v - - '--"1rV.:-'iV V" " ' " ' ' - -'--S-r.--. ;--f- V iiEi ISSUED WEEKLY: iPBINCIPIXS, NOT MEN $100 A YEAR IN ADVANC9 VOLUME XLVH Ashebora, North Carolina, Thursday. September 7, 1922 NUMBER U COURT EEGA1IIU ASHE" ec:.o r:::DAY judge ' lT, HKlEYPRESlDmG ' September court convened '"' Monday j with Judge t. 3. Finley, of NorthJ Wilkes be ro, presiding and ; Solicitor Hayden ClemenV' SaliBbwy, prose cuting. - The term will last , this week and only criminal ease will be tried.': ' Judge TTnley in charring the grand jury piade a clear , presentation and MnlanaticHt of the Drincioal ffensa aarainat ' thecriminat law and 'dwelt upon the importance of all good peo- ple'iEivinr theirBUpport to law en forcement and the maintenance of law and rdeivc-Vve: Sis charge well received and hia fabne&t and fine qualities of mind and heart as well aa his ability all most f avorabfy impressed couri offi cials and- the dliv:!Uts;- ta Uc.-'m H; Parks-lr foreman of grand jury, associated with him are the followbis: - Geo. Ai Lamb. W. G. Coxr John L, Cox, L-r S. Laughlin, Clifford Hfll, w, E. Frailer, K. Millikan, A. Richardson C. L. Sur ratt. W. H.; Coble. T.' E. Farlow, J. E. Ward. P. P Fentress, M. F. Rich ardson, A. Moore, Millis Brown, E. H. Cwt. I " The-petit jurors are; Alfred King; S. A. Pugh, J. W. Bailey. O. R. Bums. Will Maness, F. J. Brooks, T. J. Bingham. A. R. Cor- nellson. Everett Davidson. The following cases nave been dis posed ox: A 41 r - State "vtv Tom. Co and' Carl Routh, nol pros , with leave. . State itsv Frank and Clyde Wboley, nol pros with leave. 'vVj, State vs. William Parrish et al.i de fendant discharged -upon good behav ior. - i FA Chambers nlead nilty. attempt ing manufacture liquor; sentenced to twelve months" on Cabarrus - county roads. State; w Henry,.Westmoreland for manufacture Uf liquor, nol ros with leave. a y.v-J"l,- ?v State vs. John Rich, called .and fail ed. " - V State v. B. i Copple, called and failed. ' f-" v'. - 7 tinued to October court. N . State vs. R. it Miller," called and failed.- VV"' J 'jj-'J - State vs. Raleigh King, continuedr State vs. Will McCoUmf called and failed, ' s t , 'V r State vs., Smoke Gray, -defendant nleads sruiltv forcible trespass.. juda ment suspended vp6n payment ; of costs and 5 for Wood In question. State vcvPrestoa Spoon, . driving car while intoxkatednnedSO.; " State vs. JameaA Hughes; ' driving carwhfle intoxicated,llned 75 and costa. - ' 'v y . : SUte vs. R. J. McNeUl, driving car while intoxicated, 50 and costs, also 60 days en Rowan roaday " Vr State vs. E. C.1. Burgess, v assault with deadly weapon. $10 and costs. State vs. Robt wniiamsv. ptead guilty operating car while intoxicated, fined $50 and. costs. i -vi. .'; v ' State w PearleCulIers, "'Wiarged , with stealing wheat, acquitted., , i Henry Laigley, plead ruDty msno factors liquor,; prayer for. judgment postponed until- October terav' ! -:K' Henry Tyson, prayer for judgment and released upon good behavior; '-J State vs. Frank and Clifton Cox, continued, --,n,- s. 1 y . - Elwood fipencer plead guilty ; as sault, sentenced six anontljs Cabarrus , county roads .upon capias sheriff or solicitor. i jrfH-r :t t Lsroy" Isley plead guDtyv- simple as sault, Judgment suspended upon pay. ment eatta, . r Ll .," -.V 1 1 .fs'i . For eamrin ennMalnd ruin. 