7 - J - - -: v - k B 'i .Si i i - II II II II T i ii. ISSUED WEEKLY . PEINCIPLE3, NOT MEN $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVAHCS VOLUME .XLTO . -; ,j . ' rtltm, Wrtfc CMi6. T1iTUy. Aagmt IT, 1922 NUMBER ' v .. ... ...... ... , , , , . DEMOCRATIC CONYEN- 'M'4L CTOYEIiTIOfr TION IN WILKES COONTY; M: HAMMER SPEAKS S.1 ASSOCIATION AT RAk ""IR NEXT WEEK -,' Wilkes county Democratic , conven- , The Sunday sc. i workers of Rnn- tion vu held Wflkesbord Monday, doipn county wiu hold their annual JL large crowd was present and dele- county convention in the Ramsaur gations froTA ' every township in the First Baptist church on Tuesday and oountv. .Wednesday. AugUBt 22 and U. The TWO ASSAILANTS OF ! ' FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE KETCBENS ARE HIGH POINT-CREENS- . SENTENCED TO CHAIR Carthage is thronged with peopl BORO ROAD MONDAY A fatal accident occuired verv this week attending the trial Of the arly Monday morning at Arch Hili, "' . w,W wuuji air, a. . th- r.reenshnrA-Hio-V, Pnit BOB CAMERON BESTS iJTTir BROTHER IN HOT PITCHERS' BATTLE FARMERS OF RANDOLPH COUNTY HAD A GREAT MEETING HERE MONDAY The meeting ef Randolph county roaa. : inretj negroes wn woiutueu jir, w n. n pknM tj,v, Knti.hAn .nH a,ltwi hit wife Snnt r"011 tne Greensboro-High two -weeks ago. The three men were. UnarUe "Uman, a colored man from pif. snnt r r. wVnt first sion wifl begin 3 o'clock brought to Carthlge Monday from the'. Concord was instantly killed when the fCTCTL ilC? resided, over .the .convention, while Tuesday afternoon, another session: State prison at Raleigh, - and- are; car which he was driving turned over, crew, and in the end age triumphed ' also Mr. T. D iW, E- Pharr was secretarf.' The tick- luesaaj eTening, witn tnree sessions, guaroea Dy sixty soiaiers. ine. tfoj- The police at ffi h point were noti- over beauty for when the smoke of tained by an s t nominated is as follows: morning, afternoon and night on.diers surround the jail, and no onfl i U' A , t . battle had xieared the locals had three 'Asheboro and . l t rt r: . :cl tne superior courv, v, v. ncu , tend these sessions. f . n TO . CM .1 ! agister JeJoRector, tendentf Saimday TMrr1? thW w an School Association, will speak at each tentative, Attorney J Trivette; M88iJft nVention. Mr. Sims TOuiuMBwue..! hag M'Mn';yean of practical ex- Church and Richard Wooten: coroner, ;a ' cj ui E. Winkler; reasuw Miss Essie gy. school , superintendent 4 Erwin. - ' State Sunday 'school superintendent. ri Resolutions were adopted indorsing Those who heard him last year Can ;th record of Congressman W. U tell you whether or not Tie is enter- Hammer, and. the state administra-, taining and instructive. Miss Flora 'von. The tax rate evled by the Ke- Davis, assistant to Mr.-Sims, will also Saturday afternoon the Cameronsl staged a battle royal at the local base farmers held at the courthouse last ball emporium. "Bob" Cameron ocMonday was a great success, although cupied the mound for the local slug-, somewhat handicapped by the" absence while his younger brother did 01 Mr. K. C. Pollock, who was the main speaker for the occasion, ami . McLean, who was de- auto breakdown betweea fled and went at once to the scene of ,Daw'e am -cleared the locals had three ,AsneDoro ana ADeroeen and did not me meei than 200 Is" S Wff &LV irweday.i : i Sunday school workers f allowed within BOO yards of the jail - -r "' markers to their credit while the vis- reach Asheboro until after fe,in r Ihlboarf of ' education- clerk ?x. ail denominations are urged to at-iwitnout permiss on ot the court. N0- iewcr miitors had drawn a deuce. ing was adjourned. More i " f1"-6" kv fc 1 ijh visitors secureu eiifni. Dinirice aiw:nucu. was the hrst witness