I - H 1 4 r . , i 1 r ICJUEDViTEHLY .. PMNCLPIXJ, 1, OT HEN $Z00A YEAR IN ADVANGQ v " J v tclcmexlyi j Aa&ebare. North Carolina. Thur-Jay, July U, 1921- NUMBER f . . ..... . ?sv s The Federal I Gommissipn-Wh at It Is I and; What It Has Done - To my surprise when - the ".Packer Kill was before tne House ana amena- ment preventing the , Federal -Traoe rJtai from vestigating the ; packers was being diseussed and flute the Democrats as .rule voted to per- mit the Federal Trade Commission to keep its eye on the nac!kers and whfle speechs were made , fey EepresenUttve . I did not. then realize, that one steps was being taken to wipe 1iAHBrt TrsriA Commission. - : - . While my Knowieaire oi dudiic ai- s M ' fairs, was limited, yet- I ; thought 1 stop-watch on commerciaf piracy km ittering tiie Lord's Supervw .! , faiew thaVthVFederal Trade Comt asear light to' expose 'commercial ;,v Mr.nd Mrs. E. G. Watkins 'attend . was one of tiie most importantihr tyranny,lt ise onend pnly place Furniture Expositior at Grand dustries in uncoverinr corruption ana where oppressed producers and rnero- last week returning Sunday. , crooked ;jethods, and in my opinion chants can go Mid ask and expecr re Mr-, , M c Ferree and others wem ha4 been of greater service than vy dress from $he threatened rrlp or con- ?on a nBhing trip to Eichmond July 4th , other govermental agency in; UJnj ,The law w and enjoyed a good catch which , they bare the crooked methods of big buai- based upon the (theory- that If compe- "fried"- on the bank. 1 J ' s ; ness and lefing the public look in and tition is f ree andair, prices Will, be Mr. R P. sorv and others maoe ' sea howithe , poplof were win V trip to Lakeview and other Jpomts ploited by the greed of many different wnefit ,i u N " ' i orgamzons.:5;j air. vyuson maoe uavies, of Wisconsin, the first chairman of the Trade- Commissions I anew the tt'lc;.ana:- ius. prevent ute purcnasmg criimnation,'tying .contracts, sapPnisn but it(does open up ;the ing companies and other.v schemes to t11?8 , X that class of Bir Biisir V , Mil and Mrs. T. A. Mbffitt are spend interfere With healthful trade move-ess that wants U) be Jet alone in the fa time at Jarrett k.--:-.- U. ments, and had broad authority to .naaa awTcninyywvssucsaion&xjn.yyT ? tJklf ynpd? ku,,m;"; t raae. pracuces, sucn as lis mvesiiga- tion of the meat packers; .During tee' .wuwy, uAmt vestigate jhe oparataons of .the,Fenr, Trade Commission.; I have i waded inrocgn two arge voiumea oi xeporcs.rv,J'V" "i":1! of ,the Commission aiid Dead what has;" ?o s ha been don so effectively seen saia m me oenaie oeoates., - . While 1 do net know any of the mem . bets of the Commission aiid have not conferred or consulted the commission,1 , which is Composed of chairman Thomp ' son end Nelson B. Gaskill. former At John F. Jiogent A . Efforts to Kill ft I am firmly convinced after careful investigation that the friends ofprivate monopoly dsire c to kill the. Federal Trade Commission. They Began pieir work by getting a Resolution througu the Senate directing an investigation ' by the Senate Committee. A pre Urn inarv survey was made as a sort of ii..L .f.nkiu canfimtttnf. ' Oiiar. tionalres were sent out to a large num- m f fnTtorationa and individuals raar, ' had been called upon by the Commrs- sioii to justify their usei of certain me- thedsin trade. "The replies to these questionaires were a. sad disappoint ment to the Senate Committee "ana to the enemies oj the commission m gen eraL The purpose- of thei Senate n vestigation - was - clearly seen by it.. tv. .nactlona . nit vast majority of them let the; Senate - i ii Ahot. a,rmtnaf)iiAfl were all with the Commission. rNot 1"uiM .exam"iat1on . snowed mat ' withstanding they had been respon-1?1 1800 of thes applications r.. w fnY,i AmTiiint lBuf vted to letters In which-there was no thu Cnmmiiiaion: thev had been deaJt with fairly and in