V ' ISSUED WEEKLY ' ' V- :PRmcnLTQ kotttpv " ' : , rulJCIPLEOTIIEN, ; S2.00 A YEAK IN ADVANCl r . n II M KITK j TEE REAL FACTS - co:;ce?:z;g the courthouse debt The. following article is .the m from wjiich CL N. Cox in his Earner speech quoted only a pert especially laying stress on jne loiiowmg per, graph: . .. . . - "Am ft matter of public and general interesVwe would say that the rec ords show that the new court house has cost 129,544,99 to date, every dol lar of which has been paid.? "' As we understand it Mr. Cox 'did not read any other part of the report oi ua .nnance commute which plain-' ly ahow8 that , the contractors, workmen and .building ' ""supply " men, were paid according to the statement by notes designated county notes out standing xortne new eounrhouse. The report of the finance committee la 1909 makes a statement of the in. oeoieaness ei me - county and states after making the statement that the county has borrowed upon notes fur ther state that there is ue other ia- al.akW.t'.akalaaaLa... La. ll a I? -- 11.1TOU1 or toe county ana Mat toe nejr eonrt house is paid for as stated vf the report nearly all with the notes as the report shows, a little being in cash artae time the settlement was made with the notes.: Later on some further payments were 'made 'as ia stated in another article in this issue of The Courier., r, ;.-... Republican speakers in this county are In the habit of making false im pressions and statements and are "at tempting to mislead the people in! quoting part of the finance commit-1 tee'B report for 1909.?' I The court house cost was'' not unite l x . a a . . compierea wnen tne report was made and some more was expended after the report was made. The report is girea in full below i REPORT OP THE FINANCE V COMMITTEE, DEC. 6, 1909 CANDIDATES IN JOINT D&. K -i ; CUSSION AT RAXSEUBj A Jarre crowd -' itmAA tV irjt discussion between the KHdstss at Ramaeur Tuesday ereninr. , A u of th emrtdidatee announced, themaeives and Messrs. L C Unur canHiH.it. 4 A, - - w m aro xgisiarare, and v. - It, : Weatherly, for clerk of court spoke on the Dem ocratic side; while Messrs. C. N. Cex candidate for the Senate in thia dis-' tnet, and J. E. 6 pence, for represen UHr' "Po'w " the Republican side. Thie is the first joint discussion of . Messrs. J. R. Rrott n . ic. JMnaid,. Democratic nominiuui fo th. enate in this district, were also pres ent and announced tsmi.Nr.. . the candidate of the opposing-parties v mii r inn un miNri the R,; 3 8e,n J0111 "Pealdngs the Aahebere, Kerth Carolina. Thgraaay, October 12. 1S22 LYCEUM COURSE FOR S 'ASHEBORO THIS WINTER , x HAKDLEMAN NEWS jUr. 'and Mjt. Ediaoa Slack, who have been the mesta rt Trfr nH if,. iChas. W. Slaek: for uim tin. l.ft Lyeeuss Courae Coming. for-their home in De Land. a i . ... . . . . i ionna.v . -v lit " m - . NEWS OF HUSTLING TOWN OF BENNETT HODGIN-FEBEEE AIW UU Tear the Woman's lirtl of the" town is planning to bring the Kedpath - Lyceum to Asheboro. This year- A committee from 'the. K. P. Jim been appointed to assist fa th wnrt A Urge number -of the neoDla f-h town will .hail this movement with M M j.1 - j . .. xur -uiere ia mucn sentiment against carnivals and tent shows of the ehean Tariety. These entertainmeota. live in number, will, be of a high elass, aJand Ma, JSVN. Bowman. This k well as most entertaining. something the children 'of the town will enjoy well aa-their elders, and at the same-time it will instill in the childrea the- love of betteY musk, and dates and places of v which are rivSClareH,H, or 0etMr mnalc' r 1-ewher. h thi.' issue of IwSl Jt!