V i 4". ? r li THE A 3HEE ORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. G j .THCESDAT, JUNE 12, THE COURIER : Governor Todd R. Caldwell. wh CICOCU AH AO l WW V v wv . WTt? A Vl a iDrDTTriiriuc lTOiin PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Jfine brick building, four atone high;!. p 1 Tiwi of the great Bridgewater d-! C. HAMMER, EDITOR iveiopment, the Breadoaka nairourai a- i 1 a.1 L I k. I ana orace noepuai, m new up EFFECT Vm. Entered as second class mail matter i the postoflce at Asheboro, N. C (Bhamkatto Roaster.) - "Can you give ue mm sort of school building and the leaders in the jdea of thy etc at the White movement for the new hotel, are 'House dinner when the big magnet THE AMERICAN PR ft ESS ASSO-'IATIO. Asheboro, N. C. June 22, 1922 among the illustrations. WAR ON THE FLY In almost every paper in the state git themselves invited?" was the Ques tion the Old Oodger propounded as he TO MESI1GAIE THE ; JTICEJDpARTlIENT By WALLACE BASSFORD, (Special Correspondent.) ACT QUICKLY "at ; the Do the right thing time. - i , Act Qukkly in time of danger. ' ' In time of kidney danger, Doan's Kidner Fills are most effective. Plenty of Asheboro evidence of their worth. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. A, H. Wright, Hoover Street. Asheboro says: "Last winter my kid-1 'REACTIONARY REFUZII- ' right. AP rrinrnr rrrri'T;, AT1Y: GEN. DAUGHERTY (By Richard -Iinthicttm.) Special Correspondence.) Washington, June 20. The addi- Weahington, June , SO Republican neyt got in a bad condition. My back tional confirmation of the report that RANDOLPH COUNTY DEMOCRAT IC TICKET Clerk Superior Court: D. M. WEATHERLY Sheriff: A. CARL COX Register of Deeds: LEE KEARNS Count v Commissioners: JOE WEAVER H. S. EDWARDS L. M. CRANFORD County Coroner: DR. WAITE LAMBERT House of Representatives: I. C. MOSER Solicitor: ZEB. VANCE LONG CONGRESSIONAL TICKET 3-ember Congress, Seventh Congres sional District: Wm C. HAMMER stumped into the Boaster office yea- leadershlB in the house has derener- f,1Kt a-harl all dnrin the dav and I President Harding is going to stand "day. , ated to that point where it can hardly couldn't keep at my work I was In behind Attorney General - Daugherty The Old Oodger was told that we be described without the use of the nch misery. When I sweat the floor found in the action of the house rule . , . ' JI .v. opposed they had rale-rede cross ties word maudlin: from the days and di- I had sharp, quick catches in my kid- committee in rescinding the Woodruff there has been a reference to ie xact , j,y Gould and steel biscuiU a la measions of men like Reed and Can-'neys. I was hardlf ever free from Johnson resolution f or an investiga that there are countless flies this sea-Crerley Schwab, with liquid refresh-' Don to the times and antics of Moh-. headaches and bad spells of dizziness tion of the department of Justice k son. It seems that this is a "fly ments a la Volstead, though there mite "dell and Campbell it is surely, a far and my kidneys 'acted irregularly, supplanted and emphasized'-by .the year", but why let it be? Even the somethin' on the aide tho we doubt- cry. "! Campbell's mystified maneuvers Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to President himself in an interview ia. children can be tauirht to use the'1' hiul nythinc stronger than anent the Woodruff-Johnson resolution my attention and I used them as di- the Philadelphia Public Ledger M .. . , . . ; Judge Gary was accustomed to drink- calling for congressional investigation rected. They soon put my kidneys in which the persons .making : charges swatter. Gutters can be cleaned out, The Old Codger was asked why of Daugherty' laxity in prosecuting good order, the backaches left and I against the attorney general are called old rubbish moved or bumed and dis- he was so inquisitive an' whether he, war graft are very suggestive of a felt fine." ("political blackguards", and newspa- enfectants used. Many homos have. was a expectin' an invite, - muddled mind and a monumental cow-1 .. Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't pers and newspapermen are criticised trouble keeping the flies out of the "No, I aint a expectin' no invite." ."awe. The logic dwelling in the av- simply ask for a kidney remedy get for directing public attention to tha houa when the screen is ooened An ' h d. "f er 1 n0 magnet or plu- auses him to won-. Doan's Kidney Pills the same thMrfPOgtmviA-shngen.yr (house when the screen is opened. An T r rJ: to der what knowledge of guUt on the Mrs. Wright had. Fn,tr-MilhUrn CnJ It is recalled that the RemibUcana excellent plan that prevents this is to t tryin' Prt t big Republicans may cause the Mfrg., Bufflo, N. Y. attempted to shield former. Secretary. dip an old broom in kerosene oil, and to work out in my read the doctrine leaders to refuse at all cost to permit of the 'Interior Bellinger in the Ta sweep the screen on the outside. It'of cause and effect." , lifting of the veil which partly! This week when J. E. Hargreaves administration in the same, manner, will be seen that as long as the odor The Old Codger was asked what he doings ot department ' .stepped from the steamer Celtic he and that the defenders ofr Attorney of the kerosene lasts the flies will' not meant by cause and effect and whet 'Ti u v v v .ann0UHCed lat he was through with ' General Daugherty are the same old 01 uie Kerosene lasts tne mes wm noi, possibly have -with !t 1,6 r.eSailed th when tiie ocean voyages, and was now willing crowd, of reactionary leaders, repre-j congregate. Asheboro has always , ralerode me s producers eat Republicans, with the aid of every in- for a younger man to take his place anting all the forms of special privi been an unusually healthy town, and fa at Tjyrjute House. ' SiS? ' not us .rresdent . Mr,. Hargreaves has the distinction of lege, attempting to- save one of their hs had few severe eDidemics as com-1 TW wfcat T am ' n.mm.tm1 r1"0" carried the house in 1918, the havinir crossed the Atlantic 270 times, associate. Even President Taft was pared with other places, but flies are about," said the Old Codger, "A few MA?Jr W ol ' S5SL!? Pit B vv.....vn.vv , i ii i. i mi i miuk ea vowsy- , w & icaiucub Harding voluntarily assumes to save the scalp of Jjaugherty. it will oc- The Moore County News has re cently installed the latest model lino type machine. The Courier congratu tates the News on being able to make this improvement. 'davs aro tha biir ralerode wn waa nara meiling uommiwee, wnose germ agent, anu wor vCrwm u. w axed w ete diher at the White P8 wa? UP ?emJ" Davidson Wants Hospital, summer. It behooves every citizen of tv, . k.jn w cratic yenality in connection with .war Drs. J. T. Burma and Tf . W. M. the town to do his bit and wage war- 'throutrh oickin' their teeth afore the contracts to damn the party for forty Cain, of the High Point hospital, with casion no surprise here if President fare on the fly. same aforesaid ralerode magnets se- TJ?- xnat committee sat the county commissioners of Davidson Harding shall write a letter to cured a reduction ot a Hundred and . 