t f f .'.-r"i.;..' 2 V" V -v , V - .'' - , ? , - - V . '. - i i ' ISSUED WEEKLY PKINCIPJLES, NOT MEN $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCB.,ti Asheboro, North CarliV?hiirsday, February 16, 192!i VOLUME XLVII M'aotry; 111 f ilMK 1 1 :"v."':. ; 'f '. I ' . . ' V- ! r .- ' .. DOMESTIC AND NOT FOREIGN ISSUES TO FIGURE IN CAMPAIGN (By David F. Saint Clair.) PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN NORTH CAROLINA is WEEK'S SGML W MS Baptist Missionary Society Meet The- womans missionary society of NEAR EAST RELIEF CAMPAIGN NOW ON the Baptist church met with; Mrs; ve.t sunset? H. King, at her home on Sunday, February 12th, the active campaign to raise funds for the Neai (Mary B. Pahaer.) Public library development in Nort:; I Carolina has been rapid during the I last 2 years, 11 public libraries nav- Washinpton. Feb. 14. The ending s I ing been opened in that period. Fit' ty- has cleared: six 0f the. 63 North Carolina towns of I In;?,.. tne political atmosphere, There, is I more than two thousand people,, havejMrs Gibson made a Scriptural taiW the a"d county, that a collection at .this time no organized- Democratic Tpublio libraries. Forty of these ureib ged on the 23rd Psalm. ' Mtedames';;1 be taken next Sunday, ebruary " suusuiuuun - i FMi .r Lambert, and BettS jra1-'""" """" Avenue Thursday afternoon from 4:? sutterers negan, a.m tne Coopera te R 'Wlr An eihieRtional Bre-""" "1 CYCJJ """""'l'" gram had been and was arranged by Mtf01 8,e.arnesH! T T 1 r Afty-sx libraries have annual incomes happenings. Mrs. Barker .lf t of less than one thousand dollars, and , artwi;,i Hpfinirinn of OiriatiaMv: eounty have also sent personal check; only five have Jiwre than, five thousand pos reaA a . tract on the "fh 0ur quota is not yet raised, and wi. mosition in the Senate io the severe ;iree and sixteen are subscript; treaties negotiated by the Conference, jbraries. However, thirty-eight of the 1 gfiort reading about present One of the strongest, reasons 101 lack of opposition- some Democratic Senators are saying is the prediction that these treaties must inevitably re suit in brinerinfir America into t!ie leacue of nations. Then point m tnafi the Japan has done two notable tkings at the Conference that she had fngagcw to do 'tirough the league and wouia have -done had America been a church. Several of the good people of the GOVERNOR'S APPEAL RAMSEUR NEWS TO ALL NORTH C AROLINIANS TO I'KODl t K FOOD FOR HUME ( ONSI MPTIUN annually, On December 30th, the Council if American Library Association passed a resolution stating its Kelief that one lollar per capita of the pop ulation of the community serve! is a reasonable minimum annual revenue Meaning of Love." closed the program "x . il i 1.- IWvd Tiiltf ,K uot e unttjss every one wane with a noaitt' the fact that these people, who member o fthe ieague, for the last two j for the library m a community desir-1 as nuts, "Secret of a Happy Day" Roll call was answered by names of newly appointed Carolina Missionaries. The hostess served apples, years. Japan bas surrendered tne JVnlo-JaPane-e alliance and returned Shantung to China. These Democrats say that very achievement of the Conference no tended to strengthen the league , stead of disaivite it was feared by its friends when the .conference nrsi, ing to maintain a good modem pub lic library .system with trained libra., rkuis. i Standards of service for this amount include a registration of caul holders equal to af least thirty ner cent of the .population, and a considerable collection of the more expeYisiv- The next meeting will be held Mrs. Calvin' Frazier 1 up 10 have Worshipped Christ longer than an ther nation, are starving to death b cause they rerused to renounce Jojki Turks their enemies. Srf It was only this past spring that the gijpTurks were driven from Armenia anil ine people oi tne