...I fc ,,..,., m . ' "'li!. I;. 1 "' ''... . !i - . .i . ; , - . ... ? , - . . j .. . . ,- f . . .. v -'.,. v. . : . r V :g- I'-" .. v,1- '.. ' '. .. V M-"):jOI 2 s - i i Y .1 U'.- I- .v- ISSUED WEEKLY 5 l'.,V' YV,.J.'" V,V "-I--:-. -A $100 A YEAR IN ADVANCE r r - , I ... . , , ' ' ...,: , '.,.,T' " ;' tit X 4 YOLUME XLYn i yiEEKLY" RALHGH lETTEkj i" s LOWER LUMBER? RATES TOR LOWER LUMBER RATES ? TOR "t- NORTH CAROLINA THE TEXT BOOKS FOR,, PUBLIC JSCUVOW 1 JBy Maxwell Gorman.!! 5 Raleigh . January " venior christian Advocate, will preach at MorriBo is vbacfc trwn Washington,, y,, local M church next -Sunday where be ,went on -Visit - pertainHig' nrnin. ' Everybody Is invited. ' -,to several matters. One ol these was. . jiisgDiue Fentress, 0f GreensUro 'thitime to secure federal aid ? fof xo a8eeruun u v w . yiii - .tne construction oi . - h. r entress. through some national 5 forests fa 5i. Hanks Lodge"Nb 128 A. F. A "A, Western N. Carolina, v He found that M heM an interestine meeting Satue the appropriation for " this purpose night-s . , . insofar as it applied to North- faxo-i Messrs.-Hugh- ParkB, W. D..Mair, lfaa was exhausted, inasmuch s? reR D. Garrison and J. H. Fentress at cently tiiewr had been an agreement tendej marterir eettog of the M. tby Chief Ferester Freely that 100,- a church at Ramseur last Friday D00 -shod,' be furnished!, 4 tot .Wnight' ' ' '"t : nugun; ; v.w..B 1 x mucin cwioiwi. nunsu ,extndini"rnp B.w'w'fj-",'1ttf her rievv hous near Lover's Leap, Blue Ridge to 'Mica. in AUtcneu 'County, and passing through Nfttiona '-reservations for some Ave miles , ; H'l had hoped to secure c eaerai con- rainaHMi .nf irnnA.rnann throUSu .ie national forests ihWtrak MrBj-Wiliam Trogdon is critically JNortih Carolina," said GpV. Morn-'jjj at jjer hom a j,,, distance soutsi on.'fBut; oh investigation J . found 0f town .- : - ' -'that there are no fuds available. Iu M?i Mrs.-M.irkhead. 'of culture Wallace in the matnen axw .hd confemdwi,-Senator Cer-j a for the jp' man , raiut rage, Carolina Highway .man ana some worm vroiu VonesVeit.. - fjlkenton and resentafves. -I hope .o. wrl jugb3aner mafl Greens aid in the future,; v baValLdo "wotB- ir0! Saturday evening: r, mnr for the ireBent: till I . navenfM- y? m m,,,, piin ..,, ( Commissioto, who is-now fa Chicage sr,A ii rfiii not tttt to ' ' .Washington . ' .t thin time, as he learned that Mr; , ..McDonald, Jiead of Federal highway - wai.1t waa'nnt in Washinffton. ' For . h nmsent there is nothing which1 . the present were is "7 ppears possible to. do.-in the 'iVVi-f J?" r State Text dowu ... n. t .-nitAMfmuT that. -. Mere is- to'ha j i . - K. MMairinrahla Chanm fa. the V tUPUClMBIA Df il. aat Kftff la f llu . schools, text booita, as recenuy. , , iermined by the State - Commission. "Sealed bids for furnishing) . textbooks iot the public schools will be opened y the State Boara 01 iwiucawou u .February 6, SJid'opponumty WW be r'"n to the reDresentatives 0 f!eiit 1 ..... i 1.1 I . .aoHJ-miOiutu 'tefcsent yesterday . to-the r ; pubiia- -en of all books included and recom mended hvthe report of the State Text Book Commission. - " v TwMitv-seten publishers are 1 rep resented in the list of books recom-f ; A local ,, chapter of the Amer can mended bv the commission, , and bid8Wtor .Mothers was formed here on have been" asked front each -.