INiSHEBORG,?T I IRER DAYS,, BEGINNING SATURDAY PRINCirLES, NOT MEJP H.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCH A ' . 'Aslnboco. North Carolina, Thursday. August 18, 19 NUMBER ii -''."; :rrn tt tt -Tr .. -. . - iREDPATH CHAUTAUQD. BEGINS NEXT SATURDAY WITH A" GOOD PROGRAM WDJNINGHAir FAMILY REUNION HELD NEAR ASHEBORO SUNDAY i ' : : ;There -Tferen-sromber-r of -tNng-J COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HELD ULAR MEETING !,:0;D AY i i ChauUnoMthla vsurnnier;Deginning which distinguished, the ', Winningham, Monday and "transacted tha.TfolIbwihg" through Tuesday, the 14th. FARMERS' MEETING TO ;BE HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE HERE AUGUST 14 The are cordially requested to at- 1 1 V i t 11 )fi : i. ik- u. . a . tcnu a meeunr oi iaruiera at cnc Saturday, AugU8t12 Vwi will continue family Reunion that vaslield Sunday,; business: ;-.f v-M" tf&!Z!s4 Wfourthouse at Asheboro August 14 at This is August 6, at the old home of the late It was ordered that the Board f 11 a. m. We have secured Mr. R. C. Jtedpath's Chautauqua, and has some. A Newton Winningham,-, two miles Education bear one-half the expenses; Pollock, of Chicago, who is one of the 0 the beat talent that can be seen from Ashehbroi "last Sunday. Mrs; of making repairs on i Red ';Cros leading authorities in America on farm anywhere. The program is. as follows: Wlncy wmningham tcoiuns, oi Asner school house. Mr. u. r . Undersoil; wag. organization ana co-operaavi market- First afternoonj popular concert owro, wnum cam uirvnuny una juk, ,ppomi,eu conitiuiemnui . lor - jvc uig, w speak, xur us. )unbar' All-Stai 'Male QuarteCis : been celebratedi waa the center a atCros T. D. McLean, district farm First iiight. ioncerlDvii bar'r All- traction1 She enjoys the distinction' Mr. Everett Arnold was - appointed( demonstrator, will also be present and $itar Male' Quartet' ." of beingthe; oldest member of the committeeman forTrinity Lecture "Every Maas Foriunf?' WfnningKanrfaraily Uvtog'today.ti" A request for consolidating Whites f Many of you-1 produce large crops, -tlauv Cr-Heffnei. . Four- generations were present, and Chapel and Patterson Grove wu post- but you are not able to market them ; v Second' aftelnooni lecture "Foe and membsrt of the family were here from poned until a later date, for the pres- profitably. Come to this meetmg and "Friends of Out National Household," Georgia,1 Oklahoma and many- coun- ent each place to have a temporary 'hear Mr. Pollock tell how farmers can 'Andrew Langendorffr. " ties in North Carolina outside of Ran- school. . , ' ' ' - cooperate with each other and solve Second night, "Friendly ' EneniieB,";dolph, the original home of the fam-j Requests for money to build new their economic problems. 'trrsiHtible Comedy Drama, New York Uy.- i . . . , . school houses at Gray's Chapel jaiid As county "agent I am here to aid Cast ' ':.' was a beautiful dayfof this ocf Worthvfllev were rejected -"on. account you in every possible way I can. I Third afternoon grand concert, Dix caaion, and probably one hundred and of lack of funds. cannot accomplish much without your "ie j)uft - A " ''-fifty meTnberV of the family had. as- The-oard agree to- endoree-. three cooperation. Come te.this meeting Third niffht, xoncert, Dixie Duo. .sembled. At twelve o'clock noon the notes fofthe committee at Walnut' and? let us make our plans together Humorous revue leatnring ' fanper- exerdsea'were opened ';WttbJkIilteikl'l..;G6Iibery township, in ordet to for greater farm profits. Let us make sonationa extraordinary, Eugene Knox; Winningham, of Burlington, master of secure