. - THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO NJ C ', THtESDAY, JULY 10.193 Pae Two t" - ft" i1 1 ..v IK. ,r: It r. 1: : --. in this sUU. The women are the and shoes already is double what natural gardeners. Thev must take was what the tariff makers want :th lead in this most vital matter. do is to make the American family's J -The garden will always pay. Neith.- shoe bill still bigger. Every family's j 'er the tariff, the trusts, nor any other shoe bill is sky high; why not boost Entered as second class mail matter ! age-old goblin of disaster can prevent it higher!" 1 In the postoflce at Asheboro, .V C. it- We are very poor gardeners, we "oucnt to master the subject and fill THE COURIER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Wnv C HAMMER, EDITOR Forviva Adverti.inc l;:pn,.r.: THE AMERICAN PREAS AiSo-. Asheboro, N. C, July 20, 1922 gardens in the world, to eat vegetables. We cannot grov RANDOLPH COUNTY DEMOCRAT-1 healthy children or keep healthy our 1C TICKbT Clerk Superior Court; L. M. WEATHEKLY Sheriff: A. CARL COX Register of Deeils: LEE KEARNS Countv Commissi6ners: JOE WEAVER H. S. EDWARDS L. M. CRANFORD County Coroner: DR. WAITE LAMBERT House of Representatives: I. C. MOSER Solicitor: ZEB. VANCE LONG But with the wholesale price of the state with the finest vegetable boots and shoes more man oouuk. and then learn what it was in pre-war days the con gress tariff makers must run it up still higher with selves without vegetables. The gar- leather to Uie tune 01 many minions !den has been looked upon es a nui- of dollurs a year added to the Amer- sance by the men folks, and tolerated ican public's shoe bill. as feminine folly. We must dignify t REPUBLICANS KOW FEAR THE PASSING OF THEIR INFAMOUS TARIFF BILL (By David F. St Clair) Washington, July 17. The tariff I ill, if passed, will defeat the Repub licans. They seem at" last to have fullv realized that fact and panic has a duty on hides and accordingly seiged them. With a desperation such ma no party ever before in command of the government has shown, they retorted t cloture, to shut off debate in the "Every man, woman and child must senate on the tariff bill. Ther did it hoes; every family must buy for one or the other of two .definite per cent of the dependent from it." ECONOMY IN PUBLIC TURK EXPENDI- tk. cronlort inJ trot fift"n flT tV(ntV WCST ' 1 ........... I nuio rtf cKftAfl U VMP Kr. thins-s in view, either to Lor Toll the Iool to mane us in- f - .... . --... ;r-- - - , pile it on the shoe bills! - ,rruJ?t v .. , iL . the super important wool, cotton, silk "Wherever did the congress tariff an guor adoleS whose monstrous makers get the crazy notion that the iniquities are. yet to be revealed to American people would tolerate such the American people or. to leave the tariff-making as this ?" Pe to n endless debate wrth the hope of killing it and fixing the re sponsibility for its death Democrats, Neither course will succeed. North Carolinians have never be lieved in high taxes, and taxation for state purposes has always been low LETTER FROM MR. BURGESS upon "the CONGRESSIONAL TICKET 'as compared with other states. The last legislature adopted a new system Time did not permit me to send a The , of taxation. No longer is there any tax paid on Member Congress, Seventh Congres- anv ind 0f rea estate or personal sional District: Wm C. HAMMER BLUNDER OR STRATEGY The New York Tribune, a Republi can newspaper, has the followiny con cerning the blunders and incompeten- letter last weelr Kinm T horo kun PUDUC rapine n0 PIUndeT ID the Dill in Denver I have had so many