&9Z X manifested mlWuMS'. jvm uiscussions and the BDeakr ZZ1 mmo qur nUring mto-the:& J..J the are A beautifully simple wedding oo- -curred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorije Ferree. ThunH9l That Bennett is a orosressive. thor. !? 0 . when their daughter. Haxcl. Gomtii ir.-..j w t (ough-gom? business town is mrjH i?c?mB' onde of J. Phal Hodirin. ton, en Octobe7 Z, . daughter v" I & viit0 who eom Jfo. j, Gp"n3boi2: .Pri" to the ceremony ' JiMlv7T .rSS p t W BennetVis in Chatham county THJf Kichardson sang "I Govi speTtSkllnJ on. ? the Y? d "At l Dawning." Mis, , of herl namnta -u. m ? a , ""V1 counry une, and many of "V becoming sunset ?:Jr 4 Mr- d Mrs. J. A. the citizens Uvirur in the town ire taffeta gown with eoreaire of Killarner Ivey;.-''-; n Mrs.' .' rT li. fir i'-nuwi'a couoiy. in tne wai o ,T y,v " , '"i4uea oy suss Frails. JiwmrfV 'l16 'ture it U my purpose to give a list I V1 Hadley ho wore a lovely black wSSSS?' I' e.re of Mm of the Randolphites and eanto" CP with Killarr.ey ro- weeK-ena guests of their parenU. Mr. the diffMwit K,n. fJL- ses. As Miss HaWUv ij i p.!'tT,e w" aeeompanied by Miss 3 m their Pnts, Mr. the different business which they are interested. enterprises in As Mis 8 Hadlev nlaverl lkn." gnns wedding march the bride and diusul an, readings. One member of the com pany is especially gifted-in- reading uu wiveipreung-james wmteomo Kl- y s poems; Seldom has atnale quar- DEMOCRATS AIR NOTED . v SCANDALS OF REPUBLICANS The Democratic atTnf irft-litet been o highly inimended.The sets forth some of , "r,e number which will come in De- fcandalarlof Tiepublican ad&traaon !tmberJlrthe Gr0Ta" Marimba-Xyio-iri th k iTrr110.01 Phone domnanKi- beinB mmno wed. nl .om7f,,,? artistsBesides the . Marimba! s that have found their wav.?0 n"bers will be other in . open that it telk of ire th !lSTmtal sec,ertiona berrv ae.nlala, .4.:Ti impersonations. Another number Truman H. Newberry m UmtH st.t i ?b? co"e-brings Jane Goude, nhe Mrs. To the Board of Commissioners of Kandolph county: . c ; -. , The finance Committee of Randolph County respectfully submits the fol lowing report as to the finances of the county:, ,hi- t-7 ..:- cJ Owing to the fact that this Commit tee was not 'appointed until late in the year, ana tne inability of the-mem- ir. ettBarr.the guests of Mrs. Jones1 par ents, MA . and Mrs. J. F. Routh. senator from Michigan-try unanimous "lmJ- wesV who reade gfe - vot of the Republican If aAMar with a vivid person- . HARRISON RINGS THE BELL the senate- committeedn pSires Tluiyoun said to pes- -f o and elections, in the face' of court andifff 'are abl!1;?. nd tale,ts an en" MmT Sentor Outlines Con legislative record. h7 tertainer and bids fair to be one of .Sstrurtke Program of Action. a . UlAL HI. tk A. , 1 i v I . " . ' least 1195,000, and probablv f2fiO(inrt j "?r PPular numoers. "The An- i rr had beea spent as aK fLd'to Hp! n-Bron 1)110 offer interest-Lll at Harmon, of Mississ bauchthe senatorial iMJJX:m PrS:ram of songs, dranjaUc se-j ip?! ml?er of the senatorial cam in MichigS 7$U fZ l0 Pi numfeSs andharp s4PSllmmAttee' o."" the big angered honest citizenT everywhere MlsS Anderson is a contralto so- JSEfiS. ,h ? s,tand.s irresnective of hhL iSff1 possessing a voice of rare charm f0!.?6 Podges it. makes that-it u.lx". .uw.uubiuoii, anH heantw Ono f tv. -l,: j : augueny-morse UBKrm. IUIT D.MMtr -i vri ... . . . Hammtini Tf rnXI 1 " x Jr. and