', - . i i ill ' ' i . ! I rri , i n i . t $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ISSUER WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, POTMEN ,1 .-I Aahebore Norte Ceiua Thursday, .February, 1 1922 : ' HERE AND THERE ' FRANKLIN YULE NEWS '. - MraH S.Edwards. who underwent an operation m the hospital at Ashe boro, a few-days ,ago, has returned Rome ana is very mucu iibiioto. ' Mr) Bemiie Pilkenton and Miss EOn Prevost were married Saturday even ing at the residence 'of Rev, J. V. Hackney,5 who preformed the cere mony;v N ,- ' Mr David ' HoKday has accepted a DocitioR.as book keeper with the Co- t operative DairV, and Ice Cream Co., . or ureensDoro ? iiThTand a splendid store dwelUng house ana a p building: on the property. "J? r Marlev can see his way 4ear, to move DacK yo vu " - ,Bt, - Miss ' ? Sadie Smith ,of Salisburrj , WEEKLY RALEIGH IfTTER ' (By Maxwell Gorman.) PVK 1 Attornev Gen eral Mannings former Supreme Cour4. Justice Brown, Hon. Tho. t i. war. ren of counsel for the state, in the hearing of Greensboro of- the rail roads against the State Commtwaoh er of Revenue, have returned Trom Greensboro, where the ca was heard by the three federal judges. It will be at least a month before the decision b announced to the "pub Hi. AKrmt three million dollars, in APPALLING DISASTER AT WASHINGTON, D. C. i v f itAY3 ate involved t! WreW I Judg Waddell announced the Mr. James Catrle and -on Howard. of Texas, are- visiting his sister Mrs. E. P. Webster" -. Several of onr peoplpe attended the play given ft the. academy at Ram seur .last week. There are several cases of sickness and a few cases of pneumonia in this community,' but all are reported im proving at this writing. Mr. Lee Wright is preparing to erect a nice dwelljng on Asheboro street, near C L. Allred's residence. nur .ifw ftirtiBrs liavp been' ilolnir Air, and loan aSSOCiaii.oira, .i.-j.-j nn mnw nt our of Asheboro, are doing mucnio uu u 8treets and it i8-h0ped that they will help to "uo the town. iney ne " , soon find time to gravel the street houses for those wno nee i " "f" I from Depot to T. A' Slack's residence, .house and nome yu- - - a Mr. Ed Tysinger and fanu ly Jave moved two miles west of Acboro. Mr O. Slack recently sold n build-, inflot in south Asheboto to Mr. KW I tfther Mr. Luther intends to. buiW .hSi there for himself nd mil family there fa the su Mr W. B. Poole, of . Randleman Route 2, has sold his farm and mOV: rvr iu, k,v tn Asheboro. Mr J. 0. Harper, of Seagrove, has moved his family to Asheboro. Mr. Lee Gibson will move to High Poinin order to be closer to tas work .This is a good fwy "J we regret to see them leave Asheboro. . We hear that there' is, to be a new lip-to-date grocery store in Asheboio SOOn. , , i,QoaH Mr' Irving Burrow na iwu.-- thf Gibson house in West ' Ashe- Columbi Manufabturing Company v "1,,,. -Sw had his subscription Tn; Courier moved up to Fetewj This , is one of the most important streets in town, yet it has been nes lected and part f the time is almost im passable. Mrs. Annie Trosrdon died at hpr home South of Franklinille last Mon-I day night, acre 0 years, and was buried at Giles Chapel Tuesday. Funeral was conducted by Eov. Joel Trogdon, of Lexington. She is sur vived b yher husband Wm R. Trosr, one son Levi Trogdon, of Leximrton. three daughters, firs. 0- F Tow, of Greensboro; and Mrs. John Brady,: of thislJace.' One brothter 3(1 r. Levi Tucker, of near Asheboro, nn- rter, Mies Martha-Tucker, of this nla-e. She was a daughter of the late John-' atb an 'Tucker, 0,1 17 1n'23. HC. IS lnveicoi-cu building up of Ramseur and tne cor-.