J the Annniono coueio. ashedoiu), h. a Tage Two Candor Harvest Festival The Courier publishes the following ears aa much greater than its pres article taken from the Charlotte Ot- ent self as ite present excellence ii erver giving an account of the Har- greater than the days of wire gra&st est reslival at Candor, instead of and razor back hog. He finished in the article prepared b oor represeii- a storm of applause and it took o tative. The Obtrer article u as clairvoyant to set tr.at the audience follow had been much imprese1 and tre- lu all the hi'.or of its pR-tu.'e.ue ineink'U.d pleaeu. development i aiulor h. 1 1 . t gayer and more inspiring da the occasion o! it- l.aives'. f. whicti it ce"rratet August 4 an oad.-i"!. ' 'fu.''.!i. ai. making, m.ukii.i; a- it did the of the "'Ui .-.!!.: " -,.r ms.'I. iiitHieni hdvi.. a:.d il iieMg celrbi.it. ii. a : . . ii i ui tt- u- ! i j i 'l : 'i.v.v of l: 1 - . . 'lid the "a'i"l"l! u.-el: r ,"('1 atl"h - "t th' it. but t ran -o-nded tin POSITION AND SIZE OF GRID IMPORTANT At the clo.-e of Mr Haimnei orvss other speakers e:e n.t rod jred . an o!.L' ul.o.'ii ere l'i H K. Cop- I -e-: r of Kockinirfiam. and K. 1'. i l'o. of 'll'.v. Hot!. ..f t!:e-e I'r!.-tir-M-n made -: ort t.ut d.spirii.c ad- Determine Value of Negative Po tential Necessary to Reduce the Plate Current to Zero. If tlx 40 rotti U aatlntalaed tte ,Uir and DeftdT potential of B-0 U appUed to the grid, tt will redaoe tl.e current to lero SupjM-s O-E represents five oita It 'in t seen then ti.m a ihne of f,ve V' id pnd potential will accym- I . 1. II. e same result Unit 4" volts Ul II the I'ltiie circuit. The -Mlo of .lii.i.-e i-l.ai.Ke In the plu'e eur--. j. ...l.-d l!,e factor "f the tube i.I.d : 'V l.otrd hi the letter "K " 111 !' Illhe Mist . : i t.-r a I In bou lit. Not o the plai.ii. ardent hope lie n I rowds Make -t I. " Jilto!. A ppearance The fe.-liwties ..aine to a fitting i lo-e u it', a hare.-t 'lance wider u jrncii at Jackon Springs tnat i.itrht The harvest festival i.- a i.ea in Hi.lioii for Candor, tl.i- hein:: tile tir-t celebration of its kind eel held here. Hut the gruifying success of it and the man elously growing fruit t"ulnes of this section id'onii. e to At an early hour in the morning make this institution a permanent the crou.i.- from the varum.- .-ection.- fixture with an ever widening uopu- of the county a.- well as scores from larity and notoriety. Candor and mi- all the neighboring counties began mediate vicinity is without a doubt, pouring into the celebrated .-andhill and without exaggeration or diffusion town, and before 10 o'clock the side- ,,f hot air. one of the most promising walk.- were thronged with vi.-itors and sections of the south Atlantic slope the streets alive with automobiles, if not in the entire union. The land The V iscas.-et Conceit band, of Albe- that only a few years ago was thought uiarle, had been employed to do the by all to be worthless has been found musical end of the niogr;iin ami fiom recently to be possessed of a certain a corner of the pub!': square r.aot productive magic that is able to do the (he m.' iiiig air iv ?ly with ,-oul sin- nigh impossible. No section of the ring melody. A long system of impro- union can grow a wider diversity of vised tables banking one of the crops with complete success than can principal streets was laden with two this section, and no small town in the carloads ot watermelons, and as they United States is better known in the were carved into long juicy slices ev- north and east than is Candor for its ery one present was cordially bidden peaches. Most Ambitious Program. It is said that no country under the to draw near and eat to his heart's content and his stomach's. After the watermelon course a carload or two . F.u oi ume.-.c.ioau e svvecu.ess gun haf. t bgen ,liscovered that Can and quality were unloaded upon the (,Q the won(,ers wUh the Re() skin "7 lIle. :'hnor afKam urKel peach in either coloring or flavor that .u . i , r ii ,1 Candor has done. These advantages without price. Last of all a deluge of . . ,. ,..,.,.,. aant mll;. i i , ,i LUUlICtl v itn v illlUVl O 1 v. 1. 