: j-5 .V TTTT ill ami IN r ISSUED WEEKLY TOLUME XLVH '.. PRINCIPIXa NOT MEN 12.00 A YEAR EN ADVANCB Krtk Caitbu. Thursday, August 24, 1922 NUMBER ST M BATTLE OF ALAMANCE AT BURUNGTON WAS REAUSTIC PAGEANT A gala crowd of approximately ten iknimanri neonle were in Burlinirton fr n iTimu MR. A. E. STALEY," BIG i starch manufacturer; visits home county "ittuunu MR. THOS. GARNER, OF TRAINS AGAIN MOVING ' AIRPLANE TO BE IN S. S. oOUATON AT RAMSEUR THIS WEEK ERECT, KILLED WHEN NORMALLY OUT SPEN CER AFTER SUSPENSION ASBEBORO FIRST DAY OF THE COUNTY FAIR i' WAGON TURNS OYER last Thursday to witness the historic meets here this week, Tuesday and pageant in celebration oi tne one nun- Wednesday. A full attendance is ex- dred and fifty-first anniversary oi me'p and a .pien8jd program has Ramseur, August 22. The Randolph County Sunday School Convention Mr. A. E. Staley, who was reared in Providence township is visiting brother, Mr. Arthur E. Staley, Julian. A horrible accident occurred Tues- his day in the eastern section of the 05 County near Erect, when Thomas Gar Train service has strain irone back Congressman W. C. Hammer has to normal at Spencer upon the with- been advised by Brigadier General A. drawal of the troops which have been J. Boiling, of Camp Bragg, that as Battle of Alamance, the first armed !been prepared and we are sure this: A. E. Staley and Miss Fairy Staley. . !w hauling cross ties when his wag iesistance against British authority in'u pr0Ve a great convention. Every-1 Mr- A. Eugene Staley is recognized oar turned over and the load of crosi America. thing is ready for the folks to come,8 on of" the largest starch man-.; ties -pinning him underneath, as wel The program began with a parade, gei fuli benefit of the con each float in the parade picturing some realistic phase or incident ot the rev olutionary period. Each float was prepared in a most careful manner, and the bits of history which they represented combined to make the en tire parade interesting as well as ex tremely pleasing, Three out-of-town bands served the purpose of keeping the crowd lively and gay. " ' Immediately following, jthe parade the crowd assembled at Harlem fort for the main feature of the program, which was the Battle of Alamance. The pageant , was staged in a pine forest. The scene, opened by a half demented woman who came from the wood lands ringing a bell and cry ing out in a weird voice, "Gather, ye regulators, gather. Gather, ye regula tors." Immediately they gathered, coming from all sections of the woods. Most of them were on foot, but some were on horseback and a few came in on a watron. Some were clad in buckskin, some wore rude homespun VriAA breeches and vests, broad col lared shirts and others were dressed in the silk and lace costumes of co lonial gentlemen. When assembled, various leaders of the t-emilators. addressed the gather ing of protesting colonists, telling them of the wrongs committed against them by their tyrannical governor. At this juncture Dr. Caldwell who had borne a petition to Governor Tryon asking for redress of their griev ances, retUrned from the governor with his overbearing reply. Impas sioned speeches followed. Then two red coat spies were discovered, cap tured and brought before the regula tors. Death was too gooa ior mem. vention. Mr. M. E. Johnson has the management of the entertaining part of the convention and he with his ef ficient assistants will see that every body is well taken care of. Rev. S. u Morgan filled his regular appointments Sunday here at the Bap tist church morning and night. Mrw Bailey, of Greensboro, is spend ing a few days here with her mother, Mrs. Winfield Scott Miss Madge Mofftt returned this week from 'Columbia University, of New York, where she has been this They were in Ashebora Tne.. ner, a prosperous young farmer of on guard at that place for the past airplane will flv over the fair erounds day afternoon accompanied by- Mrs., that section was