funds to build an t additional '.our plans and work them out together A number of the substantial citiaens ceremonies. Devotional exercises room. One note endorsed to P,"s W-ffor happiness, contentment and pros- fv- tftwh am miarantors. for they were .parncipaiea m oy- nev. win- uumme, vu.uu; to jacic tow,- :w,ipenty in old Kandolph. We can do it. MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEMOCRATS MHNATED CANDIDATES TUESDAY George W. Stuart was renominated for sheriff of Montgomery county ovei J. R. McKenzie and - U. S. Jordan, Tuesday of this week at Troy. E. H. Wood, formerly of Randolph county, one of the best and most popular men in Montgomery county, was nominat ed for register of deeds. NVM. Thayer was nominated sur veyor and Captain J. A. Lisk, for cor oner. ,-J. A. McAulay, B. A. Davis and L. Wright for county commissioners. C. C. Bennett was nominated ovet J. L. Baldwin for the Senate by a frac tion of a vote. Reuben Reynolds was nominated for the House of .Representatives. The ticket is a strong one and pop ular. Resolutions outlining the policy of the party in Montgomery county were adopted. RANDOLPH COUNTY FAIR PREPARATIONS PROGRESSING realise the benefit a town can derive rang, of Randleman. Mr. D. Winning- and G. W. Collier, $500. These notes wvJi Chautauoua ''"with ? high-class ham gave a brief history of the early; to be paid ofT with local funds collect. talent SUCh aS this Offers. --Xlw IOl- umunci vj, v"c wuuj uiu inw cu nuui we uiatriui,. it, i miueretl l InwHnir isommittees have been appoint- bibcuubo muj !.. requesi, i ira local uonmuttee pt, ISand t behooves every citizen of Winhjnghani JSeverson, of New Jer- nut Grove district to raise' the' local the town to come to the front and help and John Wtaningham, of At- tax rate from 5c and 15c to:10e and it!T.w rhwitaunna a sue- lanta. Mrs.' James L. Winnmgham, 30c rate. rA r Grounds and Transportation E. H., leJfronl "o?? Miss appointed committeemen- at Thtee.' ' ranford chairman. E. D. Cranford, wnBAani, oi wasmngion, w. rorics. - j s "samWalke? HCn'G. F?Burk- wht was Wble io attend the re-, B. W. WilUams is appointe4m- iinion. Shall we do it? We shall know next The people of the county are again Mnnrlnv hv. vAiir nnuanoB if vnn wish nminrll that the RandolDh COUntV to- be one to undertake greater things 'Fair will open September 20. People tor Randolph. EWtlNG S. MILLS APS, County Agent. TRUSTED POSTAL CLERK , CAUGHT ROBBING THE MAILS B. W. Williams is aDDointedactfm-r' Two thivps hv Wn HisrnvBrori in U..J . ' - - uiLu..,tnuui(.fuu. jvi. " . i. uuunuiau u uiaiu ;: . : , itne nariotte postomce recently, tne Ijihor and Stage Committee-r-U t.l o. w wuiewrw, mm w n. uruereu uj me local last one oeing discovered Saturday. Rosa chairman. H. H. Kennedy, E. Li dress, paying-tribute to the achieve- committee of Archdale to raise a local' It was a trusted postal clerk, Harry Hedrick ; O. L. Presnell, J. C. Bunch, ments of theamily. V , tax;nrte from 10c and 80c to 16 Ue E., Mulligan, of Charlotte, who has ' fHan-CbaMtteeMm" WvH.'' Mo, tt-dedded Jo naMaa an an- and Wc - .- (heen in the service for about 12 rlnV Mrs J O' Redding", Miss'Nahnie nual'.'.event- and A,-. R Winningham, C. E. Russell and W. B. Hogan are'years, who was caught, and it was SSiuVT--V u , .. of Asheboroy was elected-, secretary, appointed committeemen at Mountain I said admitted the theft of three spe-. Ji8.'6itte--Mr8. W'C,.1;1 fi" " . ' . '' ' cial deUvery letters. Mulligan was Wommor chairman. F. E. Byrd, Carl ounuay-m fl.uKuat i wh ear. , . v,. aru ia appoimea iXommw-inoi even suspected m the matter, un- KlVhftWlEntl. ' ' , , - vuujri. Vinwif,ia wi, 41c woq owu bauiireiiug W1U1 Ult " . n nraa anMaJ .MmiIA'' faahfm r. 4-hA tnvnallin -' . ' , j . 