Mrs. 1. T. Brown have re-, w,u ""lelr1 ""attended except for S TYftoKTi?1,eKe'- were, turned from Thomasville from a visit 'fe Ferree, sister of the "ieSTi- n.. The- enjoyed a visit to 7h .bride's boro waa tk 'i" urpnanage ana were espe-,:"" , ' were spoken in Els d u7i? VU,,t0r of cifUy. interested in a visit to the dairV I 2?1Hwert jrior before an altar of xnenos anX reUUves. i where the milWn wo, Hk k i trailing cedar, and mlrin h Ki..i vmv. Jim Green - closed hG ttltriei& a-TT. rrXl' meetmg Tuesday night. He hd iT'i-iTrLfr"' tued iwLrHmny 80 L1 Br was also interested in turner new neartS tO God. I Thomaaville'a near aHvroin. i htT.tpWn; hundred ordinary chairs. wwn fifc Bradley, Of Danville. Our mramnnitv ma siJj V,,, v, Drr'FSM!?atL?l.t0W? this week, death of little Raymond, the three-i a lovely bouquet of bride's 'roses fiwnal ArA . w""uay in year-oia son oi Mr. and Mrs. Willie i " uues. j DMiKaicmn. i it ' i. , . tonard, of Greensboro, but formerly seSiVTftUll8,T,lui8 teW",o W community. The little boy's wnTnSSK' SP" eWee!-end death vas caused by h Playing with SlaM Ml- N-Jmatches- ms bodjtwas brought to . I Jones, of Ben-'north of Bennett for burial. g cedar, and rolden md hanv4 r'l. I18- The was softly lighted by candles. During,the cere mony which was performed by Rev. ' "To a Wild Rose- was softly played. The bride wore a Ha waiian blue duvetvn suit anH hat vtfW gray trimmings and accessories, car- M. Daugherty's coimecti r"-' ! rds of the entire course is Glenn L. mysterious release of " ChariA w -i M'ms scientific entertainer, who Morse. cohvieUd demonstrated radio telephones, lectur- iicueiiu pemiennarv on tho nmtnlc C. f . . o" m"" v uweiec- of a minimum fee'of f2B.onn h rtrfL"0?1 world-. ..ln many towns Mr. Mor- efforts of Mr. Harding's attorney gen eral and his friends tn arble "the facts. t f"T- ",,mda'ecretary of thh Interior Fall is now under public con demnation and is, threatened with Mft. gressional Investigation following his bers to devote th time wmeh wonM KreeenteI T be ahaolntelv iT-WT-u. - .".T-'V'.'T1" ? P" " "-"a ,'vvwmw w uifULQ UU- tailed report, this report as will be seen, Is approximate in some respects. To make an absolutely full and detail ed report of the finances of the euin ty, slnce the time of the last report of a finance committee, would require the undivided time and'servicea of an expert aewuntant to weeks, but "we desire to tey, with emphasis, that this status of affair, , not due to mAn, ner in which the present county of ficials have been, and are, conducting vim wnuuy ousiness ana Keeping its vate interests controlled by subsidiar- Vi uj Bwnaara ou Company thousands of acres nf yirh n;t .-v known as the Teapot Dome naval re- serve. . , - f". - 'Goldstein 'aandai--Nat Goldstein, Ward - Politician NnA jnmki.r?u.. St eXouia hou'Se rir-whi en i delegate-id. Ithu pffctiS1 cuuvenwon oi jzg : took' J2fiQ0, of uovernor -bowoen'B ' campaign ..fund. ns nas established wireless clubs. As an entertainer and lecturer on scien tific subjects, Mr. Morris is unexcelled This is a brief summary of the course which comes on reasonable terms. A season ticket is $2.60, and if one de sires .to buy two tickets, br a double ucxet, it will be sold for $4.00.. A re- aucaon will also be. made for family tickets, as the Woman's dub we advantage of taking the children to these entertainments. Tickets are on sale at both drug , stores and may be purchased from the Lyceum com- FORD, DAVIDSON AND STOKES It has been announced that Rufus A. IS the Cdrtv that stnnrla f,,o,,., tne interest of the people and against "Vj ,uM oi special interest.. .fr -iftMi Statement Senator Harrison sav8;fef; N . 