1 1 c aiuui camaioupes as pouieo oui upon me t- nu rrum fr 0,u,in :.,wl pivir development, promise to make it at no distant day one of the weathiest, most elaborately developed and most high already overworked tables to the al ready overfed crowds until human ca pacity was reduced to zero and hu man ability overdone. of the Atlantic Several Speeches .Made. toned small towns slope. I Ami thp I'iiiiilin- h:irvp-l fptivill Alter a lively number hy the band, which in its initial numhei- was car the throngs then gathered in a grove rie,i out with such markea succe.sS last of native long leal pines neai the Friday, bids fair not onl vto be an home of Mrs. Sutton, where the established institution, but in the near speiiKers ot the afternoon were in- future to be a celebration to which troduced. Hon. G. 1). B. Reyonlds, gUests from all over the Carolinas of Albemarle, who was himself reared am even neighboring states will flock in tne sand hills not many miles from jn numbers. Candor itself, was the first presented. After indulging in a few bits of rem- Radio Equipment on Cars, imscence regarding the sand hill sec-1 tion in former days, he made a short1 It may not be commonly known but ringing speech on the very appro- that as early as August, l'Jl'J, wire priate subject of "The Candor of Yes- less telephone sets were in use on a terday and the Candor of Today." He few automobiles. Necessarily these spoke of the marvelous development instruments were more or less crude that had come to the section during and for the purpose of exnerimenta- the present generation, tracing it tion, but they served as a nucleus fot trom a waste i orchard.- to I fc.den that rnal.- -unki.-fruit fulness and bi-auU After comini'Ni ii in.;- i for their prtigriv- and i live interest in cuh-.i! ion h Hon. W. C. Hammer, of representative in congress iiid and turpentine a ouite general movement today to pie-ent luxurious cq'iip .L.tomobiles and trucks with nki.-t California in radio a- a matter of course. ! Tin-, of course, opens up a.'; I'asci-ii.- citizenshiji ludnn' line of thought. Imagine, for -jiecially their cxaiiijile. how ertraordinarily usefui he introduced su.-h e'luipinent would prove to the Asheboro, trucking business. The dispatcher or from the owner could keep in continuous con- seventh district, who was to be the versational touch, for the purpose of principal speaker of the hour. Every giving instructions, with all ins driv ear present primed itself for a treat, ers. The driver instead of leaving his for in this section it is a fact well seat and telephoning to the office, il known to all that the "Old Tile Driv- he is in town, could sinijilv ".-witch er," as he is affectionately known, has on" the instrument and without delay proved during his brief term in con- get in touch with headquarters. If he jjress to be one of the most able and were in trouble out on the road he in hard-working representatives in the the same way could quickly coiniiiiini uational assembly ever sent up from cate this fact. North Carolina. Therefore it was The latter case is where wireless with great expectance that the mul- would prove extremely u.-eful to the litudes waited, and when he opened motorist and while the efficient radio bis mouth and got well under way could not transport him anv gaso they were in no sense disappointed, line, it would soon get some on the !'"or an hour he gave hi- hearers a way via service car. Imagine, too, clean, clear-cut message of common the advantage of the salesman being sense and practical wisdom, especially able to keeji in touch through this fitted to the needs of hi.- audience Sand Hill's I'ossibililies. ti.he 11 Ilia-Ill: .i- I iUlle in th. Tin with i plate I ;i ' hree .-le trode Wle .1. a , i ... -ot it is preferaM. ' , :.r .'i.'l iifittlxe wiili I'll.- t m In order I" r- . : , ii'iu. Mi, amount of en. -. . .t.i i ' I o! I .- plate circuit !..!! i- I ".t i"ii of the fl -p.-' ! to i he tihiinent nnd i ! d the -: of the mesh of th d.SoUS-.-! tuf Hlll i'd'1 he -i'1 d: 'ded I :i" n iph' lit ion it mi , ... 1 .. '.,r a i o h -. . I . . . ' 1-vtl ii :-. i..r is ,. ... - in ; rela , : - in tilt . .!,. I '. " f r'''llellej al- i . ! . 'u:i.i.t : tl.e Krid . .. .,. . - ..'.linn tube is I ,. ; , i' lii .d hut t ' . ai in! ion in I ,.,ie i- mint iplied h "K," the .i!:. iitioii fn.-tot- of th.