. i ... Page'Tw TOE AfillECOO COUKIEIl, ASIIEE020. -AY, c." :; :j.i52t Randolph Coun-J ty Salaries Bill Ihuadred dollars : (11.500.00) per an-!eUI agent shaU exjira ' tho- first 'co-art for si Mck aaaswys; I aura as full eompentioB for hi r-koa4ay at , DnmK ltt. and a ;aay abetrarttaa. MMHlanl, vices and the services af iUntt,?tk first Mm4; ta .December ovary 'appbcstMa, ef y J W 'deputies- ami clerks; aad be shall ' two yean lhresler) ia tke same way ;iat their respective af fices, which any tploy and pc Mt of kit said salary and auitf m aforesaid the awly!af thorn shall kav collected, the oft- idunng tne aitunr or tne .fcupenor eee cwaiiiiw aau vrmmt w a"". - ir.n..T t u,k vfKr ti.M m. the Ka.k a- kaakx ta mtv far a a tried -af finalsi- akaQ he fuilty a felony aad The ttuct concernn.g the Randolph made before the general assembly ad eounty salaries bill were published in journs, so that it cannot be said that The Courier of March 1, 191 The salaries bill, sucn a rusn, aim pa due notice and warning were not presented w ith en before it is too late. ed the Senate the We print the bill as follows intro- i during the sitting 'puutic pwu uuu cwTcwim wximj 1 c i" vac n . quire, one deputy clerk and such oth- .county fends, a ad all atker faads ex er and further dericnl assistance asjeept public school- aad edacatiaaal tK nuhiir husinoui mv rmuin: ujid fnadg. a ad the read feeds-aforesaid: it shall be the duty of the clerk of and tke coaaty board of edueatiea paid to Ike fiaaaclal agent ar agents the Superior Court at all times to shall likewise appoint a bans or Banks jot ataaaoipsi eewy aa;arew pewv- Drovide and pay out of his said salary to serve in like capacity lor two years' aaau do aep a pea -c sanction akall forfeit kio said face aad be poaiaked' as ia aow pro vided ky lav is cases of embe&aleseat kr pvklie of teen. Alt the moneys same day it was introduced, and went duced and slipped through the Senate iies imposed upon him by law. ky said taaadal . ko r,n,nt .,,1 ofAisnt A-h-rtrf fiminil ml ml ui nubile arhaol iA rSBrW S reBiS OI SSK1 nuii ia f tK. rt..tiM nf nffir anH nil du- and Mintalianal funds: and tke COUat 1 Separate faa to bo kBOW to the House the next day without en rrossnient and held up by the wide awake active Democratic representa and educational funds; and tke couaty separate faaa te bo kaowa as ( tke highway commission as aforesaid shall! "Salary Fand." Prorided, at ths likewise appoint a bank or banks to dose el each aad fTerr jU If then serve in like capadty fpr two year, as remains any moswys. tke salary financial arent of the road funds aa fund, then suck surplus shall be trans- aforesaid; such bank or banks so sp-ford and credited to Ue pointed as financial agent or agents fund. for any and all of said funds shall give such bonds as required by law for the county treasurer to give for the care and keeping and disbursing of said funds, and shall make reports and settlements as required of the ! county treasurer. This act as to sal' in 111 at tne instance 01 tne ue;;i.D- Section 7 4. The amount pan! ty lican officials of Randolph. way 0f salary' to said sheriff, clerk 01 The legislative committee in the e Superior Court and rezister of live from Montgomery county until House amended the bill as shown as deeds and allowed as hire for clerks the provisions of the bill could be as- here printed. The amended parts of through said offices shall in no event certained, died at the hands of its the bill are printed in bold black faced eXceed the amount of fees collected makers after it had been amended in type while the unamended part of the through said offices and in the event such a way as to protect the people's bill is in the ordinary light faced the amount of fees collected through interests and to prevent excessive and type: said offices in any one year should not extortionate fees from being collected: A BILL equal the amount of salaries and by the officers from the people in clerk hire allowed said offices during coi.o nip ami st.itinnprv and To fix the salaries for the Sheriff, thut th ,u. amount tit s:darv other expenses. The committee on ierc 01 oupenor iourv, aim k11"' allowed said shenc, clehk of Superior anes of the sheriff, register ot deeds counties, cities and towns, after duly of Deeds of Randolph County, North ;Court an(j register of deeds shall be and derk of the superior court of said considering the bill, made proper Carolina, and to abolish the Treasur- decreased so that the amount of sal- county shall go into effect on and af- amendments so that increased fees er's office of Randolph County, North rieg derk hire shaU not exceed ter the 28th day of February, 1917. ,iM rwit