'Pemocra,tic party does -not Dase t? Campaign in the coming elec t en fbult finding and criticism but, fuld be entrusted with power in the coming election, it naSuiH ukJ thfollojving definite policies: The.'mmediate repeal of the in defensible: ' Fordnev-Mpflnmho, n. fibers' Adjustable Compensation Tar iff Act Jnd the enactment of such changes' the Underwood-Simmons Democratic tariffs as will meet the changed conditions of the times; ""To -provide by legislation. to the jAericaii soldiers; sO tyide.i system of tW'ralxjti ' Utsxfittiicl,: to the M neculiar fQiestotticfeftr OWVa iUCIlj".' no maintain our merchant mnrirtp at a mgn The hisrh school is nroeressin? nice ly tunder the direction of Prof. R. O. Smith. The Bennett exhibits at the fair at Slier City last week were most cred itable and won a number of premiums. An old quilt which won the prize at the Lee county fair three years ago created much interest. It was made in the old country and bears the date of 1679. The, quilt is owned by Mr. C. R. Jones who lives in the southern part of the town on the Asheboro-Car-thage highway. I he btandard Oil Company has A ft&r thA .....H -77 cu.uii an, lniormai re ception was enjoyed. Mrs. Mac Ridge and Miss Donna Lee Loflin received at the door, while Misses Lena Hil hard, Ruth Hadley, Mary LofiTn, re, Wood and Mararet Boyland, ot Salisbury, serve mom oj the dining room was decorated with rooms1 as were other reception Hfteritereception Mr- and Mrs. Hodgm left for a trip to Washington, ThWrk and other northern cities. Ihe bride is a most attractive and practical young woman. She was ed ucated m the Ashebort, schools, Mars tiill College, atterward takino- ing as a nurse at Memorial hospital. High Point hospitals in High Point. one naa manv frmn,) u A cently purchased a lot on which they county who -regret to lose nerom Will nut. nil nnH o-aa tanlra tVi "CI Arvai will put oil and jras tanks. The" Yow-Brown store company has during August and September shipped $29)000 worth of cross ties for which they paid $18,760. The sreneral in spector says that more and better ties are shipped from Bennett on the southern railway than any station. Mr. C. C. Cheek is Working a large force of hands ' nuttine in new Dlan- ing mills. Loads of fleecy white cotton are daily seen on our streets being hauled to the gin where it is sold for good prices and the seed is bringing 40c per pound. LONG SHANKS. ONE DAY'S EARNINGS TO the town. Mr. Hodgin was educated at Guil- nC2 e8i and the University of North Carolina. He has a position in Greensboro with the Piedmont Ice and Uoal Co., and is a young man of busi ness ability bearing promise of -a bright future. They will be at home in Greensboro after the middle of the month. A large number of out-of-town guests were present as well as from the town. KILLED W"HILE CROSSING THE RAILROAD TRACK W. C. Manuel a The North Carolina Ornhan's Asso-IkkL!., It.i,s M that he was - ujmum iiv rna . . j v. mihhj; ran wnicn ideas have been introduced, and up-to-date meawds appUecLby the present incumbents, and on the whole, the public financial records are-being kept f'otui ux more complete and ac curate manner than ever before. ' The following is an approximation of the assets and liabilities of the coun ty at this date: ' " - Assets. County fund in trenanrv ,Road fund in treasury , vuuniy taxes lor 1909 , Road taxes for 1909 ... $828.61 4,411.78 17,292.67 8,518.99 . " " Viatinn i.n.nimn,l n A i.. i 1" "J ""5 UnZZIiniT was nominated hv PmSw V IPk'.'1 nas Deen announced that Kufus A. " ""aara ana to operate it r; uPu a iCW.u- was fa m d - rbeBcofyta o' Alleghany county, J. wItA 'ZJ" Mf.OT ? tn. V. Manu St Ti,5. Kt AtuA . .v A oaiiey, oi itaieign, and Uvde Hoev.P'.'r "" topie wunouc sud- i ,-. wuen viov- nf ssv.