1 I ) i r 11 I . il . . 1 . 1 . . . -M i 'i 1 1 iwu, aim leu in tne cieveny set trap. Nelson ire There Was a hearimr before United oner Cobb and he was ,000 bond for appear- HORRIBLE CRIME COM4, " MITTED BY NEGROES " AT SOUTHERN PINES A crime which probably aroused more feeling than has been displayed in the sandhill section of ihe state was committed last Friday morning at an early hour. As Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ketchen and their small child were en route from Miami, Fla., to their home in New York they stopped to camp for the night near Southern Din.. ir 1 . . i .tics. ery eariy rnday morning they were attacked by three negroes, who shot Mr. Ketchen through th chest, severely wounding Turn and, it is alleged, criminally assaulted . his wife. Had it not been for the -quick action of Sheriff Blue, who rushed the negroes to the state prison at Raleigh, mob violence would mi . i -, , . mo snerm ana his prisoners were pursued by a mob of infuriated citi zens for many miles, but they gained the prison ahead of them, and the governor at once provided state troops for guard duty. Every pre caution was taken by the prison au thorities and it is thought that no further trouble will result, although fee ing in that section of the state in . . v . - "" woo. committed is- from all over the county as well as ?u I?n Mr- and Mrs. Ketchen are from all the surrounding counties are'" a nospitai at Carthage, and while mr. jvetcnen was severely wounded, he has a chance of recovery. not only invited to attend, but are ex pected. Plans are being made by the chairmen of the various departments 7T and people are asked to bear the fair ; RAMSEUR TRIMS THR in mind when canning their products. harvesting and doing fancy work, and send a samDle to the fair. This is a fair for the people of the county, and I Ramseur journey to Gibsonville if there are a multitude of exhibits, as there surely will be, let yours be among them, One important feature of the occai GIBSONVILLE NINE - V Ramseur, Aug. 8. The team from imseur lournev tn r.ihu- ' - - Saturday afternoon and succeeded in ' walloping the Minnealans to the tune , of 17 to 6. Rill Ww famous record with the Ramseur team -V ? sion will be the radio apparatus which last year was back on the hillock for the Kivett Electric Company is in- the Ramseur boys and as usual pitched stalling. An esoeciallv loud SDeakinc.a good eame of hnaa Kcii a in n. After the wonderful dinner, which teeman at White's Chapel; t Columbia til he was seen tampering with the'horn and three-step amplifier- bulbs the Guilford boys secured ten hits off m, cTT i-jiu..' w n Var. was spread - Dicnic: lashlon oh the township, C ranuw. V kim. tI,. i.ft;n,Mn wH .Tint in n- T i Julian ,nA R Buy the crowd. ' ' and friends again am " feeling tax districts for 1922-23. . accnrdaiuvi with' th nnhiu. tnhnni low' i 11 7 .J -T " 1 " un.. DILL, 1I1YM1I1UK UP MISS MARGARET RUSH MAR- . Among the members of the family ot tne state. RIED IN NEW YORK CITY who were present Sunday were: A1-, fred G. Winningham, McAlister, Okla.; The many friends in EAndolph coun- Mrs. Elizabeth Winningham Walter, ut"ct. ty of Miss Margaret Bush, of Greens- 'of Atlanta, ; Ga.; J. A Wmningham, Archdale . ..ii v- Vv 1aw f liitr Miuu fVnnnr Mattin. : Flora -Wi.rcjff?-r.r 1 1(1 Til. Will IK3 MlfcIDVE W .j.vt, vm. - - vuwvvh - , y ' . marriage in NOW lOM Vlty August o. ningnain, mm, dmumu, ui vii annul - She is the second daughter of the late route 1; G. W. Winninghanrand chil- Fmjeip. 