J "ST " Mr , 3oun pii6cratc:C . . r.' -. V" " - , a - - 4 ISSUED WEEKLY -.in r WNCIPLES, NOT ME $2X0 A YEAR Jif ADVANCD Korth Carolina, Thursday, AprfllJ3r?C2- VOLUME XLYIT NUMBER 18 "TV IJ:;L1JJj;di - ' 1 ' '" . ' " ' ' . .-I I e f Notice' of GandKltiQies - mied With iita. Board niy StatevWide vPrimaty . Contest COXEY THREATENS , i; WASHINGTON WITH K ' ARaYOF TRAlIPS (Br. David St Clair.) AUhra iystokes; of,davidson; saw ; iijjHAtION IN BUILDING p"Ao( Awfi? Stki' hi died It n limit explwd for filing. HoUeea :w Fifth" Distri--Charlea M. Sto- th the State uoara V w. . xaecuww n, uraensDoro; rs, wicy , p. MstricWHomer L. ion, WhitevUlef W.-.J. v McDonald ih- the State Board or . JKiecuoaa man, v)t t offices in KortH fOtmCr t$?'lP t5 !: LocaUMdTnteatt, ; (D) Whit V r.;::v - - r'-.- .um. fvi l ."T .f Courier-last wek was indeed one of home at tnew. ij ...v.i unemDloVed. ' ? Seven c-u. u.jTiu. . t , -n . - . . . huh jiiui liih iuuiuu otunnojon ni 1 1 waa recorded in. Tne ashinrton:; Aortt v 25CeraT,& is;ior,VPrpprauonpmmis5ipn ZZZH th three Tictorioua' foreign o ma head StdtefBtQtfQrms of Beth themtmm Parties . uemocrats unaorse orareLiims tration and Pledge CPntintkce or economy and rrogress-i ne Republican Platf orm in Full, ZIhZvI ! WBra f kfoantry andme Wtween irtration tit he .to prepared to march t, At thtime of th War 100,000 d wheh thendvlfWftrrivThe Democratic platform adopted and defectives of the state; men and-women -out of -work ajia ost, -b.j o- -hi th Rtt nmmiitian follow;.. Imendthe leirislature for tl ZS.OOO.OOC people tojHer vdnd wa, bf mddents of jPrtofoimdly thankful . to Divine! itno8 dy d? before- stheh, 1 when Providence for the reat blessifigs to , whom depend hub? country. we eom- I mend the legislature for the enact- ' t . t i i i ? i . .i uvcai.. oi tegiBiBiion looiong io me construction and establishment of .a lost Vof tha atat:natomijcoy'-riT v. -'one idea: that he r. v. tL r frmV,thAi''''Wfl Wstriet--W: Ci Hammer, i,r.t " f "VJ'rrACIIii iv'w -(DAsheboroW. B. Love. ; (R), :T.!:rrT SSriTW ; tar L. 4l?II.X wiwnen was wrn ue wa oi i?iz jconvenui ZL1 cntauv nad been-: ended "but ; -about li as follows: Affairs. -iatowxl Candidates.'. v Where.ver. ( Countiea in a aistn ;naye Deea m uncointo-; fe to agree which, wunt Ninth. District A, AnH fntflll ' An4 WA nlAVtt tKa nannU nf tViia btAtA thai-, thi'a maA ,ve .uir-. governVe y-. Eyerjf 1 great ' modern in- We reaffirm our allejrianee. to the.wfll be. carried on with efficiency and u w V vennert Mme about dormg :the tlme7me honored pnncipiea' oi the ,,uemo- economy; we commend tne orovisionf the States, 'mU- nUiunf ,1 ..U . tullvv..nk ! mt yrfu hH , nrs'-Viaraliv.. mm. fmadfl for inimasinir tlio forilifiaa n. Bulwinkle.l TJESr" VT. SHi .-T thee including , ateamboats, railroad , .dmniM... -w train.telesrraDh. lieleDhone:' cotton enator this yearV the matters ia VtA" .tSS" wiin jj tT" I. (K), 'Waynesville, ift- statewide ticket tms - year is. - . i'Jm o1 11IILUI1. . ' . . ..... -j. i. .i i .... .nn. ViAWJ. Irti DistrictZebulon ; WeaveiV fif ra.2?S"fSr5 .'gtti:hundred8 of vtheto hich SviiierR;;w. s,:PeW":r' II' rhe statewide; tacket this ; year . v tiudge Suwrior Tourt. ;, , "a quany , at , Massuon joriony self ellinfomed util. her eyesight Congre an