'fin ed' $50. , -rTj-'KijM,,.: -! .v, Waltel-IIanftss plead 'guflty assault deadly weapon, sentenced Jail for two years upon cSpias of solidtoror sher iff to County roads designated, by coun ty eommlsfclw T-s. , Lz , WUl Gw-n and r Lester Hooker, charred with lurning truck' and re ceiving f, C ?t acquitted; Hooker ' foundgwi:?, f.ne rot imposed, - Rossie iulbon i,kad Sfiilty aaasult deadly wearvn, four months la Jafl. ' T. G. Trofrdon, operating ante while bitx!witl, fT.rrv 12 months 'assigned any time three years ,Poa motion r'-!J or o'icitot.4- Jsck Uan-( i ii, earrylnjrr eoncea?od weapon and au't with deadly weap Oa, Judaici:t su:; ended upon , pay ment of ew-tj. ... - . . .i ' .IRossie Kt ' r? officer, two Tfara, ass; - , to ar.y county roads ... oelirnat"i by comm'-1. . fKJey y.:r v if 1 S -0 for driv ing aa auto si -at'd and a hoh. zeb r.'Lo;:c : WANTS JOCiT. CAItTASS : ' AND ISSUES CHAilEKGE In th presence of a large audience WILL DAVIS SENTENCED . FIFTEEN YEARS F03 ATTEMPTED ASSAULT GRADY FERGUSON, RAN- DLEMAN BANK ROB BER, GETS 3 YEARS MrT . . William Grady Ferguson, of Randleman, 27 -years old in May of .this year, went to the- Bank of Ran Tuesday during the adjourned hour of to 16 years in the SUte Prison Tues wuiw txwu Aso wanoB jhiv. cum- ort ot rniii vvr nv jrHiM i k m. for solicitor in this the tenth Juley in the Superior Court at Asheboro dleman with a loaded pistol and took didal district made, a wonderful ad- upon a plea of guilty for-assault with' from the bank $543, leveling a pistol dress in the court house in Ashebqrov intent to, commit rape Jipon a Miss on Claude Newlin and Miss Epsie In the outset M, Long spoke on eoun- Reddick near Prospect, church . 'in. Woolen, employees of the bank. He y pouncs, taier aruung into tne als-ttiniw township, this county on June then left for parts unknown and turn bUMUuu ui HLHiA ami iiai.iiinMi nmniamH. n.-. am JiM Kivjpn utQ ippxCB Ox UlfJ OH J US' FAIR GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS NEARLY READY FOR BIG FAIR RECEPTION AND EDU CATIONAL RALLY AT RAMSEUR SATURDAY The huildinra at the fair arrounds Ramseur, September 6. On last have been completed and the grounds Saturday night the O. Henry and Me-V are being put in readiness and every Neill literary socities of Ramseur thing points to the best fair Randolph high school gave the faculty and pat has ever seen. The mam exhibit rons of the high school grades a warm building has twenty booths in which reception at the school building. First the various business people will have a spiencua program was given by There is also an automobile memoers oi tne societies in which vhihitjj ihAm i a inn an automoDiie memoers oi tne societies in whirh & , e nn in New OrWn two wk , section in this building. The poultry hearty welcome was given by Ray .' Davis attacked 'the'-vOiitiV whit VTAm'- 1 f Alt anl auS . Itiwtaa1 tin yv 4-Va sf and doe buildine? has twenty booths Campbell to the teachers. Fol- linrited attenticm and With-his. Bplen-Inan while walldnar alortg the hiKhway:f ials there and was broairht hark toH and is well arranged for the hairy lowing the program the audience was and feathery tribes. directed to the gymnasium where One of the interesting features oi oiocx cream was served in abundance, the fair will be the sheep and wool ex- Here everybody had an opportunity to hibits under the direction of Mr. Geo. meet the new teachers and mingle to Evans, state sheep husbandry man. gther for an hour and talk over the Wednesday has been set aside as edu- possibilities and problems of the cational day. Every school child be- school and other community interests, tween the ages of six and fourteen Supt. S. D. Marsh and all the teachers wflT be admitted free of charge. An except Miss'Cranford, of Trinity and airplane will be here from Camp Miss Smith were present and express Bragg. ed their appreciation of the hearty re- Thursday is "Everybody's Day," and ception given them, a general good time is expected. On Sunday the several congrega Fridav is "Doe Day." and the prin- tions of the tavm thnut at th uuy vi ceruun ana gionous victory m- oreos oi men ana ooys, many oi wnom Jus , wile and for seven weeks after v w scnooi Duiiamg tor a union service old Randolph-. this fall.. A tounty- that .wer armed with shotguns' and revolv-4thtebunung sat by. hep side day and Show under the direction of Mr. W. W. emphasizing the educational work of can eumnoute ine nauonat councils ers, visiiea tne scene, ana assisted in night.almost without sleep. Then he i' 1W now ef language, eloquence.and near Prospect hirf-?t lAsbabero where he gave bond for his ealft, he la a delightful speaker. 