inter- wlU fuUy exposed within the next esting experiences that I can not be- six weks d the Republicans will be gin to tell it all now. ,e" to pass the bill as 1t stands or First I must tell you of the won- P?8 il "iter changing it or bear the Inmnertv for state taxes All expenses ,lerTUI trP we took last Sunday, Ju y '-""""vj j.:, property for state taxes, ah expenses g We tariff barons, for no tralff legis- for state purposes are paid out of m- twQ automobiles aoout 9 fm lation at this session of congress, .f. I comes, inheritance and license taxes. Echo lake, which is about seventy- From every point of the Republican ! Unless vou .pay income or license or five miles from Denver. This is con compass there comes" warning after inheritance tax you pay nothing to ceaea 10 oe one or tne most beautiful warning uw me lann oiu as rioaiea 'run the state government, not even to build the 2,500 miles of hard sur- cy of the Republican national admin-'faced road the state is building, ist ration: Look at your tax receipt for this Chairman Adams Blunders. Chair- year and last year and you will see man Adams of the Republican national that all the taxes you pay are levied ComlTirttee sees fit to echo the charge by the county commissioners for coun- made by the tariff bill s managers in ty purposes automobile roads in Colorado, The by the merciless onslaughts of Sim Echo lake road is the first leo of the mons, Underwood, the Washes ' and Mt Evans drive, which eventually other Democratic senators. is wrecking I as Aalker SpecialAgeht: sm f rMYorliMeinsufaS .V ;:, ..' .-.- - . -:-r'f! -"'.,,'-' V .; .t - i Insurance in Force $3;8oo,b66;bb6!bo We have offered prizes for the best essays on: 'Why a Man of Moderate Means Should Take Out l a life Insurance Policy. Witlv the New York life Insurance Company. r will reach to the summit of Mt, Evans, the foundations of the party that A4A4AA4AAAA AAAAAAAjfvAA (14,2g9 feet), higher than either came into full possession of KJJrW7w7Zt.WZrr-9 Long's Peak or Pike's Peafc ernment with 7,000,000, majorityjles , -f ; ' . , - - X Echo lake trip is a comnlete "fimire than two years ago. Indiana,. PennWf eight" trip from Denver to Golden sylvania, Iowa and North Dakota, all lAfunuub iuuuiitttiii, unrousrii uen- vva-uiM AyMuuvuu ver s mountain Darks. Rnffln Riii'a spoken in such emphatic -protest that the senate that it is being held up by. The Courier has called on the board &ra,ve' oenesee mountain, Bergen. -park J8 V1" vuaronas acjuiy ses up ine. . x rr,, , 1 c . 4 . and over Squaw pass, reaching an ele-' howl in' counter-protest, down with' a Democratic fibbuster. This charge of county commiSSIoners to reduce vation of jqoo feet. Hreb a vie w the people's primary elecUons, But. has little merit. Delay has not been the taxes as they have built no roads 0f 150 mnes 0f mountain ranges, from fr these primary elections, the peo due to a filibuster. The Fordney bill of any consequence, except here and Long's peak to Pike's peak, and here P'e croud, not have registered their! came over from the house a v3ar ago. there a little stretch, although every we were told that we could see more protest against the tariff or anything It was so cnTde as to need to be com-'campaign year they agree to .build one tTSiiSS. pletely rewritten. The process con- somewhere but never get it done, or if Fifteen mii-s from D(,nv.. 7 '.., to frustrate the executidn of our pro-., sumed many months. The revised a road is built it is not laid off or ed through Golden, the former, capital gram." . v y ' . draft has not been acted on mainly surveyed by an engineer. The only of Colorado. Here we really began to The Republicans with their jftupen- , u.