T':1T It'" ID i ; . 'V- ,1.11 liPiiiii . ' L23UED WEEKLY - : v,. ' ; V J f PRINOTLE&NOT MEN : ' $100 A YEAR IN AD VAN Cm , n' ' . ' ' " ' t - ' - " -' Vi VOLUME ILVII. -f . ' - - V. i .? ' Asheoore, North CmoUm. Thursday, May 25, 1122 NUMBER 2S . ' 1 . ' ".' . -, V " IL . M " " 11 - V. : : : i t s " eco!.oiiic conference " 1 AT GENOA CLOSES AFTER 4V A SIX YflEKS SESSION , hc- j ?. The" great economie- conference at -Genoa, Italy, to discuss- the problems of -Europe and to adjust industrial rer lations; hi the hope of arriving at some ' v. agreement whereby the aftermath of ' War mighty tor tome extent at 'least, be chased away, -adjourn eU last Thure- Say,. May . 19, after a se36ionv six . strenuous weekaC AnotJief.roeetiug of " Jhe conference takes placed at, The Hague June 15.- - , v T , David Lloyd- George, the7 '.British , premier, in his valedictory before the i' final -plenary: session, of ihe'tConfer " ince said the Genoa weather had been tunny and gloomy and that, sometimes fiere had been thunderstorms, but all ad ended today in a blue sky, : . -- fThat ia the hjstory.of the confer ence," he added- "We peed all kinds "'-of. weather to make a igood harvest, i -and - If youl take a good, look vat .the conferehee you- will find we. have gar ; nered fine crops." L - "v,.4 v ?These crops," Miv Lloyds George .''Hated as .the coining meeting at The Hague, the past or-- non-aggression and the reports of- the finance, trans :. tiort and economic commissions. i "Let 'me say this about the confer ence arid the way it aeoatea tne Rus sian question,? said Mr. Lloyd George. The-discussions in, themselves have demonstrated the value of the inter national conference. .Here Is a ques tion which has cheated political crisis . in different countries, which has pro voiced wars and revolutions in two continents, debated- in conference in an atmosphere of calnr and courteous investiiratioiC What-better justifies- tion couML you- have for -conferences than, tnat v , : j ' .Month for Consideration. -' ,.''We have a month for reflection on ihe difficulties, we: have- had in" this conference Wore we . resume . these . Mscussions, I '.sincerely hope - that month -will be utilized with .View of discovering and suggesting a solution for those difficulties.; . I shduld like to say one word in that- respect upon- , the Russian mem. Oranduriit ttdo not "know what the Effect of that memorandum was in Russiaj.but I know the effect outside j follow the general line of the preS-: Rnasitf. jdlauWSKVXt;ploeLJ ent ttnd-day-wd anstead-'Of passing reaction against.the. spirit of. settle-.through Pleasant -Garden.. District tiivnv, huh m. ..... a i it Mwn tha -liior. taroivla to be uttered by the Russian 1 govern- , ' wmplishfoffuch C -Ther Hague, I i? am referring to the Uthpf Maymem- 1-.'rr lfiv ."JKurope. ana; tne woria iur.. .:.;, I r Vs6-: produce which Russia can .contribute jeountyand citteens better than, the and Russia , needs the accurtiulatedj wAolf.W .and slrill- which the world can place at its .command.. Rfcssia cannot recover for.a generation without that --ikiTope i.tnore' and more; filling up the gaps left by Russia. . Russia needs more, and more the help which the world can give,; and is anxious to . ASHEBORO TO HAVE ; ive.; If Russia needs help she can,' - -MEDICAL COURSE IN JUNE tret it. -If Russia ' is to get help. Russia must not outrage' the sentiments, if they .like let them; call them preju dices, of the world.. There is. real sympathy of her condition.; -" Prejudice! of Roaala; ' "What are these Dreiudices, I will just name one or two,; because they j were air trampiea upon in memoran dum ;of "May XL ;The- first prejudice we have in western Europe is that if you sell goods to a man you expect to ant nald for them.'' The 'second is this: If .you lend, money ;to niah and he proves te'rep.yyou,yJtt expect hS'STZfnfon . LH iu vraavWil .a lend melbronght to their. , very;, doors.and .1 iTJlifc t,, iiC'tA Tou -Dd vAD.urK number oithe ocwrs orr-xne I-rr nav me wn iww y and say r-?