country nave nan no V onuortunitv to raise food nor rroduce Young Woman's Auxiliary Meeija clothing. Hon, Josephus Daniels, Mr rGeorge H. Bellamy and a score of Governor Morrison desires tlint puli licity be given the following appiv We trust the Courier readers will ).: it their careful consideration: Nofth Carolina has been pushed t a high comparative position amo:-. the states of the union in the pji- uuction on our farms of money tor the market; but our whole agi cultural life is weakened by the that we have neglected the pro duction of sufficient food on the rarm of the state to make our agricultural life independent and give it strength to stanoV the periodic vicissitudes cm mis-fortune to the money crops, due to slump in prices, or other causes sure to occur. Much improvement has been made, in the last few years in this well understood weakness, of the state, bcz there is yet much to be done. It rs hard to "get out of a rut." A highly competent authority crrv clared recently: "There is not . single county in the state iu v iir a....:k-S f u Cff m tne i,aie in wnictl u a u u s ij V" : u t S " I 7t '."" " c c " there is raised enough food in value the Asheboro Baptist church hekF-its at the head of this work, and have'or quantit for the"human an reirular monthly meeting Ftodav made strong appeals in speeches aiu: moi i;-f t ...... met. Some tof the irreconcilables t books ot reference with a home usemgnt reoruary 11, 'Wiui Misses jyii- me press ot tne,&tate lor the people. Independently of the annroach of ertemies of the league are for identk-: of about five volumes per capita per j mie and Vera Thomas. The meetfff to come forward and help. 'the boll weevil this nhHi nf' nr cai reasons ntgnung ue conTereuce , 1 tT, ti , X i ,. ' t""". f". s . agnciuturai Iile should be strenirtn n ca Lie a in ic lueiiauj. naruing amr juugea oy me nnanciai .sianuaru oi . , rt , x ' . : . , T HmeheB tliev cnatend as trviw Ltw ..dnllnr y ntia not m muA ner gave a -reading on A Little Chiid that these starving children Mrs. F.llen Allrel, who foi 5everal years has resided at ltamseur, Xf-i, who has been ill for over two mortem, died at her home here Sunday, 3ir. Allred was loved by many fjWSHW . and relatives and was held in high fy esteem by all who knew her. M endured much suffering and exprtM ' ed desire to be taken out of it, jefry 1 ing she was ready to go. She lexwt a daughter, Mrs. Will McDaniel, one ", sister. Miss I. i7.zip. Rnrdas. Ifawi, s ' noney crops brother c)int James and gj t whole agrv ,, ... t tact . 1 ,,,u ...:n 1 irt.. ' ' lllclliy llieuur. nuu viu uuB lief. XJHF- funeral was conducted by Re-.'. XI, JL Smith at Rehobeth church Mpjodajr afternoon. Sheriff J. A. Brady a0 fanflly, a Asheboro, visited friends here jSm day. ' W. E. Luck left for Asheville ' -day afternoon. 1 If A son was born to Mr. and Mr?. . ,4 E. Covington last Saturday, .J The friends of Mr. a'hd Mr. JL Finnison deeply sympathize wBJs them in the serious condition of tkefcr ' little son, Fred- We hope he wijf soon be much improved in health. C. B. Smith is leaving this Witt '? for Northern markets where hf buy spring goods for Carter Mercav " ; tile Company. 1 ff The Ground hog is making oe'' UOY.- are JVmencan jnto the league by iindiree-1 library in North Carolina is prepartd I olmu iau "ni wnue mrs. a. i, re.icmug uui meir nanus w u.,, :ei us tion and false pretense. They do noJto sei-ve the entire population. The i,Glbson" ave m her touching manner ri'-e up as ore man. and ive Horn tu: now call 'it the leaaiif hnr Mcmnniii .Khvaria. f K cft ntt.mnV.,i i the story of The Girl Who Failed stores. A'.y contribut'on be it laruc eniang?; alliances. , i laderjaate libraiy service with an- The atJtitnJte ot asjrumber at Demo- jnual income of from twenty to thlrtv cratic .Senators is ' tiffiref pre to' sts- jents per capta, and the result has port