Jttonday and told - name Charlie Tillman, of Concord, to the locals seven, but "Bob" was The meeting was presided pi mo auair in a vivia manner. -v. ,u . ... r, j . . .. . Mr. Ketchen is still in the hospital "" f""'" w but is improving. Two of the negroes, Jasper Thomas, sent a man who answered to the de- i supporting him with air tijrht ball, no Federation. Mr. Paine in turn intro- one being accredited with an error, iaucea Mr. &. Miusaps, ot btates The locals led off in their half of ville, district agent for piedmont the first, scoring two markers on an1 North Carolina, who happened to be and a visiting in Asneooro, and made the the locals seven, but "Bob" was The meeting was presided over br invincible in the pinches and kept the the county agent, who introduced Mr. hits scattered as thin as chicken soup L N. Paine, of Statesville, state see in a Greek cafe, with the local boyslretary of the American Farm Bureau ana Angus Murpny were conyictea oj scription of the dead man to High criminal assault on Mrs. Ketchen, and pjf . . . . . . . , the third man. John T h was Pomt for a car which had oeen lefl convicted of assault on Mr. Kefa-hen there for repairs. It is believed that -publican county commissioners was be present and will appear several trocuted September 15. U indl iino-U hv C.ranfnrA and received a sentence of 12 years there were two men in the car at the sacrifice by Wood. The visitors knot-(speech of the occasion. Mr. Millsaps imprisonment. The two convicted of time of the accident, as two caDs ted the- count in the second, and after explained the co-operative movements assault on Mrs. Ketchen will be elec- ..j . ji j Ithis were unable to score acain. The in the state, especially the cotton and Ml6S Condemned. Since the revaluation act times before the convention. . a i i . . . . i i UDO Tk Tr TrT'T' ?. mm' was m lorce, es nave oeen avis is maung tne Sunday scnooi ; Point where his body was prepared for from 89 cents tt $1,44. .. .work more attractive wherever she. SUDDENLY IN LENOIR nilrioi Q,.,;t,,. J;' t were luunu lmmeaiaieiy anerwaras, i , , - - -b "-,. , . -. : out tne secona man has not been lo- '"r, . "u .v.vw..o, 'cated. Tillman was taken to High Congressman 'Hammer addressed goes by being able -to help teachers the convention, sneakine especially on teach in a more attractive manner., A death that came as a great shock burial awaiting notice 'from some ot his friends or relatives national politics. He congratulated . Mr.' J. p. lyey, of Charlotte, presi- peopie 01 Asneporo was mat or roMMlTMITY sfvr.mn unvn.v the people of Wilkes upon their un- dent of the North Carolina Sunday, fis. u.n. lurae at ienoir late lues- KiGHT AT THE roilRTHniiSP -tirinrefforte and for their loyalty. School Association, is expected to a'd-.day night Rev. and Mrs. Tuttle had. mal Al THE COURTHOUsE 3 Featuring the convention was the dres the convention on Wednesday at, been the guests of their daughter, . commllnitv .. . . . speech of Hammer, congressman of u odocic, his suDject Deing A jsuc- . v. Tuk AS"DO by the students of the countv summer 4- -enth district. .The speaker of ceulSny School." J'da TlJ ?Z&Z2 S SSy' :'ZM-TSt Thropen- tici Wnf be pressed T oW by WL. ' expected to visit friends and Native's fft August 2!, Following the sing--TreZrfa made bv-Mr llammr .Wpiwddint of the Ra,ndojph , Mrs. Tuttle was in her usual state of Jn E. C Perisho, of Guilford Col gwmarlcsmade health excent for a slight heaHarhft lege, Will deliver an educational ad- were "that there 'is too much; politics County Sunday School Association. ; health except r. alight headache. , p . b in the fifth, after two were down. V. John son was safe on an infield hit and pil fered second, scoring on Armfield's hot