4 He was capturediafter an ajl night' appearance at this term of . court, . jfuiK jw.no yppncns ana jqb searcn .m r orsytn county; -1 wo otn-., turning over $245 of the money which 01b this oUstrk een ,conc at home in the pocket of ; m ;'t "j wraciakare-arom ana loagea in jau as mgn. roint ana hit work shirt in Ms trunk. The de Mr. Long's address:-vCj ;'.l . crowd gathered to lynch them and-fehdant married about a vear aaro and ,1 tTP0?!"0 weet:n Pl 7 officials. Davis was'24 weeks before taking he money his Itable love-feast to me. but to 6m. delivered to Sheriff Stafford, of Gnil-Ho.nni fAa .wi.ir.rr na,,o.kt m nrt.ii me and; fellowship with "you. today ford by .-tha 'captorsWho tookjiim -to, standing before a fire at a neighbor's affords to me; I assure, you, especial the State. Prison, for safe .keeping.-A house and her clothing was practical Joy lor as I touch spirits with .the few dayi afterwards Dasis was ly burned off of her. burninir her so fine emocraey W your good county I brought to Asheboro , jail ;where he.badli that .she died soon after Fergu am thrilled with the .;liope that I know a bamea.C-; ' ilsoKjeturned to the state. inspires every Democratic heart, the .... On the afternoon of the attack hun-1 . Ferguson was greatly attached to a congressman- with mter . 'prestige the search for the assailants, than any man- m that great body for Four negroes were taken into cus. Itook her to a hospital at which the the length of his service roust be dem- tody by officers who arrested them asV. Every effort-was made by Fergu- vH.w. ...vim vHuugwwcu Dvu). n(u. Buojauuw .uHuwiwiA x wu . . mew son. AvO' raise too inoney oy lus uiiiiy C Hammer, -must be returned to con- were placed in the' city jail at High worfc going to the hospital to Bee his gross by the largest majority in the Point, and. a mob of several hundred wifejf vHe borrowed money from history of the stata I predict here men surrounded the1 jail, and crowded, friends and was in such distress about and now that if the Republican party Into the northside fire station house, his wife that it is the general belief will, have the courage and, confidence apparently bent on lynching. ''-'TMrtirt..idB. niind -gave .way to such ex to come out boldly and give battle irt High Point citizens were appointed as tent 'that his wife's welfare "weighed the open Randolph will toll up twenty- special officers who remained on duty' upon' his mind until he was not re five hundred majority on election day, all night to keep order and protect 'sponajble for his acts. This is the the cnmntimitv Rov K T. Mnnrsn Let every one in the county read the nastor of RamsAnr Rantiet h,i catalogue and arrange to bring ex- preached a very inspiring sermon on hibits. i the importance of education from the . . ... A'rr. double text from Solomon "Wisdom is lakujk ibuhu ur- rAiBuiw the greatest thing, therefore eet wis. for Ramseur people. On SllnHav nicrht. fhi snmA lirA nf many oi wnora were present. an. - xuaaaox toucnea Dneny upon tne con- r l -- ditions existing at the school building, .led bT DJ- WScker, of Elon College, the absence of eouioment. Door Uarht- and pastor of Ramseur Christian ' . . ' .. . A u . u li r: i i little play c;-er uiaue a strong wiia PRESENT AT SCHOOL OPENING dem; the fear of the Lord is the be- ' . , , , j r , ginning of wisdom." Brother Morgan The Asheboro schools opened Wed- pieaa for art education that would de nesday morning, September 6, with Velnn th hrt nf man aa well aa frhA the opening