-h a- mosl Textraordlnary prejudice in V.Vi'th .westenr mlrtd" against ; lending more money to that person." It i ot . . J ' matter "of rlndBM.': v. ' if '! , Eurooe la. anxious Vto"JiIp: . E t;V,ripope can help Europe will help;: but .. Russia must la her dealing! with, ner v 'accept the code; of honot which is an -.Inheritanc.".. A Jf-Xd ' , '. "I implore. the Russian .delegation J'.f .whcn they come td The Hagu not to V ro out of their wfcy to trample upon t..-,:';; these Mntlments which are v deeply v. rooted 'In the very life i Lurope. "At Canoes we threw" out the life-;;-llne and.wt have pot yet. drawn it , '.in, as I thought'' we might. Neither has it been snapped; Mithef narf it V-keea let go. Jt is still tbereV. ' ' ' ' . .. - 1 ';, '. MR3.'W1I "AM WRIGHT, OF - -" j - GRANT TOWNSHIP,' DEAD . ' ' '-'. . -.. , ' Sirs. William Wright of Crnnt town- slilp, srid Bl yrara, died of heart dia , MnIay, ay 15, - The burial was nt Hethol Frictuls Oiurch, Tuo- dny the JCth. The funeral wns prch- .;. ed I'V J'v. J. l thaw, of lianifur. V. i . ! t pl ,1 Chrin- lian V, 'in t 1 rirndu (. ii, j'.-miifr ul t.. IJ'.ni ii r 1 1. r'-fore mnrriag"? dhe I ui a. Hunt,' H!r m"M.fr it ' o urvivi ty thf v.n-4 Fiii-vl -.:... Jul.n A- Urn : Mi. -3 . i ? J Itf .r T' a: 1 iva (nn, ry Wright, nf I Aitilrtv, ho r f . : r; l! r .- .ii.) R.pI I r t i. I" .. 1 I 1 r1 1 ! 1 I h iVint. KVIES.BANK AT v "OIBIAN ROBBED . B 'LD HOLD-UP HAN About n . Wednesday . Grady Ferguson, of RandlemanV' calmly V walked into the Bank of. Ban dleman pointed his gun at Mr A. B. Beasley, cashier,- and Miss Ep sie Woolen, took between , 400 -arid $600-in, cash, and left Oc-j curring" as it did at noon, and no : disguise being "affected,: it produc- vv "ed so much excitement; that Fer- : guson made his escape- He is a ,-jnan abou SO: yearssold, son of 3. Taylor Fergtfsontof that place, and has 'lived in Randleman for -about all his life., -He was always "considered an, honorable citizen up " to this .occurrence and no reason h for thi8' act can be advanced. "Searching parties were immediate-, -ly sent out, tut no. furthet, news "ti ha come. as. Ve go- to press.'" Worth Bulla In hired - V In: Accident st Mondav f i n v j - i - Worth Bulla, a young man hving about a mile west 'Of Asheboro, met With-."accident Monday , afternoon , ... j i j . . . in tounset .Avenue .almost .curectly to trauii.niwunitn ;Mwir.'w. in ( joy per cent, attiiough in some in-nanaea me aepuiy some water, iney truck driven by Hajey HilVwho also 'stances the renters were already pay-got back in. the car and drove about lives a fewmiles.west Of Asheboro on' ing iqq per cent more than when theytlHtee miles beyond Spray when the the old County, Home, road,. sttusk the 'moved in making a total of 350 per piisoner grabbed the steering wheel, bicyde-on which. Mr.' BnllaiiWas rcent, and representing an income of this is all that Mr." Wagner recalls, ing, hurling , hinr ? agawst another about 20 per ceht on the valuation. He was found lying beside the car and ...I..'. I. Mnn fnJjUj4 j -4. t 1 I V., , . . ' i A 1 ( , 11 1. j I. . . tne store, Mr. Bulla was rushed to the local' hospital where he soon re gained consciousness, and it was , found that he had concussion of the 1 V, D. - - 1 J! 1 uiaub xic. wjja given uicuicai aiteji tion and is reporte.dto be resting fair ly comfortably. -; . -. ROAD ROUTE .SETTLED BY . j kandleman, is Announced 1 vv y ii true ipAVUU) j' X LlK I elitCI IJeVUlC Ul bllC .W11IJf . Have avaiivu It .was announced this week by Mr. 