dthe improvc- r"? ..r:iriiSj-Arij l ,auage super WJV";:- First District!, Bond, try law, iii"! vmj . "v. ton. Averv. oi Morsranion,- ana w. i. ? : Ml - . V mend fee eonstructive policy of te jOur, Btate institutions, both . education Democratic party under our ' gre&t . at and charitable; we commend the President, WoodrowWiWnrf -; - . legislation v providing the aolendid We heartilv. endorse thfr course of Iproeram beine carried on in-the state Sha read the papers1 and kept hep-' our Senators and KepresentaUves , in ior tne protection and conservation Second; District George W. .Con TCiFrtm. w wout4 longer 'permiti-r Jghe then igement he will return with his ligtenetta those. who would read to " ' '. . ' .. . her.. She was iterMtjd in ilt nnVilir r. jcourai army...-.- . . ; her., She was interested: in. ilt public Woodward'. HT'', J matter";nd had for wmany ,years all .tou-. .Laddie..By ? V" ,propbesiedlhat the -da "would cotn f c. -A880ciat.'''Jasticew -::;r -k.V. . W. J. Adams. (Dj, Carthage', i E. Timberlake, (R)K .Wake Forest. & Corporation Commission. . W.' T. Lee. (D), Waynesville A. Avery. (D), . Morganton; i Charles M. Hoover, (R), Lexington. . f- v";." Member ef Congress. f(D), Washington. .-- : ? ; Second District-Ciaude KitchJn, I (D). Scotland Neck. ..- -i.'- .'i.i... V - Third 'DiatricWC.'f'It' Aberhethyj New 'Bern;- Joseph ,js. T KoomsoA, Goldsboro; - Samuel H. Jiobbs, CJtn "n;! Dr. R L. Carr, Duplin county; pt.JFitzhugh Whitfieldaintonj aav ana to vota 4iArjtn it-ska n through anyyea ,S0f Waynesvilletojbejyoted in Mor (D), Wilson; J. E. MftE Lindsay Patterson, rof : Wm-N tm. . : ' , " " -army said to the President that ey err madehi statementoften, i:tolA in-Salem, filed notice .of her: tonr-: Sixth DirictHAnry , Falsor.. 5".. V??1 MJlJtbectedrto- CV aeaiast 'MWHI',, OWUIUWI. , uib.I ntan'Oilmi H WarH Wo .' """" " -x.". (Congress.: .:t venaV Warsawr GuyiGMoore Idns- 5l5hildtn t5J4l ton; AIL Democrats; v - rTilT- " " Tto-womeH snout we itime Mrs. Btokel ighth'District-E,. H.: Cranmer,0 . 4 i ,- centuryimark h t,the (U), eouthport, K. ti. Grady, o),U0- , w .i n,A 'ii A 2- ieion,itt!,sneilwwn)in ;;rather WilmmgtonpChiirles it- Taylor, (R) fe SJ L'P00?. health io did not getyto, go. to fiation adopted by 4he federaserv., the baUobox? and cast thejrst vote board m May, 920, has forced him w:fMcb:tt was.lntitled .. one was nom m Montiromerv coun ty but hadjspent most, of errlife in vviagon,r flirs. ctoicea was tne-mojh Southportr -NiMfk 'IUdM BMn.n T 111., or St,.l. Both Democrats.-' ' ' - imuj( uumn. .-- jr-.-t-. . Tenth DistrictrW. A. Devin, OJLl&tS fordt Democrat. ' .tative Strong, of Kansas, A member Twelfth .DistrictThomas J. Shaw,lJf (L! wSta Greensboro, Democrat. committee, aske Coxey how he, Thlrtt&--l)iatrktA.. M.- get fiat money.-$up- MonbetlWJE.;; Brock. . Wadeshoro P1!W'.!.F?W 1 th Democrats. r ' , -i81?.?7 'ea" -shot Dacit uoxey -you Fourteenth District W. F. - Hard-1 c00"1" M w M1t Jp" ' ing. Charlotte,' Demonrat." v' ' JmnV!na? itL flivrjumrk TUati-4-T.i.i uu,t. ' Coxev's visit at this time, and his iGastonil Dec V T' to bring herea huge rriUr f For Solicitor. . . ... tne unemp. FirsfDistrie St e? of a large family jof phildreir eW erac- oi-rMHtt?a,fmrvtviajnitt are acorea grandchildren,? grea gwndehilde.tt!!ind -onitera: nBmbe.fi of record Jhey have made.; '- v?n meht?,: sanitary living conditions, We condemn .the sJtepubiican : ad-:oin uroan ana rurat; we cpmmend niinisteatioa iioi-tf its failure ito , pass the, legislation providing for the col legislation to meet jthe-sneedB of the j lection of, the state's; entire revenue countryciw 'T'-"?