v ,r - - j - : : L ------ i ' " T m mm R I M id ISSUED WEEKLY . ; , PRINCIPLED NOT MEN $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCH .' P r .,.", .. - yi 1 , " . ; ' i ? ', : - . VOLUME XLVH--r'V'-':':'"'- ' : " " : - ' ' ' ' vAAebora, North cUroUa.,1 Thursday, July 20, 1922 - NUMBER 33 ., , , , , .,, , , , , .,, . "! WORMS lhING FOR- "A. ESTS Or 'E COUNTY Practically all over x worms are sweeping th tacking: the foliage on ot. -some sections , they have li THE STRIKE SITUATION; . REMAINS ABOUT SM - s 1 Vi - ' . 'i i,' i ' t ' , ,r The railroad 'and" mine strike situa tion gets no better. The present chronic conditions would -have been better if the president had acted promptly. The time to stop a strike is .before it begins. The walkouts could have: been averted, but the good natured president contented himself in calling together the railroad offi cials and assuring them of his sym pathy, and aid instead of advising them that labor shosld be dealt with fairly, Both in the coal-mine and railroad strike might have been avert ed if the government, had used its influence 40 hasten a conference be fore the breach had become so bitter. and the struggle so violent . The president dilly . dallied and waited for Mr. Hoover to make the foolish; contract for price of coal, and the president remained asleep at the switch Wil theHerrin murders in Illinois' woke him up to the serious situation. Now he comes along with proposition which labor says ' cuts them out of the right ' of collective bargaining. - Conditions are growing worse. Trains are being taken off. No passenger trains are now running on the Norfolk Southern, from Char lotte to Raleigh. ; The -attitude of the president has been such toward the railroad Cfficials that they do not hesitate to refuse to confer with labor because they know what assurances the president has made them. ' The president is reported to have said he will operate the ink.es and run the trains by conscripting "nanas . The president cannot run the trains or operate the mines. The strikes must be settled, and if one plan does not succeed another can be tried. . If the president .would ; change his ; attitude and instead of giving out that he will run both trains and operate the mines and would insiBt on that which he has not done that conferences between op erators and .railroad officials, a thing which is hiehly essential, something mtirht Ths. juwAimmHBhttl A little stiff-1 ening of Ma .back bone and requiring over the Mediterranean, the sometiung to te one -wmcn pas lph county "eBtS, ati' NUMBER OF TEACHERS "-) ;TW0 WEEKS TERM RAH ATTENDDiG INSTITUTE DOLPH SUPERIOR COURT The two weeks' term of the July DETOUR FOR ASHEBORO HIGH POINT HIGHWAY The State Highway Commission at WOMANLESS WEDDING AT THECOURT HOUSE The Womanless Wedding which was On last Monday morning the Ran- j dnlnh eountv summer Brhrx.1 anened Vdvil term nf Ttandnlnh nunerior court Raleiirh this week has sent out the riven under the ausDices of the Wo- "8. In with 100 or more' teacher present, convened last Monday with Hon. 