Ka .harrarl nvor nn,l nhnve Carolina. ifViA foAc f!lwtAH tVirmifrh uiH nffires. : tTh fnWnwinct nMtjnn wu stricken the fees that were charged by the of-1 The General Assembly of North That tf)e year referrec herejn shall put, except the last sentence which is ficers heretofore in the county, as will Carolina do enact: deemed to begin at twelve o'clock in bold faced type:) be seen by the amendments to section' Section 1. That, the sheriff, clerk noon on the first Monday of Decern-: Section 10. That in addition to the 1 in bold faced type printed below. , of the Superior Court and reigster of of eacn an(j every year- j sajaries herin provided, the board of In section 2 the committee amended deeds of Randolph county, and their gtion was strisken out and commissioners of Randolph county the bill by requiring fluly itemized ac- respective deputies, shall co.lect and f0nowing. amendment inserted: shall furnish each of said officers with counts. 'receive and account for all fees to : Section 7 Yi. The said salaries all necessary supplies for conducting In section 3 the committee amended which they are entitled by virtue of I aforesaid paid to the said sheriff, the the business of their respective offices, the bill by requiring copies of the their respective offices, as fixed by theierh 0f Superior Court, and register including the necessary postage for monthly reports to be posted at the board of county commissioners snd Df ddg ghall include all clerical as-official business and such supplies court house door. The Republicans finance committee of Randolph county ! glance of every kind and character shall be paid for out of the general insisted that this amendment should by resolution adopted and recorded in ; employed by any official in aaid offices, ! funds of said county. Each- of said REPIT1LIC.AN CLAIMS OF ' -ECONOMY WILL NOT STAND be "in a newspaper." The committee me proceeaings 01 me session 01 me did not think that expense should be board of commissioners at the April incurred every month in the year. (meeting, 1314, and recorded in min- The prindDal amendment to section uie doom page ana pay or by either of them, and if the feen officers shall be required to preserve collected of any of said offices shall I and keep in good order all the records, not amount to as much as the said an-'supplies, and furniture belonging to nual salaries aforesaid, then the said office, and be responsible for the 4 is to require the sheriff to pay his the same within the first three days amount 0f salary of each of said of- gaftey thereof, clerks and assistants out of this sal- of each and every calendar month to ficers not receiving fees to the amount Section 11. That the said officers of and also strikes out the last the financial agent or agents 01 Kan- 0f said salary during any year, shall Randolph county hereinbefore men- ry, dause in said section, "when request ed to do so by the commissioners," thereby taking it out of the discretion of the commissioners whether the de fendant shall pay certain costs or not and leaving it to the court, where the constitution placed this authority. Section 5 contains an important dolph county, and they shall be re- he decreased so that the amount of sponsible for and chargeable with all salary and clerk hire for that year moneys of every kind which are to be shall not exceed the fees collected or by law shall be paid into their re-through said office or offices for that spective offices, and shall be held to 'year. The clerk of the Superior strict account therefor. j Court shall keep invested in good in- Section 2. That each and all ofjterest bearing securities all funds in CQlH tftiara chall Anan .nil trAan o LS 1. .1 .. AA n, .k ..I iuk n v.u. rtt funla oecuon o contains an important i" . j... ma nanus as uui vmm, amendment which provides that the set of account books in which shall j received on bills of costs and other returns on all processes shall show in what township same were 6erved. This amendment was made in order to prevent the opportunity of collect ing fees improperly by deputies. Section 6 contains an amendment providing that the compensation of the jailor shall be the fees allowed by law. This prevents any increase of the fees above what the general law provides. Section 7 provides that the clerk of superior court shall pay his clerks out f his salary. Section TVt is a new section entire ly, which prevents in any event the salaries and clerk hire of any and al! of the officials exceeding the fees re ceived by the office, and contains an important provision which prevents the commissioners from making any jobs for any of the officials. Section 9 is amended by a new pro- Tision