1 1 i ISSUED WEEKLY ; PRINCIPLES, JiQT MEN $2.00 TEAR IN ADVANCT VOLUME ILVIir to,.7- ?mB0NlS PROPOSAL TO PUT SALES TAX OH ' : AimAH PEOPLE (By DavidF. BabA Chin) . jtfmshington, Feb. 2L Th motive of the Itepublieaaui i 'the proposed ' bonus tegislation-haa bn trrpp.Uo the skin. It stands storked naked wtoi , . L..laKtn'm hWKOTV limb. ' w SfSrSe startled ewe o the djescribeit .as a scene of i country,. , 'h- -7 , v--What Is it we all - now seet . The rreat body- v the America peon'. - deer down fal their neartoj;iroiit to five their soldiers in the World War some . sort of adequate . compensation for their ' service. ..The ' Republican bosses in Washington , are ao weU aware of , Jhia feeling that .they ure . compelled to make - a : pobtted, ' gponse to it to save their skins in the fall elections. But -theybelieve this feeling is bo genuine and profound ' rtat. thw " ean afford to employ it as "' a bridgoito put across a scheme of taxation tnat is aearer w uiem uu a protectrre tariff has ever been. Aahebore. North CaiHaa. Tharsday, February 23. 1922' KWZEXTt l ACCIDENT AT I NORFOLK, VIRGINIA x- The Soma, the, largest seml-dingi-' ble in the world, crashed into a bar racks building at Norfolk February 21 and exploded killing 38 men. Wit nesses at the scene said that in less than an hour the ship was 'burning like a furnace and the bodies of fully a half dozen men .were pinned under neath.. . Few of the bodies that were rescued were recognizable. Those who could only utter horror. The ; accident was supposed to have been caused by -a broken rudder which' caused the, plunge to death. . What a Sales Tax Is This scheme is a sales tax. vo you know what kind of a tax that n tf so f all the taxes ever invented by human iniquity ,the poor man s wx supreme, me poorer a mn side of a public poor house the more of this tax he has to pay in propor tion to what he consumes. In other words the more inferior an, article of goods is the greater the tax is on 5t in proportion. A dollar in a pair of poor shoes, is worth far less than a dollar in a lair Osgood .shoes. A coIa ta-r aa a er-jumotionl tax pure and simple and John D. Rockefeller or Andrew W. Mellon would pay for less of this tax in proportion to what he consumed, than would an average tenant farmer in North, Carolina,. The leaders of the Republican, par tly have in-eatlv desired to replace thft high , income surtax and the excess profit tax with "this consumption sale tn tiA thev would have succeeded but for the firm opposition of r'-e farm Woe in Congress. The excess profit tax was eliminated and high surtax was 'reduced 15"per can, but the sales tax could muster only 25 votes, in the Senate against - the combined opposition of the Depaoerat ic and Republican farm Senator of the West , . .. MISS HATTIE DORSETT DEAD Miss'Hattie Dorset, aged 39, died at the home of her brother, Nando, in 5 South .Asheboro, last Thursday niriit. Miss Dorsett had been at work in the-Hosiery mill on Wednesday ana uiion her return Home Wednesday nisrht she was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia and died the following evening. Her illness was of only 24 hours duration. She is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Lindsay, Martin and Miss Eulah Dor sett, of Ulah; Robah Dorsett, of High Point; Nando, John and Don Dorse iv and Mrs. " Walter Langjey, of Ashe boro; also Mr. Amenius Dorsett, of High Pine Church. The funeral ser vice was conducted at" Flag Springs church after which burial followed. - (By Maxwell Gorman.) WEEKLY RALEIGH LETTER j KEiUEt EAST CONTRIBUTIONS r 'The .following list is taken from tne book kept by -Mr. LrC. Moser, treas-, wiih. v. P.. Fhruarv ziJJLf ttr urer ef the Randolph county Near a solid week of "headings" " by tft una State sentatives publishing wwu buudicu we uh , rewuiuiw nv Board of Education from re pre-' A" V' wivi ttives of twenty-fdd cbdbok; J" . 