the treaties and thus 'rltminai.. j been tnat not all people have had the league as a possible issue in xa, l-book's brought to them, fall elections. Discussion of the tree, k TOe' home use of bnfVs in .NjrUi ties however may after, a time chang Carolina libraries is umarkoble in the prent Democratic attitude rorivj of flie financial reaourceB what goes irtto tto Ser hoppw these institutions. The Burling, often comesut very different ttaw..;lon PuMjc Library was the only But these Democrats now see - giW brary in the state that reached the advantage m the -elimination of fte standard of five volumes per capita league as a political issue not with- ;jn 1921 , tlmugh several circulated Bianuuig ine recent. Bingnuicani speern 1 vojumes tier capita of Ex-povemor Cox. They jIt seems evitlent .that At the conclusion -of "the provram or small will be gratefully received by a delightful social hour was speit. Mr. I. C Moser, treasurer for the The next meeting will be ' telJ Mear East Relief in the County. JUarch 11 with Miss Bessie Fousti-l Literary Society Meets The Tar Heel Literary Society ix&t Wednesday morning in the 'sacicly hall of the Asheboro high schOef", the pijflgram was very interestuifr NORTH CAROLINA COAL The government says there are m:--hons of tons of coal in North Caro lina; but most people had been under the impression that our natural re sources were negligible. Loal is ened throughout the state; but Mr L J Steed of Oxford 41 . approach of the boil weevil threaten.- a fav or two wkh 'his brother E. f a serious b ght to a larsre area nf L ? u y , i Dioiner, jj j th state iVl i i g e,aiea ot Steed, here last week. areas fwnt?f Ulfrb; he gTen The auction sale at Moore' Ja of cotton ZgtV the, gl?m'- Saturday resulted in the sHI k have theleiLt- V?1 shoUld Wntity of overcoats, shoes, etf. crons thlItf-i1 Upon tnt' V. C. Marley and wife fl V i of the ; tatrri,.; ' ,.",seclI0n Sunday with friendsat WUH; Y .uwi iv iia. A v, i .. . " ana a lew aays at, oaiuraoi. c- r. B io me south Ot US, an,, t.W will solt snrir-, , ' -'. II tne nenn o in tk. . . . - r- ... ,jti.uii seciions dress poods of the state t x , luehs goons, ioic inure iooi supplies for themselves and their ani- uitrn ney nnve harvt. 'nro m- 4.1.- . 4 aaia'At. .4.1. ed, it will certainly result -in wide s, etc., for Ma -V'- " Mrs. j. e. Ytfowyua: week end no . 1 . . . . First The Old North State warsw . ZTr'f i, r,r .,i'ICT henng and destitution. This by the aociety. Second, jokes. Third, Society paper. " Fourth, Ouvient events. ' Fifth, storv, 1'. their son, Mr. C. E. Mr. Theodore Yor " : .1 a, i. l 1. 1 . 1 j ;i mi. 1 n ,i ii itiueiu, .uiav puutic iruia- inere Deing no xuuner , OUsinesn , ..loo 4 rr.nnnic i,..,vt i,.m trjes ,?Wnot ; ve complete service on ( to Come before the society, the meet- )1lade ftr operating the mine' on'au ...w Ui. w WW "f" capitiv, rmg aqjuuma io meet again .cme; extensive scale eTtCVm Carha day, February 1. f ; .--jcale. vi .v. .it.iii luir KiiMTifi nnp jnji lur .101' rM .. 1 77 . ......... i'- ... 1 consentrate the alttractiw of the. country on 'the domestic remxl of their opponents who would like aothinor 't ter than 'to hide 'that recewl Dehlnct battle aver these treaties, ThelTatiff threatened dantrer and M ;. ,,",u,c. "'irU kl , . 1" win. i'i c) saiT-riiMii mi I. .... , . n .. ,n 4H inv , , - " it m,... .1 v. ....... .1. . 3'.lrt LWfi . 41 f ,,l 4. v, - ,. ciiuicn were ylea . ;i onta ii in th f,Jl!rV! P?IV ad0pte; think he has n"lS.T ''0gM 'J whsVC ,7,4.1 I . Ule 8130 studying for x a ,,,i,T ri ' ' strengthen tr ,UT A i rW 4.1.. .. 4 ' . A.lVl I E1L lhl.U.l4U I Al vaynd'ftrem -then- Sunday night.. TVio irx ho, rt fMV , . iCrt! Ul IXllLVt 111C llllll Iiao C4 V, V. , O U. D. C. Meets X he egular inht .sa ir9r jipriU.erviiMi without a re- t WSlOlt w the'-MTefttie system. , . Wtui 'face to iaWbothths rifi'lf- soluble proHem and a darwerous poli-sHiia has a well ecuipued libvai-.