killed. Mr. Garner several days, and Tuesday evening of Asheboro the first day of the fair. trains began to move normally for the September 20, weather permitting, first time for several days. Prior to The fair buildings are nearly coin that a number of passenger and pieteld, and the office will be opened I eTVa t UP ad week anyne desiring space "'s uciojo v..., -.l must make application to the secreta facturcra in the world. In 1895 with as his six year old daughter, who was J1.500 Mr. Staley opened a starch with mm on the wagon. No one -T'-,:: r: r ; "7 u . :, v. .r . o must maice application to tne secretaay plant in Baltimore, he was prompted knows exactly how the accident oc-1 regular train crews refusing to oper- 0f the association as early as possible. to do this on account of the fact "that .eurred, as the man and his little he did; not think corn starch was put daughter were- alone at the time. The up in attractive packages, so he in horse got loose after the wagon turn vested in loose starch and bought drover and went to their home, this packages and packed it by hand. For liwhat gave the alarm and the the .first three years Mr. Staley broke brothers of Mr. Gamer set out imme about even financially, but ever since diately to search for him. When they that time he has more than doubled found him, he was lying in the road his money every year. by1 the side of the wagon pinned In 1897 Mr. Staley erected a factory down from his chest down with the at Decatur, 111. this was begun upon.coM ties. The little girl was partly a small scale but now is one of the protected by her father's body and al- nt iur, wiiere units nas ueen hub - , . . ":.. j. : tu l. u summer She stonned over a few da-vs most prosperous busmess concerns m,hogh unconscious, it is thoughUehe summer, one Bioppea over a iew a&ys . ' , . , .'-rfn wnw. TVi aa .' tu. nit nuiiU! i. lie piaui tuvcia ti twica . . u.v.w.u .a ..v. 9Vn of land and is within itself a modern of, John Garner, of Hemp. He leaves . .'.! . i li i :i l mi City. wiuuyy auu live smaii cuiiuren. iue er Thirty thousand bushels of corn are xunerai services were held at Smyrna I ground every twenty-four hours, from cnurcn in aioore county Wednesday. which starch, oils, meals, syrup. with her friend Miss Janet Bratton, of Staunton, va. Mr. Roy B. Moffitt. her brother, met her there and accompanied her home. It is thought he had a very high re gard lor his sister, Mr. C. T. Hutson and family spent last Sunday with friends at Durham. Mr. E. J. Steed is attending court at High Point this week. The friends of Mis. and Mrs. Carl The following premiums have Weoa Oo., la- ate the trains while the troops were there. Governor Morrison motored ,i , . . a i. o i auaeo. personal investigation of conditions. Bank of Randolph, $5 in Roid. It was agreed by the men at the rail-1 McCrary-Reddmg Hardware way shops that they would handle the two horse, Chattanooga plow. trains coming and going through ..Asneooro Bargain House, pair Spencer provided the troops be re- clle? hose- moved, and the heads of the organi-' w. A Gregory s 5 & 10c Store, per zations there assured the public that olator. this bargain will be held to. I ; Cranford, ladies' silk scarf. Probably two things that caused' wr o'- r v nu.r. Avriimpnt thJ nvtv,ino. Wo? Cash Clothing Co., Osh-IUspk during the whole strike, were the at- overalls. I tack on Rev. Thomas Jimison, preach- f Cash and Carry store, four cans cf- union agitator, by a .postal clerk T Iir T in rampd Tnn Th n9rh.r i rrt-! " J.u"s on Parasoi. ed to be slightly hurt, and it is1 YZZ f i ' "! rCker thought that the affair arose from a 0b nro, Steam Laundry, one r;ct.j, ti, i ;; pressed and cleaned. dent was the blowing up of the water CoS-Cola dairy feed, sugar, and many other "KJOUNT GILEAD TO HAVE WATER WORKS AND STREETS products are made. One of the features that Mr. Staley has emphasized in his business is the!'