25c Wiley Rush, a promient lawyer, and dren, Mr. and Mrs: J. E, Bray, Saxa- Franklmville 25c . solicitor, who Uved in Asheboro for pahaw; Mr. and Mrs. W, I. , Myrick - 20c many years, artd Mrs. Wiley Rush, and children, Troyr Mrt and Mrs. A. Level Cross 8c who for the past several years has.R. WSnningham, Mr. and Mrs. Roland 30c made her home in Greensboro. The Briles, Messrs. Carson. Colbert and Mt Shepherd 10c announcement is as followa: " Qaude Winningham and families, Mr. Mt. Peasant 10c "Mrs. Jean Husa .announces uie ana Jars., JV. ju wmningnam, mi. ano Jf" ' On each $100 val uation ..16 2-3 On each poll 50c THE TELEPHONE, DEAD Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, in ventor of the telephone, died at his will be used. This will enable the of Woods he kept them well scattered crowds to hear the speeches and mu-,and allowed only one hit for more than sic at a distance from the radio phdne. i one base. The Randolph countv hve The Kivett Electric Company will ! !?on began to pound the offerinon nt court. His brother have radios in stock and are able to as -bondsman for the man. 4fit up any home or give any informa tion concerning this, one of the great est inventions of the age. Y - 1 mir nA ' . securing two runs in the initial inning and seven additional ones in the second frame Manager . nun to tne shed and . till 27c ueath "was unexpecaed, although fori and now'T - . n 1 11 J . v.. Consrressman Hammer is making an called on Pettiirrew to stnn th vdw effort to secure an airplane for the oc- slugging of the Ramseur team, but casion at least for one day during the ! Pettigrew did little better. Finally fair. uaude Allen was called upon and he 45c 60c 90c 45c marriage of her daughter. Marguerite Mrs. Elmer Rich and family, Mr. and "fasant Hill 5c Holly, to Mr. Ralph Fairar Spangler.'Mnu O. R. Fox, Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Prospect 10c Auguit the third, W22,he Uttle Fox, and W. S. Crowson, of Ashe- Ramseur 30c Church Around the Corner New Yort, noro; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bain and ' S" v y, V ,.' ' children, Mrs. Ruby B. Sparrow, Mr. Staley . . . . 20c "At home after August 15th," 1S8 and Mrs. S. L. Jones, Mr. And Mrs; Jrfn ty (white) 30c Smith Street. Greenalwr. . C" J. L. Winningham and James L. Win- Trinity (colored) .... 15c Mn. Spangler ia a'canable and at- ningham, Jr, of Greensboro; Mr. and Walnut Grove 10c trartiv.- young woman, with a wide Mr, Adolphus Cheek. Miases Mar- White Hall 15c Ts IZZJi. ZJIa .v- biMthiir mm n Mil Oh.t.:MnL P. E. Central Falls 10c with 4h Other membea f her family Langston and son, P. E., Jr., Of Fay- Uberty, 10c on each 100 valuation have ttany rtaunch friends in this tteviUev Mr.'nMjd Mra, M. L. Win- for special school bonds, and 30c en county who wish her a kappy married ningham. Mrs. Liaxie W. Allred, W. H. poH. life, VShe Haa held"oitlona of honor Winningham, Randleman r Van U., R. Ramseur, 50c on each $100 valua inJnonsibility taGnwuboro the D.. and J. T. Winningham, Mr. and tion for special school bonds, and i k Li -T1.1.V. v.. V.n mi with'ona Mm M . n." Wlnn1nom- Mr. and 1.6U on othe Greensboro mbbjl xne snaw;jinv wm winning nam, juen ana nar- rroom Is a native VliTinlan but ha rla- Goodman. A. Goldman, anmn mnntrlO Via KaH Kaon in f nlinn mavm.vMU A UMU All lOlllll 'c health. He was buried on the crest Jjj of Beinn Breagh mountain, in a spot chosen by the great inventor himself. TThe surviving relatives received hun- dreds of telegrams of condolence from OUC anm. n4 U. . IS Dr. Bell was a Scotchman by birth, but spent practically all his adult life in America. I 