Pe Six THE Al QLEBG BO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. C THURSDAY, IfAXCB 11, r From The Land of Flower (Mrs. I P. The Courier is in recept of an in teresting letter from Mrs. L P Byrd, wno naa recently returned to her nome in Mt. OUead, V c, after a now able to attend religious services vacation spent in Florida. A synop- on Sundays, which she greatly en sis of this letter follows: joys. "We left Jacksonville after a stay On a certain afternoon wo made of only a few hours and proceeded to drive of 36 miles to Florida City, Fort Pierce, where we registered a: said to be located farther south than me Atlantic Hotel, lhe folowinir da . , 0 , - y - -- Sunday school, and heard an excellent sermon by Rev. Mr. Stubbs, who Is a IT "l . u ,k V""' 1,1 .Ul ing the week thereafter we carried out a busy program, endeavormg to visit u .u much of the country as possible. Dnv- ing through immense orange groves and truck farms we came to the St. Lucia River much of whose surface is whTcPheotyn Synri Uble which open in the Spnmr and are verv fragrant. We next saw the McCartv poultry tarm, with its thousands of fowls Hvmouth Rorlc.Rhon Ialn,l - j lieu.-., wiiite ignorns; inence to ing. lhe city ol old r l. .Marion 111 the large fish and oyster packing- 0u.u us intensely. It h ecu plants. In company with Mr. and s-rio-Tbl antiquity, having been bunt Mrs. J. T. Lisk, we drove fifteen miles by the Spanish as far back as 1665 to see a great dredfre-boftt, which is Its p-eat strength and durability made under construction with the view to it unassailable in its day, but, of draining lands now useless. It lies course, it could not now withstand the some 30 miles from the St Lucia heavv hnmhanlmpnt of mrulorn artil- River. When complete it will be cap- ; i L- , X-K" vHv. ty us 4 cubic yards. Six months will be required to complete it, and its es- timated cost is $75,000.00. Our next Thl1, WkS t0 the -?lauhter-house. where beeves are slaughtered for market; and also to a fruit-packin? jjiam., w.iere we were interested in observing the methods preparing fruit for shipment. Ounces emuioveu in are poured into a large cement trougn i - . inieii wun water, atter which they pass by elevator t an upper Morv, where they are rubbo.l bv a crumple belt and made clean. They arc then dried and sent on to the gradur '.vho sorts them in seven different L-nnies jMacninery is used in every this work. Later in the da sUiire of we ili'ied wun Mr. and Mrs. DeBcrry, for merly of Wadesboro and Wadeville, X. C, who received us most ho..pi'ajy. Wednesday we went to Wusv. Palm Beach, making- the 60 mile trip by ;iu-to-bus, andiput up at Tangbwood' Cor tage, whose proprietors we found to be North Carolinians. We thorough ly enjoyed our three days' stay heie . 1 f I A 1. 1 , 1 . . ' ... mu, uie oatning in the Atlantic dp lirhtfn n,,,. 4 i .. .Evergreen, at Miami, TO miles distant. the trip being made by bus. Ths is a lovely housp, near the Bay Shore Prive, and just opposite the Y. M. C. A. building, not far from the boat landing While hern it . .... ....viiuvw ic" Jl.MriCUs sen-ices at the White Temple, a Chuivll extabli.'jhed by the Northern'; Methodists. A.uiou;Tu a very large' structure, V.e found it packed with peopie. 1 lie sermon was most ex cellent lhere are .IS churche Miami, ! being of the Methodist snnsion. - in per- VV'e atl'Mded a lot sale, ami saw Ian. I f-tV. at si, not) t,, . j ; ; ,,..,.,.,. I hy I'. I"''i't. On (MiiM'Mluy we 's home, die DciTing ":"''it -ioi', t1(. Indian A I 'i. mi ( 'i farm. At lhe a oung nia.i la'.itor. throw Inn) uiwei VI -itrd l.