exercistj in the court mind. A. ,.;v.. AmAr4n Tftr i itwij Tj s j TV Special music was furnished by lo- 1 1 J. W. Rose led in prayer, and read a' , mi . "I for I declare toyou, that there is not life and property. The mob" soon dis- opinio of almost the entire communi-icnapt6,1, of scripre. The superintend- waa fl w wfuumi ifiBwijr uuiv. uny -yvnsu, way. um acaitu vue assail- ty.. rerguson nas always sustamea ai-"- r il'.j j one man can ueiena, ana not a page 01 ant oi tne young woman continued' good character and many witnesses i?aia- w uuren uu uwu iICu, Democratic historv for wh(rh w shall until th nAxt Ha v him Tiavia 'waJ mWia ; f a or.nr fr-nm Roninmor. many of whom were present. Mr. blush orHie ashamed. f I believe in an captured while eating lunch at 4 gro-. bear testimony to his good reputation. open discus8ion of the great .Issues, eery store near Winston-Salem. j ft. is a strange case, that a young and ..while, relvtnff. tinthinir .nnnn Tlcn liu Imni no dcnmtnitiiin In Iminal' vhnm nn An a harl avav own strength but laL' in the armor Randolph county at any time, so far heard aiught against him should do as j faff' insufficient library, f9 afrVtf Ann mho. mami . a aa wrHMf . j: c 1.. i AiA . 1 : ...v.- fiTound eauinment and 1 historyfond ef our. traditions, -'I will: This Is case where there isno hyn& doing, yet aU his acta-up to ge furth the 1 cooperation of .xnespirit ot Christ. meet any itepublican on dearth on the sort oi doubt about the identity of the "that time were those of a sensible ine parents m Beemg. uuh. vus wuiureu v.. uuuj, imiuunu , uwk hu record of theDemwratic partfc negro. The young lady was oft the mah.f;1. v . . , . 8udy 8aym OT aJ?? 5n ; sch4o1 :tA--Tit-'- ine Jjemocrauc party aaa .nsd to stana and 4oii a straight, consistent 1 Judf?e Tiftleyras nmy.-MvmA 1? work out the. great' problems to epea 'statement of the facts. ef"bttteV opposition het Republican- pany Tne Kepuuican party nas naa two great opportunities to serve the 'edv H'; the; ..case-nd 3al4riemeieBs .4- 'mX: tw-cnied fschoit3rv6tk.The:H6n ment or Ahe state ana aU Jlie-ae-,WTtiy!llpriu to a-uttle over two years nu0- b w u onwuKifm v ct" won ever attaiu- iAn. , nArt imv am ArA.Tvv-x- n a w a.ai. mx.! KnrininA ' iiiicxii bu uicui of A, . A - - , , . . . AUit, V Ut SJilUK V peopieiox ine state, ana eacn t me tney poultry department for the county have recorded a complete and shame- mwu nu..,!!.. ; rvr... i """"' "i i-wiTO-nuve- aratlons lor his cusplay. There are POULTRY AT COUNTt FAIR when, g)ven .(-br itU . K 5 SS, " , . , I , ' rTv T r. ; , . . ; mr anu ir- . oceea, or mga " wi-v wwr.f ortinriTyn nnima ciw n . I Ann It 1R hellPVAli thnt T.hlS Will nA A Tn;n4- U. 1 n n rri " ' - 1 uiiiL. til 1 11 iti i . mi 111 111 nt. n 1 ridfTiie son, of Siler City, were visitors at V. I SfAAH'n SiinHoir work dren to know that there will be a kin- M Moffit; ,eft Mond a..'Tftww fiTnT-Brr nnivrna sni n TO TAYLOK-EWAKI, CHICAliU.F"""1' A x.v..Ci j- veretst to tne parents ui yuungci uiui- Bonds for the town street z ' . , , r arauoiiB ior ins uispiay. mere are "'" " " " 1 j fv, ,m oKnut mia raiwge moniw ihi monaay wr had to iretaW M the ark of tha feove- three hundred, ribbons for'amounting to 8135,000 were sold Tues-ffarten in the town opening about Elon whefe ghe Democratic party -for prixe8( and sufficient cooP8 or all day night, September S. Fifteen J nlZ l'JLn in a department of college work fothe -f:7:fS: ?. Mr. King urges . that evei7.Wing houses put in bids the sue-, f m 11 have a KwTwrn The Democratic party adopted the one havinsr thorough breds enter their'cessful one being the great eoiistitutioitai amendment wliich fowls. I Co., of Chicago, who offered 5 1-4. measure saved our very civilization - .They are to be sold at a premium ofl .