7 , " , A L " citnens oi xjexingon, k"'7 "wwuig u wu wun ten milyun dollars in the wages of the fv d summers sun and finally reported are planning to erect a hospital in iunocence and his complete fitness for fellers who work on the alerodes. finger of suspicion pointed in Lexington. .the office which he holds. President But I observed that they wuzzent a on of one great corporation , jaft,iV will be remembered, did this nf H.,in f hm tat ui.n r.t standard Steel -Company, of A customer in the store is worth for Ballmger the magnets or any ralerode man who J)?bur8:n, controlled by Andrew W. a dozen on the sidewalk outside the1 President Harding's third person de- THE KEW TARIFF INCREASING PRiCES IN ADN ANCE. The tariff discussion in the Senate Maore county is one of the most pro rressive counties in North Carolina. This is evidenced along many line. is also true along line of newspapers, having as it does, three papers: The Knehurst Outlook, The Moore County News, The Vass Pilot. last week cau.d the nnauo. commit-Jgets over iSSSfMS' tiki t. tn rrH 'mm unmt, of the rates IeU on ln0 nard-WOripng ieiiers Wnose .nmni.t. jL,artra nM fu. fj0 feiise of Attorney Geenral Daugherty ia tvnicjil nf th snirit tianlavot K tee to recede 'rom some o' the rtes " . . . . complete charge of the people's funds year, listening to and considering the his defenders generally that officials it recommended, and the administiation nt to u,,. j- j,at relation that in ms caPa5ltv secretary of the charges against him, the chairman of of the present administration are measure was vigorously attacked from dinner at the White House had to do V" f .uwmraww was instrumental in aoove cnucism ana wiat ineir critics with tha eutthv down of vim and """ " vcmiiK wm namiK ine resolution passea py ms are- uispirea omy oj . unwonny mo- both sides of the chamber. The proposed duties on firearms, ef it didn't have nothin' to do 'with Grnm committee and in giving it committee and directed to be brought tives-that they are "blackguards" Sandhill Citizen, and The which were ultimately approved, led the House fer? to a lengthy discussion of U whet the maenete wud invited to ?,enteous A "weeping author- before the housed, ha wtitTHouse" fty Ss when it is now' "Now, I wish to proposed to investigate one broad Our answer to the Old Codger was, Z Z1ZLJ ranee. Senator JUnjr insisted mat ine, we give n up. i The citizens of Troy are to be con gratulated upon the splendid progress which the town is making. In addi tion to streets and sidewalks, an ex cellent sewer system is being put in. The new bank building which is one of the handsomest structures in Pied mont Carolina, is nearing completion, as is the modern new hotel which is leing erected by Mrs. J. R. Blair. and. "rascals", forgetting apparently sav this and I the venomous and vicious nronaeahda the speak for myself, and I think I can of misrepresentation, abuse and whis- speak for every member on this side pered scandal directed at the late ad- a. m . 1 nr rnp nmiBAEnnr ttnvnnA whn .11.. mintfllMriAn WW n.n.m twsA atnr n.ul 4. -.mc i j i -rne uia jooeer. nursumar wnat we1 . . . . r. . ... nCw u.i.u .u.i 6 observed he thought a logical train of After the committee on rules had recuy or indirectly charges that we Kepubucan propagandists, used as an excuse to advance prices u-h went on to 4 few favorably yoted the Woodruff-John- whoYavor an investigation, who favor This, spirit is reflected in the state- in the United States, showing from days after the ralerode men wuz in- Ma resolution out of the committee, .tt. among other reasons,' because the ment of Chairman Campbell, Bepub reports of the great American Wool- vited to ete at the White House with pressure from some high sources must sentiment of the country Tails for an Jican, of Kansas, of the rules commit . v " . ... "... the bia- cost to the ralerode workers nye been exerted upon Chairman investigation, that we are endeavor-, tee, who, with Representative Schall, len Company that this company had IJ0' jS Got and CampbeU to cause him to at first fail tag to prevent the prosecution and Republican, of . Minnesota, v reversed made two advances in prices, and M had t a Did for a to report the resolution, and later to conviction of malefactors can receive himself in order to kill the resolution stated that these prices would be ex- Warren G They too, kum away look- "fuse to report it and finally to have Dut one answer. If any such asser- for an investigation, introduced by tended to other commodities, including in' mity pleezed.' I cuddent under- Committee vote to rescind its ac- n should be made with respect to, two Republican members nd origin- The Senator stand it ontell yestiddy.