-muniiy and the development oi the road!.' schools and churches. Mr J D. Leonard, bookkeeper for the Columbia JvlBnu,1Bf:,'u;"' nany, of Ramseur, believes m Tne Courier and his date . is where yours should be-next year. Mr. is a progressive citizen in every re spectPond is anxious to see Ramseur erow and improve. . Mr H T. Bray, vho has been liv. ing in Gweboro -fo a year, bs moW to his fatm in Coleridge town- ShMr L C Bray has moved his fam ilymmseur Route J. .to the Julian section . of the Randleman Motor Compaq , u- riuntrtda Mr W J. Gregaon has accepted a Uon as bookVeper for ta Antral- Mr encSW has moved mu'iheTouse in Wesl JJ, opinloS Z2:,Ami liauor made -to ) ; "fi now than at any ume j, u-vi What are we gi- HEAVY SNOW FALL Although Randolph has not boon so hard hit, our neighboring counties have been yisited by tne ooldeit weather, and severest, snowstorm ex perienced in a quarter of a century. In Greensboro traffic, was lurtriv,- halted, while the mercury huddled around the zero point. Coal and fire, wood are in hfeavy demand. . Trade wan "for oAmA slntfa lit , p. jstrid.-t.ifT. : grip of the cold-wave. S;i;i fj-annsso has had snow for the first timo in fix years," and Los Angeles and SeutVi-n California the nrnt time in "J "op". The situation, however, scnis to now approaching normal and north ern and western mails cornier hi n usual. Crop" prospects for the yo have brightened. de cision to take. at least thirty aays before passing upon the three .ssues If the railroads loose, me next move win hn theirs. Lacking any stay irninst thx collection of taxes, tney are expected to appeal to a higher court and are expected, if they loso there, to .carry their case to . the Su preme Court of the United States." , If a temporary injunction against the collection of taxes in question is D-ratited. the cases will be heard on their merits, with evidence presented. The Southern and Atlantic anc Tad- kin will be heard, in that case, i Western North Carolina Federal Di trict Court, r.nd other bases will go hnfore Judire H. G. Connor in East ern North Carolina Federal District Court at Raleigh. The Three Issues First, where the railroads discrimi nated aeainst by the revenue com- North Carolina. A. D. Watts, when he refused to reduce nr,rPMahlv or to reduce at all tr.u Iqv va nations OI tne aouuieiu, n- latitic .and Yadkin, . Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard, and Norfolk South ern, in view of horizontal reductions made in other real estate in sixty. mnntieK of North Carolina" o i ; tVio tntp eorooration I r ocwimi .. ivp irancnise tax as jl ttpjjiica ""i constitutional? Third, is the state corporation in come tax as it applies to railroads constitutional, Valuation Assessed nrw nro the valuations assesstti MISS NANNIE;! LAMBERT KILLED IN fpiClER- RAKSEIIR NLWSiO Due to the caving in of the roof of the Knickerbocker Theater, last S-it. urday night, ono of the m06t heart rending tragedies the city of Wash ington has ever known resulted. iThe cause of the collapse is attrib uted to the weight of the snow on the roof which had accumulated during tbio severe Btorm of the week The death toll will perhaps exceed one hundred, 97 havings been identified,"the majority being from the city, al though many are from other sections of the country. '' Soldiers, marines, policemen ana others fousrht their way through the mass of debris of concrete and steel, working heroically to rescue the large number of victims buried beneath it. V The theater had a