if I FARMER NEWS 'no poll tax required r I FOB TOTLNG THIS YKAR c lb. Minor Uana nd Mis Ayers, f Greensboro, vert the fest Mr. and Mrs. M. . Johnson, Sunday. Mr. J. .C Watkina aad ianuly, Greensboro, were visitors at Mrs. W. H. Welkins' Sunday afternoon. I Messrs. w. r rerree, vr. -or- on sr tha first of M cr son aod Bpy4 HutMo. of Roxr jn oHef to , were visiton Jiero jsmuiua j person to vote day.. , X ' -rMr. J. W. Stout and Mr. Riddle, of Eadareea Mr. Frsiier. Banzora, were nere umunf ora- urn At the last election the - eonstitu- tiooal requireatent for the payment ol : Doll tax-as a oualificatioa for tcUm 1 L k I . was aoousnea oy an . OTcrwucninng vote of the people, therefore it will not be accessary for poll tax to be u iui' o...j-.. t-v- jv s we. uus voters oi rroviuener wmu J"" AZ" i . shin, wish to recommend Mr. Ed ocDvinTiL Frsxier for county commissioner The old school buildine was sold ai - auction Saturday afternoon sad is be- ing torn away this week. The Ram seur Furniture Company, we under stand, is the purchaser. The grouptj3 Climax, N. A VOTER. C AprU 24, 1922. wiB be in fairly good shape fojf- as tne ume is near lor me l ing exercises of the school the 23 erata to name a candidate and v:i. Providence has never had a candii Mr. Marsh, the npeuuein.-oi. Mr. E. D. Frazier Endorsed. As the time is near for the Demo as Providence has never had a candidate, rl New But far Muscle HIGH POINT FIREMEN GET '?''' ,-. . i ,t!0 FROM IHOXASYILLE The Aluminum Wheel Con. bin y. of Elisabeth, N. J, will -submit aa tier uus wee ior .vue Muscle baoaut On imunk liiHt.llc:tUi property la Alabaina. hkh for aew rendered during the recent fire, at erai miui awtuy nas , Met Thomasville.thiU, city has - sent tae trying ; to acquire. The compao, fire department at Hiirh Point a named, alter visiting IS orf oik," to eon- "cheek for $100.06. It is believed that ter with fertiliser ante re u, and ee-' without High Point's assistance treat tain ethe Southern., cities to collect damage might have been done, n -data, will lay its proposition ertre; : Th property destroyed, including the Secretary of War.- Thenlaa J. a fine school building- was weiL eov this company calls for a corporation ered by insjiranceT ' , - : controlled bv the covernnienti the!.", -j . - , - ' latter to held a mortraire on - toe! one-eleven cx arettea 1Q the comin-oo fe. ws with US S5lUITHi7 V Mr. Gege -Allred, of Greensboro, waso"11 Sunday 4n his little racer, byre by himself and named "The fllred.".- Mrv All red is a native of Kamselir and has quite a little exper ience with inventions and mechanical . : Relative te Tarf Listinr. property. Later a second mortgage! la listing jtaxaUe property, farm might be arranged v against . which era are required under the law to which bonds could Nbe issued, the give in not only the acres of " land money resulting f rent v the' sale of owned, but the. jiuuber . of" acret which to be used in the jeveJopme& planted in eotteni eornt iobaceo r and of the plant, including the.feydro-elee- all other crops. This' information is tnc units, and 'nitrate-plants. In required hy the ' agricultcvt v depart-, that way the work'.'of. development ment---Let every farmer N when- he might proceed without. imposW any lists nis tax be in xxtssessioif nf the additional burden i -on - the. fedenu'data called for. ;;: (j.-ri-r-' f; - name treasurv and at the asm Hm minnil l f Fraxier for county commission-. an immediate return of-the monev it ":T1 v--t Morris. Holton;. "v : has already sunk, in the various .!' .'-The jnarriage of Miss Nell Reives terpnses. . - , 'Morris to Mr. Roland T. A Holton, A provision guaranteeing the r Thomasville, April 24,'-was a social turn of the projects to the - govern- event ef considerable interest in tha ment for use in time 1 of, t emergency vicinity', the ceremony being perforra is to be included in : the - company's ed by Rev." W.