'warning regarding the detours on the man's Club in- Asheboro last Friday ay rid- Mr. K. Jfl. Cox, superintendent -Of- MulW alter t,. Brock, of Wadesboro, pre-' Asheboro-High foint road. The road was not only splendidly rendered but A rtrl C.lnr,A la .V. .li r.1 ,li w T . . ,J I 1, ..rill l.AU Mmm.xwt V. n Uaah in wn.r, a .wxn ...m-. U'ao utaII no t mn . OA., a n A n oaia xt died the trees of all their leaves and'Gilead schools, is the director,, with siding. Judge Brock will hold court has been in process of construction was well patronized and a source of some ox them are as bare as in winter. Miss Summerell, of China Grove,' and ?thls week and Judge TF B. rindley, for some months now and work is great pleasure to the audience and The first appearance seems to have ( Miss Louis Workman, of Burlinetori. 'of Wilkesboro, the judge riding the oroeressing rapidly. The detours as also to those who participated. It been in the western section of the, as assistants.. Mr, I. C. Griffin,.-, su-: district, will preside next week. 'indicated by the commission are as was the one entertainment, ever giv- eounty, but now they are practically perintendent of the Shelby. . schools, all over the county. Mr. E. L. Mill-: was present at the opening and as sis t saps, county demonstrator, has beenj ed in organizing the teachers. Jhere making "investigations and says that is a great deal of interest among the the worm is- not what . is generally teachers who are nreDarinar them known as the amy worm,-but Is ,a; selves for greater efficiency in ; their species of it Mr. Millsaps has also work and increasing their earning discovered thai" along with the worms power In their chosen profession.' TVlp fnllnwincr rnSAB Iinv0 V.n His. 'follows: i en in the town, m which the charaC' fposed of: 1 Route 77, High Point-Asheboro road ters willingly and gladly took part. A non suit was taken in the divorce cioseo ior consirucuon Deiween Arcn- rraeumK we wramug mr. urauj case of Henry Wilson vs. Lear Wilson. ' dale and Asheboro. Eastbound traf- Miller sang several pleasing selec- The case of H. P. Bisher vs. Roxie fie detour to right at stand sign about tions, and a stringed band composed Bisher was continued. l one-quarter of mile west of Archdale. 'of local talent delighted the audience. I -W. S. Morris obtained a divorce ' Follow dirt and topsoil road via Arch- Another pleasing featura war. a cho nm i,io I Hnl THnitv Flint. Hill achnnl &nH rus of voune men of the town who that there is a large green bug whiAiThis feelinir will no doubt be of 4osfTl Tho ra nf iWhn stjH im va old countv home. Thence over route sang a number of negro s; irituals. fis sdentiflcaJlst known as" the "carabi ing benefit to the school work in RanfsH. Watt Steed was continued. I No. 75 into Asheboro. Westbound Superintendent T. P. Bulla announced mtr, ymm means seaiiejier. -.Tbte bog ..dolpft .coon . .Many .of Ute. 'tMCben I ' W. M, Garner was granted a di- traffic detour out of Asheboro as di- ine guesis as mey amvea in me i oi ls oi. The ground beetle family and is'are attending , the various summer vorce from Nancv Gamer. 'rected by signs over route No. 75.10WlnK oraer. destrovmsr the worms. Mr. Mlllsan sc.honlu throno-hnnt the ctnto . :-r-vt ' Pilav Cntr nktoinnJ a fnUn-anncr revprsp Caroline Cagle Cox. 'closely marked. J. E. Hodges was granted a divorce from Edna Hodges. ft oprunt naiaron jo. were awaraeo "0 " njr. upm wy """P'lRandleman: Pearl HuaSv. knhAanii .e jury ?ooo against J. U Uard we crops jorem to see-nim and Jie'TOutA Fthi wiTTiam a7mZZL l11 M- Kanoy, wJU''thelmlnit litat it is lmpo,.l8TlIL' The case of H deRtrovinc the snrmi Mr. IMillaana 1 ivVinnla thrnutrnnnt tha ctatA has caught-the : worms hd placed. The following teachers are attend- T;in'IW:I?'Je bugT nf has , in8 Bummeic school here: ,, crops and M at any time they attack