. PageEiht THUESDAT. JULY fi, u Auction Bisr Tailoring Opening Takes Place July 27-28 We will sell at public auctoin in front of the (O fl nil Sale!!: : J 1 '1 1 1 V i H i A hi ! ft if I j r i 'i 3 .1 n if : 3.. MR. D. T. SMITH Representing THE HAAS TAILORING COMPANY "The Tailors From Baltimore" Will be here to take Your Measure Finest Quality mate- rial, high class work- manship,. carefully 4 Tailored to Fit, reas- onably Priced. j ALL WOOL SUITS $20.00 to $54.00 t Styleplus Clothes CARTER MERCANTILE CO. RAMSEUR, N. C. Norfolk-Southern Depot Saturday, July 23 Chairs, Rockers, Dining Tables, Parlor Suits, Davenports Beds, Dressers And Other Pieces of Furniture Too Numerous to Mention Terms of Sale Will Be Gash Only SALE BEGINS AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Hoover-Presnell Co. Asheboro, N. C. Somethin New Somethin Different! 'V:' AN EDUCATIONAL AFFAIR IN THE FORM OF A GET-TO GETHER MEETING OF THE FARMER, DEALE R AND MANUFACTURER. ONE THAT YOU SHOULDN'T MISS! We want to show you what experience has taught us in the Way of Making a Proper Seed Bed, and in preparing the land to produce the largest yield. Chart Lectures will also be given on the field, and we will have the actual machinery and tractor motors torn down to show owners why they are so con structed. Tractors, Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers and various kinds of machinery used on the farm will be operated. International Harvester Company experts wfll conduct the demonstrations. Men, Women, and Children Alike Are Invited. Don't Miss It. You Will Learn Something! THESE MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON JEFFERSON VUNCANNON FARM, ON UWHARRIE ROAD, TUESDAY, JULY 26. ZELL BROWN'S FARM ON BUFFALO ROAD, FOUR MILES SOUTH EAST OF ASHEBORO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. J. M. BOBBINS' FARM, ON the SAUS BURY ROAD, TEN MILES WEST OF ASHEBORO, THURSDAY, JULY 28. COME TO THE MEETING NEAREST TO YOU AND LETS SEE SOMETHING WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. DEMONSTRATION FROM TEN O'CLOCK A. M. TO FOUR O'CLOCK P. Bt McCrary-Redding Hardware Company ,ik :;.; v v w f nr v v V v v v i :':t : r; Refreshments Served Free ... i