fHE COURIER PRINOPtS, NOT MEN ISSUED WEEKLY HM A TEAR LN ADVANd VOLUME XLVH North ftirWiy, August S, 1922 NU BBBBBBBSI SOME FEW COAL MINES RESUME OPERATWN RML STRIKE CONTINUES The situation as regards the coal S. E. WAY DIED 1AY IN HIGH T01NT TER LONG ILLNESS REDPATH THREE-DAY CHAUTAUQUA COMING FnlWi x severe illness nf over' Kedpath three day cnautauo wiu .riira has cleared to a slight extent we. t a e Wuv tievt come to Asheboro the 12, 14, and 16. since our last issue, but at tne urn Friday nigl. "uly 28; at the High " la time tne people oi in town up juueign, Augusi i. jumping ue ---- -- ol going to press, me ouuw io Hunt hospital Mrs. way had Dean in s"""" "" " j tf? A "T; , "T v, na,t vmr er gloomy than otherwise aa to an1 declining health for the past three A meeting has been called for Tjp- if""! Governor Morrison turned loose P J81- P . e . 1 I 1 1 4 I D . .- . ,a J I J. iL. iLn.... 4- BtfW Mo haotnAt.1 niillnwi m on w nf Vi 1 c A ffrPfl 'uly 28, at the High It is time the peopl HARDING APING SOVIETS IN HANDLING THE RAIL RAMSEUR NEWS HERE NEXT WEED STRIKE SAYS MORRISON (By Mr. and Mrs. M E. Mum went to Red Springs and Council last week and brought Rev. S. L. Morgan and family to their new home here. Miss Gladys Leonard returned home Sunday after a week's visit to her ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STATE PRESS AS SOCIATION LAST WEEK The annual meeting of the State Salem Journal.) friend, Miss Alva Lawrence, at Apex- Pregg Association of North Carolina 11 Ralaio-h Anm.it 1 lummmr like a mm Lawrence ana miss Leonaru took place at Shelby last week. The T"L- O n C A UuJk Himnir rhfi ' ... . i fteer at newspaper criticism of hiB were students at Meredith during the attendance was large and the meet ings enthusiastic Hotel accommoda- r2S , nu. .friW IZ?T:"-jT.j v - .v.ninr at the rnnrthnnu at ffcOO his heaviest artillerv in gunnort of his A (Treat many of our former resi-.tions were inadequate, but suitable S bitr bitn oprS and am: for XioT to thsT 7do. All ih rSSS5T P views and consequent actions in the dents who are now. living at White provision was made for all. ployees are Standing pat At Presi-l Mrs. Way was born near Seagrove, as all who are interested in the C dent Harding's invitation a few mines October 20, 1879,. where she lived on- tauqua are requested to attend have resumed operations unaer guar- til her marriage to S. E. Way, March meeting, a nauiauqua is a or, tee nf federal nrotection. On the o 1807 she was a faithful member thing for a town, bringing in a other hand", miners in Oklahoma who 0f the Pleasant Hill M. P. church, and class talent and dean wholesome el and rail strikes m an address at uaK ana nevoiuuon are bpenuniK Numerous notable addresses were sfthe opening session of the Farmers their vacation in town. delivered on timely subjects relating JB (arm women s convention today. Mrs. C H. Craven, of Coleridge, is to tne weiiare and prosperity of the tTDesignating the federal government visitine her daughter, Mrs. C. E. state and the south, one of them by as an agency chiefly responsible for Baldwin, on Liberty Street. Mr. Bald-. Gov. Morrison, which was roundly ap- " M. 1 1 11 1 A ' 1 I . 1 - . . , 1 1 M. iL. 1 .1 I 1 r . - 1 I . . I . were working under special agreement J was held in high esteem by all those tertainment that tends toward the P. foreign relations but so inefficient in win is having a new home built on the plauded. Gov. Morrison declared that j Canada a negro criminal, the exeeu- jiss Vera Stead has returned home , lessness is the strict enforcement of ve aeciarea rresiaeni xiaraing ana after visiting her brother, E. B. , laws Dy state ratner man Dy na- iveiiuuutaii uiumuiuuu muc aci Steed, in High Point. I uuiiai auuiuriue. i lie (rovernor s re- m in dealing with tne coal sit- .. A . ., . . . r . t , relating to the coal strike situation '- ' 9frm. C"wHi..Hi,rh-!'iWas discussed at length, and a tele- d some newspapers have done , rs T r wise, heavowed,- particularly the , boro Daily ews wnicn he men- VZS , " w h .e ot,h whieii he eon- from a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. C. ibuted some verv uncomplimentary Auman, at High Point. I " ' . " , J ' ."1 . 