which provides that the board of education and the highway commis sion have the right to select the banks in which particular funds are to be kept. All of section 10 is stricken out in the amended bill except the last sen tence, printed in bold faced tvpe. As promptly, correctly, truly and accu- funds to remain in his hands less than rately be fully itemized accounts of! six months, or in some solvent bank all moneys collected or received by lor banks navine interest thereon for said officers, or which by law shall be the benefit of said funds, and a record payable into their respective offices, and all of said bocks shall at all times be open to the inspection of the shall be kept of same in a ledger, to gether with all funds received and disbursed bv him and it shall be the public upon demand, and said books duty of the solicitor of the district in shall be safely and securely kept so which Randolph county ia situate to to as to prevent loss or destruction by : gee that such investments an properly theft, fire or accident. I made, and report thereon at each Section 3. That on the first Mon- criminal term of court, day of each and every calendar month Section 8. The reigster of deeds a true and accurate transcript shall) of Randolph county shall receive a be transmitted by each of the said 'salary of two thousand five hundred officers of Randolph county to the 'dollars per annum as full compensa board of commissioners of said coun-'tion for his services and the services ty said transcript to contain and show j of his assistants, deputies and clerks; in detail and fully itemized all the and he shall employ and pay out of entries made upon said books refer- j his said salary the compensation of red to in the next preceding section! such deputies and clerks as the pub during the preceding calendar month, lie business may require; and it shall and this transcript shall be sworn to be the duty of the register ofdeedn.at and duly certified by the officers filing! all times to provide and pay out oi sr-me, and a copy thereof posted at the 'his said salary suffident. clerical. rs court house door in said count v: nnv isistance as the prompt and effident officer failing to make any report or discharge of his duty as register of itfc officers. All the money paid to the reports required by law shall be euil-' deeds and all duties imposed upon him finandal agent of Randolph county as ty of a misdemeanor. lby law may require, and shall per- herein provided shall be kept by said Section 4. That the sheriff of Ran-!form thc dut,es cl.erlc 10 ? ? dolnh cniintv shall r!v. o coi., -vflof county commissioners and do all tioned whose compensation is - fixed upon a salary basis, and their several deputies, assistants and clerks shall faithfully collect, receive and account for all fees, commissions, profits, and emoluments of all kinds now belong ing or appertaining to their respective offices, and all fees, commissions, profits and emoluments to which they become entitled by virtue of their re spective offices under the laws of North Carolina relative to salaries and fees, or such as may hereafter be en acted by the General Assembly, ex cept as otherwise herein provided, and shall pay the same to the finandal agent of Randolph county on the first day of each and every calendar month, or within three days thereafter; and the said officers and each of them shall be responsible for and chargea ble with all moneys of every kind which are, shall be, or ought to be paid into their respective offices and they shall be held to strict account for all such moneys; and Xor any ab straction, concealment or misapplica tion of any moneys payable into their respective offices, which any of them shall have collected, the officer, depu ty, assistant or clerk so offending shall be guilty of felony and .upon. conviction shall forfeit his said office and be punished as is now provided by law in cases of embezzlement by pub- Section 12. Any officer of Randolph county, or any deputy, assistant, or derk ef such officer, who shall fail or refuse to collect any fee, commis sion, or emolument oi any kind be longing to his office shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the court: and all fees, commissions, or emoluments which shall be collected bv such officers under the laws-of the State of North Carolina shan De oe manded and collected by them in ad vance, unless otherwise provided by law, and upon being collected shall be turned over to the financial agent of said fund for said county as provided in this act. Section 13. That each and all ol said officers shall open and keep a separate set of account books, consist ing of a daily journal