-A. Lambeth,-at Main offer. (..!:;-. i; v r street M. E. church. A wedding Jour- u, ; ney to- ewv x org iouowecL 't li i.i ,, i, i i . - -,'-,: I ;. i - i,- a k . i . E. D er, and ask The Courier to publish the same. PROVIDENCE VOTERS. Climax, N. C. Suggests Ticket. Stokesdale Woman Badly, Burned. Miss Dora Gant was badlv hurned '' Doable Homicide in Robeeoa. last week whde burning trash, at her'sear Pembroke, Robeson county, shot killed' T ttrQnf f o Q if f tkn T1ayi nurotM " v a( w oaj a wi6 vi-iiivvi aiiv. work, having tuilt several types of voter8 of Randolph county when they machines, ootn autos and aeroplanes, get together on the 13th of May to Mr. W. E, King and family of get a set of men for the different Greensboro, were the guests of Mr. state and county offices that have W. H. King, of this place, Sunday. brains and honor, men who will work Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald are for and serve the- people and not the proud parents of a son. waste the county money as it is be- Mr. Roy Pell, of Philadelphia, spent jng done at this time- Now let me Sunday with W. E. Marley and fam- name the men who I am satisfied can IlV. on1 T.n'11 A tkic. The ball game Saturday between For the legislature, Mr. I. C. Mo- ?ously UI?8t? t PMn. : -The coroner's Jury; he; havihg Ramseur and Pleasant Garden was a ser; for clerk superior court, Mr. W. ". TP l, s ? . ' -wjnuv'ietteaaekr' close one, score being 4 to 3 in lavor M. Hanner, of -Liberty; for sheriff, Yu ."J nair, ana . - of Pleasant Garden. Ramseur won Mr. L. M. Cranford, of New Kope:i5P0WB then j pMniu1'? 'nar h ' Two. teaspwnfuls Pot rTanla a ever Pleasant Garden Friday 9 to 5. for county commissioners, D. B Mc-Iface d "ody She is said to ba re- little" water taken three tiiwss day Mrs. J. Preston Cox entertained Crary, of Asheboro; Hugh Parks of If-overing but the scars will remain owjust . before': meaM. will. 'iKaktf'.yoii': teal the Epworth League at her home last Franklinville, and Troy Redding of I face. The kr M$.beo. :ft'.i bti Friday night. There was a full at- Randleman route 3. ' premises not less thanvft, quarter . of vWorkbetterStandald:'DIug Gewpa tendance and the evening was muca If we will get this set of men on, century and not knowing the con- ny. 1 - - , s enjoyed by all. our ticket we will put the whole gang1 J?"18 "lss uanl lM vlcum , - " Miss May Finison had the misfor- f Republicans out of a job for years Ith ePlo810lu ; Di'. Perisho lectares ia Trey v: tune to break her arm last week in to come; and, furthermore, we musi TT .' " ; a swing. not forget to worn for our Congress- : man, W. C. Hammer and Mr. Zeb V- Seagrove News Long for solicitor. The farmers in this section are NEW MARKET DEMOCRAT, preparing for their spring crops. i Sophia, Ni C. Misses r austa, uiancnc ana nanm Tfcre Friend' Gentlemen TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLET t - i ' - In a new package that fits the pocket J ? , vAt a prtce'Jhat fits", the pocket-book- i' W J Uto The 'sameJ unmatched blend of t: .VlitI ) 1 y '(J . sv 1 TRINITY. RURAI ROUTE ; r i IREDELL CLAIMS GRAFE W-C V - -' .r . NUMBER 2 ESTABLISHED h OF MARSHALL NET Trinity roral route number 2 has ' The: nave of the distiBguished, - home at Stokesdale,' when she tossed and killed Melissa' Graham,' a yarltt nttotlied: and ( established yr Marshall Ney is to be found in the. ' a keg which she thought to. lie empty old Indian, girl, 'April 22 van wa he postomce-si department, effective 'cemetery of Third Creek Preabyteriair., ( into the blaze. She discovered after himself later1 shot 'and killed by,JuOe 16,1922. It will serve territory 'church, near Statesville. , i 1 the keg was in the Are that It co- Bethel, Gtwhatn hmther. nt ..th jaw4n easterly,, souths headstone bears - atnAH nAwa, anil eiim ,1 A. 1. ...... i. 1 WtT .' 