THE ASHEBOKO COURIER, ASIIEBOUO, N. C. Page Fire riiE courier.- I TELEPHONE NUMBER C - Jr, lind Mrs. Eirt Bulla " and ch dren,"of Ash'bort Route 2, ere U.e guests of relative in' ArhelC7&iu- .y - ---- - . - j. WEEK'S SOCIAL tYLNTS . Report T the (WUioa ef THE BANK pf RANDOLPH I 1 J Y.W. A. Meets '' ' At Asheboro, N. C, in the State of 'J ' I t. If you are not satisfied with heboro, N.C., March 16, 1922 Mrs. . R. F. Lynch, of Asheboro Thai1. W. A. of the A&beboro Bap- North Carolina, nt the e!oj of Uusi- Route 2. was in tov.n Saturday . Jor- tist church held their regular month- ness, March 10, 1922. .- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS - your Laundry, try .,.4: Mr. W. C: Hammond was at horn with Miss Bessie Foust. The topte ' - i -TrTTT" ''.i-." T I - mr t' Til:V. k AK . J b.'.lkM-x.i.J . (liiiaeiAi -. 0 TKa tTmA t of tha week on legal business, ra- In the Ineonw tax semo and travel aion Board.", .We had a very Interest- .?frfJri 19&4S and : Asheboro Steam Laundry i Ling VVedneslaV'vfr,f in nve counties in wiesecuone mg program. -:- Air in OUM ,TihMbond- hss Swannie-Jones, daughter , of JO, . n - ..- v-,..;.,; , . weeucg wo .pent a very peasant jj-'c iisb t- wi fit.' a t ni ciai hour to which we were eratartaui- ' state e is critically IU at tiemoral hos- from pneumonia lot aereral aeks ar d with, music and songs and the hos- ,tocks. bonds. Srr -,vs, ..m ,'MemoriaJ hospital' b improying semd refreshments consisting of ZSuMmnFy :day. march is, 13: tt in America"' eiven' by the, Mr. U. vMweatneny. or tcanoie- Af;."ni ntr , ' ! ture and fixture Ene MUsionary. society, at the M. P. man wa, buaines idsitor to Ashe- .MrsRoy T. Hodgin- was hostess trch Sunday evening, March .HWi;:. -i 4 v v to thr , Thursday Erening Bridge MrsZT. C. Kavjosoh returned Tues- i 4 Mrs.. Z., S.: Moffitt of Asheboro. cjnb at ner home in West -Asheboro; y from several days visit toCab routed was in Asheboro . Saturday Bridgtf was playedat twa table and" -T" P. ,.: navidson. -V Th manr Xor'ever8A hours ' - , . ton scot nriz cHven at each table. lends" of Cantain Davidson in Ashe- . Miss Minnie Hoover is at heme for: Miss Mabel Parrish and Miss Mary 'pS?' " aro will be glad to" kSow that- he .is two "weeks between courts. She will Moffitt 'won the- prises - which, were necK Ior wearing . . hDrovimr alter naving, Deen iu, wi jeavo maicn evut ior un Bpriug nana painiea score paoa. a me con- MrHal PhiUips attended th Auta PJM - - Low HvQreensborothis weekv , Arthur Birkhead. Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers -and trust com panies .. w Cash items held over 24 hours 15.800.00 600.01 13,000.00 iOfiOOJOQ 175013 134.67 718.69 Total ed chicken salad, tomato and mayon-, - , was. Ill aise, wafers, coffee, and salted suits. pltal "r SheNwas assisted in servinir bv Mr- fcurplua Ihnd . . . , Liabilities in ... $683,884 ..1 $21,400.00 t75.000.00 Undivided profits, less cur T rent exnenses and taxes 'nint Tuesday while in town they TlS-7 -tP.