' r if - . i, y ". 1 -- T .W - ' -'" ".- ' -. - ---i - " t ', v : Htl Vila Alt. C3UED.T7EE v PRINCIPLES, NOT HEN , J2.CD A YEAS DTADVANa rCLUiTT IXYl t. itlxf, North Carops Thnrsdsy. im - NUMBES U . . . . ...... . (mi, . l I u- CARRYING 1 I P-!V filter ToBi :4 i.A lAi. .. . v..i.i g Jnterests Creating Dissatisfaction EXTRAVAGANT Opposed biy the People as Huge , Rules by Postof flee Department for Appointment Under Executive Order, of ' ISnecial Editorial Correspondence.) ..- -"i ir. '.Washington, . w "vv i ently yielding to a world wide sentt- ment in favor of a reduction in arma- mente and ignoring a nation-wde de- mand for a reduction in Federal' taxa- fi, cunofA added S98.000.00O to the Naval Appropriation Bill, vch Rnrah Amendment au- thoriaing and requesting the president to ial a. disarmament conference of Japan, making the total appropriation aspassed 494,000,000, t instead of SS96M0MO, s it came from the i?r?V.' ' , the United states rev It is not certain that the House will approve the increase and the fate of 3m? Borah-resolution is-equally uncer- U&ti to conference. .. Eventf tiie tlouse agrees w J- , om cmnil inrounds for !-,uVfti5J25 ignore it or deiay neyonu u. it would 1)e .eft-ective in matenaUy checking the expenditures of the ge 3-4.1,, w,tn : eswenuai .hitched, calls it a -oeaie pw y, says the Presidetol J did not .favor Ue inclusion of 4h w000" Dill - ana iecwire u" "l.tt. ,v,". .i; " . r , ,, XTl,i th.N President's-nreroga-f Prevents the expenditure of a dollar, . ... a , A-k . w An va . f- nn tive.-' The President is said to ,have,f money to earry on the big lave. v ..v. ... l- jinmimiTnma until on Vinn.ot affn. . HtR&rmnment Dian OI nis own, iuiu bassador Harvey has been empowered i to make informal 4nouries, presuma- My in his capacity ar the- ropresenta ! tive of the President to the Allied Su tyeme Council. " " ' ' In the meantime the Senate display ed more or lees insincerity by passing A Borah resolution by rejecting an amendment to the naval bill submit ted -by Senator Walsh of Montana, requesting the President to co-operate with the Disarmament Commission of the League of Nations. WViit. imm fintnra ' and other lead- w.rm diuiiu' mj ucuc . umm . .v0.vu Harding will call a disarmament con- ference if ' the Borah, resolution is agreed to by the House, others are of the opinion that he will not do so ex-; cent under the stress of widespread public pressure. ; In the meantime the government continues to spend nine, ty -three cents on every dollar of tax - ation it levies upon ; the tax-ridden people for wars .past - and . present, heedless of the nation-wide cry for ! - - loose C O. P. Leaders' Face About , in Response te Call of the People " Nearly 7 one hundred Republicans re reported to have changed base on he big army and naval programme, nd many have requested the Prtwi mt to release them from their prom- to him to vote as they did no tne iRsaffe of these two measures. ! It will be remembered that the? Ha-1 iblkan majority voted down the mine amendment -of Tom Connelly, ' Texas, requesting the President to '1 a conference of nations to see if i agreement to disarm or limit arm- ',V On Saturday last It was ascertained at there wu so much dissatisfae- n throughout the country owing to 3 big war and nival preparations! . ' . . I -V lard Surfaced Road ' : r Asheboro to Af chdale i . i ' - VmvjI anMaaaJ Mil A aaHAfn vA . ii n "j fu I vsiUi Bt.ui uif t K w J. Klwood Cox, highway commis- r from this dintrkt, will be built i Asheboro Vo Archdale whre it ronrxt with the hard surfaced into High Tolnt, as early as prw: . llit snnotincment Of the -ay enmminaion i which was in n in I:alo!gh ldtt week pKi Mshwy. The erniaurt-rrtmt 1 '.