-.W- a Br'. ia--.T ii'.m, : ;.:i.r.' an ' i i-.u'i-:. :r V.'. f.nm.l i re; utatinii. t-i'i'j In. : c ;hi'n put !nm ' dim: ti- to !,( l'i'e.-'i cri't n c i. ;.!'. ,,, to Ul Sleep to It- air e saw le. r. vi' r;, peili:., n. I not ai! a 1 ' mer ' i ,ai vi-itor. .'tmt ali'i, I:: lies a.,, catalogue, res, ru'.i ou ma ra: ! Ii- i ak Mr an. rrerlv .if C, called Dir. toted farms - ... l - t i: 1 1 t t. TTere y,-,;i va ' ev m , , I 'j-'ine to he .lellie. and . and hi ea ! h: fan.-' e -k-l if dr I Mr-. Cadon Hi lery irid for u--, an. i joV-" .1 ' v. itliout fi.ii!, veg in the a rn.alade-, e,, .ale. ue i- en a !rlV:T", f..;- W; Uwiil- - . N 'iidi t'li'in m I.. ed ih.'it igh :h. , I .1. ' I' ll. .1 'ein.' on ih a le I li:ern Vl fn.r-1 ;,o i ith a d 1 to : ; mules, ,i duced. I he ItiO .',.v . in i ! 1. prii! .1. ier :ind tuike-. 1 I arm, ' In.m Inr-es, n pro- ai e al. The following Sriida'. wo had th"' coveted pleasure of hoarinjc Mr. V. J. l'ryan deher one of in, faiii.ejf liihle ta'k-i to n lar.-e ; ;i . later heard a fine sermon by I'.ev. Dr Broyles, the text heinr "Wait til1 1 come". Throujfh tho kindness of Mr. DeBcrry v.- were 'he interested wil ncHsen of nn Indian marrinRe, which perhaps is somethinif never lo fore Been by white poople; In fart, wc actually shook hands with the bride. The ceremony was quite simple, thoujrh impressive, the left hands of the contracting cart leu be ing joined while the father repeat! the Towa, Notwithstanding the bre- , vitr aaii (implkity of the wddin Mtnriec, the marriar vowa by theae ' people la. most sacredly regarded, on lalthfiilneAs beina; punlahed by death . Many whites mljrht well profit by their txampl.. On this occasion the dress of tho bnd was tt wonderful ' and dojxllnf ereation. not 'ess than 25 different colors beina; repTtsenUd. ,Th eamr wen were active, - of eourne, man? views' bina; obtained. Wo TiKlted tho Do Herns, who had e ib-mled os tnanf courtesies. They own an sp-rtnwnt hooso capohto of nr-ommoltini; 24 families - It prw r sn Mfrnrtlvt pp"dninc0 ann? m '';-' 'fully situated peqr the bsy. o.rt tim4 an fiven to th lecture ' i VPL'e'-arlanlam, the cpeaker e 1 1 ti y'w ruenta of all a if ve '1 to live a lnrtjr - 1 " . A t I wn r'a '" on 5 Byrd Write;) . , has been given in our town was than radio telephony. The strides bright and cheerful Lhrougi it all given in the Court House Friday made in this new field of science dur and a constant inspiration to ail who evening by V. S. WkUdns. Mr. Wat- ing the past two years almost sur- come within her yrwsmtm. one u anv other American town - - " ... amu y 4. 44u imuici uip'wiiu; of nh bilities of the state. It was an almost enaiess panorama, we inspected a cane patch of 4000 acres, which, this winter, will be extended to include an umuoni acres. On Monday, Feb. 13, e hied on- selves to Ft Lauderdale, where we were guestes of The DeSoto Hotel, and diverted ourselves in the alter- in f16 dtv- , At tonia we hH thp n of mMincr N,r .a Mr nAT.T M.I .l!7 7 mer v of Mt. C, rhv swme. f iJ .wiJs C U T. "Ti . w in Miiliili. in - r till 1 lery. On our return trip we reached c ....... tu i c.uuimo. uc.c c saw an auto race, and a polo game -re tn-,ls ve're used Ltead o; herpes. If a car was injured during the strenuous duty it was called up- on to perform it was promptly repine- ed by a fresh one The next night was spent at the Terminal Hotel. Ham- ici. aim on tne ioiowinsr ciav fflr. l&l- ten sent over for us and we nroceede.l . 