-i t. j t ' r nr.... nnU , mn-re d Mr. 1 I; WhiUkOT -wnoj, mey re- ham counties. He-will also seU Hud- The Randolph Chapter U. D. C. was Deposits subject to hheck 564,743.64 , v - Sw niritoi ' ns and ssex cars in ; this n section ' delightfully entertainpd Wednesday casnier's checks outsland ia beenjn the Mign vromt nospiwi .fj, .v. ..Mnu.. . i.i,.l.m . oa,n w m, T.n Mr, inr fiiWRfl? .or .five ' weeks. .yl':, : - Mi TIM MM, hinn -to 13. H. Morris at the hanti of the 'lot, I Mr.D. S. Coltrane, educational 'P-.jaigh- Point Monday after a few days ter on Worth Street Mrs. Annie oW J683.884.31 h-esentative of 'the r-AmericaBUme- v1rteit to- her'-pawnts,'' Mr. and Mrs. Eli Robins 'and Mrs. L, C. Phillips were State of North Caroima County of jstone Company,' of. Knoxvile,' Tenneb- prftchard in North Asheboro. i . the readers for the afternoon and tlie Randflpb, March 15, 1922. bee, has been touring Orange and Al- Yfoyi Caviness, of Coleridge, program was a most interesting one. L W. J. Armfleld, Jr., Cashier of tamace counties recently. , Mr; - Col- wai tiie guest of his parents Satur- After the program an attractive con- tb" boye named bank, do solemnly Jtrane now has neaaquaners m a-tdav and Sandav v . test on St Patrick's Da was eniov- ear mat we aDove statement is sigh. Mrs. S. A. Cox, of Pisgah, was the ed. .: , ' The Courier has had ' two notices guest of relatives in' Asheboro ,Sun- Mrs, I. 'C. Mpser won the prize, a concerning chickens. Both of thein jday, leaving for Salisbui-y Monday hand embroidered cup towel. The happened to be the same notice, with where she will visit ,her daughter, Hostesses served delicious fruit salad, the reouest to publish. The people of Mrs. Bean for three days. wafers-1 and hot tea, followed by lAsheboro are lining, up in the garden Dr. Carl T. Walker is able to bo green and white mints. Spring flow Icampaign and do n)t want to have out again oifte a two weeks illness ers, plum blossoms, made the enter Itrouble with other people's chickens, from influenza, tainment rooms doubly attractive. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Parsons, of El- -vMiss Cleta Kich v. as at home for prbe' were the guests of Mrs. J. W. the week end returning to Linwood Honoring Mrs. Brown vii-irhoaH th first of the week. Monday where she is teaching in the Mrs. W. B. Fereuson was hostess to Mrs, Joe Swaim, of liberty; under- scnooi wmier. miss men was ac- the Monday isvening bridge Uub Dital in ureensooro lust ruojr, " , - Straim's condition was considered ra- A revival began at the Baptist guest or a few days. Bridge was en theT serious, but she is getting along Church Sunday and will continue for joyed untiVaiate hour by the guests, iicrfv " - tv.o weeks. - The hostess served a most tempting Mrs. B W. Little, after a ten days their ho?ne in Asheboro Satur- sandwiches, olives, wafers and hot tea. -visit to relatives, in High, rointnas . p t. j hmr t ' --i..-. -v AaHAtAVA TrtF VI VI I. I.I I ' - . - . Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eh Pntch ard, before returning to Charlotte uovernor eroff morru The many frjen(s f Mr and Mra anake the address at the close pf Xj Wft.h f,, Wftl(,Am4, th wk rty high schooL : Mr. Bryan Harkey returned to Lex- Invtcm Saturday nieht after a nine ttue to the best of my knowledge and oeiiei. W. J. AEMFIELD, Jr. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this loth day if March, 1922. W. A. BUNCH, Notary Public. My commission expires 5-7-23. . Coiieec Aitdst: W. P. WOOD, P. H. MORRIS, L). ti. McCKAKY. Directors. Mr. Worth has been in the office of the U. S. Attorney in Charlotte where it was moved from Asheboro. 