-ef theJan,uary IX, with twelve charter -tiublishers. Recommendations '- .were members. Mrs. L. C Phillips was . . ' . m M.. ... Al.;. JLttm books on each subject.' Adoptions will not be based entirely opon the prices submitted. Dr. Brooks stated, 'but tost Will be an Important; con sideration - in the selection of the hooU to be adopted. "I Need Fast. Ship to Catch Rum Runners . Prohibition enforcement condi fat. North Carolina are improv ing, i Mr. Kholoss, State prohibition officer, declares. He states hatwer 200 stills were seized to the , tete during the past ' month ' The chief enforcement diffieulty loi , Nprth Carolina and South Carolina coast are the rum runners operating from Nassau In the Bahamas, '. the ' director said. , -,- " 1. Tf I had a"':' counle of - submarine f chasers, I could capture so- 'much v. liquor that they Wouldn't know what Lumber Bates For N. C ' Tfi mmJ 'imw eomei that North made in series 01 ina uni w .uw.eieotea presiaent or. wur motner, 1 - K 'Carolma and . other Southern States U im to iret much lower rates on ship " "' mnnt of all classes of lumber as the "3r v result of a decision just made b? the ,1,', Interstate Commerce?. -Commissiou. A- 'This reduction fa rate', follows -v the V declaration ; made by Senator Trau : mell, of Florida, who fa opposing the ' ' eonfirmation vnd " reappointment '( of v .Commissioner Clyde H. Aitchfason -on r-' the commission, , jiaid , that i Commis " "s :- sioner AitchfasoB, was responsible for , ' diacrimination by which the West ob- tained lower rate! than i the Houtn. The new rates promulgated are upon ' 1, hardwood from other sections, but the ' ' declaration of carriers was that If this , . " reduction was made they, would also 1 y ' apply it to the woods shipped from the - South. The necmion, tnereiore, does away with the increase of 23 1-3 per cent over tne rates in enect on; Auiruat ivzv. ana cnamres ' wti August 25, 1920. and changes t the rates so as to make a fiat increase in rates ranging from 6 to 11' cents on the 100 pounds, the rate of August 25 for North and bouth Carolina. c-jRnd mminf( the time and place of the i"g increased nine cents on the nne Unjr of Assembly. - 7 r h.i l.mJml pounds. Thnv Wakes a big. Bentlent innl holding the neM roluction on. the 33 1-8, percent in-fnr, tt the Assembly during the r- which a .meted all ,tlie f owthern T1:,1.lk.lvnB. holidays developed here '. Cimm!"'uonr Li-Chord' i,,,.. 'ihn rwent senslon. and i is la concurri? in the rpn of t' 1 pr !, r, tal 1 " I hav he f t i - ' .!, and r 1 iff V.I) -!'".- '" n a ! " ' 'd that .the, (ierrpfi . n- larger th-il that ntH from that por - i he few IBtea i ii- ' f-r t!m lun-! m t;. ; FRACLCiYlllE 12WS J REV. A. WPLYLER TO JPKEACE REV. A. WPLYLER TO JPREACH v: IS FRANKLIN VI LLR SUN DAY" MR.;L. C HANCOCK WEDS MISS? U)Uetre tor women, spent ssunaay a home wrth ker'rarents, Mr. andJUrsu south of town. Malpheus, Thrift, colored, is having material,,, placed for a nice dwelling house on his lot near D. N. Burrow's i - mr. ana jxlts.- jiritnoaa, . oi Ashehdro, spent Sunday wie fam ily of Mr. X feBnieTlV ' - spent Saturday, night and Sundav at ;thfr (jrove HoteL . , :Th'e Ladies' Aid Society held an ini- ortant meeting iaturdav nTriit -5 k .- '. -iJh,a kit-ail u. uamsun oaturuay iukuv. w -iJ ""V," "". nuney were married at AsneDor FrHay,' .The groom is a son of j jjr jj, a!-Hancock of .this place '4n 3toldier, having volunteered and war. The-bride is a daughter of Mr. vayton titmeyy of Montgomery conn- SuniKft Snfelnos. mcke. their future home ' here and their many friends wish' for them len and Upy lives.; -,, i T. , v Mr. L. a Hancock and Miss MirL -t ;:ixJentrcs land wwCRay, of T4vl "V" "7 0" . ;.. erenlni.y . ,. . . , iwere, intended;' - 1 WAR MOTHERS ORGANIZE 1. 1.