r Tin: aeiiezoq coumra, asheboiio, & a "A osie eleven Cigarettes y m m THfffdVELTV FOtm? This org! nixation.ls Juat ."what nngl also find place m their pro trams. e .. Tnenorcn8trai aamDers are rendered tbetwlttr: spirit Wmv while the todl- ;name Implies. a "Novelty" " company. fvldnaMitstnlBi'ental work la excellent Selections of great variety are given tin a manner at ,nce artlatlc, end eo jtertalnlng. Vim and life abound, ah the audiences are always entlfastastlc in their praise of this splendid Lyeeum (company. , . I Instrumental music predominates, tot male quartet numbers and read- Violin, cornet and piano solos axe feature, of the programs The Novelty , Four la. a company which has made for itself an excep tionally': excellent record on the Ly ceum platform, , Van O. Browne Is the manager and feature . artist of . the company. II THE STORY OF HOME TOWN PAPER WEEK . By M. V. ATWOOD. At Court House, November 7 SMART FROCKS, For Street or Afternoon NowJ whiW allthe delightful Fall and. Win ter mo,des are so beautifully and fully rep resented, is the time to choose your Frocks for &e season. The comprehensive variety of both silk and cloth garments enables you to make your selections under the most ad vantageous conditions. Lowered prices are an additional incentive well worth consid ering. x Silks and Woolens $25 to $95' Sizes 16 to 46 1-2 NEW WRAPS Are Wholly Desirable In these graceful, straight hanging wraps for winter there is a new quality of exquis ite drapableness and pliability for which the soft pile fabrics are accountable. The lavish use of furs gives an unwonted sump tuous tone and makes these luxurious mod els as becoming as they are lovely. Wide sleeves and extra deep collars add to their comfort. The richest of Marvella cloths, finely woven Polly Anna clod, soft Ermine, .as well as the eyedejftndable Normdndahd TBolivia cloths all finished with the high est grade of workmanship in every detail. $30, $35, $50 and up to $125 : I ' TBE.P1TH OF; THE PROBLEM Most men from time' to time need more money than they have cash. A man who opens a Bank Account here and becomes acquainted with us and with whom and whose habits we become ac quaintedwhen he is; confronted with a Prob lem of this character is most cordially invited to call upon1 us. We have accommddated many worthy customers in the past We hope we may be called upon by the same class, of customers many times in the future. Our resources art over $400,000.00. ' fw caIuHati nf f ho financial nrohlenw of a '!'. rood customer we consider an essential part of , ,. our service: v Bank of Ramsenr, Ramseor; . C Once upon a time a country editor' had a great Idea. This is not the first great idea which has been evolved in a country print-shop, but most of these ideas in the past have been of benefit to some one other than the editor. But the Idea was to benefit editor as well as the whole community and na tion. This was the Idea: Why not have a "home paper wee 7" We have had every kind of a "week" from soap to electric cleaners. Taken together, argued the editor, the country newspapers are quite the most Important in the nation, even If judged by numbers ; the ten or fifteen thousand of them make the four hun dred big city papers and magazines seem inconsiderable, indeed. The reason most folks do not reul- lze the Importance of the country newspaper is because they think of them Individually Instead of collective ly; even the Atlantic ocean doesn't look very impressive when you view it merely as a cupful of water scooped up at the beach. So this ountry editor began to talk about the Idea and v to write letters to any one who he thought might be interested. But like all great ideas, It took a long time for it to grow. Finally a company which has done much to teach country publishers the value of system and of knowledge of costs took it up, as did also the Na tional Editorial Association ; then the state colleges of agriculture saw Its possibilities because of the effect on community life ; another great concern which furnishes thousands of country papers with syndicate news -and fea tures became Interested ; and, of course, the publishers' trade journals fell Into line. ThtMuagreat obaiaUtf Interest in "Subscribe for Tour Home Town Pa per Week" has been stretrhed across the country, each of the thousands of country papers, of which this paper is one, a link In the chain. November 7th to 12th are the dates set for "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week," and nil who be lieve In the home town papor, in Its possibilities for helpfulness, for creat ing community solidarity, for the cher ishing of the homely