seating capacity of 2,000, but due to the state of the weather, only about 300 were presfm. A comic film was being exhibited ana the audience roaring with mirth, when the roof - crashed down with a noise resembling a thunder-blast and cover ed them like- a blanket. Street car traffic had been aban doned and streets and sidewalks vere almost impassable with drifts. Among the dead are three North Carolinians. These were Miss Nannie Lee Lambert, Asheboro; Miss Helen gortch, Goldcboro, and J. W. Bell, hose address is not given. An official inquest must be con ducted in each case before the bodies can be shipped , home The cause of the disaster calls ror sin official investigati&n, which will tie made. .This is very likely to reveal that the, building was invoerfecM;, constructed and material used defect- Miss Vera Steed's friends surprise ' t i Je her last Saturday niirht when tfcfflr Klir K K lllATKR celebrated with her, her sixleaH ' rVJ DUVAL 1 UlJnul LA birthday at her home on Man Sbeu I Contests and games were eajvyMk. . -L The entire country is appalled By with music thrown m for Ml the recent Washington tragedy, du measure . Mrs. Steed called th ymg its shock strikes Asheboro witn es- folks to the dining room where fte" pecial force, foV among the scores found a table loaded with chrfem the dead we read the name or t.iiss salad, cane, jeiry. homemade canaj, f Nannie Lee Lambert, one of our es - pickles etc. This was greatly rirttfwi J1? mable and much beloved young won,- by all. Everyone expressed ajipMLUr en. tion for a very enjoyable evening aA t $ For the past five years Miss Lambert wished Miss Steed many more kapp? had held governmental positions of birthdays. They attested this vj m ' i responsibility first with the Air Ser- large collections of beautiful gift - "C vice, and later, with the War Depart. 1 E. C Watkins left Saturday UrSmr" t'. ment. When the emergency nac Y.ork City for a few days on tanm. i passed and many temporary clerics ' W. H. Watkins and Dr. C. A. Q.' ' were released, Miss Lambert, becauw ham left for Georgetown Friday where t r 4 1 NEW INDUSTRY FOR ASHEBORO AND THIS PART OF RANDOLPH of exceptional qualifications and ef- tny are working on the duck fxmalg. hciencv. was not onlv retained, bnt iney recently spent a lew daaaoi assured permanent positidh if she de- and killed sixty. , sired it. is., Lieonara spent a dajor rw . k Groensboro with his ncbLtew fW ' turn f j.. i TnnnrH vrhn is snffrim)' vnVk"HMb:.4 uic ui uuuauoiiv line r. i in sii.i i hi i- ....... .u m m.m t - vantaees. havine been a sraduate from monia. the Asheboro graded school and the' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. "MarleT,e North Carolina College for Women. Greensboro, spent -a few day wit During her college days she was hon- tne,r son Wade Maflcy of thus place. , ored by being made editor of the col- . Mrs- fcIIen AHlred, one of col lege magazine also historian of her nlKniy esteemed and mucn lowea me class. ladies is very low with Tieart tnmVIe ivcuuiiung nome aiier ine comnie ev.Uv.j .upemus t p tion of her education, slie joined the her and the family. 