-ikw ,iii ni swv or sdm man m Guilford, Davidson and Stokes ,P.M, trusts; of the state "for their see or hear liberality in 1 1 TC - "lal,u ws returning .u. aiIAn from the ice factory where he hJt Ftfljlov ftf PolainVi J rl,l- TT I ,'vl6' V1JUC X1UCV. I 1 . . " . " 1L. 1 a X . ' ss. . O - i ' . w "w.ivn W4XCI1 UUV- I nf Uhn kt. ...ill . x -Mr , Hill V fir CTlAOlal nivi Innvtn - 4LA l. . Ml COC11L1111; LIIK 1)1 I.flP TnTTlOr. - 7ZZLZ,CjJnl C?l- ping trusts: ' Hess ones to the public." The associa- a" L!C.e whe? th!e lu ueniocrauc senators denounced1 n;,.' ?T Tn ar,r,-f j ,.. 'tion has for a nnmhor nf vonr hn v.-. C.7 on cne Dack ot 1 ... rww..w.vw. ifujue II. 13 UI HUM S LIHH1 O-PTl- I 1 1 ' -1""-' J 1UI i . , . , ... .o licau aiso him as unfit fr h r".:ir ,counues. While it is understood ren President Hardinf an SenatoTspen)! S l1 b?,a saf Dem- cer, Republican, of MissoSrirpraSr0 1 the November elec- --i . . . ! I""" Hon, the Dartv la scnHinir i-nmo uoidstem shortly after - his with drawaL , Federal appointments scandal four men indicted by a federal grand jury of 16 Republicans and seven Demo crats in connection with the New berr election ecandal. were innninf. ed by President Harding to import ant ieaerai posts in Michigan. -Violation of Civil Service. "Bureau of Enirravino- scandal violation oi civil service l tivimiw vi civil service regulations Total ... hoAORi an, enthronement of the spoihW economic administration of the ernment and to Dut a ston to gov 'behind a movement to influence the'nl the PeoP.,e of the state to give one day's track to ororv nf lni.inM ,v,;-u earnina-S at the Thankstrifino- spnann K i. k aj .Mtiai, nruit:ii I ifvai K . o ..... . mam.. .1 i i rr i ti 11. . 1 . .1 1 . . . ' -. Ot- ha i-Z 1 .. LU LI1H 1 1 T 1 1 T 1 Tl O-O (it thdl. . . . - meir pest speaKers to these counties. , i"CDciii, umg unner me e- T. r :r u.u... was inought that he U. -i n o. . . . c " nilhllcnn 9HitiMrfH : IhlS 19 airain the renuest fnr 11B -nm. r , . ."c .t!5: ::.. Jing season, and it is honed Sit ttel..?.?."Pnn.? district, will also make several speech es through these counties. A. it i i ' .nnhlii. wrill U.- ;.. j . , , ' 1 ' nceivedT1 8y"em " "lo abolish useless jobs, eliminate, ""BS- unnecessary expenses and to reduce 1 ouvm , ,.' inexcusably hih salaries fived h thu , SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS . . . " . . vaiw m w.i mnn A yaj-j-v I bruisincr ne was N knocked from the a sitting position on the north position, it turned his back from the track, is survived by Liabilities. Orders allowed but not paid County notes'- outstanding, oun uousey Account dna Jnlv 1Q1A ... Account due January, 1910' $208.74 Total .. .. ;. .. ....127,033.84 The item of "mAm !inni JA ... . . M WW TT mi inn paJd,- covers a period of three years back only. The probablllUes are that no such orders or at least very few, jf Jy; exist back of thatdate. vAU 2Tcst ocrud and due has been paid. The outstanding notes -were all given hLITX bomwd the construc tion of the new nwit j if to 2o.25-00, repra. rSU..S -W'nt of .the en. - "-uuiuoa oi tne county. u. iilJn:aU1 