and sacred things of the country, are being asked to help to help, not because the country editor needs charity, but because the country newspaper Is a great service agency, dignified, stable, worthy of every cent wbich the community In vests to make It possible. So you are asked to help make "Sub scribe for Tour Home Town Paper Week" the big success It la going to be. If you do not now take your home paper, don't delay subscribing later than the week of November 7-12. x BEEF, BEF! Y Can Get it 'Anywhere tfow it is Plentiful, "Butif You Want ' NICE, CLEAN, JIEALTIIY, WHOLESOME, STALL JFED MEATS YouCanXUtitat THE CITY MARKET Main Street ' '". feieman, N. C C. A Lamb, Proprietor a In ., , Ho4.rreei . - O tnterut to tha popls f th ' town and county la tha annonncamafit I tba marrUra of Mit Gaorfta Fraa- niii to Mr. William Claaoa HammaM Wednesday afternoon of taut week. ' The Mmnotir took claea tn the par , lor of tha Guilford Gatwral HoapitaJ, la Illffh Point, whert Vls Freeman ' lii rnr'4 for limi tlmn. The fcri't was opanad two years aro. lata Mr. and mm, 4. danrhter of tha P.' Freatnan, of Graotnetown, and haa tpant moat of bar tlma 9i Hfgh Point for tha last few year. atlnr ' ra- rlvd har pfofaattotuil tramiitf at tha nigh Point Hospital. Mr. ITammend is a prominent puri ne a man of Hijrh Point, and they will mVa thplr hm4 thw aftr a wkl vo"T-mMn trip In Vir.!m North HOME TOWN PAPER WEEK. People af the United States will be afforded an opportunity during the week of November 7th to 12th to ex press In concrete form their gratitude to those men and women, who through sunshine and rain, prosperity and ad versity, persistently and consistently sing the song of the home town. The tkne long atnca passed when nawwpa pen, whether dally or weekly, can sub sist on tha "taking It' for granted1 spirit of Its patrons and well wishers. Coats of producing newspapers today have. not decreased In anything ilka tha proportion experienced in . other Unas and figures quoted recently by dally and weekly newspapers through tha country have given the public, a glim pee Into tha expanse Incidental to coodocnng tha home paper. To tba na wipe per men and'womae of each community bas fallen tba task of presenting tba current events of a tast-movlag world la accordant with tba modern Ideas, mora or leas extrava gant, and keeping a smiling const- oases and a courageous heart whan others art prooa to talk "bard timet" Their loyalty to tha state and their community has andergnoa a se test but they met It with optimism and only a little reflection Is required to show how much woras conditions mliht have been before tba turn tn tha road was reached, bad they pursued a differ ant course. Advertisers bad to keep advertising whether they could pay promptly or Dot sod business bad to ba kvpt go ing for tha general good. Tha pub llabcra aod editors did their part aad tha stand week la November Is pro claimed a tlma what thsst who haoe tied by this policy caa rpaa it la. terms of support that win Inmra tha futurt of tba Snail tow paper, tba backbone of tvtry community that Has fb tmManca af tHda la ttasif aa4 Its neiftibora- tiotx ' Ot; Arjao Three Inseparables One for mUdness,VlRGINIA One for mellowness,BURLEY One for aromaTURICISH The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and blended FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY Notice of Administrator's Sale of Personal Property Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Zeno Hinshaw, deceased, before F. M. Wright, Clerk of the Superior Court, I will on Friday, November 11th AT 10:00 'CCLOCK A. It. sell to the highest bidder for cash entire estate of personal property belonging to the estate f the deceased Zeno Hinshaw, situated at the old home place, six miles north east of Asheboro, four miles south of Randleman and one mile north of Central Falls, on the east side of Deep River, the following personal property, towit: The household and kitchen furniture, including old walnut type furniture; one et of smith tools, cider press, 1 corn sheller, 1 Deerin binder, 1 Walter A. Wood mower, 1 McCormkk mower, 1 hay rake, 1 Empire grain drill, 1 corn planter, 2 two-hone plows, 1 John Deere cultivator, disc harrow, 1 one-horse wagon and harness, 2 two- horse wagons and harness, 3 buggies, 2 seta of buggy harness, 1 team of good heavy draft mules, 1 heavy mare, 1 registered Poland China brood sow, 4 head of cattle, in cluding two milch cows, a lot of feed stuff and numerous other articles. DATE OF SALE Friday, November 1 1th IRA 10. -00 A. M. G. Administrator; HINSHAW ' " . ' ; v 1 I 8 t i

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