I i f " i t J1C3 A YEAlt IN ADYAKC3 mjmher u -J STl" - j .n - 1 : e of .,U"i to t..st t to the t. hk'h iae '! I LrO t.i.,1 1 " e. - Tow to Compensate Billioiia to Coi:v:2.::::tc Contrac tors .arid :RaiIroads. he Republicans - are st'dl halting appreciation, they are not capable pi I limping in their pretended aid to rewarding such service. Their eyes iiers in compennrting them in pay- have n ver ceen the torch, ofFiana- them aother dollar and a quarter ers Field. ; With the' veteran and his addition to the small pittance they needs, they reeal their incompetence.; eived in comparison to the wages Blind Tactics woivml for their services while . - -. ii--.'! res' at home were several times,: "They start and stop. They. are for it they were getting. . r. ' :'r, this today ,; and that tomorrow.: ; insy he Republican Congress got. three potter " around in the darkness,-: they ion dollars to pay in cash to the tumble, they muff. .Incapable ot. deai-" v contractors because the war end- in c- fairly with the economic situa and they did not finish their jobs, tion, they have, directly brought upon v r iiid two billions to the railroads the American people : the 'worst de- (j,,. benefit of the holders of rail- pression that ever came upon them, d ts Oil MiK;tv's cal- i continued. On Tuesday of J. A. l're.-nell et al vs. J. i et al was taken up. It is a ovi -t the ownership of the - ii i i '' ..il' VM i..e case S. I.e. ' COM- t i nd itm--ily known . as " the' iNoah I'.herman land in Union township, ll.is ca e has not been' concluded as we. go to press. , - ' - ., .,- i Job mm. KAIEICII LETTER FRAIiSIiNVULE IIV.S 0 It i .-urviv m,i! v ;. - c ii which i . years a.o i day was a merriment. dormant m I t i.t a number of the i d around IJandle . ';a i ,:,r with the early mi y id be inteit-sted to t bae'e-to mind 'icident i.'d there more t..un Co i wLica for many a long i ever-ending source rof 1 ;:' .1,- it had my STATE WINS OVLU IU I LROADS Lewis Hayes, of Worthville, tu tte -IN TAX CASE INI oa.MATlON guest of hi brother, D. F Hayes, the - AS TO STATE INCOME TAX. - '.. first of last week. -."'V ' ; .." Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Jordan went to i " (By Maxwell Gorman.) - ' Greensboro last Tuesday. -.y.v. . 1 ,V - . - : Mrs. W. H. Tippett spent last week - Raleigh, March 21. The state ad- with John Tippett,-Jr., at ReveluUoa. ministration ' is feeling . mighty good Dr. Fox, Joe and Herbert Fox, IL -just now over the victory ot the state S. Edwards, M. G. Maner, Mi mat '. in the case brought by the railroads Mrs. G. C. Russell, Miss Lucy Bam r against the state and Revenue Com- and Mr. A. V. Jones and family we missioner - Watts ; which sought to to Greensboro l.st week. , , - J .evade large sums in taxes. . : ?-' o : Mr. C M. All red has moved from, mory these y interlocutory, injunctions which Greensboro to his .farm near C. until I harrVsome months :d!fi ! H KEIiNEKSVILLE POST " OFFICE ROESED to be pre the Eev. doubt, ha-; of the living e. parties i. whom, to i still alive the leadir j 1 . . . . . . - KT Will FlMMtf I. n n J LTk - n if ,.,00 rirltaA Ki BgaiHSl lOt Collection 01 tiaie taxes aiiici -liu iwnu mm . ... r" "n Zh lwere denied in a unanimous opinion family from Burlington to the hem .. first C 1 Vnnwi(.'d iJianded down by JudgcEd. Waddill of acated by Mrs. Margaret r. McPheF j Connor, of the Eastern North Caroli- Mrg. J, T. Buie and Master Joha na District and Judge Boyd of the Thomas spent Saturday evening aatf -Western North Carolina District. Sunday at M. H. Birkhead'a at Aahe Under the judicial code an appeal boro. r. ; . ; - . may be taken directly to the Supreme Herbert & Edwards, Jr, had ttm Court of the United States with a re- misfortune of .falling and f breakine 'JT 1"-"uull8."iniioBt 1 Ctan nf nixu.AoHino.Q nar.A. his arm one day last week. - i et entertainment of the I ?