THVF-SQAY, MAI.CU 9, 12 the AsiiLDorio courier, asiieeoro, n. a Page Five TIIE COURIER TELEPHONE NUUEER I Asheboro, N. G, J Err. T. J. Green, of Emaeur Route STATE TREASURER SIGNS -. 1, called at the Coorier office while In ALL OF STATE S BONDS Asheboro Monday, ' . . : . , i . J Mr. J. C Thomas ww a Luainesa gute Treasurer B. R. Lacy who has -visitor In Asheboro last Friday. teen ill In the Pennsylvania hotel, Ne . i -aiies jeaste ixx returned w --v ins- Jton Sunday evening fter a two day: visn u retanree in Asneooro. . , -,jje f .;...,. 1 1 flaa nnn Vnrth ti Key. Filmore McCulloch. of Greens-1 TJ)5't ? Mr- V. WM Carolina bond, haa recorered sufficient- boro. was In Asheboro Tuesday for a , , lT.ul,, W to sign ail the bonds. Mr. Lacy. 3 ertn?4 thTWmittee of pastois Court House, g dock Mr Watkmj returned to hi. home in Raleigh yea whTwe planum for th.M- ' w .w, T-rf i. I - ? V a ' ea av w wviyeja vuy unuw - ------wM----------a - - . - WytJj est March S, 1522 . . . v PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS .York, since February 13 when he be f-1 k coma desperately il! while in tae fjj midst of signing UJWOfiOO North j leg. Mr. W. M. Sa under. and on, Death of Mrs. Johnnie Stoat -p.i-nan. w-. bujdneM-visitor mi ABncwiro, - Mr. Johnnie Stout, a . weu known ? ' vTrTT.t.. .... '. . t caller at the Courier office Saturday and lored woman of Bed Cross, near ' r i w - TO . D ,. . . ir win psper. jar. udcixv ai6a at ner noma jioarcn aro. ' i MMtt d-"wS- MUikan tell. u. that the achool at She wia one of the leading member, of -daughter,. Mia.; Lucy, hava been Ul Cros. Roads in the MiUboro com- Bethel church and will be greatly wtrti vr eoia mi. ' uieir noma in MMu. . . .-. - . . T . allUUt-w VIVBW Wl WWUUb Ul 111X1 UOILUl HllRflMI III TlT MmmnnlTV. MHfl IMVM , Jlorth Asheboro. Little Mia. Dorothy. whkh scattered widely. - Every husband, three brother, and one sranHdanrater of - Mr. and Mra. mnnK . m t in.,k. n , . . . , , JIamlin, haa also been 111 there. ids Pugh's families are In . bed from, conducted at Bethel church by 3 Rev. CL G..Fraer and aon, June FHsi- this diaeaaa. . M '-Y'.W.T,--Aahbni, March 4th. ' . ' r,e and Mr. and Mrs. 'Calvin Fraziert "' Miss Adelaide Armfield left Monday;- ' .' uiui th rmun t- mr i . an. xor caiem ionera mx winnan Ki im ,Tinpi vrs nncw tit swimi?n " . i - ... " " IJkl JJ A 1 . W WAAW r rjc&inr bu. un. uuauu uuu t . ' ,nuw.v va.w owu. uu. wwa& mki i lAiiiri.ri ni aaiiai miin:.! ill. Mr. and Mir. MraV J, K. Wood haa returned from " weeks stay at home caccount ; . ;.;-Tr--. CJreensbero where she has been In Dr. 1 ' . - ' 7 . . Triplets were 'bora to i ting's aanatorium. Mrs, Wood had -' fCox' f f J . W. E. Cheek, of ganf ord last week. All aa operation for appendicitis. ; ibufreMJir AJ8lJfbf,ro Saturday. 0f the children were boys. sThey lrW a few hours after birth. 'fefJASS sheenjoyes.the Courier week ! .'l av kmhih Kttmnini J". v v p V? v ' ana leeis tnat sue jias made a visit 1 TiL. wTT., wT -a :Wert Asheboro. t Mr. MaxweU has ao- te, home town when she mds1:) cepted a position as bookkeeper with', the weekly naner. vl .. - i01 extension' of time for filing in- thm nxw.rrnnford Chair ComnanvJ ' I cu.ii r- t i. come taxes from march 15 may be VT ;l1Tu,ir' l?7.?n irranted' in cne of atckneaa. abaenea . - vve wiu pay.o cents jor ne iirsi aaugnier -juiss r iossie attended tne ti,r TfawHt vnT. ln, coppies sent to of the issues '4of The.funeral of Miss Fleta Tate in Bamseur ' tTKa MwSS ; CouWFebruary 2 and 16. Tuesday. v . , v, N. .A , iZtt fS.T ..a visitor ta-Asheboro Saturday. She .tended the funeral of Mrs. Lucy Bur- 'JE? f ,mL Thl8 appfs T . is a student t at lreka: P'cLtfel-ejrXaarl - , Where no extension. , hae been school in Moo county andj wasat iribiJ1 ?rom granted taxpayers, who fail to make rwrneiorweweeitena. miss "WiJAXl returns and pay the tax on or before has entered the tri-angular detot6 aid, business for the -past two weeks. - March 15. without interest to evade V,u, w, ywerwwo was a wees fha i0,s;0 ,j a MV thai fci TionQltv nrr.ih in t.t mp.a anal! ia mBlHrnr nTnnnrcittnna ttr it Th.. p A. HptiIbv. f Hio-h . Poin.lend visitor to his famliyl -wasa business itor in the city last! Mra Clyde Cox of HiKhP.oint was les fivVdonar8 and x Saturday. DrHenley is a feW each month or fraction ofmonth citizen of Asheboroand notes the , XtM wH M during which the tax remains unpaid --Ttowns improvement, with-interest. f,,M, B2? Mrs- Burney and Mrs. f rt j-Mi. 15 lfi22 ' Mr. I D. MendenhaU, of Greens-jMattie jg"' awere call- Attention ted to the fact tha lro, was in the. city on business edjo Asheborolast week on ao income taxe3 t) sherifrs Saturday. . , iSSL"'. the U,ness of county tax collectors during, the, fall Mr. Joe Turner, of Qimax. Route l,j Bui ' to . of 1921 and the first part of this year -was in ito city yesterday - and ,r- " Aahe- are taxeg levied on the income of the Courier a pleasant call, r v . . iboro Tuesday n his way to Pine .mil, ty for the calendar ..f Dr. W. J. Moore attended the burial his lodge eight miles, east of Ashe- 192o und not for 1921 W R. Hilton boro. Mr. MUIikan is spending a l0 and POt for at Oak Ridge in Stokes County yester-j great jfeal of - time in Wsanihtgon, clams HE KILLED TAYLOR day. s v-'" ' j having opened aReal Estate office , " i5-l:nfaik'W - - " 4 w 1 Capt Adains, of the Los Angeles Ashebor wither parents Mr. and je egg nterkt ias suffered a big department, has announced the Mrs. a H. Rush recuperating after an ?"unp m prices recently, it nas nt lnt ,etf frnrn fl man whAop -operation for the removal of her ton-jheen only a short time since eggs he to disclose, to the ef- 1 nHVH - nppn bp 1111 An rha a ohAhA.-ft . ... . . ... . ' ! r Asheboro lect that the writer killed W. D. Tay- fills. ' -'It . . ... . I 1 X M.. . Mi Mra. r- il nnviriRnn will ROpnrt iiiwuma lor ouc a aozen. rne mer- 1 i! J: i ...1 fewdays in Salisbury with her huv'chantsjre o,nly offering 20c a dozen cent death has baffled all investigaU land, Capt . T C. Davidson, who has this week. ons recently suffered broken iimb In a - Mr. V. J. Watkins of the , Redpath fhe letter came from Connecticutt railroad wrecks Cpt Davidson JAPrf and was evidently written by a man jot serious y hurt has-been injuredso; education, and contained state- that he will not be able to work 'ifWawMiudi 10, in the Court ment8.that talUerexactly with; the e wfVfJ f 4twrty"?r t8- far unearthed by the detec- .John Lackey, of Winston- So. cents ..Money to be used for the tive8. Xdams 8tated that he not renewmg hw tbe bu ilaim to be a definite confasion, , Courier says that the weekljrvisits of Messrs L.R Craven and C. B. but the gave considerable cred- the Courier cheer him and that he y".1" he northern encc an d'd it worthy of investi- always delighted to get the paper. .