., A temporary survey was made last fellowship between employers and em- week of the town of Mt. Gilead pre- I ( nm i i l . ,,. Kinney sympathise with them in the ' ft"?" , XZ? IZ u.....WOfu! "v aiijp. j jr iv uuiicov, ufji&KAti, jjvci.i succta tin uu(; in'L1 i, lilt; Eighty men own tawn. The town hopes to irei ...nne their homes, and take much pride in aid fron the state tow.vd the navina the business. of the streets. Ws a'al to n.re The Staley Manufacturing Company this planned improvement. maintains physicians, nurses, teachers,' welfare officers and other persons. "COLIN SPENCER PROMOTING They also have chemists whom they I . ' APPLE INDUSTRY IN MOORE send to different mills all over the Miss Lucile Walker and others, of lT Graham, were the guests of Miss Gra zelle Moore last Sunday. "Grandmother" Wylie and grandson Latham, of Charlotte, have been spending several weeks with J. S. Wylie, of SRamseur. ii H T7IA4... in i- m xt ir , ;cnu w uiiicicut uuiiB an over mi , Miss Etta Wyhe, of New York i ; . t. .:' ir. ri; n o .i onAif n.a .UJ. 1 i u ... vvuiiLi j 111 wiuci Uiad V11CJ1 Hit T aostsi. Willi vl. hjpcill.CI " (13 aupUllltCU spent part of this week with Mr. Wy- in thp -raH,a nf nt finH UnA f lat WeV hv th mt ;Z,n.a suit one ciete lie and family. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING DISCUSSED BY. J. B. WORKS j starch that is needed. The company society and Carthage board of trade supplies practically all of the south- to get the charter for the corporation ern mills. of an apple orchard in the clay sec- During the war Mr. Staley served tion. f Moore county, for commercial with Herbert Hoover on the food purposes, committee. He has had many ex- r penences. Mr. Staley is a good friend FETE MEN ATTACK STRANGER main last Sunday, the pipes of which which supplied water to the company shops. There is no clue whatever as to the source of this trouble, but the affair caused much nervousness and cause for speculation among the citi zens of the town. DIRECTORS OF FARM BUREAU Newsom Motor Co., one can oil. Southern Crown Milling Co., one hag 48 pounds self-rising flour. Central Motor Co., one inner tobe. Brooks and Byrd, one paid Red Ris ing Hood shoes. Asheboro Wheelbarrow Co, eae wheelbarrow. Wednesday afternoon Mr. J. B. Works, of Kentucky, spoke at the 1 They were whipped like dogs and , JftyJW on the of Uncle Joe Cannon, who sent him turned loose return like cowering Jo culture and copera- of hig new plcture6 and th '.""'V i"j following verse on.it via vsiv; w-iii V CaUVCUlVCL&G VA UUUCId' NEAR GLENOLA MONDAY curs to their camD, The regulators then started to re turn to their camp to . prepare for the inevitable onslaught of Governor Tryon's. forces. Robert Thompson, one of their leaders was left to.rneet . m J .A-A-A-nHMi- WHStyn toJSTSSL buyer offers il .v. ti, mmranr came hlm instead of setting the price upon -S? iJtfTZ mil? "or and products. Ve pit jority of the regulators were vanish- tive marketing to the farmers, and the tact that it would make them inde pendent to a certain extent, whereas unaer present, conditions they are greatly handicapped. He 5s at present A TOuaual occurrence was reported To my friend, Mr. Statoy; rSi t W" i m starch ought to .iiff.n bacK- get oW As we linen fronts; ' - "$&&L2& 'TtSEff vMhfibojK JOSEPH G. CANNON. ne ms gtra who cial problem. Many plans are being TntnH L k M onsumers, m what im. . . :j i lj i - . ,. i -j ...--ii u . ' . . . IS produced bv those in aTri.l.,..l mr. oiaiey nas Been paying- one and 00111 ,luu on woriung ac tiadin maue, anu win De announced later. a quarter million dollars income tax was walking to Winston- produced bv those i and other pursuits. One important ud with his aides just as the "2 il :it ,no, ."i until the nat v.,r Owin t th A.- walked by the road camo near Glenola. J. O. Forrester. Ramseur: J. M. Allen. alm 01 lalr 18 to educate those - . . .. 