1 M ' M ' , . 1 I O II, II. ., . ... W.U. I hkscb, cuiung us """6"; . w ri tone, ana waae n. Harris, eai tonai writers who ueiura vuc ure obuuiuiis iu get buiuc x mo wuu- charlotte Observer, to supply coal for schools, hospitals, whith whom she came ip contact. She building of a community. and other pubhc buildings went on was ever faithful and loving mother ' m' "' . "T,. 4 Mo.h hetixeen miner and'aniH anil he misseH hv her mnv SILER CITY DEFEATS ASHE- state offirfius la WeK yitriab result-'friends and relatives in Asheboro and! Wo in GOOD -GAME BALL ed in several deaths. Secretary Hoov- in her home community. Though her - , ' , L . ' ll-J 1 u..tl Mm lioo mAlt V.. -.not oil nrhn Irani Vier I . On .Till V 2A in 0A Of the DASt VI CallCU LUJJVirei icic-""'vd . -. 1100 nm gicav w iii.t. 111,1 v " -p il il Hiott. rlismiKS tntrether ' we renlire heaven in the train. of the Season the Slier City the advisability of rationing out coal.l The fuiilaervices were conducted team defeated tfw local club by m. ...( 1-" 1 L.J , molt O..J. of olonon ni.lni.lr PI HOC- SCOTO Oi 4 tO 3. LiOVett W110 OH Xne conclusion icntiicu t "U"""J - io'vn unw. 7 . .. , . , , , . . ten days or a couple of weeks. A ant Hill M. P. church where interment twirljng for the locals deserved to wfn.. ioint warn conference was called to! was made. Rev. Mr. Hulin and Rev. ri snier city ciuo nas a nice aw mot at Clevehmi, Ohio, nedt Mon- B. B. Bulla conducted the funeral ser- W PiayOT ana are arways ngi 7JT CT JZZZL nMHn. a. until the tact. The local club is & mwment derigned to terminatel Besides a husband Mrs. Way leaves to arrange anotiier mgm !ff eJS?TJliL. TrT-...'tha fnllnwintr children to mourn their Sfler City for Saturday, August 5, SmatWSaiSlm: BertaT Worth, Glenn, Bynun, Asheboro. , -v .- 1 1 1 6 ... . ' - 'J At L. 'ni. TAolaa ' . - - DUX &CUIC ttliU aUIHIIlttl J . WorKers, also summonea uie ow. fi' . -t , . . .'fl, " fHtv i ar r h po A era! policy committee of the union, to The flowcrsiwWh .ered ter last Siler Otar g P MrDEXS 4 6 10 01 acting prompuy upon mo ucroiuy-i - - " . RaaitAii 2h 3 ments as they may occur in the joint held by all who knew her. fSclm' c. 5 wage crancft.i It U !KAann rritnion Curtis, ib. "b uuw. au men wni remain on siriao m m Wn iiiriTOT 11 Wrieht, rf. .( 4 0 until an agreament or definite under- - TO BE HELD AUGUST Z Eg gh 4 0 will be a reunion of the Stout, If . .. .4 0 Simpson, p. a v standincr is reached. Several of the railroads desire to enter on separate settlements with There will be a reunion Keerans anH Wnnd families nn Satnr- striking shopmen. To this, Mr. Jewell, . . T. , Tntnis 36 tuo heori the shnnmena' rmft nh-itlves of the two families are invited lotais ou the head of the shopmens craft, 0D-1 51 SSSui-i hBVeta Asheboro AB .4 .3 .4 .4 .4 .4 .8 Burkhead. 2b. . . . . .4 Lovett, p .2 xMcPherson . . . . .1 gram from Samuel Gompers approv ing the governor's policy was read. Other speakers were J. P. Cook, vfaa talked on the Stonewall Jackson Train ing School; David Clark, of Char- of the mis HI tie mm I characte 0 i f orcemei 0 C the head ot the shopmens crait, 0D-!""r . . ... , , , Asheboro ieeta. We insists that whatever is. P186"1 mth well-fiUed baskets Asneooro jects. He msistt uax SfQgmJSm 9 a. m. and enjoy the day to- Johnson, V., 3b .done must be for all the stirikers-J "th:."