1 Mrs. Presnell Entertains Mrs. Ollie Presnell was hostess to a table of bridge Monday afternoon at her home in north Asheboro. The Worth will gladly welcome themback gamfl was enjoyed for an hour or more " ""'uu" n . , when the hostess served tomato sanu Miss De EUe Bennett who is a wi-.hea nH hot ta. Tho. nTsm Reserve District No. 5 Charter No, 8953 Report of the condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . a Asheboro, in the state of North Carolina, at the close of business on March 10, 1922. Resources Loans and discounts ... .350.36.91 96.04 We Treat Your Clothes White ' ' t f 1 ... - . z Asheboro Steam Laundry W. P. Royster, Mgr. N Phone 57 4 ! New Millinery a lot of attrac in hand made -a j j. ii:- rii - mi .i . . r . months tour or we eonnnem. nr.; WM . h- fftr thr ' kH. rj V?' ' uon lu- Xarker., left. Davidaim last , ami' : a i." IL.- i-TI It "oam oaamam ana ww. ue .. .. .. -mer in a Ford roadster which he had "S.""L KrSTY "i vington, of Rockingham. . -All other specially prepared forjhe trip.acss the continent He .also. m& tour 't- which' wn, . S j,,r, ''''' " tte "ne Ridge Mission school Mr. E. J. Steed, of 'Ramseur, "was a r -irtn-w business visitor in Asheboro Tueaaay . ;UI entncicy. . Be was accompanied by his daughter, mr.v - vi Aliss Vera Steed, who was oh herrwayi Tli'!. " " j" afternoon was Japan, with Mrs. S. I tSISSSFfiriwere elected, President, Mrs. J. a. j !a.t . ucwiHi viwf icaiucm.rJPrpi a,uju . S!? ,WST of e rt,!!ici-! ' "t.""".'"'" ' Each team is to see how much -na aire. w. v. iuciiuu. ... mffli thw n Overdrafts, unsecured U. S. Government Securi ties owned: deposited to secure circula- bonds par val- S50.000.00 United States Missionary Society Meets " I $99 000 00 The Foreign Missioary Society of Total 142,500.00 tne ai. tr. uiurcn met witn rars. J. m. uiacx oonds, stocks, secun- Brown in West Asheboro Monday ties, etc 32,712.50 afternoon The topic of study for the Banking house, $29,974.15: xurniture and fixtures, $11,759.55 41.733.7C juawiui reserve with Fed eratReserve Bank 24,600.00 asn m vaureraortmeTSfo- national banks 114,970.86 Ciiecus on other tanks m John Swaim: Corresponding Secre- various tery' MFS A. R. Winirigham; Treas- 31r. and Mrs. N. C. Mclver, and Mr. jW heiVihthenear future fs retary Mrs Ear,e Bulla? Record rePorting bank iWl" VA XU XliU A Of $115,922.57 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer jtjwejr , xviurc, m , well as a beautv contest, and manv iT1? SSrT ways, by wWch the women hope tn reaize a BnbntnntinI sum I J)l Mr. Max Wamrer. of Randleman. left for the nortnern markets the first wivai qvuvtrwn at thp of the week to select an up to date RSHEMM BAPTllr rmTRrw Jine of men's cloning and furnishings ASHEBORO BAPTIST CHURCH agent, Mrs. C. R. Crotts. ANOTHER CONTEST In our issue-of two weeks ago we had a contest in which the people displayed much interest It was as- 1 1 t ITr' 1 1 A 1 j ana ttanmeman. Magg M t,n Q gt t Saturd rangea oy mr. j. vv woin, 01 Asne Hamlin, of High Point, enii-jM cj boro. Another contest was sent in to 951.71 2,500.00 for Asheboro' and Randleman. Dr. j. j. uamun. 01 turn roini, cij:j a j JHessrs. Colon, Claud and Jesse Ham- iinira. ug the first rf thjg week by another lin, of Greensboro, were the guests of Large crowds are attending thf ' of our subscribers, and we are making their parents, Mr. and Mrs. WT 1Li meeting in progress at the Asheboro the same offer for this that we did for .Hamlin, Sunday.' -?.' " ' Baptist church, of which , Rev, James the other, for the first set of correct Mrs,-Everett Luck, 'of Mt. Gilead, W. Rose is the pastor. Re v: E. S.