- tiicvarfernoon' with Mrs tical ditemma. They do- .not , knbwjwill stfll be a rural .oonulation oi tv.10 ! George Ferree what to do with the tariff. under pre- i million withaut puidic library laciii-; business was disposed TWO INTERESTING SERVICES AT M P. CHURCH the cotton s9ction, fart in the entius state, We must so o'rdev THE C0lfKT'H0VB SUNJUI ent rapidly changing conditions nor ties. The people ot Durham, GuiL how and where to find the, money v,. ford, and Forsyth counties now haw pay a bonus to fmir million ex-serv-jUibrary privileges .through approprl: ice men. Tie Senate finance commit j tions from the county ' cominisaioneiv tee has been wrestling wilh a tariff.) or county boards of education to ll.p bill ever since last August ..and it hss'i libraries in .those .counties. Noi 'r. not yet evdved a bill that it feels' Carolina's gisaatest Jibrary needs is ji safe in re pertin g id) the .Striate ancif, strong rount,y library with depo -.i the country. There is a radical divl-, stations and rural hook dcivrry if sion in the ranks of the manufacturers, every county, Secretary N. C Suite over certain teatnres or the Houses Library tyommission. bill passed and sent to tne Senaev six months .awo. 'Oie of the features'1 Edison Expects to Work 15 Ytnr.i is the American valuation plan ani the gneat Middle West is opposed to' the increase in certain schedules' de manieJ by the East. There never was , so much confusion of fact and opinion among the great beneficiaries of prc- our asl'ieult.uiP. An C ! , k ."t-.i lf' 11111: fn M,.. . - . . . - .. -" . . VM4UUI, 4.9 . V W 3,,.iov. treKri, .i9ti. tke i.Hp,5 XL' . . ' outlay at 11 b'clbck. the Adieh. rvftw" V hostesses. After theie ounding oi tne society the staflp for the MWmSTOd.ii j; a. most interesting service. 10 lerm : tarmra n,i .4. ... . ---t""- w uio st7 -.s tea and home served. made cajidies M Mrs. E. C Morris Hostess On February 11, Thomas A. Edi son, the noted inventor and elcctricaj wizard, celebrated his 7.r)th birthday. At this age mnst men have retiredu. from from active life, but not so with' were especial interest to the occasioi iSung, of Shanghai, Cliina, was ent and spoke to the larpe number o! peopJe present. Miss Sung was edu cated in a Christain Mission school Mrs. E. G. Morris delightful!;, en- and was converted there. Last fall tertainad the members of live liar-lshe came to Greensboro and mtcrM dolph Book Club and se velar invited the Greensboro College. She was at guests jtt her new home on Salisbury Icompanied to Asheboro bv Miss Jennie street. In the .absence of Mrs. Wm.jT. Clark, of the G. C. W faculty. The ";ine periodic stumps which nrpt- ,-...;..,. i tuuses. am f ho .,i4. men and large land owners earn-, withstand the boll weevil bliirht ! it comes, ad feed their tenants '" farm laborers through it. Buvin- o, lood elsewhere and raiino- ' ,., ' - ri I 1 1 M ( v crops requires too much capital is to hazardous for our neon, Wt.i t what Vin.1 nf .u. teritiJdlSOn, WHO Slates lliui. ne em w i he in the harness lor ai eisi. 10 vtLoj .-- they wait and the leaders of tthe He- publican party never felt so uncer ll' vain va oufiKir gmiuiiu iw miiiii acgimu. tion. Secretary Of Cemmerce Hoov er sees a paralysis in our foreign trade If the tariff rates are increased to the figures written "by the House. The Bonus The bonus issue has now rescnee the stage where the Republicans win be damned if the do and they win be damned if they don't. The leader of the four jniilion ex-BerrJce men are -demanding action and they are going to get it or the scalps ot a large mixu . ber of gentlemen in the. House in tnu fall elections. These ex-service mrn -wont nearly $400,000,000 per annum but where and how are they to get it I Senator Simrooju, a Democrat, has told the Senate and the country mai this money could be htd by collecting the interest m lllOOXKX),000 wajl debt owing the United 8Utea by for v.." elgn countries. But the lnternayonai ; ' bankers to vhpoi. these same foreign " con Btrle-also owe billion, do not ' ' , want thr United State to, collect "'ther InWrest or principal of tho tl ' ' 000,000,000 debt, They.wit the debt cancelled that they may not only lect their own debU but to make bl- : Iion mer in their dealings wiUi Ktl fcpe. - Theso big financial f Interest , control thW Republican party so thU ' Irtterest monty Is 'not svaOabl for ' . 