most cases they had stated that they, had such Just consia- eratlon that thev could hot condemn the Commission -was to be destroyeo it- w,m k.M niT,HahA, n ; Cmmln:'tt th.n,ta lW5-,had,T thak-' rMr-IUdgdied at the.' hospi; tlain that a Straight' lair, manly rlgnt " iuouiuku mura pivccwungu X0 mi in nin rumv munuo w una vrl ; arainst the commis'rion would npt ing in 750 complaintsj 463 of thes Mrs, Ridge had been in her usual state achiava its death and the Senate lnfnna.comPlamt. had. been disposed of health until about 'ten "days ago 'wiMtUn nrnrAA further. Mf o' ni 287 were' pending. v Of those -when she was taken suddenly flL Up- the sneakin methods usually adopteiLment ,and fa Jhe otber 367 cases the bt eowarda! 7 V.T.vT .fcommissionV "Order to Cease an4 ,Di,eowmraa. jf JJOilT "III J Desist' s was issued Since that time , ' ' What the Commission ts i - - lthe Commission has issued 88 addition "';. '' - 'i'.V'l'.ii k1rli ..rTvt"! SraZK: ?Z ?Z: " " StJl J' iurViri R"ftLd:li! "'jV ''' ,"T ." j;" I" anea aiw w p rm, w mn w y ;;m tc'.-. . .The use of unfair methods of 'Oin- ptUtion ' In oommoree have ' always . '- 'vin.jw . Deen a prominont iscwr m restraining nas gone la .imectinr the public J ;Prtsnell of Plant City, Fla, vSha 14 , trade and building -p monopones. A great manufacturing concern was also survived by three brothers vis: This has been demontraic? on va-' gratuitously givfag samples to taef John McCain of High Point: DavM rious occasions when r combinations customers Of competitors; was deliver McCain of Back- Creekr and ' CoTvm and rrtonopolias have been hauled Into Ing its product to competitors 'cuajMeCain, of Ashebore, '-She -was the court for violation of the ' Sherman tomers without charging for thera; daughter of the late. Hugh , McCain, Antl-Tnat Act A monopoly I a dif-j was spying. on the agenta or eompett- Mrs. Bidga; was a -most estiraabls fieult thing to dal with. It Is dim- tors and was concealing the ownership woman, a splendid 0 neighbor, good cult to prove a eonirplt-ar y in restraint of a Company supposed to be ihdepew friend, and a devoted wife and mother, of trade. It is equally difficult to pun- dent, It was selling goods on con She was reared in the Methodist Epis ifch such connpirators or to dentroy a tion that the purchaser should not hoy 'copal church but a few years.airo when mnnoply. A ' monopoly.' usually the roods of a competitor.; The torn- her son connected hlmset with the . grow, by degree it donent cpme mission ordered all these things to Method 1st Protestant church. In Aahe forth fully fllird In a day. It starts ( stop - - .-oro Mrs. Ridge' came, to his churen. by sdoptinr and using an, Innocent A combination of retail lumber dtul- In the absence of her pastor Rev. L. W. lookin-r method of competitinn having tr was annoying maU order houep Gerringer the' funeral, services were In viw the Injury of eompetjtor..'dealing in luwler and Other building" conducted by Rrv. A. C. Cibbs, In th Another imilar method is adopted material by making spurious requestt Methwllt Episcopal, church at 8:'i0 and b ' itherj and another until all for entlmat and undertaking to o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after which t! w lnnofont looking separata thing Tiuence cmiit reporting houses to give 'burial followed in the local eemetery., rudilenly arise in unison and all work th mail order houses a poor ereonj ,, -( 1 C- t to strantrle competition and riitinK! It Undertook to Induce lumber! The Durham IfoRlerv Mills. Inc an-1 IU r -.ix p the prire that .! .!!c p- the prire that mon rtart. From upTnce in f- ) i '-'toj monopoly U vil St 1 -t I nf wa".Tr.r m- U in ' '.. n sini V,Hi , : it s not the 1 rorr Trade V course to pursue. Under these clrcum- stances ' some . lar-eeemir- statesmen finally, succeeded in having Congress enact .law to prevent the uie or - faur methods of competition and thus prevent monopoly This action was taken in the interest of the public and it was declared that the , use of mehodaVof competition in conmierce V JIM v ill ,iMs, iomnussion . .is, uiereiore, : mimssion. is an agency to preserve.. -PH9on y:. among gaders , and -r Vo ; protecC virtue from se m explaining to tne; -, ...:.