-answers we. will give a year's sub Tvas the guest of her parents, Mr. and P'Pool, of Hattiesburg; Mississippi, scription to The Courier. The follow .Mrs. R. I. Dickens, sthe" first of -the and Mr. Theodore H. f air, of Tyler, inp rules, must be observed: week. p. ' , M Texas) Evangelists of the Home iuic- 1. AH answers' must be in writing. The , pageant "Christ in America," sion Board of the Southern Baptist ' 2. r Address to "Contest Department" will be presented at the M, P. church Convention, are the leaders in sermon The1 Courier. Sunday evening by the home mission- and song. The large cogragitions . 8. Only give one answer for each vary society of the M. f. cnurcn. , jlv- seem very mucn piei3eo witn tne question two answers to one aues-! ryone is uivitea w aitena. au unci- worn oi uie hiciu an. r. ruoi is an ti0n win count as a mistake ing Trill be taken at the door. . ' easy, rapid speaker, clear in his enun- 4. The name of the successful con Mrs. J. R. Brown, of XJreensboro,' dations so that every Word ia.undcr- testantand the answers will be pub was the guest of her daughter, Mri. stood, and ic .noted as one who can li6hed in our next issue and not an- w. a. r erguson on ooum rayeuevuw nutao ituu um kivui. vciu uingB 01 uic nounced to .anyone before treet from Sunday to Wednesday. Scriptures. He' has a spirit of kind- There will be a schoor exhibitiin at jiess an tolerence Torthcse vho may . reopie lou Know. JFlint: Hill March 18th, to,whlch the hot be lit his: denomination, and -a (The answers are names of peori'e public is invited. - Rev. L, W, Get brotherly feeling for all . mankind, in ou town). linger and Mr. T. F." Bulla, of "Ashe- Mr. Farr is among 'the very highest 1. A. question' by the farmer. , bori will. be the speakers ior tne oo -type 01 singers'. in m enure eoumo . n ju wni aia me wonnei-n ! casion. . ,; . : -. "Z being naturally . gilted tnttt. a good, army tiave to contend in trying to 'v: Mr. W- H. Alonng len aunaay ior 0 Daniono toiob wen inuneu unuer me hm hnt tAAchem in tha tMited ' States. -will buy 'another supply of goods for The music in tiie services Is a treat his store.- v . J to all who love good singing.j . - ' 'Mrs. James Ccvington, 01 KocKing- ,1 rne services are at ;v every mgni, tim u at tw.iu fnr n wAoVa visit to and at 8:30 in the afternoon every day ; her mother, Mrs. A. E. Burns. '' except Monday. On .Saturdays afte'. 8. t.Alway In the front ranks. . Mr. Glenn York, of Rwdloman, wai noon there will be a great mass meet- 9. Needed in an emergency. in town Saturday. ' ' ' : ing on the street near the postofflce, ' iu. roor discipline.' t , Mrsi Annie DeMarcus who has been 8:30, when Mr. Farr will sing and Mr. What we all like to h HI from pneumonia is improving. ' . rool wiU pjreacn.. Mr, roors tneme on 1. jonn, junior.. Mr S. A. Cox, cf Pisgtih, waa". h that occasion will be "The Rich FooL" 13v- Ahn tried for the prise. : ousincss visivor in vown uia mm, wi i-""" - - --1 , ,v- ' theweek. . .; the streets and In the pulpits of many 15. ;An electric sweeper. Mr. Miles T. Allen -a ubstantlal 6f the largest cities both North and 16..' Not Ull: .. , . j ' -i farmer, of Ramseur Route '1,1 was a South, as well as in he forks of the 17. What the farmer likes to do. biiftinea visiter in Anhnboro , Monday creeits irom wesi lexas w me ai naruingur o springer, and raid the Courier a call while in lantic Don't miss it' take Richmond T 3. ' A German parasite. 