mem I " s - - - i 1 ,i 1 ae i i a : . ISSUED WEEKLY I2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOLUME XLVTU Aaaobere, North Carolina.. Thursday, March 16, 1922 XUMEEX 11 V - J THE FARM BLOC, v.: THE OLD GUARD ; ; AND SOLDIER BONUS 7 1 l" Washing' on, Maeh 14. -IS, pawn- "krva-fti-a hnnus bill furnishes a strik- : ?TlTttrH - ZCY LZ.-r.t t,t thA -ervice . "wxiu. .xnere , ougni -to v. the fmnwr ITbe tMng earth to destroy their f!?"5x!Jieffo- save the elements of nature done on the basis of a sales tat, 'Their hope has been to substitute a saies tax system for toe present system of " high income surtaxes and they believ wed that their resistence to a, bonus x cept with the salestax would secure J ? to the country that objectionable form : of taxation. "j.T, "i;'v,; 1 Avv nt , farm Woe said no. there will ,-r l u, i- j ., t be no. Donna w w w " ,iney unao ail that the industrious man H a sales taxr'j Harding, and Mellon -re-j and woman nave done. The time the replied very well thenwe san bear ,ais-eoUpithave given to the wDik.will all I appointing the ex-ser' ineajf .yon, iost because neighbor was aoo J ean, we ao noi rmna w. " " oi you i arm woe jppuuv"- retain your seats in the fall elections. Ifi fact it is th(S Very thing we, would like to see happen for with your pres- ence In congress iarty government by 'the RepuhlicansTs unattainable. The farm bloc Republicans in the VnuaA like Prear. Lamnert ; and ; the Nelsons then turned to thelioped-Ior ' ,o,rTTwnt. vf interest on the debts Owed u.j..... - TT... j by foreign governments t Reunited Stnton na a m-actfcal source for, a DO- 'sfstAB aa.ft nractlcal source for nus; the plan which nan neen urgeu by Senator Simmons, r. Before hey could get their , scheme on wheels ans f moving, they were told' that ' source ; sales tax proponents would ' through the foreign debt commission appoint r ed by Harding see that no money came ifrom that source for a bonus nr tor : any other purpose that might defeat ' or remotely postpone the inauguration of the sales tax system. , . - ... ? Then every Republican in the house '"' felt panic seize, his , limbs, s "yts have got to' save our necks, "they said from Joe Pordnev and Nich Long- worth down." ' The election is scarce- f; ly eight monjths off' and were is; .no . 1 time to Jose. Haraing ana me semtw Sf can" look out for themselves; .We mnst P get irom unaer. ; , : :t" So they have launched their pawn, h brokers WUand are going to pass:n - under wW uid spur ; If the, ex-wsr. V vice men get hO bonus and demand to -s know why as they certaiiy win, tney ' vrj"'ffirti0kcai thousand piat- : forms: "that was-wuut we OMlTOlryoW' ' and it was all we could 4o." . The daring scheme is launched to A frighten Harding and the Old Guard sales tax schemers. It is a bluff and ". the president from his house boat in t Florida has wired his comptroller of ' the currency to warn the country of - the danger in the bill. Mr. Crissinger finds that the scheme will "freeze" two billions of fluid credits for three years in the banks of . the . country. He calls it a hold-up game, for no ' bank would dare turn down the paper of an ex-service man endorsed by -the '-government. It will hamstring Hard ing's returning "nonnalcy." When the bill comes oeiore tne 'house on March 20 the Democrats will of course make an effort to amend it f but they, will be given short shift for the Republican leaders were never in a more desperate -frame 'of mind. Their mail bristles with threats from onflrres8ional district now rep- ' -resented by their party and four mil- - lion ex-service men seemed to nave crown into one hundred million. : But . the Old Guard with Mellon's hand on the till stands pat . ' - -, In the face of this situation It is ' well known that the government has f on hand a sufflcient gold , reserve , against which it could issue bonds find pay the ex-servi