ot determine ta I "Trl em,ntr orders out "f have not been present ed to the . treasurer for payment, yet our examination hat faUed to disclose V T apparent thai If any la t'1 n nInuflcant 7 teew fBnd tWs commit-w-??."0 d. er, at present, then - va,or an r nam I ai .a, a. a . in j.:. - "port oi me super- System was exemplified, amnno- nthar instances, in the summary dismissal. IXk. X . a ' wiuioui warning or cnarges, of the di rector and thirty other officials of the pureau of engraving and printing in 26,625.00 1 Washington to make room for Repub- NEGRO STEALS HORSE BELONG ING TO R A. WATKINS, TROY Mr. B. A, Watldns, one of Troy's ftMHAn. 1 .... . Aviwiwsi. uusinesH cmrjma. wad ,n t AaneDoro early this morning looking xyr um une sauaie norse which had been stolen by Abram Clark, e neo-TY. who had shot another negro. The trouble between tha nan.t. J. curred at-one of the road camps and Bml. 806 that the laboring administration. "To administer the civil in good faith and without fraud, de ception or nypocrisy. TjUt WPplf TirAVArl An A til T.,l, t two farmers in Randolph county wholo0 been Work on Guilford Tubercular Hospital It was announced this week that Work will begin almost at once on the Guilford tubercular hospital. The con- let to the Thomaji. Willi n . w viiiu- "To enact legislation orovidino- i, were JoDed of their tobacco. They I""' "w)n ompany, of Au- r fair and just reclamation iwlicv ije Jasper Boggs, of near Asheboro, h lT - luhey w"1 r m.. A 1 ... ucy-. and M. M. Rnnldin f T,-.-t t Vcharge of the entire i6b inr ndmo. k. nrino mon " """'' Aunua oi nis tooac-. . ... V mo wjiai Abram Clark knocked the other negro Mic iieau witn an axe, snot him and then stole the horse and came toward Asheboro. He was seen at Ether, on uiv nurse, JOINT DISCUSSION OF POI.TTI KiAi, issues by candidates 700.00 ucan henchmen. 600.00 Aoraen scandal The removal of -t I Surveyor General I. C. Thnrenann. of Utah, by Dresidential order, hlthnno-h his, term had not expired land no charge of any kind had been lodged against him; was admitted by Presi dent Hardin? to have been nrnmnted' by the desire to give the place to, a xiepuQLican. ' "Ship subsidy scandal Nothing less than a gigantic fraud under the color of legality is the scheme to sell the people merchant marine,- built and developed during the war et a eost tober 14th. at 7:80 o'clock. or X3,u00,000,000, for tenth of that Trinity, Tuesday evenina- vuui .uu Hiou aivo un ujk cunwnuoni l itn. u -xii ari.iw.ir wnica got tne amps aa aggregate of tiWMWflm in bonuses for oneratina' them,' with an exemption from taxa tion as an additional largess. - "HarveT scandal Geo rre Harvev'a msuit tOyuence in his speech at the Pilgrim dinner lirf London 1 in the eourse of which he said s , 'We (The United. BUtes) were not too- proud rotendent .wHMd. .nt wve the'-tock fenm-T V1 acnooi funds, as this Wofr' "lclent C NaK Tt rJfc ",yet nl they are ntrSt rT .tnibUc and" general .rfjM 1 "T that tfie reo. M en-VTot f . . the nM COUrt hoUSS irnn k hM paid. To thU rmed Sf,i,,.,,u Th,, ,aeo..f'eVe' th" ' r tia nlln li i . ' " " mU Olll 'Kind. ,"P-ctfully , . JIAI . , T. J dks and, fix ir -I. ''"TIT, on an American army transport and at public expense in the face. of e protest by the senate-and the criti cism by Republican newspapers was aa Impudent abuse of offldal power and misue of the people's taxes, Secretary Denby's junket has ' taken three months during which a trans port,' a big crew of American sailors, thouxands of tons of fuel and