'is held up and choked but of $58 in themselves of the opportunity of buy- J. Elwood Cox, state highway commis-! order that the owner may pay $2 more ing early realizing the success of last ai&ner".of-the, fifth "district,: that the tax. . year's fair . ; hard surface toad wWch is to be hullt) - Following is : the fext of the resorF'lh staging the Second Annual Fair from Greensboro to Randleman is tO:lution adontenvv - -Jf4h RanrfoinK Cnimtv: Fair Arrows- pninnMr. xmil Mmh immAdiafii v a enr- , ? i r . ivey of the road, but it will be some the construction is awarded. Mr. Cox taW thataft one under consideration by Pleasant Garden. If the Pleasant Garden route had" been chgsen, it would haye neces- t siteted rae building of an entirely new Pole, Cat creek into the present route near Center church. It was announced Tuesday of this week by Dr. C. A. Hayworth, of this place, that Asheboro is one of the Several towns of the state which is arranging for the extension course sent out for doctors by the extension bureau of the University . of North Carolina. This course consists of pest graduate work for doctors which consumes 12 weeks with a throe' hour lecture each week by. some noted doc tors. The-doctors assigned to Asheboro- are-from Boston, and Chicago. The course- begins . June 19 and will win .itflwn and- eountv have a I read v aimed i . ., , v, , .r.i - YrXlUiiBM . 1 a new ,aoor Force in-France, wi keep p with the times. It j expect- ,'P orrpoUtteal .purpo6es', in'dresiiad' the neonle MtWly "tr tf0??' the I r CConUnoed on.page four.) American rLegion, a county, will sign up for the work. Another Lyceum Course;-. For Asheboro :-v;v- V . . ' s The, Asheboro WomanH. bTrvVr..' booked the Jlclnatb asrain ior the wite; r aeaMBXhs club member did .this simply because they want to lumlrt elevatin! tlIlT "4 . ! falf to bs a and refining amusement for the Dec-i?s. Sunday at iikw pie rftfJ' The fum ls much cou church parlor on Tuesday night Uter than the one of the past season, ment ee mon will be delivered by Rev, In a social "welcoraeT and "get ac alhough each attraction given them -Douglass, of Wadesboro. whooamted' meeting In honor of the new was splendid.: - Tickets, season, the ' name 12.60 for adults. 1115 for children. ' Any child could . cava , -the price "f a ticket during the summer months, Why not encourage them to do this and buy their own ticket In the fall T MMdsmoji I. T. Underwood, I. C. Moter and T. J. XJU.!tr are tak ing tne names of me popi now wno will buy tickrAs in tho fall." This com mittee would greatly sppreclate it if pople who intrnd to buy would give hem their names.. - . . ; , Mr. Knnfdjr Withdraws,-',, . , -' " Mr. it. If. Kennedy- nnoune 1 1 fit he u nnt hn a candidate' tor tho oH'.rl of hrrilT m the f Hmary In Junn, nd jt U his ; l:.t nil r-f hifl frifndi (liiliport Mr. A. (nil Cot In th coming (rnri e'.rilinn In Kovpmlif r, . C. C CUANFOKn.'nmlrman.' County 1 xc:ii!lv OmniUtoe. GOVERNOR MORRISON ,'PASM;RESPECTS.iT03. THETAXCROUCr '(By Maxwell Goman.)2; - " r- . - .-- v .. .. .iSome, from MartmsvtUe;.Va., to High Raleigh,-Mayv 28The ;;begmning. Point Saturday Deputy Sheriff j. E. of .definite action on the art ot fam-JWaimer was drusrired nd left on. the ilies who are forced to Tent homes, injroad for nearly ten rours. Deputy wmcft to live, against the continuedlW agner had heard of a Buick auto and.growmg" extortion practiced-,." byynobile belonging to Mr. James known as the frent'Jhogclaas,-' haejocated in Martinsville, Virginia, and; oeen taKen nere-: ana m spread - fix, With Mr. Wright and Dr. Dyer towns andjejties all oyer ther.state; vjent for it. The car. wa located and It means relief throunrh legislative Bansome. the nrisoner ' was' ridine in "action when the next general asgem - Kl.- i ..' L. 'a-L 1 . vi vvuvcuco Bvui;.j;igut mwifla QcflCcviuve uii aiie.au. - VYaiia .viw rear cur and every' person who rents a home arrived at Reidsville where they knew or business place is. interested In the the deputy was to stop to return a outcomeViv:.Wtoile tbrlnitialilu!dn iaorrowed wheel, they found no, one been taken a Raleigh laof organ-who had 'seen him. -: Coming on to itation," theJltrr'LaWrslJn still found no trace this ,city. made up of representatives land" upon ardent search, found Mr. of au the various locaP -iabor unions oi tne several-tradesiiit will be.fol-.nce station, at spray supposed to De one man who thoroughly understood lowed' by the activities- of bthers-f or drunk. Dr. Jones, Guilford county's ' the nature of the depressed conditions Indeed the cleavage between the the pepple' have -suffered;: from thiS.