1 . . v. Vll WVKlOUIC lllOlIkCUllK 1H 1 III L - w . .. - ' I ... ' ' - ' !ng in the woods, a few of them re Tnoinino- to imard Thompson, who en tered into a parley with Tryon. The demands of the king's colonial repre sentative infuriated the bold but am icable, Thompson and he refused to , XVmIUOvUI O . HI . XX11CH .An I - . . public by setting unfair Passion of business he has lost two northern Randolph, five of the men Asheboro star route; J. H. Reams, ucts of the fontrvnfv, the. .Drod: athertoLt aprfcebas'd 'llions during the past few years., attacked him and beat, him up con- Farmer; w0rth Lowe, Ramseur route mUre ZLIJa uui iiis ousiness nas Deen returned "j;i"iy. auc men in me camp, . lumsups, jr., Asueooro; r. r. mnr. ,.,, v to normal conditions. claimed the stranger entered their Jones, Liberty, and C. M. Tysor, Erect. fa Z'j , v?1"1 or wnat our Mr. Staley has been very successful camP. hut he states that he did not. in business, and has made a vast The man was bruised about the head amount of money but it has not made and body, but not seriously hurt. He he has done more for the state of ,nim money-mad, nor has he lost in- na1 escaped from the five men and envucay man any man living. I "... ' "'c,,u' "uT"" 'T"rU. ' hH, 1"" r," At the fair re evh.Kit" f . .1 ' " J' PRESIDENTS MESSAGE I Mr- Staley is gratified over the W him the story. The five men 1 River was made by the North Caro- f1". of the thousands of visitors, - BEFORE JOINT SESSION Progress that Asheboro has made in were arrested after a short delay be-'. llna Geological society last week, rfje best products in all lines, in ordei the past 30 years. He has visited in inK identified by the man they had i The survey will be in the nature of a that all may come and see, study and Speaking before a joint session speech, Mr. Works paid a high tribute to Judge Robert Bingham, who is a rnompson anu o .u "iPranfison ,!. rnilnfv uot ar comply with them, He was oraerea ? . . ' "; hi arrested. Struggling away irom me red coats who seized him, he slapped the governor in the face with his hat. Tryon was overcome and hesitated for a moment, but not for long. Grabbing a gun from one of his soldiers he fired upon and killed the fleeing man. congress, August 18, President Hard-.boro J f viiuov 1 o JL farms and counties produce. POWER SURVEY OF DEEP RIVER 1 cThe falr ia the great "show window MADE BY GELOGICAL SURVEY the farmer, the dairyman, the meiv chant, the manufacturer, the school A thorough investigation of the and statp departments of agriculture. i ..... - juio, lie 1UU V Ihl in li ...... .j v.i. i. it... 1.1 1 i .tin - . ... . . v. ml, ' u. f!the county but had not been in Ashe- beaten, and the entire party taken to 1 power census and will provide for in- mae comparisons, so that they may recognised. of a national investigation of the coal industry ana ior ine creation of a r- . fif nnnn congress, August ib, rres j v , no utt 4UBt " ucpwreu me wan are on laooi Tryon and f that had unions and declared that the right of come up- A flag of truce WM ""Sooth employees and employers to law towards the rebels, but tiie firing fuU ' ceasea nou im rcu -r battle formation and advanced' upon h mcmiiitnra who were forced to re treat The battle raged on up through j the woods. Shortly the rea coaw re turned, bringing: with them a number of captured rebels. "Give these young warriors an op portunity, one at a time, to denounce lawlessness and swear allegiance to the king," Governor Tryon ordered one of bia offieera. , "I will never awear allegiance to a king of oppression," one of the cap tives ahoatod. "Nor I, Nor I," shout ed tht other captive. Becoming greatly angered Tryon vindictively; ordered one of. his col onels, March" thw tebela to our camp, bind them with chains. I them before the peopla WfJ thn;in;tte.Jatt,boro' 1 w how the peopU Of Orange county thatj resistance U. th king i futiU, j.mi.. nd fataL" And wiUi aerlous melnuxi a commanding restur; the govrno pointed - flnge' -towarda: Hillsboro. - His com rnand a wweuted and the amy oi tho king marched , ;ow jthe UU ' wt o alght.':', vr. " - -!