-1 Pare Two THE A AlLEIiC RO COURIER. ASHEBORO, N. C . - -" " . THTESDAT. SEPTE1TBEB T, 1922 THE COURiER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Wdl C. HAMMER. EDITOR Wuh the nv tanff bill, a it now is, men's suits will be vivanced ia price (15.00. Of course our orthodox Republican friends will gladly pay the difference, while the Democrats will Entered as second class mail matter reluctantly follow suit, in the postoflce at Asheboro, N. C. J" i ne lanuiy reunion unus WILL CONGRESS GIVE THE COAL COMMISl SION LAW TEETH? G Asheboro, . C, September 7. 1922 RANDOLPH COINTT DEMOCRAT- together once a year. These meetings more and' (By David F. St. Clair) more favor. In Randolph county vernment 0 Uniled States is where one was held a score of years coming to be more and more a gov- ago there are now a dozen, kith and eminent by commissions, bureaus and kin coming from long distances to get agencies Wi every new great dif- ucuiiy inai arises uierc Kpnnjrs up 1C TICKET Clerk Superior Court: 1. M. V.EATHERLY Sheriff: A. CARL COX Register of Deeds: LEE KEARNS County Commissioners: JOE WEAVER H. S. EDWARDS L. M. CRANFORD County Coroner : DR. WAITE LAMBERT Houe of Representatives: I. C MOSER Solicitor: ZBB. VANCE LONG are a great incentive to ware neeping The Esch-Cummfns railroad - law up the family pride which sometimes gave us the railroad labor board but takes the form of a history clan, written by a member. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET lleajber Congress, Seventh Congres sional District: Wm C. HAMMER PRESERVE THE ROADS of the 11 railed to prevent the shopmen s strike. Some of its proponents say it twM hflrBilG it wnc uot iin vntliAtit That pride is not the same sort of th. Qne of bureaus the war thing that the snobbish persons who gave us was a federal trade commis pretend to believe that their ances- &on which was commissioned to gath tors were either Mayflowers or Vir-!er information for congress and the i -m. country about the coal industry but girua Cavaliers feel. The reunions the CQa, oprator8 by coua. bljJlMon throughout the country that count for prevented the information from being anything are held by people who do ' gathered and now in the face of a not pretend to be descended from some'601 strik.e the government is without i . .. . .i . . i accurate information on which to base lady-in-waiting at the court of Charles prop!r coa, legi8,ation II or some nephew of William the Cone-res is now ono-aroH ;n f,. Conqiteror or Robert Bruce. They arcing a measure to create a coal com just plain -folks, with as much right Mission that will gather sueh informa- to be as proud of the family now as aL'ifcfordin to the bi of f ... . , . , at' Borah formulate a policy that of the ancestors, people who have;will aid congress in legislating on the maae me name mean sometmng Dy coai industry. - itut running reason of their own work. There should unions. ill"' ! w They are GOOD! i 1 ' 1 TESTED RECIPES I I - ' ' V V . r ., v. - Grape Tarts. Grape jam or jelly. Pistachio-nuts. be more of these re- We have some good roads in Ran dolph county and it is to be hoped that the mileage may be still further increased. It is as foolish as extrava gant, however, to tax ourselves to the saj,j: limit to build good roads and then j. . il .. -lau w proviue, lor meir proper main- trv and has THE TARIFF AND AGRICULTUR AL DEPRESSION tenance. Heavy traffic, assisted by serve congress and the country, IBB Wmslow coal commission bill passed by the house is regarded by its opponents as nothing better than a legislative