l &Uml,. aSSSS above. Detour NEWS AND COMMENTS Distinguished Guests. (By Pono Bill.) North Carolina is under Democratic rule and the state finances stand with union. would like to have an Ty Cobb Frank McCrary W. J. Bryan Hal M. Worth. Mutt and Jeff Chas. Fox and J. M. Scarboro. Mrs. Geo. Vanderbilt Garland Pritch ard. Charlie Chaplin Mr. Cook. President Harding J. M. Caveness. will assist them, but that it is tape Samuel !" of Hal Kearns vs. Neece'rule and the state fiible to attack,the worms in the for-lJSa a&?SkxJ ftiS"1 and wistar WiUiams vs. D. O. the best in the uni s-om actions the water of ' 1 fc' SlNance, Lillian Pugh vs. SalUe Pugh. The voters woul me;, orancnes ana creeics nas . Deen t m tv.-. d 1 7v 5 turned almost black, the coloration is,T?n' Ma.e Brown, Lib- caused by the worms falling into tb-,-S3v I hrtv. iwi tuE?J llvfltinued. water and.dyeing itthis comes itrrT aIm iT''8 iaM Brown Asheboro; Minnie Shaw, Strie-JUm.?TeleKP;.co- was continued the greatest year that the Democrats Ex-President Wilson was invited to ITrogdon Denton- Maie Biwum lib wa waryiana rugn ana Asneboro accurate and true report of the Ke- Jacs; uempsey wm. u. Hammer . ' '. ' . ' . k Wn A, MIME, no I ' .VI Un.a 1. 1 : . .. C T) i .. 1 L. -.,'r M irtrn ima l.1 Il Cranford vs. C. M. Horst were con-' publican record of Randolph county's Maggie and Jiggs E. I A At .. TT 1 iinances. " auiuts, f " The case of J. W. Hulin vs. Western! u nnV nw iilf thin ia o-nino- tn he Governor Morrison Laurin Cranford. and of I X JZ ar m'SE br. Ency Hancock, Seagrove route lf ua M weeK- have ever had in Randolph county, and ol a yellowish eolor with black , M.Kei iroi,-.. r.- tJ.'N. Rova a vs. R Tno-mm i T t'a .n .,n tnMtJiir nnd n..t the Republican party out of business in attend but could not do so on ac county of pressing engagements. JO. Redding. FRENCH BABY IS FIRST terlyValled by Its lack bf wisdom and CAROUNAS SANDHILL PEACH SHOW IN HAMLET - JULY 25 Next Tuesday, July 25, the second annual Carolinas Sandhills Peach show will be held in Hamlet A "most in teresting educational program, has been arranged. x Prominent experts and authorities will speak on: "Or- harA nevi.rimentR "Buildinir and Maintainance Cost of Orchards," "Markets and Marketing" "Conser vation of By-Products." Demonstra tion in canning and preservingwill be made, during the day-under.the direc tion of Mrs. Jane S.' McKimrton, state, home demonstration agent. The open air' peach harvest festi val nn the vnninar of the 25th, will bring together the young folks, -the old folks, the frolicsome and many peach celebrities and peach queens. The hand concert, peach pie eating contest, ye old time square dance, the heavy bombastic and the melon and peach feast for ail wui max a wan; some occasion. Prenaratlons are being made to en- tertain five thousand visitors during the day and evening. The Wsr exhibit tent, housing the lusciour Red Skin peaches will be lighted - during the evening. - . mpW-rnpa nif nEFIINCT DENTON BANK SUED Suits have been Insfituted - in '-the Dnvirlnnri MountvK Bunerior - court ' against the directors of the Bank of : Denton - which ;. failed last August. .' Thft amntinti named in several suits res from $400- to $5,000,- which,-, the , plaintiffs claim they nave iosp n.ac ; count ef the bank's failure. -The di J rectors named as defendants are Wil eooHiU, B. L' Harrison, A. A.' Hill, i Dr. A. Andersen, I X. Wood.Milba : Hill, ,W. . E. Boone L.' E. Workman, "C, d