7"ut A".en wa called upon and he ftST Trleted , heldA ,the visitors down somewhat bet ra'SrljMiK:,".. ,,J. ;.W Pitchers who pre- for exhibits. An extra building has ceded him. "Doc." Graham, of Rm. been erected on account of the extra f' the marvel with the willow, demand for space. See, or write W. I ln tne nrst mning Doc knocked a home 30c 45c 15c 30c URGE PREPARATION FOR FALL FAIRS TO BEGIN NOW 45c 1 30c Rurlino limH ih Greensboro for some dm He ton: Albert Landsner, BaltiotoM, Md. w. fk. .mninv at ike Southern- .j1'-- ' 1 ' n rnlm in-:.- Railway, r . . ; L. F. ROSS, Chairman, FLETCHER BULLA, Secretary. CogreM Called to BccMaeM. JURY DRAWN FOR 8EPTEM - BER TERM CRIMINAL COURT ALAMANCE DAY TO BE OBSERVED AUGUST THE 17 T. Burlinirton. Anrust 2-Prominent J. Hicks, Columbia! 8. F. Pugh, North Carolinians are accepting ap- i Ki'. Waahlnvtnn that - tr8ldent Harding has informed Rep- Providence; A- R. Moore, Liberty; R. pointmenta on the advisory board of . resenUtive Mondell, ' leader r at the W,. Jordan,' VFrahkllBvlltoJ -Geo. A. the Society of Ye Alamance, which , ' 'ty bouse, that ln View OI tne crown ea in mr jurauwnuui, , n, , n. vrganiuuon ia attemptuiK vu aHtao- dustrial situation t was dhuvm m wi "i uu . uwwiui . vu w 'there be a full attendance. f members Greeeon, ProvidAicer T." G. Bingham, historic battle, May 18,1771; accord- rr, Hf., (naw,t iNH,ini vo a . i. nuuimwn, praatoont 01 lane day" in C. York, fair secretary. CANDOR HAS BIG HARVEST FESTIVAL LAST FRIDAY Now is the time to prepare some- tttino a. fall fi T l -U . nn'.l""B VI WW 1B11 10110. 11 IS . ItlUlCI difficult thing to go out into the fields in the faU, and find something that is worthy of being exhibited in the fair. If attention is directed towards the crops and-stock now, however, with that thought in mind, a more worthy showing can be made. It will have a favorable effect upon your crops if you begin to care for them now, as if they were already en tered in competition at the fair. And if a fair Is worth having at all, it ia justified only as it- is an inducement to improve agricultural practices. If i ill . .L ' m iL.I you aid not-earn anyuung irom tni fair last fall, even though you took a Probably the biggest event in the r, J , 7 - , Kamseur Friday when a large crowd of people Gibsonville assembled and enjoyed a real ;:ala day. A lengthy article has been pre pared but on account of limited tpacc will not appear until our issue of next week. run over the extreme right field fence and secured three singles and a three bagger out of the other five times that he batted. Chief Brady received the offerings of Woods well. Score by innings: R. H 270 300 005 17 25 012 000 201 6 10 E. 5 S, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR J. R. AND W. F. LAMBERT MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF RANDOLPH COUNTY A birthday celebration in honor of twin brothers, Messrs. J. R. and W. F. Lambert, is being enjoyed at Bush , r rr""v'f 'k." Vi" k ?" Creek, near Chatham 'county line to fLT day. Mr. J. R. Lambert is a citizen of The board of commissioners of Ran dolph county met Monday, August 7, all of the members being present. The following business was trans acted: Upon petition of several citizens f the county it was ordered that A. H. Asheboro and Mr. W. F. Lambert is a citizen of Coles Store. A large crowd is expected and a basket-picnic barbecue and fish fry will be enjoyed. Ford and Street Car Collide. allowed free license for a period of one year from date to sell merchan dise, such as aluminum ware and other merchandise. Wister Williams, of Ulah, was' ap pointed game warden