-JMJ:i : ' .i in. tiottia rr Alamanea was over. v Twentieth century Prons camaback to tha twentieth century ana JTT their Data wnue ma ihuu jjv ,:AUmanee U to bo wngraWated aiurn nrfwfudnfl tho first battlO 01 ' the Revolutionary war. Thert wr a number of Randolph county citlns , among the men who took part in the ( '. battle. .'".; n : "..:'',' The day doeed with the eoronatipn ot the Queen, MlM-Ruth EtUa, who hv txityulAr ToUe .'In High Point jail for safe keeping dur-1 vestigataon of possible location of f DacK "ome and begin to raise befr ing the night. Monday morninir they , lama, storage basins, gaugings and ter "ops, better livestock, better poul- COUNTY a S. CONVENTION arere brought back to Trinity and tried, other matters affecting development lry' "ewer fruit, better vegetaoles, k IN SESSION AT RAMSEUR before T. S. Bowling and M. C. Mc- of the stream along hydro-electric fac everything better that is gaswa Dowell, justices of the peace. The 1"M- on farm- He stressed the necessity , Dr- E- L. Mofftt Makes Splendid Ad- nien were all put under $50.00 bond I Represented at the meeting were' A8 fair time approaches there shoald . .... - . J. I J I :i ... l it i i XL. lv .. imA Ik. U 1-. . r aresa aim upon ituiure io iurnisn ine oonu, ino wtcp itiver mills, oi Kandieman: uiuujfui oi a iew (lavs of r- The county Sunday school conven- three of the men were brought to jail i the Sapona mills, Cedar Falls; the reation. from the hard summer work. tion is in progress at Ramseur, hav- at Asheboro where they await trial at i Columbia Manufacturing company, of a'r time affords an opportunity for ing opened Tuesday afternoon with the September term of court. The '.Ramseur; the Riverside mills, of the farmer and his family to take a commission to consider recommenda tions and to advise as to iust wae-eo and proper labor conditions. To meet! Mr. W. L. Ward, of Worthville, pres- man who was beaten is also held an a the present emergency a national coal roent, presiding. Miss Dora Redding, witness. agency was recommended to purchase, of Caraway, secretary and treasurer,1 sell and distribute coal. Other legisla- Mr. D. W. Sims, general superinten- SCHOOL OF METHODS AND tive recommendation was for "the dent, and Miss Flora Davis assistant! CHAUTAUQUA COURSE AT ELO.N better protection of aliens and en- suverintendent of the State Sunday forcement of their treaty rights," a school, are in attendance and have A chautauqua and school of meth- measure to give federal courts full I made netpiui practical addresses on oils win open at tion College Monday, jurisdiction in protecting aliens. subjects pertaining to advancing the August 28 and continue for a week for The executive, in discussing the coal woric. vt. JS. L. Moffitt, of Asheboro, the church workers of the Christian situation, referred to what he termed ' addressed the convention Tuesday church. There will be four periods of "the allocking crime at Herrin, Illi- evening on Some Side Lights on Sun- Bible study each morning, besides noil, which so recently shamed and day School Work. He especially em-'tudy of Sunday school and Christian horrified the country," and added that phasized the attitude of the communi- Endeavor methods, mission study and Worthville, and the Sandhill company, of Carbonton. "the butchery of human being was wrought in madness." . He stated that the Eseh-cummings act, in establishing the railroad labor board, was Inadequate, being prac tically "without power, to enforce Ita decisions, and recommended such leg islation aa may be necessary to enable it to enforce Ita decisions, with due re gard for employee and employer alike. , -Other than this the president failed to recommend any legislation to deal immediately with the railroad strika. la urging'; legislation- relating to coal he said that the administration had "sought earnestly to restrain pro fl tee ring and secure rightful diatribu tion" of coal but -was totally without authority or legal power to control CHAIRMAN COX HAS NOT ' - 5 ACCEPTED THE CHALLENGE y Xt C. C Cranford. chairman of ' aplendld display of phoaphorenttha Democratic executive committee, light, after which a masquerade ball jMt challenged Mr. C.N.' Cox, . j Xollowed. 