-,.. fs'-v V;f'oni;,incomes, inheritances, 'fran - -. ; . State Affairs; . ; - rchisesr.r insurance policies, fees, and The Democratic party since it has rentals frdnv; the .state's , property, been entrusted"' with .power, fin this, thereby providing, a system, of taxa- statr has . uniformly: favored and en- tion whereby no taxes whatever are acted 'legislation, providing for longer v ed forstate; purposes upon prop and better schools for the children of ,erty, and the establishment of a.de the state, :f or increased facilities for partment f 0 the assessment and col the care of the Btate's unfortunateslection of the' state's revenue; . we for the v conservation of the public j commend the legislation simplifying Jhealth, for the building-up -and-en-,the judicial procedure in civil actions couragement in every proper way of ,n4 'reducing the .cost of litigation; the agrkultural interests of the state, we commend the provisions made for for the' fostering of all legitimate 1 the care .of our Confederate vete hushiMui AnternriaAa. 4ar the nrhtc, ans and their widows, and nledee the -Ition of the mutual interests' of labor Democratic party to a continuance of vand capital-for the construction .and.wL? those policies. 'J.v-.-f--. ir Fame;.4PtMieamea The annual commencement "W Far nier cameeif Tuesday..- Mr. i".-. W. JU. !imifiaWond;'upei fiat ife l vivlrl vmn-iwaa in Asheboro last week and eon STft the most Prions afi- siders this has been one of the rnos. X'iXvm iaW matoene, a-fc. aeeessftri :'tehMlii in the history of improvement, of puWiCr toads, and, in . We. point, with pride to the" fact fact, for the njibilding and upliftihglhat- Governor, .orrison. has recom of the state.-.v!,ir. - ,i .miendedand, Wgprously urred the ....The -rresewvAdnlnlatratioiu -1 ; jpassage oi tms great eonstruenve w.. t.AAtivrAauinmu fh i'TkAma.' DrofiTam enacted hv the last' milcnl eratie State administration, we eem', mend-and! endorse 'the action of ther the administration ..of Ha of- recent general assembly 'oj j?ottii-jaevenoivoverno; Morrwoa ivwru trf iHdk. oT-t- nn?ttTTictive has inaugurated manv measures and program' which have been carried onliMovements for the moral and male- mpton D. Williams, Duplin county: vtt H. Allen, Goldsboro; Rivers fp,I tor; Herbert,; Leary, Edenton. All tnson' .wtiaaw-!;' Alt. Uemoerata. 'lDemoerata.S... ' " - J r;-'-fourth Districts-Edward W. Pott.1 Second District E. G. Allsbrock, .), Smithfield; W. Perkon,:,(D.) (Cohtiiiued.-on. pagfj'.8.) i j i ni i n ii mi. i i . ni h'i iWim i i. ' i' .'