-.,,. - Wf .have heard a good t: deal about . . - v " j botherea by tne mterferenceof the;methods of -vtt by the-- Federal Trdf Commisston. Work of 'The'Conimissioij (nceri .of the tms law ana n; was also given pew witn he-Wher. Mrs. X P.v-Bal out the to investigate the manner in ; whichrinfor a few i ' ; COTDorationa conduct . their . business aijjui bu. ; r i mJt.L-. .trm.;.. IrS'slopmTaVpaW of W 5 The great Iwork of ; the commissioir Sunday school. After a brief rest we I He baamany Wends in Aibeboro who as above intimated has ln to see that drove U O busjesrshattconjctedVJ'falrly Co&iaarriving:thW':at!envP the end that thfeV. ruhlie mLv ImS & tfAT-wi T exaeirioslv receivedi Theywill be at home in AsTieboro cneap as naiurai .'laws will pernu Whenever any business man feels, emc his competitors are treating , mm un fairly or whenever any memaer oi tne general public believes that cena.n meinoas oi compeunon are being used tc the.deteriment of tha pubUc'lnteresr, the business man or the suffering pub- lie maynpply to the commission to m- vestigate the matter complained ot and if it is within its jurisdiction, ant li ine pudiic interest reouirea ' it. it snail me a formal comDlaint and call aueg-ea onenaer ia justuy v Early in April 1921 the commission issued a Dnei summary of wnat U had .""Pf Up to the end or Marcn el, uiu. wiifu ,ouu inuiviuuais ana corporations had applied to the Com - mission to investigate certain methods of Competition and if they were founc to existr and if in the judgment of tne commission the public ""interest "re- P1"8 to A'6 complaints, , try the' - 'actE and apply the law to these rncta.' .me"t. They were dismissed without P.no'HUty. Nearly 500 more; appliear J onS Yf "at timeof Investrga - -n commission rrom its organ- fPo -oi,. less tnan-iuo--wen dis- misa xor iacK 491 nroof ciflacJf ' complaints, making the total nafaeaatd had a far' advanced internal rA vVyvr V.. Mi; Ridge-waa mar inese compiainu.mciude the use of Cteat variety of unfair methods pt them involvtnr aunaamenui pnncipiesof the toir' -tbtf Mtneti In theeonouct ot Ibuines& A few tvnicaU ximnli At ousinesatr-A lew .ypicai examples l the .commission's work Ui vindicate the extent to which the ' eommisslpu mon-lmanufucturers to furnish msterial m. iuia mu otuvt flours cy inresmr- Inf to discontinue deaUrir with them If surh er rot cut ofT. ill. Is was or- 1 , , . 1 (Ciitinue J on p 4.) RALISEURKEWSv. Mr. L' H.' Four t .: and" famfly, who haw been livinar at Burlihzton for some time are spending a'; few',, days here -at their home. . The Woman's Missionary, Confer ence held here lastjveek -was veil at j tended and the program was very in structive and inspiring. k ,'-' y The Missionary Society if the local w . .1 iv-: ... De iXol OnaSfo ?0fASisS tSuSSfSK ltonl fell at home whllo ana , 1t nthe conference a success. Misa Vida Kivett, ;of Mayodan,-is 'pSg some time here- with er !eVx; Mrs. J. M." Kivett;, v. o,ro ...S j. Mrs j. a. MSr8h others. of jHign Point were here last week attend w jn the Missionary Conference. 'j-. H. Watkins went t6 - Troy last ' his cal-lueuiah Norment all of Trinity, were jj. E, A. Baldwin" and f amfly,' of Greensboro-were visitors in town jsun tjoay. - rtTf;.,. ,-, .--v..