-,, 0-, . n and artiiallv bavm! what la left nf the Mn Fbitnmhiul in Mln. fo . WaaIt 'S175.50. The transaction was han- ENTHUSIASTIC MfcbriNU Or Republican party, for if the reign of . died by Mr. Henry Robins, attorney at terror, brought about by their wicked Forty-six men who have been en- 'iaw, of this place. This is the high administration been continued thev tombed in the Argonaut mine at Jack-1 est rate which, has been received for layior-xiwoit ,t. I Mr and Mrs H R Mnn anA fom- ue uniiuuin.cn iaici. i lly recently made an extensive trip through the mountains and to Marsh-ville. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson return- On last Friday night a number of ed from Jackson Springs Sunday. BUSINESS MEN HELD HERE would have been consumed In the "n Cal., are reported to have answer-'"bonds in any town under a population the leading business men of the town Mrs. D. E. Highfill returned from revolution and storm of the right- signals ruesaay 01 tne workmen 0f 6,000, as far .as is known here, met ana neara Messrs. a. r. jones anu ur. iong s hospital last week. She is the one., cj- o. mmsaps uiscuss matters 01 im- mucn improved and her mends hope of the portance to Asheboro and to Randolph ghe will soon be entirely well. hospital, people, une 01 tne aiscussions was A number of her friends 8urDrised epus wrath of an outraged people, but who are working valiantly- to reach The- Taylor-Ewart Co. are Democratic rule Juts ever brought life tnem. n was announces oniciauy mat who purchased iSUipsnd 1 F 4 I . 8TECMAN n):5La:.;. i - W. I). r are m!.tr- ot!r, 1 t ' that ri r that t r v Dear f ry f r ! bt)r ' 1 , (' 1 I , ! I 1 (fntfnce. and strength to North Carolina. ; Thursday is the earliest possible time Guilford county -UnJ the KepubUCan politician con- wwjf wn rencn imra. me enure town fees their sins and' plead that we for- was thrilled with the news that they get and forgive their past mis- nao answered signals. , giveness, but the trouble is their; po- " sition on present day problems gives W. C. KING, CLERK IN no hope ef reform whatever,. Why,' POSTOFFICE, RESIGNS my friends, for twenty years the Re- - publican heads .advocate tax .reform Mr. W. 0. King, who' has been a and .solidly voted in the legislature clerk in the Asheboro postoffice. has for thtj Revaluation Act, but before resigned and has accepted the princi- this law could be-tried out, .they all palship of the Hub high' school in the bonds tubercular The bonds were issued some concerning estamisning a 1 receiving Ada mcka on her birthday last time ago, and the street construction station in Asheboro for tobacco pro- week by giving her a party. work completed about a year ago. It did not seem that it was a good time, however to sell the bonds and they were held until .the present. . SPEAKING AT THE FAIR GROUNDS TODAY A speaking of interest to the farm ers of Randolph and surrounding I A , The 'Randolph County Farm Bureau Mr- Newton Rogers and family, of is this week in the midst of a county- w"re vlslw)ra at - wide campaign, explaining the bene- Brown a recently, fits of such an organisation. If a .Born 10 and Mrs C. E. Bald sufficient number of tobacco growers wm' 8 son at Memorial hospital Sat join the organization it .is very likely urda7- that Asheboro will be made a distrib-', Daile Marley spent a part of utinir noint for the tobacco producers, i week m Asheboro with her aunt, Every citizen in Asheboro should co- Mrs. W. E Uiclc. uuutiB vera oteeu vwiteu ner Bister, KsktMft ta mifi ATMlMAa BUid CAWATalV AitmATiM svntirv It U sAnAlir1af . 