e men a cah pnus i 1 with only a slight inflation in the cur- renc y and without seriously attacking ' the bond market. ' : The governmeht r'' now has on hand $1,566,000,000 excesi ,-tk fold reserve, ; . x t; v.. , 'V v.Tle Senale and the Treaties. s There is much in the senate debate on the arms conference treaties to re ? mind spertatori of the stormy struggle i two year ago over the Versailles f treaty. In the present debate the ir reconcilable claim they alone are eon slstent The Democrats are opposing v the Four Power pact with all the ve- heme nee with which the irreoonclla i ble fought the Versailles pact, while . the Republicans aided by Senator Un derwood of Alabama are defending It The Republicans have In this debate completely reversed tliclr poiiillon of two year sgo. But whatever tli Four J'ower pact really Is whether it is an slhanre or nothing nvire than an agreement to hold a conference and talk over d::r. rrnr no one doubt" that if Wwi'iri'jf Wili.on had cent ruch a treaty to the truu'-c, V,w-nUr Ixxisff and b ' friends would now I opponlntt it wi; h a'd tl.e rf-rrJ'-n ' are e foinling in Ul hi'l'iiii.T iU No !'u')t too ti.ere are some Iiemormta f;-).ti-i? the trfity who would favor it if V. j'ann ) fid had a hm. l in th nu.Ving (if it 1! r.t U n lii.t such ii!iti '. r.t f. ' s " r t: fa' t that ti e aennte lie-. ) . ' n ) rt ; 'n a rsi' bad olio lnir f r t' 1 . i i r )'f,:tr j net, IV-. t! i . i ' - s i t ' j--.r e i!.i!-,t f thoi AN AEAL TO THOSE ,m WHO HAVE CHICKENS Spring is nearly here and "with it the time for ' planting gardens and flowers. The man Wio hurries hon.s'jured, near .the Piedmont toll brtage, irom his work to get a few beans under.' ground before pightfall and the woman ' who leaves her house hold duties to set out flowers, in the W ' one-raiseYiomething; to which sometimes go eon trarily. But consider the clucking old hens of the next door, neighbor whose garden isUeems tha.wood chopper had emploV" a garbage heap and whose front yardred means to 'prevent the tree from is full, of Jimson weeds, vthat, ; come falling the direction of the; Wad, uyiiiK v? or ? meanaenng into ute neighbors newly planted garden and iront yard and scratch nil tlw seeds oufpf the ground.- In a few minutes r," v " 6rr-v " lazy or too careless to keep his chlck- ens at home. - Neighborly kindness , ought to be sufficient reason for one preventing such occurrences as this, but among some people that seems to be 1 an un known quantity." They take no pride in .their own place and haven't enough off -premises of their neighbors who folrea nriA in hie .1 ' ... .no. nuak lives XI -matter to them if the results of many afternnnn'a. mnrlr in hns mir.UA n " - .ma V. . w . IV. 1 1 VA .11 the front are lost to the man next door? Their chickens tet fat og seed. They , would not think Tor a moment of going into their neighbor's garden and stealing a mess of tomatoes, but they don't worry when their chickens fly the fence and destroy the whole crop. Ashebora needs gardens. and the needs flowers. She heeds pretty home steads and rn,ore attractive, premises. The -Courier; makes his appeal A di rectly to those wd have chickens to ewousage by Tceeping up -their chickens. If you. have chickens, jrou owe it to your neighbors to clip their wings, patch up the fences an dteke every precaution - agiuist their tre- passing .on your neighbor's premieos. u already agamst the law foi chickens, oj any ochcr st-ks t move rwdqmrhatineii;hbrs ought tot to (other places suffered equally vnti have to gc i t alw vv :ali.r8 of thesrmentioiied, but details were tnea thjkind, ' Have tnoiifta Henw of pride, 'gre due to the damage done to the tll J bie eno,,h "at y r wire, communication. The rivers and neighbors as you wou'd have tr.em small streams in nracticallv oil e. . r " Chairman Fordney, of the House' Wfeys and Means Committee, declares that