-Vwiy will be of rnnch Inter ' t i-' ,ie of IUndolph county, t t rT ' be the mns of In 1 -1 tm'le In A'hrhoro for 3 l. , t (Vtj t:. line but, OUT 'v.i 1 THEIR PLEDGES EXPENDITURES Appropriations Increase May 10th lof the administration that a halt by,Pposing the following was re omnon: , Text of Resolution , , The resolution follows: "Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem- bled, that the Congress herebv exnres-, 'ses its fuU cracurrence in the declare- Mon of the President in his address to w man wo are ready to co-operate with other na- tions to . approximate disarmameijt, but merest prudence forbids that we disarm alone. and fullv concurs in his declared purpose am! intention to call an international conference to, consider the limitation of armaments i with a view to lessen materially the' rr;"rr ""X iv. wUKn- ace oi war. ana that lof the exitenses SS1te.;Vfi !Lw i An Ann t 1 j 'i ' .JSSSJ e direction the President, is here-. I by appropriated. . t It IS VoT. r-- r , A t Z ' "ntry ' watoi is a resolution that i Tw- SSrSP? ua iaiuiiciiv n irMJiuLimi. iiiih lmhi. ir' ? . , -.. tion in agreement with other nations. The Last Prop Knocked Out a When the matter was up before and the Democrats -were urging in the House a reduction of armament Re publican leaders said it would never do for neither Great Britain nor Ja - pan would agree to reduce armament,' and the only way the United States could get them to agree would be af - ter .we had built a bigger navy and ;had the largest army and navy. Then wnnM ha timn mnn wi. . lull, uvw uac. ri 1 1. 1 1 .ini Japan have plainly stated that they are willing to enter into an agreement right sow to limit armament in any fair and reasonable way, the Repubii-1 'cans no longer have any ground to stand on as an argument. The truth is that they are under obligations to 'the steel trust and the firearms and munitions plants to the fulfillment of 'campaign pledges for vast sums con-, re-itributed for campaign purposes. While it was stateoT by Republican' leader Mondett in the House Friday afternoon that the peace resolution would not be called op until Thursday m.0 tvi. I. 1. mi-mA h. the naval bill as returned . from the Senate.' Mr. MondeU has decided to practice during the week, they play call op today and will be considered tetter ball in the last of a game than immediately nnder a special rule eut-'.wey do hi the first With the excep ting off debate, i - jtlon of the last two or three games ng on oeoa-. they have hit all kinds of pitching, tot kiiuu a . , try Are Getting Scared at the Eaef seos Appropriations. . ' a .J".v tvi tion. b.v rol'ed op to "wring fig- lures and jmb-elo n"ntoi?, . . a unless a determined nail w caiiea. Some of the Republican members frankly are admitting that even a be- (Continued on page 4) t . it Will connect Asheboro with Thoma ville, Lexington - and counties lying brvond. A hard surfaced road will al- o be constructed from Davidson and Guilford county linos to Thimssvllle.' The highway commission authorised ,1 In ill health for several month, the eonntrurtlon of a concrete bridge f!he was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. actons the Ysdkln river connecting 'J. N. Dawson, of Vlah. The funeral Davidaoa and Cabarrus eounUe. The services were conducted at Flag road from Lexington te the river waa'fiprlnrs Tuesday June 7th by Rev, I aathoritad some time age. Mr. Cox W. Orrlnger, of Ashebore. The de lays that out of the nine counties In caat hsving been a member of that this district eonrtrurtlon work Is In church for a number ef year and wQ progrxs in all with the exception of known and beloved la that community one. . . RA1ISEUR AND ASHEBORO, TIED FOR FIRST PUCE ASHEBOBO TRIMS WORTHV1LLE 7 TO 4 RANDLEMAN LOSES DOUBLE - HEADER TO BAM SEUR. - , -. Asheboro won hotly contested same from Worth ville hen Satnrdav. by score of 7 to 4, Three times dar- lnsr the rame the locals took lead over the Worthville team and twice the vis itors tied the score in their next time at bat, but they failed to score Salter the third inning, and by . scoring two runs in the fifth and one in the sixth Asheboro came out winners. ?. ' . The features of the game were- the pitchine of Hunter and C. Walker, the former fanning 10 men and allowing three clean hits and . two ; scratches, while the .latter relieved Neely in the sinn ana allowed two hits and fanned six men in four innings. d .