'i"'?r shing firms the country over,he J?S(lik and'l '"j WEEK'S SOCIAL EH FRAKKLHVILLE NEWS - Mr.' ana Mrs. G. H. Jones made a trip to Greensboro Saturday. Lucile Booth, Polly Newson , andJf home on South Fayettenlle - 't! I Monday Evenhig Club. Mrs. W. B. Ferguson was to the Monday evening Bridge etu aw u usi oi scnoot nqpM mmx wii. . . r ni..iri lira fa TTnn - -used in the public -Xaiiif J.IJ 5W6 tt9 navf Am vasn Tkiei flat j4am.- '7r : f . - V WMV US M vw M reKAM.- m. amw wv-' w w w . , mm- W . iv.il ' - r apply to the , high S; inni. EMX supplied with books through , vmIa ' Aim . A. - 1 4.1 -U..A. appiy w tu u uw puiuic fawvu mj v. p Curti" T- ...... L60 "1 i i . . J50 26.00 81.21 and including the seventh giade to WaUtw 7 ' u counties, aucs nu nwj,.. v o,.fcj '. . tion of new text-books, JSuperintwdJ A week lonirer has been eranted t ent E. C. Brooks -declares in a state-; Randolph county to raise money for! ment accompanying the announce this cause, nd it is hoped that the meht of the decision ; of the board. JfuH quota will be raised this week. A The adoptions become effective a the Dollar Club" is being formed of pew child passes from one grade to anoth-iie who arr willing' t give a dollar, er, and would naturally rjeouire .the iTUs list win be published in the next purchase of new books. Arrange-? igue of "thefper. f inery one an ments for exchange have been made, snare a dollar, and that amount will in cses where the adoption is immej soon swell untile the work will be diately ;, effective. --- - r f jlgwatly furthered if all who can wilt There are 411,000 pupils enrolled in' respond. , (Several names nave already the first three (Trades, of 62 1-2 per been given; for this. Won't you add cent of the entire enrollment in.th yours toJtheUstT - . , elementary grades. These will not beL;; "' iiwmn (iia.erimiy uus year oy me ' . Wr.JT,. Vr. . E aa jnaage rfonao nivn suuua; nciuuj v 160.00, F9int- 5 W,'C. Jones made a business trip m r-Vto Greensboro' Monday. Colon Cox and family and Mrs. G. C Cox and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Greensboro- are spending a few days in town. ' . MA T. A.- Slack jnade a bustneaa i-l - T IK-.-t- I.. Mrs. Henry; Curtis is on the sick NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS TO BE BURIED IN ARLINGTON Among the 42 dead bodies of enlist ed men recently brought back . from France, were two North Carolinians who will be .buried with military hon ors lis the. National Cemetery, Arling ton, near the capitol, February 9. They are: Eugene Hesden, private, Company A 347th battalion quarter master corps. Nearest relative, Eric Hesden, rPittsboro, N. C, William G. Waldrup, private, Com pany A, separate replacement. Next of kin. Miss Thelma Waldrup, Mar ble, N. C ARTISTS TRIO AT COURT HOUSE MARCH THE FIRST change text-books. .But all new books adopted must become in general use throughout the state with the begin ning of the school year 1923, FAYETTEVILLE, DEAD Mai. E. J. Hale, who died last Fli dav at his home in Favetteville. Bore Under this arransrement each of tie a name distiniruished in the annals of fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades fiorth Carolina journalism. The ray will be compelled to change by the be- etteville Observer, which his father ginning of the school year : 1922-23 edited for a long period of years, wa. the subjects of geography, physfology, the political bible of many Norta and civics, and by the beginning ; 01 Carolinians. ' the school year 1923-24, the subject: After completing: his education of readers,v language, histories . (x, the Statt University, he entered the cent sixth trrade), arithmetics I and Confederate army and served with spellers. But since perhaps one-half credit anddktirHn. ; After the war, of them will be compelled to buy il.ese he bejan'ditor f tlw 'Observer