the soldiers' bonus bill will pass for humanitarian and not political reasons. Tkl. KJ11 -i-j. . . ... u sianas present wui ters and will remam at Palm Beach pay the soldiers, a dollar a day for for three days, leaving for Washing d2v ZlC?ld M .52LFf7v Att.orney Penera. Da- He also can receive a 20-year paid uo insurance policy on which he can bor row' 50 per cent of his compensation from a bank. Mr. Fordney is of the opinion that patriotic Americans should not object to an increase of taxation to nv tvi -- z" r Vi kiyiu:. bonus, for had not the war been won taxes would now be at least twemv times what they are. He stated thai during the war his committee author ized the issuance of fifty-one billion dollars worth of bonds. Up to that time, since the founding of the gov ernment, we had spent only thirty-one uuuons. value of the achievements of the con zerenee in behalf of world peace. The senate debate bas chilled the hope and enthusiasm of not a few warm friends of the conference, is felt that perhaps it would be a serious mistake nos to ratify these , treaties, , though they are nothinglike as Important' and essential aa the ratification , would nave Deen to. tni country and the The Fight on Ford FertiUter Goe." .. ijn Acain. : The fight here on Henry Ford's pro posal to lease Muscle Shoals is like the battle of the little narrow known on the boundless unknown, talent fighting genius, Men fear the un known and in the Industrial and eco nomical life of this country no man stands so nearly for the incalculable as Henry Ford. With Muse Shoals In Ford's hnndR. one of his antagonists has predicted that he will corn-pel the great steel in dustry of Pittsburgh to tranafcr it self to Alabama Another antagonist eeg Ford driving, the Mcllons and their great aluminum trust out of bua- neaa. The olr companies, the steal Interests, the chemirn.1 companies, the fertilizer trust and Wail street are all here fighting Ford. ilia, only friends are .the American people but thev wm not to count in thin ficht.' In the very face of tbis fifrht on Ford, t?e Ferti.ner trunt has had the nerve to the price t. the nitrate of amonla from 4f) to fi5 per ton to ti e farmers within the last ten day. 'I bis more was maiie herauwi the 'mut irvt brljovp it ha i'ord geared. It new Intend to a(iieere out of the far mers lit the Soutli tlie money it has fiprrdo,) n tg fmn; h! n sgalnrt hiin. 11 wiil o C 'tiron move 'r B mntf '-'.innRl Jnvei-tijfntion nut ;! will not fr t It for a tru-it tbnt n 1 f t l ord in f i"''T, f.- a-i!', .-ft t-n I .i.n. FALLL.G TREE KILLS : V I.IRS. A. IL 0WEI3 Mrs. Ellen Owen was killed and her husband, A. ' M. Owen,' painfully lnt three miles north of Spencer, March 11, as the result of the ear. in which they .were driving being , struck by1 a falling" tree.-: ' sjrfffi? Mr; and Mrs.; Owen,' who reside oa a farm near the scene of the accident, were conveying eggs awT butter to market, and happened to be passing the point where a negro had just Com pleted the chopping down of a large pine, tree, which fell across the high- way and caused 1 the J accident. t nut a high wind rendered them iner fective. . ' -',i Mr.. Owen was rushed to a Sails bury hospital and it is believed; that vi . : .f f .. suTOiwr.'w nv wrnmi.p.s -i -f I m i Heard at lexingt6n Several people- gathered atttlte home of , Mr. and Mrs. Numa Bftck in Lexington ion Monday night, the; 12th, and had th experience of hearing a sermon by Wni. Jennings Bryan, which was delivered ! in Point Breee Presbyterian: Church Pittsburgh,; Pa., and was broadcasted Joy wireless tele phone. Mr. Beck, and : his brother, uowaw. have rigged mn a snlendld wireless seV making'all of the appar- UlCIIlBBIVCa CAtcpi. two UUJU 1UU a set of batteries. ' -i." MANY LIVES LOST IN " f 4-f ; TORNADO' IN,sSOljTH -t " At leasti twenty-three persons ' were killed and many injured in the tornado which swept over isolated portions' of ix)uisiana, Mississippi," .Arkansas anri Oklahoma Tuesday night late. ' and continuing into Wednesday morning. ine Heaviest loss or me is jroported at Gowan, Okla., a village' where. 