Par Sir- - - j - v - , - r -y ' - - .' THURSDAY, MARCH 192 TUK ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C. V: ?, 'A 1 k?.; ..I '' ,( . GETTING THE MOST Tl-.e Combination Fruit and Vegtt Unt ;r the Grapevines Which Are Tr Trees Also Are Growing in This Gar EVERY INCH IEN SOIL "Intensive Farming" Applies as Well to -Small Plot as to the Large Tract. EASY TO GROW VEGETABLES Care.'ul Csrdener Can Find Room for Ac'd.tional Plants if Bet Judg ment Is Used in Plan ning Seed Bed. "Infensive funning' long ago won the U. K. of the maiiicul a.-i iculturist who found that it was to his financial ! Interest to make two or more grow i where one grew before. r The same rule applies, or should apply, to the cottage gardener the ' fellow who has only a few feet of 1 space, compared with the three or four- J hundred acre farm. r It Is ust as essential that the back j yard "fence corners'' be made to pro duce as it is that the formerly un used places on the farm be brought j Into a state of production. In the back yard of the majority of small home, in both country and city, there are spaces tint have been neglected because the man of the house was not exactly in the mood of spad ing it up when planting time arrived. Spading time should extend from the time the one crop was garnered the previous fall to the time when the soil Is actually prepared for the next sea eon. Spading in the fall Is not a bad Idea. The leaves and other fertilizer producing growths can be turned .under ant) also made to work for you. Value of Rich Soil. If you are fortunate enough to ob tain a load or two of stable manure, of course It Is better to turn this under In the fall and allow It to be well rotted by spring and not blown away by the winter wind. Although much inanure has a large quantity of straw tnUed with It, the straw also enriches th soil fb fail before tee freezing weamer tarts. It U In condition to be brought Into tn best, producing state In the early spring, when little, If any spading will be necessary to mat the seed bd- nd (he wont of the work la over and the bom gardener Is. nappy with his prMpccta. ;- -.-..j-.--' j ' Tben-r'wheo ctnai pUnOng'fJini rotneswhei the ground U warm and then seems to be bo danger of frost that Is the time to make the most of the situation.. .' ; 1 ; ' .' No planW will ' do ' thelr . bMt : t crowded, but there are merty vegctablM that -will drt well fcy bvlng. planted -. , a f fcs fail fe fyv rT ttiHU "e rSf44s JHfVi'rt i V?5iTrt?3t tvaW ; - 2rt-?3z&m USE OF rlon toKthef, " ' Those ; that require most pnce should have all they need but It Is well to remember that aotnA f the sitidll tesrtnhlca. that tror done to tli" ttjil nrwl nre. nut of th Way p nrly rnK hn grower Iff ween the larf I ' tiii. m;'! nl t : ;nt'ev ?,nl lx n:i?, ! M, :. ebip !''.Uy, ' ,. ' . v.". "rt Crovduij Cm Cs Cent, i ..n,'i"t' inrtiil jui!.. '"lit a !,,: -o',i"m; limy be J'in' til i. i ii in j t : n Ima licut (' i.e ' T J' - ' ' : ! III" ! llll ! lull . : ' :).!.' .-li tl,. 1 ! t -r . 1 v I i ' r:. 1 li')!. . , f f .. OUT OF GARDEN SPACE I i Die vja.-den. Strawberries Are Grown ained on a High Trellis. Young Fruit den. li experience Is required to obtain desired results. Just a little plant the st ml tlr y and the knowledge of your soil en you are sure of a garden that simply your tah'e, if the garden 'i-ojieily eared for throughout the on. There is no greater pleasure that of growing a good garden that is the envy of your neighbors friends. will is I' 0!l till ! "IK' 1111(1 WHEN TO PLANT SWEET CORN Seed Should Not Be Sown Until Ground Is Warm and No Danger From Frost. Sweet corn should he planted on rich land and cultivated the same as field corn. Plant the seed as soon as the soil is warm in the spring, and make successive plantings every two or three weeks until late summer. The same results can be obtained to some extent by planting early, medium and late varieties. I'lunt the seeds abo&t two inches deep in drills three feet apart and thin to a single stalk every 10 to 14 inches. Sweet corn, when grown in the South, pusses so quickly from the milk to the dough stage that care should he exercised to gather the crop just at the right time. In order to secure the most satisfactory results. The flavor of sweet corn depends upon its stage ' Corn in the Home Garden of maturity and the method of han dling tfte product from the plant to the table. Sweet corn loses Its sugar content very rapidly after being re moved from the stalk. It shoutd, therefore, be picked only a few hours, and preferably a few minutes, tn ad vance of. the time when It la to be placed In the pot Varieties recommended: For early corn Golden Bantam and Adams Early are suggested, and for medium and late varieties Black Mexican or White Mexican, Country Gentleman and Stowell's Evergreen. The last named variety has the largest cars end Is the most : produetlve,-TJntted States Department of Agriculture,; . CROW IN O CELERY ' -: ., . ,..