-Whea the K. rr. . !u J.j . rond 'TZ .wf f"' nTr""!! r D man dropped my Xiuisance ilia- vi (.uunu y w icu wi - - muui vtufui niouv vuv tl,',h.', i a on th n fmnt ch performances on the part of the nswered in only one way, and that by counter charge that Democratic mem- based on the difference in cteel MERGER COMPLETED men ey elected to congress. When a shrp. short word of three letters, bers were attempting to shield war i iun rvATTuvuTV KTYvriiinii'n'' 'he matter came up in the house two "inen 1 nave ine time and strengtn, crooks. "Mow I v that cau an' Democrats signally JistinguiGhed n. a Partisan but as an American The Democratic reply to that is that wow i ax you, wuz inac cause an .., ... ? , ..jji.. citizen anrf Tnnuntariv nH an u- 1 ; t.. v.. v. wwuDcifcs I viiv ivwcr, lUCAUltjr nu . ' jc ' " ' - mio wuiiwiuwixc to muwu wjf buv touowing me Congress, armistice was special and began J.' J? a. i.1 - vyWlJCCI IWUlCUi A swUil w ... noi4manf T inaMju an4 wkAt- iW e-k s a.i a a w iinHrstanrf whv nauirhertv air tn he conciuaeu witn uiese woras: i"""'"'"" .. " Lwmocratic administration. . vunng ' . ' n i , . .L 1 .1 1 boots, shoes and cotton. declared that had the bill contained fair rates is developing the cost of production at home and industries of abroad, it would have passed without ! . ... ........ j. u: , i v: efiecti ine arucie seamac me new ma. it is estimated mat unuuo aciaj. uuv v,. n UUv, , H ti would Isana tl2 000 000 anility or uieu utterances f inis Gar- kis t" ois- record or wnat Happened vear will ha double what opinion, the basis of the measure, and . " ,i 4.vi, :f AtAJt .... rett, or Tennessee, and Walton Moore. -Yaa ",0 "V 5? .vne.aivorney general armistice. A Kepubucan ... .. i" v.v, . , u: nn..: i. i-t-i since h took nTiiA. If Hia annnrfim . -.iti t tv. loot ...a- ;t ic K. that it was deRiimml unman V ta en a- n.,,-), ..oh y,aA Mn ,t iH hnv vm. minim, lumi iimcirea iKunteu 7 . . . -rr ocvvcu uuur w mc j--'. " r -.. --- -i-i u. .u. . ty is attorded me. 1 shall undertake oiiul Kv PnuManf wsiam. ir. it win taxe i,iuu cars to o. . . f " " 'IT vl " " yersy and held the Republicans ud to x show that his conduct is unparal- session early in May 1919, n : t: t I inrasu tha rrc nf liirinir ti tha t iunivvcio i vvniuiii. . . lala an fo in tha hot tk. A I i xt ia csimiaicu wiiaw m vv . - Tha Oln1 The peach industry mto one of the best North Carol Hie crop this txie crop was Seved that ship the peaches. the total amount of money from the consume. crop will be around $150,000. early peaches have been on the mar ket peak and 20th of July. which manufacturers of guns douid things you may , . advanle prices sufficiently to take care Asked what they were, c ... . . .: , .f th. i..uc i tv.. nf.ri.1, CodsTer said. "The price rrum ume to wme we nave ooserr- ... ....0 . - rtrvbu. things that would im- of the world and driving foreign pro- tf RaVublin Camoane Com own,mitty will go up." The Senator Norris, of Nebraska, Kepub-' notified units thev think thev kin rit "lr- pe;r, is extremely pain- , vara- cuasresfl ppruxiniiHiy o.tjr ju-, me ocn r ui p k .nouned, unless tney tninx tney xin git f j . . r j,, court investigation, if inno- yestigating