and a ledger, in which shall be promptly, correctly and accurately entered itemized ac counts of all moneys collected or re ceived by such officers by virtue of their offices: or which by law are or may .be payable into their respective offices; and ail of said books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the public . upon demand, and said books shall De safely and surely kept so as to prevent nhd guard against loss or destruction thereof. Said books shall show in itemized form the name of the person paying in any sum of money, the date when paid, the pur nose for which paid, and the amount thereof; except such fees for proof of witness1 tickets may be entered with out giving name of each person pay ing same. The county commissioners of RandblplT county shall have power to prescribe the form of said books and accounts to De Kept, ana so presence ruins and reimlations therefor, not in consistent with this act, and the said bobks and accounts shall be Kept in the form and after the manner so prescribed by " said county commis sioners. Section 14. That the salaries here in provided for tho officers shall be paid by the finandal agent or agents upon warrants issued by the hoard of county commissioners in favor of said officers in monthly installments out of the fees and commissions received (By Wallace Baasf ord. Special New, - " '. CorrespoHiit.) - Washington, D. C," October lt There is food for thonght ia the state meat made by the President ia kia message vetoing the bonus bill t the effect that there will be a deficiency ia the revenues during tha present na tal year f 72 millions. - The Demo, crats have insisted for weary months v ' that the economy claims of the R- - . publicans were unfounded la fact aad that the .government was - spending root money than, was coming in, and that a private business conducted on such a buus would be considered to be very badly ran. . Any level ha general business man facing suck a situation wouia iry oesperaieiy Wv either in- -crease income of out down expenses But the Republican administration, in fullest and unrestricted control of all orancnes i me government, is doinir neither. - The Vall Street Journal wLich surely knows, good deal a: out finance,' takes . the , position, that the Congress does not understand that in creases in tax r rates ; above certain points usually -reduce the volume of money obtained through that tnt;nn In nothing is -this-so apparent as in tariff . taxation. The Underwood law - with ft nuwlAMla mIa.' i, i . ' - almost T 400 millions .' per year: the ' rates permitted a reasonable amount ,v of importation of, -manufactured rH. t. - cles, yet not enough to seriously com pete wiui uie American made goods. The importations hadthe salutary ef- X feet of restraining the American man- uiacrarer irontj profiteering off the home market. But quits the opposite r is-true of the Fordney law, in which a multitude of rates; are so high as to prohibit or greatly ; reduce importa- 1 tiollsj in many important cases (such as aluminum ware, entirely controlled in America 4 by ,- Secretary Mellon1 s companies) the rate is practically pro- . hibitive. Mellon, now .has a monopoly ot uie American mantet and can ad vance rates on every artidea made of aluminum, in the United States. With aluminum wares shut out, no revenue can be collected at the port of entry on that important item. In the cam Uf wool, there is a difference; this country cannot produce enough for the nome supply,, hence much will enter regardless of the duty, but the dutv will cause an increase in the price of every article into wtucn it enters or is even claimed to enter The net re sult of the heavy rate increases on most artidea will be a decided drop in the revenue obtained by the treasury, a pronounced increase in the cost to the consumer of every article the im portation of which is thus further re stricted, and the necessity for the people to pay yet other taxes to make up for those lost through the failure of European goods to enter our cus- -torn houses. . Already there are hints thrown out of the necessity of lavintr additional taxation, to meet the deficit now piling up amounting to about the bill was originally drawn it pro- three thousand dollars (f3.000.00) iotner acts lmposea upun ...... , w vided that the county officers could' per annum as full compensation for without additional compensatiOB. v,;. t. .. hi, a u -f -..