12 persons were killed. The storm in Arkansas left a trail of, wrecked build ings for twenty miles, 'ASix'ftegToe-. were killed and several other people siignuy injured, vyery twentv-five persons were - jailed; and. 150- buildings rlAmnHaltAjl of PtWiifWnrinA'l,' ivuff. tion visited by he jterm are alarms PRESIDENT TO RETURPTTO WASHINGTON SATURDAY President and Mrs. HaiMino- on,UA their houseboat) cruise in Florida wa- T vxuioc III I II ;ry, wno nas Deen tneir comnanion on the trip will also return to Wash ington Saturday. Both the President and Mr. Daughtery are enjoying the golfing on the Palm Beach green. Free Seed to Continue The House agricultural appropria tion bill carries an appropriation of $360,000 for free seed, the vote stand ing 145 to 65. In framing the measure this appropriation had been omitted on the grounds that the price of Seeds had dropped and that the free, distri bution of the same was not justified to the extent formerly pravaling. The 65 members voting in opposition were most persistent in their ecorts to de feat the measure. RAMSEUR iNEWS Mr. Robt L Patterson, of Norfolk, spent a day or two with his sister, Mrs. T. A. Moffltt , and family last week.-, . - Mr. E. J. Steed and family and Mr. R. E. ' Wtooley spent Sunday l with friends at High Point .. Mr. CL H. YoUra was called to the vuMimu pare oz tne state Monday to attend the funeral of his brother-in- .. 1 L " . . . . , law. V , : Mr. 'W. E. Lock left Sundav far Newton, t- . , - Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wrijrht are the proud parent of 11-pound boy. , The mfcnv friends of onr efflciert btnk teller, Mia Jessie Whitehead, are m sympathy with- her In her il - ncsi at hospital and hope .she will on recover her healta and be with us again, . ; - ;:.,'f..-;;r y Mr. A. A. Cant ia Improving his home on Main street by painting , it inside and out. ' . - , ' Meaars. Dewey Whltehetd and Rot air.iiiu wer-t to ireenDoro Bundsy. A lew cams or influensfi Jn . town rd community cause the doctors to adviae the school board to clone the choc I for the week. -We hore the condition will b so greatly improved Lj the end of the week that it my open again next rwc The new building la promised to the achool by April 1, when the old one will be torn away at once and con verted Into a residence, i . ' , Vore of people were made homeleai nrar Macon, (ia , lat Baturday by tha worst Tood iir 1919, I!ril;"" nd ron'lwava wer washed sway ti well ro'n h dmnace belnir done to ner- nl ITijierty. lEEFUBUC AN COUNTY APRIL 8 Tha Republican - county convention will be held in the court house in Asbeboro Saturday, April S, at 11 a. ra. ' The purpose of the meeting, it is announced, is to elect a county chair man, secretary, executive committee land delegates to the state, congress ional, senatorial and judicial conven tions. . It is further stated that all Republican voters are also requested to meet at their usual meeting place and elect a township' chairman, and elect delegate f or eah 26 voters to attend the county convention in April. COLLEGE PRESIDENTS V OF THE STATE MEET The second meeting of the North Carolina College Conference was held in Greensboro last week, and manv things which will tend toward the un- Duiidmg or the state college system were accomplished. The college presi dents -who were present came to an agreement as to the entrance require ments of the state colleges. It was agreed that a four year high; school course in a lecognized secondary high school, which Is equivalent to fifteen units is the minimum. : Dr. Howard E Rondthaler president of Salem col lege was elected president, and : Prof. N, W.,Walker.of the University, sec