1 the bonus .' notwithstanding (Engtano ha slresdy mad known th fact that " she U, ready to ootmnene paying the debt the owes us,',; ', ; ..'.-, Mr!!o Tryytnjr.to Make Itonu ' popular by IUting Direct Tax ' le Utin the Fund . -.. ,'.- JVcrrthry MtlLm th representative in t!. fovm-nment of thefe. financial i ro'di, ha told Con grew that th .on! U rein this money for 1"! 1.1 it io dan sn additional tax oi I-" ?r taxed Amertctn po 5 'i . 9 v, r, . jipo jr, jpiign su' v -4 t'tfive-l .y th fnnrstl i ix ; '. . I' t It I r."f rnl. et. In a conversation with friends he remarked that Roo.welt was tec greatest man he ever knew, 1 and Sarah Barnhardt, the actress, the freatest iwaraan. He regards Henry lord as the greatest manufacturer. . The greatest electrical develope roent duriDg the past year, in his opinion, is tie radiophone. Telegrams of felicitation were re ceived from Presiaent Harding,' Sir Thomas Liptnn, Charles M. Schwab, and numerou other? of urominence. Honors House Guests Mrs. A. Lee Gibson gave a delight- Lfully informal party Wednesday evening honoring Miss Ruth Hadley and her house guests Misses Betsy And Beuloh Harris and Marsraret he and the, Republican leaders wa:i to hear, hecawie they do net warn u give the ex-service men ' a annus and .they not 'intend to do so if they can &nd a way around it They not only know that th public will resent a further burden E laced upon them m this time when they are itv the throos of , adiersltv. . but the Mollons lenftw. tkat everr abla hodied self-re- peeling ex-servke man will feel Dis inclined to accept a nonns unaer sucn drxnamrtancea, ' That knowledge aoe; m tMHhU i man like Mellon imt it doe greatly trouble Uiinling and th militant Jaader of ; the party , lr Con. gross for they -know they, mast pro duce a bonus from somwher or they cannot ancap tho wrath ,7 of th i errice nnn-i vrjiy . . , .m.m thatr in net thlnldn' of the bonus or -th tarUT they are racking their brains orviioW to ociena inem eelves ., against th dishonor, of Nwv berryism, Ther U careely day now that th Newberry .scandal .does not hi som hap flare op', in t th Senate becaou th whxl country ii reacting to it In a manner that kp the Newberry Pin stow on th run." , v Henry Ford's proposal , to lee. Mucle Shoals ahlch has.ben aei.t by th Secretary f War to tb 8n kte hu already caused som of ' ths Newberry Senators to red It has boen pmlicted thot every ' Smator who voted to fat .Newberry will rote n rJct th5 Fori propnI. Mucl rii.n!! will l anofhor r r r.l N'ewbrr. rv fr.rff-t 'iinp (, f-rvi"-' sre 1 1 - !' ;t ,.-,; I- v,i Hammer, Mrs. J. U. Koss presided at the meeting also reading tiie chapter from Edward Bok. Current events jjroved an interesting ,oart H the program. The hostess served a desert course of fruit cocktail, ivm kinds of home made cake, .coffee and siutt'ed tlates. talk made by Miss sung was mn.