and books this year because of projno- wrote ' editorials ; of ftiiiah and pow. tion to classes and the loss or destfruc- giving. hia paper "Wide iwpuiarny' an tion of old books and next year tweo-prominence. - V . :r , v" ty-five per cent of the remainderwiUj. During' the 'flrei "adrttinistraaibn o be compelled tt buy new boolcr fof thfr Prririmt'rf same reason, the effect of-the chnger consul-general to 'Manchester, 'TSn so far as the cost of textrbboki) . is iand and Minister to Costa Rica in concerneu, is small, moreover Uf me the WilsOft ; admifiistriitioii. graaes irom lour to seven, mcrasiv, Hfl . a ..t ,t , rrtrn. Miss Pollie Huxhes, who has been at home with , her mother, who was quite ill, returned to ker work at Greensboro Saturday. Mr," W. R. Hughes spent . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, a EL 'Black. Born to Mr. and Mrs. JR. E. Moffitt last week daughter. Miss Vanie Cross, Miss Pauline Cox and Mrs. D. F. Hayes are quite ill this week. Mrs. J. C. Lewis, of Greensboro, visiting her parents for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. G. H Black. vMr. and Mrs. Duncan Dove and James Buie spent Sunday with tn family of John Trogdon. . Mr. J. W. Tippett died Sunday ev- ning. Ah obituary will appear next week Rev. W. M. Smith preached two able sermons in his pulpit at the M. E. church Sunday. The "President' Killed, the Bonus I jst Jul and la Trying te, Kill Newt. ---(riirirafl - ,i f- Fiiflim Tf Stfl j J 1' .. t mmniAr 1.1m x inuuwi that there was then no chaiute get a sales tax measure passed. He then More the Senate and, urged that the bonus for the ex.service mer. k- w.atTifmpd. He honed by this post ponement to convince the ex-service i:" fv. nuhTte that the only ay by -which the government could pt a bonus was oy-passage . tax measure. The Republicans hone and believe that so much revenue would be collected by tbia measure that all "obnoxious" forma of ta Son on the rich could be eliminated and the cancellation of e foreign war debt owed .to theUnited States i&A be accomplished.' The RpnWl eans have pewistentty circulated yro MMiuifl nroHnir the cancellation of i Uiese debta and Senator Simmons in timates that the motive "r " .- i.u 1 IV. Waala In nlCTl t Brill. Trese dcbU must be paid in goods tf ever paid ana mey ,BV' scheme for such a tariff. MellcVs Artf ul I Schem. to Cancel tTe Foretra Blf oanae ----' - ate Need for High Tarit Not bein-r able to get' these deW .. .Lrv Mellon then.rre- PTdrheme of direct -r iHon for the bonus. He .knew . WOUld t, fnrwftrd with either a aenc now M . Sale, tax or th.llH bub and the u o uro ' - : Benatoni "ike Edge tf New Jersey. ' , , v and Smoot of Utah, declare that it i will be weU worth the bonus to get . a sajet tax written Into law. ' -s v ut whether the txervice men'c m , - i . ... nn th Reoubllcan ootes will not get a eaiee a -""'"tt the leaders of thr farm Woe in Con gresa. The farmers and labor peo Z. . nnwnrhtin- this tax as l).e 'Vt ;'0 of -plMTUta. 'v'.V- ''::- HUH- Where W AadiW JacksoiiBornt t' Down in-Waxhaw fcecUon of Jnlon Bounty, North Carolina, it is n uf La aaMit that Andrew Jackson was not born in North Cao (. i.,t ar the South Carolina The fourth Lyceum ' attraction will be presented at the court house in Asheboro Wednesday evening, March 1, at 8:00 o'clock. This company is made up of three young ladies who come, most highly recommended. These , entertainments have been brought to yAsheboro under the au spices., of the Women's .club of the t&wn Bad' eWfrcopte hayejppgrated in a mst pleasing manner with the club." The entertainments are all of a high class order and each one well worth the money. Single tickets may be obtained if you do not have a sen sob ticket. Don't miss this entertain ment LrTf! fcr laTandnS ffihf'EEw? r!?;-'t extend theoWerce of the coun- i -vc.