-1' ... i ... Mrs. J. S. Lewis, vice president or second war mother; Mrs. M. L. Lov ett, secretary; Mrs. L. M. Fox, treas urer and Mrs. John Ingram, histori- This is an organization that tg being formed all over America since the close of the world war Any in the county who had a boy fixed by the national organisation iT . ..i j. rru AMM.:.4.jM im 4-n nlA 4a who were rendered Enable to care for themselves, many of whom, are now in hospitals. To honor every man who rendered ; service and to keep fresh the memory of those who gave their lives in the conflict. It is, the desire of the chapter that all the mothers : in the county who feel an Interest in this great cause should join. We i realieed : that . perhaps all Could not 1 attend all the monthly meetings, yet we earnestly esire the membership and help of every moth er whose . son helned In the cause. We shall have Van annual meeting each year on the 11th or Movemoer, to celebrate the signing of the armiv tit. L Anv one Wkhiha- to loin can zLu! fa the service may join. The admis- ,a"d that subswruently Klntro-.!-. 1. jin. v. . duced a resolution which is genpral- IT T. Ty-iL-J L'i. - i". I ..' !.... J . tV,. f MRS; lavtZLLK .LOVETT Sec. w u.y.. feif,ftir'; y -.y-' Newberry case was succinctly and ;-T. ' l ' "! ' TJM .wnivlB mfirt WsltAfi n . ' "TVmv JinH ' Ynihlte m ala nil .fa Asheboro; about three years agoas alMichigan; Th prowrty-thatwas vetnrinarv sura-eon. has been elected ! blaced on the aoiction-.Dlock . was R bv Rowan !r county .? for ..tuberculosis; . I .- 1 " M t . eradication1 work among cattle, p ( Dr. Edwards is well qualified to fill the position to which he goes and Ida Ser vices will be of great value to Rowan county, During his fctay fa Randolph 1 Ll. L.J ...,U.mlili Tirarllr and taught many of the farmers .the . --.rfn. (ot the physical needs tv of their animals. The. -ciasens-i Asheboro and Randolph county regret to see Dr. and Mrs. Edwards leave. , - - ' . '- 1 1 " 1 " 1 " , ! ,",), ., timo will be chnpd to 1 ' r in th year. - Many of the H .V . I I.. . - f l, , . .0tllIav(1 wi;h their fimtlies. v 1. :f a wh' -li'v-e sr-eri-tnry . I i.t tho . 1 1 " 7ASMGTC:ii:: :ii-.am'KEV(S i:i i i .v t v, v Washington," Jait 24 '-Now q that! principally; and an opportunity of this the -Newberry v case i'has .bocone ikind, one that enables us. to see and political issue in every state and Jn J study real art, although rsproduced is every, congressional district ) in the .eagerly sought Ay those who want to United ' States,- the -details; of is?know more about - 4he NtnajBterpiecea. victory irt the.' Senate, wnstituta. 1ai!t These nictute's.l&cka crude, coarse an. of the evidence to be presented to. the people plA - t - ,-)' ?i '-X -v;of th orfginals. f : V. The powerful influence which &(: It is iow realised among education- abled - Senator Truman H. Newberry of Michigan' to retain his seat in M Senate of the United ,BUtes hy i narrow majority of' 5 of his Repu.r; can colleagues may be logically de duced from .consideration, of ; the following knows fnctsj ; , 1. While the Newberry , ' case . mn pending, before the Senate rresu 3ntt uarcung .ntenainea tne . aeiem inc Newberry at' the White House, -tht theater and on golf ' links, thus 1( ,-ndS. fag encouragement to the l activi Jei of the "social bloc"-. referred tor h Senator. JOenyon (Hep- Iowa)' werk ing in behalf of - Newberry. - - i." $i $ , 2. On the eve of the date;when the Senate took up the final considat tioqW the Newberry case,- Jan. 1, ..he; President "permitted it to be ' kr vb "President HnViHwyA.Qit( MfelK . berry fa very high esteem.""" -"H f Senator Willi '(Rep.