7 to Mt. Gilea.l, where a lovely dinner awaited us at Mrs. Uwens'. Vhile our trip will linger long in memory, yet we are more than ever constraine.l to believe that "there is no placa like heme." (Mrs. Byrd s letter discusses number ot other scenes and event of interest, but space is too limited hi our paper of this week to include them all. Editov.) Mi. R. C. King Story About Tells a Wonderful Rats Read It. For month my place was with rats. Losing chickens, feed. Friend told me to try alive eggs RAT- s.NAl . I did, Somewhat disappoint p, t fi,.,f e" at nist at first net seeing many dsad rats i:'"I"r ,W according in a few .lays didn't S2e a live rece've1 HI the gtate afflCtt . What were not killeu are not'8 . . but one aiuunu my place. KAl-SAAF surf does the trick." Three sizes, ,'i5c, 65r, If 1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cox Lewis Hardware Co ' TnfluenZa Edgar News Is reported Sophi Glenola and m the Vester Davis inn son Ernest Nathan Davi. have purchased the farm. The Glenola revival meeting he gins the fourth Sunday night in thi month conducted by the pastor Bev. Smoke. Klwood Farlow ha.- '.nirehased a I,'oi.--on and plows. WYork has been stalled oix V. B Bidi.'i!, now bungalow. M are s. Staley Spencer and children pending some tinv with Mr.-. openceis moincr, .Mrs. t. Bean at Ashe- OHIO. Aliene Xance ha- acepleil a po.-i tion in Itandleman. Tllwood Farlow T. S. Iiavi- and Amos IKtvK fa'nilie; and Kiltie C'i are recovf rintr from the, j , Abbie Spi'iirer oT Knndloman i.. the ;'. i .-'. of .. ',tic. in t;,i- I'uiiKiniui; . i , . 1 v.v. -...niiilft vv.ii O-" uui IV W VHrriPM OUT. . " J V- WIC J1U1J c- "Vvw,l no ci re,! in inn1 ui ii ;ir ; rrpc ;i ra - - 1 .. HJiH.rf wirn nor rno ir.ira thn k n v.--., nrn pt unity and continues to develop. (to starve on Jyly 1, : 'occasion, and numerous games werei By the m r i not" rf rwa IT.Ufoflc i- ...-I... 1 it WOUld be an UirlV hmt Ai iUa incr mntPct vi-nc ctfv.l ir. .v;u u : i . ", viit,t,u.iwwiv, va:5, ,--, , . . ... ...vw, U4vi,v, yrujv.1. an iiacicM uuarti nnsi im wv..v vi vvit w""iii, n rsi v. .... .'.. f ' .' A.- -..ft- .. 4 '. ..- .' . '. , " . ' . . ".. . . 4 .....- 4 X r r 4. - . S. W ATKINS PE- , LIGHTS AUDIENCE! 7 Perhaps next to the lfeth Ame rut- One of the moat entertaining and meat, nothing is being more gener&l artisticaily rendered prorrms that ly discussed through xit the country tuns read in play "Turn to the Right" in a moat vivid and pleasing manner. From the "very beginning of his program, he (ripped his audi- ece and held their attention and in- terest in an nnuaunt manner, He is a man of unusual ability as a play ihuci ouu ua m mnn Die&sini? Der- Bonaiuy wmcn he shares with his sponsored by the Womans Club of the vuwu-uunmem wan town and was given as an extra nuin- ber k ..