single between third and short. But after all is said and and done men leu up to the main issue con fronting the North Carolina farmer today. That is, carrying the co-operative movement further to embrace every farm commodity. This he stat- fv JhtairK? "that 58f interests Johnson, chairman; Miss Gladys Leon-' Lenoir. The body was taken to thei ffJ e is one of the ioAvv d,,Miss Grizelle Moore. M, N. ,P. ,home at Smithfield nesyng educators of the c t Mr. Hammer xoredicted that the rniiups, Democrats would carry the house of representatives this f aU. The speakei ty president, are the following county explained the Muscw Jsnoais proposi- ana townsnip onicers: vice presi i on ana Mi. Fard'B offer to lease this dents. Prof. Chas. M. Staley and L. P, TVinrHav y i - - . mm. i m t firniTi urP in cannnff i f Koncnn ha Associated with Mr. Ward, the cou , "SJ SET ' "tS. Public is cordially invited to .Itend- UUU1UCI VX X 1 1CUUO All ill lu VU W 11 . . J one has only to look at the score to ed was the most important issue fac see that the Camerons are a family of ! ing the North Carolina farmer today, pitchers. land should be given careful thought. Score by innings: We have as good land as any one, we R. H. E. work as hard, our climatic conditions Lexington 020 000 000 2 8 4 are ideal, making it possible for us Asheboro 200 010 OOx 3 7 0,to 8rw anything that we desire, but Batteries: Cameron, Leonard and; we are not getting ahead, we aie not Cowans; Cameron and. Cranford. ; showing a profit on our farming op- ; erations. Why? "Because we have no Asheboro Boys Defeat South Alamance IP11- Again why? Because we The Asheboro' boys defeated the fave " co-operative organization Sodth Alamance team Auo-ust 10 in an I through which we can market out- uninteresting slugfest the score being I1'" colectively, and our local on t k markets are not ample to take care of uui arin prouuets. . inereiore we are well known. Rev. Mr. Tuttle; de-'There will be no admission. livered a very fine sermon at the M. IF THE RAIL STRIKE GROWS government property.' He showed. that Ross; secretary-treasurer, Miss Dora ; E- church Sunday morning and fte capitalists, principally the fertmzer Keddtng; superintendent ot xoung r;TCir older friends and acaUaint-' Six of the railroad labor groups are Tcto nnkA Mr. Ford's offer, that Peoole's Division. Mrs. A. O. Adams:,10 meir omer inenas ana acquaint--, CHAUTAUQUA CLOSED TUES DAY yVlTH GOOD PROGRAM I Pi 1 in Achdhnrn 'Ftioclair oironi tr t-- . j mr fii..Ai.i- 1now on st.rikp. Tf thft nt.lipr If) irrniins i m i .,rn,,i u , 1 1 Sown trroughoutSe enti "1 ouV lra worker, iSKraidTt S g :..u,, - -r ... r- -.A'havinir served in the M. ej. chUTCift I0rr. .ucr l,w W1C i,uvuwu rtui wui&cia presiaenw wno serveu uurmg -y. . weie . COUpighWiU.ldded to the the soil eveu more. " , ; it Presidents wmr servea aunng pa . - couplST whiU .bedded to the 500,000 already MJ Hammer merrea io me sum year, rioi. i. atony, v, iv. ouna, .Jiu vwlih juvMj.-ilri: "ived. - - v',- subsidy m as -an. abomteal .ct-d j;,R. charged the Republicans as playing Smith, -Jr., J. F. Hughes, S. E. Hen- ve u" gaa m aImo8,: eve about 95 jjer cent df all railway owners. N. R. Prevost, T. L. Miller, W. H. nnnirressman R. L. Dousrhton of the Parks. C. E. Stuart, J. G. Lowder- eighth district was present at the con- milk, John T. Cooper, J. M. Trogdon, fention. Owing to the fact that he C. A.' Bird and W. T. Wrenn. had to take the afternoon train for Tne Randolph County Sunday Washington he did not address the gchool Association is auxiliary to the. gathering. North Carolina Sunday School Asso- must organize and sell collectively, if we wish to keep step with other in dustries. Times have chanced and we 1 i must change with them