4. . An Indian warrior. 5. A place '.of meeting. 6. A car. 7, One use for an attic. Total $694,001.72 Liabilities Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 45,000.00 Undivided profits, $8,665.35 Less current expenses, in terest and taxes paid $1,936.66 6,728.69 Circulating notes outstand ing 49,980.00 Cashier's . checks on own bank Outstanding 2,193.40 Total of item 25, $2,193.40 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub ject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check 198,295.02 Total - of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, item 26'., 198,296.02 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates "of deposit (oth- than for money borrow ed ,. 341,640.15 Postal savings deposits . . . 164.46 Total of time deposits subject to reserve, items 32 and 85 .. $341,804.61 Just received tive patterns hats. For best styles in the best of materials call at my place. Mrs. Millard H; Allred have. friends. . ; town. ' Mibs Annie Thomas, of Gsstonla, was the guest of Mr. J. W. White's family several days last week, 'Mrs. D. V. Marsh and little d.iugh- results., tr returnnl to their home at ' Salis -li-.iry Monday tftor a vinit to Mrs Mnr...h' piirpnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. . I its In r.-int Asheboro. , . . Mr. Ilonni (JoHe, of Seagrove, was A ln-l,oro f londny for several hourii. !r. Jt. A. rujrh, of AKlicbrro Route . ri in town on bu'.lnP s Monday. Total ii ...... i $694,001.72 State of. North Carolina, County of I Kandoipn, si: --1, 'John M. Neely, cashier of the above named bank,, do solemnly swear tliat the above statement la true to . tha best of my knowledge and belief, Bring your 19. Something we dislike to take up. u Subscribed and sworn to before me tAs I have been appointed dealer for Randolph county for the famous WILLYS LIGHT plant am now ready to demon- itrate tO!any parties who may be interested. Will come to your T home and make demonstration any time. Yours truly, L. R. BARKER Asheboro, N. C. MULES! MULES! J I will have in a fresh car load of Missouri mules by next Tues- Y . a lay, ine aist. ie sure anu see mem oeiore traaing or Duymg. -ai A. M.FERREE PROF, T. F. BULLA WILL MAKE EDUCATIONAL ADDRESS ,20, One 6f our Allies. You get your money's worth when i you buy Teniae, besause it produces ; MT. OLIVET ITEMS Notary Public. BEAUTY CONTEST tl7k.i f I. I l.f tf - ' Mr. William Manex' child, whit baa " been seriously sick with pneumonia, Is - improving . ' , f .1 r!.i r- t n n ' .. r. j. uuii uu( u, ii divwh mmt win, oriuiy. this 16 day of Alarch. 1922. . ... W. A. BUNCH, Ii'-'" - ' 'Correct Attest: ' : 'W.J. MOORE, " - , , ' ' - W. r'. KKUU1NO, ' , . . , ' J. S. EWIS, Directora. ' in ",r rl IJoovfr, of C.iwnslKiro, Is i : r-' ' in Af-lif-'iorn. .' h-. C. M. T . r. nf ! ' ...p. t i (i.r in Alchnro the first f ). v , in) 1 .,',,1 in ') he Courier Who U Athehoro's Prettiest Girl? Mr. B. F. Brown and son; Cradv. ' Litis Howard Dawkln DUd ' The Woman's club is conducting a made a, business trip to Fayetteville v Little Howard Dawkin died at the aontost to' decide this question. last weolC . J ; ' ' '( home