-. t which the Club has put on in Ashe- Doro. lhere is one more attraction to come with the course and this is to be one of the best of the entire course It is the Winters Company a d"o and their entertainment is a varied nd onTfrSnf' iiffS n, tv,0 ,v v,- ? ' J """"v"" J5" "re . th ;i , . " ..rfT" '"'T" ?"ub. " u iar rmist mean they are "saving the best uii last. 1 ne date will be announc- MR. R O. SMITH MAKING FINE .. . . ' IlIA ni pjjim I I 1 1 I V1 1U' ... Mr. R - C,;l. - . .,, ' ... Ui aP 8 iiiii, son of J. H. Smith, county, is a Senior a Citizen of our a VAnm. J i.i -i 1 1 wivra irom mat institution, is mak- ing a very fine record for himlf both as ardent and as a leader" the college activities ' Especially has he stood out prom- inently during his college course as a public speaker TMs sprin? he "si to renrpsont Finn rvn annual Hohoio hofnu. iu.i tntSnn r, t run rV ' ' T ",,v vwiickc. n e w ii also enter the T state-wide Peace Con- test this year and is a strnnr ,nH idate to represent his Class at com- mencement Mr c-tU . f r r f11- a in ueiigicms Activities Organization, anu assists with the Week Day Re- n'r ; i '. "alT IlglOUS SCnoOl, Which also holds n nignt session lor the colored race. winLT3? indB mthls. action vin De gia to know that these d:s- tinctions have come to him. Near Fact !(... iear rast Keport Eight counties of North Carolina atlona Chairman John M- More- another at Morehead City later on ' Fed(ile Coble Franklinville town have raised or oversubscribed their head' of Cnarltte, wpyld aso pre- when Governor Morrison will visit p was reIeased 19Pl PH tax ac quotas in tl,e earnpalg fw the ' f erf ret,ra f h's M W ?Wng waters of eastern North i00""4 Phyical infirmities. Near East Relief this year iw0ordmiS-ianother gop(i Q'- 0 P ma CereHna. M. M. Free, Asheboro township .n : j -- ft " ;wwjiMiiy I 4 . . v was re eased 1091 faT, tnan i irosri4Vt: 1 i... - ,. .. -"-" " " iiuunoer or other counties are poor, the announcement declared, and these oversubscriDtion will be sorely needed to offset the apathy toward the most worthv of all Christian charities T l coun- ties, if hundreds of Ncrth&roS 3,334 wards now in the fiv Tsihaai fair name of North Carolina," Co Bellamy declared, "to have some of these victims of the Great War' victim, whose father made possible the return of manv a North Carolina boy from France- turnwl out to starve because some counties in North Carolina fail,, , do its dntv -In ,h.-;.,i.,.,:,,. 1 "if . i - . .h,.., 7,rToJ r ''s Ull!) yoar la!1 .. . . ... oo.ouu necessary tr, ary tr, .1CCU and clothe iiounj our a wank, some of them wiJJ tuwc to I,o turned) lut at the en.l of the fiscal oar. We - those red'' i riT""' 1 W " ,,.,1, IXl .,. ,"t,;",S '" N.?lhL ed their bit to send .11 llltHMOUl- it to li,(ir local chairman or to i;,il.,i T V ' state treasurer, Kalei-d " . Ca.ton count v has : et in the I i i i ri 'i .,,,,,,,,,,1 v i ) .win W quota being but J7,"J0. Kcv. (Jeoi4 K. Ceo..! . Cillespie i.-i chairman. Mi Dowel I count), under Mis. V,. F Marion, was the TiVst to (ides rai e Of i(c ll-l ijnota which Has $1,:1K0. Cabarrus and KutM-rford show iw'ed the Greatest the former with over -iibs cription, sr,2iri against its quota of ?n,240, th,. I .-lit it uiili f ".on .,,r,i,..i i "an .... ..... . ...... 4.444111.-1. 4 1UU. Davie has raised its .mob, I Ti". i - j roll and Hyde reat'y oversubscrib ed, i TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS I ORGANIZE ATHLETIC """" ,v ASSOCIATiON The Trinity hih .school ?irls have organized an athletic iwaociation and' Kir KnuTAKnii 4Anm v --s- s-ss w v uim I 11 1 a4 IIW Ft;ita chamu onu iiD .erian. Th iHrU h.ive won every jrame thin scuwiv. I Members f the wsodatlo , aw Onra Lohr, president; Blanche Payna, vice-prosjdent; secretary; LU Boul . Weiborn, Zelma El Collins, In . ta-o-.