-, s Armneld had a good' day at bat getting three hits ut of five times up, Kearns, King and Armstrong each got two m us.. Box Score Acheboro AB. R. H. PO. AJEL (Jranf ord, cf . . Ajmfield, 2b-3b 5 1 lio. o 0 1 2 10 0 1 1 10 1 2 - o Kearns, bs 5 King, 3b-lb 6 Rush, lb 4 Lewis, If 2 McPherson, 2b .... 1 Armstrong, rf .... 4 Johnson, c 1 Hunter, p 3 3 0 0 0 0 n 1 35 7 10 27 10 6 5Sv Neece, ss w,i orthville AB.R.H.PO.A.E. ss Q 0 2 4 1 10 1 I 8 0 Walker, e". '2b NeSlv i-ih uoble, 3b Hinshaw, c . . . . 4 Redding, lb ...... 4 Tiogdon, cf 4 t"lu ,V 2 Walker, C. p 2 0 oS a c 07 i9 o Summary: two base hits, TTT xti , a j v.- i! Amfield; sacrifice hits, ,E. Walker, McPherson, Johnson 2, and Double plays, Reece to K. Walker to Routh. Struck out Dy Hun- m i... xti o u.. r- tir.ii Lnnan, -usai ny weeiy; hits on wee,y innings, off Walker, 2 in 4 innings. Umpires, Aldridge and Griffin. a i hfa mi a i -n-n-eiiuance oou. lime S nours. Ramseur Takes Double-Header j Ramseur won a double-header from Kandleman, Saturday, at Ramseur, The SCOre in the first game was 3 and l; in the second game. 4 and 0. RANDOLPH COUNTY LEAGUE Standing of the Clubs I Won, Lost 2 2 10 '. Ct Asheboro 8 Ramseur . 8 .800 .800 .400 .000 ' Worthville 4 . Kandleman 0 Two more games and the first halt of the Randolph county league will end, and as the finish draws near it appears the two of the teams will be fighting right up to the last game for leadership. Ramseur and Asheboro have been contenders for the top since the season opened, however Asheboro bos lead all the way except for one week when Ramseur forged ahead oy one-half game, and it seems certain hat the last game of the season be- tween Asheboro and Ramseur at Ram- ur June 18th, will decide the win- ner. The Worthville team is slated for third place in the league for the first half. It Kin, that thai faltiiM A win higher berth U because of lack pmi mum vo win out uiree games from Randleman and one from Ashe' Iboro, . . tLTb disappointment of uTTnd non; know, jurt why thto beeause it seems that th; v.-. vjm . In u luck u ft7tlnat im. Several of the r&m.. hare been lost bv eloe. rames have been lost by close scores. However we wish theui better luck in the second halt . " '' ' (If reports of any ball games play ed in the county are . mailed . to Bob Bunch. ' Asheboro. N. C same will have prompt attention ' and will - be pubUshed In The Courier the week fol lowing.) ; . i Death of Mrs. J. I. Miller . ' Mrs. Rosella Dawson Miller aged 29 vtars died at the homo of her parents Monday. " Mrs. Miller- had as well as in AMtooro, RAUSEUR KWS. BAPTISTS TO ENLARGE CHURCH SCHOOL FACULTY ' ELECTED RANDLEMAN LOSES DOUBLE HEADER TO BAMSEUR.' ; Last Sunday was a red letter day for Ramseur Itiift : For some dme they 'have haa. a building project f; ing nad $undaf Oe terminal when mA how they should begin, A fund had been' started sqme time 'age and had grown to seat two thousand dollars and It was the wish of the church to raise an additional two thousand with which o begin-work. This was done in about fifteen minutes, -) lacking only bout thirty-five"- dollars, with several, memDers to report yet. The. addition ,isvto cost near., nine thousand dollars . and plana' are al ready jnade and work , will begin soon. We rejoice with them in this progress. The new ii pastor ,Bev. Mr. Myers, preached two inspiring sermons Sun- ''injv ,' 0i' --:;-: A-. . The faculty for the coming ' school term has been elected with the excep tion of on or two teachers to be se cured yet ? Principal E, J. Harbison. teachers,' JjlT. ifred .. Burgess, .Misses Sua SilerOra Scott,vMadge Moftltt, carina wniiQ, uszie smith, Mrs. W. r ; wnitei oi Kamseur, and , cuss i itay canton, and AUss . Kathleen Qitfi 2Mn- ' - , - 1. The Meiinodist church liere voted 0 Sunday f o,' the pastor, Rev. W. M. i SmitlKtd have leave of absence next n Sunday that he may attend the sum- 0mer scnooc ior preacners at uurnam, miss uiaays , jueonara is represen ting Meridith' college at the Y. W. C. I A. campaign , convention in the