and "smelling'r commit- nar- hcan, discussing the duties proposed a bigger rake-off with his Q. K. on it U VW.VT T7IJ3:!L5 1 cent. and. if guilty, oueht to be rSSS.:SL-nS . . . ... . ... it air aiwvthav nna-tnittrccor iik una - - " " . .. , for tho past two weeks, but tue on snoiguns, ttea mai m purpose - - - r-z rT and now that never at any time dur- F""1 10 oar oi me senate, it in nothing That there was pronteer- : wfll be reached about the 15th was to build a high tariff wall behind Company There" onhT two m Democratic adtnimstraUon, or t1he.fton,eJr wn 1 in during the war and that there 20th of July. .which manufacturers of guns dould &. yoHIy bK' 7 "L objection from & ' ff " 0' of cd numerous things that prove our town. One much needed ducers out of business in their thing is a good strong speed law, and countries; that this applied not only enforced. It has only been a week to shotguns, but also to sewing ma awe a car and a truck were seen chines, paints, steel products and racing through the main street of the many other items Included in the bilL Harding's plight resulting town. There is no necessity for this. tha niH any uuuviuuai. irom uiexormsr pre si- - "v o "v , . ine government is ooyona uispuve, out Btaal ucn oi uia umtea states aown to , -i .. . uiitt uie uemocnuc auaunuK-rnuua . Bww . . . - .. .. . lnla Ml wn l . h nova amoon a.nt.a 1 ' 1 . . ." i i . I every man wno naa any discretion in " , " " "w" "T,v " was : anowingiy or wiiungiy invoiveu official activity, to an investigation. 016 close of 41,6 ar- in the same was disproved by every , The gentleman from Kansas makes an investigation made, assault upon the past administration. . Captain H. Ia Scaife wiU be remem- Many of the men in charge of war .The committee that you would create, 4 as the man who investigated al- industries and operations were Re- u uie gentleman had stood by his vote, "-"v mw u u w puDUcans. whether or-not tne iau- Harding's Plight Washington, June 21. President would investigate the past administra- como .' reason oi we anowieage inus re of the investigaUng . and "smell from -the tion. It would add to the Graham ffneu, a vaiuaDie prosecuting wit- ing" committees to uncover more in- c.. c: i .w. u ndDona of Attorney General Daurh- invesUgaUon. if it could. The house Pu Alw,ruoy venerai waugn- dividual cases of profiteering and wn. inere .s no necessity ,or m.s. v - - : firooU8 toast to we 0 is in the hands of the W relea him from the work and fraud was due to a desire to shield r for the fact that people are per- of Senator Norris to be an indict- jJ. Republicans. The Republicans would wvised ms friend Felder, who was any 0f these men yet remains to be mem or mis diu ana an indictment oi "We cant get along without them not suffer any injustice by a commit- wru. ucienae ui vm disclosed. the principle of protection as applied and we cant get along with them." tee that might be appointed, and the U employ Scaile as counsel! The clamor in the Republican con. ,w . p . , m .. . ov here." He added that ha evDactd From the viewpoint of orthodox Democrats would be investigated and " " ', , T. grass oi mv-w for .uvestigaaons days and a large majority of them are ner- "aae1 n" " expected rj a " ',Ki .. tha nan..ti ,-in.Jni.t tf- u of course -declined the bribe, for that JL-Jn. . rw .tw. n,i,rttin i. party men, it ia ihhiihxitimw.wm, "'"w muu.iiu.t v.. ..vu.u , . . , , , . ppm.mhw-.wwwm mitted to drive cars intoxicated. Too asany accidents are occurring nowa- anneeessary. For the good of the In- other "independent action" on the F'T'u.Zr'l "u7. be aTS uTtaltaS-b M it could be-but the attorney ITZiM.wlS- aocent traveling public laws should be P" oi me itepuoiican senators ne- Daugherty to retire. It was Daugher- licana, and they are ready for it. general, wno auggeBteu w onoe, Won to an Investigation of a Republi aWorced. 