-.-x u: i t i climb the mnunrjiina TKto io , vw.. dous tirogram of legislation or the .-. oecause arai, is ... suujec, lo p.. u- , . aiorado stote schooT of "iS plunder and exploitation of the people". lefTitamate debate and alterations and location, and that is most important R " "JJJlTJ-S. actukllv thrown into the Scales because the pressure from the country1 Look at the roads they have built we were on top of Lookout mountain, the fundamental issue of the survival is for further consideration rather little pieces here and there for the with hundreds of other sight-seers) democracy; itself. This contest . .,, , i . r 1 r ..l. v c i nmrinr tviKnt 4 n xit -r r , Auflr tVi -nrinuirv threatens to snlit . tnan lor swallowing me Dili Wlinoui lavureu icw wii.ii luugn sunaces snow- f "J "6 w.u; w vui. n . jr. vouy - - ----- , ;:. tv. ' (Buffalo Bill), the noted scout and in- the party -wide open. The Democrats exam.nac.on. ."'6 - upvrv- nghter;whose body rests on'are ful1 warned by Chairman HulL lon- Lookout mountain. - . of the national committee to stand by HOW TO GET A HOME i The state highways are now all Starting from there we moved on te primary and preserve the rule of"? maintained in this as well as in other through the mysterious and awe-in PPle in ' thw struggle against the The desire of every man and wo-if0unties entire)v bv the state and spiring region where few trees can Plunderers. man is to have a home of their own. state, wra r.'- T r . 7r 1" .m. uj... t rt w,-to now there is little effort made to keen up. lne th remark- The time was when this was not pos- the other roads in the county and most SST OTffipS". sible from financial reasons. But that of them are in such bad ghape they snofiHed gorges, beautiful '--''lakes Presented to the country. Only i a was oeiore uie uav oi tne uuuuinir o. ,..n ;i. ui l ti ana muKT.i tnrner It nrafe nn tli Itany. uau vu cjr uco loan associations. Almost every per- is recognized as the state's best newspaper. Jt gives a news service unexcelled and its editorial 1 page is always clean,' broad and- interesting. In- ucpcuuciiu m yvuuKBf ii pxeseuus news ana views from every angle. . ' On its rapidly growing subscription ; lists are. the names of the state's best and most forward- looking citizens. Can you afford to be without this newspaper? Forward your trial subscription. By carrier, 20c per week.yBy mail, 6 months, daily : and Sunday, $450. Six months, daily without -Sunday, $3.60. ' GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS Greensboro, N. C. The Daily News is now operating a delivery route in Asheboro and it will be delivered at yourrv aoor u you preier. ' T , , - - . 0' I i ' ' . are 1 , ' : .. - .uinis ni txcmi t a ftejmeranon over its should be little expense for what is CAK?"c"ce, ot I.ue?,?- . ... "U" in- son who is willing- to work can have a u.. u ... a e reacnea Kcno iaxe at one o'clock, "rrr.'T. '."".w But Tho i. i.. j vnVn cloture over a tariff bill' that a home through the building and loan wnat we starte1 out say was that the-nearbv woods to rathnr rfirlr. fnr contains more than 2,000. Committee association, without waiting to accu- economy is loudly praised in every a fire. Before the fire was burning amendments, only about 700 of which mulate a large sum ot money. Ashe-. i unr. l...:i.i; . 1 i "aa uuiiuing onu iua.. u.Ka..