-health physician, . whOfeaccompanied jof agriculture in the west and the . Jfuar and the progressives is re species of , robbery, Until, t'orbeaianca th searching party immediately upon south and how speedily to meet these Vlyea and has become as definite as lontf aim cftaamT t.n ha -o Wirno lorjkino- at Mr.- Waifner ' said he had ' conditions to the best advantaces of " was R decade a?o. But two wave in llc flBl ween, ii is ioua inai v, 1 Parker: of he vreal estat fiMi . n Parker; of he vreal estate ! firm " of Parker & Hunter, of Raleigh, ig threatening eviction of families of wt from Spray, the" prisoner began UrtlitH' means tf thav A i'fttkincr for water.- and fh two men , v..vtf vi vwiitijl with i hew, raise in JTents of nearly WWUW ,V Mv& .Clib . Vll bllC ValUilLlOn. as shown by'the tax books. . . .. .. j vv tswsw. ,y t And yet they have the' "effTOnterv to claiita that taxes have been increas- ed to make the outrageous increase in rents necessary, whereas the latter are'.L&St (Jail IOr (JOUIlty vui. . ux mi- jJEoporuon 10 me iormer. Sixty dollars a year on the $1,000 valuation represents the - increase in rent, while the-small nAAitinnui to, for schools recently votedv in -the bond issue. amnnnts-'tM onlv on tkw 11 on to tv, t,uvi mi C "Whereas; among the lOMynotlewith'yntteaed .Support and. ?f 'Increased 'rent being- sent; Out teWperatioii, '-w hope to be able to, spite of assurance of no increa'sed maintain the reputation which our fair 'ib uu aecuuia oi me scnooi Dona I : , . . issue, the following is selected from Realty Co., by V. 6. Parker ? the rent on your house has oeen increased, to. $25.00 a month, payable in advancerbemnniii? June 1 1099 anl :-m A i let. Please let us know at vo.n- f liest convenience if you wish to keen the house subject to the above con - . . y dition. Unless wA !,. fr.-...-. r,,- ul May pOth we will feel at liberty to'the purpose of this Fair be primarily offer-the house to other applicants to promote the development of the ' """Investigation shows the Lw t'n' sources of Randolph county, to encour - be a three-room one. Dre-war tnH!7 and the property value on the tax books $1300. This case po,o in rent from 5. th ro-aent foi to 125 is unreasonable, especially as same tini we wish to make it a time timber and grain in sections of David- louls its own nest. They will punish this corporation has been advertisine'of recreation and amusement. We ex- son county" last Thursday by a hail the old guard for having isolated this their non-taxable mortgage bonds at' Pect t have amusement features that storm and tornado. Although the country among the nations of the an attractive price, -bttt being upon a wi" use and entertain without low- storm passed through a thickly set- world. par with many increases, we deem it ering the moral standard of the peo- tied. part of the county there was no Only one more event is needed to advisable to press for legislation to P,e- or this purpose, we have se- loss of life. One small girl in the complete the popular rebuke of the prevent rent profiteering- there- be curel the Smith's Greater United Shiloh section was sucked into the old guard and that is the defeat of it ' . ' Shows which have a refined and swirling wind and carried to the edge Senator Townsend, the Newberry can "Resolved, That the legislative com wholesome standard. 'of a wood but escaped the falling didate for senator in Michigan. The mittee present to the incoming een I ' w- c- YORK, Secretary. (trees. A colored boy was snatched issue there is as squarely drawn as it eral assembly the New York !L I ; - from the ground and landed in the was in Indiana and Pennsylvania and nteering law that has hpn L.io,L'i TMsCh 1" ,TV I Ahe Suren Court. AHn:i..ii... - v",', - insist, upon its passage asthis " 4 sTrceVre! x 1 v - -.., i Th, .i. . - new labor School Commencement - i' - Beirfns Nat v '-''.""' . .Tiaay The ZmZZTJLi: ' : A kk. j . . ercises of the fh pVr.Air.