- . ' Johnson, VA, c 1J ,l tliura elixirs anil ihev roil, gciner. , J xicic mm nicic viEin.o r,i . , : ,., u-ij t 1,0 i;raniora. ci. xne annum icumun wo ncm w mi , 9 27 16, H PO A way workers have gone out on strike during the week. More passenger; trains have been taken off, and the courthouse in Asheboro last year and X00',88 there was, a, large crow present Sr' 1Jj The ( ouner is intieDted to Mrn n. "uuw,i lb. roadsare havingtroubfe in Hteh Pt for an in-" Dickens, f micrht TMtw nave heen niliMmnn .. ' V1 . . I) , 1 " District Convention ireignt. xnere nave oeen numerous, Vaffnn t attend the reunion. ronAi4o -f ri nlnnrm Inrliictvnr tlivrtii riri I out the country is facing a crisis. There is already an appreciable check in the operation of many factories and other industries depending upon fuel for operation and prompt trans po nation lor their output. ing of 148 railroad, executives I had shown him the courtesy to ik at least respectfully. Herec-, Mr Burton' Leonard has been visit- xed and appreciated their dioer- ing at Wftke Forest views, he said, but the inability Mr E fi Leonard and family made i paper to accompany its expres- a trip to Raieigh( Avex and Wake with otner man ironical vicious: Foregt Sunday. was beyond him. . Mr. and Mrs. T. E. West, Misses Back to Constitution. Julia and Tda Want.. Mr Will J West ick to the Constitution was T)r n. Mve t,. r r.. u.4 .:i tin. Winston-Salem: A. W Burch. I his auDeal to the eight hundred "i Itfv W P rVoiran uMiir f . Charlotte : J. J. Farriss. Hich Point- or so farmers and farm women as he m gunday. H. B. Varner, Lexington. oenanea nis Bianu was wim uw wu- Miss t uc; e Walker, of Graham. o vi Bi 0 0 ao.oj irv misrenresented me every day tiful supvly of peaches which they . a , , who now content themselves with have in the peach raising section this L. ?SSSi "f.,w .J;iSra., . . v n ouuumnu nciaiu, builcu oy mm. representmgme wry week. year. T j La8siter. It was riven for the was greatly aispieasea wun au Mrs. w. L. Trotter, of Greensboro J hest ..,11 .i.- rial in that paper this morning and Mrs. . Sam J. Smitherman, of I . T" ,' , .. '.. riting his stand ,on law en- Troy! visited Mrs. W. H. Watkins, Sr.,1 . " "2f w.cJen r?r 1" e f10; t as beautiful like a $zu one dav last week. !.""" ""s. w oe uxeu onfederate note but as. worthless as V M w w nratirins Tr 1 lhe officers of the association elected for the year are: . President, J. B. Sherrill, Concol re-elected; vice-presidents. R. F. ley, Goldsboro; L. B. Weathers, S by; Charles A. Webb, Asheville; retary, Miss Beatrice Cobb, Mor ton, re-elected; treasurer, R. E. Rutherfordton; orator, J. F. HurleyJ Salisbury; historian, M. L. Shipman,! Raleigh; poet, J. D. Boone, Waynes- ville; executive committeemen, R. T. Wade, Morehead City; Santford Mar- alal'SVJi. , "v . j 1 . 1 i'ii. Aim 1.110. , , . i. nuiio, vi, this late snecies. and it formed the i nn. j o 1 1 . o 1: . . , . - , , Mlfi " ..in. w ii"J auu vauuui look ouu- 01 nis yigoryuo auu uiuotumhj day. tat on ine uiuiy. Messrs. james Rivenbark, of Ral- le took no exception to disagree- eigj and Cary Rivenbark, of Wake St with his policy among editors F net were visitors in town for the The district convention of the Meth- Totals 33 3 9 27 22 2 odist Protestant church was held in x Batted for Dickens in ninth'?m Asheboro last Friday and Saturday, oino-ied. ' -. 3m The meet-July 28 and 29. . 1 Three base hits, Cranford; two base ititutton and with the law, asrang u visited Miss Grizelle Moore last week these were as worthless as ?Z0 Con- wMIe here wag the recipient 0f federate notes. several social affairs. f- "1 stand on the very same pnnci- "MANLESS WEDDING" GIVEN AT COURTHOUSE TUESDAY stand on the very same pnnci- Miss Grizene Moore was hostess to j ine Manless Wedding" which came I put in my platform when I ran . fw nf f-imjs; ThmBnBiaht s-a seaual to the "Womanless Wed- govemor," he declared, going on t at a rook party in honor of her, ding" which was given about two r.-! . . . . 