of his grandparents at Sea- ' AH the young men who have pretty Mr. M. F. Wrenn and Mr. William grove, Saturday March , 4th at the plrl.i, and every older man who still Maness raised their tobacco bams last age of three yean onev month ten knows a pretty jrlrl, is requested to 'week. . . . . days. ' . '.' , " . ; . '': enter hr nnme in our content and en- Mrs. C. M. Tysor and son-Wade and He was tha son of Mr. and Mm. f . Lrect wiui a cournge his friends to vote fur her. little Euffenla spent; Sal urdsy and W. DawkinS ," ' liie ponterg are now ready t tre tunlay In ttreenjiboro with relatives.' The funeral took place Sunday, Standard snl Ash-lxiro I'nig fjtores, Mr, John ATonroe awl family upent sfter hoon at Pleasant Hill churcn. 1 ive cents for 6 vnts. Twenty-five Saturday nlt:ht end Sunday at Mr..C. 1 he funeral was conducted by Rev. J. I'- ii for a nomination., lo clone r , lirovs u s lanuiy. . v, Hulin i r.. ! v(i!? ut either dmir Mic.s Jlaiiilm werlt fur ft f' 1 , ...r.,..d Nues? CnniB home laxt V day m ),ct srhnol r i f " .v il.r. a mi sr.-nunt 1.. Little Howani was loved by every- bo.'y , Th death of this little chi'd v ! -a ad v. but the sorrowing . i nr! fnn,f(ifVl ,ln the Ihonpht it Flint Hill School to Close With Exhi bition Saturday: kev. uei.tu-t. Will Also Be Present. Flint Hill school, taught by Mr. W. B. Fulton and Mrs. Mary Farlow, will close Saturday, March 18, with an in teresting day program consisting of songs, recitations and dialogues by the school and addresses by Prof. T. Fletcher Bulla and Rev. L. W. Ger- Randolph County. State iiuu is to nuuiy an persons mai me nnfl.Hlnhl .J 1 1 . A T71 Fpnpv fAmfrmn MArn'.nn fliVAniAv a ' me monui oi Apru, lyzz. baia ue- , fendant was convicted of the manu-' facture and sale of liquor at the July . special term of the superior court of " itannoipn county, im. Ail persons pardon will rinirer. of Asheboro. Saturday night, there will be a play protesting atralnst said rendered by twenty-one charanters, present their protests to the governor entitled "The Last Half-Day in a Dis-without delay. , i . trict BchooU" I , This tha 13th day of March, 1922. ' Everybody is cordially Invited to at- , OTTO HANCOCK. . tend. Be on time.. It begina at 10 a. 8-l6-2t-pd. , . ' , . ra. North Carolina, V Randolph County. . . Stata ' vs. ; - TRIN1TT NEWS ' Mr. James Compton, of New, Or-1 leans wLa has been visiting relatives I here for the last few weeks, left Ba Jim Brown. urday for Ft. Worth, Texas. - i ' This is to notify all persons that Ui Mr. Parrish, of the high sihooL has undersigned will apply to Hii Exeel been sailed home again on adcount of lency, Cameron Morrison, Governor of the illness of his mother. iNorth Carolina. tut a pirdon duri-ig There is a good deal of lnfluenaa n the month of April, 1022. Said cle- town. ' Ifendant was con vice 1 of the manu- Mi as Bessie Jrhnnon, who lives near' facture and sale of liouor at the i-n- here, came home Fridny night. Che temWr term of this superior court f hs teaching in Iaknniie.' , Randolph county, 1321. il jcik ' end here, , . iprent thnlr proieitj lo the give--,- Mias Olivia Woo-ioy, of the James- without drlny. town srhool, ppfnt taturdnV and t.-un-day nt tie ,-irrf.n;,e viili licr pnr- - s -, Iv. nn I .- :. J. !!. V,'..'. W. This the i::ih :lay i.t JI T I

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