Chandler, J. M. Daniels, Sr- B. "E. Morris. The plaintiffs are alleging " that the failure of the bank was due 1 to carelessness- of the bank . officials in not properly supervising and safe- guarding the money of the depositors. .While none of the directors ' of the bank are men of vast wealth, some of ' them are men of comfortable eircum Stanton.' It-was at first thousrht that the depositors would lose little, but he way things now appear. It would -'seem that they will realise about 60 per cent on their. money. " ;, j ONE MAN DEAD FROM PUTTING j 'ON TIRE; ANOTHER INJURED ' A rather untmual accident Caused the (Wth of Will' Ennis, colored, in ""u V1 m, jor w W?. Mabel Monran. Farmer: Carrie SSmit ofrdnV-seDo Monroe, Star, continued until next week. the countv do not think tKpv are aa ' ?,c,,,ten ivamseur; Ji,iia- noicomp, ; A jury oi Z4 iree nolders were or-, coming eiecuuii. Familv ZZ Z, IL Canway; Elsie Cashatt, Farmer dered by Judge Brock rom Mont- There are facts about this cam- amv- aro V ; 'jMada rajdo,' Fisgah; . HsJbeI"'C(ali;oinery county in the case of J. EL'P&ign the people shouia imow. u tne Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood Countv " AahoKnm lTtliAl Cllnnv V-4-.11A:' RraHv va A f Ua j U i Penuhli'an panHiHntea in this POlintV I t-i. i . . Siler, Coleridge; Eva Qre, Ramseutand the case set for next Monday. are as proud of their party record as on an(j bod Bunch. mia 1. nA...tr... A -.1. 1 . A V rTliA jioba r n XT T-l .. m IT tVinn nvatanil t Ka tVi OA.' will Viave tVielHT;nn r.n I. . l r . . . Trt nx" nnnv inr . tmi vtis 1 ' "V" noiMsuuivniuw w vi. 11. iiiuuiaa vs. c. i. k"-" . . . . ansa t,uiei LHjveil Sister OI the bride iu otu HUKxN ijm AlKrLANE 2; Flay Vuncannon, Asheboro; Ethel Luck et als. dispute about land is opportunity to prove it m a jomt can- jUne Frazier. u j ' . ' , 1 Allred, Asheboro route 3; Edith Spen-iheing tried as The Courier goes to vass with the Democratic candidates.1 Mr. Ed Cranford Mother of the Madame George Breyer, of Lyons,-Cer, Farmer? Mary Kimrey, - Liberty press. i A Democrat is not afraid of the truth,) groom Mr. Wolff. nMOf achieved the ' distinction i of route 1; Virginia Sawyer, -Trihity; and it is the truth that Republicans Mrs. Ed Cranford Father of the - Ti5ij flrst w)m.an, to give bi rth to Mamie Lackey, Mechanic; Emmi Fi SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES will be called upon to face. groom Mr. Stedman. nJSZZrJH- T " Madame ton, Kemersville; R. W.. Wood,: Millet I When it comes to the tax question Miss Vivian Cranford Old maid aunt Jrt7 wwiTrV0!? "5 bo; Baseum Cox, Ramseurj MH; Splendid Township Conventions Being in Randolph county the evidence is j -Shafter Ferree. sSfSSLslrW? -M. f?01 . -Ajdaacl"i 1m1 -&1kup . BCU Throughout Ceunty. g against the Republicans ;and the Mrs. Tpm Winslow-Mother of the a airplane for-Naples, ahwhen 40 1 Mill: Mrs. J. M. Cameron. Cafawavi - ' Democrats are going to hold the Re- bride Dr. Swim roues soourol, .that city, ,Nk feet Beatrice Hunt, Progress; Gladys Pre?4v gratifying to see the num-1 publican party responsible for the'Mr. Geo, Murdock Dejected lover jwu neii, seagrove; Esther Hussey, Ashei wno anenaea ootn tne Concord high taxes, me people are wo mucn ur. Presnell. looro route ; ceixna rarxs, auneoyjj " .V"D. w mwnsnip con- eniignienea on puuuu uucsvjuhb w mr. ana Mrs. Henry Inirram Grand- vuw wwwr- parents oi Dnde Mr. Jim WnnH the people, and Mr. Troutman. the