-t in teresting as well as giving the infor mation as to the good of niiv.ion work in China first hand, which is an op portunity few people have. She no. only told of her work in the Mission school, but told of the different kinds of religion that are prevalent in her home country. At the close of hci talk she was requested to s:u "America" in Chinese. On Saturday afternoon the Distric1 Missionary meeting was held thereby giving all the Missionary societies of the county an opportunity to hear Miss startih&use nnd most of the ocet-r from the town have kindly consented lo'-. call off their services at that .hour and join with the Iv, of P. i ttiv MjS union service. ; There will be special music for the occasion and the Rev. Parker " ' Holmes, of Forest City, will preach on the principles .of the flrflet. Mr. Holmes is a former pastor 0$. the Asheboro M. E. chuwJa ami i well known in Asheboro. ' The public is cordially invited to ' be present at the court house SnnHe.-. 11 o'clock, neon o h..r,. 1 un an extensive ca'r ! . 'lave ma'le every effort' to r, I cite the mterest and active effort, o, , he State College of Agricultu" 4.K,neenng, the ar cultural de partment, the department of e, u ' . he 'state . 'if P'ment of The Johnson Company, of Char. people owanfrTT6'.'4 thV LUe' ne f chain of cotUn out deiav XrLtl parp. with" '.this, name has closel temporarily. jj, j .7 ",c i""iuctioii iius mrows tne izo employees - ..1 Lilt; M. J Ti' h.,i..n tT of food at 1 consumotion, ciici areirs. nut work with no tor re-opening. definite date out give th re.n . , n 41 . t,l " uuie Stair ' . goveS Partme?-t f Ur st:Ue Kw. board of agricul fnennl? ?;f'1 ",iy organized tjire, the department of health, 4 Boyland. Card games furnished en- Sung who spoke also at this service. ; this all-important m'.fi Z ,P , . . 'ieViment of educatioh.I appeal Jtertainmeat for live evenimr. W hile As well as an invitation being issue.! are now movit L?k ' am . th"' to the Peof,,e of the tate to fifty refreshments were served Mn Oih- to all the M. r. Societies in the county, ' their ,nl,i;,i J . mnrugh -ummunny m-etmgE, and . A I.IIIU.. OL. ..,.. Ai..4loll the Miaainnnrv nrietioc nf Ihf 4-1 ," (.""JMUWl 01 ouAj icu 11 ucn 3iie was Auuut,"" - ' ' ' v . men lo nelD. 1 Sixteen," by Riley, Valentine Party ' Valentine score cards, stfvall red of lie winter was a Valertine party Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Ollie, Preanell hostess. Tables were ar. ranged for cards in thiee rooms. Bridge and rook furnished the enter tainment for the aftemojn. Places at the table were found ly means of dolph Book Club and sereral invited baskets 'filled-with sake! nuts were at each place. . Prizes were givtn for bots. games. They lfent to Mes dames L 5. Moser, Will McGninn and H, . W, Walker,. The f refreshment Plate farther carried :pjt the Valen tin touch and contained chicken sai ad Jwsf ers, Uvea, heart shaped .sand wiches, coifm, hot roll and stuffed date. Bod hearts weM in profu sion throughout "the Entertainment rooms. . Cut flsweri sid ferns made the rooms mor attradlv. Orr 80 guesu wen present Presnell's , hospitality, was assisted in eni Charle. PreenelL Tm Junior MImIoi The Junior . Miaslc th M, E. church i noon with Mrs. a lowing ar the Voffli Evslyn . Moore. Frm, secreUryr I treasurer ' t'X .'MUsioa ' Mabel -Ingram, Betts, secretary M , an, a. v u Societies of other churches of the town were in vited to attend in large numbers. After the lecture, a social hour was held ami tea was served by the hostess society. Special music added to the cnjoyme.i' of both these services which wn held on the first floor of the ne , church building. co.operation We must DISARMAMENT TAKING EFFECT Secretary Denby Orders Ordnancr Plant Closed. Lays Off Navy Vara Employees Suspends Battleship Construction. The natal ordnance plant at South Charleston was ordered by Secrets t- Denby of the Navy Department, laut Thursday, to close at once and to lay off, without pay until June 30, all em ployees except those necessary ror maintenance and protection of the plant ' Approximately ifiw ot the 7,ouu mployei of the Washington sv yard were Handed temporary rur lourhs without pay when they pi. imttd themselves- for work last Thursday, Most of the men furlough- d were machinists. - Secretary