- Ohio)..cla s among the' "doubtful - Senators, i ited the '.White Houses and following, that visit introduced -resolution co demnlng the hure-,',-expenditures ja the Newberrs ease -and .made a ltNif V'i of the resolution declaring" Newbe-r f - fW Guard leadership' still f j' - r-i- a n- i.u L. o , with which I ia'.;; u ' w.d. k t,i ' constituted a solid nucletts, ot tie ' ranuinwrrH vi 11 mm wj w iiii'ii n, twam BS. Newberry and the - President's; pt pearahce t a crucial moment- as a voluntary character witness ,?or-. the ,TtnT trKr. '"1 ,d jffS :5ri 2LSt:iSL 3 "KT'i . . " It had' been -Mnerallv understood that, Senator Willis and. the" President were not on the most cordial terms because of Ohio patronage, so that the visit of the Senator to the White House, with his published admission that he discussed the Newberry case with the President, is rather unusul and somewhat surprising. He and the President have denied that Presi dent Harding had any - thing to do with formulating his resolution, but the fact remain that he did visit tne White House, that he did talk with the President about the Newberry supposed to haje pven Newberry at least 3 theretofore doubtful votes I IIIUIUUIIIK U10 WWII " ivuv .... Newberry would have been defeated by one vote. All that know facts are in support of the statement of Cordell Hull, Chairman of the Democratic Nation al Committee, that Senat r Newbery, accused openly .n the Senate of oc cupying a purchased seat and con victed in court on the facts, retains What scat Ly the gracious commenda tion of the President of the united States,"; and that , Newberrys victory "i8 a distinct -personal triumph -for President Harding.", , ,, Of all the 5 regrettable " phases of tho Newberry case the 'most regret table is that the President ef the 1 W A i ' i t-11 V-L.il J united states -voluntarily snou u mu4on I m a.. ' Ma, a J A . Ol seat fa the United States Senate.; The sale' wa public, the bidding was in the- open, and- the i. property was knocked down to the hlghegt bidder. The only-question bafdre the Senate is,' shall that . v' sale of the Beat fa this Chamber be eenflrmed l V'A?! . The politics! issue involved In- the Newberry ease v. is not y confined to 8enator i Newberry nor the -I sham Progressives and the 41 Old- Guard members, whn voted forihhn,' but, in vclves the entire Republican party. This-' was clearly .stated by Senator Underwood, Democratic leader or tne Senate, who1 said: . -?- 'A-'l ' ''(-. "It is not Senator Truman New herrv who is under indictment In, this case, it is the lepuhllcan party. It is not only Senator Newberry who is charpod ; ' with violating .the cornlpt practices act of the stnte of Michi gan, but it is the republican- rnrty." After referring to the methods to el net i'enntor New berry, he continii- n- ed: ' , ary 26 122 1,1 Aft 1. T AT COURT L jL4 FEBRUARY Tp The trreat majprjty ,u will never have the opportunity to see these pic tures in the original, because the oriy- iMfnnla t-nt-fAViAjt - i all Avat ITnMtiA' pearance. They shew the teal likeness &l authorities and leaders that educa. tion fa culture and refinement can ea sily her aided through the wholesome influence of picture study. Pictures of the right sort must be placed on thi, walls of our schools, for the purpose Of study. To do this is our aim, but you fceople must help us. The larger the Attendance at the exhibition the greater, the number of pictures that can be secured for the school rooms. ' Oont forget that we are 'going to Kav some good, . snappy , entertain ment.in the afternoons and evenings. An .entirely new program consisting of folk dances, vocal and instrumental music.' nantomines. sketrhna. Ata . will Jbe given daily. xYoa will be instruct- ea ana entertained for four days from 8:30 -to P;00 and frdnx :00 to 9:30. Don't forget, the dates, February 1-4. v jTickets" are now on sale. The two beautiful--pictures that cant. in fthe windows of nasty's Cafe and the istanaara urug store, will be given to the class selling the most season; tick ets.. Help your favorite class. 