retary and treasua-er. Both men are well known t in this Section of the stateespecially Professor1 Walker who had charge of the Asheboro -school a number of years ago. , , DENTON TO VOTE ON SCHOOL BONDS The citi-:pn.s of T3enta will on April 18,. vote on the question of issu ing $30,000 in school building bonds and to levy a special tax sufficient to take, care of interest, , sinking, fund, etc. ,w '" '. FRANKLIN VELE: NEWS Mr. A. C. Hughes returned to Co lumbus, Ohio, last Saturday. Mr. I M. Jones is sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fentrisa and R. D. Gasrison spent Saturday evening and "Sunday at Greensboro and High Pointi ifV-.' .. Mr. G. H. Cox and family spent Sunday evening at Ramseur. Mr. a. l. Par ham, who has been at Sanford for some-time, came home Saturday. ;- . - Miss Katie Marley, of Randleman. 6pent Saturday and -Sunday Vith her .rarfalAfc,ndMMrs; A.V. Marley. t U U I . . . A.. ,T -fc.;r 11. - . "1 Lucy Buie and Miss went to Greensboro Sunday, liranny" r oust is with her daiigV ter, Mrs. T. A. Slack for a few week3. Mr. M. W. Free and son, Herbert, spent Sunday at Cedar Falls. Mr. David Hollady returned to his work at Greensboro Monday. Kev. J. R. Miller, of 'Belmont, preached at the Baptist church Mon day night Miss Addie Henson and Lindsav Frazier, of White Oak, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. J. M. Tippett and son Cecil vis ited in Greensboro Sunday. Mr. Ernest Routh, our clever assist ant miller, is not only well up on his job in the mill, but is destined to be come an expert in early truck grow ing having had on exposition at Mr. Peter A'.lred's Saturday night quite a lot of fine spring Irish potatoes.. vr. and Mrs. T. 1. rox went to Greensboro one day last week. W. C Jones has bought the L. M. Jones store building and has moved It near his dwelling hour and has put in a full line of groceries. Miss Irene Parks, while at olav jumping the rope, fell and broke her arm last weefc H. P. Black. W. R. Hughes and W. R. Cox made a business trip to States- viuo ono day last week. Mr. Wi. A. Strider and Mrs. Ellen Yow were united in marriage at the residence of W. C Jones last Thurs day evening, W. C Jones, Esq., offici ating.. They left Friday morning for a few days' visit at Greensboro. The groom It a son of Manuel D. Strider, and the bride a daughter of Mrs. Lydia Moon. . Their many friends wish them a long and hatpy life. They wll rnnke ther future (tome .here, -j , They both hold positions with, the Randolph Manufacturing Co. " Mr. C. (X Brower end family spent Saturday evening and Sunday at Ce dar FaJte.v ? ' ;v,i,nlh -, Allred Brother have improved the looks or their store building witn a coat of paint Mr. and Mrs. R. u Curtis and Mis. Nannie Free spent Sunday at Mr. Jackaon's in Greensboro. ' - MIaaos Ethel and Leila McKtnnon visited relatives at Coleridze - Satur day evening and Sunday. ; i Mr. and Mrs. EL P. Webster went to Grcenaboro Sunday. ' v. i 8. T, Jones', daughter. Mist Swan- nie, is critically ill and was carried to the hoapiul at Aaheboro Monday. Mr. and Mra. Ourney Hoover, of Mt Olivet, apent Sunday with the family of W. II. Wrenn. Mrs. Margaret Smith has returned from Richmond, Va., where ahe han hen buying millinery for Kranklinville rior impany. Tha millinery open ing will be next Friday and Saturday, CONVENTION IMPROVEMENTS AT Jinwit e aiii wa mm It wfll be of Jnteret to learn that the town of Asheboro has recently bought new generator to produce additional, power for the water and light plant And ruther ' improvement . is to made by raising the dam at the pond U order to make a larger storage of water for tn cumin nummer. mil the water was short for a few weeks, their meeting the first af in the town last summer, the situation weef (or the superintendent of did not become acute as it did ia many the county home. Mr. Hicks saeeeem places throughout