- fs. tosssfy : Mrs. Long, of Greensboro andMr. ine writer ana mar lorajiy Bpcny ure fcagt week ."vacating" in South- Caro- ? tt may, amvWe you, to think 6f going South in July but the climate ts fittie different from N. C. At this par- . ticular time we enjoyed a cloudy sea- us a : very pleasant and royally entertained for a few day by our" good friend Mr. E. M. Grady and family, who were one time residents of Itamseur. These good people made us, feel at home from the- first moment and gave us a good time throughout the visit. Orangeburg is a town " in a rich section of country about the size of High Point There are many attractions for a Tarhel In that town and surrounding country nmnitir whirh urn the rovemmenc fishery, the sea moss and water-lilies. tne spienaid swimming pool, tne spier. avenues and attractive places of!" we do hate to have our number business etc. Uiu The cotton fields and patches" are good to. water melon look upon We stopped a while with my promer ana nis new wiie, ri - Columbia, where he is with a large furniture establishment. Columbia is a splendid town of considerable size and extensive business. Other goo-i towns on our way were Camden. Che rawy- Rockingham and the "peach of o town." Candor. We rot some rood peaches-, there We arrived at home late thankful for rest and good N. C, water, i AH wehold esrainst S. CL i the miserable water. Our rt tnp; was Very much enjoyed. , ' ; ' 1 . , - mn. j. o. Biage iaa on examination It was found an opera- tion -was necessary; She -was " taken to High Point' whert she' underwent treatment f of a few days prior to' the operation which" was preformed -last. .Tbuniday, which showed thai the . de- v. a. Kldre about twentv-flva- rears ago.' To this union there-werav three cbUdren two of whom died m tafancy. the other M. w. Kidge.wi fathef survive, Also ytha following stenhnihwA 1 Crmt R. .-nA rSrmAw step-cniirfren; ume s. "nd Grady Rkfire, of Asheboror Mrs. R. E. Bette, of High Point; and -Mm. aeveland tinunced lt wck that their new silk 1 , , , , ( .. roory mill Will pe put In opfrali'in t!, mil'!: of thin motnh. The mi:i v':i oj-n ;th 13 workrra, snd Inrr--, WOlk lnrr:i-'-i r- FHIEENT calls : ri3ARIlAr.NT COUNCIL ENGLAKD AND FRANCE BOTH AtCEPT GERMANY SEEMS'last week, the foUowing cases were FAVORABLY IMPRESSED WITH TIIE IDEA i the English and French gov ernments v have accepiea mviuiuonis f rom iPresident Harding to attend a conference pn the limitation of arma ments, to be held in Washington, pron ably late this year or early in 1922. V Premier Briand will probably repre sent France at the conference and Vis coat "Grey, who " was the British sec retarvl of f oreieni affairs 'wh'm' . the world ar broke out, may represent ITingland, y- rnme jninister uoya Geergemay come to tne umiea ewes to. attend-the final moulding of the ( agreement.- -f PRESNELVTREESE , ; ;- "; Aj marriage of unusual interest to the, people of this section of the state was solemnized ' in .Richmond July 0, a, the' home of -Mr, and Mrs. w. 1 Trees! When their ' daughter, Helen Corinnewas married to Dr. O. t Presnel of this place. iThe eeremony was pferfprmed bf Rev. Deyerie, j84 tor of the bride." The marriage vows were spoken, before a lovely impro vised altar ; of- palms and lilieswith pinlrshided candles. U:'. ' . TheJbride was given fa marriage jr her lather and was met at theater bys thei groom; and his best; man, Dr. W JPedigQi of KoanokeVa.. . 1t''o''nr''utt'of. dark blue tricotine embroidered m gnyf with hat and accessories to match ana carried- a conventional - bouquet white, roses and sweet was tied with tailed He maid of honor Miss Bruce Fernevhousrh. of Richmond, wow a lovelv f own of cream lace and chiffon and carried a bouquet of pink roses tied with pink tulle. The- rlhg was. carried rn a fovery white lily by . little George Bayliss. . v Immediately after ' the ceremony, pr. and Mrs Presnell left for a two weeks itrip through the mountains oi Virginia, . . "Dr. Preshel is the son of Mr. ano Mrs. Charles Presnell, of AsheDorc, after July 20 PHONE SYSTEM JtENOVATED The entire telephone system has been "off duty" snoe Saturday after noon at 7 o'clock. A new frame nan been installed and various other im provements made. The phones air flcain workine and it is supposed that the lines will be better. We do not mind the inconveniance of being witn- out our phones for a few days, for it, makes us appreciate 'service moir, cnangea it is unavowaoie, - ? 