. lyi ...... . C II. I II I ' " "-- - ' ' r . . . . - " - " v ' . it - L- ' 1 - - E Tar ' J r . . 1 .1.-.1 , 1 a. Lf SB Ul UL III' I II I V W W W W ww-ww-w-w-w-v-v-vv--v- " ' - CS jAMBMHWHW I . avi rvmv rieirro r r ' i ler pff pal AD Plans Laid for Big Member- 4 er to supply our friends i-ltli in wi,,i fiirnirnri- :it ' ship Driv Posters Tp 1 Movies Scheduled. reasonable prices. Satisfactory sendee is our eoiw 1 ..I. pi reet To Randolph Farmers and Their Families From We are Randolph county peo ple and since opening our busi ness in High Point have had splendid patronage from Ran doph county people and have upon all occasions endeavored to give tbeti are grateful for their patron age and will be glad for a con tinuance of same. 1 ' ic . . I i I 'J3 1 I O' . ... . - MM II I I 111 VV CI 1 enretl P bid t f m2C X t t Every fcrmef in this county is to b invited to join the Krm Bureau, according to announi enient issued from ( ounty Farm Bureau healquarten today AH plans are tarefully laid for the big mem bership drive You will hear little else for the next month, and after that you will be working in your County Farm Bureau, State Farm Bureau, and The American Farm Bureau to accomplish for Agriculture in an organized way what no man can do for himself alone. The County Farm Bureau office is a bee hive of industry. Representatives of the American Farm Bureau and the State Farm Bureau have been here and set up 11 the machinery for the most successful county membership drive in the state. Posters and pole cards have been received ! arid ata bsJingVlispJayid every whfere. Our i business men? living tip to their reputation 'of serving theif farmer friends at every tSpfxiriiiriity, are" oalliig!for(mftre posters to put in their windows. Have you seen the Farm Bureau poster? Well, then, .! v 1 v v .Ik v x x v rh seporter'WiH noi-spo yur surprise. Oh boy! Those big red, yellow, blue and 'green posters just make you want to get rig;ht up and joinv They tell the whole ,tory. Some of the best known artists in Chicago and New York have declared that the Farm Bureau display- standi among the most successful examplea of the poster art. They are outranked only by two of the. posters used .so effectively in the i-iberty Loan drives. Showing Farm Films. The first showing of Farm Bureau films is scheduled for, next week. "Spring Valley' is the name of the first photoplay to be shown on Farm Bureau night. This filtn was specially produced by the Ameri can Farm Bureau in Chicago in order to get the real rural setting. "Spring Valley" is said to be a most pleasing story of farmers' organization and co-operative marketing. The churches of the county have studied the Farm Bureau movement and find that it is worthy of their entire support. Sev eral ministers have declared that it is noth ing more or less than practical religion putting into actual practice the Golden Rule. They cite the co-operative mar keting pools where neighbors go together M4 take the same price; the Gift-Grain movement which saved hundreds of thousands of children in Europe and Asia from starvation; the sending of city urchins to the farms for a real summer vacation; and other similar projects fos tered by the Farm Bureau. School Children Interested. The boys and girls of the county are greatly excited over the Essay Contest announced in the schools this week. A big list of prizes is offered to the boys and girls writing the best essays on "Why Dad Joined the Farm Bureau." The contest is limited to boys and girls under 16. The I youngsters are studying the booklets and other literature very carelully betore beginning their essays. The prize-win ners will be published in this paper Watch for them. In two weeks we will nave a surprise I for you ourselves. Watch for it. It will ajJU big step in the history of journalism this county and make you proud you rer!; . v . . l.amnmffn III utifi- W irtj. What 4 hir. U-l,2.l,.lJj u nHi)iM--n in Tvn y uiuv luumy. mimes 8 United Stteswithjn tty ne yeAr. Jt isl H part ti tne rarm nurrau curve tor a mil lion new memlera. The Farm Bureau is already the bij;K''st organization of farmers in the world, but needs a hundred per cent increase in niemlwrghip in order to do its most effective work. "We shall never satisfied until every farmer in America if given an opportunity to join this movement," said j. K. Howard, the Iowa farmer who is president of the American Farm Bureau, when he launched the nation-wide drive. "One farm family out of six wearing the Farm Bureau emblem is not enough," declared Secretary ohn W. Cowrdale. 'No less than half of all the farm people of America will join the Farm Bureau when they understand what it will do for them " "And we expect to give every one of them a personal invitation to come in," replied Charles E. Gunnels, who i the Director of Organisation for national head quarters, rarmers who understand this great movement will be organized to call on their neighbors and explain every phase of Farm Bureau work. Then' they will' Invite him 'to sign up and bring with him Kthe whole family motW and the chil dren tnto the County Farm Bureau, the ilState Farm Bureau,. ad tN American! Farm Bureau three in one." , Ott for Kaoartt , It has been uggeated that we make a record lor tba Kate whila we are at h. HTh auggeatio has met with tb hearty annrovaJ of tM farmers who have talked k over, the ooutj VkciaM tbOfnlAif mm mew who f atertfHJi Mat the (raw. owiklaM MWW W Jt who have a arid hs wsiaf tkis County ;ka4 evwytUat KttuWtaks. The Ute'rttart'tUM'WMk'M total baraMp, but OS the proataf of ow h olf mm u tM Tvm 8 una ieaaapdO. AH riBt! . Lot's 11 tM Fox Furniture StoY Asheboro, N. C. stant aim. w - w .,,1. V Thp North State ( reamerv Lomuanv will be oDen for business September 1. We will pay the w I I I M U Il III' I -U I I i I 1 I I I IIIII A I r VI I V n I AIIHin l. lllUlUVb 1VV AVX AMiaa - " v' secure the patronage of the farmers of the coun- NOTICE ! ( We Will Pay Prarryrtly Ever Fifteen Days NORTH STATE CREAMERY COMPANY ; )T?.W. JHkbS. W; Mertddnhir, PrbrJetoV& - Central Falls Roller Mills Central Falls, N. C, Manufacturers of Flour, Meal, and Feed Stuffs Custom work a specialty 4 4 h - ' i r ' X t What Will the Harvest Be? Have you ever stopped to think of what the har vest of your life's work will be? Are you storing away part of your money crop for the winters of old age and misfortune? An investigation w ill convince you that our bank would-be an ideal place for keeping your funds safely. It's a good plan for every farmer to have a strong banking connection. You may want to borrow one of these days; we can negotiate the loan for you, on good security, at right rates and without any red tape. Drop in to see us next time you're in town. Make the call f ridndty you don't have lo do business every time you come in to say "hello." The Bank of Liberty Iibertj,N.& ' 1 "1 j 1 at-tickar oaid tM fwm MM S?' . . . -. ---'. lAAAAAAAAAAAAA(SArAAAAAAAAA