-- tW-fc. h. HannU. May Bfown.f" ? " . T' . . LV-t. -7 - V..T Mrs. Sarah Brewer Russell, Richland Velna. WelborBu nfmMi ' ' cw WUIT ,tB . " fe " j ' :V " .townshio wsa put on O. P. list of din, Troy Sapp, Candico 1 M1"' na .M coiiecteupn returnf jw. n .Rneu. oooo w-, -v Munty $260 month iier, ivinrsie unox. iMia o- -- t . T: . ? . . 7 . -- ui- i - t -- r uluii-. txi mm cusuxnan - or, Ina Builard, Boatrio - Ixihr -and Mnaions oi time irora aren io, vo ' '"3" - Dock Smith of Codaf Croro town- Nina Bouldin. ,4 T . .persons, partnershJ-i' and corporo- has been PPo,,t -rr 8b!! aWp was put on 'O. P. list of 12.60 I TJ twns wnenetror toey appiy ior sucn "J "".'por month and F. H. Garner of Anho- CREATEST 8T. PATRICK'S' ' ' tensions- and show , wod caui- tst tfju b"!JA V. ? iboro No. 8, was named as custodian. I DAY IN. WORLD'S IIIStoH them.; Whero extoisions art riAtsi IsjInM BiBsTiltieTS.of tha Board ' o'lmiL , - ciaunea ou raincn ir-7,' im, wiii'.,4 (.. . - v ' 4. ui... i ua tili , penalty tt wtarest, - . . . ba the e-reaUnt tn Irish history. Col lins calTftd on all Irishnea and Irish , inrmpathisera throughout tho world "' to relebrat on (rrsater ocalo than er before, as this hoi Mar finds Ire- aetttna; P (rnmiment of its own, and ahakinf ol!f forelm dominv tion, which had caused national- de - cay . ' - . ' . I1 i'i.I. ' ! r ! ' WANTED - A aui'nhlo slopun to adveHls North Carolina Mato Knir,' Ten lars in ca-.H i'l be a!, t! I r !-!-,. . f. t 1 . f - ' r : I TALKING BY WIRELESS Das beuef. Without iroinz at lenjrtn into the subject, we record here jvwt a few of the accomplishments in this direction: man .,n in rVmwi,Mitt usinc n ordinary amateur's outfit, sent his voi and the music of a phonograph tk , , i u ..n . i . v, n,,i. o rjvi n. , Sunday 8ervlct ,8. b,.n 8ent m . ' 1 V1" w"'' woman m maianA nearu a sermon Ppeached bV her 800 Newark, New J" Music was heard so clearly by a boat several hundred miles out m Atlantic that the passengers were able to dance by it. Rev. Mr. Welch, a minister of i jii. xt - T. A, . , C'TLi "V ,wJ.Jn"?.."S" living far n,,.. . c.j. .- ui-eu n.s .-unuay appointment. Even now the cost of installing the simple apparatus required is less J'J ,CJ 1, "f peri ec tou ana utanuiacturea on a I 1 . 1. . a. -1 1 i i uugc Buuc, uus cosv win De mucn h.L-i Rhi J-"6"' V71 H vurr progress made so far. we shall be able to inversi. with nut fiionHc h . , .... ' are likelv to become in timo n nnm L .rViTif "ume 2Zu phn?raphs' and a,most as cneap RFPIIRI IPAltf qtatf rnup m w LJ1tTI H.ALR.. REYNOLDS WILL RETIKE . . .. ----- --- , ......,. tne Republican State executive com S? A of6" as ?f - V o , l"c.ou.1l-e convention in riSnll Pt ,?e V Pl Hi hls ,.term would exPire at that time and that in view of his "s i Jim ine ueraanus upon his time by private business af- fairs, he has made known to his com- s" ... 15 ana tne demands mitte that, a vniinoro- man cVim.l.l K selected to direct the party campaign next fall Mr. RovnnlHa ti.t w n d . ham, of Durham, is being discussed . j ...v4 .j lj Vl It V r . VI l. I tXJ 1 1 uie ouue cnair- man also exnrPKspH fh. nn;;n as Ms successor. The State chair. no ti 1 l- c.,,rtAn-- .1711. n . 