- (craes have returned to ther home in nation. T Miss Maggie A. Gray, of Glenoia,Pur, .., The writer expressed his intention was in Asheboro on business yester- MOTsrs W. D Manor and F. L. El- of leavng the county at once,. f and iss Massaiambert, has rd.bZ SSy to elo 1 .n.j . - .i iM j ui . paper press, . dti oert was .caiiea none on account 01 wuucr r ciiimars sunerea a oaa it Bp.m that 'Hrtl nmirr.M liia the deth of her sister Miss Nannie-Jur We are fjthat he is been mXirl'alreoW so J. Mr Tlovd be recovery and will soon tion of lhis celebrated case. The Womens Missionary societies of Trinity News Caviness. of Coleridsre were business -visitors in the city yesterday. jThomasville have all decided to hold Mr. H. C Parks, cashier of the Bank. their meeting on the first Monday in There will be two months more of at Coleridge, was in Asheboro lues- each month. This date to be known as the High School. day . Mr. H. J. Edgerton who has moved near Kemps Mill within the past few months has accepted the position as route man for the Dixie Dairy. "Missionary Day." The Jones family on North have been sick with colds. Main . Miss Mary Moffitt Hostess Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Andrews . ' . . went up to High Point last Wednes- Miss Mary Moffitt was hostess to Mr. Bob Kinney, of Greensboro, who wie inursaay evening Bridge Uub w;. mf jamea Complin, of New Or was hurt in an automobile accident ner home on Sunset Avenue. Bridge ien8 has been on a visit to his gi anJ two weeks ago is convale3ing at was enjoyed at two tables until a late mother here. I Memorial Hospital. . i hour, when it was foundx that Miss Mr. JEdgar Pepper of Thomasville Rev. T. G. Green, of Ramseur Route Kate Brittain and Margaret Sparger was in town last Sunday afternoon. 1, was a business visitor in Asheboro, held top scores and were given Douies Wesley Vvelborn who has been at Monday and paid the Courier a caU. ,of perfume. After the games the tending Sunday School here nil win- Miss Ethel Hicks who had an opera- nostess assisted by her mother, Mrs. tr. hn mnvH tn Hi-vi Pnint 1 at the local hospital a week ago is un- jonn -.omw served a deiigntrui rruit m-,, Benson Parker of North Main proving, - Mr. Will Watldns, of Ramseur was in town several hour. Monday. Messrs. Paul: Clarke and Channing Page, of Candorf were ; visitors in Asheboro Saturday. 1 Mrs. stuad, sandwiches, and tea. continues to improve. Ina Royals who is attending school at Pleasant Garden was at Death of Mra. Strlder Mi- !.!. c-frM wifo si,itnn home recently on a visit. Strider. died at herhome at Hsaah. . Miss Irene Burgess made a visit to last- Wednesday from pnpumonia. "'i8.6"" senous B. S. Lawrence who has been' ' t??? Mi U MSrherr diSh not Z some Mrs. town Ellis of Salisbury wils ,n ' a: - 1 1 j .u . . town a snort time reeentiv. Veannon of 8arov. l' husband and four Mra; Ejrfa Welborn expects to - Mr-RoM yuncannon ?r beagrove, ,. d biri . move to High Point before a great Route 2, was in town Monday and sub-j fiJJl : whUe. scribed for The Courier. . - if mlJ' Lebani'n ; : Mr. Kvtt T.uek. who haa been. Ji .cnurcn l7 rcn A. Aaheville having treatment for sere : ral weeks is at noma for a visit and wa in Asheboro for. several hour. ' ... Fifteen Killed in Collision Last Saturday, at 'Cleveland, Ohio, train of the New York Central coi- Hnry Ed York Desd ( tt.-, Va VnVt-' . a train 01 the New York central coi- Henry EdYork, a prominent farm- I; . .... , K... nm- ik a 1 Jttla BH1U Rendricks who wai - a.a o. 1 a v...- j . Seriously lnjurng 4 people. At tne badlr burned Kveral week, ago and to. koK chu : who ha. been at tha local hospital Is noon, Mr. York had .uffered about a T:nfJtLJ: recovering. ' v wk from nnmmonla whlrh riitwri -on the tract despite the zact mat tne : Mr cS. Smith ' of Banvr w'Va ZlT rutoWori'th. oboro n busines. yeveral hour. M h tw. daughter, .ur- XtX 8. 