11 The- famouA mlTirenna Ttra William JJoMiers. of the world war.fa a $200,- gion .Pc-ts'of Minnesota -wfll erert. Patients will be ehnrowri ' their ability to pay, as determined by Region officials yoUforthe taken,"- , position you have Th Stultifying and Farcial WHIis Resolution . In?.& the fclfttnrtt nt th ' . ..... : ... ...... there 'i' no oher suchx , paradoxical solution as, the one adopted seat . g Senator Newberry, which ' after aismissiner tnnugh contest' and dfe clnring that, Newberry is . entitled to hold M3 seat trnthe Senate Contains ftfflhfrfnMurfutf cessive sums fa' behalf of the , cam dates either with er without ' 1 knowledge and Consent, ; .-being trary to Sound public policy harmful to the honor and dignity of the Sen ate and dangerous to the perpetuity of a free, government; such excess ive expenditures are hereby severely condemned and disapproved." In other words, the act which was "contrary, to sound public policy," which was "harmful to the honor and dignity of the Senate," which is "dangerous to the perpetuity of a free government" is denounced and condoned in the same resolution an-1 the beneficiary of the infamous act further rewarded with a seat in the highest legislative body in the worl! Not only that, but the Senate has stultified itself further by disre garding and overriding a policy ex. pressed in the vote of both Houses of Congress setting a $10,000 limit up on such expenditures. The farcial performance is thus characterized by Senator Kenyon of Iowa, Progressive Republican, ar. 1 leader of the Senate revolt against Old Guard reactioharyiam: "All over the country in the cam paign we read upon the billboards, in great letters: 'Let us quit wiggling and warbling,' and that was what we charged the Democratic party , with. If there ever in all the history of the world has been such a spectacle of wiggling and warbling as there is in this , case right now I Bhould like to have anybody produce the' record; and this is the Senate of the United States. "We are asked here to support a proposition writing bur own in finny; that his, election was against souno. pubjic policy, harmful to the nonot and; "dignity, of the Senate, s' ana dangerous to the perpetuity of free government, and yet to scat the man; and the gentleman who . have done the wiggling, and wabbling have, now found, a cyclone ' cellar where they think they can go and. i escape the wrath .fendr the tornado, of da' indig nant public opinion. , "We are told, by tho Senator from Ohio ( Mr ; Willis) tiat his .rosoluUon will express some policy fa eanjpaign expenditurep: We have a policy e pressed in the 10,0OO limit that both Houses of Congrese Toted,; and that was flagrantly violated fa this' Mich igan, campaign, ; ! What -inorev; policy do-wt want when .five or Six years from now some one presents himself here with s certificate . and an ac knowledged expenditure of 1500,000, will we write another policy then and sayj-'We seat the man.' It is so de structive of, free ; government, and yet we swallow our Conscience ' and Iny for the future that no mien sum shall lie Ppent. It 's all right in this c.i ho." '', - - ' "Oh, whnt a farnre!" - ,- - , . i f..,,.:'.;r i.'nvnr "fri1 r''11'' MR. EMMETT KIN(J OF STAR, DEAD ' Mr. Emmett King died at the home o Friday Afternoon Club Meeta of his father, Mr. Alfred King, of "'wu M. G. Edwards was hastes Star, , Tuesday from, tuberculosis, the members of the Friday aficnMM vfhich was contracted from the effects clubhand a few invited guests at kcr of gas during the World War. Mr. home-on South' Fayetteville Etrewar King enlisted in Company K and was Thursday afternoon. . Tl nertair on the Mexican border, later