for a term of two years. jason uavis, or uienoia, was ap- ; f.eoneai next- Tuesday wnen. we var,H50TiL it... MnmMfl after' a six weeks re- Creek: T. . rartow. iJack creex: W. tha organization, -Alan eess It is also understood that the G." Cox, Coleridge,' A. "M. Allred. Burlington, will-be A-.i,u .luv mBM-ia csnrnM to t Providence t A. P. Richardson. Taher- ust 17. is to be Um first nriie. the fair has not Justified Juhue Mullies, forman of the finish- pointed rural policeman for New Mar- ing department gi ma itouiuku .ci. tuwiisnip uiu xutnuuipn couat Chair Company' in High Point, Is at I the point of death as a result of hit-1 Chatham's Oldest Citizen Dead, ting a street car with his Ford car. j Chatham county's oldest citizen, People who saw Mullies in his car a Mrs. Matilda Paschal, 100 years old. Itself. The necessity of giving attention now to the fair, however, is especially important for the live stock exhibits. The herds, and especially the calves. ebeerved-on An1 i first run ia M.u i. . Aontinuaualv slon nacie: Uifford UU. New IkoiAl JL. blr eamnalsii to aetabuiih the nan with the senate after they reconvene. .Ujiander; Asheberof il.-F.1 Jtichard- whara the first blood of American pa 'l; It U vhisnered too,4Xat congrese may eon, Columbiaj C P, Styrea, Asheboro trloU was ahed,- . " 1 V : be Baked tO aUtnonie rwilnpuoa vi iimuii"u, vvu, qimu wniwii peuuw mmwH vrasirr tna mem D ramp u uie aocmy wnicoi , tn ' Mtterhean. v was Deroetuate-Ye history of 'on. vPtaua ant tnu mark in blank jumghlln, Randleman; 1 tsether Locas, ye battle. May 161a, 1771." - lhe pro-spM u which yea are Interested. should be chosen now aa far as pos-' block or so from where the accident died at her home near Siler City, libit., and riven' attention with - the I occurred said he was driving at a August 8. Mrs. Paschal was born and exhibit Idea In mind.' You can not fit! rapid rate and the car was wobbling, reared in Chatham county and had - be asked to authorize resumption ex 4. ivuncannon, oacs: vreexr.u. jui beverai uw "'federal control over railroads should Surratt, New Hope? W. . D.- Frailer, the membershi ''the president find it "Impossible to Columbiaj John U Cox, Aheboro P. according to otlierwise settle the strike aetlafactor-.P.. Fentriss,' Franklinville; i L H. 'founded to pi .?--0- .. , ,,.,f.ii 'Laughlin, Randleman; 1 Bethel ' Lucas, y batUe, May the u animal for a fair in two or three weeks' time. It is a long process and you ahould begin early. Any one may subscribe for shares who wishes to do so at $25.00 per share. By-returning the following coupon, you may get desired informa- ;, Union; A. R. CortMlliion, Concord j E. grara Included the onranizatlon of ! e e 'ifrmiv-wonn REUNION 'i- ,1L Cox, Grant; MilUs Brownt Ashe-. aUte-wide body to bring to -the peo-e LfcKA MTl'RDAT AT FARMER boro; O. R. Burns, Grant; C E. Earn- pie the rwJltaUon that North Caro- r- ZfrTrv. hart, Randlemanj L. S.,Lofiin,- Back Hn aa one of the thirteen ' originale been Issued, for Creek: Everett Uavwson, tuc i;reet; colonies, was we out oi me jnineen ns-Wood reunion, 8. A. Pugh, Providence; 8. JJDuckner, to essay, to cast of the yoke of ep-U Id at Farmer Sat- Liberty J. E. Swalm, New Markrt; jwtsslon, '; A ::n,- .'.U K Invltationa" have been " the annual Keera - the affair to be held urday. Interesting arrangemenU for Will Maness, Union; E. F, .Millikan.t - Amonr those ' acwpUng dvlsoryJ the colt bratlon have been compieted, itamueman , w. . naro, nvw,reij twiarn appointments are: and all members of the two lanuuee v. newun, jurw mri auiw iiennenan Cameron, o. n - wiu,,' ... A" 1? ....I..... Kin.' Richland: J. W. Ballev- Ashe- Clvd 1L Ham. . CnoraL.