farce. It is an act de- During the course of the discussion i;'J5nea PufPseiy, they declare to save of the tariff bil., Senator McCtambw'j EveTymenTm;teai,t Agricultural depression has put teeth in it so as to male it f. made itself felt throughout the coun- fective in forcing the mine owners to a bigfketor in clos-i.00.6 ,nl tne Pe, and deal honestly uic iiuiicrs ann tnA niihii Puff pastry. Bake the Duff Dastrv in tha form the discussion in both houses there is then sprinkle over with a few chopped shown a pronounced lack of faith in pistachio-nuts. If preferrW, the top I nPKA nmrniceiAne anI kn:.. -l-li;. . , , . . . , ....iivm, uicu auillL to ing manufacturing establishments." may be sprinkled over with shredded cocoanut or topped with whipped cream. Spanish Omelet.' 1 sweet red pepper. 1 tablespoon minced parsley. 1 teaspoon chilli sauce. 1 tablespoon butter or substitute. 4 eggs. 1 onion. - Salt and pepper. 4 tablespoons water or milk. Place the butter or substitute in the weather, will ultimatelv ruin anv xtL .. l. . Pmpuy voted down v:v -....j :r :. ;. -"1" juru, never used steam roller meth- rt cll v.f k v III I ' I 1 Gives protection ta yoor' fiomeTBarn -and f Bulldingra from FIRE; , furniahea' "water for cooking. T washing ' and -4athing without the la- bor of drawintr . or If) it i drawing v. or pumping- . it' ' provides ptenty of water for the horse and cattle, to. Bprinlue the lawn and garden, to wash auto in fact, iences of the city works. 3' t n iiiV lhiii ) PI it, all the eonTenffVxip i of the city 'water. '3 I , , - . , - mcwi- t-uua, ne ia.,s, now- -- - more energy and determina- pour in the eggs that have been beaten highway ever constructed if it remains remedy the condition xor long uncared tor. By all means to point out the fact tnat agri-,0" in the passage of this bill, but oi sepatei adding ale7p6n let us have a maintenance system that -nit,,! ,1,; , Mi,- . TI,e Borah bill in the senate is eon- nf ot ,ii, L .i. c.ni...kiA J . .sidered a better mcamitv Kn ; : ol.i.. ..in l. ?!,TT, . a Europe that can not buy'passes the senate with ,i h" " T'f 0u.a? nul "e onlel M American farm nroducts. nd tht will toothleS hv Bmn" '7 "l."c. .u,-ra..lne.1 spatula 01 lnntr n.n c.oh riiir ,i . ' .. . v --'"". "'uhi, run uun-Diaiea imue lift the edtres. allow .. not abJe tQ buy them unti Jt can un .el w tne very men who are ing the soft upper part to run through. far less expensive than an almost' c c f , j .i, responsible for the house bill. Tn tha ti 5 u"i complete reconstruction of the roads get the money to pay for them To J! complete cooking, fold over carefully, . ra . i l i . , ... . nH in i Kfiiiiu win, i c k v -mnrn n wuiuiiwa .waM. wh.,..,. m. . i i w xi ace me Dutter or suosuiute in ar . " . : j r v ujskiu ai, mouerau? The house ma- frying pan, add the minced onion and pnce- Wn " description and prices. . - GUY M. FOX PHONE 87 ASHEBORO, N. C t ' .1 " - :ii l i- . -il. win iwep our roaus in a serviceaDie cnj),j 0f condition the year round. In the ' made necessary by carelessness and neglect. We can't eat our cake and have it too. the tariff makers. Eurooe is nooulated ter advantaw th, f "r.J K.lsn Me sweet IPPer cut into exclusively by vicious producers who lts a rule than then can in the sen- over with The Chatham County Record in a (want to undersell Americans in American market, and by the or fancy shapes, and sprinkle tne parsley and the chilli mi . . .. " ucr i the fiT- ."ere 1S, marked difference in sauce. "ex- h0us7r .rdJhe . . Scalloped Eggs ana Celery, trpmplv. Inw-nni,) lnhnr nf fh. J " .V " UW"T naM-DOlled eggs. recent issue was advocating the return , .,.,.,. r; H " 1 " nes tw UIU-nd 1 cup chopped celery. ir ui iii vviiii. ii i.i villi' i.ii s m h 1 1 n i nt' vv uioiwunAiu i iiii i f irn siamiMksi a . . . . of the once popular whipping Dost for . , .... , ; . , , . I Th Winsinw h;n "r ""TT . x' CUP cftopped, cooked chicken or - - w - iuuu uui ui me American laoonnir' . . cnaties a vpnl i h7 J5S H cup cracker-crumbs. The 7;! ; r "u. .na"; Z cups white sauce. i,-- " luiiinuoMun suupil 1-4 cup butter or substitute. But t 0jJff ; v uju j ithe Dowers of th 21'.." . S-?P "P.P ?ks and mix with the - i wic iiiKii-bAi iii ctwu. . - . " " uuuii 9 ick" rhirlr llloto int4.f. m "vai industry under ken. Melt the butter or substi- "iijute and mix into the cracker-crums; Anipriran liihnrino- ! Y rril I " i .. ? CC " various ouenses. ii.e iibl oi oiienset, mens mouths That Europe-s pr0. mentioned covered a multitude of sins (lucers an(J ,aborers are a,go coMum .uw, . i..ul ..ac ers of American foods and goods is facts about the coal wcurreu iiciiru, tuiu vagrancy. we teei tnat we must add anotner to( The onJy poggible wa we can do-B".mten? commerce, TV coal "st'.. vdKranCy pCrndpS business with Europe now is to acceofcoai wna .V7- s""? "r" breadrums may be used. Spritfkle respons.ble in some cases for it, and certain of its products fa excha e for Courts sustained the Contention It 5?,i,bo!B f -tattrnd bake that offense is bootlegging and drunk- our own. The hjgh , yent stated in the house by Representative fif SjandXkUSre r enness. This could probably be elim- u,-0 t-i, a- j Bland, of Indiana, a verv ahl 1416 eg. ana-cnicaen mixture, pour inated if the state and county officers dewier Tr- fi f Tt ITSXZ didtheir duty, but there is some thing pIus? answer ig there SSSto wjnlwbi.l to'LSfto T craclems. Plac! lacking somewhere when this is per- no RlirnlllB. turA ,; k V.oiit 'secure informatinn at J'Z , m moderate oven and bake until f " p v VUlllllt.ll ly j wm WWMy Wlv vVCU all nutted to continue, and perhaps they'of production; and that means unem-, would meet tbe same fate as are right a good dose of the whip-1 lovment an(. har(i timp, tv1r,,,hn,,Htn? attemPt of the federal- trade com- ping post might be beneficial At the country least this might be given a trial, other I things have failed. There is no excuse I It throughout migaion. The Borah bill gives the commission the powers of a dourt of enuitv tn was in the midst of "Cvclone compel witnesses to attend hosrincm revival in July that the town and testify and punishment is provid- for this 80 rt of evil in a civilized com- Mark's munitv and there is no now! fnr this'nf FWlfino-hc t ,ed for a failure to do SO, j - - " , - "r,""111 uwjum lW U VII I to De winKefl at nor encouraged Dy tne whiskey traffic, and soon the ner- nune operators who aomiml as witnesses at th Kn ri n era UaM Kw allowing it to continue. If the officers vices of an investigator from Atlanta! the senate labor and house labor corn- can do nothing, let's try the old-time were secured by the town and Rich- mittees since last April when the min- whipping post and see how many mond county jointly, nicely browned on top. Individual Egg Salads. Hard-boiled eggs. 1-2 teaspoon dry mustard. Salt. Lettuce leaves or cress. Minced ham. , Minced olives. Mayonnaise dressing. Shredded parsley. Allow one egg for each person to be served, remove the shells and cut irrT.? ""c " """: slice from eadwmd. .ml with Last week seven ZTJlZ"i?L H1 orarnre or any .malfoon mnv7 th. times the same victim returns for the