- ,t ,snt Doouar. The camDaiirn 7"." . : rr'., .ow " auuve sea level. Across tne laKe we tcoiioiny is tuuuiy praiseu in every mc. uciuic i w uuniuie ; r- 'r j B-'Dolitical olatform but after election w had to keep ourselves warm by have been passed npon and by far the I Political piattorm, but after election nnni Th Yake 10 m fe most important ones are yet to be 1 it isn't popular. The campaign i . i nuhiri. izations, the Randolph County Build- ple(lges are quick!y forgotten. could view the "beautiful snow-covered Senator Simmons in one of his truly ing and Loan Association wilh Mr. W.i Reasons are found why expendi- mountains. illuminating speeches on the tariff, A. Bunch at the head, for the people tures are not reduced. . We cooked our dinner and while we LiJl of the town; and the Peoples Buildingl The truth is coveretl UD like it has fj enjoying the hot coffee, , hot JTSS which . " - ... weuiiea, eic.. we were suacieniv snow- r - .-, ... was a new ex- wowa oe so , .lJl'Z v u i- interest in aooiy Cloture i uua the second ""to of as the present tariff bill. - There jiever and Loan Association, with Mr. T. F.'u done bv M, Hardinir's ad minis- 2Za "SVif ' Tv..- lU-f' if would be so uniust to the public Bulla at the head is a county wide or- tration by a hocus pocus reorganisa- perience indeed ganization. Any citizen of Randolph tjon and by deceptive bookkeeping, snow storm on county is at iberty to take shares in w,ra n ral .B'- and r JUI' was a tariff bill - concerning - whose r i it v it uv,u.B r" . 6w ui. l i . tu. scneuUies ana weir eucu u bhw. this and after paying for . :, tic;, can borrow money, build a bon. of natlon,8 life ugh OenesW mountain park, '""ft bUL f t- tv. y !!lg in it by paying a small ' 8nould urtion instead of increase' which .embraces 2,604 acres, n Jfy VoilinS whoU won rate of interest into the building and 0f public expenditures. vr. municipal wiia game preserve' wiua wuw ---,, , . -, New offices . . . Kiri -iv a.t famished by tndlviduaU and eor- loan. This eliminates rent, which is are created at Washington and salar- -d d. WJltRA her. On norate interests as the benenoanes w a poor proposition at best in most kg Bre also increased like they are Genesee mountain we saw the place the bill at the PCB ffiJTOT cases, and permits a man to own here in Randolph county. where the winter sports are carried can. pwpfcff ImS which It "was property, thereby being a better citi-l The editor of The1 Courier Is glad , ,PaaUr kUng. ijVV.JL,T?B accurate Information. as Deing a gooc Dusineaa ne lives in a snuui wwn, am n oreejc canyon. This is a won- Only W discussion in M h TT. r organisation will gladly gmaii town beliefs that extravagance derfui highway which, we are told, wa thai hope of . aecuriBgsncn r zen as well I t T71 i 1 oeai. ciimcr urjiiuum wm (laui; gmaii vowii ucuus uutv aenui nignway, wmcn, we are umu, wm - . i.a explain the principles of the building 'u not a virtu and that pay as you thousands of tourists visit every .year- formatioa Mvmww, f r . ft un DOin siaei oi us me movquum - were so 1 t. . . n &i M..t i.l. cunra wn 11,10 neavens. seauuiui mouuwiui wmm,. , - j SHOES AND ,,, . w. .1.., he not U seek thiT Information and pre- and loan to any one who is interested go ja not a vice. enough to ask the questions. . .THE TARIFF AND Blue ui us un muuunuu ' - , . ,frT high they seemed to : reach would b a crime nof " c.0? heaVens. BeauUful mountain committed by its. chosen knllans A REALISTIC DREAM. LUMBER route, neauuiiu wwni seemeu iio ; , iwflti of placed there specially for the traveU formaUon rose djwtjU ' of Evergreen Morrnmed P ce to be uie leaain ones, ax jnomson wov to lnv the year before the world war com- we saw u WJ225Jtn7 7 The importance and emphasis Gov emor Morrison 4s giving to his cam paign for more orchards and gardens, wl " vt .u c u- im to mencea will carry iiurtii . w. w. . Increased prosperity and happiness. Compare tne wnoiesaie pnee oi er. evergreen ano awmon wenw ; , 1 . u . rJi wtw now with the orice to be the leading ones. At Morrison 000)00 American vv"'" ri:nesd by 1 tf-miWlns'aeeP down ist their ! eerShope'the Weratt wi" l'Xim talk the bill to death, but . 