day of Four little cousins of bride Carl . rage, rank Byrd, Carl Richard son Lasslter Cranford, Donald Fox and Fatty Armfield. To the strains of Lohengrin s weH- ,s oi tne'j: . ... . --. . I Williams. Millboro: Lillian Canon. Creek township convention will be Remiblicans in Randolph is that the "ji k.. IuI pa y enie,rea artlStlca V imnnvenolioH owV, e Both the boy and mother are doing Pearl Gmm nicelye:child, wia -be christened lXl uuynemer, in nonor of the famous Badin; Lillian Wesjr Asheboro bush's singing school there. At both who feed on prejudice and half-baked, irench war aviator. The mother has route 1: Delia Tucker. Stokesdale: these conventions the people seemed lcn-sided political issues. purcnase the airplane as a souvenir.; Mrs. R.W. Ward. Millboro: I.inda I Next Sunday, July 23. the Back! One of the chief arguments of the GENERAL NEWS ian Canon, 'reet townsnip convention will be Republicans in Kandoiph is tnat tne . rD . r : . Sophia; Mrs. Mamie York, -Millboro; held at John Wesley's Chapel. A good Democratic party does not legislate nder B ' wh? Qara Marsh, Progress: Lucille Han- attendance is expected. Come and in the interest of the poor. It scemsi.:..,,,,, ',,. "uL " Z.y m.itj- . r,. ner. Ranrllemnn rnnte 1- Olive .TnVin. ' spend the day. that this ouirht to be an insult to in- ;.:.. r.,. "" - uubb nuue unman, oi tne oiony z. , . 7 . ..7 r n., cfti. o i t , nn r -L . ,7- . n.i i.. nanniy ceuar, cotton wood blossoms Creek high school,' of Alamance coun n, Sophia route 1; Inez VanWerry,! On the fifth Sunday July 30, L.b-, tell.gen citizens. Ihe state income ,,, Queen Anne,g , The Usher? ty, was the prize winner for North Bandleman; SaU.e Caudle Handle- crty RanoUeiiian and Colendge town- tax is argely in favor of the poor Mesg CalvJn W 1 Coff'n Carolina, in the annual national essay mani Sylvia Andrews, Liberty; Mat- sh p conventions will be held Cole- man. It takes the taxes off of the CUfton Presne mn contest on the subiect of "How Goo' t,e Andrews, Liberty; Eunice Phil-, ridge has .not signified that she will poorer class of people and places the ; f ,, , . r itn Cs are DlvelopS My Commtt Hp. Ether; J. H. Luther, New Hope cooperate with the county organiza-, burden of taxation on people and cor-6 fru0'lress suits lth bu"0"" i ' Ann rJnn. . . L I . t .vn. T..lin. I ) T 1 (1 11 hilt ttlA nther T II 11 - n Vl I I- il lli 1 1 il 11 fh.lt Unirn 1 '1 fir IX 1 tliuilllfll. "1 II . i nVOUCIIljr , I lUJU, VMllCkili, aJUliail, UC- ' vv..... ... ii..n ...I C I V. (niuviuno 1. 1 1 1 1 1. il" f, i i.- i.' " umi ml No taxesl siiisiiicii cniicieu iroin me state pur- dressinK room on the right while the bridesmaids came from (.lie left nrnvi.le.l tne opposite aislea meeting in the cen- vf ' Brown, Asheboro route 1; Lora Rose, school is urged to elect delegates if with sir months school term within er aisle and marching to the plat- Harward is a native of Chatham coun- Be8-we; Millie Bulla, Asheboro " nas not already oeen done. Ke- ton reacn, in ms ,own aiatnct, abso- ": ,"" ""It : , .""T tv and wan e.liimtrl at Win.ro'e a,; route z; uora Kose, seagrove; W. t. memoer tne time, August and z.i, luteiy iree, and in many distncts w oiumi oum- ly, ana iwas Educated at . wingae ana , , W-i r;r. Rgnic r,v, po... v :( c; fD n' i, r head, Basil Br tta n: irronr,.:me A llClIIia TT UClUIia, '"r'viim VH U l wij IvaillilCUl , 11 . IIIUIC Ilia II IllUllllUI, UilMCI 1 1 IVJ ' r has City has accented the nrinHnnlshin Thomasville Orphanage school. rim-Tm t5!'