if we are to Redpath three day Chautauqua end- hold our own. This he stated could be The.uone through the tarm bureau which all phases of our mar- ems from the smallest t MrRii'. pnin miMTBifTS TO BE LET BY COMMISSION employes receivea $v:it,b or an ; afternoon and evening entertainment , temporary organization flVCIdJC UJ. pOU CCVU 1U1 LI1C II1UULI1 B (By Maxwell Gorman.) work. Raleigh, August 15. Although state Tne railroads in the United States highway construction has been and is own approximately 69,000 locomo- . .... oca rrr e . re vet beinir serious v interfered with by l,ves. .ouw.uuu ireigni, cars ami oo, ' rintinn which is the co-operative ef- .1 ii, t 4.v.tn t.,nina 000 Dassens-er cars. PROMINENT SILkK Cil X fort of Sunday school workers of the i tn rnp milrnart situation the Every year the railroads of the Yinnj.n Vina ii evangelical denominations 10 exienu , f . ti ; gelical tlenominauons to extend , f rontinuino- the work are eo j : o I... I 1 . .- . aim iiiipruv ouiiuajr bli.uui iin ahead lUItli U. Ill O. uigainivauiiii Th mnhv friends of Mrs. John Hay wdod'Siler, of Siler City, will regret stands for those interests common to to leam of her death last Thursday an gunday school workers. It strives at Raleigh. Mrs. SileT-had' been ill to help by way of suggestion, not by for a month prior to her death. The authority, therefore it helps many, it funeral and burial services were held njnder8 Done. It seeks helpful coop at Siler City Friday afternoon- eration, not union. Its conventions Mrs. Siler was the daughter of the and institutes discuss methods of late William and Jane Ray Coop- not church doctrines. All rheet er and a decendant of Mark Cooper, jnf?8 neja under the auspices of the who was a-distinguished figure of association are free and open to all the Revolutionary war, -and who de- t,,0 wH I attend. In territories where voted himself to, the promotion of thre are no Sunday schools the asso culture, in "which W was so ardently cjation does not suggest the organiza involved. ' She wm also a descendant $ion 0f onion Sunday schools, but of James Fenlmore Cooper, the novel- urges the organization of denomina ist. December 13, 1882,. Mrs. Siler tional Sunday schools of the denomina married John Haywood Siler, son of tion preferred by the people of the the late William J. and Mary Holmes community. Siler and ., relative of the late Sam-, . . uel SUer. who settled tn 1800, build- COMMITTEES ARRANGING FOR ing his Wise by Rocky river and FAIR TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH founded the town which IS still called Siler City, ; 1 The fair officials, are making prepa- . Besides' her husband Mrs. Siler isrations for the fair which comes off survived by four 'sons and three next month. Each committee is ar daughtersK.W. J. Siler," of Cotton- langing for his or her departmei.t and ' wood AriiV F D S'ler- Pwadena, in order to have a sucesfnl fnir n-t .'t on YfcMiBrwirA!' J- S. t'(rt.M chrfiilH ro-oTM'i-a' with the i.ai.i-u. kj. oiici. vi."i - - w - . i -T- Riui' ni.lrh: Wev. Mrs. G. W. Fer committees. Mr. York announoes- jVi" CarthcgerMrs,- Jerome.'. F: Rus- thatsll Uvestock entered f,or premi. ; 4eli; JUleighiwui Mi.. Mary ' Bland .urns ; will, be admitted . tree td i the , Knar.. . ItAieiirn. - ' s uur ' iiniinu. , t ..