-.iauen. uurvn line In Lancaster ewopty, n u per haps even more unsafe to state pob licfy that Old Hickory was not a na tive of the Palnwtto EUte. This his torical intemtat dinptiU has now got tn r.nncrr ' W. F. Strvenson, a na tive of ImUH county. N. C, bvt row ' rmrmutlre of the Fifth South Carolina diotdlct' In the Houne, ha made a pch on th floor eombatlnit the tUUmnnt of HUtorlan Jatne parton thut JrVon fiwt saw the ll(rht at the McKmey farm on the North Carolina il. Mr. Mvrnon rontofirU that Jackm wS born at th Crawford form on the South Car olira utile nd he nwv from a ni'm rr tf JaeVson'i ltters In whlrh '; 'r.l t!,t he a native of South this week. The usual game at knag was enjoyed after -which fruit nut and olive sandwiches and hot fee were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Boas EnUrlaeav Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Reas antntsieaw thoMnembers of Mil ' Ross' Saaday school class at their home Tuesday evenings The rooms' were deearateA with George Wasaington jthotograaaw and national colors, flags, etc Pat otic contests furnished entertsteaBs for the guests, and prises wen gfve to the winners, later in the sandwiches and hot chocolate served. y.) . '--...'( .i.t Mrs. Cranferd Hostesa. 1 t Mrs. Edward Cranford deljg&BinaTr i entertained the members of the Friday Afternoon ' club and several iceSkM a guests at her home on Sunset mat A Tuesday afternoon, The topic 'Af f x j " 3 study for the afternoon was - t Harte. Mrs. Kemp Alexander gar ' 1 history of his life and a iketsk C his principal works, after sdiich SCea, t - I. C Moser read two of his hort xte- k J ries. After the meeting ended, lb , t hostess, assisted by her mother, Krs,f- A. J. Maxwell, of Raleigh, -who ls,e 1 - house guest, and seevral HiBMBfc served fruit salad in apple cnp,saas-;v wiches, wafers, olives and hot thews-' j late, followed by red confections.. To , 4 refreshment plate was indica&ve et ; , i Ted," twd- ihjuTeisaiahe; .driver .kUied !when the automobile in which they Carolina. Mr. Stevenson's speech is a rl.al. lenire to Representative William Oice ro Hammer of, -the. Seventh North Carolina district... in whose district Jackson's alleged North Carolina birth place is iocateck and market: hy statue. Mr. Hammer is apprehen sive that Mr. Stevenson's speech n-. cause the hot headed South Caro. linlans to make a raid over the true, kidnap the statue of Jackson on the McKemey farm and set it up oh the Crawford farm. Mr. Hammer Is p paring . to throw oil on the troubled waters. He tried to shunt Mr. Stev enson off onto-the Mecklenburg 20th of May declaration that he may tret stung by. the Charlotte hornets am thus forget where Jackson was Mm But Mr. Hammer, has also another project in view in shunting Mr. S'.ev en son onto the Mecklenburg Deciix-a- tion. He -wants; the rabid 20th of May people to let up on Capt Sam Ashe sto that he can get his history 'f North Carolina published aod adopted by the public schools of tie state. Where Fat Salaries Abound. There are two places in the United' States government where hard times are unknown.' They are In themhjp- C- r board and the federal Reserve rd and Banking System ' A man is the elect of the gods to get a Job In' the fihipping. Board or in one. of the Regional banks of the ' Federal Reserve. The Republicans declare they are going to put the Shipping Board out of business Just as soon as the government ships can be sold. There, are over 600 employees In the Shipping Board whose salaries range all the way from x35,ooo to - f3,uw yearly. Some-', of the.' commoner clerks who are paid only' $1,200 In other departments get 15,000. Some lawyers fwho have . for years . been without clients are paid $10,000 a year In the Shipping board. - The Fed eral Re&erve is -an eldorado for its em ployee. One of the chief tasks of the Federal Reserve 4s the absorption of IU great profits In huge