- Julian S. Tb meeting lat year was held In bore; W. 1L Coble, Columbia,..;. ... Carr, John W, Simpson, Senator Lee Afhrboro and was lartHy attended. .... ... v s. Overman and Senator F. M 81m- A commit'" was appointed 10 wme gur.nnu rin.i i nr.nv t j .moTis.- vtner accepvancee ar rxpect- Send me Catalogue Give information about ' Shares Information about Exhibits .. Adrtia W. a Vork, SecreUry. Colonel .Asheboro, N. C , : . hlUri o? tlie two families and pre- Pnt to this moling. .(. .iii i i i'f it . !!.' rv v t . . 4. -, . , i , Several thoutand people are txpect- Thr he a meftlng in the ed to regale themselves in eotrtume on Blr. Hammer Ppeak in the DUlrkt. eoarthoune at Aall-oro nt Monday, "Alamance day" in ilariingtoa in Aur"t 14, at which Mr. Pollock, one memory of the Regulators of vAla-C'l-rti nnn Win, C Hmmr will 0f the Farm iiuirau arganiMm, will msnee, , . f :" " t v, . ' 'oro nit ..lontiay at sddrot the farmera. of Kandolph ' ' ! - '' fmventinn. roll(y nt 1 o'clork. ' " v ' rt I1 " ; , f, r rf (' it nrc( frmT fit- it'- . ' ! fi 1 ,t RAMX)l.riI f'OI-NTT BENCH y:ow Death e Representative Padgett. the Jlon. Lemuel P.' Padgett, of seventh Tennexsee congreaslonal dia trict, died at Washington -August . Mr. Padtrett. was war-time chairmaa of the house naval committee, and Mullies hit the street car with such . made her home there all her life." She force that the platform was smashed was a woman of remarkably ' good . . and the motorman was knocked back health, and leaves b large number -of to the middle of the car. The acci-relatives behind. She had possibly . dent occurred between Parkway and the largest number of living descend :. Rowland park, the street car was ents of any woman in the If. S., there ' headed north and Mulliea was driving being eight children and 109 .rremd. south. I children, of whom two ace "great v greatgrandchildren. Her husband, - Interesting Renalon in Iredell Coanty.Biehard J Pwchal, was sheriff of the.. county during the Civil war. He died - A reunion oi tne uppara iamny yean age. ,. which was held at Barium Springs, one of the prominent families of Ire dell county, was of unusual Interest for many reasons. There were five generations represented with Mrs. BROOKS BYRD, NEW MER CUANTSk STARTING OFF WELX One of the newest mercanOLe estaV Margaret E. Lippard, who celebrated lishmenta in the town- is that t her 101st birthday in July present as 'Brooks and Byrd and they' say thy the oldest living -member of the fam-lare starting off splendidly and deriv ily. , Another Interesting feature wu ing moat saticfactory,', resulU from the presence of Rev. C K. Uppsrd, I advertising In The Courier The sale who baa for SO years been a mission-1 which started last week haa been well ary to Japan. There' were over 800 patronised. Mr. Brooks haa been con members of the family 1 present aa'nected with Eftrd's at Burlington and well aa-eeyeral intimate friends of the, has progressive ideas. Mr. Byrd was family to enjoy the tpeechea, remin--jwitii the uanx or Kandolph for several had servd as representative eonUn-Idid-"dinMr which meani food tceneo to any nothing ot the splen- in nously for 22 years. The body was Ukn to Columbia, TenV for Inter abundance on such an occasion. - years, later accenting : a position in the pofltofTice. ' , - . . Brooka 4 Pyrd's store' is In the new' Redding building across the rail road track. . . : ment. U. 8. Senater Crew Deed. S. Penntnr Willlnm V- Crow dlrd r -'ii ' rv l.niKj rrrr Uni'it'v.-n, 1 piwn fnf Vamlion. Fellow- t WrirMi 1 -

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