Denby also sent Instruc tions to suspend all battleship eon. Moadav ftr. irt miction work, in . ComDlranc with Cranford7Fo,.lVeRtdent Harding'i 1 direction as for the vtin result of the firmament - eonf rne prmldent ' ,Vrs agreement. ' Ths order ffct work ai May ; I'snish, the Broouyn navy yara on two taw ships, Boutn Uaiota ana Indiana, which wart ibout 7ft ; per eent ,om pletod. '- . nJby "-Mr Th hostess Jning by Mrs, Bociety Met Society of tendentr' das resident:! Mary k J..T. Lwatln, pranrord, fuperin- of l- . . f r, m Years tV f CallowSy, District Director . John M. Galloway, reported to be in largest tobacco grower In the world, has hn elec.to.J dlrwriof from tiiin diufrict of th Trl-Ktat Ttdmrro tm. -'rntlv Mr1.'ti'lt A-I:i' Tl-i movinir with -. ...... Lnil;i inrmnrh lu u I m- Hire wnH n-iuu. . f,, u ftiic suieration to this important matter; and to quickly organize for the pot, pose of promoting a state-wide p.'oI gram for more and better home gni ilens, a heavy increase of the poultry ' ami eggs and milk and butter ply, and the raising of more meat in the state. We urge the people of the to a careful .study of how to this increase in food in the ecnomirjill v. nrwl tVn.t ihnv " .- wil iJRl4 to it, not only during the threat Oi mo ooll weevil disaster, bat until North Carolina becomes a great feou raising state, independent nf tna ym tnreat or periodic disaster through ' u,. failure to make nrnfit nn th mnn. -, vie "iiporxance oi ruB. 'use 1,0., UM) description on nr- cxiier. 'A nitfn i .1.. of the whole state for u.,T " .ictrvr- m the movement, inrrerie .... i Ply of meat. We cannot ra,.(. profitably in a ,Ilr,r .ra'"( '"''' state. ht . . f.,url "I tu- ' " tan poultry of even -MiiL ui ( ur Inner c,,, ily and cheaply ZTlC" ' anywhere in the union We must 'iT keeb and iru niai m. ... ' .ki ""Jin. cows nron ablv Itinra .1. i .. lio j ' , -'"piy man it can done elsewhere in the union. If wuuiu OUl this SDffc- stat mac . ... CtftC i ftiiheiv ti wu ..uiter, we could make hog .heat. 1 do riot think it will be wise w 'f I"';' r .and other fowl me, our people generally to undertakft mz'.:R i 4A H U. 1 .4... 4 . it. . . ." J thF't ? . ,milk 80 P'ontiful u ft to raise foodstuffs for the K-rucuiany on the farm. wt; they will not be succemfaj 0 compared to the enormous outlay, with come discouraged and stop. In mmm ' which wrtVcompanj,,n n- of Umc' throu "tudy nd eirsta','. which we now annually pay. we ar quit sure thee foods tw th!fJewenUir th rm,e1 kT ou' Pople for th Market ' throat, because of theperiodjc slump profiubly; but present fffert ha . fn P"0 cotton and tobacco, now best b confined to wpplvjtog u , t. ."i,uch ,nmToa, upon labor raising th money epl, t- f".1 "Ppli. th stat ought v -We ought also to raise ererypotmd mendously Increas hog and ftoul- of food necessary for our aimaa YJT8, .Vl flng, and tn The animal bill of North Carolina ror " upplyjjf milk, butter and eggs to tna food purchaso, elsewhere j for our tato, hot for th purpose of matinN animal 1 enormoua We tmiet mis Uietn our mousy crops, but in order to it alL It I pure peculation to r - natj abundant, rholesom and cheap food for man and animal tipo . food, whatever xMssitvd may over- to raise cotton and tobacco in f.o, . Uk the mftney crops j hut the sp- Carolina, i Let us organi and im . ptoach of th boll weotQ makes bow to rals all the food nerd t , absolnto folly not to do o.i f ; . , . feed th animal Ufo of our ttat-, , And furthr. our lllltent and tm- irell as the people. . For yeam . informed people Ought to b macw hsr known this would make the ' uor generally awar of the suprem rich and Independent, and yet w ! importance X Health of the bal- fallM to da it. snr. ration, and of V enlightened . W nu-''t nrt tr- tl t . world's knowledn ' hf th nueeanny r mnvinir w;h r-- t 1 " ' of rintrimit nt varied f.,r-.(t. ' cnri r...: - " . -. -