going to was called to order by ths fiuiii tui, France with the same company. ' Miss Bera Scarboro, and the prageam . . He was gassed and wounded on for the afternoon was carried as November 29th after which he was follows: Sketch ef the Life of aV-V sent to a hospital in ,,' England. ' He togton Irving by in,-HaI W. C.Cad, joined the company a short while be1 ri and two stories by Irving- nad ly ; fore they returned home. - Mrs. J.' A S pence. Quotation ram ' , ' Upon his return hevngaged fa the Irving were also given by the nen garage business in Star. Later he bers. The hostess served chidona salt developed tuberculosis and was sent d wafers, pickles, hot ' rolls, eei. by the government to Oteen, Ashe- and mfas to Mesdames L C AtmJ. ville, where remained until last A. Spence, K. Alexander, C I. C -Thanksgiving when, he canw l.ocie. ford. Edward Cranford, D He has been under tlie care of local dox H. W. Walker, and Misses I physicians and had .. had Visits from Scarboro, Rosa Rush and Maud!--arm yphysicians in addition His con. rish- , dition seemed better ' and the end.., . -y came rather unexpectedly. He i6 Mies Mary MoflStt Entertains TAmr-! survived by his father and the follow-' Bridge Club ; , - fag brothers and sisters: Mrs. Lena The Thursday bridge dub Tsf": King Matthews, Fayettevillep Mrs; Miss Mary Moffttt last week. la t Oscar Stuart, Revenel, S. C; Mrs. tion to the regular members ALs. John Cockran and Miss Elizabeth JV. A. Underwood and Misses Kazr Kmg and Otis King, of Star; and Sparger and Lucy Leigh: Lovt-S Cloves King, of Revenel, S. C. were guests. The highest score wax The 'funeral service was conducted made by Misses Halbe Jtoss and Lo at Why Not, the old home, and the ci,e Morris. At the conclusion U 0 body interred beside his. mother who Kames ckicken salad, sandwiches az4 aiea a number ,01 years aim Tho young man had a larire ffttniiw i-nnniw. - tion and a Wide circle of friends who! the- great beyond. n his passing we are reminded anew" of the horrors and hardships .pf the' g.at War in which'- he fought and-from. which he died. ; , 1 11 - .1 1 POPE BENEDICT DEAD Pone Benedict XV AiA an He had been, ill for some days wtoi . , ' .. OF" MRS- C M, FCT pneumonia, and there nad-been little' ,. " '- "f t'; hope of recovery from the beginning. . ?he woman's Qub gave dor i Just before hie death-a 'special mass ixA Pnn' party at the home of I -a. wieuraiea jor nim by an apart- ""ws n. ,rox yesterday .at 3 p. rx ment adjoining his chamber, and m Sma11 aprpns had been made t thisjie was able to take part. Death beri of the .club, ia the y -must have cohie at an earlier moment each Poem with. l. a out for his unusual powers of resist- vWch , was , : request fr c . " li-i , ' . f- . The. funeral jrvfaes th iXt of wWck ? Kuntd later WiU be attonitaiwftk m.lZl - J Reairi& of tte chStt-APi parts, of, the .world wtll be -fa attend-' Izlr0 CELEBRATION AT- vm,' INte last r tration of his high office he proved a S81 fZLT 3rV" diplomatist and sUtesmarf of high or- 55? Md be ,lodgeone huw... der, and contributed much towafd the lrt? .year5 "f 0 nJ "f the"'r -dosing of the war He was essentail- terestin. features of the ecfcbrat-js-ly a man of peace. His successor has was a .interesting and fastetic not yet been chosen, but he will un- fnt depicting the early ettterf UUUUUiaiV Dt An it-olion ,a.l4.UAJIu Cardinal Del Val. a SnaniarH. 3 to have a large following. RAMSEUR NEWS Rev W. F . Womble presiding Elder of the Greensboro Hit Lr-u: at Ramseur M. E. church Sundaj night. The "Microbe of Love" clay was given at the academy Tuesday night nan uraa wtunfe i .1 1. 