1 " " . chairman 01 the Kepuoiicao executive Twe Mr Point Mea Arrested - I committee, for m Joint canvass of the ' A. 0. Huff, a theatre man, and WflrnonuneH for the various offices 1a the ; Pwitxer, a former merchant of High'nty, , -S. f " Toint, have bwn Indicted upon thej , For many yean It Was customary , charge of aiding,' abetting and eon-'or candldaUi to make a joint cam' 'spiring with Bantl H.' HedgeCockpBtn, , Mr. Cranford thought thli eua. former chier of the Home Savings. torn might be renewed, but up to the ' Hunk at High Point, to defraud the'rresent time Mr. Cranford bae not bank. , . ' . inad an aniwer to hla challenge, ' ' " y'- ' . I '. ". r ' . ty, the church and the teachers in many other subjects. The afternoons the Sunday school and said that until will be devoted to recreation and ath- the people made ample provisions for letic sports. Large delegations from carrying on the Sunday school just as the various churches in this section of they, do the every day school the Sun- the state are. expected to attend. day school will continue to lag. Mr.1 Sims followed Dr. Moffitt speaking on NEWS DELIVERED IN ASHE The Sunday School That Meets It BORO EARLY IN MORNING Opportunity, It Was Inspiring and gave the audience a broader view of The Greensboro News is now deliv the splendid opportunities of the Sun- red at the poxtoffice in Asheboro at day school. Various conferences for seven o'clock in the morning. The workers have been one of the helpful truck delivering papers in Asheboro feature of convention. The Ramseur goes to Star, Biscoe, Troy and Mt people have left ne stone untuned Gilead. It ia a great convenience to in providing for tha delegate and the people and every patron of the every one present la loud in praise of paper is delighted with the ervic. the entertainments The convention1 " closed last night MRS. C, L. CRANFORD URGES COURIER WILL ISSUE SPECIAL - FARM BUREAU EDITION Please get your fancy work ready , : .u : -- - , for the Wg fair. -The Coorier win , Issue a pecial We have just four week more for Farm Bureau Edition next week and work. I want every lady in old Ran will be of Interest to every one as well dolph te put some thing into the fancy as farmer., Mr. 3. R. Pollock was In work department. Asheboro last week and outlined plana Get your catalogue and look over for the organization and the officer the list. If you can't make something of the County association are enthused large there are. plenty of small arti over the prospects. ' Every phase of ties that you can make In a few mln work connected with agricultural do- Ute. velopment will receivei attention' and '. We hare larger and better budding the benefit of tuch an organisation this year and can find a place for all will be fully explained. The paper your work. , v will be double He regular site endi - If I Can help you la any way, pUase should be preserved sspeclaUy by the write tne, Mrs. C. L. Cranford. u farmlng people. '.;, ,., 'L ' perintendent fancy work department Power aav or two off and visit the fair. Not only does this event provide a change. out, it also affords a splendid oppor- EXPRESS AGENT SHORT FUNDS tunity to look over exhibits and make IN THE CHARLOTTE OFFIC E comparisons; to see the livestock and compare one animal or breed with an- Four men were arrested in Char- other; the various farm tools and itn lotte the latter part of last week plements may be studied. 