the state. . y s- J- cott' who recently resigned. He The Board has also reduced the w8 cho8en from & other applicant, charge for water and lights 15 per Jiw" an"ounce,d, tt w 1v cent of the 55 per cent excess. Prtmen' . shipment of 1J3 This seems as much as the present S " fxr Mliiep " ,J high freight rates will consistently S?1.0 New Y" at J8 mpletetes permit , the shipment of American dead Crosa , : the Battlefields of France. ; There axe rn ttvtv mrnwiv 97 bodies to be shipped from England; COUNTY HIGHWAY and m begun at onca. f it m COMMISSIONERS MEE1S 8aid by who kaow that bSb- The county "highway commission TJJ Kng0 btitTwsactS' ftSrl LW" tl. iLJJK caused many relatives to '.. leave fTwis?reaS announced that niS 'S c?u J rord.sonof .the multimflUonatre J aI Wad automobUe manufacturer, will be - - a graded at an early date. . , - candidate for Congress at the "next ed from Gray's Chapel road via . Pat- however, as to just the party aJEHa Iw 1 i-Tr1 a0' W", Chp!1 and 1 wIU seek? , ftt L eLJ Br8dy l8y Ut Former secretary of the treasnr The IrL Jr j ..V Williarn Gibbs McAdoo has moved b5 The price of , dragging roads-with f 8mjly from New York to Los Anee team was reduced from $4.00. per day SiJLtltfSS: to S3 per day. also the nrice of a daV fyty.:. General Julian S. (rrmanr JV a. understood that the county in- friend8 throughout the State wfflte nnZJTFP- a ad? glad to note "that his improvement than those maintained by State High- from Mincent alnega ia atelldT , ' Mr n n R-it.oii n a Mrs. R. R. Reitzell Dead t R. Reitzell, of near Liberty, February - Anderson- a white man.' Waiiama 24th, was received with wgret hy her wa8itake,tiby ,a..poss? as he was be many friends throughout this section ta.t J1' anl ched.' Kit of the state. Mrs. Reitzell died at her thought tiiat Anderson will recoier.. home four miles north of Uberty For over fifteen, years the-Post from paralysis at the age of 72. Be- o(Rce ftt Hamlet- has been in charge, of fore her marriage she was EmeUne nber of the Terry ; family, an4 Murray. The funeral services and anothex one hw recently been np?oinv burial occurred at Richland church. d Jinks Terty. , He succeeds B. E. Surviving Mrs. Reitzell are six child- Terry who held the office nder the ren, one daughter, Mrs. Z. S. Moffltt DemBcratwadministration. v of Asheboro Route 1, and five sons, Arbuckle, motion .pctore J. P.. r.. R .t w a r tr ptir comedian went on tnal Monday Jor, of. Uberty; and C. M. Reitzell, of fiwKmaWn . . " THIS ILLUMINATED CROSS Everysody was pleased with the . i. Ai n r i-i . i i i x n acrvico ui ivi. a. cnurcn last oun- ouiuevmnir amereni.- uan i tnose folk sing?" "If they would have ser- i-i j. jj. r i l I oftener I would attend more It was just too short." "If tney Keen that up they will have to make more room; the house was full." une services next bunday night will be packed with good " thinaM. There will be singing by the junior choir, tne maie quartette, and the congrega- tien. ine Big bmg idea will pre- van. we win help you sing that old time song you love. There will. aho. be something new in "Echo Singing." But above all else your interest will center about the "Illuminated Cross" which will be switched on during prayer and at the close of the service, If you like a good robust spiritual service come to the church at 11 a. m. it you are a mollycoddle you had bet- ter stay away. A. C. GIBBS, Pastor. RANDLEMAN NEWS Mrs. D. F. Hayes, of Greensboro is spending a fw day, fa town the guest Of Mrs. E. P. Hayes. Mr. Max Wagger left Sunday for New York and other northern oolnt!. Miss Wllma Brooks, of High Point, Is visiting friends and relatives in , , Mr. J. Worth Ivey, of Charlestoi-, S. C., is the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ivey. Messrs A. B. Beasley and R. C. Bulla spent Thursday in Greensboro on business. Misses Mary Ferguson and Ophedia Kirkman were