1 1 . man also expressed the oDinion that - ,MI MISS PfiRftUSdN OF RANDLE- i MAM PFtl.TJIRR ATES RIPTHn A v - J" I , , u 1 In celebration of her fourteenth birthday Miss Mary Ferguson gave a verv delightful party Saturday even- ing, Marct, at the home of her par- ents ih Pandleman, N. C. Thirty of her High School friends were there vo .,, . , ... . ., . prize was won by Miss Henry Ft Z Caudle. y ' L"J ti,. m,0 i, n, . i 4 n XL Z ":' XT'LrZllrt. v3w ''l. pvprv .utoii p;.v .,.i i,;. "L "T. , ' 0',,tn : I ' "'"1JI'C" -'' ami cucrnes as served. . MOHNT VESi:vilTS P. MOUNT vesi:viits r.AI' iv cui-irrinv . " ' ' Mount Ve.uvlu, r.i,, Is In nm.W,,..,.' The phenomenon bepa,, with two mild -shocks of earthquakes which were IOllOWed DV CO anse nf I lia omint cone. 9f)0 fppt hicli vi tii.!i ,e,'suu leel nlK" "Uwl in lnm"' j i nr urn ( r.e waf accompan - Tt tu, an explosions and' ,.7e ""''owing out of ashes And mean - descent stones'. Lava pourrd out -from iiescei.i swnes. ia pouiju ouron """r""" ",v- . T riA ifitor m ot ran m c niv it i ia v i . hitii-c ulneo tho l icil rlnn.p hpcriin I -- ...v ''-- . r. covers an area of 100,0000 square feet, ml i l m .1 .. 141. . tne lava nas lormeu rounu tne crai- er an incandescent band more than :i0? feet wille- Th.e temrei'ttture "f this molten mass is 2,000 Fahrenheit. The width nf the enter or.." C. , TAA w now m .u.,- ladra, director ol tne observatory on ot tl hpo-inni-, r.( tKe .,,r.ti-4n Tlic I a coed ?kce I enuinCLiinvrn Ar iirurvi'C -- fcNT T- ,,, Commlnioner of Ilorenue WatU said '""T " txlay that oiijy ont s-sx more n- , . 1 - . '"" Muipucrs lu rmikc their taxsJ withoVit. penalty or mter- Th Spires m WeilneRday, March 15, at midnijrht After which IL. "'f .Pl.T. -annumwran, a-yy.., w, . penalty . , II I I ! W 4 f Pretbyterisns Laodlnf fawpslfn Tha ' "preshytorfans of "ha StaU are prepsftno1 'to launcn a wm- pgjp, on Marth 12,. for 174141 for benevolent , rnuiies, Tho . synod's .mjoU of I 600 ,000 will bo . socured : by tho entire Southern Pmbyterinn Churrh. - ' A Campslm to soruro lflKK) tt!h- era la also Mnf prohvdel.- A Ti-li Is one ((".th of nrie's inrnm. Th Jr , thn tithe for re'UMona f"ir- t i I - i r i h i . 1 1 It U le. I ' ' ' ' - - 1 ' 1 ' PRIMARY REQUISITES Although there mar be no state wide pilm-ry this year, as hereto fore explained in these letters, the county contests will compel proper attention to the requirements of the primary laws, and the following in formation it timely just now. Preliminary organisation work for the state, district and county prima ries is required of the election board so that the county boards may make uiui uecwmiuuo. a u.iv iiuuui 26th meeting the state board will the county name the members of boards, and these boards, in turn. . limit i na Artiin. will meet in their a -i ,cu . of "r8trarg judges for each precinct - state district and eountv dem- octk DrimeT wSl be held the turdaTirf Jun Re Juration hEwwffl I LJ ThJi.J rfl? n w.'SJ'S-" . . " "J"' uPn ifom 0 aoc?. ""A11 through Satur day, May 20. Time for Filing Notices The time for filing of notices 0f 'AS i c Saturday, April 22. This --j-j i; v,i t n period is applicable to all candidates . j i , for state offices, judges of ts, judges of the su- rn-f Bnliritr. .... i : -it. and state senators in districts com- unKinir moTV mon nnA Mimro than one county. In sign a pledge, under the election! laws, to amnnnrf tho ..miiii.t. nated by the party with which they,in Julian Special School district ac are affiliated. .count not residing in said district. Candidates for the state senate in districts comprising only one county, fnr uii i 1 :"c.':ee" auv8.' ana cuuiay ounces snail nie with tne county board