- tuhe. This I Sj 1 means with the home office or thi touring party being able to trans mit to those at home the wonders of the scenic effects they were w '.messing. 1 he hanker or other bu.-ine-s man . could keep in touch with the trend of . the market, important telegrams that have arrived and how affairs at the al,d oil ice are progre.-sing. is to I he imagination staggers under the He spoke fiom I ossihilities that the radio presents f the superiority ami It may not be long before the car be anle to ex Hi.- theme was the achievement; and future o.-si!ilities of the sain bill Carolinas in genera! and the Can dor community in particular. Hi spoke at length touching the ailvan lages of co ojH'rat ive marketing, say nig that ( andor had practically succes-fuiU solwd the problem ; their fruit doiluct. first hand know ledge of the famous Can. lor peach on the ami truck owner may northern markets and fiaiii the only penence this utility, thing the fruit growers of the Candor Miction needed to do to make their "Rat-Snap BeaU the Best Trap Evei lacli growing a complete success was' Made," Mm. limily Shaw Says, to grow a variety to mature a trifle u , , , later than any of the varieties now V '' bought 2 trap. 1 Crown to fill the two weeks1 gap be- ht a 60c box of RAT-SNA!' 1 he fween the varieties now grown and pIIT v v RAT" f-i;r; n.nrh fe.NAP killed 12 in a week. I m never eo oerSS- marketing the without RAT-SNAP Reckon I could- oeaker swiUhe.l to the fertilizer prob- ' " chick, without it RAT- 1, 1,.., tht rh.an fertilizer aIIAr come'1 ,n c'te,, 1 . was' as essential to the success of the 65e: 1'25- S?1'1 guaranWo farmer ami fruit grower as co-opera- bV Cox-Lewig Hardware Co. DEEDS, NOT WORDS tive marketing. Apropos of this top ic he spoke of the Muscle Shoals prop-. sition, arjruing with convincing logic that it was to the advantage of the Asheboro People Hae Absolute Proof farmer and therefore to the country i of Ded at Home. at lanre tc -accept the Ford offer The speaker finally touched eloquently lnje merit jjH.n th "JXSrfn Th of Doan's Kidney Pills, Candor and ctior i h.. For Asheboro kidney sufferers, the P"t decade, notably i n the mat-( H ma(, their j 4 .tl a velr. Prf llM ln th testimony of Ashe- called the timet juat a few year . bm-i. bk when it would h.T? taken the " propri,tor blacksmith better part of twfl ri.y. ArMng U fc HooY(r j Aghebor0, uy,: Ureom. thither from hU home n M'Work U a .train on my back and Aahehora. when now he divrea it In ,,'. ..... ...!.. . mm hour. He recalled the tlm, ta tM 4' $trl,chtn. When I 'lid raeert pant when Candor had one- Rluh t wouU hlve tehn public hod, and Ported ov(r WT Wneyn and I could to the magnificent atructure of bnek v.n. ,.i.vi u. Li,in..,. ,UT "'I lth J8 "!fVrr ilutrUMr at time. used Doan's M, under prottM of eoiuHniction. fn f m whkh , got thf Btcnd. ' V ' rradicta Create Cmaior. ; -!' 1r0f Co. for these allmenU and , , ... , riMWM. ureatef .om. , tt-ir atrenrtheiwd m; kidntya and rid IT propftealed that these things to-'me of the backache.'' rether with eloee attention to church - Price 60c. at all dealers. Doot and reliirlmia rJrloDment for which siropb ask for kidney remedy ft .1 r,n ii; bed, offered tvery promise Mr. 1 Presnell had. Fwrter-Milburn f n s,king Uie Candor of the cominf.i.Mirfc, iiunaio, n. t. - .4 grid, determine the value of K. K is the negative potential which must he npjilied to the grid in order to reduce the plate current to zero. The value of K. which is the positive grid poten tial Unit will cause the maximum or sat unit ion current to flow in the plate fircuitj is i,li-v dot,ed-ujine,d bj the rela tive position of the grill with respect to the libum-nt and plate. If the grid is of very line mesh, the value of K is small lieeaiise the electrons in jiass ing tlirotmh the small mesh of the grid on their journey from the tila metit to the plate will negatively churgo the grid and will be repelled. Similarly a small positive charge ap plied to 11 tine mesh will tend to :ic celerale the velocity of the elections. In case of 11 very coarse mesh grid, the electrons can jmss through the ;i 1 1 ertures in the grid without coming in so close to the charge on it und 11 relatively high potential will be re Quired on the grid to control the elec tron stream, or in other words, the en nwhC IkwlBt! fMatoja'.Twsff.""