- Mistake ?f?r ioaim ninv naa m i . - - r"-' n anaer way for sev- UNhA.r Pt V'ne.. Botei .Th paston, of the other churches hbZJJAy' "k; 8PW wusloof tha town were Invited. to be pres-t- ?!f!Itrrf,,r1. 'o1, h occasion by' en, and graceful remarks were made 29 JF9k lMoBd8 ftrnoon,,May.by Reverend Mr." Gibba, pastor of tW the graduating l T- ii. - a interesting ringer, pastor - v.V' -i-. - l"enr ln this eome.to ,Mr. La years class, a rood I t f h,i.. i.l- n. -v.i. , centered around thU occasion, Mon- rateil with greens, ferns. and Dorothy -!7vr,n,n Pf,,.rJ.ot4!t f rerkin. rose which gave a back- en toJlege, will. deliver, the .annua ground of charm and beauty to the sddrMS to the graduating class -and! occasion, t The gathering was, delight the diplomas will be delivered.', There fully entertained by musical selecttone re twnty-one members of the.claujon.the Orgatl by Mist Bertie May, the and a Urge per wt bsve made' their ehofch organist. ..'it 1 . ' plan to go to college this fall, Tbel Following the ,gretlnK and intro rhol has h4 an enrollment of ever duetion, ice cream - and cake-, were Too pupils this year, and the miarters'served, - ' ' ' K :. have on moft Umdotiunte and cramp-1 Mr. Lang Is a native of tnniyl 'I. Thre U no Khool auditorium and nla, hav ing spent his youth snd early all the commfnrfmnt exrciM were manhood in the city of. Plttabnrgh. hel l in tha county court house for this He griuat4 recently from the The o- rran. DEPUTY WAGNER; HIGH POINT; DRUGGED' BY PRISONER WHO ESCAPES While taking a prisoner, S. L. Ran- the car. with Deputy Wagner, who 'j - . n ' 1 111 i Al Wagner lying on -thft floor at the do- oeen drugged witn nyacme. nestor- ntivoo ttron uHmiTiistVKrt nrtH 91 conn piMMr. Wagper was able to talk he re- calied the whole incident. A few miles . ' o - - j - - - :went to a spring where the prisoner itaken back to Spray where the party ! " V.. . L- x i fotmd him. The prisoner has not been heard of since. I 't 1 " Fair Subscriptions This is the last pu'oliciOffer that will he, o-iven to the eitiaAna of: Randolnh td huv fair stock as there is very lit-i fin otnir loft . n irroat rmrnhpr of ... ,i o.miiorl .l. i x r: - xT ...v. I enjoys, one oi uie utbi iwis m nuau ' Carolina. MOi aA D , us their, hearty support to the extent that we may make this the best year in the Jiistory of the association, and -l voof x.-q r,i-nm. ise that no effort will be spared and - i,i i. i. no ou means oven oo neu in carrying out r part in this undertaking. We wish it clearly understood that! 1 age better methods of farming, the production of more and better live j stock, and to increase the efficiency of the home-maker irenerallv. At the GREAT CROWDS AT CHAR- , i attp irrT rri run LOTTE FOR CELEBRATION ) Vi ast throngs gathered at Charlotte May : f 20 o celebrate ihe 147th anniver - 'sary of, the. signing of the Mecklen - burg declaraUon of independence May u, n ik. wkii r ciojung, uimuwir 20, 177g.'' General Pershing, common Force in-France, was present and ad- as did Hanford commander of the and Governor Mor- risonv tA Baiide three miles in length led b? General Pershintr went through 'the principal streets of the city before going to Independence park where the addressee were made. , i , -- ' to the New Thrmefbere of the' Presbyterian K.,rcli na th. niMition. mt in M. E. church, and Reverend- Mr. Ger- tf the Methodist Prot giving generona '-'wel- ng and his Bride. . - legkal Seminary in Richmond, Va.'