white men and one negro were bound ' alKf i " "StS2 ylk- Min ome ham fine, add the second installment. COST OF LIVING TO INCREASED .over to BE w mw. Aeureseouun in.. . . , ... . superior court to answer to Bland directed attention to thl ttl. .nwa oiives, mustara, u- the charge of seUing whiskey. These tude of the mine owners and Senator ?JLJIt1 - the result of the work ofof fSlStT: tJW" jthe special aent. It would TSu Poland .rrLS that the people of Richmond county' sought to uphold this attitude ef the a"0? whites with this, round Under the new Republican tariff were sufficiently aroused to spend a mine owners in the hearings. ' Con- vfi !L5 V i! aCIW soon to go into effect, the cost of liv- Uttle money and effort to catch the"" ta T these ,PirJ 0' mg is to be boosted. It is already 'guilty parties in their county wiUder higher than the most of us would care town of Rockingham. Are e going tlon demanded. us for a fiUing instead of ham, in to have it Workers are to get less to sit idly by and permit whiskev.l The fertiliser trust and the Alabama. Treh , muttad jnay be omit- lous other liquids f"' mpny credited with tJLZ-' stvi. Wlik Cr-n-t. noses? There Js r.Ltj?n .th hiUW.,lrom iZZA round steak. the gentlemen in Washington who are no record of a blockades-being a par- Shoals pToposal" But thVmottaU " nT- ' ; ' intent upon legislating money out of ticularly desirable dtisen, nor doinr'in their persistence in brintrirur on tha. ?. tablespoons, butter, er substitute. pay and pay more for what they buy.. "new wine" and But the matter is of little Interest to sold under our very yww.win,i tu VIU1KI11K UD um r .. . ' . ... ..... I . .a . . . . " - . i. ani a.piiin evervDoavs nocKet into tna nocketa T mucn ttvwam tha nnhniMinv of muMect xrom oav.xo nav . itnM tha - . - v r 1 1 . . 1 . -'..1 mn hMM nv Tj)lrAV trnma the favored few. town and county in which he opi-ITTTTw KwreceM navs made i cups eooW honilny ' Ne ninerity party coild desire W. result, are . different, . b,ffiryBf X lSu 'IlIw": ' 1 taUe.poon grated 'horeradUh. better issue than the Republicans of,1" down the character of the men loaded ' with ' Ferd - Moede f Shoata 5 J" " " the present eontrress have presented ." mrTecks homes and business. '?Ieche; among them RepresentatiTe :,.?: rikiiA m t ii. a. l - i iiAwnnmr. mr. tuiiiiiibp u mtMiu . it r ' , ' to the Dernocrata. It ia an issue en which the Democratic party has wen two natioaal victoriea witJKn a gener ation and en which; it can and will wl third . '? .. ! " . The Fordney-MeCnmber irteasv Is the ooe tarlS bin for which bo exeuee caa be etfered and ae" JostiAeaUon presented,-'. But an incompetent' lead- season placeotiy. to Randolp a. m a . a -. a not care zer uve manhood ot 7 our eounty, or are we laiy, stint?, "or SAiMtion of , aenulring Muscle I araii a. ... a a 1 sisimwiin sf . .., i - sw.u. ; ana put a stop 0.r""f -" . ' . "T r for about-tan tnin.tA if Van Ilk. uw.i ill a. . . , . ; mnrn a it uui Mrtfir. hmai irity. mvm What is lacUns- 1ft TUAnhAA a?ww,"?.lr P.wa r Yr Vn"ZUT. -- rt comas nvai ton-, aai tirai f Haiwia have pemuded him U abendon hie- J0' t"0 ? to areased fry 'ambiUon of.aerroiring Muscle Bhoals. JP.V?t?? tbisrt ef lMaiaenlv Court Is com ing text week, and mow would be an admirable time "to bring the guilty pertles justice, aa4 dean up ,ur erahJu has Oammittad the nartr ta h e0UM'' ' BawWpa Steads and aa iaeompetent leaaerahip-ust "f first ' edocationally, be sustained eve timet the party rJcultr1 -1 ways, UaTUgb itself is plunged to defeat' part There caa be ao aeenttitf 'peae 1 ln,fT,IU,, i-T!? but .w lag behind whoa H 'eomei to Lxuujr. j jaaaai-uia caws Place Ur irreaaed Iry- an ana aida than tiim aad sear oa, the .other, v'2ook slowly v for abouVtea minatek if rou like them M SaUSb an HUaTIab LO U m h 1 ' a caadidaU for president; and , that """Tl;. rl pwwer.