- Referring to Fig. VIII, O-G, Is the current that will How in the plate Cir cuit when there Is no potential ap plied to the grid. Suppose a positive potential as U-I is applied to the grid. The corresponding plate circuit current will be I I) or B-D, more than It was when the grid hud no potential ap plied to it. A negative potential of O-H rs now applied to the grid where O-H la oqual in value to o-I, but opposite Ln sign. The application of the negative po tential when applied to the grid will cause the plate current to be reduced to a value H-C or A-C, less than it was when there was no potential np jilied to the grid. So It Is seen that 11 negative jiotentiul when applied to the grid does not reduce the plnte circuit current as much as the same positive potential Increased the Jilute circuit current. This Irregular conductivity of the tube Is made use of when the tube is used 11s a detector or rectifier of radio signals. The Incoming radio signal is a high fre(ueiiey iilleinnl ing current. Let us apply an alternating difference of jo- tential whose uiaxinmni positive val ue is im 11:1 1 to (l-I and whose maximum negative value Is eipuil to O il, to the j grid of the three electrode tube whose characteristic curve Is the same 118 that shown In Klg. VIII. In Fig. IX Is shown the Hlterinitiilg difference of potential applied to the grid. Through the first quarter of a cycle, from zero at .1 to a liiiixiiiiiim nega tive value at K, equal to O il, the plnte circuit current will vary from !. Its value ut P when no grid po tential Is npjilied to a value at Q equal to n o, Inirlng the next quarter of a eyvle the grid jintentinj changes from a minimum negative value nt K to zero ut L. The corresponding values of plate circuit current are shown by the lortloii of the plnte current curve QU. During the neit or third quarter of a cycle the upplled grid potential Increases from rero at L to a maxi mum KiHltlve value at M, equal to (-I, and rnusen the plate circuit to in crease from I B, le vnlue when the plnte potential Is eero, to I D, an III crense In plate current equal to B-D. Imrlns the remaining fourth anar ter of i cyrp as the applied grid! po tvntuil varies from a maximum pod live Tuliie st 11 to tero at N, the plnte circuit current rsrks from a value 8 to T. '. - Assuming that tlie characteristic rttrte aa shown in Mg. VIII and rig.' IX wss wHh a potential of 40 miu im the Mute, then, If the plat torrent Is to be reduced to tero by a Varia tion of plate voltage with oo poten tial applied to the grid the plate voltage moat be reduced to tero or a rodactlot) of 40 volt most be msJe. makes the three-electrode vacuum the most sensitive detector available. In actual mix's the jioiiit "Ii" on the characteristic curves as shown in Fig. VIII and Fig. IX may not fall on such a point of the curve that symmetrical changes in grid potential will cause a symmetrical change in plate current, starting with zero potential on the grid. It then becomes necessary to apply a constant potential to the grid by means of n battery in the grid cir cuit, called the "C" battery, to main tain the grid nt such a point on the characteristic curve that symmetrical changes in grid potential will cause the maximum symmetrical current to Mow in the jilate circuit. Big Ships' Radio. The radio equiment of the ships Paris and Lafayette Is described in a recent issae of Uadioelectricity. On both steamers a five-kilowatt tube trans mitter has been Installed with a wave range of between 2,000 nnd 9,000 me ters. A five-kilowntt motor-generator set Is used to produce the plate-high tension for four rectifying nnd four oscillatory tubes, anil the low voltage current for the heiiting of the filament of these tubes. Both vessels are equipped with a radio range-finder, or "rndio goniometer," which, reduced to plain English, menns a rndio compass. A distance of 3.400 kilometers has been covered safely by messages sent from the transmitter of the Paris. Radio for Animal Training. Experiments w ith the radiophone aa an aid in nnlmnl training are to he mnde at the Hippodrome, New York city, by (ieorge Power, trainer of the elephants, to determine whether it will be possible for bis big pets at some future date to execute his orders on the stage while the trainer himself