THURSDAY, JULY H, THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBOUO, N. C. Page Eight IEW DIRECTORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD If, Everything foi QUALITy U w . I I 1 1 -nothing for show THAT'S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS the Quality Cigarette. Why, just tu Camels and look at the package! X.'s the b :t -y-ckirz science has devised to keep cigarettes i"re:h and lull f-avored for your taste. Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight. And ::ote this! There's nothing flashy ahout the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Becatwc, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga retty aftettaste. Camels are made for men who think for themselves. a. iiiii,. jMi rfim J I 4 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C, in iy ALADDIN slusinoa ITANTVkQO f - OH.OOMMMY Popular with over 3,000,000 housekeepers AND the number is increasing every XX. day. The many convenience and decided economy of New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are the explanation of their widespread popularity. The New Perfection makes perfect cook' ing easy. Delicious pastry of all kinds, nicely done roasts "and tender-crusted pies no mystery about them, the accu rate control of your heat assures perfect results, always. A separata burner for each cooking utensil makes possible a great saving of fuel and a cool comfort able kitchen, even on warm days Do away with coal and wood carrying and the litter, ashes and dust that go with them. New Perfection kitchens are dean and invariably tidy. The white- tipped flame of this modern cook stove provides intense, controllable heat with out sooting your pans. The New Perfection is strongly built and can be kept attractive with a dustcloth, no blacking necessary. Most buyers se lect the four-burner size with warming cabinet and a New Perfecdoa Oven. However, five, three, two and one-burner sizes arc obtainable by those who prefer ttijmT Aladdin Security Oil is noted for its uniform quality and cleanliness. Always dependable, use it regularly. New PtrfOQ Cook Stertrt$cU0imct kT4vrt,frmtwTt m4 dtpmrtmemt $tortk STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEWJEHSBT) NEW PERFECTION Oil CoohStoves Wade H. Harris, editor of The Char lotte Observer, is president of the North Carolina railroad and Archibald Johnson, of Thociasville, editor of Chairty and Children, is secretary and treasurer, while C. D. Bradham, of New Bern, is president of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad and W. Stamps Howard, of Tarboro, is secre tary and treasurer. Governor Cameron Morrison with one exception, he has wiped the old di rectorate slates clean. The exception was in the case of W. H. McElwee, or Raleigh, who continues as director ol the Atlantic and North Carolina Kail- road. The new appointments for the North Carolina Railroad follows: Wade H. Karris, Charlotte Presi dent , Archibald Johnson, Thomasvihe, Secretary-Treasurer. Charles F. Dalton, Charlotte, State Expert. Ben J. Smith, Charlotte, State Proxy. Richard N. Hackett, North Wilkes- boro, Attorney. Directors: John F. Bowles, btates ville; W. T. Brown, Winstcn- Salem; Wade Harris, Charlotte; Robert Las siter, Charlotte; R. V. H. Stone.. Greensboro; William Weill, Charlotte; Gilbert C. White, Durham. The appointments fcr the Atlantic and North Carolina Raihoac are: C. D. Bradham, New Bern, Presi dent. W. Stamps Howard, Tarboro, secretary-treasurer. W. F. Evans, Raleigrh, attorney. W. C. Petty, Charlotte, State proxy. Chas. V. Webb, Morehead City, auditor. T. Boddie Wafd, Wilson, state ex pert. Directors: H. D. Bateman, Wilson: C. D. Bradham. New Bern; T. Austin "Finch. Thomasville: M. L. Jones, pGoldaboro; Courtney Mitchell, Kins ton: W. E. McElwee, Raleigh: David T. McKinnie, Louisburg; Dr. Jfosepn F. Patterson, New Bern. The old officers of the North Caro lina Railroad were: Word H. Wood, Charlotte, president; R. Bruce White, Wake Forest, secretary-treasurer: r, M. Pearsall, . New . Bern, attorney; Robert Houston, Reidsville, state proxy; and J. G. Steed, ,Mt. Gilead, expert. The old officers of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad were: Charles S. Wallace, Morehead City, president; G. T. Ormond, Kinston, at torney; T. W. Slocurr.b, Goldsboro, secretary and treasurer; A. E. Koun tree, Kinston, expert; T. C. Etheridge, New Bern, state proxy. W HO STRUCK BILLY PATTERSON (Rhamkatte Roaster.