0010 of Trinity, yJrF& CrnT gl In town the first of the week. ,5 v I that eommunltv I , omaials of the New York Central ' Mr. Glnn York, of Randleman pasa- 01 , .mmU8ity' " - - v place the blame for the accident on the ed-through Asheboro, Tuesday oa hts . .. M . . , ' ,bu. driver. Criminal prosecltion. are , way to Bennett. . .. . f . ra. Mary Mowr Dead r likely to follow. , . JHr. W. U btutta, 01 tteagrove, was Follbwto an linen, of two weeka. a businei. visitor Mr. and Mra. Frick, of Mt Airy have moved to Asheboro and have opened a Tailoring extablishment oer the 8Unflrd Drug Comjany. Mr. J. iL Milikan, of Greensboro, wan in Axheboro on hi. way to hi. hunting lodge at Pine about eipht mile, eaut of Asheboro. : - Mr. and Mm. J. W. Cheek and !Atitfhter, Mm. W. Mi Cheek, of Colo Hen vera bunlne. viltor. in Ahe boro Mnnilay. t.'r. nrni Mra. Amo. Hinnhaw, of the Holly ,l,.rinj. section, were in Ashe-. in Asheboro this Mra, Mary Moscr died at her home on' ' Coavict'BrMght Back . . . . . . ul m &v-. the T.UmarU road two mil-, aouth fBlierson, wno ! owe", of Greewboro Saturday. Th.decea. .lL.. nUtlf 5 d wa. M year, old and had lived .n Kh. 5L "PJ- Guilford county . for a number of " 7.?:Z JLZZ i-li daughters, one of whom ferifURon, 01 Liwrty, and tlx . .onft. Haw River. Pattemon committed a fatal crime I ?'r. V.. at tjMTO been In A ed bv throe "tenca . for highway robbery last M U mSE ffij "Ptur.(currin hear la 1 -1 lw .tl.-. V.MLlHai kla ' tea ika I P hul. and nlrVlnr ft Urtr roll of monflV I r 7 W " - " V . I L. . from Mi pocket. The trial 01 tne tv- t 1 i ... 1 1 v. -1 . i Lirwin con Mnriuh rv-rrh Kn,!.V .ften , holding UP Mr. J. P. RadcUff, M .1 !to of Fpero Dead Jlillon died at hi. home cane evoked considerable public Inter "lay. Mr. Hilton had est a. the time. , . . . priming health for never a! Twenty-elirht uriBonem are report- monU) uffrinr fron tumor. He ed at lore in Gullfordi but it U ex- 1). C Toole, of Ashphoro Ilout(lie wa. oriitinaily a KtoVea C-ninty pected they will soon be taken. 0 Courier a pleaiant visit man, raving movm 10 i.nnioipn uran- ry oniy a ynr aro. Jii tm,it;i,t (he Jinnii'l nn rUeo at rn. Mr. ; I i In tf ri'y MoniUy. i. V.', R. Huche. and IIajrfKK) , f l iMhkl.nville were In An'aa- Tr i i -i t of. A ' f f .iv!.-.y r I I . t t 1. . 1 1 ! nri niarri'' ! aiBter of It. v'. J ft. I' Il (nil Ived !y, f;. M. i: n, of n I ' ' ' n o i In ! tt i A. Tontponed I'Blil March Hlh We have postponeti the ! of rroj-erly betrnrinr to the late J'inn 1'. Jsrrt.!l. 1 hi pit! wa. to have bren 7TAf'h frriind hut on account of the f!t" r wan port fi..n until Tue.!;iy, 'i 11 ' I - ' at ton o'(lo k. . f. I ! '.fl, . r. a. i . a :mU'- - 3 1 a M M J i i ft- . a ' N ' ' t- 1 1 ri r -v ic-'i - in m .'--y rmn Ti to f? T T tf iii ' wii Opening Spring Goods AND MILLINERY l a 1 1 r la j ARC I 11 We don't exaggerate when we say this is by far the biggest line of merchandise we have ever shown. A wide variety of fab rics and patterns and prices await you in our dry goods department. Our ready-to-wear line furnishes you your choice in style, design and price, whileour millinery departrr"iit is overflowing with a line of hats thkif represent the last word in design ing millinery of distinction and beauty. LOVELY TAFFETA FROCKS SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL DRESSES OF TAFFETA, CANTON CREPE, ETC $7.50 to $23 COAT SUITS AND SPORT COATS, LATEST SHADES AND FABRICS $10 and up' V1' MILLINERY PRICES TO SUIT EVERY ONE Men's Palm Beach suits, Fur and Straw Hats, Worsted and Mohair Suits. Rugs, Linoleum, Furniture. Oxfords, Pumps, Brogues. Ladies, $2.50 to $6. Men's, $2.75 to $7. Star Brand are still better. Come to see the folks that sell The Mostest for the Leastest" MARIE Y , RAMSEUR, N. C. M ! 1 H -i mm r it V'l i '. f 1" ', f X I

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