-.Jt -v. Z! i . ) 'S Growing celery for family use by the bed method cannot he excelled for at-: taming erlspne? and delicacy of flavor, ; according to hotttcuHurlsts of the Ohjo expeYiment station after-testing the w!nm,. schemes. ol lpte-i'r" 'garden ultar of tbla'crop.? Accord ing to' their, plan celery may be ob tained In tlie molt garden- from No-j- nlnr tni rnldiMiiier. Ffr,thl crop 0 !ivT hrl Jortr Vct.-wl1e nnd mAoof ht (trih ,dHe!eW.. A dlrt dug Ii.i;?-i (Icf-jt, ,ftt!l'. width if "the .lT, f;.;i s f.:V-.l M tlin'rinHAr.i; TCred v.:i;i ij'. Inches, of utaMo. mnniire l'a.'rt':r?j l'.;-rr ln'. :;o(( r,f te J""-.' oil riv. oil . fii" ' tU imr'Nirt", ':,-,'n-; li? gn iin.l' cnu'c t la T' i!e- slieil, l ii nr dny c . r,''y cr"i nmy gifii before p!::: :!t ; (Vliry. r .r 'N-5 t.'UIT HAVC CAf.C 1 1 I HOUSEWORK IS A BURDEN , Woman's lot is a weary one at besC, tsut with Mictacho and other djstrejf ing kidney ills life indeed become a burden. Doan's Kidney . Pills have 'made life brighter for many Ashe 'boro women. Ask your neighbor. 1 Mrs. R. E. Allred, N. Fajettevjtle i Street, Asheboro, says: "My kldnejs I troubled me a lot and I had a lame 'and aching back. I couldnt half do my work. When I did any sweeping or heavy work my back ached as if H would break. I suffered from nerv ous dissy headaches and became- ruu down. My kidneys acted irregularly and annoyed me a great deal. J used Doan's Kidney Pills, getting; them from thee Asheboro Irug . Company, and they soon built me. up. Doan's Kidney Pills made my back welt and strong and my kidneys regular in ac tion." ', ; .i . I'rice 60c., at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy r get nan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Allred had. Foster-Milbum Uo., Migrs., Buttaio, N. Y. BIRTHDAY DINNER HONORING MRS. J. N. COX OF SOPHIA On Friday, March 3; about 40 friends, relatives and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cox's on Sophia Route 1 for the purpose of celebrating Mrs. Cox a 43rd birthday. About 10:30 the guests bel gan to arrive and at 12:30 a large table was prepared on the poarch, and I was qsuickly filled with goods things to eat such as, pie custards, chicken, ham, eggs, oranges, apples, candy, pickles, and a number of delicious cakes. iX-e: After each partook o fthe bountiful meal the guests were invited into -the parlor where each were engaged in ar interesting conversation and listened to the beautiful Victrola music. J ; About 2:30 the guests departed de claring that they had spent a delight fl day and wishing Mrs. Cox many happy birthdays. ' i ONE PRESENT. Death uf Mrs. Dora Welch : .' Mrs. Dora Welch died Monday, rebruary 27, at her home m Clo- verdale, High Point. Th-3 interment was in Springleld cemetery, hew J. H. Moton, of the Weld? ifemorial Metnoaist Protestant church omciar ing. Mrs. Welch is survived by her hus band, five daughters and two sons,i THE NOTH CAROLINA HILLS Oh, the North Carolina hills, How majestic and how grand, V With their summits bavhed in -glory Like our Prince Immanuers'jiland, Is it any wonder then, . . kt - That my heart with rapture thri'.U As I stand once more with loved ones On those North Carolina hills? r CHORUS. ' Oh, the hills! beautiful hills, : How I love the North Carolina hills 1 If o'er sea, or1 land I roam still I think of happy home, And friends among the North Caro lina hills. Oh the North Carolina hills! When my girlhood's hours were pass ed; Where I often wander lonely, And the future tired to cast, Many are our visions bright, Which the future ne'er fulfills; But how sunny were my day dreams, " On those North Carolina hills. Oh the North Carolina hills! How unchanged they seem to stand with their summits pointed skyward, To the Great Almighty's land; Many changes I can see, Which my heart with sadness fills, But no change can be noticed in those North Carolina hills. Oh, the North Carolina hills! I must bid you now adieu, in my home beyond the mountains I shall ever dream of you, In the evening time of life. If my fatheer only wills, I shall still behold the vision o f those North Carolina hills. 1 Contributed by; Patron of Courier. A Guccccclul r.ian 1 'it. ,.n1.fA . t : . 