaus Cox. Class History b1 .uuoetn Skeen. uass poem try -Raw- ley Gibson, ; CTsss prophecy, NiU Mc Cain, , Last Will and Testament . by Robert Jones and Valedictory by Josephine Bmlth. . 7 . f Class colors of lavendar end white in the idusio. denertment :Bm prises were given, Miss Ethel ,. son receiving the one given by-ftrr. Moring for Interpretstion, ftoae, f expresion, Miss Johnson has bnm taking musk seven years end duties ui uni nas won ere pniee were carried out effectively la the owl M!a Nan Lewis, wen the reiiegl! co rations which formed a lovely back- by Mini Llllie ParriH for most tee- ground for the girls a ef the class in provement and UtUe Miss Emma r colors. In the evening, Hon. W. U. Harris, of Raleigh, delivered a moat excellent lecture to the graduat ing ! and ft large swmbly of the el'. .rne cf the tows snd tvir'j. Tl.'n the one given by Miss Jessie WodJ f.; X. Tlt - The entire Cmmnejtint'wa,-'r 'lid and renerti rrl.t Bf"H teafbers and the r'T i' - - t 1 wai f. bwe-1 bv a re-mmV tf th.e y 17 11 "ft, 4 w

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