5 Courier staff and 'soon gained the af-' ,,Mrs Townsend and daughter Mrs. j lection and appreciation of her a- A,'man spent a iew aays witn sax. aM sociates. Later she entered the office Mrs-M- E- Fields this week. i of Congressman Hammer, then U. S.' ,, Z ; 1 District Attorney 1 nomasvuie r aciones inspected. . . Although quet r.nd reserved in man-' Th ner, Miss Lambert won mends even- ratory of the U. S. Forest Prodm!. ' where she was known, and was es- Madison. Wia . pcciaily popular at Washinerton circle in which she moved. ihe local chair factories Thc nhiMfc" -i Being Saturday evenincr. and feelir r is to dotnnino tho m f tlw -J the need of relaxation after a week oi manufacture of lumber into the small BLCa,,y .ippucaiion to ner omce duties, dimension ' stock required in makinr : 'V.. TU a 11,1,1 fcnunnance tt tne chairs, waste ot material and time z t Knickerbrocker Theater, an amaso- nnird in it m9nnrtiir i4i ment house very popular in the city, will remain in Thomasviile for '.tcJn Mr. F. H. Mendenhall a rerrescnta tive of the Dixie Dairy Comnany of What are. tne :va, Ua - - , Hi h Point was in Ashehoro Tuesday by the state ahd the one fo M Mr. Mendenhall is making arrange ar "fair" by the roads? Tneyaj., m3nts t seCure the services of a rep Southern, assessed Td,,-' representative in Asheboro wno wi: admitted, Jt,oa,JU4,.5o 1(U Ti. 'have 'various routes leading out froin Coast Line, asaessea,, ' , the town and purchase cream from admitted, $34,645,340. Atlantic ah j paid va ns, uui ' LUC t SiiiTe.ieviB4ads,. the roads to tliav rWJfLSX n.v thft county dry W 'P' Jul;.r i'. .lM tha offloew .-..' v . , - ro. tinn let y . . . WIN 1 UriUBUi 'W . .1 f H. . . 111 Ai nn dult. tu youT-MW the matteri IvetM . . ' U '. TVT . Wilt . UU ' . , ... AV4 " the em ' , now- tlven them' to, c ."that .1 V act V of th IndiTldunU will derve. ! ' i'1 : ; ' Mr. H.C Parks. caHliier of th Bank ' I U Coloridto. I riumhorel among w 'r.nal subscribers thin " ' ' ' r-i-,i"r h hus'on many friends by ': l.i., . ...dency and hbillty to em Ui Mr TTuyd Cavrnrg n no-w mn v.'r tit the C 'Serliltro .Manufacturing C I'M"" 1,;. I v t' ' 1- T1U briht younff wnn ir, ,lrr nd hn ju;;t Htnrtod l-r of fortunfl and fnmfl. r r" n firn Js thft fin ' - ' 'i ' ; -l fieri I. r ! - - :'i t I are paying taxes and aiKli is: . fhe-M-profits to the constvuetion of sulistn-.-tian buildinjrs an:l carry large stock :. By patronizing out-of-tovn Jrrlr', you are aidirg the other commun:?' ni.d the money you nnke in your o n community should Le kept trier--. Bear, this in mind when you nt'f-n your catalogu?s or pome tweitpr sa'esman cornes ah-ng t.- undcrb'i' one cf the local enterpriser! who w'H furnish you the goods r.t the Fr.me price, plus the ireight. We hope the Asheboro merohfnr': will make it so interesting that peo nle in Greensbiro anil Hitrh Folr.iJ w;u run down to do their shopping. It is unlawful for anyone to dum n, rubb'ish plong the sjrte highway, it has long been a custom t-; maje ' dummng- fTond at any -place se'ecte ! outside of town. Tho State Highway Commission now has power-to pre vent -this., Work on the Stalev scliooi huildtng, is progressing rapidly Wien tne, work is -completed Staj-jy will have an adequate and woM quippel school building. ' ' i If jujy of The Courier -"eaders havg had any dpubt aa to tho building boom mAflhetxird tW spring, ttiey will 'soon hevs every eveldince that they Vere mistaken. Fanr ' for, new homes and building lot aro comlngr to be abonn thrmoottUkeoof'thlnj W.olheiJoro. Xtid irrtai f o? imW. houses , he met In a totwror and ,TeaI Wilding progTMlonp() weO ,unar wayr wi n keep Jblnff until housi r applied for ihe great number.who wa seeking iA.imi in Hva In Ashebor. Go v tlnued f iA tirtictent bttildmjf active ty ' waicaws xiwn otvuk , of Asheboro yajW growth, ana fu tur g;.eatneM.:: tot. every man na .,.n lntMlltMl tn the town fri"'0 TU hearty upw)rt W verVnoymnt that kls end encourages some Dunning;, . Work rtflldance hMtHmtmast fconi In ;fankllrmiia. Mr. DwVThornburjif ha frtfine., rroeery' etore. In Ramreur;, 1;' , Mr. George Kivctt. wmlenjb fit- i m end merchant -'or unwy, ftouw one. has moved int hi new dwellirJ bouB. He avm burned up several mrrith ear.'