'there no need to fnss. Now WUU1U UC a (WfU VAIXiC ,W Vm.i. w by number as soon as the new direc tories are out, the first of next month. It would insure better service. Let"? do this. ARCHDALE CITIZENS INTEREST IN EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Archdale claims to have one of the most progressive communities . any - where in !jorth. Carolina, They hive demonstrated-that this is true V on ..i . Thpv hv eommu-inear """V .". -. : . . . . . .1 wrkhdmnc educational and in fact, it ' has been - f"-" said they pay their .pastor ;throhol Mpresent with T.noiv rmn 1 nff Tniinwinir c -ciLizensi' were in Asheboro'Monday having come to petition the Board of Education not to withdraw some special lax ior me school which was reported' to 'have been done at the last meeting of the board, Misses Mary and Annie Petty, Mrs, O. E. Wilson, Mrs. H. A. TomKn son, Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Ragan, R. C HaiselL Me. and Mrs, 3. W. Blair, Messrs. Eusrene Marsh: J7R, Pless, 8. H. Spoon, M. A." English, J. T. .Weaver and Mrs. tuth i(evnoias composed tne committea. .....' ;. ,:u) 'iV Asheboro Has a Laondry?: T One of Asheboro's new Industries M the establishment of a laundry, which has been needed in this community ror a long time. Mr, Robert Allrtd nn; began the laundry here a few montca ago. It was then only a damp ww dry but is now ' 0isg washing anu Ironing. Mr. Allrad has sold the laun dry to Messrs. Gurney : and C ' K Prown whe will operate it in the fu ture. They are doing all , kinds o work and maklnr food prices to' tne citltens of Asheboro. The owners the laundry are Aa be eongratuTare open the establishment of tola tndui try, ; ;': :-,-f : v Mr. Jim Frailer to Practice Law ' Mr. June E. Frailer, who rraduaUd in tbe law course at Wake Forrest college, a few e-ks ago, and , has sintS been licensed by the State Board, appeared in tha lUndolnh Superior rourt before Judes P. A. McElroy, last Thurwday, and . sworn in to prac- t:. e U. ..- ' -. I'.r, FrsilT i a son f Mr. and Mrs. C. V,. Frar t, i t t' 1 Uivn. ir i I ' t y. x t".au v , h pmrpects of s f..,turo. RANDOLPH 6UPERT6r ; -j i COURT PROCEEDINGS Feaner Smoke Coavkted of ;h --A-' Dgtf Murder . Secoad ' After The Courier vwas Published 'disposed of by Randolph county rape- rior court, with Judge P. A. McEioy presiding' and Solicitor Clemnt prose cuting for the state. ,, " i enner Smoke was found guilty of second degree murder in connection with the killing of Will Bush about two months ago. and sentenced to 8 years on the public roads. " ; Oscar Tittle, Mrs. Oscar Little and Truman Dorsett, charged with break ing into Wagger Clothing Co., Bandle man and . steaiimr.'- ' were acauitted. 'John - Little and - Geoige 'Vuncannon were iouna guilty on me same cnargq, uiue . oemg sencencea jo o years m the penitentiary and Vuncannon to 2 years on the public roads. ; " George Holder plead guilty to a forc ible tresspass and was taxed with the costs.: . .- . '-.'f.ir 'V ' .';; ' .Benson Cranford, colored, was round guilty ,: of . larceny, of an automobile and sentenced to work on public roads six months,' :rv';.V'v;V ' -"'.' - Edna Bobbins was sentenced to. S months in jail for keeping a ns0rderr- nouse; ana jyiatue rrevost, a n-yean eld girl, on the same charge was sent to. Samarcand reform school 'Tor wo men' and 'girls.:'" .