- P Ior . Creedmore route 1; Cora Feriruson, C, and make your plans to be there, cratic legislation the health of the.James Burns and James Walker. Wake Forrest Jackson Lancaster, son oi ! berty; Gail Hussey, Asheboro thiv" FORD'S MUSCLE SHOALS PROJ- seven men who successfully passed the State -Medical Board examination last week for license to practice medi cine in North Carolina. Mr. Lancaster graduated recently from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and Is now serving an internship at the Mc Keesport .general hospital, McKeen- port, ra. ine bunnay school is the largest or- poor people comes in for full consid- The flower girls, O. R. Blaylnck and ganizationjn the world and wc should eration. All the people may be vac- William Underwood 'we'ro attiacliva uiicrcu;u in seeping me worn in cinaieu iree oi cnarge and in various in their airy costumes, picture hats ECT VOTED DOWN 9 TO 7 our county abreast with the times. Jealousy Cause of Killing. Henry Johnson, a negro of Hiph al ?The city of Thomasville are te be "f of.t1he government owner-, Bresented with a, dozen new traHli cam. W. h 8iator Lad. I, Re-, . I a v i i on county last wk. Enn ami :tri Ilogwood, a while man, wrt ru'' a tire on an automobile when ' i hi of the wheel via hlown off : v t j.i - -ure of the tire. The tire It! j- '-' f ;'inm on tin skull, ' ,1 r. It - -,; ) 'i (! i.'h s I -. ! I ! f .' nV.y ! , t r l ' Presented with a, dozen new trawh cami fby the Wlenti Advertising. Company, or nariotta, which are to be placed in the business section of the town. The people of the town aa veil as the el vie department of the Woman's Club re rejoicing at thus improvement " The data announced for the David-, son county fair is September 26, 7, MS. ana ZWi, at the fair grounds in Lexington. The fair 'authorities also announced that plane have been drawn and bids have been received for' the construction of 'all exhibition build-, tag-. w " .:..' .-" " '! . 'ilie delicious peaches ' from k ihe Sandhills are moving to market in flne shape and -In large quantities. The sales are running up to several hundred cars with the prices equal, if not better, than thoae lait ' year. The Elb'rtaa and Georgia Belles are approaching the ripening stage and are attracting .buyers from every where. This is an InduHtry of which the south tahould be proud. . m..l... nil... . .U:u 1 l.U I r .. . . . . aim suiuuj uinci ja Liicii nettiLii uaKicets oi nowers, which they Ftiew is looked after at public exnense. ed in the brides' pathway. The rinif The Democratic party has unsparing- bearer Tom Wood, pretty in apear- luuneu aner ami proviiei ior an ance, earned the ring in the lic-ut of jasbes una conuiiions oi tne unlor- a cabbage, but on account o'' exiremo Snate people of the state. The poor, nervousness dropped -he riiic three ie deaf, the dumb, the blind, the in- times which is an ill om n for Ihe ine, the feeble-minded, the crippled bride. The maid of h iimr. Crndy i. i . i i i j i . - - - I "Kiu diiu ru- ill li it-1. Ill 111 II K Mn n lln rjrM.ni favorable re- son man nau just nun.iea uaKo, w.ie firn, all are carefuHy nrovi)c, for. with nirture I,,, rrL, i ... .. .', The intelligent voter can and ouht bouquet. Next came ihe bride' I C in infiLm Vi;.v...n1. .....I l. 1..! I... 11, i . . '. ...I u. in in. ii, umi inn. uu 1 1 - i i iiiiiKi'i, ui wniie iiu-Hi' .i saun en traine, with veil and orun;,c blo.