other supplies ell wprenenting hundreds of thoufmndg of dollars of the tax pay frn' r -inpjr hsv bn tiod to giT Mr. Ii.u psr'n r:,,ifit c:i irj a va--n i-i t t -t." Ihe' Democratic and Renuhlican canaioates on tne county ticket, in eruaing tne candidates for the state legislature, senate and house, will meet in iolnt debate at the following dates, and places: . . Kandleman, Saturday evening. Oc- Oc tober Sengrove. Thursda avenlntr rvt. ber 19th, at 7:30 o'clock. . Farmer, Saturday evening, October sisi, H i: o ciocx. Staled. Monday even In v. 23rd, ei 7:80 o'clock. .October Mr. Bray Endorsee Candidates. Allow me to express a few, of my JPrV :X w,r BOt tpItkoughU In regard to Prof. Weatherly fight (in the war against Germany), and Dr. Lambert, who are on the Dem- n Do-n conaamnea oy ue American ocrauc ucxet lor county offices. Legion in national convention bt the! h Prof. Weatherly hV lnV. kaaa ol4,Star Mothers and by : many f next to rny father In my mind as e staunch Republican newspapers, but, man. He has done more rbr the young 1. V I 1 A 99 I . . . . I TT. .... . . . . ' uvrer uj i iraiuein nirauir, nwrn mtntn nanao on ana unuroni' than Is Still misrepresenting, America at I has any other man of his day. He has the court of St James. ; (tolled ail of his life for the uplift of S mwM aW"- WVWIUM klOISMj Maf JVUMallll KBIIOI B1UUII BB lit 1 SIBSal in oi tne xsavy tfenoy s junket to Japan turn received very low salary In deed, end I think the time has mum for the people of good old Randolph to reward this man by electing him to the place he so rlxhtlv deserve. I wish I could only east my vote for him out am out of the county. t '. Dr. Lambert is a very younr man. but. has always been very practical and business-like and, I am sure that if you elect him yon have made good your choice. Dr, Lambert's father and mother have always been on the right Ids when It eonwn to r"lii'ral views. ' W. N. I: HAY, lT!;;h Point, N. C. shaU receive a fair deal, a livimV waw i C' T Bouldin ,ost over M1 LrZ Mround 20,000, and that and reasonable workiii? houMi wa-?e , pounds. Tracks showed where a truck "Ration from a friend of $100,000 ' "To pass legislation not in the in-1!,"8 S ,!? ""W up the barn of wft n.n,Me WWch will lessen the terest of a favored few but of alt the ' M.r. Bouldln and the tobacco loaded to the county greatfy. It will be people. the,wlth apparently little trouble. It is;loc,ted 0Lthe Greensboro-High Point -"To simplify and r-vi th- t.,'.not known Just how Mr. Boggs' to- Joad n?ar Ah l, about ten miles laws so that taxes mav h ,m ?cco.went 'though several theories if"1 Greensboro. It will be modern fairly and justly and nnon thnaa he.t hmjio w pay. x I "To liberally aid good roads con- Btruction and the improvement of our nvers ana Harbors. To invoke the agricultural arm of the government that tha fnv.M ... . -" J 'TJl llMij be helped to receive fair prices for uieir products and through the pro cess of elimination of overhead costs and unnecessary expenses m distribu tion and marketing. reduM-tKa f proauct to 'Uie American sumer. To drive 'Newhe mH.tr,' .k. hlh places in which it im nn wronea oy approprUU leglslaUon, to pr-TOii co rru pu on in politics, and re- wro uie -rule ox the people.; To prevent members nf tha eon. irress In both houses from voting for their own selfish interest at tha . pense of the people. V- "Te brinx about a lormer nign and commanding posi uon in inurnatsonal affairs and In augurate a netur raiatinn.h - Hh ji ii . . : ' uwnmi