of elw-Hnn, f to May 20 P P Development of Fish Interests 4. The development of the fish ahd "ifi muusLiy in rNortn Carolina the stocking of ponds and streams of the interior, and the establishment oyster' industry in "North Carolina, of a m-niurativn i. for fish and sea foods for the benefit of the industry were discussed bvl . the North Carolina Fisheripa rv.r,' ... msslon ln conference with Governor nnmsnn Tho Qfi .;n u. j-.n . ... , , The meetinc will ho fniio,i k.. ' of SVrilt hv k .... . , -- wnumooioii wun a view to- Mrs M V Wide roln,w.K: developing and stocking them 'ship released' 01921700 with suitable fish where conditions' US e r taxef L70? ,va!- are favorable. The commSn Sin tv ttfls!' taker- ported results of oyster beddlnw i c J n- work undertaken by it on small wak & 5fnVlUf P' scale and plans now are ready to IJL f68 f-1?6 Ia Ua" greatly increase 'the - i . , ... w vi w.14, arketing plan which the der contemplation, the MfZ X 6 mre profit" SpefiaI 8Chwl tax 34c' an 1 it Uhp038' fiih1eanl!u0thel'?',, M,r8; - R " "f- Rich- o,,ri.; J 4. P?s,slble for the con- land township was released 1921 greatly re-'taxes on $800 valuation, account- .tt J virtually, v'J,"epfnV .,,sh SUPP" thpoo movi, . ., .moe r,) ;,r' Tr,"ru 01 'North Car- .. ?' dipped. The North aronna n.shermen and the North I Carolina consumer f suffer at both ends ot the trade line. Plenty More I'k.' This 1 Asluboro. Scores of Asheboro people cun tell you about Ooon's Kidney 1'illH. Munvl nanny Citizen milkps u nnldlo 4.ll ment of his OYnpi-iptico : . .. case of t. What better iir.wif ,.t merit can be had than such pn,lnr.. ment . I. 0. Hamilton, grocer, Hoover St.. Asheboro, Asneboro, says: ".Several vears . I I i 1 t i . . "K" nun Kinney complaint and yU ..4 : 4 11. 4 11uuiTi1u1.11: irouuie a jrreat deal am . .t m.. i i i . dull. Thprn was muscles of my ba .matie twinges in ack anil I had rheu - t!1 limllD n-k:.l. Ho8'...i . - "imo rtefree.- caused ma to suffer irr-e-,1 i via hv n.i. i , , ' aft'1 '"'.sruji'-ly, also. Tvi or nree Doxes of Doan'K Kidnev Pil's! used as directed Btrentfthened mv j u ' 1 . , . .V"- """ v , """""" lrUm8- I Prlee 60c, at all lealem Don't l nin auk fr k;. -J,. .. - i' -Vl1rhteebrrnJe!n I0."' MfT' Rffi-'' M 53U'-Milburn:ther argued that the board, would Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. n n en iur t5 ic-i-' vi cj vnfM v. .111.4 11 i r..s 1 v .s rnu.q DAVIDSON fcOAD BOARD Mr. a C. ShlwT ex-sheriff of county, and for th. past, JT,!L4.Tt, W WI How'i Yonr Sto-aifi ?; -?';v;tnrJ Ycnr Liter? I , IbaMi It Mast ViUl U Tog : v tirfjm, N. C-Am tat Dr. FVros'a Ool-leo Moiieal fJlsf rrery hirh I wm OorwtmiUy, 1 don't belirr tW ia s bet ter Lot w-sliein mada. I Use tt (of bed rh, timnsrh dmnrdTa and rrpi.I lirer. It ia not unj'lrsuuint to Uke aid does riot irsT s eintiisted ennddi"n aJ an msnr ff ti liTef tilla ami inel.i inoa do. It dues its witV and l,i.j 1 1 a r-'w f'Tsnn." Ih.K I I. i h-n, J.i ') ( !