la absent. Professor Bell a Radio Fan. Finding the telephone, his own In vention, a source of annoyance to him, Alexander Onihniii Bell bad It re moved ffroni his home. With the rn dlophone there Is a difference, It seems, for Mr. Bell, now seventy-five years old. Is said never to tire of "lis tening in" and exjic l'liuentlng with the new device. There are few more ar dent enthusiasts, declare his friends. i i Effective August 16, 1922 NEW JITNEY FROM ASHEBORO TO TROY Making stops at Seagrove, Star, Biseoe and all intermediate points. Making connection with jit ney at Biseoe for Rockingham; also jitney at Troy for ML Gilead and Albemarle. This jitney will leave the Southern Station at Asheboro at 10:00 a. m., and arrive at Troy' 11:50 a. m. Leave Troy, Bland Hotel, at 12:30 p. m. and arrive Asheboro 2:30 p. m. Leave Asheboro 3:10 p. m., arrive at Troy 5:10 p. m. and will leave Troy at 5:40 p. m. for Asheboro. This Jitney is For White People Only Fare from Asheboro to Seagrove, $1.00; Star, $1.75; Biseoe, $2.00; Troy, $2.50, and prices for in termediate points will be furnished by the driver. J. E. McDowell, Owner and Driver This schedule is not guaranteed but will be ob served as closely as possible. Sf MARLEY-CAVENESS PREPARING FOR SPLENDID SEASON Our buyer, Mr. V. C. Marley, has returned from the Northern markets where he purchased an ex cellent line of goods. Announcement of opening will be made in next week's Courier. MARLEY-CAVENESS Ramseur, N. C. I : 5 t MONEY TO LEND on improved farm lands in amounts up to $50,000.00. Interest 6 per cent. Terms 33 years. Money can be had on short notice. C. H. REDDING Asheboro, N. C. i RADIO DON'TS Don't expect the circuit to os cillate wltli equal strength .over a great ranje If you tune the' rld circuit with caps city alone. Keep the ratio of I, to C as near constant aa possible while tuulng. Don't expect a circuit to os cillate If the natural period of the tickler clrcuk la equal to the aatural period of the grid circuit . Don't place the tickler or plate variometer tight lost the grid coll or a change la the plnte circuit will detune the grid circuit., Donl expect high Impedance tune to oscillate freely la I cir cuit designed for low Impedance tube. . " Don't fllscsrd a regenerative receiver until yotf hare tried more than one detector tube.. . . Don't forget that 'a eoft na- eoue tune la the beet detector, and that a hard tub la the beet Mclllator. Don'r treat Inductance col It with aneilae of an? other vi man or compound that win eh i aorD molrture. y 0.- 44444d4dd4 CLOVER SEED, ALFALFA SEED Vetches, Grasses, Rape, Abbruzia Rye, Common Win- ter Rye, Seed Oats, Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Vegeta- d ble Seed, Flowering; Bulbs, Turnip Seed, Onion Sets. Theae seed should be planted freely. Others who are growing iliese crops are prospering, are you? Write us' for complete price let covering all seeds most suitable for soil and climatic conditions in, the South. A. B. KIRBY SEED COMPANY GAFFNEW, S. C 8end for your Jo?7 How to Succeed In BU8INEM b ralljr dMcrlbd la oar a eaulot aid opportunity in uw kwUM world for tmrtentlT tntoa bookkMpm, iltaocnphore. trptou, Mcrourlot and kutenv Bpltn. tnhMe Oar rodoatM lT la ooawne at Ism MlarlM. XMPLOTMKNT BUREAU i low tuition rttes nnd Urine pM ; Uofoufh oounan by bUjh-irido totehon. Inrsil anr thM ; rpld ndrsnniml MMiroa. Uomm tUuif COUrto Im alnn. Writ lot cntelog bow. ftALKISM, H. C . g. L. UtYFlCLD, fmldwrt CNARLOTTI .' 0. - 0 FOUNDED 1SS1 J : ; . CHARTERED IN, 18SI TRINITY COLLEGE A College of liberal arte with Hit established iutlonAl repuUiUon for nigh tandariar noble traditlone, and progsreaaWe policlea. Um large endowrnent 1 1 una maaee poeaioi iur nnt-ciaaa equipment and large faculty of well mm' ,ed nnd carefully choeen techra, Student eee low. CemforUble, Inexpenalre .roomg in earefully gupenrlaed kyrlenle domlteriee,- I OaaslcaJ and acietiUfle eouraee leading to , bachelor! degree, ' Graduate 'nniuih nil iMrinnli o-t,w.1a f P.... r.l....ii.. ..J f , New etudenU admitted September 18, 19. Fall tefta begins September SO. r Tot Catalogue and llliutrated booklet, addreaa . - ' . -.,t-,.:.;,v.t,.t . ,'", ."jj ' 8wUry to the Corporation. 4 I 74 C 1

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