week end visitors In High Point Mr E. E, Clapp, of Durham, is visi- Ung friends and relatives in town. mi.. rvnM ujk Pvi erase vieaa sa vviuwi va iiuu a viiiw who has been the guest of her brother Mr. S. W. Connor for the past week returned to her home Saturday. Miss Allne Connor spent the week end in High Point the guest of; Mlssf MUdred Hayworth on 809 South Malrl Street':'. . .' Mrs. J. W. Cottrt of Badln is vii- ting friends and relatives in town this week. , , . vi ,.' . ; ., Miss Jewel Summer, of the N. C. W. of Greensboro, was a week end is - Iter in town, , , - v Mr. Talton O'Bryant of Rosemary, 1 viijtlng friend and town. , relative : ia Mr.and Mrs. W. T." hWnn m-re vialtors in High Point Sunday. V . Mr. Robert Deal, or Greenaboro, is a vlaltor In town Saturday. was a vlaltor in town Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Hautrhns, of Snrsy. Is vlsilnr In town. Khe wai called to the bedai.le of her slater. Mm. Algie Sm- m ft r i. ..i in day nieht You could hear neonle wt S5ir:ZJL rCll ,SLS:i V ,epons come Jessie Craven .'".SrllH in , cnurcn -wasn t n a nne service '-ij..i man, who Is aerioualy ill. THE NEWS IN EEEF 1 - - . - ' The Greensboro Automobile hw which opened in the tobacco bousf Tuesday is widely attended t.y ?Pf 'rom all over the state. There w " iearore m "n e show, and a specta? e wm ue w "7 jr ; " M' T- C. Hicks was chosen by the eounty commissioners of .. Guiifort 7.'. . : ' " v satisfactory. . . 3fev. Alfred Williams, a negro living near i Atlanta, G was lynched earlr Sun- day morning charged with shootinv L. e third time for manslaughter.' The charge grew out of the cirsumetaneeE! connected with the death of ML Virsrinia Ranne followine a drinldii- party lin Arbuckle s apartmenta-: lfc be called than were at either - of ; ttx f;Ain a 111 Oh. nu bliaifli from thff Near Ea Raleigh that ; t c... i i t..tV'.M- u v it u m . VaA A l IO 11UW Ab Wall J11CCU ...aM thousands of children wiU he turni rom the orDhanaee in Armenia whka j supported by the good peopte -d Ncrtfaroima: Many peoplTofEaii dolph county have sent In snb tions for this fund, but there are rstil many who have given nothing, laetf net leave those orphans to Starve ta cause we neglect to give our dollar five, or any amount wo eaa spare. Mrs Fodie Buie Kenvon. a natrs of North Carolina, who for 24 yeaJ held a position in the Departments Justice, has resigned. She was pr sented by her friends with ' Bo and a Silver vase, which is son thing unusual in the case of a goi crnment clerk. She is a daughter. D. A. Buie, of Robeson county. V Another North Carolina lady win success in the government vice is Mrs. A. B. Morrison, of Muj ganton. She has over 30 years s4 vice to her credit,, and Is now grandmother, but 'still popular efficient PAGEANT AT M P. cHURCfe , QT-x r. v mivuiun w ,r. . SUNDAY EVENING, MARCJI . .' .- Sunday eveninir. March 1ft. ti l ' Lfrl ,.n It -is given by the Home Missionary ciety and sets forth in a vivid mii, the wide field for opportunity Christian work In America. . The character is Columbia who hold torch of liberty high while the ' 1 tentative from various nations .r to her in their native costume an.. for the gospel to be given people in America." The pacaist 1 1 fh a proceasionat ef twr; ",v" " -j the close of the service an o ... - , m r w. u'r ; ,-n" ' fdMM!LftP,?,J?4 K.y.' Ve fa o"r Invited to attend. ",. ' . ' 1 .vapiaia Kinney vt I Cartain Jerome C Kinncv. cf ': asvilla. died in that eitv at the advanced age of $4. ; For to years Contain Kii one of the best known and r neiont engineers in the f "the Southern Railway. A t ef an accident which la- nim ne retired from (years ago and haa aln I ....U t - ! ..J k tfk lrming and bo. i n, on8 nC,n' "vV . . VV I CI'UI? Ki"r ! ' ion eounty near Lei fu71 .n r " rooming frm tl." K. wat one of the hr; ,Th.

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