'V?; i''!v.PDemocraU mean to d? o jnor . . . . mmim , , i , wm . " - ... .. .:n xrh rHUina mrwaiu 10 .' ' narir in ienvr. i will uiijf iiuiv. - ... , ; tha ' . i iiness. - ," w v i ovaumo ti,. .,K.tan of what we can xne r . . i v1 : . ; j from the goverter wares, e ... - j01, -rv. mi res we' The 75U "annual eesslon, Mil uie th juU responsibility Jor recent commencement at. th North twice that of MM- The ngures we mtotf independent Order of ;h0'e' 1L , ' - v- ESinTSES for Wohien:' - The fore show the wholesale price Fellow in. N. . C ; wUl meet frt'Sume, private lntererts Carolina College for women. . jm . fW the OceenlTHotel at Wrig.htsvUle ; t t overwhelming D-ovemor said: v - . r i .... . . . . . k rha tint aaian will re onngun " ,.J .. the W. want the wonW : of , North .T ca. aTV Carolina to help .T ,1 ZZ, Z t&Vfc fha 'the 1tc cotton end woo en , m u PORTLAND CEMENT MORB can are datt each yeerJa the, ea the open reed. Asn t iog dcettoyed by nre i garage tnen much saooer k socnt ia caraa rent eech yeeres would adequmtehr build new garagM sbr all cars awnived. r i There ere two Qui to (hit mt- vattto. usyereemgMg. omum . - Yew boildiag eeterial dealer caa 1 tell yoe how te Twdld snoet ecoaoeii oQr nd r.iemiiih, He will tJt yee i Ada. Pordead Cinet is "the I Standard Ay which all ether i 'The Atl Pocdend C leteCvbaM-Nrw YarfcBaMaax . srrrr i n niianni r. " ckellakwerereasuted ,, -1- -4 -Pl-WI ' i. i : ' ""1l''-: ir' orchard on every farta la the Kate, "'Zl , " T ;V. . aoia we - V'";r - ar esders m exerxing w- --erY tenant er wwW Thll U more thaa don- Ueach with ths Oceanic Hotel as h-ad- n are f th eotton-.mlll er fifteen dollars nome. is- . . -der has made gooa progrw r ..riff. - Under me sname w raise wuiu, - v a,-,: rT, .-- vt. Ma.lnr. e farm without 'n " , "-r-- fellows wui -v" - fines, in any home on vr"! " - i. .Walong with many other Republican , - vevery Undlord tenfold fof the smalT cwmr o.u, - teutlay: We ought to add a few terrf "? " ,u,"wl I ww "Dushes and grapevine, and, where '" '.' it. : T'they wlU iw, a ruppemong Tine. .It.tot T k! - J wholesale cost of the American pub- -My dear "young ladiei, help cause Ik'- r f'h , Uiis t. be done. It win contribute to war more than double what U era . - the health and happincM of unborn Vt before th. war, the cor, pfe, : Un millions; and th-n it la so ea.y'to doT iV are eln, to put a duty on i . T -nnld hiI-s and Icithrf. r ... a aU .w UrilT the profits wiu n. joe tilons even ior me -. r:,, reckon. The woolen schedule, will Jrease the price on .very suit of rlothr at the rl Ol ..vv of thr, incr-aw", the whoW-de cot ton gof,.I nl clothing mercl.snU are How cuflng op the pnrei. . I ' The )i.uh!.ran are Contending: K in pm i rt of a 1 :hr ir- 1n town or down on',1 the. farm to satisfy ' tlxlrst-drink". : , 5 thnt t!. ! in to , rr) -r a hizW tsril i ! TI.- l:T L it U non i""y , ocrur f'1 Pfi .' y to r i CO t' urr Uottloa --r X . V V - Delicious end Rcfrcsliin ' a 1 - . v ''-Jr.'-J'''."!. .jiFiMTl :r;V ' ..... ,.. ,7vr s - I ( r ' ;. : '-' ' , 4- . J i t 1 f to " w a r 1 1 t r-iv.li.- ' tii-n i . ii i t I.- t Hr r-..r- i 'rt if 1 . 5 r T ! to t' i r ' i ! (in l ' ;- lcn'hr wi'' fr. 9 1 d rut tr" turii fuel f !