-"-''- ;-:vit::i;-V'': E. & Kivett. - Howard McPherson. ThomaB Garrett, Ally Cooke, Vfi&ter Cooke, and Tom Overman plead guilty to gambling land were - sentenced to pay $25 each and one-sixth of the cost. Jonn Steed was found guilty of in decent exposure r and sentenced to work on public roads 12 months. Henry Grubb was found, guilty of manufacturing liquor , and- sentenced to 18 months in jail, with privilege of being hired out at end of first - nine months. Will McPherson and Gurney Mc Daniel were -convicted of receiving and retailing liquor and sentenced' to work on Cabarrus county roads for 12 months. Sam Johnson, alias Sam Hill, was found guilty of manufacturing liquor and sentenced to roads for 18 months. STILL CAPTURED NEAR LIBERTY Guy Henson Arrested as Probable Op , Depnty Sheriff J. M. Reece, pf Lib-, ertyt came into town yesterday ..after-; noon, bringing a. still of kbout jRgafe Henson charged with having operated the still. The moonshins outfit waa discovered by Deputy Reece yesterday morning a few mtles from Liberty, in the northeastern part of the county. The still was not in operation wnen found,but Henson, a young white man, approached the still and seeing the officer, made for the "tall timber. However, he was intercepted ana -brought to town along with the still, Henson waived examination and was put in jail to await the action of the courts. BIRTHDAY DINNER IN HONOR OF TWIN SISTERS On last Sunday at the home of Mr. Claude Burrow who lives about a mile and a half north of Asheboro a birth day dinner was given to Mesdamea, Nathan Burrow and Mac Tilly, rwm sisters.. The occassion was a most en lovable one as it was a complete Em prise to the honorees. The members i eacn lamuy naa arranged lor u "lKIl.Df. ,u"r 01 k"f u f." fno n""ftJ- in' jTZTnfu An f wr a splendid .well. All of Mrs. Rnrnw'a -hVlrn were present and ' " : ; Death of Two" Aged Ot izens ' .Dr. Richard Eames. a native of En gland, jeducated as .a mining engineer and chemical geologist, fa Berlin, died at his home' in Salisbury las -Tuesaay in the ,90th year of his aire, , He was the first man to discover,. Iron ore nt the Lake . Superior region.. ., He came 4- f .eon" j " i,Mr. Fr M. Stone, of Granville coun ty, but for the past eight years an in mate of the Masonic and Eastern Star home, died there last Tuesday,, at te age ei ob years, air. ana. Mrs. stone i era the first persons ' to enter tne home when it opened fa 1913., Mrs. Stone died about tea months, ago la the noma near, dreensboro. , . . . .. . SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES'. Townflhln Convention were held fn New Market and Back ' Creek town ships last Sunday, . Splendid programs and. much interest was manifested at both. Good attendance. ' j . Concord township convention will be held at Mt. Tabor next unday, Ju ly 17th. A good program has been ar ranged and the Public is cordially, In vited,' ,t - ,,, : - ; . - -, ... , ' On the fifth Sunday 'In 'July, con ventions will be held at Shfloh In Lib erty township and at Ival C.mt church in Level Cross townshrp. "Among those addresaing the New Market convention last Sunday were President lllnford. of Guilford Col lir and Oerk of Court Wrifrht, of Asheboro. C. F. Durham, of Worth- ville, also made a splendid addrena. The county convention will be held t IJhfrty this yar, bfrlnnlng- with ?'or 'y wJnf srio, Anjru-t 2nd, t ST Tui 'ilay vr-.;r,-, August WEEK'S SOCIAL EYEJiTS . : ' Mrs. Lanria Craaford EnterUIns ' t Mra. Laurin Cranford gave, a most -aelightful party at her homo on Eva--set Avenue, Thursday afternoon.- Ta- bles were arranged oa the lawneast of the ' house and auction and rooa were played at six tables. Punch was ?, served as the guests arrived 4y Mr. Jesse-Pugh and Miss Mary Bulla, as the conclusion of the games the bos - tess served a delicious ice "course.; About forty guests were present to enjoy Mrs. Cranford's hospitality, which is always delightfuh but this party '- proved unusually pleasant la ! every detaiL .. . ' Miss Hadley Entertains - ? , On last Friday morning at her home " on Sunset Avenue. Miss Ruth Hadley entertained in honor of .Misses Luia Daley and Letie Hlyton. - The porch was attractively decorated K in cut L . Sowers. ' .'