'ore the consideraUon of the tariff ty who made President Harding what (Applause on the Democratic aide.) noto J iartttlgmtMX least, not can official at this time by a Republi bill has ended. Attacking the bill he is today, and it is generally . do- I hava hara a 1 attar fmm tV. UntU a IMmOCraUC COngrCSS U elected. M. Mnma nnr a Kanuhlinut an. f ' m . .. i v. it.uj Now Cantain Seaifa wrltaa ta Pavton i-i-x i t. . 4. 111. .4 4. m. -. 1 j . . '.,,n. o., r.i . .1 1 ueved here mat tne rresiaent wiu ivnami t tunic iwtnu w wwtu - ' , nmuatrMn. - v Kun w . tuiutnw The Courier is endeavoring to get rierally, Senator Simmons charged "jn, ot conseouen- State, man who was assailed more $ Graon' u; , diafflrt te the partisan venom, hypocrisy and du- the news from every section of Ran- tht it carried a gratuity and subsidy eM through that mistaken aenaa of viciously, probably, than any official me DUtdlct of ColumbU as follows: pHcJty. practised by the ; Republicaa dolph county, and we are asking our every line for the thirty or forty loyalty conspicuous Jn-wMk men and In high life, except ; the . president f.T,rJt J1-, i Jl! epngress in 1919 and 1920. correspondents to furnish . with all 5" ..LrSS IwJS? eKaSfi A Birthday Dinner. mai oi nrwi concerning prcrreM tidans a. well as to the average riti- cause I have not the M me.' He knows 2" 'YTL Hi! On last Sunday, June 11, about 500 tliH home of Alabama, concurred, u J thrpolic7of this paper Senator Harrison, of Mississippi, LTTlTlwS U, give an the local new,, but it is charged that the administration '"' Impossible for u. to do this without were trying to befog th- real U- ."ptaen Gen- drawa and eonverUdto the Wrthi. the cooperation of our correspondents. T bringing in side issue, referr- eral and retain his own self respect era! Palmer gives the facta aa to aU privU ue of various persona whose A table .prepared er the We appreciate the new. which is sent W fy to the exception token oTshow a decent respect to ;pUk the big eaaea. Whkk were handled by lome ct iL?' ScTdlnner wmi TprS? consiS? f , them from time t, time, and by by Sr Wataon, Republican, ef la Opinion. , f - fenHn. to 1.? IMt faithful cneratio. .. will ha diana. to addresses delivered by the .Mr af tk wjat impartant paper .towtof.K Boa 1C.U Mat k?..'--,;--- co-Jr iha-'ltomtMl. 11W broVw and .Uter. aad also - ... . ..... . . .al alia country, jtemioiicaa ana. inae mv. . , i .r. - - - ,ti. . i. Mvniian ua ifiiiwiiBMitMftw i ' - , . ..m aw t wit "i wnoio- r pendent, M weu: as UereoeraUc, are - on.. l . - t . a . r I T .V- "" " 1"" "".paper . . .ocmaaauia .ttomcr weiwrat . .. " 7 . V v. i 1 . Man W.H. ...U I. faeMlmabl. ia a eommun "' rl. aa totonly'an p, mM many pic. Wd umM fhe Boach Magneto Comoaay was Prtjr got another distinct ahock' ber father and mother, Mr. tnd Mrs. Haai Ti.nrh. German to the cor. - Before we en- " w omioauon nerwunn r o. . . a pur neutrality in tne hwh uixamous . " ' . , , - i fashion. 1U officers sought to conceal Moines, and who trie, to make P-1.w3t?-. iU true mershlp behind a - eamou t" armere voto as ha dictates. wUl which aha is held. The crowd epar av . a i a it . .a Tha rvmrfar faal. e.nl ta mended the remoUoa ef Colonel Bam- M'T . J " :V .CT make MgtertloM.wUcb It.fedrwiU g n.ge of G-man-Xmerican OTice SrviTthlch1 a a.'.i. -hi 2- ajn.i. A .u CaneTal last week. Colonel . halson . ... j.,.'.. . rum.ral era. They final y made sworn reoort. Brookhart in November. Wallace service wnicn atremiuualy urging a fly campaign aanitarr reasons, t There ara- more arable Mrt ot the . trainfnr Period f"-1' "Vt 1 II.'.". ,"T.!:.T ,h.4 af u,.an. in th- fitted for the Job, - life .IlM t AaMbar 'thaa it ft Ian -tin. 