- rrlJll i . tni.wh' Kn. . Siler initallwi hv 10 o'clock Wednesda iVatyj Mrs. Marth. Plchett, Blooming- morning the first day of tJ fair. . -ton, CW.; Mrs, ComelU-Thomat, Asho There ,witV be . sufficient number W .boro. and Mrs, Camlll .Jones,. ow)staus i mem&'oi wier , H ( k- Mhaw. Mrs. 8ibsr:hl .. rarely ;r- grounds and no entrance fe4 will be i. j . . . . i . Z.tA . tmtn Iter pharorui hut each neraon mnst BroTUe CtiVltieS Sh. fHUlip fOV 1W r iuur u. lauvim m y.oi(, United States carry one ton ol freight approximately 350,000,000.000 miles. - Tki. ; .n,.;..nT i t- r m . . iio la cuui.oicilb bu Ldlitll K ol Lull Ul Twenty-nine projects scheduled for f h earth q letting August 30 with an aggregate &hou 1mm timeS- On an average, each person in the mileage of 186.02 miles, will bring the year's letting of roads by the United States rides 350 miles an- State Highway Commission to 1 1H 25 n'on oad assenge wtiiAb rf m-i-ta than a niinnrdrl milad . " It costs about $5,000,000,000 a year & tempt to engage r In iay foocopathm'toJwe there aU me in DBrviiuis r.v w ,'t..v: vzm v . . " ,w i .... Will -W A1V1U VHLfl WW ueyum. i,w t0 operate the railroads. K..., am. There are approximately 260,000 .nnn" 6 ye mre "ilea of railroad track in the United ,000,000. States, or enough to 10 times Three projects included on the list around the earth, remove the last unbuilt sections of the central highway from Smithfield to j. c. FARLOW, SOPHIA, SUF Salisbury, a distance of 170 miles con-. FERS STROKE OF PARALYSIS tinuous paving. The Thomasville- exington unit, tne niusDoro-meDane Mr. J. C. Farlow was Btricken sul the evening an impersonator added to the program. As to the financial side, the guarantors lost about eight dollars each, which seems useless in ... ... .. .. . ... - Li, IT.) ... ri.UI. 1 I. V L.111L Will UK . I.ILLf v" ..w. miiy o.vin;. Jinjc, and the bridge over the ya.ltan denly Sunday morning with paralysis. ! brinK re8ults gnother year.'ercises were conducted by Rev. Walter have achieved more than a hundred Dast fewmonths miles Deyona tne mar set jn reoru- ary for twelve months, and will have REITZEL REUNION AT RICH set up a record that is without paral- LAND CHURCH, NEAR LIBERTY lei in the record of road building in , America. Since January 1 contracts' The fourth annual Reitzel reunion wfll have been let for 668.81 miles of will be held at Richland church, hard-surface road and 645.94 miles of about four , miles east of Liberty, on graveL .Thursday, August 24. ' - Take Advsntare ef Time. All miaisH t tKo RitiAl y -TJ. August letting will be the final family,' either by blood or marriage, war letting xor tne year ana mere- also all friends of the family, are cor after the commission williocus sttten-'dlally invited to be present, tion on construction now temporarily! Everybody is urged to come with held op oh account of strike condt- well filled -baskeU early in order that tion s; -Chairman PB-go hs pushed the there will be much time for mingling work ef 'getting roads Under contract with old acquaintances and making in anticipation of more widespread de- new ones. U,tbYweek". - f , :-'mmd-r for contractors Vhen otheri farm exhibit -will be states ret their road programs uhder-l Ibit building and there Iwaf iwVPring; v ' - ' f , : I .-.i'r .Or ud mai. an iij.kn -. -rne iuoffes " v i, v :fr county.AEveiy wm te wrged ,to bring c Miss' Alta Ifarks and' Mr. olao products M all kindw .'t-jj t. . ' v Allen' surprised their f friends 14si ..There will bej spacs for .alUkinds Veek.wben they -drov to M-"f.0' FJ'a:i ?r C. and were mamca. . .oiuihm k i, . HIIa B ' 111... t-ll P. ParkV of Asheboro. . and , fim th psolt see what; Randolph: f Ul tto rroom s I son of Mrs. S.E. Allen, of tho world war; v'VF v- f- a - Thev ars populsr ;vWe have secured redoceaMMi on . and promising young people and have alljrailroadf for h .fair, o -b -pr. Many friends throughout the county.- paring now, U only-80 day tirh Mr. Allen has had . position, with Mr. big "wk." v , . ;.; V i i- -X A. O. Karree for the oast few monthS. ' ' '' - ' -w' DEMOCRATS OF YADKIN Tfll V. MUS.' J. K. WOOD URGES W0M- -; NAME TICKET SEPTEMBER I f 1-N 10 SEND t' LOWERS TO I'AIRV,. ; V! .' - ! " - . .. . ' -- . Tha Ticmocratlo eonventlon to'ttonv . ' 1 hope the people of the Cown and jnato a ticket for county-olTker and 1 T tiis county will he Interented In for member of the honne of re(rean- 1 r .