4flM.tinMB " MftM ' VliA. .rfflM nitil tl.l. JnMiMtlAn. ' : .'. ww.u vnuv& auu :ig giru uranain was exonerated oy Tne t . ' . v v...,., MUO ivowauvu iu Ifiwjuv.mpivvTTU nu 'convenient facilities for approximately 128 fan Boling were visitors at W. R. Lucas' BRITISH EMBASSY Sunday. Mr. Lacy Richardson attended the wedding of Mr. Walter Auman and Edna Trogdon Sunday. made to produce the cheapest fertil izer in the world. He. emphasized the growing scare! ty of nitrogen in the world , and Kuan to Ulga, bround --r in(r educational work throurtoiit thU The Mississippi Rivera last : wee section, . delivered two l. JeetureB in rose to an extent notrealized in rw-jTroy last week. He also .visited the cent years. However, She levees ao schools at-Mt. Gilead, Biscoe and Can pronounced by engineers as "Jtt gooo dor. . , 1 1 - condition and that dangerous devei-J . Dr. Perisho snent a: few dava with BASSY MAY opments are not to be expected. The Prof. T, F. Bulla to Randolph county i? naa GO TO ASHEYILLE , larest area now covered Is the Yaaoo recently. He gave the annual address 01 Iertllizers- uasin, wnere imies oi wrmory av f armer luesaay. ana -vwiu ' wso There is a strong probability of the. are inundated. More than a thousand speak at T&tyzz.z.ssw-- :..r.i-i.-"-" . iliesmany of whom now have to- go ,In memory of Peter Stewart Ney.;.; "A native oi ranee and . a soldier a considerable distance fori their mail, z.:??rxw - il ml il- ir, , i i n , 'z.- of the- French Revolution . under Na-t poleon Bonaparte, who departed this liftt Hnamlur IK 1 fUR B CTrf - 7 xoiiyjto Abaadoa Muscle Shoals, r In an urirainotit twfnrg fk twnatik agriculture committee last week. Ma-, taught school in Rowan and Iredell i huh ouuer, , iiinner senator , jrom;""10" - . i , .j; North Carolina, insisted that It would! AU the evidence seems to support be folly tot abandon Muscla r Shoals, the view that this grave actually J - and predicted that the plant could be covers the bones of the great leader, . - f S SI Th Farlaw-Beaa Miss Ina Bean was1 married On &&U Bntish embassv's occuovimr the Van Iref usees from this -section are heinr There was singing ai denier yros uyKe coctage near the lirove Parkjcared lor in Vicksburg." ' Many" resi Sundav evening at 2 o'clock with a inn. Asheville. during the enminir dents are beinar houneri in tpnta-Knir- lareo attendance. summer months. Julv. Ausnst and tars and abandoned outhouses. There nrdav evenino-. Anril 15. to Mr. June, which was declared' bankrupt. Misses Cora, Lora, Mary, Lula and September have been designated as has been a great, influx of homeless FarlowV - " , ' J i railroad extends from High Point Myrtle Rose were visitors at G. W. the months for the changing of. to higher points.- W 4' Mrs, Farlow is a daughter 1 of ,0. through Thomasville , and Denton to Colo's Sunday. quarters from Washington to Asne-l s ; ! :"D. Bean,; of Steeds, and is a very at-i High Rock, a distance of forty miles. Kev. yi. a. Liivmgsion ana wue vine. i miss uuvia M. f. atone, who sno tractive vountr ladv.' Mr; rarlow is! -: ; . . ' " ' 1 " v:-;..'- spent Sunday night at J. T. Rose's. In addition to the ambassador, the and killed former Corporation Coun-, the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Farlow, Misses Arie, Myrtle and JNannie siart consists oi the secretary, vari-.sel JlIus G. Kinkead, of Cincinnati, of Seagrove,-and -a energetic and Shook Hands With LaFayette. Thomas West, of New York; ohe V-JS ."r: I'L, lStrS hundred years old, claims to be the nitrogen during the world warTwhen lJ 5?Sontnow 'fL ; enough 'could not he had for Pnlwlthe distinction of having actually, enougn couia not oe naa ior expiOri . o. . . t. , vBVpH tohpn the great Frenchman was a cuest of r' the city of New York in 1824. ' Mr. West, during his active buffl- "S i; nans urO o avi fro tr At t in til P TYlft.Till . was last i week .appointed weivee-for facture of riIk hats. He is an uncle "i: the Carolina . and Yadkin , railroad Lf th. R(.ntnr rredenck McMon- - TI,t.