.i .' i 'i V .: i pn.i'1 ru2UCANS ARE fi AN SS K SAYS.HON. E W, POU V his 'admirable '. speech Vat V the . REPUBLICAN 'ECONOMV HAS STARTED U. S. ON ROAD TO POOR HOUSE 'e Democratic convention,. Hon. E. Poo said .that only when the Re- fiy Walace Bassford (Special News CAresponcltnt) Waahineton. D. C..Adit1 22 hcan party had loUowed the lines Secretarv Mellon adviRed1 CnmrrAos i down by the Wilson administra- some months at that: tt :Tws,iw. pockets out. had it been able to approximate as threatened with ' a -deficit of! Why was the order given? ess in any endeavor. , ' aome fifty millions unless aum-oDri-1 ln? 8n immediately alter tne Parhana thA Tnnst. rpmArkuhlft at. mnl-nf ttia, nnwir nf invinible srov- members of the graduatimr class; ernment ever een in this country was Rev; W. A. Lambeth, pastor of the the order t ihi came fom -j. P. Mot-M..E. church of High Point, delivered gan and Company, Kuhn, Loeb and the address. Company, Guaranty Trust Company " ; : 'v and the City National Bank of New.ey is furnished with 6,000,000 people York . togetherCwith the banking in- out of work. terests of secretary of the treasury,! This great consoiracy of the money Mellon,-to the .federal, reserve board kings has probably brought more in the spring of 1920 to begin t.i-,86"46 suflfering upon, the American deflation proless by restricting cred- people than did the civil war but it it tA mmW hnnka. Whpn this or-'has not been wholly evil in its ei- for the material and-industrial prog ress of the state. Wa commend the legislature for the insHtutioh.ViThere are -twervwlthe enactment of legislation looking der went into effect the country wasifects. 1 wo years ago this country flowing. with prosperity but the far-, had well nigh gone mad in its riotoun rnmnAJlAd Immndiatplv to turn, thfiir; the farms for the towns and the , ' rial upbuilding of the state. (a) We endorse the appointment by him of boards of consulting spe cialists to visit and minister to the to the care and protection of the in- needs of the insane, the delinquents, terests of the youthful delinquents ( Continued on page four.) REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB FLOOD SWEPT FORT WORTH, TEX., SECTION LAST TUESDAY NIGHT The regular monthly meetinR of the'. Over three thousand people are Woman's Club was held at the court homeless in Fort Worth, Texas, as the house Tuesday afternoon. The new- result of a terrible flood which swept elected officers presided; tney vne cny luesuay mni, carry in oe- ;.i a nf i A QnonpA fnrA it. srnrps nf rpswipnrpq nvpr- .tr,r l p were: rresiucia, ------- ----- -- - - y""Ti a V1, """"'f secretarv. Miss Ju a Thorns; treas- nowing nunarens oi acres oi land anu Dur- for labor and. the towns for food. ; f til L r A Horth. Several doinir untold damaire. Besides th the authors OI deflation, however, 1"" . ..,. ,y,aA damno-P spvpntppn nrp nrohahlv iiHinx til iinuuivanvv ... WBvlJ :ner j"? "'W abandoned any ations were-reduceo. The Presi-lent the people had linvested tneii 'money had only their interests in vtew., disposed of The and means and others injure, dead 1 oi BucceBWUiiy mpmuuuis m w ana the Kenublican leaders in i;nn,.'n " .oraU atithis year's election by jress'have, been vociferatinK loudly! prices, on of any-achievementf a leg-, about the wonderful economies prao-," had ive character alone domestio4i-j w. w.iinn fa itK leant. . i " KinMuntoHin Fiin asm. and . -. . . . , t .1 .t ... i. 