salaries and palatial buildings rather than turn thene profit into the United , 8tates treasury. When the ex-service men read about the salaries these boards nay and the scarcity of money 1 Mr. klellon reports on hand at the frees, nry, they get bot under the . collar. Hut It munt now be born In raind that the great Federal Renerve 8ytm, the pride , of the people I doing, for the Rpublicn party what old Wail Street ul to do. , ! , , - five, and one book for grades, si seven. Therefore, those in the and sixth grades that buy text Aooks!ACClr)ENT AT RAILWAY m u, ,,. CROSSING IN DURHAM suuj ncii yeai. rauieuvrr, inosei in the sixth and seventh srrades tha - tiji c ...u. iTLZ IZj u J TL ' ir "be boys had attended a dance at Ra- anyway next year. ..-v- New Pronertv Valuations. , . 'were riding was struck by a Southern The total assessed value Of prop- Tailw,, sw;trh ono-inc in th Mstern erty in North Carolina is, according part of Durham last Thursday night, to the 1921 valuations, estimated to rje attended a dance at Dur- oe iwo oiuum una oio raiuion uoi- i. h anA WPM rohirn no tn the IJnr- lars, which is much less than that of versjty when the accident occurred. WW, the "valuation year. Uver a jt is said that all the boys were asleep half billion in values was written otr vhen the crash came. The three the tax books during the year 192U killed were George Hadles, ML Air and in that year a total of $26,326,- Georire T. Peoples, of Virsrmia: and 839 was levied in taxes for county ,y, jj. Bryant, of Chapel Hill. Charles purposes, an esumaiea increase oi Iceman, of Monroe, also died latev five million dollars over the preeeed- p. Boone, Goldsboro; J. C Spach, of ing year, ine ngures ior taxes lev. Winston-Salem, were injured but will led do. not include municipal taxes.' recover. Mr. Hadley's mother was Through reductions made by the Mum Swanna Brower, of Liberty, commissioners of more than half the , counties in the state, approved by 'corded in Raleirh is beina- revealed the State Revenue Commission, ag- the investigation and facts brought gregate property values have shmnk out by court receivers io the cae of from 13,158,480,072, reported to tn the Central Bank and Trust Company, general assembly in 1920 by the State I which started up here a few years ago Tax Commission, to 12,575,230,000.- (with R. G. Allen, formerly of Louis- Ruling as to Education Outsiders In "w hoUM Kere M the main worka. City Schools. Depositors are getting less hopeful City schools and Other spedally each day of getting; much back. The chartered school districts will not be "aiieu iasi yeoemner. i allowed to make a profit rm the tui- cnarges are mai,an tens o. tion charges for children living pat- J'" waapiacea onine oooks o. side the city limit, aocording ""r"""?,,0"' l,u" T' F 17 rules made by the Department of Ed- G- AHen as representing an ucation. The tonouncement is the " "lupf1,a tlg result of a conference of a commit- wh,,:Jh JJ bank had no title that he tee of ten, composed of city .and could discover, , and that notes of R county superintendents, who were G- Alias . and tie Superba Theater asked to work out some arrangement f Kfirregtinig 40,000 were placed tn which would provide tre children the. bank Vtween the time he ex. living in the suburbs with six months nd it a state bank examiner free school every year. laniLth.? timv " tok uehV"S ?r.e linetitution, were made by J. H. Hlgh- u- -j a Vi . a,J-1 a . ' tower, president of tre defunct bank, board of education is directed to pay i the tuition for six months and the The charges form a part of an parents ef the children will have to answer submitted by Hightower and pay the remaining four months..- This H. H. Massey to the complaint of course applies - to children lWlnr the receivers of the bank, on which la- the edge of specially chartered Judge W. A. Devia appointed J. G. district, who want, to attend the bet-BalC one of the bank receivers, tu tor Schools In the apodal tax districts.