(.. n irluin NUInlv. mn, tnr tk- nmm " USE SLOANS TO WARD OFF PAEI LrTTLE acbet grow lato Ur pain uoa of aioaa a, KnearnaUem neuralgia, stiff joints, km back woat fight long agtinst Sloaa's For mort thaa forty yean Sloan' ' Liniment has helped thoueaads, the- i world ever. Yo won't be as exoep. , tion. It certaioly does produca results. RptmtntttwiUicmt rubbing. Keet this old family friend aJwaya kandyt for instant tue. Ask yw aeighbor. . At all drngpst 35c, 70c, $1.40. Liniment r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS MEETS COUNTY HOME TO BE RE-SOLD'1 At a meeting of the Board oft Corrrisioners March 6, the following; busing w trnM. I .AJbert Henley Cedar Grove town- shlD was released 1921 noil tn ai- 8WP wa released 1921 poll tax ac pnyuicai innrnuues. w. r. lw- Miifn. in HMnnnnrn mumcnm vroo va t ,eased of t? on. 5? valuation on ac- i"u"t OI error ,n usimg, county tax,. W. A. Brown, Liberty townshitt released 1921 tax on S895 valuation Julian special school tax $2.39. J. F. Brown, Liberty, township re leased 1921 taxes on $1667.00 valua tion in Julian snecial school district: i vuuan spec armunt nnf i-oofAir, i . account .n?t residing in district, Jul-r- ian special school tax $2.33. J" Bra was released PIty .imposed on tne lax J Brown 46c:- Mollie Staley 26c.; W. A, Brown 21c,r account error. J. C. Allred of Coleridge township. wus reieasea oi poll tox ac- count of physical infirmities. Rosina Luther of New Hope township releas- was released of 1921 poll tox lOOl ttperr i..ZA- count of error. County tax $5 68 G. H Jones Franklinville towl.-- ship released rm.l fnvo 5or; wu yufaV Cl uation account error by listtaker- vi'". 1 81. rnnnrv rav '4 -7(i Special school: taxi in County taX iTViW, . - 1 VAUI11V LUX 21.UD. I M. L. Pickett, Level Cross township, was released, of 1921 taxes on $4200 valuation account error. County tax, error. County tax $6.80. Mrs. M. F. Yates Cedar Grove; township released 1921 taxes on $267 valuation account error. County tax ?2,2S L. C. Nance, Union township re-' leased 1921 taxes on $717 valuation, account error. County tax $6.10 J. A. Stout, Columbia township was released of 1921 taxes account flVVAr 1,1 nnmhnt iiiif t-iYlij Riiml tier $1100. Special school tax $6.60. B. F. Dint-ham. Concord townshii. wnu ,pIp5ip,I 101 nitl tuv ni-rnnnt Ui .;i.i n n i9'v nKio4-t to Furmpr Srhrtnl f.iv Qfl Tt uni nnlnrnl tho Ctn f- commission, Raleigh, N C, to release K. L Luther of Randleman townshin nf Stnto inrnxm tn t -4 fill c()Unt nf prrnr r H. I. Millpr A cliahiri-i Irtnioliin o.ick acne.t was released lt21 Uxes on 400 val I mornings 1 fe! uatJon account error in listing. Coun a soreness in the i i,, in : :- e i I. r 44ancViit4 t'I4 - I 4 . 4.4.11 V IIK'U v-l"ll.-'lip 1 1 4 AAA 4 . . rt.- 1. released I'jiv tax on 51110 vaiua- ... . , ... .. . ... 'ion, account error in usunjr same. County tax S6.02. U ,ir,i Kv n hpr,i tn bu fd a new bridge ovo - Mi U creek at . k 1 1 si T-i ii . . "-ii f i . I 4.1111 reeK Roller mill in oieniiKe ,own.Wp The , brld to be a two 8Pan '' J,00'eet The citi- wn w " wum ncx....- seleft a man to superintend the rock Work- 1 . , , . . , IV is unuernwiwi snu rci that this bridire will not be built until sit '?the'!5? !;of- J0' " hve - Llnr, "It wu ordarod" ky:th. board y. yirtuo of a 10' bW havin; boofti plaeod; on tho former bid tho county eoTi-Tiisslonort wiir offer ror sale ai publlo auction to tha , hl(thtt - bid der on tho- protnijos, on Saturday March SR. 1022 at eno o'clock F. M, 4 L 4. .11 WM. UaM44 lt 44.n Irl CP V" VI l WWIIhV I1VIIIV ... -114-. ,4 of 214 im, situated firo wiles wct of Ahtboro. on tho SUto Hirhwar t RalUhMrv. Tirmi af aalo 1-3 cash 1-8 in twslva tnotiths and 1-S In two yaartt Tha lirt of Jurors as printed In tho Courier of last wok wo chosen afUf -hich alJoumment followed. . CAT'D OF THANK? I

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