't " , . iLHumniiL anflwiiiiF I nut i.iii .iipurir. casting their hopes upon the re- j0Jf hundred millions of the limitation of armament ingtead of fifty. Another year' - of erence and. the tretie tbtfitr: Republican "economy" will 'put v-it-'t''-i?f;'--'jjr." Uncle Sam 4a-the poor-house' .: It tne sclaxlnre lkpuW passes the Senate -and-Is "floundered " in - confusion and ,itrnMi 4- .?,., pw.t,u.: ...w uea , witn. pimui . pu.,, heay loaJ u 9laeei 0R tfievTreasury i their restoration to. contool . foUnd the tss. Mr. PoU said he believed k-. ,v. 5 oe uteraiiy trne . inat r.ven rf t, owed s B -Yordgn y. JL governments. The chance thafr it tan " JEE 6- P" in this manner la. pnm-ls- -ri - mg , as England Is '.he eiUiioneiOf -12 oar rfobtort capiU.f making iafg. the most beneficent lejrialatlon MOT-t.r-,T7jvi-'.-i. i,..-.. h the human mind can frame." -E, T ' C'" im they hate," 'he. added, "and Ju j , nrVhUcr because of thSV" The President UWrw-wgini e'danfabmanimpeLaW .!r TLiV J,.T niarArl hinTin Liberia, thr negro republic 1 on , the rtala Because of envy they fJB?n J6 j8! J" . 1 him tn the day. of his activity thww Wrtfc-Lw ven how, as. he slu In dignified ??t.Sfh. ment, their bitterness goer out ". chance that It will ever he . paid r.i. him -nH thir b.nm , ther mI.M Is done . out of the money aue to spread upon him. ' . could not be expected that I with ma-lness at the very men-," thl bt , Tt1nJ of name would or could sp- rood f the race has In the White li the nolutlon of yrave prob-1 House. iJk the antHynchlng bill, H In a spirit of intelligence or of Intended 1 to Produce a profound -o pntrioti-m.- . ' .effect on the cojored brother. v ilsre not rlV their caue atj - " ' -. - .' -;"'" V' ur.nn thrir dornrotlc lr(d-l The Penate Republicans are plae ," ;:,r! I'i. i mntlnuH with r-f- In in the tariff bill a duty on hides, ,n I- ii'lrr. "rhoyto 1"I tlie larmtr. liipv will prooai?-nf-iinct the r.ic- 'y diKcover next NovmVr that , the il v. nr. Thry 1 frmr In not RR)ly fooled; he knowi hlor'f from l,''ht a tari.T on hUlcs can not compm i' f '. timt ourjtn pfkr' trut to pay more for the ,. ,. , i ,yp, and live Ftcer by ran of the hide whlrh ' , i f ti n I'lpmo- cover it The parkra bid thrir pric '. v.i'h t for th .pr, conildAring him a so a X con-1 nim-h .rf ami viowinif 111 hide a ,-. , m i nlrrn,!)' 1 y-pro luct obtaliipd for prsctralt Irra'v. I ' 'Kin:.-. It would like Sll ingeniou llUons of war bonds at fabulous i They cared only lor their own Ijihor Win so DroKnerous that nts. become cockey and even apro-t There is more real , depression Labor must- be . disciplined, and those who talked strikes and de manded higher wages must be made to walk the streets with empty stom achs and the people must be forceu to sell their bonds to the banks with a great profit to the banks.; v-v.. Only by a sudden drastic deflation lof two and one half billion dollars in the currency could the people be rob bed of their hard earned war bonds and labor be again humbled," ? Both of these desired' objects have been' ac complished by-this administration. The bond market Is now up and the! Republicans are actuany ooasang of the fact, alleging that it is an Indica tion of returning prosperity, but Cox- pr I committee reported good work done, John J. McCain, Fort Worth city toward the funds for the cluD nut, engineer, issued a statement in wnicn ati , ,u.: nigni fnr he declared thathe lpvees around the this moment than there was twelve u ttee has done rivers, which broke here early today- months ago but the most startling ,eiuture. fc . and has and flo0(le(i lowlands of this city, were fact in the whole situation U that . , pian3 which they hope. "dynamited by unknown parties," and dozen powerful but irresponsible men , jonw prawicm p future Tney that ah investiiration bv a irrand jury can .which the President desires to - ad- 'yance. 