1 . r . - - , 111. . . . : , , . ; . lugn. v a i num. ji i in jwuvi wi iici o -- o- - on ieieiraves came from several cnurui- hits. Kuckner. wood sacrince m, with the declaration tnat, cms caueu f m:oc t -;io w.,iu ti,.o o weeks aim. was a snnrre nf muoh fun " - j I . 1 T , . . , , , 1 V 1 11 , 1 ' - r pr- - - , (uvou, iuiaa uuwic it amci. luvog 1.11 t o-i - -- - - Tuesday resulted in. absolute rejection nd every one was benefitted by Braxton W. Johnson; stolen fAaet, f law enforcement and putting the joying Miss Moore's hospitality were.to a well filled house Tuesday evening This mock wed- neip ae con !ul lectures given small, Curtis mWrt balls .off of the policy of conciliating striking hearing the eninlovees hv restm-ino- uninritv throusrhout tl 1 1 " - - -.-T-J ' ,.?"" - J I W -1. " J - . rie-hts. Thev take the nnsltlnn that Friday mornitur after the Scripture rf.t o many employees, vmfon ithd nbn-union, 'reading by Rev. Gerringer, Mr. N. M. Lovett 8; double play, Cooper to refusing to enter the strike, have been narnson, oi ureensooro, spoke on Braxton to Curtis; umpires nusu nu given certain assurances that must be i "The Need of Training th Young McBain; time of game 1:46. violated if such a policy is carried People." In his talk he brought out Score by innings; out. I the point that we are now laying the and foundation, which will determine our siler City 200 000 0550 4 a .1 lives later. In this- he warned the Asheboro 200 001 000 3 9 2 young people of the -importance of a : r good beginning in youth. He also in-1 Fire At Denton. amfLlut S5S Sftjtt! e Hotel Cameron of Denton, and older people, but assume some of the f ie"de?c"7e T Sat responsibility themselves. la Wednesday The 1 Km was dU Rev. Harrsion's address was follow- covered ? ?ut.il d hv Miss J.,.na u . .v. o'cloclt. ine notei ana its tmure -y FREIGHT CARS DAMAGE CHAIR COMPANY AT TH0MASVILLE While shifting at Thomasville near the Jewel Cotton Mills Monday, ten freight cars loaded mostly with lum ber, broke loose due to a defective drawhead, and crashed into Plant No 3 of the Standard Chair Company. Three man were painfully hurt and it was considered moat fortunate that " " wnuiiica nammer wno T 7 ... wJ f few spoke on "Suggestion, for the Organi- w JT'' An T- HS? X tnmohile belonstee to Dr.B. B. Sham- t v,. n. u i.. tomobi e heloninne to ur. d. d " wiiuiiuciou mw luiiunate uiat w bk gave ideas as ... TJUv j.n ,DQ oiBn moat of the 25 men who work in the to organising and the work to be done hurger, public health dentist, was also wing which was struck ware in an-by each division of the different socie- destroyed. Dr. snamDurger ana ouier other section of the factory prepar- ties. yiests lost most of thr baggage. jLWrv&& 3? srLi!99- -ryooe wa. de- Jt&li 18A-"": T , TSarfti? ne" "e tw addresses giv- amlth. win Turne, of Lexing- ition as to whether the usurpation tago-. Hazel Snoon. Gladys Leonard, at the courthouse pwer oy tne presiaent ojcamat g Moon, Btaache Moare, Robert . aing was given, as was the other, Dy 'jmmfmhZimMK,::... ... Woolav. Dewev Whitehead. Rov Mof-.a team of the Woman's Club. This "If the laws are inadequate; amend fttt, Arnold McMath, Herbert mith, !weddm-dtftered from the other is them, change them, supplement them, jton Craven. j tw principal features. "First, the but no executive has any right to' qu Saturday night Miss Moore was . were ho "men, whereas the other was isurp power and make laws, but only agam hostess to her friends in honor 'entirely carried out by men. Sectrnfl, to enforce those ' properly made with of Migg talker. When the guests ar-, the main fun of the evening was iur Godlike fearlessness and courage. "rived they were met at the door by'nished by the various characters rep- "Some editors say my doctrine does Hazei Spoon and Miss Grizelle resenting almost altogether local per very well for cotton mills but they vre and were ushered to the side sons, showing their manners, and pe don't see