1 j t m vw.i ,i"uiji,i ji i, ii'riit'i mi luHa of title conntry who scliieved prent SUCCeM elong itrictly lejritinnto iinM M Ir. R. V, J'lerce. Devoting M attention to the rp-riftl(y v( women's d'n'-ap'-a, he berame a recognized eullniri:y In line. . 0er "fifty y an sjro tM ji'd pbr; ,'rian (t;ivi! V Hie World a Pro -crip!i.n Imi never been T t- a 1 i d l'r i lie wpnliii'-' ' at women. IV. Pier'-e, tt J i. Y., l"iii mtvf IiiuikI nut v.!,:.t is l.ntu r.ihy I" t f.T woiiiph's d rc:i"i. Il l"n rm ! it nil t'""t tn-.-l i , n-r.o-l I c:i.-.-. '1 r i f t l .i r"i ,.' v -'-i a t if-1. ,"" r.i'.' ! I r 1 i 1 -...I ". i ( "..''. i T ' - , . ' 'if'. ; I I fiery ef tW Popular Ekie Pie Many people are interested in the! popular' and new Eskimo Pie which Is being eaten in untold numbers all oveof Jefferson township, Guilford coun the United States. Here is the etory ty, died March X from eancer. The of hew it came about Christaln KJ funeral services were conducted at Nelson, of Chicago is the - man who. conceived the idea.' Nelson went to Chicago from Oma ha fifteen months ago with 19 cents in his pocket. "? li- ' , . Today the 19 cents has grown to a steadily increasing fortune of ' six figures. ItH be ever a million' before Nelson pays his income tax. ; What did it? - ' The ideal1' - '- - - J Nelson's idea was to cover a' square of cold ice cream with a layer of hot chocolate, thus making a confection with real fee cream inside. "'. . 4 He got that Idea while he. was man' aging his fathers Ice cream plant out our aros window r in Omaha, la. And hee furtheerd it ; For Nelson's the inventof of Eski while he was studying chemistry at mo pie. " college. - Nelson is not making it His coin- When he was graduated he peddled pany, composed -of himself, Stover the idea around from ice cream fac- and others, is -selling license to firmi tory to ice cream factory. Everybody! in other cities to manufacture - -the laughed at hiin. confection. ' v . "Cover cold Ice cream with hotj Today more than 1,000,000 Eskimo chocolate? Man, you're crazy!" they'd pies are being eaten daily! And Ner-say- ' son's company gets fivo cents royalty But Russell Stover, manager of an on every dozen pies, ice cream plant at Omaha was differ-1 And Nelson's busy with an adding ent He thought Nelson's idea could machine trying to figure up his in be put over. And together Stover come. ' , - A BIG QUESTION A big question to many -is where to invest their sur plus funds to get full earning power with the highest de gree of safety. ' Let us solve this problem for you . Backed with a cash surplus of over $250,000.00 secured by first montgages arid bearing 6 per cent interest Ala mance First Mortgage Gold Bonds are a sound investment- . .i Buy them now. Call or. write for full information and get free booklet It will pay you. . "INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING" ALA M AN C E Insurance & Real Estate Co. W. E. Sharpe, Mgr. ' Burlington, N. C. Cleanly t'Zir r- tif : - -v',;v,'Gompanson!';:-,.:,;.. ci - ' Q J. , . ..v-r.--:, v. ;, . The' Y ""- " Mast ' . t nun - . r .' In ., .' ' ' ; External V ' Kcmedies ' To experience, a cxcniplifu-d by rrr.r!:r.other: v. ho could h.mrlle or dhiry croup with the lc . t of tht sa l.r. i let u mll'd Iho rt-:;!t of jr.0'1 ,(r:i c!- :,:ic::l rci-Tic's ( .T.-rt.'i. CMVS'.O h r:i (""," rxt( rr..-.i In - tir.f :.t nr.t to h t' j f Death ef Jaaea Garret Mr. James1 Garrett, well known farmer and hia-hlr esteemed eitisen the Mt Pleasant church and the In- torment was in the church cemetery, tie was iz years old. . - - :--;.: . '-. ' : Mr.-Garrett leaves four arm; ' H. M. GafYett and C M.'. Garrett, of Guilford; R. S. Garrett, of. Baltimore, and 't Q. T. Uarrett, of liberty; a daughter,' Mrs. Ida Nixon, of Greena boro; two brothers Peter Garrett of Guilford, and Frederick. Garrett, ; of Randolph county.: ..v' and Nelson did put it over.' :iv That's why you see a big yellon sign advertising "Eskimo Pie-., in CRU-MO Ghallenires . fe ( I ! ) nv.;:y v. ith ti. c!,;ter, I -.t - c r.-i in r r : sen I i , , . ii L i ' t1 : TTHE violent paroxysms of coohing ; " - a soon eased by Dr.. King's New" f Discovery, Fifty years a standard remedy, for coids.' Children like it, .f ' No harmful drugs. All druggists, 60c. ' - KTYld New Discovery 5 iwbviuAanHbouuns " Wake Bowels Normal. -,- Nature's way is, the way of Dr. King's Pilla gently and firmly regulating the bowels eliminating the intestine . clogging waste. At all druggists, 25c ( ; D'': WMPtl- .-WOM-T GRIPS " . r.lQns Pills - .r 1 "4'- ''.;,'f.,:i,; ': . V.. Vw.;.- , I . 4 ( . ' The;-' . SoJ of - f Mutton ' Tallow r i O o o o o o A " ' -"" ft r i: 1:1 c.". ; not ni: f i;::t;l ! M it f r h v ii u !