.;.' . - j , Four tables were arranged tor root: V In a cake contest the prize a lowly;c framed verse, fell to Miss Vivian Cran-' ford which she presented to Miss Byte ton.- ;iX --'jiiiv - . Miss Hadley assisted by ; Misses i Cranford and Loflin served tea and ( ' sandwiches to: Misses , Luia Daiy, ijerae tiyiton, . oy ana Alberta ing- . ram, jfithel Johnson, Goida Haywortfe . Lena Hilliard and Elizabeth. Skeen. ' Party at Maplewood Heights ' - , On last Monday evenine Miss Gladys Pugh and , Miss Elsie Julias entertained the younger set at a de lightful ; party from 7:30 to 9:09 at their home near Millboro. Interesting games were played after which tempt-, ing ' refreshments were . servea , by Misses Edith and Ollie Julian and Le na Nelson. , The invited miests were Misses Ma bel Aldridge, Helen Nelson, : Mabel Keddmg, Vina Lee Melson, Mary Brown and Violet Nelson, and Messrs, Jack Aldridge, Jr., Paul Aflred, jceg, Hayes, Carl Julian, . Jake Redding, Ray Pugh, Walter Curtis, Wade and Glenn Routh, and Erwin and Joe Nel son. tv. Miss Edna Holder was hostess to the members of the, Hero Story Sunday school class of the Methodist Protes tant church last week, ..An advertising contest was the unique ':' feature ' oi entertaining. Advertisments whica- '" are seen fa magazines were- cut "out oa the curtains in the jjmmamt IMvaTtlBBlnentBtiwt guest found - UUe ; jtrouble; " ingflssinjc V'J, the names of the avertisemenrs as ney . vtre wide, awake young ladies. . A prize was awarded to the most sue- , cessful contestant, After which cream and cake were served. Miss Cranford Entertains Miss Vivian Canford entertained oa last Friday evening in honor of net house guest', Miss Lula Daley, of Dan- ville, Va. The guests were met at tne door by Mrs) C. C. Cranford and Mrs, E D. Cranford who showed them into the drawing room. Carda worn tilled mif. fnr nrnimixM conversation for an hour the guest en gaged m a magazine .contest Miss Al berta Ingram and Mr. Dan Bums was the prize a lovely Djer Kiss set which -they presented to Miss Daly. 1 Miss Cranford assisted by Mlssev Ruth Hadly and Alberta Ingram serv ed banana split and cake. Those 'present included: Misses Lula Daly, Letie Hylton, Golda Hay worth. Ruth Hadlev. Adelaide Arm. field, Ethel Cox, Carrie Britain, Al berta Ingram and Messrs. Eugene Mortis Jr., John Hunter, Tom Wllea, John Fou8heo Jeffries, Dan Burns, William Underwood, June Frazier, ' Irving and Hebart Richardson. 1 . - s ;' .-" r'.: House Party at McCrary Farm J Miss Virginia Redding has been far the oast few day's trlvi-.jf houw .. , ty to the following young, ..ladies ai the McCrary farm four miles west or Asheboro: Misses .Etta Reid Wood, Sarah Carsod and Adelaide ArmfiekL Mra Reddlntr and DrT Pjrl U'.lln. have been chaperoning the party., JL aenrnuui camp supper was given oa ' the lawn Tueeday evening to which OartV of Vnunv niwinla ' et V t..r. were invited. The farty will.rttura : .Party at C Y&'u" ' One of the most delightful event of the season in the social life, of Cedar Falls waa tha nartv irlv K., ' Reta Thomas Friday evening at her home. ; - . ; ., , . . '- " wfc. I w W ' which were arranged fa the receptioa 1111 ana uinmng room. Aftet a delightful hour ' over "ta -games which were played with unnu a! Inter st,ths hostess assisted by her sister Miss Hallie Thomas, or Ano boro, served ice cream and cake. Those present . were: Blanche Wrenn, Harvey Cross, Sallie Bojntr, Ernest, Hare, Eula 'Hayes, Buney Troadnn. Msro-nrvf ' Ur - Hoover, Hallio Thomas, Clyde Craven, Myrtle Thomas, Louis CaJUcut, VM Thomas, and Ted Walker. , , , 'Trank n. Fltwr pv;i.,itvt. ' haUst and chewinir and Miss Willie Jenkins daughter i mr. ana Mrs. v, iu JenVins, of Gnu. to nis. were msrriod - at th v,.. the brlds lat Esturday. j: "V. i. A. Lambeth, of High I'oli.t, ' ' -i:it;i Mr. Floer has a ..:- 1 hnmn noSr Thomas- . n v -. - Mr. Irr vi;i fr..' ' , . . r