how it will do for railway porch wch Was beautifully decorat-' culiarities. Many of the staid mat ar.d coal mining. My editor friends . There the sruests were served rons of the town were hardlv recoir- forgot it isn't a qhestidn of industry puh hy the hostess' father and nizable in their male attire, while sev alone, but that men wrapped in the m0ther, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Moore. '. eral appeared as small boys in bloom- majesty and dignity or , vv' . During the evening progressive hearts ers. A very good sum was realis have constitutional guarantees of their were piayed. Miss Lois Moore and from the door receipts, which will gP , liberty. , , Mr. Clyde- Chisholm were the success-' as did the other, toward the fund tl ' .. .. .J1 1 I U 1..4-l,r .n . . . .... I..H- r-resiaent narainfr nnu auauiuic, . ful parties in the contest and were the hut. ,,, . ... mated at $25,000. One and of the en by Miss Esther Ross and Miss Dunaing was torn completely away Jaunita Hammer. Miss Ross told of ton. It will probably be rebuilt. The origin of the fire has-not been deter- SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES and the remainder of the building! the work that was being accomplished would have fallen had it not been for hv th hAant nt hn. mined ' ' -- t- - " " I """" wa, UVIIfV UUMMUIIP. the large supply of stock on the Miss Hammer spoke on "Th Im- mimiTv anuut-n ornnni nfws ground floor which acted as a founds-jportance of Having the Sunday School C0UNTY SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS uraaea ana using the Graded Les lciais o Lrh7 LaW I7t .i i j I in. limn wwa . t - school shows a continued large at- their shipSfcnta until the building iajboro, spoke onforeign rissions, ging replaced. The railway company will send a claim agent at once to begin work on the replacement of the build ing. Those injured were: Gros BUD, age 21, who is perhaps the least hurt; Jim Hilton, VL and a man with a family, who U suffering with internal injuries; Mack Papa, 35, and also a man with a family, Is the more se riously injured, , sustaining a broken ankle and internal injuries. ROBBINSTirrTING HELPS DEFEAT GREENSBORO COPS a history of the work in the church since the beginning. The meeting was the first of the kind held in the district and was in teresting and beneficial. The session open at 8 o'clock and close at 12:45 with chapel exercises 10:15-10:30. People of the town are welcome to visit th school, to attend chapel exercise and. to observe the work. i The following spent Saturday and Sunday with their home people, re To (be Housewives af the County: Now in the very midst of the can ning season, the women of Randolph turning Monday mo rains' are requested to remember that they -01a Snider, Trinity soute 1; Gladys are expected to fill the pantry section Presnell, Lina Presnell, Maggie Trog with canned goods. Peaches are in don, Myrtle Burrougs, Lore Rose, their prime, and there are vegetables Cora -Rose, Seagrove; Hascl and Hal- in abundance also. When vnu am ran. 11 Tivwrrian. Dantnn:Millia Bulla and ning, prepare some for exhibit at the Dora Kearns. Asheboro route 2; Allie , x . JTT , rwr- i Brown, Asheboro rouU'l; Madga P. The fast Asheboro team threw a MRS. N. McLAURIN CRANFORD. Brown, Ethel Hlnshaw and Ornice monkey wrench in the Greensboro .Chairman Pantry Products. Asheboro. Root ten. Ramseur: Edna Beeson. Lu- 1, . ' - T 31 ' ' J K n c. eille Hanner and Cora rerguxnn, Kan- " dleman; Lillian Canoy. Sophia rout 1 ; Fine Peaches. M. H. Adams, Rachel; Blanche Bing- Mt. J. a Forrester and son-in-law, ham, Elsie Casjatt and Mabel Mor M. 0. Auman, assistant superintend- Frmer; Mada Parks, Pisfah; ent of the M. P. Children's Home at Mamie Lacker, Mechanic: Clara High Point stopped over In Asheboro Msrih snd Beatrice Hunt. Prorreai; on cnair return Imm Canrinr HonHtv J