nimni,, t ( " ' ..'' -i Tolayout new lanes of trade end commerce ana find new markets for our SUrPIUS. aCTl cultural anH miiia. xacturea producta. - ' j ' To Sunolant the nranl Amtl- tratlon's policy of uncertainty end In- cnoa cy- one of courage end decis- tnn l. ... . i -",-. - To put a stop to our rnldlada. creasing-balance of trade and give im- wu vt our export trade, thereby bringing about a revival of busiDeu and expansion of our tndustriee with resulting general .prosperity among our people. . -, . "To remote the strangle hold ' of nflRah lntnirt from the throat of !rr-;':.,ui!a huMnr-a, and til rentore - If;: ..rtur-' t o! atilit have been advanced. COUNTRY WEEKLIES AT THE STATE FAIR For the first time North' Carolina country weeklies are to visit the State Fair in force. The Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Association has vt display tnem in the Dootn. in addition to the exhibit of in every way affording mm-h aAa treatment for tubercular patienU of the county, both white and colored. NATIONAL APPEAL FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF WORK MADE A national appeal has gone out from resident Hard in ir thia week for tnA. association's, I? ttn7 on rescue work in the Near f-aBt- Jhe Red Cross is to assist the Near East relief workers in distrib- se- lectea issues of the country weeklies uung tne funds. Funds will be raised ine association wm keen on file tha'r a special committee h.,UH k eient week's. Issues so that visitors former Postmaster General Hays. The at yie fair can drop in and get the iaie news irom their home paper, The Courier will be represented in the main exhibit " MR. J. A. HOLDER PUR CHASES TRACT OF LAND Mr. J. A. Holder ed the McAlisUr and Hammer tract of omoer lying on the good road between Asheboro end Ulah. V. UoiH t... been engaa-ed in tha )umfc ho.u... to the r-wthern part of the county foci some time but will . ananH hi. ir looking after the property he hu just yuiu.aasu. xxie - wiu oegui having ua cue near weex a rut will nut up sawmill in the near future. He hss made.errangtmente with the Nor- ioi a eoutnern railway to put so sidetrack. ' ' . ' sunenng and persecution in thaa. countries of the Near East has been most acute for many years and within the past few months has revived with intensity. Ftthds wlU be, raised in Randolph in November for this cause. Each year the count v nennia ha. tributed to this work, but never has their money and interest been so in demand aa at the present TOOT BALL SEASON TO OPEN ' in ASHtUOKO FRIDAY ' "I Jews Celebrste FostltaL 'The Jews of the bratlnr the annual autumn feaat or the Feart of Tabernacles, or Soeeoth, beginning Friday, October 0. This Is uie iorerunner ol the naUonal Thank, giving day, pageants, harvent feU- vals and other c?rmonle, as wpll as' ffliriou ritra Kra performed on thone ocfRdinrja. - j The foot bail imum nt Asheboro on Friday of thia waair i. Hhe Asheboro boys will line up against . t nm ureensbore high school. . It Is pretty hard by eomnarisArf' If v- scores to tell who will v !.!, This much Is certain, Asheboro beat , Sanford twice last year and Saaforor has beaten Greensboro thia year. - It seems that AihahnM h.. .i good fighUnr chance.. Much will de pend epoa how the town and school eneouran tha team. Tha ko. been working hard.! They denervo ' rour aupport. i tare to no Fer- JIKlniry, Johnnon. Miwn. rr. ford wi tnrfpunjr in grHor?. T! o 6'!- r :" '! ii I : I : , , , i r t - . i

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