. A W.McLEAN1 ATTAINED NATIONAL REPUTATION AS FINANCIAL WIZARD (By David F. St. Qair) Washington, May 23. The four years'' service of Hon. Angus Wilton McLean as a director of the W p; nance Corporation, from which he has ne Republican ticket for governor of voluntarily retired, gfres to the state Pennsylvania forecasts a possible rep of North Carolina a new official dis- etition of the 1912 upheaval in the Re tinction in the federal government, publican party and a revolution in the Mr. McLean .is the-first North Caro Mr. McLean .is the-first North Caro- election in 1924. It is the general linian who has attained national emi- ?P"ion in Washington that no polit nence as a financial administrator and ical event in a decade is fi ought with executor. In this respect he is in a !uch Possibilities as Pinchot's victory, class by himself. f' s believed that the new Progress-" From every section of the country lve Governor of Pennsylvania-to-be where the war finance corporation has W1". De a candidate for president furnished money to the banks and the a8TMnst the old guard, stand pat can other corporate concerns for farm didate, Warren G. Harding, and this credits there has come a chorus of tlme the old guard will either have to praise and gratitude for the work surrender or there will again be two done by Mr. McLean. He was the one candidates for president and two an "dirt farmer" on the board and the me iarmers, tne Danxs inu govern- monh Many Bepuhlicans as well as Dem- ocrats in congress have expressed f"" ,v"r. "le oasis or that common their keen regret at Mr. McLean's re- hatred Will Hays and other Republi tirement at this time from the great can organizers managed to unite the fiscal agricultural agency that has two factions and the old guard got done so much tp stabilize the prices lts candidate for president who in the of farm products within the last eight campaign rode two horses in opposite months. Republicans like Senator directions. The president is still try Capper, of Kansas, McNary, of Oregon m8' to rule these two horses and that Bursum, of New Mexico, and Harreld, J8 why his administration is the most nf nirUhnms oro imctiiitwl in tVuir mane, necative. and Colorize In Am vm. V.UH...V...H., H.v H..vva....U ... praise of the splendid work of Mr. Mc- wn. Lean. Senator Kendrick, of Wyo- J" r. Harding s supreme purpose as ming, says that the prosperity of the a candidate and as president has been stock raising industry of his state and to keep these two factions of the the security of many of the banks are Pa.rty united but the victory of Bev due to the financial genius of McLean. er"dge in Indiana followed by the still fOwrv southern man in onoress greater victory of Pinchot. in frit vnwr speaks of the services o? Mr. McLean i with an unusual note of pride. Sena- tor Harris, of Georgiasays that Mr. McLean is the one man of the admin- ist.ratioti who knows how to meet the . - credit needs of the south and has done so with consumate ability. Senator Heflin, of Alabama, says that When the federal reserve board by its de- flation policy brought ruin upon south- ern agriculture, it was the sympathy and financial genius of McLean that came to the rescue. Senator Dial, of South Carolina . V.ttooca " ; ..atdon his state for rhid Mclean rendered it i th.e al? McLean rendered it. I iit:il:. au e T,, U 'finance comoration through Mr. Mc- .Lean nas lent tne DanKs and iarmers 'of North Carolina fourteen million ' . . . .. . . . i dollars and the irovernment will not lose as much as one per cent of this re-'great loan. 1 1 . DAVIDSON COUNTY SUFFERS DAMAGE FROM TORNADO I Considerable damage was done to .telephone wires momentarily. ceverai nunuieu niuusaiiu icei. ui n . i i i.i. 1 r . t . i i , . 0 a : ""' , - 'i'-'t""" " listanc h f M CIC BliairWlCU VIIC Ileal 111 uic i . , i;ki The first tornado hit A path throogh the Happy Hill and Arnold sections from one to two hundwd vanln wi,le Uml several mllps lnnir ahout 7 oVloak. Ahout 0 nVlnrlr th af wAtiin- nn- other storm struck five miles north of Lexington, destroying barns and oth- 'r uubuuuuiiiK ni Lne iiuwie ui kj. c. j Leonard and tlamaging his residence, dui no otner serious damage was done in the neighborhood. MHSL 1 fl PHILLIPS ELFTTF.n ORGANIZER FOR THIS DISTRICT . Predicting that they will soon be . f , heading not only the south, but the ''.. V-I At the state meeting of the Ameri- nation as well. As he briefly recount- , ; ccn War Mothers', held recently in the edthe principal activities of the U- ;. ciy of Ashevflle, Mrfc L. C'Phillips, W Posts in America, and emphasired "- -i of Asheboro, who is president of the the need of concerted action on the 'J Randolph Chapter, waa elected organ- Pt ft all members, he stated that in' J iter for this . district, composed -of h,e American Legion the cradle for. ;y ,. Randolph and a number of other coun- u the' futUrt f America Is to be ;,. :."