'This is al charged with larceriy and embezzle- m08t essential if modern methods and ment of the American Railway Ex- practices in the use of farm imple press company's funds and eauiDment. ments are to be followed. The visitor they are R. L "Eckard, Charlotte at the fair is given an opportunity to agent of the American Railway Ex- study the productiveness of diffesent press company, O. S. Perry, part own- sections of the state, the varieties of er of the Perry Mincey Furniture Co., crops, yields and methods of produc G. B. Phillips, employee of the South- tion. At many fairs cooperative mar ern Bell Telephone Co., and C. 8. Mc- keting is being explained for the first Clelland, in charge of the express time and an opportunity given for the company's "old hoas" sale. Eckard farmers to understand organization told the police that "seven or eight" methods and to learn of the benefits would be connected with the deal if the derived from membership io such as books were gone over. Just how much sodations. money is missing from this deal is not The womenfolks are likewise bone known as yet but special agents and fitted by inspecting nearly all of the the police say that secret dealings have departments of the fair, because the "" " u,er " modern farm woman is interested In H1.H. Point M. r , t v Si' i the thin,r" that 10 mk High Point Man Gets Two Yearn. life better. She will be benefitted by Henry Oaken, negro, of High inspecting the various domestic and Point, who was arrested early in household exhibits and she will learn April on the charge of shooting an- t many new convenience which will other colored man, Henry Johnson, be of aid in -performing her" home la- who boSrdod in hla hum. u.n.. I bora. A era i n wa. 1 .1 .i CONTRIBUTION FANCY WORK-hftGreensboro last week.' The ver- hd the Investment will prove one oi diet of guilty of manslaughter wa the beet made during the entire year, rendered and a two year' sentence It will be a vacation worth while. s1.i,J,J0UntyTr?"lj' Waa ldven- L"t 0n nt of the railroad altuation PtYl n, Johrn Wtti! Mrre""ir Smith'' Greater Show cancelled with Oake.' wl.'e, and it was .aid their contract We have contracted that he attempted to hit her over the with a much larger .how, Bllll u u 1 iV1?." p.n' wh?n her C:,ark', Broadway .how which played hu.band .hot him, killing him r.l- the Greensboro fair two year ago! most Instantly. They are traveling In 25 cars and wiU have with them merry-go-rounds, for- Vestal G. Wlngler, who wa r- "nwi. wmp venewan wing, ralgned in Wllkee county court -last P'n ?'t,d w"t how, circus, side week for the murder of hi wife 29 8ll0W. ,Irot motor dome, and i years ago was found guilty and aen- vrJ i0'r . d'n d up-to-daro teneed by Judge P. A. McElmy to a how- J" wilt be tged Urm of ii year la the state penlten- by American high waUr diver, ; iirf. two performance daily. PERFECT PLANS ORGANIZATION Piedmont Chair Co., two -tii.fr g Saturday, August 19 the board of You can always look to greater pos directors of the Randolph County sibilities after visiting the fair, k Farm Bureau met at the courthouse in Pens thought for bigger and greaUr Asheboro and laid plans for the pros- rk. .ecution of an intensive membership You owe it to yourself, vour familr campaign to extend into every section and the communjty in which you live and community of the entire county, to attend your fair this fall. Take the The meeting was called by Mr. Ewing whole family along if you can. The S. Millsaps, Jr., farm demonstrator for money is well spent, this county Mr R. C. Pollock, of There is nothing like competitioa t. Chicago, national organizor of the promote progress Better liVestosk American Farm Bureau Federation, ,,., ,IYeS06k tZ?? to the your stock at the fair this ' fall? S XT JI ru, SnOjr. i. will pay you to do so. N. Paine, secretary of the State Fart. . . Bureau Association. This organiza- to, lKe Percentage of those wno at- ti'nn ivhiVh woe fm..i k., t lena. tir are consumers and not ago in the ccum. is primarily to aid iKl ?h?jr atnd-the fair far ' I iff the" solution of the farmers' fiiian- """"K othe". that they -8

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