- I re r of the Superb Theater. H ear Each superintendent in these ,. die- ing to show cause why the receiver tricts la directed to work out the per J ship should not be msde permanent capita cost of Instruction in i hie has been fixed for February 22, anu school, and' to bill the county board , in treir answer the defendant ask of education for six months on tne that the action be dismissed, that tne basis of actual , eost of providing, property be turned over to the bank schools for each child. The parenj receivers, and that, notes aggregatlitg or vie ' child win also pay on tie 190,000 executed by the defendants oe same cost basis.', This plan. It Is un- returned to them, derstood, is satisfactory to both the ' '. - 1 v elty and county superintendent. The ' Superior Court Judre Devln has mi m mn i.bm . wirntti a order in Wake county su ing to provide room In their already' eourt, directing all , credltore ofJ crowuea schools rot children, whose uwone perenu Uved outside andA did . not.Company to file elalms on er before have to pay speeial taxes. ,. Likewtse,' April 10, 1922, of else forfeit ther thev annreriaud tha fmrt that -r riffhts. The -requirement doet n LITTLE BILLY HENDRIX SUSTAINS SERIOUS BURNS Little Billy, the two and a half-yeu old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hehdrt on Sunset avenue sustained serious burns on last Friday. Mrs. Hendrn. had only been out of the room ro few minutes when the child screamed, When she returned his clothing was burninc. -She and her daughter, Mrs. Smith, immediately extinguished tu flames, both sustaining severe sums on their hands.- The uttie fellow is severely burned on his face, arms and body and it is thought that he inhaieq some of the flames, ais condition is considered somewhat improved as we go to press. NEW MILLINERY STAKE FOR ASHEBORO Washington's birthday, tiny ihatena s and flags being used for decaratiowv as well as cherry crepe napkins, Arc ther carrying out the 'dea, ' Asheboro is constantly adding new business enterprises. The last one to be added is that of a millinery store is owned and managed, by Misses Cora McMasters and Mittie Lover. Miss; McMasters has for a number-of years been enxaired in the millinery business, j She has beenjocated .,' t Hillsbdrw- ifor-the,past.flveyears.- Be fore locating in Hillsboro Miss r.JC- Masters was in .Winston-salom. miss Lovett has been connected with me firm of W. H. Morinpr ;inrl 'ms nan considerable experience in the mer cantile business. Their establishment is over the Asheboro Bank and Trust Company temporarily. Miss McMaster no.. just returned from the northern mar kets where she has purchased an ex tensive line of millinery and uiher la dies' goods. Not only ready-to-wei hats and pattern hats will be on sale but these ladies will make all kinds of hats. Senior St. Cecilia Musk Class Meea. The Senior &U Cecilia Music eh met at the home of Miss Golda Hay worth February 8, with twelve was-. bers present. --r; M The meeting was , called u wer W the president Miss Na LemM mwi the minutes of the last meeting were) read ana approved, uneg w w study for the afternoon. Questions eat ,, , the life of this composer were distrib- uted and Miss Bertie May - read sketch of the life of Crieg, after trioA , the "questions were answered by the , , ' members. ' v$ An unusually interesting program was rendered after which an interest-; ing contest followed in which Mm Margaret Moffitt won the prixe, piece of sheet music " . , -. The hostess, assisted by heT motbex, served delicious refreshments consisfc ing of whipped jello, coffee, wafer and candy. The pjates were decorat ed with valentine favors aad .Ant scheme was also carried out in 4fc decorations of the house. . i 1 MRS. ROBT HINSHAW