--" The entire house and practically all th cohtentl vrero burn-( id.- A pmall child. we . burnedf . hndly tbnt Jt oniy livid ft frv (ttyn. , Mr. J. It. Lutterlnh h.ta ehr.ut com nVtP'l I h "hnndinme ncV rer'iTtnrfl n Yadkin, tu, XrA - , ready doing considerable business eWCT: admitted, ' $27,- , "ection of the-State . 'oii;(W9.- aunriUedi ed, i1"!" J-' " Hi -l we naid taxes Ti-ie nun"""- , but pave lyzi on uu r,i naid anything on the income ua. pavy l rc ''.r mo g tne 1IUU"" ... mnn nuzzled and a est Department of ins - Jai. . Wade, . Usury fare An ,wtinK ; terest avt- - "; " i nicn "" " ouiiimy tr.'in . ... ... ... one was escorted Dy Mr. Archie Ben, eral weeks, and will 'feather .Yataatt DOG SHOW AT PINEHURST 4. ' Snow left on works to their R-reat damage, an t-iinirnicii l'i.Lre, ol the State hiu Miu.iviMim, i, uciiiunsiraimir ns r liiciency by bonuv alive to the fact am i taking the iiropm- pnv;ai! i.m, T!u thousand dollars a di:- (roado are b.-n.-r cloar.l :!.s tht ,n ThiVl-'"S'vo -th Carolina duri..V .cu-iulattv. ,.n,l t!:e .-avinK-re loss Noilll" vunaing t;" nn- stati. vul!i,.,- fn,,,, n.:i ;l ,onth ol JanuiV , tnou.ad oi ! n. t , vAin'j ,. regateupto vitl' " tai,',isMn: . ae million marked m l,:-es, DAILY M-vs OPI-RATK w record foi Uie , lh,. state i - i rOMOlill.r to tho ! y ( -, son- in-law of Mrs. C. - . 1 . . . I. I T 1 . . . . iuniiciiy oi nign foint, in whose home both were living at the' nine oi uie disaster. i It was at 2 o'clock n. m Riin,rv ti10 ci,n,- e when the body was recovered from the hurst' and attracting much intnw wreckage, anl identification was com- So far 239 dogs have icen entire. pleted at once by Congressman Ham- and among these is the noted Tank- mor Mr. Grimes, and Miss Butler. fried,' who has recently acMevsd.isrtir The remains arrived in Asheboio fame by trailing down a crimhuiaB sfi yesteday morning accompanied by hei'is owned by Mrs. V. F. Wanner, if flan VmnnA At," " T.-i-T i , , ..i "ram, i.iisi, ouuer, v,-no was lier 1'inehurst. room mate , In the lot ar0 tv,0 singTn? . l'uneral semces will be conducte.l brought from fance by Dr Tkanue K 1J- iniirmonmif woennowj wiiicii are saw. to . .BumMinri -jf Poi'.t. great powers of endurance and" to ,f never tail in running 'icrwn tbOF v quarry. Mr. Kirkover's ''Fairy Beaa J an KiifVl i.sh seller that has WOl'" more tield trials than any atherj6Psf li.'h setter dead or :.live, .is enrerfla. , ''Carolina Frank," owned by a gnu'? tlema,!! from St:;t"sv illo, whpse team a' we are unable to joc-lIL. is jmoBS 4DK Rev. Mr. Keen, of Hi.h ':Uev. A C. Gibbs pastor of the M. ! p 'church assisting. -fJ She is survive' .-ionf The Orrnsl. a n uenauy Pllv, in auvaii'-- ix per cent on a well doubt be V- r- - !..,.- K (J. foi led ;in :m- umlavs. It ,;p- Pin-in A . tar, Hiscoe, Troy and Mt. '(;;0;.,. 'it ory entirelv ". if I.. service and will ,m (rreat -eii-i,-o for seven j 2oDuiuii. . , husiness man oi ,.iosS a i veouired to pa . cIorK v I iudgemeni r. Court-n1' - ."" oj Education Wake County Superior mone, will r.ieet Monday, February (i. It versed. . 1 Actl0 n id in uwn j requested that those who hav e, bu d- alleged W nave f jot) '-' me ooard present it " itVT an ' Wae" K nteniber 'e meeting Monday. v-.w- - . ;,iitPtl oil -r-. . . well ' wii 1 bv her parents Mr and Mrs. Thomas Lambert, tw brothers j. Li. ami Malon Lambert an a sistej; Miss Ma.