-soins, ever reduced and lemiinir on the arm nf Mi l.n-ri economy is practiced, a Democrntic I.ush, the father. Th -i n, James administration will have to do it. Hunch, in .onvention.if l,i,'k mil Did you ever see any of these things dress suit, entered ' n the ri'ia done, when the Republicans were in corridor, on the arm ef the b t man, power in Randolph county? H is ;d Claience Kush. n.eeliiiL' the hride .it fell W.ays 0 r w'"-v- l'rt'Mnt innili- the altar, where the impressive mar- then, it is said, wo.u , ; - - vows were spoKen 1 oUow.ng . ..w,....,,.v.... ,..i ,,, ,,. ulu teieinony coiigraiuialions ami er in Randolph about nix years and good wishes were showered unon the All projects which had been sub mitted to the senate committee were rejected Saturday, including those of'"enry Jnnson, a negro of Hif u.nn, x?rA fnr Aai.,Ttrv,r,r nt Point, was shot to ileath by Roy Muscle Shoals, Ala., and that offered Oakes, another negro Saturday after bv Senator Norn's noon, the cause of the snooting be- Henrv Ford's tender came the " jcbiuusj,. ,,1cjm,i ..... nwirecit tn reeeivinir favorable re- n man had just handed Oake.i' wif( jacn mnson, wno lives at Anuocn : . . , mr,. t .nr o Church, neaMonroe, was badly bit- P"- " rjJl'J JS. ' T" 6 when OakS cteTed Zr.aZ len oy a copperneaa snaKe last weeK.ir"". ,. ' nfBSe.i An nwH n.m ,., .V!,w He was shucking some corn' when the!" wo. m oiner oners were a.s- VthTtime said he wonen D",'!-" ',reJu,IICP- snake, whirhia W.ldm, in the ,v,.-n ! POed of wahout.a record vote. pIe'u, "Tl- sa"' .:hc.t M0 I If taxes are Struck WmMd WtthTfl The PIanS of Sonator Norris and ir wn JCw niinuie.s, uien wruca mm ana oil in nnger oi nib r ... . submitted Oakes opened Are on Johnson with a right hand causing him to become so rora' nowexer, in De suomuteu , , . . , weakened from the Doh.in that 'hJ10 tha senate by their proponents in rcoiei. several snois were nr. . wcaaenea irom tne ponon . Wjat.niAv. fftrm nt minrtritv recoinnienda- three or four taking effect in the was unable to kill the a..ake. Me.iical H16 t0, .f. mmon.. 'W0T cn.? 'mnnV hodv. n,i n. nf .hem ,,i, i j. i. .:i oni irom ins co mm uee. orwator : " osiov. new isuuuiU't is if. ti wiiui.. t , . , that 4e will recover, - iNerria will make a report urging ac-,near tne heart. He ran across publican,' of North Dakota, will pre-, oj" ooked at the lifeless bod th. Mil ke ho. tiMnrlv intrndueed . of Johnson, and with revolver in hand, providing for unconditional accept- escaped through the woods. A search co ance of the Ford offer. . , was m8(l? b,ut Oakes has not yet bee., R Failui,of the committee to favors '?und. It is: said that severu dis-1 f 'rch luril,f that timp the' hav run the happy couple after which bv Mendel- - f., " """"v viv,iw. in.- sHDiui h wenuing marcn, a. a receB Kepublicans are doing less by way idonnl the party retired. Every par- . ABtomoliile Accident ' . Two Oiitnrmib.lrl CfilliiM on th n!h Point 1 homajiville road" fuwUy. One mr ai driven by John Tillv, tb " i-r -f ft 1 ir.!f ft.,.1 C.rbit V.'cl.h tf i- ! 1 ' ' ' 'i t 1 In! "r r. Ti" -', it - - The Coirier. Corrects Error, x In' our Issue blast week we eon fued the name of Mr. Arch Wagner, who married a Randolph county wom an, with Arch Wagner, who attempted amault on young woman In Durham. The Courier apoloirUeS to Mr. Wagner who is at Sanford with his family. - Dally New Operates Delivery Roaie, The Greensboro Daily News has for Tcrl months bT. operating a de livery In this Hertinfk. On Survluy n r :t-T t' i ear Jeives (iiwni-1 --. ! ( i t , ti n-1 f '.i '5 i killing. Two days later Oakes gave himself up to the officers. ....,r. r- - "rti0. nf.00nll- ui ,lr.i 'jTuvemen. man me democrats ticipant deserfes esncc n mention anH EI22E:E 2 :J?X 1 Z the 'l l:i P:!?.