moun- utina wis weet. ' Mr. ' C..B. ,Smith made a. trip to Georgia on business last. weex. Mr. J. C, .Watkins and family, of ureensDorq, were visitors here mn- day. ' i-ftiVi." v: Miss Toadge' MofHtt and . Roy B. Momtt are spending some, time at Asheville. , Mr. and Mrs. G. C Dorsett Have the sympathy of their irieads in the. loss of their, infant baby, last week. buss jHaggWiiaus was married to air. vriarenco- turner lasi weanesaay night - Miss,1 Ellis' is the charming aangnxerr r. an larsi T.,11. iUlus, of this - triads and - has mnnv frlnnm who jns&f tot herall the blessings of me. mk Jjutner is a youne business man with the Carter Mercantile Co., a younffWnan of sterling , character. His pastor, Sv; Mr. Sr performed.' tne ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. W. H. Watkins1 and others are in the mountains fishing this week. Mr. John Wes Allred returned last week from Troy last week from Troy where he has been encraired in mason, contract to build -4a dam across Ueep'nected with the school in Salisbury Kiver, Deiow sanford. He left for that place a few days ago. We are glad to have our esteemed friend and townsman Mr. J. N. Cope land back from St. Leo's hospital in a much improved condition. Pat Brown the comedian and Henry Easley gave a splendid concert here last Saturday night. We have also Kelly Comedy with us this week. Alton Craven -returned from Bell Buckle Tennessee last week for the summer. Miss Gra telle Moore has returned from State Normal college. Mr. Parris Brown and family, of ureensboro, were visitors here Sunday. Miss Martha White and Mr. Percy Wood and Mr. Vernon Curtis and Miss Lilly and Cornie Righteel spent Sun day at .Burlington, The double Header Ball Game play ed here last Saturday by Randleman and Ramseur wu one of the best of the season. A game without friction and played in good grace by both teams. Some very fine work was done by both. Wood held down the Rand leman batters striking out twelve men to Seven innings. Buckner was the star catcher. Game resulted in 8 to 1 fiist game, 4 to 0 second game. Both to favor of Ramseur. Oh you Randle man: Lroo again. It was rather an unusual experience for Mr. Murphy Burria last Friday when a gentleman stranger walked up to him and informed him that he waa his brother Ed Barri of Mlchigagn. Mr. Bums was thought to have been dead some thirty years ago. 1 He had been gone some two score years or more. Had not been - heard from in about thirty years. His home is as ML Clemmons Mlcbcigan near Detriot He will spend a few days with his friends and relatives to this section. As your correspondent I wish ' to say I have been saving np news for two weeks, cent few notes In last week but too late. , Hope our folks will pardon me if I have overlooked any one. Please reoort the news to me and I will do my best to get it to the paper on time after this. Coleridge Wins from Benaet-Bonlec Coleridge won their sixth straight Cm today when the defeated the nett-Bonlee team on Bennett's ground to a fast game of ball by a score of 0 to 9, Parks for Coleridge allowing only five scattered hits, while Coleridge hit Johnson for seven well bonched hits. - The features ef the game were the fielding of Richardson and Klvett, and the ttlmely two base hit by Burgees, for Coleridge. v , Batteries: Coleridge, Parka, and tpencer; Bennett, Johnson ana Dun- ASHEBORO AND LIBERTY . . fiTAGED GOOD GAME Asheboro woa ffom . liberty here Tuesday in the most sensational game ever played on the local diamond., The final count was 6 to 4.- -.. . From the time Swaim went to the bat in the first inning until Cranford crossed the plate in the' ninth follow ing his circuit drive, the interest of the fans was drawn dose. One player after another pulled off some spectao-!ck ular play. : - . , : : - The main feature o the game was Cranford'. home. run,. Ar 1 ftiit In tha I act nf tha'iifnfh iitmnflp I mas winnltiflr the fame xor the locals. Tbe other batting honors of the day t&Tmr of th visitn:1 Mrh oBttinff three hits but of four times up. . Neece and B. McPherson of the home team and C Frazier and H. Mc- spectacular, plays -Jn the field that'.gon Springs. Forty-five boys and brought cheers from the spectetors. . .P"eat . enjoy th . . it m . n. . - . i . Aiia Mmaa Mov&rt nt 4V & Intra fw . xjom Cameron ana ctoui : pitcnearr. p"rr" "j good hau and received good snpport. f ,uuawsso - ,Kearns was hit on the m br;,5 : pitched pan m the first inning and was forced to leave .the game. . " Score by innings , ., ... R H' E Liberty ... 