-sa I lie heart ol our town ;u;il cotm'.v; beats in sincerest syniptithy l'or i:,c .-tricken and soriowiin; ones. The estemi'i in wiiicii the yoan. lady was he d is mam h the U'TOMOIJILK )l'TFiton"-iive and beautiful floral di ,: mnunn uiiicn ucro designs lwu Weeks, Secretary of War, The Service, aiyl from her close pci friends in Washington and diffe points in North Carolina. A number of out of town guest: tended the funera.l among them M; v.on uoam, and lJnrgs, of the X Carolina College a.id Miss ISu'.le: Washington. u' pasi lew weeks opr ujiaooiie route on S livers pauers to Rnn, Hoard of Education to Meet The ex-la-M . Ai. r,;. ea' itl, ' fur,-': teat field trial wi nnen.!inu U's , of the' bevt ilo?;s to lind binls in. ttC;3 country. AH the dog-s er.tere(tVO-wl have histories which iluf 5;ttH cai lv tiie:nseK:f, ' i HOMASYlLLH GREATEST 4 CHAIR TOWN IN COUNTRY". the distindioej?:; Icoliij chair m;uiuae- the-Lnited Stalei- LIBERTY NEWS Miss Helen Johnson d!liglitfullv tertnined the Epworth la'ue at .ot was lnsuvu p.,10 trh. 921 by I- jjovember 4, WZL lalrtt was hied on in reconie., ,l no answer has u , yet.er- .""r Having DeeiD v -nf WJJSnt hi ea! or However r.ounsc- yet be thx&hed ' i from Dea- "hitiey, home H defendant htf d the, Question m-r j f) 0m put n;f the clerk. the judgemt i ; plain,t, " According to tMsW' i borrowed $l,o " The' complaint felieK es; received qnly lMW lnvnce- The in( UliSS tort "when W n fell ue :fa--e60 interest u pey 'onV.Wn,payra : , l0tm. advance '.niKetW ? Hi eiw wsttled enA the, mortgage . bea been btn m the new drged Uv ApriU 1?21 : of Mr; p. S.?Brwrdt' , . complaint: the ; . Wn(fji MMdfM JvilU of the .rftw?J under wwen) juukbu"' dement double.the mnntof 1 .m tret paymept, and' ;fJ; 'Z" the second cauee of f-aeUMW payS f the 50 MA 1 intere ig demandedywWle double tne emount of the . ,oau ,:,,wk4. the u nome Saturday mpht. Refresh: .were served during- the evening. Mr J. U. Overman and sun lowedU, tax ejnploye- of the federa.'movk, the eafS thetr TZtJZ .? 'late buihling on Main Street. of th fo. . -IT T u,: r's'"'f ""f Con Overman, who .i-iiai unieni. Tho commissioner has found iiiisunoerstaiidins: about the ha e Thomasviile oi iieinK tne leadiuj! ch turiiiK tovn in theTJni and in consequence leuilff the world. ' Aecordiny to the last census fltf population of tin city wes aroBMi.' 6,000 It's prosperity ir, due almocc1' .entirely to its chair factories, watU tuni out famous products frem Sfawflai5 Carolina hickory, oak and ette? wls. Shipments are made to mint? all over the United States,-, and .It Canada, Cuba, Mexico and otaer ntm if new up-tc. eivrn countries. We should be piOo4 oi inomasviiie t '; n 1 lt( h liv fello'V snd .1 Mo la -! lj.. (-.,rn ' wn"ra "'H ! . . . -il- . , Teacbere, aiho, ti m " i , Revenue. Commlsulonei! -WAttfl Han ruled that chool. teachersv Btete hlpTi way engineer and all btner.,' Btat, munirlpnl an Vountv emnloyM muttt pay tnxra on their Incomes Just 1!k the other cln"3 of peonto who. .work f,,r a f?.!ury. Thews i no rrettiptx 'f r,.l underwent ;r o;)Cralion at Wesloy-LoiiK Hospital a some I few. weeks airo. came home Snmhiv i tax ir. u i '"-"""- i.iiinj ran-iiis came nonie iroin Dmd the 1 bfeVf ht'y havc Cnia two weeks a;ro where she ha M H matt r Tr J' "pent the past five month.", at the N. as a matter of fact they have uiiid r ft Hit-,1 ,.. r..,- i tho taxes due the state on the in- fanti'le paralysis. She is much im ccmea they made in 11)20 This m-' proved. come was listed with the county list- hlr Tom Muirhison, of