-. . r i,.,. S if the Randal h t;,Mvs In tlio nt genral emlily ; ' r V" " l. Idi'M ) iia l, rr rnl't'l to meet Ofl Snt inlay, of I' : '.-..' r .--.'-d. - ' '( f,f Dsyi. County Convention. The Democrats of Davit county will Altogether the "road program Out- hold their convention in Seotember lined in 1919 Is now approximately this year, probably the second Satur half iJoneV.' 8rlghtly mora than 2,700 'day, and there is mighty good grounds miles of new roads hste been built, to believe that there will be large or are under .construction, or'under Democratic gains in (hat county as contract'' In addition to this mReage, well as in most other sections this thA aafjtm IneltirleS martv nunnrtvla tit var ' '- ,l ' '.' mITam r9 n tot. Am W. . 1 1 ft In. n ii mi 1 1 ' ' ' fi i .1. i tm ... V a kun VI BVUV IVWI, W J VHUUf Vlfa 1 vW,lllMl .Ml " befors'the state took' over the syi- rited to speak at the. Davie county m. ''.., .'.'.; V v" ' 'S"--'. ,' convention. - larger than last year and more va ried. $10.00 hi given for best art col lection. Call or write us for any in formation you would like. MRS. J. T. UNDERWOOD, Supt. MRS. J. G. CRUTCHFIELD, Aset rive in time for the first nroarram Sat- our largest commodities. It would urday afternoon on account of . the embrace all other marketing associa strike and 4hen rain began on the sec-,tion8.?uch as the. tobacco and cotton ohd day compelling the performance to associations. ' he in fVia rn.irKAnoA firar nAi I Following Mr. Millcnna' oHlraco lvfi- business, had a total of 1,628,228 em-1 formance therefore was in the even- Paine explained the organization plan ployes on their payrolls in May. These ,nff and a combination of the of the farm bureau, and perfected a rary organization of forty-six with the Dunbar quartet who gave a, men, through which to put , on a splendid program of vocal, instrumen-, county-wide campaign for farm bu tal music and bell ringing. This was reau membership, after which a per followed by a lecture by Harry C. manent organization will be formod. Heffner on "Every Man's Fortune."! The following county officers were The second afternoon a lecture on elected: "Foes. and Friends of Our National! J- O. Forrester, of Ramscur, presi Household" that was well worth dent. hearing. In the evening a playl J. M. Allen, of Asheboro star route, "Friendly Enemies" was presented by .vice president. a New York company. Each member E. S. Millsaps, of Asheboro, secre of the company was unusually good.tary. and the play was quite equal to those In addition to this a township chair we drive to the various larger towns, man was elected for each township in in the state to see and pay the price .the county. These men to constitute of the full Chautauqua ticket. The the county board of directors, last dav. those who eniov music and negro dialect were entertained and in. ANNUAL KEERANS-WOOD REUNION HELD SATURDAY The annual Keerans-Wood reunion, held at Farmer Auirust 12. was at- a town this side, but they are taking tended by between two and three it "like men" and feel that they have hundred. Col. W. P. Wood, presi contributed a high class entertainment dent, was on the grounds and ready 10 rentier any sen-ice. Dcvotiona ex- .lZ- He ?f 8eVeral h?rS u?"ble.toAsyetnoront,acibsJ 'MrsT'Ellen -Welborn, of are the most important projects. peak but is now improving. Mr. Far-' .Jr,;uH OOQO Greensboro, irave some verv interest- With the award of contracts at the iov has held a position with thel ' ing history of ancestors, which had end