000 400 000 . 4 6 .4 Asheboro .. . 103 000 001 5 9 1 Summary: Two-base hits, P. Mc Pherson, C Frazier. H. McPherson and Cameron; 1 ThreS-base hit: King. Home run: Cranford. Stolen bases: Swaim. J. Fraizer and (X Fraizer. .- Struck out: By Stout, 6; by Cam eron, 1. Base on balls, off Cameron, I, Hit batsmen: - Kearns by Stout; Buckner and Stout by Cameron. WILEY RUSH PROPERTY TO BE SOLD NEXT TUESDAY A sale of unusual interest will oo cur Tuesday when the Wiley Rush pioperty in South Asheboro will be put on the market. Mr. Rush invest-, ed in this property about thirty years ago and at that time it was one of tne handsomest homes in town. The prop erty is within easy access of tne school and business places in fact, it Is the closesfcin of any property on the market at any reasonable price today. Mrs..' Rush and her children lived here until about two years ago when they moved to Greensboro. CEORE ATKINSOW"-AT COURT HOUSE SUNDAY Rev. George H. Atkinson, of Salis bury, will arrive in Asheboro the lat ter nnrt nf thA wppV fnr a fow rlnvs visit to Mrs. A. a McAlister. Mr. At- k.nson will preach at the courthouse Sundav morninir. He has been con - for a number of years. He is one of the foremost ministers, in North Car olina. Mr. Atkinson has visited rela tives and friends in Asheboro from time to time and has a number of friends here. MISS NANNIE ALLRED BRIDE OF MR. WORTH LEWALLEN Miss Nannie AUrei, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Allred of Asheboro Route 3, was married to Mr. Worth Lewallen yesterday. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist Pro testant parsonage by Rev. L. W. Ger ringer. The bride is an attractive young woman and the groom is a prosperous young business man. He has until recently been engaged In tne upholstering business to Asheboro. REV. GEORGE R. BROWN IN ASHEBORO NEXT SUNDAY Rev. George R. Brown, pastor of the First Methodist Protestant church in High Point will speak at the Metho dist Protestant church to Asheboro Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. In tne interest of the Methodist Protestant college to be built in .High Point. At this time pledges for the college will be taken.. ' J Sunday evening . at 8 o'clock the pastor will speak on "Man Must Meet HiM Bins Again."' The public is cor dially Invited to these Aervices. . Mies Meeey Figh Bride of Mr. Moser Miss Macey Pugh. daughter of E W. Pugh, of Randleman, was quietly. marled June 4th to Mr. Dennis Moser They were married at ' the home of Mr. M. E. Brown, who o (Via ted. The young people are popular in their community and have the good wishes of their friends. Trial of Dr. Peacock on Dr. J. W. Peacock Is now on trial at Lexington charged with the murder of Chief of Police J. E. Taylor in Thom asvUle April 16th. . In his testimony Dr. Peacock says the tragedy seems to him to be "a terrible nightmare." He aye wet na miieuioeTa nnuung con nected with the tragedy. The defense from the beginning has plead tem porary insanity brought on by the barn-fire of Dr. Peacock's and his be lief that Chief Taylor caused It The ease bids fair to continue all the week. there being a Urge representation of legal talent employed. . Prominent REEK SOCIAL EVEilS.. , Casipr Sapper at Central FaQa ' On last Monday evening about SS girls and boys of the younger set went to Central Falls on & camp aoy pe v. ; ..!: . ' i('i. i ' A supper , consisting of - toasteJ weiniea, bacon, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, pickles, olives, marshmaliow nd was teTYed the nver. . i -v-f.---.