'The chief object of the loan teems to be to show the colored voter l p. at f fi. I t I r eft r I if I i a i 'l il 'f f p-r to (fvlhA n BVnun'l thii itu r.qr b Jitickor n r I ' S ' o I f-, f ni..! democraey ot iw.vw.wu peoprs t - , . . . COrODeratlon. would be demanded immediately. dictate ineir economic me in tne . .,,., , u.i RA,inth! The flood is the most spvp in tVi back roorrr.of an Office building in mtJXVown this coming win- history o the city, according to old Mew xorK. . commttea wa8 appointed to time residents. .Trinity river stood It was a Republican congress on J;,,601 C0Urse which the at 36.7 feet at noon and was still ttie orders of these men that inflicted "sponsored ,agt wint.r wa8 a guc- rising. The guage measured only deflation upon the country. Now the, ""e point of ehtertninment, seven feet yesterday. With the break chickens have gone, home-to roost. l"':im ,t "Ju hil.h ciaa8 talent of the east first street levee late to- to our town instead of going else- day, it was believed the water on be where for our entertainment during, ing released would spread out, loos- the winter months. The treasurer of ing some ot its force. The Harding administration has a deficit of J500.000.000 to . $700,000,-- 000 in the treasury for 1928. y To 11.::j ".I"".: :;;.;; 'the lyceum fund reported that the I Coming on the heels of rain, the under the burden of taxation. State Democratic Convention course paid for jtaeu witn a omaii neavieBt in tne nistory oi rort worth. surplus for tne general ciuo iuno.,""" mu ana eiectncai storm, the The state Democratic convention built. The average lerigth of the The committees for the coming year are as follows: Civics Mrs. George Ferree, chair man. - Park-i-Mrs. Arthur Ross, Mrs. G. F. Birkhead, Mrs. C. B. Griffin, i Town Sanitation Mr. Hal Worth, was held last week in Raleigh-. and term has increased from 73 days to. Mrs. J. F. White, Mrs. J. D. Ross, . . . - s . a.. I f . . a - - flax if & M was -harmonious tnrouKhouu uoY..iac; tne average salary ( peia wnite Morrison's .'administration was . en. teachers Increaeed from $24.79 to dorsed,. In state affairs the platform praises the party's school record, its treatment -of the unfortunate, ; Its conservation of public health, its en couragement of Agriculture, its pro tection of mutual -interest of labor and capital, he conutructlon end iny provenipnt of public road, "and the upbuilding and uplifting of the state." Hon. E. W. Pou addrHd the Con vention, and delivered the keynote opAAch. He called attention V to the fact that it had ben a little over 21 years since the Democratic party took charge of -the governmental af fair" of North Carolina, and - con trKt(l conditions thn and now. He quoted figuro and "tal.ls.tlcg of 1900 nd 1921) showing th vsat lncrBe in the vulua of everything In whlrh the state government wu