-v . " .? r ar r r.-t. .-j m- i.i:tii mz decision ty the supreme Court. - V"1"" vy ,, wm t;am any person now 7t f, course, the two y concerned, one of ci 1 ain : information is hilnchy, who played e. Of course, the names given in tin ? raiyatlve are fictitious, lor .the 1 reader, I sh Between $S,000 and $9,000 in money, stamps, liberty bonds and other. valu able papers were taken from the post- oiace m Kernersviile early Wednesday reaaer, 1 Bn- uumto relate, the sto-3 T- th; and Mr. S. L. Welch and f anrily. t morning. JNitrojrlycenne was used to , ry aner , . uregson s interesting . expedited for hearine by the Greensboro, were here Sunday. .- blow open the doors olthe safe Where , and nun 3 manner, but as that is .KfB - eann Dy Mr. Russell Parks, who is attendlne' "icu uie iiie oruy ciue 1 . i "o nucauun, muu, ,. 4-w -UlS -aehMl Jat"Woedbrrv Forpst Vx.'k at.. jjwb was a Mrown uver- t ww .iumug,. ..j-.- am u not nis, but y own version of it. In doing so, I all' endeavor to keep 4 left by the burglars coat, and the toolsj which, it was dis covered, came from the local black smith shop. The postoffiee authorities at Greensboro were notified and. an inspector was sent at once to Xerners yille to make an investigation: ? 2 FORMAlf CALL GOES ' '--4a.S''i-OUT FOR STRIKE strictly wii them- after time. ; Joe Inch v nius if thoi -ber of j( while, ' t the Naon ; The formal call for the Union cOal.be gave miners strike - was issued 'Tuesday er for so i March 21st; from headquarters of the derstood I ' United Mine ' Workers of?,. America, 1 expectei ! y the strike effective at mid-night, that a March 31; Copies off' the Ycall;" were .rable, so 1 sent to every district of the union ov. , weeks' iliithe facta as ,1 recall t he-lapses of - o long a ?i - , &H unusual wit and ge evefc was one, for num . or at least for quite a 1 HiwdEht-watchman at ctoryin which capacity ont satisfaction. Howev reason never clearly ,un ini many friends, he un iiiirived at the conclusion tViroft 1nHo-P shAiilH hn nverrnUii and home for & few-days. the interlocutory injunctions granted,. ' MrJames . Buie - is attending court ttn w wilt . thAn ha votnmcw) fnr at Asheboro this week. . ., . Misses laura mugnes, jn etue iu oo cept Novia Scotia. where it As said., tfme his 1 xnation was to take ef curities, r.nd fifty millions for Equally incapable of dealing with the that the contract with the operators Supreme Court- affirma the opinion of uiiw..um;,weiii. w vmuaumw the three judges, the cases- will then Saturday. ' . ; - ' . ; be ended for practical proposals and r J1?; .J,mds?.y Frazier f the the suits wilt be dismissed. - ' ' v list this" week. j. ' x , ' - - . t Mr., Arthur Bean has moved from - i-J: Income Tax Receipts' '.-, north of Cedar Falls to Alderbrook ' Jn'ti7?S?BtoS F M?S.' W.fc Grirnes,'Mrs. J. E. Da- SSSJSriKSf )?M-iL.N: Cagle and Mrs. a R 50J5.fl,net2ni1B f.1? tmil Messrs. D. S. Sumner and ELIS.,, Black made a business trip to Greens-- r Of occupation was desi- t0 ivincnoning wen, uie wme iiron led 'hv the usual two 'lor xtie payment 01 income taxes aav- 1 ( ut viio : usuaj ,.vu 1 . - . , , . . . nicKiiMie ouBiness at .the end of which b ja JML" . ' boro Saturday evening. 