Ht.rrisburi', takers; in May of last year, and nn III., is vixitmjf his parent? here. i been due since the tan. some or Mm. w. H. Al.brijrht is RpendmR U0Us nnow storma have tendexfrf these taxes nave not oeen paid, ami somo time witn relatives at isewDcnu n-.uch trackage in the monntarra some people pun ,inem oniy una j-wr, The fact that income tax blanks may PERAILKN TRAIN INJUUES.ll A train on the Murphy diflsSna. m& tho Southern Railway crashed mCm ti mountain of dirt and rock Ciat ft' slid onto the track near Noland, ieet ur.ry 28, injuring Conductor Jamt Rickard and 18 passengers. AH recover. . . , - Heavy rainfall and aim oft ttmttl have been' received soon -after tne person bad paid an income tax to the state caused the confusion. I -,The commissioner rditerates tnai thi cavirtty ' will not eollect the 1 in. come tax for 1921 which -will be oun ari or before March 15tht after which date penaltleaaccnv ThU ta wilM be ebllectea' airecx oy me , n through .the Revenue Department' '':"TheT i ah apparenf - eontredic tion ia the1 j? income tax .law j, 'Co W?tU saycf "In- one 'section It seem" Cot to' provwe 'for- av return .from eor poratton havin?,lf' .than . ,..$1,000 net 1neom while In nnothef section It .taxes all corporations on their en tire neflheome.'"' .The; eomihlBBtttnei has had thia matter ap 1 with the, at torney, fcenereV'.whe edtiaea that all corporation re required ." .t make return 'Oi theft 'entire' net ' Income Without exemption,': ' Thtfl ooiirse will he taken Until determination by the court Li bed.' All the net Income of partnership Is taxable ' in. the indi vidual returns of the fBrthers wheth er such proftti' have ' ben. actually paid to the partners or Continued tn !h huninriK IhW ri)Ui': ronfortuR i: r f- ,', ):, 1 law in t '.- ; '' U' MlRS Virifinia Cole Is takmc ' fibrous. Thm rvnd . nnthnr miiha In nultifr ot W ft l 1 o V T i r 1 1. VT ( , - . . : . i . , .. ' . ' . vy-.. ... u. " ."-.f- laninn every precaution .a?Rinsv i dent 11. A. KUJLSJI ;yi vital.. B6r;i to Mr. and Mrs li. U Kllflns, t . i. a k . . n . January kih, b uuuiiwi, j,iuieii-rj Louise. . Mr. and Mrs. rrank Ridenhour. ann m. n a rWrt f nnihM: two rbildrfln. nf tVinftton-RiVlem. biu ati .. i . v. w -,i 3 spennins; someiime wiw r. Kioen- pii fromj .Injuries! received r nonrs perenw, captain ana Airs. j. .v automobile, while he was craestojr V LwHon. . , i . caDttAl hie-hwav Be Plnfihurst i Ill atliwrjr IWIIK HIIU, futa irovti jiniurt 17. '; , - .ji. r. -..v (terteuidy ilt. fc tmoTOvlid?.. : ' Mr. C. F, OTejrman.lsln Dr, J. W.. foP mort of hie life had iivM at Llborty is rnjoying a butldiar boom.i Baptist Soaday school uperinU2 Tw new ' guajtea -. are. n.. wnwref . enV oarful ititt,n. m ivr J cenatructlon juid the Uhion Store Co . i.ii., . n,k ui.u..., .A in puiiqinf-an swiHon. ,mt. uevwowjak Hlilf ;)' if ,' Fraxier ia puiMiog nvW -barw. 'j ., . . . J L 'I ASHEBORO. ROAD CONTRACT lET. '.T - V ufl . '.:.-) t' j i -. '--u' 'v, s. 'r. Jonnv 'varroi,; pon .01 i. Mr. rJ' Eiwoed" ,Cii, .State WwrM rn!i!fl 1 r j .Jthi. 't.n ..Mimii pital at GrtenvilK S. C, .Jan contrect te construct .enntMte bridfre .wM .V?ufnt near Dlolr'0 Jiry, imfl another for "hh;r' the- funoral hapi-irfwe toad front Archdale to ducted and Intermit foi, a Achsboro, will be let otr' February 21. "'" u1rvlrr,'1 1 m' Thio-will rut Afhehofo in conncc-'ll,a Crrt.l. ' Th jou- " tion rlth With IVInt by ft h.v-d :ur- ni'"" f ' ! !l ' " facd rond, n lh? di .!-m ,'1 --i d:i!I t Ihr.t ri!;,' i-s !i'''li.

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