, XHLT-DAY, it, 1ZZ2 ALEXANDER C. MeALISTER pRQF. SAMUEL T.J. PENCE FROCKS FOR PRACTICAL WEAR - facto inddeaUl to the nines 'mix of th subject of this im i tribute, ud the appropriate! .hfc details, having -been a)-' presented by other, it enrjr re.' for thm nnstmt writer t arm. I AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY Praises Highly Bear's Emulsion m somewhat more fully than Sure Remedy fCMgha, Cold a4 a yet to have been done, tone of i " Uwf Me Trte4 it aM 5 ram" mralitiet and traits of char-1 H Kb" A ; r which made her an outstanding ( " are n thia community, and won for Prof- Samuel T. J Pence, of the Jr. - r the affection, admiration and es-,0- U. A. il., writes as follow: - ho came within the broad John D. nvton. Vu, ranre af her influence. This is amply, xZLJ.; "ifJht.V"K 0mng.wt E,;i Last year 'my sistein-law recom- THE AisITCI0'.0 COITRIEIL ASHKBORO. N. c II ? TTJ', II - 1, i TT TN 1 I "TN V a. r, J t a1 f' there; but the coor and the .nA wmW v,v. there, also. And here, ..5 ,1 1 lm! : . in troops the colored people ; .j "7 vita MBaa dcwm in wirrnw. fnr wall. ' ... . j.-j m . v "r : VvV : IT- -1 penence is is one or the btt rem- Zrm.- YTj -IT j r""?. edies made lure l Aitoest weie family 1 y ex- one of the btt . i. ' i i 2 S LI chitis and weak lungs At the same VJl-j ff .-tune it builds up the sysU-ra, gives npathetic fnend. It was a ,y j u.,fli. ui K. j ' n--..-. y , , uy jvuu vv virc u.ij. line allUCCU, 1 - I.. .. wuo scuiw irura ucifiniunir 10 ; , j.ju. n. resolved itself into a picture of " " V"u '".t ,,, ., I, ; L.( j . tcacn mjiwi, aim i nave noi ieit oe- . mrpassing beauty and tender- tr . t " ,. fnr voo T ..fc,K ZTJI TSLlrJ" ten pounds more than Ih.ve being knew her but sorrowed t, ,, at ier death; and an odor of blessed- ' ,c,) JTi mrw evieivaded . every thought when b "tNtt. leeJe recalled her wonderful life. Bear's Emulsion strengthens that ; It ascy truly be said of Mrs. McAl- weak run down, nervous system. Im istar that Bhe was a remarkable wo-1 proves the appetitite and builds up the man. Her personality was marked by weak lunirs. Hundreds of DeoDle are ef the traits that distinguished 'usine it and savin? it is the best thinir kmoted father. The same force 'they ever tried, bold by leading drus- aad f&ar dT intellect, the same sim-'gists. gas, cawavering iaitn, tne same single ' if""! adherence to truth, the same promising steauiastness oi i . . ml xoeae are rare cnaraciensucs. iney ! mqAj high spirit, strength, courage. 'Jto llcAlister had them all. Those "THINGS I WISH I HAD KNOWN BEFORE I WAS 21" -d knew her best will affirm that ' she was never known to hide a con t iottam, to abandon a principle or to a. friend. She was a whole. woman, always true to her col- n.jLrzys opposed to wrong, alwavs tte ade oi ngnt, always reaciy 10 a. helping hand, in this she an. example to all, and an exam- m the true femininity that steady i Some' time ago three leading, men j spoKe at a men s meeting in Cleveland on the subject: "Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Was 21." G. Leonard Fels, the first speaker, gave the re ports sent . in by twenty-two men. Here they are: 1. What I was going to do for a living. What my life work would be. 2 That my health after 30 years depneded to a large degree upon what i pui into my stomach Del ore 1 was ; tndts. these stronar and In her home she was a aueenl 3. How to take care of money, loyal wife and tenderest moth- 4. The commercial asset of being hex church she was a polished neatly and sensibly dressed She early learned to o. That a man's habits are mighty serve the Master, and the hard to change after he is 21. light of heavenly grace kindled in heri 6. That a harvest depends upon . at a tender age, continued to tne seea sown; wneat produces wheat, trSit ever-increasing radiance to thistles bring forth thistles; ragweeds tfce csy God. called her home. Her disposition presented qualities i angularly noble and generous. SJie m characteristically warm-hearted, mSadiimaia. and courageous. A per- aff more tenacious Dureose or convictions it would be difficult for nothing. gine. These, sanctified by hea drace, rendered her m ft""i i woman, nobly planned, 'Sawn, to counsel and command." Of every relation she sustained in He she performed x the duties consci eatiaaaly and in the fear of God. She hai, consuming passion for right ; eeewess and the salvation of souls. 