3 war minerals contractors and otn- war veteran situation they stutter arid ,nad already expired. One clause ml ' After wiP-iAna t feed Europe, but not a'statrsrer.:. Blind thev . wander ' around lar to feed starving families of the They pick it up and put it down. Their mi loved in America; and r ow off- lar-t condition is worse than the-first.? not a uouar ivi , utiicr extracts irom tne uemocrat tiian a minion ic report are; ' 1 v';';; "'-HYi'v d work, but oil-j -. . . -: .. i les to hawk up- . As To Sales Tax j',. - what they can ..Thpy olTe, a tonm in considera .mfo ' 'tion- of the veteran and his friends '" rw in- its f-voring a sales tax," said the report, ,nr.whin inr. "They;"vigorously figh out a brave rnd be willinfT to help the President 1 .: I ; .'. . n arii , ,; .- ' - t c t r the e: ....... ;iU j.o.icy ol tne lu- cnii-e tax, tound 1 upon tne principle j.' . 1 1J A. . .. II ..Ui.ies of tiie i.cpuDiican. mcinucia - - - - ' . f Cnnrma in a? . t-inTitimr to deal Tb report said the, proposition in tih thA nneslion of adiusted compen-.the bill for bank loans was absolutely a L,;l that provi soldier wit. a nor then who cannot f pawn shop cert.... . the market to ft on ficnsi.1 t.' No vender the Dei i 1 i-r.;Llin?. a r is a political horse-whir the ferike call was, "There must be no.ble man violation of the law, no disturbance of he was r be intii of the 1 any public peace"., MRS B. T. FKAZIER,.v" fiSi: gsirA OF TRINITY, DEAD Mrs. e little difficulty, a sulta - found to replace him and red to report to Joseph to L into , the manifold duties He proved an unusually . ling . young fellow, ac Joe on his nightly rounds ry, and its environs and assiting him in firing the boilers and 'fmH-inn .n . . 1 : .1. i L. - icaiu, av mere wigiik uc ln.the.' mill s;; starting alert and companvir of the f j atic ! 1 1 w : i ; bonus t.. i oi tne tho -lloube e have sut t rn 1 soi-, "B. P. Frazier died at her home near Trinity, of pneumonia Monday1 getting up morning, uyirs. rrazier was a daugn- no dclav ter of John Lee Smith. 1 She is sur-lpromntlv on time. In those davs. this virrorouslv fitht a bonus with-" TiT'T . f"" ,sur-i promptly on time, in tnose days, this sX "A tne hope tha? tne ' -her husband, r chil- .constitut.l an hnportanf part of the hovs will be tempted to vield. ml ". .- " - .night-wat. man's duties and was . JJmw L th, PreJdenti.? funeral services were conducted usually b -un around four o'clock, m i n .t... t. . .. . " . the nionev Dower i. :,: , ' " -7- - . u. !.,.... , . , -I '"'v VltUlSt - ' " r V .. 1 nils i- '"I y v ,d i t 1 and j a i: varyin.?. two under tne iaw: xtenaioiir.rnin9., w- .n.:tu.-a n- v can be granted for satisfactory reas- Melvin were Visitor in town Sundaju ons -of ; the commissioner has Je Mr and Mrs. WJH. .Wrcna were , caueu yiivMp..: cuiib.uuuicaw. ca,ed to Greensboro Saturday a ' mostly, by corporations. , But he t of.the itlness of grants extensions .only on the rule Wrenng brother, Mr. Marvin Craven., that the interest must be Paid tne Mr and Mrg p E WebBter enter- , state tot U time elapsing subse. tained a arty of young people at quent to March lb and there Ja no their home in South FranklinvillB ne loss to the treasury on 1nef delays, rg last weekv . -1 - , ' The income tax, which was put in-.. .Dr. T Fox attended flie Auton to its present shape by ,the oyer biie show at 'Greensboro last weekv j whelming vote of, the people of the , . . ... . . , state in November, 1920,- puts the MRS ; FERREE DIES - " K burden of taxation where it belong . , NEAR CEDAR FALLS upon those who make the most f J - t , . . . -' money and are best able to bear it. ' Mrs. J. A.1 Ferree died at the hoai and by eliminating au Biaie wonf her "arents. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. W. K. r.VKI.C) .. . (.:' I CARAWAY SECTION, DEAD arrived'for Vhenew mau to ta Miv- W. E. Farlow, aged 35". years, aiea at nis nome in the caraway sec- period of pro- 1 1 ',' : -..-.t.Ivl tve over dion. The report is si",-ned by Con-I'a gold brick" in view of the attitude, tion Sunday morning, i He and all of 1 total and 'cssnian ' Clauue Kitonin, wno wrote "ic wmpivira , .toiji mo urcmucra i inn lmimy ohu. nua V Congressman- William A. Oldfield and added: . . . .. :. ;-:..; :.-;:'!;vj' lnllenM;", Mr. Farlow had" improved harlot E. Crisp, John F. Carew, Pe- "So ' we - are presented 'with the and his death was sudden. He is sur r F. Tcgue, and it is a report of the1 shameful spectacle of the party that , vived by his wife, who is critically ill,1 ot and hotter order f'om beginning aborted the war, divided 'our : coun- and "seven chQdren, the youngest of o close. The denunciation of the Ke- try's -war' associates, disgraced the whom is 18 months old. He - was ublicans for their offering of tho peace, deluded the people, deceived the buried at Charlotte Sunday. Mr.; J. F.' pawn shop" bonus bill is in especial- veteran, deperted - the " wounded,: re-jBirkhead, of Asheboro, conducting the y caustic terms and in it thee is- a lieved the profiteer, reduced the mil- service : : . .-. u'i..i:-y..-: haractenzation ot Amoassauor ueo. nonaires income tax, repeaiea tne !arvey that nu:;t surely get under tne 'excess profits tax on . the profiteers, kin of the I. ; u'jlican party s repres- and which still maintains blasphemous A. James: it bibuloi) ; bootlicker at the court of bt. Jamc ; to besmirch with his drunken banquet i..'.Ue the hi.'h war purposes of the Americjin people and the in Epiraticm of the American - fioldfers, now on'erinsf to redeem its reckless pledrcs with an I. O. U. designated a 'certificate' and dissredited." - . "I'rc, i -H.ne Harding" and Secretary entative at tiie court of reads: - Coos After Harvey the "The proposition in tils httitudj of the ad in and its comi Irollcr of the is al.:-.olutcly a ''old br fie vci.-ri and a hh t'.i v i ' - 1. ' ' Id- 1 ' t 1- ' hi t t - ) Vi- ; i to ts- . i id - ( : I v. d.h f ); :y i..--t , ,- v ; !-. . 1 ( r C'Hi -d bill, with inir.tration currency, handed to l viuh.lion of S d:d'7 niadrt' y 1 e i'.epn'i- hh. , y s T'.-llnn bodly oiler a bribe to the V.'frld V.ar veterans to enpouxa tr.c cJlorts id tho Money pov.er in tlielr ( h as a part ot our ;.-.-. a th? vViuus policy ol rales tax. 'j i ry (ii.ff a bo ! t: '..u: of the veten-.'i ( ,. ol ' rerr a mis i md hh f . d favoiin" a (:' t a hoi sales t it, i h. MRS. ABE YOW, OF ' - . WEST ASHEBdRO,; DEAD Mrs. Abe Yow died ' at Hospital Sunday morning. Memorial She and property, takes part of the burden oft cAur FhIIr. last Thanla.. the poorer classes, least able to ear at the ag 0 2$ years. Mrs. Feme's y the burden. Watch the Political husband died in Ramseur about thre' I . t . ; .. ' , months ago from tonsilitias- the haa ; nU.".. ...111. tl.y. G'ff nAi.f-nnnt nvnnu- i . hi .... 