-..- lhe. their paru well, in u. w,w, u,e money mey nnn- siyie, pome and manner. Mutt and die than Republicans. Facts are facts, Jeft, Maggie an.l Giggs were so per and if there is anything the Republi- fectly reproduced as were many of . cans are good for it is to tax the the guests, members of the family and people all they can bear and then the bridal party that it was hard for some more. That is , their record, the audience to realize thut It was Let them stand on It . not a real wedding. Every tui in the There are some mighty good peo-house was Uksn and he proceeds. ' ., " iyvuiiKunr- ine amounted to 1114.00. i"ii never una a worn Ul say againstl Al ft... It- . . ' Interpreted by some senate leaders a tending to bear. out their predic tions that the senate, would not take Jlnakt. !)( Masr kafaM' . S1 1 All MtMAAnt iT I t 1 1 .HaJ'con teit1 Held at Uxlng.on. approved one of the plana and a ma jority of , its member . supported It for early consideration in the senate, it was .said, there would have' been more reason to expect the senate to act quickly.-'. ''..-l:yi -',-. ' , Lexington . has been afflicted with a preacher who has, with ' his two children whom he claimed were moth erless, worked on the sympathies and purse strings of the people of the town. . The ."Reverend'1 -M. L. . Scar borough told his hard luck tale and had bis -two' little children, 'a Uttie ?;lrl of eight and a little boy six, dis ributlng tracts throughout the town nd collecting money; All went well until the Charlotte Observer arrived In Lexington last Friday morning giv ing an account of how Mrs, M. - Y. Scarborough, of Pembroke, had tried t tocate her hUfhord and - 'euildren, Shu Iff Sink wired Mrs. Scarborough immediately, and. she replied, ."1 wish roa would kindly take up M. L Scarborough and send my children home. He Is not rspnble of preaching ir taking cur f,f niy children, which I c sin pruvi l y I f.c' or, A. i. Scnr ' ' 'i. I - I o,i V ' them. While we may not arret in BENNETT BOY DIES AS A politics, we have the same high re gard for them that we do for nconle of any other party. They are.hlgh- 4 1 RESULT OF AUTO WRECK Miss Viola liivett, of CarthageVlc-. toned honorable eiUzene and none of'tim tfttwlSrtZ' on. criticism of thei, party and party U fiTTlSS eader. are meant personal as applied at Central Carolina hoJLtalt L to uiemno at all. -. , , . ford. Th. accident burred Just ouP- ' ' .'T , j Ifjd of Carthare when the car driven" ' -Wade Evaaa, ef FranMinton, N. C, by some young men from Bennett col who disappeared , from his home on tided at a sharp turn in the road with July 4, and whose father,-Joe Allen the truck driven by Carl ttivett, broth. -Evans, enlisted the aid of local po- Of Of Miss Klvett The other membere Hoe In searching for ' his eon. was ef the psrty with the excrption of . found by the autboritiea in Richmond Miae Klvett and Melvln Eotrldge, of enquired In eonstrortion work ton a Bennett raped without serious in hmliling. The youth's eultae, con- Juries. Young Fstriilp- !Ip. .l'uninr -linirst a bank book, dlncoverrd on Xhn moniinif from t b-y'-. I -1 ' i if river by a nTTo July 17 )-! i , , i . I. - I: A