2. She was ever attentive to the cry of iJoffeong and distress, whether it bam her own home community spoil good pasture.?; nnd wild oats N' s "ft - mat Spanish mode -Are flourishing in the sunshine oi" fashion's approval we find them exploited In unexpected places. These picturesque stylesthe wide skirts, dangling ornaments, shawl draperies, brilliant embroideries, sasbes and fringes one would not expect to flhd In dresses for practical wear, but they are reflected In work-a-day clothes for fall as well as dressier things. They are romantic touches, artfully handled and they give a new flavor to prac tical dresses for all-day wear, like those which are pictured above. A good an example as could be selected of the Spanish influence a' it appear In the practical dress for fall, Is shown at the left of the two pictured. This dress is of trieotfne and has a full skirt tfhlrred into' a 8. That you can't iret something S. P8JB. !t the low waistline. The uoaice is mm ana almost smoothly 9. That the world would cive me1 fitting, bavins a loner shoulder ltn just about what I deserved I and bound, arm's eye. The nearly round neck supports a fringe-trimmed " ' '1 i SALE: sown will surely bring all kinds of mirery and unhappiness. 7. That things worth while require time, patience and work. 10. That by the sweat of mv brow wouia i earn my bread. collar .nH th .im. 11. That a thorough education-Hot 1 the lining, are also finished with mJIi bnngs the best of every- matche8 the aresg ln c6llX: it 1 iet SS fcXfmoS JLXSt- the .kH'eSendfr some luxuries and nleasures f lif.l mroanQ w wae" ! hack, the last row at-the bottom edge. A heavy silt cord, tacked to place, provides the girdle. Altogether this a very attract ive dress, with its faint Spanish ac cent accountable for Its novelty and fascination. Another dree that will Interest young wearer appear at the right It Is a tailored model which refuse to be entirely serious-minded d bor rows a fringed sash and single em broidery motif on the bodice . from Spanish mode. It Is a little wayward at the hem line, where it break into points, calling particular attention to the fact with three row of braid, that looks like embroidery, and de fines the point. The sleeve are el bow length - and set-In, the sash of crepe-satln with chenille fringe and there Is a staid little tailored bow of It, at the neck line, topping off a fin ish In which satin-covered button and narrow fold insist upon the' prac tical .character of the irock. It can' be made of any of the usual suiting. getter folks to live and eaT'with, and best of ail, the genuine satisfaction fmxferfiietaat- pacta beyond, the .esaai Uhatoa -are eomebwiy wwtliy gf t& RuUftfiS'. no popularity; .s-ie sprct at e -, ijcienee arKl t:.c r nowin is FULL Everything in this big store is on sale at the low est prices that have prevailed in many years, the . bargains offered here are remarkable. All Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses included in this Sale LADIES' COATS, 3.98 Ladies' and Misses' heavy velour coats, values up ; ' co $y.ou $3.98 $15.00 COATS. $6.85 , Ladies' fine all wool coats; ome with fur collars in greys, browns, taupe, etc. Values up to $15.00 $6.85 $25.00 COATS, $15.00 Ladies' coats, all this season's best values, priced $15.00 LADIES' DRESSES v-IdlesaU Vobyo and serge "dresses, values' i ;, and, tho.e who were "e iier :vr . strict. IZ... 11 t not Ciy i , mil si.-o c. a God. lA&y JiiMuait of aiaiinnrtrfi I . I W4..1UUIW W t VI U l, , II IjH, ' V.V.J Willtg! .ansoast in their desire to serve her and gain her esteem. Wexahall. miss this noble woman 14. The folly of not people's advice. 