-7 r ' Carolina & Yadkin Railroad Bankrupt L. H. Hoyle, Jr. of Greensboro, Mit Richardson Stabbed. ' -C - ..1 On account of a difficulty arising.. over, the recent school bond issue .at,- Lucas attended singing at Centei ous military and naval attaches, August 5, 1921, was last week acquit- thorough-going. Norria Opposes Poo Solicitor,H. E.'Norris has been re .Denton, Mit Richardson was stabbed. . ' Mstered by tbe board of elections as aeveral times with a knife in the; Cross Sunday and were also visitors, lawyers, clerks, stenographers, and.ted of murder by- a Jury in- te Su- . The young iwuple will mate their 'candidate to, at J. i. noses fcunaay evening. ncwaapcr corresponaenis. preme court oi tsrooKiyn. 1 ' Jiome at beagrove , " jor congress. t, - , ' m repuiwu. Messrs. waiser ana uiyae orneii son and Clyde and Carlton Thomas, of Biscoe Hieh School, attended the singing at Center Cross Sunday. Misses Cora and Lora Rose Vere business visitors in Asheboro, Tuesday. Mr. E. O. Bean and family, of Norwood, are moving to Thomasville. Mr. Junie Farlow and Miss Inn Bean were married Saturday after noon, i Prof. W. B. Chrisco. of Moore county, spent Sunday afternoon wlcn Miss Lora Rose. Miss Gladys Presnell has returned home from her school jn Montgomery county, where she has been teaching during the .past winter. School closed at Asbury where Miss Conie Moon was teaching and she returned home Wednesday. A car driven by Mr. Junie Farlow accompanied by Misses Cora and Myrtei Rose, turned over about a mile west of Seagrove one day re cently. The occupants were caught ander the car but no one was serious, ly injured. 7- Lady Astor in U. S. Lady Astor. who was formerly Miss Nancy Langhome, ot Richmond, and has the distinction of being the first woman to be elected to the British parliament, arrived in. New: York with her husband last Wednes-i day. aaev I fa. an interview Lady Astor. ex- pressed" her personal views On mat- ters of publie interest. She believe that the home comes ahead of poll-' ties - and ; that with all , good women the home nhnnM "b tha first .eonflid-' ration. .. In het opinion the proper V3 teaching of children is the most im Qortant thing in tbeworld. 'M PI - . AMI IB a linu UCUCTHUI. IIIVIUVV tion and is convinced that -the issue would carry, in the ,: United State If voted on vgain. -':-' . She believes that the United States should be -fair to England, 1 L ' - - ,x , , ff ' 2 -its'' j li I. it -n a: mm. lr ' ; ' " - ' - : ti'-h , sv-7 I"! 'TtanMa Oddows. Sale of Oil Land. ';'..: JosephuB Daniels, In a letter to ' nator LaFollotte. Indignantly de-. ' nied reports that during his adminls- c j ,: tration of the navy he favored the leasing to private parties of 11 land ' of the naval rt-Herve. Instead, '. Mf. V.. Daniels says, he fought ' Just such " - schfimps for eiht years,' and rpardrf the plans of the present ' administra tion ti lea te U.pse lands Jangcnii's . end oIijpctiniMijle. .- i i COMPOUND ntr-OSfrTE MIXTURE I 1 . - . (PAGE) ' l 1 4 i i i - .vV;.',;;.Miisic-by L" A TO v-" , ill i'che ocra p.-tri-.l ..vl l... '- ' T'' !' i : rnufrh u I brtl I) till X' d t lire wn ,- Dr. J. flr.rf pre- 1 ia Kin pr:i: M U n I i rn f.,r H J .,, I. ii.i-i k; t 'rir-. O ' Sun (lav A 1 0 R';.- ''! - fit 1 U ' ! ,y ' k . t N ... , , . " '.. . iji ' r- v hi ic i-iu-tie's 1 i "a J 1 1 1 k v o-