1 . i a. ..j - m .t..iM i a 1 ii i a. 1 i k.i tii 4t. Aa nnsarflTA wirn rn Tarrr in phiaim lRn- own party in a vain endeavor to make Mr. King was.prlndpal of the Sea-in Asheboro Jhursday . afternoon at lng a receiving station here. weTk. 7 poUti eapitWf .ttte purely grove school last ye and had a' 2:00 P-.The speaiei -of ! the 'occa-l nonvFI mN. I Jethro Almond's show, are located auamess meoe 01 legislation. . cut to most successiui year. sion win p vry- ouci ui. w -, - - - piece of legislation. Democratic-party has so wisely work- CORD TOWNSHIP, DEAD bere this week and will no doubt re ceive a liberal patronage, as he runs vear. ..I ,; ' lerican Farm. Bureau federation. Mr. ed out our tax system that jnore than COURT CALENDAR FOR THIS ; 1 Silver is head of the legislative de- . . .rj'iuo'W., nlOTDTrT - A UTrjrHTvni'n 'urtmuit nt itiA kmin anil la a neaJr. intfkaa. taxea tiian rjr, exceprln cer- 3 -T: - ' . ' . i - ? lrSK' K nU2i Smith returned from " vuv tv uia ia wv vwa svaa nMsyiiiSiw-iiHw i.4www r t -. i , . . . . . Mrs. Elmer Hoover died at her home one of the most respectable shows that and havs r V s 1 in - In t 5 I tain emintiea hruler Renubllcan rule, and the counties now have iu- criminal cases will be taken up at aU not. Come out and hoar a good speech - L I -M .1 -1- ' X . 1 1 . .t,-7A 1.1 J Kl.MJ t.A f.HIIlM Wlf V. mil, presenosv, They will all be there. . i Te Die isv Ckab? 0tebe Utk John A.- Bush, of Lenoir, wh was found guilty of murdering1 Will CUne some months age, waa sentenced- last week 'to iie in nhe electric Chair October 18th. ' The trial - came U- a dose after hard fought legal battle, and it was stated that the counsel for the doomed man r Immediately 'gave notice of appeal to the Supreme court in effort "to, save the - young1 man's life. , Judge- J. Bis Ray presided." . : ' . . . HIGH rOlNT-ASTIEBORO " ' t'BOAD WELL UNDER WAT ''The bard surfaced road between High point 'end Asheboro Is progress ing tuceiy. 'The road roros aas oeen stationed afar Glpnola and has been .working in both directions.- Hard syr hearing yie fadng has been Ugun and the work ? t; contmuea. ; V'-: Large Stin Cap! and. "ri " A Targe still was brought to Ashe boro. Saturday which wss .the center of much Intercut. It was captured while in operation last Friday after noon by Rural Pol Iceman Frank Far low, of Back Creek, Bob. Farlow, and Kyroit Otwrll. rural . policeman, of LvaJ Cro, r.rv the riiovsr rnln- 1 i propArty In tha ( a raws y sUon. j-!: ,.pri!t lira- was r-' : ! of the C"T- and Y ' i .1 ( - t i t V t V r 'i i n i 1 t t ' v I - preme control of their tax levy 4"- future term of criminal court held in - Every dollar of taxes that you now the district court at Greensboro: ' pay on real and personal 'property j Monday 3uilford county, goes te your county government. Now,!,,; Thursdays-Orange and - Caswell listen, if there Js anything' wrong counties.' viT,v- v 'V." with your taxes in Randolph r county-. Wednesday-Forsyth- and ' Roddng see Your county commissioners. ; They ham counties. - --; ' - - made your debts and . spent ' Tour(, ThursdUiyMontgniery,-' - Randolph; money and made your tax levy, take and Stokes county.'- J .". ! that proposition home -with jooJ ' Fridar--5furTy and Tsdldn counties.' mere are some otner xearares ei our j- . .. - t un that vou.do hear . Rcpubli- tyMJitm eiNnni vn wn.l,( c' v cans talking about . Who ever heard, HAN, ENJOYS THE COURIER a Republican tell sout a Democratic -- - . -. Tr-, law, that alloc s every man U , have .tb fotlowfng letter from Jlrai! Car three hundred H ilars worth. of prop- rctt Allen, whe before her : marriage erty bforeN be rays ny tax at all? Mis, Ann! King, gives genuine When did you J r t i t that no Mtlsfsction and 4t fa, for -word of more than two i t 1 tax can M kindness Lke these ' expressed, that levied! I thank i 1 ut the Derne- newjippers thrist, while they . daily eratie party does cot forret those purgu. the tasks which ' are "sorne who toil end strurgle In the humme tims plant, sometimes burdensome, walks of life. Wed can a great state j ,:. tors' paths are not always strewn afford to do this much for her worthy wit), -oacarnany thorns prick' the sons and iUoj 1 '"rs strurgling f" a f), Duj tn, norA 0f hearing the start Jn I .e. .us is otmocracy, wus finj y,t dorm" U wh U God's eternal truth, the lemo- -trivlng for. . Mrs. Allen' rrfl'Ja uartr was born to rive every wit ' - '. " -. f i" man a c'.ance to be lifted,. up to a - - . - l-ci ,'- 'i i t tit:. flane of eialUy and juntica and hap-. Dear Mrs. Hammer! .i r r,r -f j Ineas ia l.fe. .' j o . 