., ties, and, will soon begin the organic toJ" V ,.. , 8 otion of growing organlxaUon. ' .The 'basic reason for the existence ' ,J , , 1 f . . - of the organisation, tie Stated,, was to ' v. v J Wake rors Gets Qm $1,000,000. .th totry American and that j 'taut week the authoritiee of Wake Forest - College srerS v- notified by R New York; attorney that the college is .about through the influence of the ex-v -entitled to receive x A patriotic ; trust tervic men. The Legion has before ' fund amoOnting 'to 176,000 whlch.lt -at the-present time two Important 1 . Jabei' A. Boitwlck, director -and one. problems First, to see that the malm- -if the largest stockholders ' of - the ed soldier gets a square deal; second, , ' Standard Oil tCowpeny, created ' in to help the unemployed veteran to ; ; 189Z l"he money was left tooths find work. With the help of state and . children of 'his daughter, upon her national oflldalB, over 200.000 men ,' death proVldd they should then be'ihava-been glyen joh since. March 1.?.-.. Americans," yThe cunditlone lisp not Col. McNider mailea fine iniprvdnlon been Compiled with, and.acconting to on this his -firat Vlit to Jx'orth Caro- ' the second clause in the ' will, - the line,' It is report! that he will vUit fund waa turned over to Wake Forest several points in the state before lea College.' i s ingfothia home in the went,- ... r. ... t-x: -?-:,."' .. -' ' - - - . PINChWS VICTORY AN OTHER BLOW AT ASCEN DENCY OFOLD GUARD (By David F. St. Clair) Washington, May 23. Gifford Pin- cnot s nomination in the Drimaries on agonistic factions within the Ronnh. - a - "iric uuim oi ieuowsnip had oj,iuilir up OetWeen these rum fa.t;no lneir common hatred of Woodrow Wil- . 1 . , ' ... .1I1J" CI11Jrn sco,7 Mr. Hardine-' stronghold of the old guard are signs u" "ne- glass that there is routrh eatner ahead. Both Beveridge and mcnot were nrst lieutenants to The- odore Roosevelt when the crent hull , - r - meoser waiKed out of the Republican rnven?" m Chicago in 191& and th of these men have now won over a"3ates endorsed by the president "mseii. The success of these two prominent progressives is interpreted as almost as strong a popular rebuke of the Hardin? Hdmiiiictmtlnn o,i i Y- publican congress as if the Democrats"' memseives had wbn in Inriinni, oh Pennsylvania -for the people are hold- ?? the old guard responsible for the rfufnlstration C0UP!?d - x "L ingress. ihe country is restless, unemployment UUUUIIUS Wld persists UHOPr t.hp none P,1 tne. ?ul Eua.rtl- The People will hold . ."7 Prefent minquitip us tariff bit' which tne ohl o-nnri mcnnncihln fn. 7, oul1 .0I lne very heart ot lne preuatory interests, They will also hold the old guard responsible for its backing and filling .n the bonus bill. 1 hey will condemn the old guard for its having tarnished the reputation of the senate in the Newberry scandal like a bird that be- its moral element is even more clearly eiiiieii, xj. Hie, ntwuciij utruuuMni 1 TP U X' 1 . .! 1 Vanu;.a 0i,, c M:olii ivciuwiiaii ticvwiu jl iniiiikan vau recover its conscience long enough to Rssert itself at the primaries nothing v- a. fi-,;,.!, U ,i;cnmfit.iM wil f ii iiunui iv iiiuoii nit vii vy i nuiui the old guard. Commander of American 1 utgivu at xvaiciS ' . A hearty and enthusiastic welcome was accorded Hanford McNidcr, corn- mander of the American Legion, at Raleigh, May 19. A banquet, attend- hy several hundred members of the r. - n ... - - - gven in his honor, and many notable """"sen in umcini, wiiiumii- tier aiuiiuer, in an eioquenc Hpeecn, praised the work the legions and aux iliaries were doing in North Caro- An legislation to date w ther Interests of disabled veterans has been brought i 1 k.x-

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