-i -;-. j? Zm h JLilZ SR JZtA SL ' " " :Miss Eva Cranford EnterUina Mas - Eva 'Cranford entertained at ber home on Sunset Avenue on Thn- o'clock invhonor of her gue3tsj Missen Juanita Bruton, Margaret McDonald. and brother, Master Carlton, of Jack- Woman's Club Holds' First Soda! Meeting J The woman's club held its first so cial meeting on last Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Hay-worth.-' j . . - '. ' r - After a short business session the meeting was turned over the hostesses of the afternoon. ' An interesting program followed. Mrs. Harris Birkhead gave two spies did readings. Mr. Grady Miller sane two charming solos. 1 Mrs. W. A. Un derwood made a talk on school Donas, and Miss Julia Thorns asked a tuna- ber of questions concerning things o- interest to -club membera. ' America, Carolina,-and the Batila Hymn of the Republic were sung. The hostesses served cream and cake to the club members and visitors. Mrs. J. D. Ross Announces Marriage of Miss Kate Phillips One of the most elaborate social functions of the season occurred last Friday when Mrs. J. D. Ross was hos tess to honor of Miss . Kate Phillips. The attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross was , beautifully -decorated fas spring and summer flowers consisting; of sweetpeas held daisies and magno lias. On' tha; arrival of the guest they were greeted by Master Joseph Ross and presented with a place cani, ?irhSx&F8gited. faces' atthrvaitwsi ables." At the cohclusToti of the game the guests were invited to the dining; room which was most artistically dec orated with daisies. A large basket at 'daisies made the center piece. Small bunches of daisies tied with white and yeiiow riDDon were lying on tne tame. LA" lce cour9e and cake waS served Misses Julia Ross, Adelaide ArmfieW. Eleanor Crater and Lucile Morris, af- ter which Master Joseph Ross asked each guest to take a bunch of daisies from the table and "see what t&e daisies tell. " As the guests took the daisies from the table there was . chorus "Daisies Will Tell," and they did tell for on a slip of paper tied to the bunch of daisies the f i lowing was found: "K. F. P. to J. W. H., June UL 1921." Consequently the marriage at Miss Kate Phillips to Mr. J. W. Hen dricks was announced. The bride was showered with good wishes and con gratulations were sent to the groaxc A dainty white and yellow handker chief was the gift to the honoree while the high score prize, a yellow memory book was won by Mrs. M. IL 'Allred, who very graciously presented it to the guest of honor. The an nouncement of Miss Phillips' mar riage is of unusual interest as she is well and favorably known to Ashe boro and throughout the county. .She was reared to the county and baa taught in Asheboro. She is a well ed ucated and highly cultured young wo man and numbers her friends by the score. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION '""t TUESDAY JUNE 28TH Every prson who exoects vote for or rgdnst the Uvilng of hoods with which to make echiml imptows mente this year will dive to register. A number of persona have snikea oo the Courier as though they thvngfet having registered for the munkisel election would entitle ;hem io vote te the school bond election. It is not e every person who wants to voce to tVe school election will have to reristnc The registration places are the eesasi as those to the municipal elects jm heretofore announced. in on among these is Hon. Clyde R. tlory, ex-Congressman.. One of the most Im portant witnesses la Miss Bertha Dor sett. Dr. Peacock's1 . omce asaistesft who was on the stand Wednesday, aod who teetined that Dr. Peacock's ae-' tlons were very peculiar. The jury la composed of twelve men chosen out ef the venire of one hundred men Crown Rowan county. The deetiny ef Dx. Peacock reMs to the hands of these It mm from Rowan county, it bcinr eluded that a more fair trial wault re ' suit from disinterested partiae tr a from people to the count r whtre tie tragedy occurred. , 4 J ! 'V 1 1 ;;M v t f . , : 1 1 if-- ' mm

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