of the month, the commission will state Highway Commission for the ! recently fallen into her hands. Short PREMIUM LISI Ur r Allt talks by others were also enjoyed. HAS, BEEN REVISED UPWARD The long table on the campus was I laden with good things which all ap- The premium list in the Art De-Vared to heartily enjoy. , partmont of the Randolph County Fair! It was decided that the fifth reun has been increased over last year.,!0" will be held at old Trinity, the Please look over revised premium list, 'second Saturday in next August, printed after Fair book was gotten out I and bring anything you have under BISHOP JOHN C. KILGO DEAD , this list. We assure you absolute pro . tection for whatever you bring; the buildings being weather proof and pil- AFTER MONTHS ILLNESS After an illness of several months fer proof. The premiums are much Bishop John C Kilgo, of the South ern M. E. church died at his home at Charlotte early last Friday morning. Bishop Kilgo had never fully recover 'ed from the severe attack on his way from Hot Springs, Ark. last spring where he attended the meeting of 'general conference. He had recovered J sufficient!, however, to ride out in a mm iinrr iTDriM TiDirv M EASUKB , A l L K1JA x week ago be suffered a severe heart at ' . . . 7 1 , um in . J14, and since then his condition has The a.lministration tariff bill will t Uen considered serioua. Bishop Kfl brought to a final vote in the senate' wm hm .f i.au.na a r ' t .next Daiuraay.-unwr m urwnimoua mif th of JamM T tnd Cth dot-taking the 21 projects offered for Special Term of Court for Gailford. August 3v presents may be gathered h On account of the unusoslly I Urge from tha fact that the specifications number of criminal . cases aobeduled call for tha clearing of 113 acre' of for this term of Guilford County arim Und, ' excavation '-(oUllnff 'lJMM&O fnal court this eek, a request for a enblo yards al earth and rock, ' and I pedal term has been mde. - The tha hriilrea on the "nloleHs '-will r.. case sirainrt Basil lt. Hedirecock.-es quire' 228,110 pound 'of structural cushlef of the Horns Banking Co4 of taeLf'-Vt. - '" '" l ".' High Point, wm. hot -eoma up until i; ) ' tha snecial term.' It was stated a j consent agreement entered Into Satur- rlnt jj, .ductioa a,r- 1 in his native sUte. In 1862 ha was Passagt of the measure was re-'ordained a minister in the - M. E. garded by senators , generally as a 'church and severed, several pastorates foregone conclusion. At .least three in South Carolina. In-1889. when ha ; Democrats Broussard and Ransdell, was called to Wofford College aa pro of Louisiana and Hendrick, of Wye- feasor of philosophy and financial mlng were counted upon to support .agent. In" 1884 ha was elected presi,1 h, whDe the expectation was that not dent of Trinity.. College, Durham, , to exceed six. if that many. RepublKwber he -served until 1910 when ha leans would nnnoM it.' - - , ' I was, elected bkhnn n( Ike Matluwllat ' ' . i " 1 ' - ! , . church at tka ennferonea. in SoKavtlla,' fJaTal. ha5 Arproximstely 83.0OO gallons of Ih-Hhe judge that he Intemled U dlspese tote without further. debate , anU """K toxkaUng lirtd was poured eut,' 91 t the large number ot Jail eaUea first! committee ameadmehU then undlspba-i;" r Jl i tJ i Ton i . ...i . t.a n.!i '. ii- n . r. : ti A-a. mi ...i . i... b.M io n .conierence in undon in, iwi. He was. iif"tmv. bf pr'.hihition offleers field brothers who are- charged iwlth i I r. ' i hi. t' r rv.i,h the forgery of a large amount of ' t- ,! t '- mii'y t nt liiel fr trinl at t , i ! 1 ",, I ' ' 1 , will ho P"' ' potid, .1 4 ,. , ... ' e . i . ."and M family nave made tlir r 1 , , .i.i . t- . . 'St " vl.ee t' 'V 1 r

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