- Who struck Billy Patterson? Who killed Cock Robin 7 What became of the Cyclops? Who wrote the Linney letter? Tnese questions seem to be in the same category, and they are submit ted here to ah readers. A liberal re ward will be paid for the first correct answer to any of the conundrums. "I ain't much stuck," said the Old Coclper this morning, "about the now you - see-it-and - now-you-don't alibis j which the Radikils air a puttin' up rer .the Linney 'strict white poverment letter. I recommember las November that the Raypublicans were a puttin' grate store by the Linney "strict white government' letter. Why, one ov these j tellers that air hangin' erround Radi- 'kil hed-uarters cum by my house in .October, and up and sed, sed he: 'You ' Dimmykrats kaint never no moro fling ' it up to us Haypublicims that we air I a Black and Tan party. "I axed him when the party had tuck a bath in biling water lull of concen trated lye. "He sed that Linney s solemn guar anty of strict white government wui ensure all the wimmin vote ter Kay publicans bekase some Demmylcrats refused ter follow Wooclrow Wilocns lead for woman suffrage. "It now appears," said the Old Codger, "that they air a tryin' ter git up a alibi for Linney. I see in the pa pers that a feller named Gnssom sex that Linney were at home sick wnen sum feller writ the letter and stnea Linney's name ter it "Who were the feller who forged Linney' name? Grissom air quoted as sayin' that it was writ by the pub licity bureau ov the Raybubllcan ber quarters.' Well, who is he, I'd like to know? I've never heered of Mr. Bu reau of Publicity. Ef he kaint be found, then Grissom seems ter think ft air between E. A. Holton er Ikey Meeting. I iee Ikey has done rot his job. Ef he writ it, will they take his lob away from Jiim 7" We could not answer, and the Old Codger continued: "Well, I em go in' ter wait ter hers Linney himself. 1 kaint believe he wud a waited all this time ter try ter prove a alibi. Ef he didat write that letter I bleve he'd a cum out an' roasted the feller wn dared ter sign his name ter H rite awsy, Jest as soon as he heered ov It What will Linney do T He will sav: "Yes. siree, I writ the lettter and stand by it,' or he will ear. 'Ill croee- cute us zeuer wno dared ter print artikle a sirnin' my name ter It inere s no outer errand to tui wart ontel yer here from Mime afore matin' up your mind.' News unserver. Educate Iror Business TV Beafaest Tntetef arters S short, eeaf end teeipcoth rests t sdcml mi etenegrepbie aee Marat vUl eene King t I i Itaeim tiro Lisa arm. Sedrau MJud ires t fthtiatSofia, Rate i freedeal ami Wars verr reeeoaeble, taroll an time. SttCCM. traeoalee 4 leitioa Write today tor oeulo. North Carolina Psys Big Sam te U. B. In tern al revenue collections increas- ed one thousand per cent, between 1914 and lttl. aeeordini to the sum mary of collections made public by J. W. Bailey, collector ef Internal lUre- noe for North Carolina. The total re the state these eight years is $53& 74,420.81, avsTBrinf for each rear moro than the entire I W) ,000 ,000 bond (ue total for rood roads la North Carolina and nearly twice SS much aa the entire rrwiue for th United fUtaa In Jfl4. Ji r-.'- l r -' f m the Norfh Cariv (,.,, f- Man 124 Tears OM ' Walnut Cove, in Forsyth county. Is said to have the eldest eiUtea in tn seetioa of the country. The man is Ludlow Joyce, and lives just outside oi walnut uove. "Undo" Ludlow claims thai he b, 1H years old, ftnd says be hopes to finish another eentury, and he "likes to Uve hers.' Be can see how to thread a needle, walks to town, and is exceedingly ertive. He was recentir bpti4 end bme a member of tfc nii 1 rimitive I aptist rbtirrh St trc ('i,v, v py r r.e r ' 1 for a Sold only by dealers give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history i3 NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD S15.00 22.00 $27.50 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product Auction Sale Thursday, August 4th I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at my residence one mile south of Franklinville, the following property, to wit: One pair Mules, seven years old, weight, 1,300 lbs7 each; Two Head of Cattle, One Mowing Machine, One Hay Rake, One Riding Cultivator, One Disc Harrow, One Wheat Drill, One 2-Horse Wagon, One Set Double Harness, One Top Buggy, One Set Buggy Harness, Two Oliver Plows, 19 and 20, One South Bend No. 6 1-2, One Lynchburg No. 6, One Walking Cultivator, and other tools too numerous to mention; also Beds and Bedding, and a lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture too tedious to mention. REMEMBER THE DATE, THURSDAY AUG. 4. J. W. ELLISON ASHEBORO ROUTE NO. 1 HOW ABOUT YOUR SURPLUS MONEY? Is it bringing you an income as it should? We pay six per cent, semi-annually. Your money placed with us will bring the lar gest income. Let's talk it over, and then do what you want to that's all we ask. Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company Office over Asheboro Bank and Trust Company. C. G. Somere, Manager. . W. C. King, G. E. Hoover, D. F. Ridge, Agents. 4 mfvrrl t. THE PITH OF THE PROBLEM Most men from time to time need more monei than they have cash. A man who opens a Bi Account here fiJirl Iranmea nvmnfnfrl with and with whom and whose habits we become., quainted when he is confronted with a P n11 tinAn ie ' TXT a Vn. v,.AlArJ w ua' HIB uIO OVUUiUiUUSW worthy customers in the past We hope , be called upon by the same class of many umcs we iuxure. ' : Oar rc-curccs are over $iCD,C:3.C0of The solution of th& financial pr ''rtof Hood c: -'' t iz r"-nT rn r- ft q '7

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