Interested. In 1 0'HI the Value of Our srlinol prop erty -n a little over a million dol lar. To! it Is worth over 24 mil lion. Tl'" vArnr t-nluo of school . - V"! f !' - i '; '-"'iV tl' vrr i , D.y, " ' ' l6 ,1 $89.95,' and eolored teachers from $20.48 to $465.' The toUl i school population has Increased, front . M7, 9b9 to 84081, and the average daily attendance has more than - doubleo. Illiteracy In the 'state' has ' dropped from 29.4 to 13.1 during these 2u years. Notwithstanding the money spent for schools, road improvement and extension and for all other necr ssary purpoMs, the .tax rate- Is low er in North Carolina than any other state with one or two exceptions. ' .'. The permanent ioffleere of the con vention were: E. Wr Pou, chairman; Mark - Squlre,i rreUry C O. Dmcghton, Mise Mary Hendemn, and Win EUle. Rlihlkk, assistant lecretarias. . r..:;r The members of the etecutlve Com mittee of the 7th district ere! J. A. lV, R. N. narkett, Arthur Hoss. D. A. McDonald, W. N. Everett, ano K. R. Hoyle. , N'o woiite-i v-f-r rimrrf elthrr On i!atf'J- 'i f Tf.ni' ivo . c'-ii'rni- Cemetery Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs. R. L. Dickens, Mrs. C. C. Cranford. Historian Mrs. J. 0. Redding. Hospital-Mr. J. W. Hadley, chair man, Mra. Henry Luther, Mrs. Louel la Lovett Eentertainment Mra. W. A Coffin, Chairman, Mrs. L. M. Fox, Mrn M. W. Parrlah. ' - . Music Mrs. W. B. Ferguson. I ' Program Mra Basil . BritUin, chairman, Mis-Julia Thorn,,- Mrs. E. L. Moffitt,' Mrs. W. C. Hammoad. V Publicity Mra. Hal Walker. : 4 Social Service, er. Public Welfare Mrs. J. T. BritUin, chairman, Mrs. W. H. Morlng, Wrs. Fannie Cranford. . Ways and Mean-Mrs. C M. Fox, chairman; Mrs. L C Moser, Miss Es ther Ross.." rK - i " . Tubercular Seal Snle . Mn, G. L. Mlllikan. chnlrman; Mrs.- Fowls Birjt head. Miss Kate Brittain. Membership Mr, a W.. Hllllard, rhairman; Mrs. J. W. Wolfi, Mi-a. Jno, ..... ... , Chrynanlhemum fntow Mr. A. M. Mm lit t hoou tooK scores oi people oy sur prise. The lowlands adjoining Syca more creek were the first to suffer, and at one time water was standing level witn the roofs ot residences. RANDLEMAN HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT NEXT WEEK The Randleman high school will present the play, . Borrowed . Money, Saturday, April 29, at 8 o'clock t. m. Dr. S. B. Turrentlno will preach the annual sermon Sunday, April 80, at 8 o'clock p. m. : ,. The primary grades will give Dix ie's Triumph Monday, May 1. 8 r, m. ' The grammar grades will present Scene In a Southern Depot Tuesday, May 2, at 8 p. m. . ; -:- J .-, t .v, 'Presentation of prises by Hon. N. " L. Eure,of Greensboro, N. C - Class exercises by. th graduating class, Wednesday, May 8, 10:30 a. m , Wedneiwlay, May 8, 8 p. mrradu uating exercises. . ., - , - , - Address by Div 7. E, Abernethyi of . Charlotte, N. C ' -- ' j, ;. FTren, rlinlrmnni M-, J. O. Fedd Mr. v.--.:i ; '..-An. Mr, jr. T. I '..! J. K. V: I. Memeriat Service at ' t?olon Grove. ' There rlllbe a msmorisl senlce at Union Grove the second Sunday In, May at o'clock. ..Evervbodv U ln- ,vltel. "We will meet on Thursday before the second .Sunday it rload off the renwtrry, I'vai-j h - . i y win In - ! - "J 1 ... ' ' ; V 1 m sr

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