'lSl Chairmi l.kr of the Shipping tlrotlon m to Hs ownership Otto, ; J " that Helns, rt prenenting me Uerrnan own- ""'"'i r-" un- ra, aeciareu u voiue to re i,w,uuu. -" their homes, other to was held at the achool nana .worn report, " . . -- .. wiiii.n. . Weeka, however, declaring all the stock to be Proved, at least to hi. own seusrac- pun.ung, e,, . VearTof " ' i . . i . . v. . . n 1. 1 . ia iVAM..ir4.to .in. n.nn n.nra hftnnv IUiu uBCIUl yean tit aula- enemy owned, and 1 thereupon took "w" : r " ' ..--rr, - . Shipping tigauen Mto IU; ownership Otto, ; ... ' - . . .V ,.,rdo, PaUtlons ' -A, o The attempt of Attorney General himwr in ine , . ' , at-J effort, shoulirhnm-diately be Pt ( ..L I.Manaf ?H Board, the best advertising agent i ftrO. to eliminate them. Every houae- ZZZ. ZZ:7'ZwZ.' u. VpM thai poslUon. It U un- -r , n, 'w-wu Tia'.rnT:. ti a th. .u.rt. Daurhert to ahleM . V wifaana-ld aM that -very breed- ..."tadV." dl'.iM li "toodthat the Daugherty cm ,. r."." uW.?,aK.. n 7S . out 'that Morw cnU by gating behind the pa- f--a.l ....--av J-' J .-a Va.;T7a:ar ha . ". . impion vea ". -;- .1 f.himi i Irvine to Meal tition. for Morne. pardon slgtied bj Snl f. Mh,.'1flfn " TiT ',r " ;il th rtu i Alann That Fen-lon. n Ipr,Utlve. and oth United Btate Y"''.."' .vndicaU of mor. than" a hun,red o..U be a pire .arl.rme, if it would Lmerirar, hnker whn orc.ini7.rd woik. Jut at this J''Ctr-. how- it, r. tiuinenann, itriiuimran i-i Hif spot la! thoroughly cleansed', and return to thi. country after the war, that no decayed fruits and vegetables wm "'." oerric" new VJ 'm er prominent men ns. noi rreatt-a tnw fivonihle lmprlon evidently hoped for and eipwted. Thce pe'ilUm. - j w aervice aieoai nj m . . ... ... and the Legion of Honor , ana me. ,f on i- rorwt It U sen aim axaoia anooia am Tirutni i j -..- k. CMna i r- : r ... .. :. . i. n, i Pver. Mr. tiumt v ann. itriiuimran i-i- aened and Urn i freely. V M r. on Jf another illustration or tne cio, r.l 'j ; V.Tirr.ri e" r;-to in WeB., from Aika. blunt- were obUlned by th. wife of Charlea TlTa.! tTlh a effort Chine- Flrrt M.d rPer. : l"1 and ff'T' "f f VmI A.- nan e.,!rr,.n e. . lh th ..,, t,llnf W. Mr, b-d upon retire.entotloM Let each eitbeii Join in this effort :,.,0mm t I -per. .. Wp between the relent -l Mr. ir,rfl , i,,. Mr. i,aUKhertr houM firet that Mom was In a dying fon.Ut.on, which mean, health and comfort W..;PapTwM nr,t made by the Chin- DauKhrty. Ihey have be.- 1 - I--t 1 ; ;T n . ,n .: hv. (lir, ()f Mf. .Sutherland's and few men are able to re-Ut the jp- tha entire eommunlty; V V- w. They knew the : aecret of u 1 J"r i " - . 1 H t -In ' -mra;hetl.!e CK.p.rti,,n. ... t-al of a .ormwlng y.ife and mother . Jmanufactore ta the flret : century of ?lh". Mckinley and ..nt ';-'.Y ' i , f (' . rnnHniOee en ' . In rirrym.Unc... ' ' ' Th. Morganton New.' Herl on.ou, tlm,-po.aih,y earlier . . , J aZV O-V m, ;, . f,.r ,,, re- J -r .'-- J-'c,:' Ir, June R, tw.l a mat attrartlva 11- , From the ane. the It.nd.w , Irr- ,,,1,., tl.e do.- in.,-!. ... t f 5-' .1 t f -r ! t H "s to i .w a . l; , fr,y., .., ,, , r ' ..:iilt in In I strafe., f,.:-.. h honor of th, - "' 'J'! ..'fTn Ue'- , " ' 1 ',' V" " " ' ' ' ' "Z' V. " r V.'h , ' n t, ,.U f . ' - v - ,.t,i., 0- I t ..!. l-i, !.!. enl the oll-er l.iircrean nation eamel t,,r,v (;,..r, .r, ,f. I - ' ' ' " ' ' ' - . . i i;i 1 ' . - , (i ,. r . ; . . r.:.'..t, l r-'-'y "v-e It ,r, . ) i . " " ,;,'f, V ' v ' '. ,. '. t". r ' ' V'rt.d"i . s- .. f r r . I 1 i f f f T ! "r ' : 11 1 in '' ! '- I -- " ' 1 t -f i . ' "''.' " ' , . -..(;, ...... . ,. 4 , , ? 1 v I " "I 3 in 1 ! . ii ' ' ' :e r- " ' ' ,.!,: ' ' ' V r '." . I I 1 '.'.,!.. . ,

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