-l Section 9. That the office of coun- gci wivi i pvotar; aim akatiuurji y av a anu kiic oci ixo Ul nUCIl 1 . U 1 A Tne clerk's othce deputies and clerks as the busi- ?y treasurer ..c.co, amounts to'ness of his office and the public pood ln lieu thereof the board cf county financial airent of said county in a separate fund to be known as the "Salary Fund." Provided at the close of each and every year if there re mains any money in the salary fund, then such surplus shall be transferr ed and credited to the general fund. (The above section was stricken out and the following inserted:) Section 11. That the said officers of Randolph county hereinbefore men tioned whose compensation is fixed upon a salary basis, and their several deputies, assistants and clerks shall faithfully collect, receive and account the expense of the county I more than $250 a year. may require; and it shall be his duty ; commissioners is hereby autnorizeo. Section 11 is amended by a new. to employ and pay out of his said sal-iana empowereu a..u section which prevents any possible ry for all necessary deputies and Plnt a solvent bank located in ine raid on the treasury of the county, by 'clerical assistance as may be required I county as financial agent Xpr saw collecting all the fees formerly allow- 'n his office and in Asheboro town- c,ounty. rhlch sa,d hm shall P0. d by law, but reduced under the wise ship; and he shdl be allowed no fur-ithe dutles, n0 "JSJ?f management of the Democratic party, ther compensation, except he shall be treasurer of said county: vlc? The salaries are therefore confined to allowed the amount of his actual ex- at such ban!: so appointed jshall not the limitations nrescribed bv the re- penses for conveyine prisoners from charKe nor receive any compensation Auction of fees made under a special the place of trial to jail or from jall!for ,ts service other than sucn w- emoluments of-all kindsnow be Ion g- bw nrovidinp- that the salaries of to the place of trial: for convevine ." ana Dene' lnut '"" .J4iu" "w,"' ml or appertaining to their respect Randolph county officials might be re- prsioners to or from other counties or,ithe deposits of the county tunas in jTe tfg anj n commissions, 4uced i to or from the State's prison; for the rela; cours of hanking: profits and emoluments to whjck tke Section 13 is not amended. taking insane persons to or from jvided, further, that said aak 80 ap- sheriff elerk of SupeHor court, and .iin ii i .mpnU hv additions State hosDital : and it Bhull Hp th pointed and acting as financial agent renter of deeds are entitled to. by m black, faced type, as will be seen, duty of the sheriff to render to the of the cty sha" PP fT LI TUrtt,e 0 tllelr t ""d which prevenU any officer from col- board of county commissioners,, rm of two years and shaOJje - the the Uw, as aforesaid, or sneh aa lectinir more salary in any one year monthly, a fully itemized statement quired to execute the same bonds lor My ..ft., eBteted bythe Gen- ka tK. f. nu.-a,i hv Uw in thHt of exDenses. the dfttP and nurnnu for the sale Keeping ana proper; ocou.iv- , Assembly .except as herein other vear amount to. Iwhich it was incurred; and if satis-. in of 8.uch fom.in.i wise provided, and shall pay same to . ir.it :.!.!. .i,-Kfl fied that the amount i irrrt thp possession ana Deionging lo aui cvu..- the nnBCUi agent of Kandolph eounty r' ZZ "ZV 'Z audits . The said commissioner, shall pay tli same ty. .nd forNthe faithful discharge ol for Mid f mia 0B tht liUy Kjii iBHmr tn UriP and fee in ef- out of the general fund of Randolph ,ts duties, as are now require. oyw eTery month, or within three days c,un v noJ r orovldef for County to the sheriff border mth. f the county treasurer: .Provided, the,fter the said sheriff aforesaid and all TaUry bUls should prl financial agent of lUndolph minty; further that said county . commission- U , ,h' J-U find .gJ videfo? it but those whoVXred this and the costs of conveying prisonerV. ' aPPot i bank to m ,gtu Aforesaid all fees collected by mMt fo where.it may .be .recover. hall be .""fW JT auditing what they did. therefore they taxed tn the bill of cosU by the court ' "-j . , B . . . lt. it (wkpn nknilaatpH tin an hv th i.nm. CVeiT tWO yeart 1 and provided that not exceeding 150 miaaioners). (Section was also strickenut ahd .u be . rvv1" . Rtnn r That tK. .kpriir .k.ii fnii.wtn Mrtlon ia inserted:) - ana aa ni 1 mm all excess ever tkat t. MmmlttM adonted this bUL Point at least one . deputy in each fwtloa I. That tke of ace of the amount f or esch year; and said clerk Senator Gregg told them he would be township, and the deputies in otheHeMBty treasurer is hereby abolUhed, satisfied with anything they did, but townships than Asheboro Urvn8hlpit4 UKf effect the In Mondsytn-Pe-when the biO was presented both Sen- shall receive and retain for their r-c,mbrt HIS, aad tke treasurer to to ator Gregg and RepresenUtive Pick- Tices the fees allowed by Uw for the!Mnect aaa dkbarse funds and do such eit asked that it be tabled, clearly service ef all summonses, subpoenas, U, M treasurer srmsy bf re- in tha nr. notices: and au other leral processes'. ij ktm hv law until said term iKinai till was to increase the fees of whatsoever; that the . sheriff sh.