n. i.uvnar, new ni a""'Jp law upon which to base his actions in presented with a nice prise which the coal and rail strikes, the governor they gracefully presented to the guest declared. He is usurping powers be- of honor, Miss Walker. Those pres- longing to the lawmakers. nt ent mtn. Misses Julia West, Gladys Four townships in the county hett dealing with free men. - Leonard, Margaret White, Lois and 1 their annual township Sunday scho "Suppose the operators i anu mine Blanche Moore, Hazel Spoon, Jessie J conventions last Sunday, July 3 toll him to go to hell this afternoon, whitehead; Bob Woeley, Dewey , These were Coleriflge, Uberty, Pleas. what can he doT He has no law to Wnitehead, Roy Moffitt, Newby Phil-; ant Grove and Randleman. The 9 back him up. ' lips, Arnold McMath, Clyde Chisholm, i tendance and interest at all of these. "Vnu can rem ate coal and freight -pv r.mnheii n.,hrt am;ih ah,. i ... i-j:j i i tii.TTTi rates and meal and flour and corn Craven ant Grove. At this place there seem- but when you strike at labor you strike A q the youn(, ,e enj . haye at human Uberty. nut, wo can joyed a picnie to Mt Vernon Springs whether the session would be in the that you must regulate y J" on Monday evening. The picnic was morning or afternoon, consecruentlr an orderly way, to so expand your ,n honor of Mig8 Walkeri of the attendance was small and oart of liberty aa not to endanger the public Gramun the t of Misg Grizelle the speakers were not there in time peace and with regard, to safety and Moore . for the M.gon We predjct a bvtUr public comfort. ...., Misses Margaret White entertained understanding next time. A splendid "Has the law and tne consuiuuw. k rt Monla. after- . j l i ,,r(Vi no more , ' ' . ... ... ..- , , -" piayeu ouv aim ' , v ,,. noon in nonor oi miss walker. The than a 120 Confederate noie ; honor guest was what Lenine and Trotiy said, and v pretty rift. that's what raised hell all over Am- Mj8g Haxei Sp erica. , party of the young people on Tues- presented with a I wwnsnip convention win d held . A.,;..K 1 1. D.,L - . J 'Mlsa W.. CiFwin wo. uot.0 , 0uiu. a inurninK cops basa ball machine on July 28 in a game of ball here defeating them in a score of 14 to 6. Robbies featured at the bat for the locals securing five safeties out of five trips, includ tag a home run and half circuit amaah Wnnd followed with three i j w . I i ttll aivuas. Viarr ana juoman lea uie OmSZJ rf thJ exhibit aomTflB. Limls WUrns Millboro route 1; V"lA? Wa?. w,"t,0Ml Ieachac. (town on Sunny Slope Farm, Berth. Parks, Strieby; Georgia Say- .- , - owned DT Mr. W. C. Can . Ha haa mni UD"' ' " I - T . t any acres Of nearh now heaWna I M H f .. . sr.- " w Greensboro 800 100 002 6 Asheboro Oil 102 72x 14 15 Baatoriea: Taylor, Truelove and Clark; Johnson and Cranford. 1 VWI'Wi . m fifty a "CI Mr. Forrester had a peach tree twig MARRIED ' ,L 1 . 1 t , A OT ; , with eleven peachea in a rlwnr ,H eight inches In length. H AT THE ASHE BORO M P, PARSONAGI Ha alao had another daatar of is poaches to three In the aftornoea of July 20 a happy short twin the small limb heinr eat comet. Mr. J. P. Hulin and Miss Era a,, nn a... hut below where the three twin Smith, hath af laaarrnrs. came to the mm JJ.CSffSUStvn .wixM grew out from the main twlsv the va- Aahabore M. "TT farswnan and were ",rietr b nbettae. united In marriage hy the pastor ... . .... . ml Mr, Caasa haa shinned within th. AeeomDanyiaai tho Osuall ware Mrs snier wy, juiy S. ina NW v7 i... . j" . n " M n. bI.v ..i v.. i i.i I mm i ic uam i in. ... r.. nwsu. i.hi, 0m1.ii 1 .vawv an jissssaow. M , , - w uil i. . . t u mt. viwt uh mar non mmrmm mt ippvaiv. mmt. noun mm m - - trees. He alee haa 7ft J. I.. Hulin, pastor or wny Na On next Sunday, August 6, Brouer nd an afternoon session will he held lie- VSTi kJ, tn the Greensboro Daily 51 ' iIL" Z L-""? "ginning at 10:30 a. m. Mr. J. W. NewTor Morris declared ft 1? of Graham. ' Many 'W 7"" A" has misrepresented him every weA, were enjoyed throughout the evening 'L0", aevTaUt!ra- C1m' writing editorials based on false re- nd . Walker" contest proved very "aMe wit ' port. EJ o-t from the Raleigh Bu- 4 te ti 4 ice coursT, wliS'you'Vfs IbtAfS reau. , vumaiuupco, aim cream were served. i , . . ... ,. 