1 I 1 M the full wnnnqihi1i(i nf th inh nnH ' wl . w" ,fJr '""' Deen m poor neaim -since ner WKom.;.. '5a t x f t t i erty exemption allowed f.fanuUes; re- diL , She' is survived by one child,' 'Jr Lqmt -Hwewr, Joe' nund movea the fear of the sheriff's visit Kte m0nths old, her parenta and tbi had, in the meantirne,v undergone ! pLTOrv i.ttU hnma h, at.m and the re- JtJMLTwi tention. of. the 'family . milch w,. pi Reddinr, Greensboro;. Mrs. Grady ; household and farming utensils,: etc. Redding. Mrs. Holan Craven, Miss And yet there ? are-'.radical .-ties-yaM-Q -jeggrg Ernest and Grady who' rail at this safeguard which the Hare 'of Cedars Falls. The funeral present North Carolina j system of , gervke wag conducted in Cedar Fall government . has- "ptaced around the ,M friday by Revs. Howell and Iflin. doors of the home the irreatest unit Buria lfollowed in the local cemetery. a ll lm.ni.iin inafihitinnttt i i. , , :'.:. Keep your eye ef suspicion en the ASHEBORO YOUNG PEOPLI fellows who. would abuse your mindt ij u( TRIANGULAR DJERAT1 by muddling the waters., of under-, j'-.i . ,' ; t . ; -h. Standing On this -subject by specious ,1 tnfonuit la helnir nianifted in political argument There' always e triangular debate in which the fc4- a "nigger in the woodpile", and often owing young people of the Ashehom complete . " chansre. and it seems that he now had not the remotest.: idea of quitting. ;. This of course : treated the rather awkward problem pf disposing of the new man, whoy tiiis time considered; -himself well qualified for the place and now fully expected to get .it: and it is in the solution, of this problem that we are' given a spark of Mr. Incy's origi nalrtyand ;jgeniua,--r.f;;;;vr' j The two men, havine completed the task, of "firin g-up," were comfortably seated in the engineroom. lt was just at that black and spooky hour before daybreak-which appeals- so strongly all the members of the family had i X? -'tr.lu: rZZ-.Z , wiin innuenza. . Mrs, xowt!K., t,a ,a j " I 1'UJiiMi C7vaa Tvvaiu Sicuin vu Kiver, enshrouded in a kind of been her sister, Mrs. Nancy Hohn, and one I ree of the children, had been- taken to Li-iV. ne is trying 10 conceal oure. iuuu High school are taking parK ' Tysoa personal ambitkm.- .H-.-'.Feme,- Sam' Brittain, June HuTlipa Take Judjree Out of PriTiIeKed Claw, and William. Hammond. - The debate There Is no-mistakinjr the humor -n nff t Mlm-- inn JPhil- of the .average citizen concerning the HpS and Tyson - Ferree ' ar ' oa . ttfaa n I 1 1 1 a. 1 . , a . I I . . . ' - V ,1 Memorial Hospital. All f th.m Aom . ""-.""i''- ,?vr ; aeosion .01 n; ?"? ' JL Z1 and wiU go to UzH. " ' riArnwX l. ,.. 1 L , 1 1 . 1. . 1 . ' ...... Y i . . . " r iluiov.-. Until j ed to be getting along well Sunday morning when Mrs." cued suddenly. . She was a daughter oi iur. 1. ii. Leiweii, of Asheboro Rt. 2. She was a splendid womari, a good mother, kind nei'hbor and friend. ' t he is Furvived by her husband and t' - followii'- children: Mrs. E. P ('. Vow 1 Paul rues and . . rs. . ,S. M. Kivett, of , ...:n... (- 1 ... a- t . . . . . .ioy iow, uaieign; Je.v , ( ! ii h- ton, S. C; and Jas. Yo v, v ho are at home. The "" 1 v : 1 . hi Bt the Friends di. Id.v. U W. MrFarland, of i'olot r d.ir:,,- the service. In- - . -id v, ni i: .eie in the local ccm- ry. Yow' p ueaa