1 1 . Messrs. N. R. Curtis, R. B. Moffllt nu . . i. vopeiand of this place and Mr. uergiman, cf Winston Salem are duck shooting down on the coast' this Mr. R. E. WWley end ethers wmr t Greensboro Monday. Mrs R. I. Kearns. who hn w svending some time at Troy and Badi "with her son R. I Kearns R. B. Finson. G. C. Rmrlra others spent several days in the sr.nd hills fox hunting recently. IX la reported that Messrs. C. L. Bray, W. T. Foushee and C. G. Foushee havo boutrht the CiiiHam.P.tf.c... i hardware store at Liberty. We are sorry to loose these good citizens from mitteeman, arid it' is believed. !ti . oar town and community but winh for Senate will confirm his nomjmttionw ThA'IfwI in thr u"dertakihK- I ' He served as depnty under Marv hrrar..'iCe0f JMr flCharlMJF al Dockery and alsoi under. DarU wllt ! d,et:r0y by c V He Is a native of Pitt county ! . last week, catching from the kitchen 61 yeA 0f age. . For some time 1 thim.RnK BtS 0V9r nas 'Sen eonnted - with .the : b hrrJ h, ? uf' N 5e was at buKiness faBaleigh. ! ; - , heme but Mrs. Thurman Buriross. a . . .- ' .k r daughter-in-law and very little was ' saved. No insurance we understand.' We are indeed sorry for Mr. Burgees ' in this great loss. He iz one of our iu uui loss. n v: one ot our w iTnT liV. -VuV t good citizens and has the sympathy of S;.,!"'. all his neighbors; , . ' S?natof against Senator'-, Trfif ( His chances seem; to be, favorsl , FARMER NEWS ' J It ), would hdd r materially t t f-'v v1 ..I , Democratic Strength fa the Errm'- t Board of Education Buys Dormitory' have this favorite friend I the Vy 4reperty' 1 Cbaages Hands .,. ."Peple there, v and evelopmen . V' i. :? ' . - ; i ' c , this end vwill". b. awaltefN with ii Mr, R. W. Dorsett who has been in at,-;-. , , c V,,. '- y business at Farmer for the past fouri ' ' . years' recently sold hit stock of goods', , Tobacco GreverV Meeting and store house to Messrs. A L Hi'lJ, - ' -( , aijd 3iSL Hammond, who will continue There Is to be a tri-eouniv the business. ,t' " 1 . - faff ' the Co-operative Tolmf' h Mr; Mhdison nammond has sold his A""c1aUnn'I Vu'' house at Farmer to his son, J. R Ham- a,Pr"If?.rf ,"'!, i"1 ', " mond, and has bouj-ht from his son the n ' Trinity, fa the !.. i old Drew fwl form -, - - , ' Saturday January Mr Marvin Kcans has" sold his home r w-.,,T.he ' "vu ,' pine, here to the count v ' Itonrd of ,oUiere ' u n WEEK'S SOCIAL EVEH were nerved. . K ' ' 4 "t - Monday Evening Bridge CbA . . met wHb Mrs, H.' W. Walker Man,!- evening. The game is in the fona tourment and is played each Afer the game crab salad, wafer arrJf to wens corveu., vniy tne ci an latnt- ,bers we a present. ? . APRON PARTY AT- ttmr ' ' ' guest tp onng .or send a peary t t ach, inc& of waist measvr. f, J",1 I . "aic classes. of ,: . Misses 1. ' sandwiches, -tea and wafers were ' v! wwii uim wiq -wuiiuuia i pw St- ManV 9 he Pranimant of the town and lodge were dressatt ' represent their grandfathers ' : .aa4 (rrfal-crrnnHfatViers. Resides .the &aa.. ' .ant t.Kprn vpra ndHrcopa. eormieac,k of a1.1 U?m WMfh(i!2j! prominent Masons of the .Soulk tflek part BOARD EDUCATION. PUR- ' 11" miiavs nnnMrmirt' 1: Th Randolph County Boari st'ij r.uucauon na pureiituwu dence of Mr. .Marvin J.earns lor vm Farmer high school. The house srftt SO usea ior a aormivory waiua.uaj wnmm a needed addition io -the comjaantty.' ' i The citisens of Concord toawsby are srreatly interested in this forwuM stP for educational advancement,. VAC5: -f 1 Rippon W. Ward,, of Raleigh,' b't been appointed marshal, for the E"- - era district of . North Carolina, bp the President. Mr Word has iniv oiiio Mtv, . i .i&fv-u Morehead, National ItepubUeaa - BRYAN" FOR U, ST. SENAT03 News from. Florida .Indicated 'tfi - I' 1 i-l l! n t " t- in 1) tKt d a d. ,,,,1 lor (