'This is the paper that surrea up MaiKie ljee s On T. . - , T"' , cl! heU in Noath Carolina aa,." Scott, Ine McMath, Ruth Ytrk, and " JZZ "rZ browbeat the governor oi uu. Blanche York have returned frtm the Zi "' VZ "r- "?u and save Harris, the murderer, but un- .ammer achools. I Uf the regular lesson to the Mccessfully, thank liod." t ' Mr. C. H. Voliva, of High Point, i "You cannot Bx by law tne pnn spent Sunday here with his family " u not detiniUly known by tho hleh anv man can work- The mln- mi.- Vallie Elll rerentlv Mnt i writer when Columbia and Trintta uto yon can do this the country ceases weeks with friends at High Point. i 111 hold their conventions, but we are to hfl a country founded on the pre- Dr m p r rv .nA sure they will come off before the date clous principles for which our ances- family visited friends at Boole Sun-,'or h county convention which is .11 .1 ., n, a u . Drmiu i in. - .4 , i . iruui ' ' an.) t ' lorn "au auu i7ct.mii"-" I " U- I Miaa Voro fltmmA I. ..;!,! .4 u:..l. . Tl, .: l.. . .. Th labor board oUrtod the ran Tolnt. . .county association will meet next Sat- strike by its attempt to fix wages, he Aliss Gladys Leonard, after visiting uxrfay at the Presbyterian churehla went on, certainly It anouia now enu friends at Apex, returned home Sun- Asheboro at 2 o'clock p. rn. All the the strike. uj. township prestdanU are exnsctad ta Tho way to go about reacning ine Mrs. O. T. Leonard and family, of.be there. Important business that situation, aa Governor Morrison saw Greensboro, visited friends in town needs attention before tit county eeO It, was to leave the enactment of laws this week. , vention is coming up. Please be regulating imm niniii.ira w hm, . . . , , , an and to tho states. - Tho duties Winalnthaa. Reunion. of th ntatldont er f governors is . Siiupl abfW the laws that have lKn. enacted; tsWC BBDOt r l ily. July tf raw aaain defeated k . . . . . . , . n nana roriav in an uniniaruuna v. : rr . : -r .T muu Ha. whVh TMallari la a acora or 10 ' " 10 Both 'Unas secured eleven bin s each and aaado emral bobbta. Boor by innings: K . H F. 100 180 000 10 ssiM Hulin H. 1 is the daughter year Cham "re Two anavt "tMrliWra" from aa Ala- af Mr. and Mrs. nursery have bus bod- gnrr. Th arsa a agroom wnr JM will 1 nfrsnd to mgfi I'otnt snd mmr return win weeks vet. mid for the Urne Items ,th yonnr di There will be a reunion of the Win overstep ninghams August 0, at the o!4 home there. Get ready convention. to attend th county 2 3 nk amfMoTbMPsk his puvc of th late James Newton Win STATE FARMERS MEETING ftui thai hV waTSrrigh. and Sngham, on the Cedar Fulls roadJ , IN RALEIGH THIS WEB rTl' vi- ' m . two miles from Asheboro. Several of " si i llssa nf iMsssisiiiw B 1 if r ' critl- the Winnlnghsms are exnoetod u be! A large number of farmers through than. and. in fact, everybody Is mvlt- out North Carolina ar iimilnit nt th ed to come and bring dinner. There State Agricultural and EngJnerin ek. Mr. U. Stat t ... vam vrruiii T has never aaaa a Munion oi the win-, cuw n ma ssaassii U. Bmitn,wajsr vin a. " ""VJ -i... k- ..ik.M wiR Hr-.W. nMli.u., n ,k. original families that live In Randolph ; Farmers' Convention, ia attendtng tb Heretofore It has been Bm ty, but re ar some m the. convent A.rdreaee. are ba,ng nell law r,n nr hat ore Winn ann weal, wno iiera net h'ik j w ui nam niiuan an I ' . -. . . -.1 1 ! 11 D U.'.. ax air in oroar vo " """ hot this I no IBjmisar wivn mw lamiiy.

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