1 want to let you know how much I t ,. i i , - nJy reading Tl Courisr.v 1 i don't D, G 1'T! 1 1A1:: FIT 'TANTIAL thir.k I eonM gt along without it, . I CIllZl.N o:;mviLLF, DEAD left IUnd-.l.ih about four months ago and -"r, to T I like this eoun- ?'r. p. C. l:.:'.;rd !VI t Ms home try .f.i.e an -I t!..i,k It la a fine place -'::; jftn try niorn- t j.ve, rnn 1 i'-ni u.tiia i couiu taj - t v. ) Nt 1 I a r -f I it &1mn 1 - . think t evn had the first, stroke more than six Ster, S. a, last Saturday night yean ago and had regained her health, wnere sne nas been witn Kev. Ray Deceased was sixty-three years of age. taum Browning in a revival. She is survived by her husband. Mr. Tiller and family, of Coolemee, Mrs. Hoover was the daughter of were guests ei sir. j. a, wiison ana the lata W. A. Provost,, of Concord family Sunday. township. Funeral was conducted at The revival as already announced Piney Grove after which burial fol- will begin at the Methodist church lowed. here Monday night, September. IS. .... i ..i- 'everybody la invited to these service SERVICES AT ASHEBORO M. P. 'and we hope the community .will at CHURCB SEPTEMBER THE It .tend ia a body, taking part ' in the i.i l services and co-operating for the sueJ ' In the absence of the pastor who hi cess of the meeting. , The pastor, Rev. engaged in ' evangelistic meetings in, W. M. Smith, will do the preaching. Hendersoft and frinkieyvilla the pul-1 . nr. ana sua. U w. uranain, , or pit at the -Asheboro M. P. church la Greensboro, were guests of Dr, and helnr nlled . b vlmltlnr miniate rm. Mrs. Q . A. Graham last week.- u.-f Rey. it. ! Cratchneld. 'a miniate. I ' Mr. Frank Taylor, a former resV rial student Sad senior at Elon Co), dent of our town is a visitor aare,''',. lege wiUreach next 8unday at both Oils week..' . ;.v J, ' ; - ... -, r r; mernug and evening servicet, i.TUe' ' ', " ' 1 i publls- U invited to these services.. .PIEDMONT CHAIR COMPANT r y C Revival Meeting U U Held. Hi lAAOLY. DAMAGED BYFIR1 i. f ' The annual revival services at the) - , :r- '- f v,vr A' Asheboro M. P. church will begin U4' The. third fire. within three pears '.' fifteenth ef Ootober and continue foe for the Cranford brothers of '.Ashe- f ' about two weeks- Rev. ' J. D. -Wll-(boro ' Occurred- Saturday '. afternoon i' Uama, of Liberty, will do the preechwhen the Piedmont Chair Company irfg., One way to help, in vromotlng was badly damaged , by - fire. This this revival will be te think a good business was owned by the Cmaforde -bit about It,, talk to both the church and W. (X Page. The fire was dis- ' people and the unsaved about It, and covered about 6:00 o'dock la the , then pray every day for It. A good afternooa and the only cause that revival will certainly be a great bless-, could, be attributed was spontaneous - lng to Our church, and whatever la a Combustion. The plant which Is vnl blnMtng to the Methodist, Protestant 'aed at 1 16,000 was damagrxl u Un church will certainly help make Ashe- extent of $6,0od with about 14,200 in boro a better town. . Asheboro can sorance. Had it not been for tin vai rievrr h aared from hootlerglng and iant work on the part ff the fro n'l t' " n'ler evils that hrw V Hi ' ;1 'rirtrrtrnt and ninny r: a rf ' - .i i - 'i i ; 'n a rn t-"rr.' '.'v "n 1' ( r - t ' v ' A' j

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