-aaa Muscle Shoals would bo a handier to urround wjth homlnyeroguettes made such a candidacy, w , . . . i , ' . . " I0UoT: I."? . V aanetl. Senator Tom Heflin, of AUbema. U tr5lw Dorradlftl wtt now assured that thV presldentTwiU d , ?Mnd "y not re-appoint Covemor. W. P. a f" 'H '? b". ff. crumb Harding as head ef the federal re. nl tr deep fat V V y.y" y;; . serve Doara. lae senator eays the . . : '--r.-jf this country -tmdeg this tariff, which penaUsM Americaa labor i and the Americaa eetununer, which votes aua- Creds of Bullions Into the coffer of special interests, and which' drinkers. dealers 'aad Fsl Halaa. ; It is of 'interest to note that there president knows that the farm bloc 1 tl 1 . a II ' ai . ai e WHrUT-. AND TUB MERGENCE TAWFf -if .uu n " r WVa "J- :-itTaw5 TsV M F ll lnis new ugar-coated gum young and '61d It f melts :ln: your mouthM -and the gum . in the center ; remains to aid, digestion, ' brighten iteeth and sbodie mouth and There are the other AVRIG LEY mends to 'choose.rjui too:, La. i-STl mM ! i ssadsaawssM insurniountable barriers te the- f-r-,1, wi!l 1,1 ,',3, Co""'?!! 1 el commerce upon which the proa- JS bV.rT 1' w 8 8' tCom JLJ !!7. lfrt.r,B.Bt J?,':,'t". Wsyneeoun..t AltlGH. N. 6. ' ' rarity of the Xmerican people In ls. It is a hopeful slcn that among levfrfBt critics of the I T. ; ' "ran fwerr'i : ?t will rjmnl tKa awflna.ll. rj-.' rround ef senatorUl . eourteiiy If it VbIngUn, August 3L-It has not comes to a show down. ; But VeCdu n, JrnJr Jrr fOi Warren says he has his man beaten Without 9- Urdiil expressed the opinion that Mvf4n - - . j ZarnMrs could ahtaln nmiiurlx V. w are rony-elFt fairs scheduled 'for tKa -, ! i,. 1. . t ralslne dollar bWl I U k. "Pi111 ,a rt,.cr",in Th" fcia orch to find another mr to August,-1J, la. the the vlace. 1T wania t .r m.int second year of rreaident Uardlns-'s Comptroller of (Xirrncy . Crlinfref '"Jnlstratlon, what sold as lowu I . t). 1 " 1 ., a iIa t a hM.kl ..J V J ... a. i. t 1 ..... .. ' ' . ! miiiLiruuer 1 crDoaea lt lic ,ng wuuih vne low mmvTtT .,. .--i.t ,. r curl' r !nc' bc,," ef k!f JWf WVe cent. -.Three years age 'a. -ma,- - -.1 -1 1 i, u arw; L.-rFa arui h r wt.i-(i, - nnmn n Mnrfriiia tlon ..ji v-T.-rr .... , - -130 a bushel for wheat . v I, . TPTTJtTV . ; . 'f.t.. f . The amentency tsrif lIH 'pnt a . ' ' '' ' , Lrtl.rt M.U., na,-f r-lr.; ht fo- he imrpose of re- A Cr.!:e cf l;Ur, sh. i Ji ,nV ' l a,i!'w yU(i v nf Hl a... bill a statamn i- in-Ci- 1 . h- f the c! ' are: '-n,lr I') 2.'i; Oinrlnuc, 1 t r"n). Varikin rmm- Cend : 0 for- f-7 yoor' yZ&Hczo, to S::ccctd:$r,.; arsrxKP a fun, u , 014 nort.iBitt, a u bwn.i.a w,,4 f r ,niir a-l"e koo...i, riira, tpl, Muia i4 SiltW On, r ' la Smaiid At terr pkrla. rrS. InriJD tNf SLhriQ; ini-ia raw mI lirlM Vl anM; Uwewf?h rnirH fc i E.l rg. . SaraQ n, ttm.; r. -1 d ' . not mfw4 aw anal aaarMS aaa g"a. rua l wuute arw. ., i .. . 1 , ' ' ..." ' . , - - .n. r.'i' c t . .cm.' at a. C L UYrirtO, rnu.it 1 t r ; 1. '7 1 r 1 .... . ,f tminij 111, r OUlrlBlS Oiinafl, sni s ' l lor the fair vl.lrh whrnt is s'ill ,n ; , ,,T ri and H a 1 : 1 '1 ::. c. it r! t 1 .f ... lavl.T I to , IT ! ' - T 1 ! ! ! 1 f ' f ', -n for "W , r- flowrrrf , r v :i trR; , 1 TJXTV :-! r ' '1 V V

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