15. That evervthine- taking older my mother TV world needs such as she, now as 'wanted me to do was right sever hetore.to point our young girls, 16- lhat "dad" wasn't an old foy t to society, and to keep 'after all. If I had done as he wished wight the old traditions of Christian jn to do, I would be much better off ' nd constancy of devotion, of j physically, mentally and morally. , sattedy love and patience, and of 17. What it really means to feth- "" z faith and Parity. We er and mother to raise their son. j .1J'nt-IK' her ami profoundly sympa- 18. What hardships ''and disappoint-' .-- wft tnose whose loss in her i8;ments would be entailed by neglect of i Jtfeparhble. For herself, she needs no mv parents' wishes. ! ' I .19. The greatness of the opportu-1 Sm was near the sunset hour of the nity and joy of serving my fellowman. ! Messed Sabbath she loved so wpI! nii 20. That Gors relati ammt tte natal day of the Master she w&s just as helpful and delightful as MAam long trusted and followed with that of a good shepherd toward his that her gqntle spirit sneeP ot of a father toward his son. teflei away on the bosom of that 21 A faithful friend is a strong Wttuta; river which flows with re-defense. He tbftt hath found a friend suite sweep into the shoreless sea.,ath' found a treasure. A poor man that she is gone she has!may be said td be rich in the midst of not left behind her on this sin-burden-! nis poverty so long as h. eniovs th cacnth a purer spirit or more hrn- interior sunshine of a devoted friend and memory. t. C. WALKEB, ' If ku beennounced by the Inter slata Cweme.rce Commission that I'mmt will be m further operation of t lie nOroad between fineh urst and Carthage. Toe reason 'given was that ilmzm mat no. public necessity for the Tonuimaiion or tw line The last rata ran between these points Jan- 'iziaa&- '' 22. Friendshio cheers liii a bcam, charmslike a good story, in. spires like a brave' leader,, binds like a gclden, chain, guides like star. . " AI1D PADIS- v . J .;. v ! . " VTUD the muery of racking pain. ZUv bottle of Sloan' Lini menf - hand) ' and apply when i tvtx feel the acfce or pauu - V , v i tinicUy eases the pain and send " jif of warmth through the - part . Sloan's LinimentJnetraui -nMinf.. , -- nx lorrheumatrgm,niraI(La, i. K'lrainaand strains, stiS joints, k and sore miinclcs. . v ' rty years pain' enemy. :; Ask ' !r. ' 'rht93Sc, 70c, f 1.40. mm mtmm tin,,. . n Moses Mosler, the pioneer builder of and president of the Mosler Safe Company ' died euddetily in Grand Lanyon. Ariz.,: last week while on Ms way east after a pleacnre trio throjirh the West.' Mr. Mosler was born in Cincinnati tfryear ago: - ' - tontcon PIE yiorent'paroJcysms of couching. oon eased by Dr. 'King' Newt Discovery, . Fifty year a standard 1, i remedy for coldat' Children like it..' No harmful drugs. All druggists, 60c, '; it if t Tr - r IVrCc! : ( 1 r. I Friendly . Gentlemen Made to SuitYom-Txste W havt for fmui catered to th cigarett smokinof Ataeriefc'-''.;'' . ' With tbk cKrWac, w created Om' Ekvea "I iVriMe to Salt Voar-TMt'e." of th WorW (hre grattot cigarette tobacco" ' ' JTWUUSaW Arena . 1-VBtClNIA, fbrMiktKU . ". WY.torMeBowpe' ; 'v'.' 1 W aatMd thea Qa leveathc'adret oVoarL' ioaie effio, W r Vooi of their tacoMi. Have You TnedmT-S a f f I I -V-v Ccnd for yonr copy Hqiv to Succeed ' In Ht Krf - ! full, (fc.rlh.il In nur n.w c.tlo, Hnlftl Hid (im.riuiiiilrt hi t, i,u,m, ,Mi wr,j m,.(n , rln tHkkii.-i, lni..i;raplii m. Hi,.i, wcTPtMrim km) bnnkors lnr r.l,i.,p !,, n d,.,,,,,,,,! t tal(ff nlari,,, yr,j .M1'UI t VT 111 HI AC: low Mill.,., t,i.- .,,,1 n,itr - pii-; Hi. .run I) miitw I'T hltli-rriMlo teaman ,nr..i any time; rM,.,. n ill ,.,..,, aur.,l. i.,ia blud onimi also gHeB, vrita fr cauin now. SUITS One lot of Ladies' Suits, values up to $18.50, aW; $10.00 ; $25.00 Suits for $15.00 Ladies' Singer brothers' $50.00 Suits for $25.00 NORTH CAROLINA WOOL BLANKETS READY If OR CQLD WEATHER - : 11-4 Cotton Blankets , uuuu Xl-k ana J.Z-4 WOn K nnlrota in fn i T ' t o o O ' o ' o o ' o v - A - 0:.'-.i-V . " I '

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