stillness wai poi- L . il ... . oy tarn inourniui Dayingj 01-Brooks Elmore's old'possum dog wayover on the hill. In short, it waa precisely the moment Joseph had been waiting for; and it was in such a setting that he ' '-'' Continued on page 8.) ' to i Lir rd lo Cnrth.u l ' w ill Le . ' r-l a.vl ( :.r- ' a a;, a Jaij;e : will carry i Mlsa V wek with Glenn J ously ill f Improving. Mrs. I,. Luck spei t Kev. Vr. I ri-nrhed : . .unlay. W ars of influe tdnt tho ' ' ' ind IV. : i -1 ' ; . t . -i Steed pnt part of last friends at High Point. - -.hfdl, who has been seri r several weeks, is rapidly J. Steed and Mrs, 'aturday at Hifh Point, W iison the I! 1 to report the few caies nr-f) po riiiith improved "1 whs enabled to ftart ' y 1 1 ....t a fart of I 1' d'lM 1 fct t,ree)S- mmberl, ani" elPotner'Tudwrf ffluaaal Iha Buperior Courts, etc, a are im- Brittain are on. the affirmative aid -mune from the income tax' on their and will go to High Point for. the de- jj salaries.' The next v legislatureTd, will bate. The question is IlesOlvwi nhat ' be called upon to submit an amend-, the United- Statea should enter the -ment to the already much "amended" League of Nations. It is to be hope ' State Constitution, whereby thia un- that Asheboro will "be represented at , ' popular provision will, be expunged. (Chapel Hill when . the State eontesjt Gel -Tax-Exempt BondholdeVsToo ; : conies, off.' , -.-.n. ) f' A t Another expression of ?6neral ontn- ASHEBORO HIGH SCHOOL ion Is the following from the Whitel v - 4 - ? - WINS F.ROM OAKDALp, vllle Newr Reporter, which says: "'' U- d.,' -,.'.. . ,' , ;,..'-.'.-',; r t The Supreme Court, of he stateJ' Thi local Kiah Wool ball team d. ' has upheld Judge Devin . in holding feated Oakdale high school Saturday ' that Judges do not have to pay income in a rather long drawn out affair that tax on their salaries, because the ended with an abundance of excite- (Intmt it 11 1 ion ftnvn tHnt -thia nnlortna mank ... - : 1 W. E. 'shall not he diminished during their Burrow got away to a good start la ' oinU (term of office. I)ouhtleu thpr u-nohl th -fm.. k.. i: a v . : . . . ...... ...Mv vub r aa i iu MTTtm Ify - i n, or l.rwnslmro, ; have been stronger opposition in the Bulla in tho third after being romj -aptiHt church here JUgiMature to' inrreaso the salaries on for three runs in the second. OjUT- or the Judges had it been Intimated dale jumped on Bulla for ft rrm in they would not be required to pay the third- and was relieved by .Kivett tat like other folks who held the hard hitting crw to 8 Ihero are too many classes exempt hits an one run for the .remainder of from taxation and too many tax-free the game. While young kivett waa t.ot,.W bemjj i,, -mod for the poor man pitching nuperb ball for the remaining i .-ti ((i-v any relict nam inc our- den ( in now under. - '1 . next time the Coiirlitution if I we prnpoc that it bo am- as to piuce even hody on art '.ii, when it come, to hoar hi of p-nvenurifnl judfcfeg dedl it (,: J. 1' f. ,, ix frames, the locals piled up ma af ter run and tied the ncore in the 8th. In the tfih the visitors added another. only to bo followed by the loc;d.n n their h.ilf of (ha Oth with 2 runs, when j: die Kivett won-his own nmn Ml' .11 (il it u n 'hum i:mi;nt With a Mow hetween f r t scoring th" r-n.-n r. on '. I Th . ; i F;l, v i h M I i.nr-.t iit Moil i ; played !,rXt Momlny, Ii. (rl'C'"i hoi-o. d 1.1 a. n id i i n. 1' fc ti is, 0 )0