ASSAULTED BY NEGRO - Trinity Book Onh Meets i - The Trinity Book club was -geuipar 7 fully entertained on Tuesday after-, noon by Misses Edith Poindexter, Je sephine Conley and Mittie Newton. Plans were completed ior me jxmrm study of American authors. A clever Valentine contest thorouehlv enioved arid Miss Lou Downs won the first prize. Fol lowinir this a very delicious seBafl course was served. The meeting one of the most enjoyable of Jthe son. JESSE L. ARMFIELD AWAITS TRIAL IN LEXINGTOK the constitution every child was en titled to six months free school every year.. ' . ; , RaleitY Bsnk TaaU .. ' The worst bank failure" eve re-' the bank, apply to depositors. ' ReceiverV of the bank were also riven authority to Institute any surta necessary to liquidate the asseU, of Mrs Roby Hinshaw, of Levei Cross township was assaulted by Henry Rains last Saturday. Mr.-. Hinshaw's husband was away from home at work when the 'ragedy oc curred. According' to the evidence Mrs. Hinshaw was at the woodpire when Henry Rains, a notorious muia- to who lmed in the same neichbornood appeared and without saying anythfnr ' 27 went into the house and Rtnte.l him self. Mrs Hinihaw rained mi aim full of wood and was p-.iUmsr some n the fire when the negr grub'tc 1 her and attempted an ui.iuentionable crime. Mrs. Hinshaw fojrlu him wfui wool finally driving him ava;. l!uins i about forty years of age ami n married. The sheriff .and his deputies caught him at his home Saturiny and placed him in fall. He wr.i Itiea on Monday and was put in jail an.) bound over to court. Mrs Hinshaw about forty five years of age and Is a woman of excellent character. Jesse L. Armfiefu, ficraaer -preHiJeBS of the Thomas ville Bank was e.Bpre hended in Mexico City February 8, and brought to Lexington in the cnstodir of Chief of Police George B. Wlsa beriy on Thursday of dast week. Mr, bond of $175,000 was required. Th attorneys and members of the family ( and friends thinking it excessive. Me. Armfield went to jail to await tn) which will come off at the Davids ; county court which beginf rebrunR WOMEN VOTERS MEET IN GREEN SBpRO t W AGGER CLOTHING COM PANY CHANGES LOCATION The Wagger Clothing Company has this week moved into the new building which has recently been completed by Mr. J. S. Lewis. Mr. Wagger has been In the brick building next to the lawyer's row since locating in Asn boro. The new Quarters are conrmo dloua and he expects to have an ex cellent line of -goods including men's and women's ready. to wear, millinery, etc. . v DUKES MAKE LARCH DONA. TIONS TO NEGRO HOSPITAL J. B. and B. N. Duke have offered to contribute $75,000 to a new hopit a for the colored people ef Durham, provided an equal sum is raised from other eoorce. There ma to exist little doubt that the m will be raised, j 1 1 The second annual convention UlS 4 League of Women voter of theifftSBB wag held last week in Gresuftexa. Miss Alexander, of 'Jreenbre, posi; elected chairman Ij ed MindGe trude Wiil!. of 0lNb..ro, ..-deU-4 ed re-election. The platfrr .-afldptfj ' included a strong enforcement 1 '.the 3 retention of the state-wide mHsuu-yj law, eniaoiisning equal smiaouc for mother and for the eatablialusent of the Australian ballot. A resolu tion was also conspicuous urging bet, ter movies. , i.vrio mn r-im n a t rro S t'. TWO SMALLER CHILDREN A remarkable deed of heroism U recorded when the four-rear-old thi'd of Mr. and Mrs. Green Robertson, T Lynchburg, Va., led her little sixter. aged twe years, from ' their ixxnm which was burning. ; She -then tr back and found vie could Jtot e the threw monthe old baby; so " him on a pillow and dragged , of the house. The moth- j , ; . to the spring for wato ' distance of nearly a ' I 1 1 ThematTlDe le Thomavill' fat North ,''" ed manuei ' systems. ' ' . for Thomasv. ' A r it i TH I :

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