-ulpj,,, f darinf kta ten f . h county officials instead of reduc- eonuirue w coueci mil requuwu . 1 lu. ' aaa. A aiaualnl Wm that SMMM1S. year for the salary for each year of the term of "said officials. ; , Rat-tinn IK. After this act stall be ffectiv.M jo the-office of sheriff of HnndnlDh eormtv. acms-vxpiruuuu vx the term of office of any person hold ing said office of sheriff, tie snau oe iwi.timd to turn over to the in-com ing officer all books, papers- and ac- counts showing uncouecieu Aancaa and nil unfinished business of his said office, and on and after the date when the newly elected oiucot tfcaii viva hond and be inducted into office", he shall perform all "the duties oi said office of Bhenn: rroviaea iur ther, that nothings in this act shall prevent the person noiaing mo oiuw of sheriff of Randolph eounty when the tax books for the year one thou sand nine hundred and seventeen are placed in the hands of said officer from collecting said taxes iof said year and receiving the compensation provided by this act xor so couceung from each orwid of ficers during each34 for each head of a family in the for all feea. commissions, nrofita. and taxes. The lOuOWing new secuon iuc.' the bill requiring the books to be au dited:) : Section 15 V.. The Randolph county board of educatloa may, as often as they see proper, appoint some mem ber of the board or ether suitable per soa to examine and audit the reports required te be made by "the public school law to them, or any or inem; and shall! at least as often as once s year employ aa expert accountant or person skilled la sack matters te make aa examination and andit of said re sorts and of -all ether financial inter ests of tke coaaty. ' Provided said board shall not expend fkerefor store .. h. nrnmiiaMt In the. by law and account for the commis- mn.ln. There cannot be any valid! dons allowed, by law, and pay the objection to thc bill as amended, and a ether reason can be assigned for tha failure to enact it except tha fact that tha bill was ho perfected as to same, to ' the finaneial agent o( ta faad to which it belongs, td be cred ited to tha salary fuitd; and laid sheriff and his deputies in Asheboro ' ; , UK IM oiu vh mm yiimw :. 1 - : . s v v. i.i.i. f ik. nuhii. , Itownshio shall serve all process ln : i r. . "vrTJM.7 ,l-.Zr U M -.Mo , ami amount for the ..J I. H.a lkrenf the Mara M I ucatioN ol Randolph ceanty U hereby aatkorixed, epowere ana oiyeoe. h. aanarior court shall likawtse pay over all the lees in tae same way ILr ..an-extent tkat said derk thai! be allowei-ad fees whatever tram Randolnh count t:' and he eaia regis ter of deed ehsll likewise pay- aver all fees" collected by. him, bat sacs raelater af deeds shaU receive aad shall pot memos inercni any waa satloa from the county except the fot- " WPs4nt a solvit bsnk er banks U- Uwlaf, tewHt 6c per for escfc ratld taaaid ceanty, as inanclal agentsme appearing apw the U UsU for the public stkool and fducstlonal:f0r esth yesr lor making m . . ... t.,lHin Ika1.... .Ivlraria af I axe, la SCCard apedsl school tax dbtricts therein, nce witk the reaulresscnts of kl m.. i. iik ana'aaiii townsniD ana . account xor n Lirk .aid nana r nanss anau yri' i arii per inw iw. . ' ' arWited f tha cownittos fat addi-'foes' aa herein provided; Provided 'ft,, 4utW. treaaureraj aai4;,,U over for baaln g uat y wdera at .V--' lTL ImmSagresd onby nothing lreln shall relieve pre- , school aad educalionsl fund.: for registering the hj.ndsei pahlic of. '.:Vk won u tnt imnrainvaw w, , .7. .1 ,m ,1 ..,1. 1 lr ... . Af aald.a.i.u . kr nubile documents Ot bore township from serving any such cunly .haU Jikewlse sppoint a solvjdeted by ths ewiaty eommlaakiiiers to . . i lm Mni, in tha ... v'.t. v.nva 1. aaid rouatv It Wi M4aird. No fees shall be allow- county as -required by law, and r perform similar duties as to the publk ad ,r collected by any of said ofBcer. may be required to do so by any lmA fHnds of ssid county snd the resd j .herlff, rfflater of deeds and eler. courtj and deputies ol .other town-jn-ia, thereia; aad the board of j9( anperiar court la exceas of or otn- ships Shall - not-' M prsventea iroTjiontv eommtaaioners snau ", tsaa ise " servinr such process in Asheboro .of- . olret bank t banss to .he reaolutloa lung fes st me Apru township, Tke retara aa sack pr-ceas fcrar ,imiir duties as to all other , lOTm ( the b . . . the eommitiee; r ' i - Tha board of commissioners of : 7 -Randolph eounty may at any Uma ,' ' fls the saUriea ef tha derk of , a ianperlor court, TSgistar ef, deeds , i-V and sheriff 6f -said eounty at- a M amount per' year thantha ,' amount fixed by this act If, in 1 :;. y their Judgment, they tea proper ta da aa.' . . . . The rprentUm from this eotra- board of county commit- akall be ads so as to show ia which .fMrf except said pobUe srhool 4fonda ;airr of Randolph county fof ik. aaaaa aprvad. J a .J....ii..l fnada. aad road fsda iha aaid reaolutloa belnc reaUterrd r t'n t S. " V5"llrana as well aa'a Jailor, who shall receive the aonV,u w,d. st sforetaid by the aa d'd. of esl4 , . Y" TX" vl c.m-lr-A.K.n allowa.1 r.7 law for keeping f .duration. Snd hf th as d d., ,d th. ..id ef!lrrr- ti t ' ,f fi s.'0.. J.il vl.i.'l !.:) la imld from the hirhwy ommiinn, and y the said af ' r T--- " f-'e- Hhsa one hundred and fifty dollars per sn.nu.' The said board of education of Randolph county shall be authoris ed to exercise all powers and, duties and arovided for bv tha public school law as ta tha board? ef .edaeattea of said county relating ia any way to tke treasurer of saw coaaty, or to his of' faction, ll i That' all laws and clauses of. laws Ja, eoniUct -with this act are hereby repealed so Isr as they apply to Randolph eounty.-: r. ; Saetloa 17. That this act shall be ln force from Snd after tha first Mon day in December (Msrck) nineteen hundred and eighteen" (.seventeen. vJstr, Uag at Troy;- ; Hon. Zeb V. Long, of CUtesville, ooened the esmpairn in tho fifth dis trict -with a speaking at Troy last week. Mr. Long spoke - on national snd stata issues to a well filled court house, r Long is the Democratic candidate In this district for solicitor, and is well known and liked throurh out the state.. He was introduced by W, A. Cochran, cf Troy. n r land. Of course, the burden falls heaviest on the larger families and those who like to buy the better class ofgoods. , ,. - .-; - v For three and a half vears the Tie- publicans have absolutely controlled the Congress and for nineteen months have had all branches of the govern- - meni. . ine war ended almost four years ago; all war expenses have end- i. ed excepting interests on bonds, the care of the injured soldiers and the widows and orphans, and certain oth- " er smaller items. Afteifdeducting all ' of these, itis found that the present aammisirauon is spending more than twice as much per annum as the' WH- svas nvx (11X41X0 1,1 a UUU WIU Ufiill jUSb DO- fore the worid wat began.; The full figures can be obtained from the re- - cent very able speech of Senator Sim mons in the Senate. For more than a year every Republican who made a speecn on- the subject has loudly claimed that the administration was saving monev and euttino- Ltions. They have used averv mvsiem - of juggliifg known to financial afiarn.. ars and three-card monte men, but in V "' u u r resident ntmseir, faced by ; uie fear of tho bonus adding fresh em-1 harass menu to the treasury, had had to admit that all their. - claims wen .3 Mcw-ltr at giving a clinching reason why the bonus should i not be paid he admits that the expend et of tho government in the present-' -m rr iirom mianight of June 80, i 1922, to midnight of June 30, 1923,) ,' raining , xwo inirus of a billion knaad pi theJncoroe of tha treasury.. It has not been a montll aDC9 pubUcan leaders la Congress were vo ciferating loudly about saving 75 mil lions S month: OUlv a few mnntha m General .Jawa ilter hundreds of item asv "aavihgs-- most Tof which war smexpended r balances' of appro priations, soma of them 18 or 20 years old. But all were listed as 'saved this x year",- una was an old unspent bat-1 anoa afta Attmtt 4 v.. r - r: al; another was tha sum of $5,000.00 voted 10 years ago to tha widow of New- England Senator; sha was rich and would not accept it, so it remata- okl fl, aVV aV . a. . . . . au wie treasury. . it u now claunea one cr the -economjet" of tM Harding admlniatraUon, A few vesn of such "economy" would put Uoclt Sam In tha hands of the eheritf. ; ' .-" ' o V A Washington UiJ or named Frseny rocenUv advertised that ha had mads heavy purchases of cloth from which he could make suits at much iewtr prices than if he had waited until af ter the new tari.T bill became effect ive, diddling tut the new Uw would place a havy burden on all weertrt of wool In the United States. Con Sfninn Ki' k Lonrworth, who W ried Te-My Pooncvclfs daughter sn1 who ia on cf the numerous rich nv on the Ways snd Mrnns CommlU". at oftce ettar' cil I'.r. 1 reeny ,' sta'1 . r'f t. J.'d l!r, l rr- y comes b' ilh a f .M r-. ..H'ei'.bement P" ' i sr a ! '-r from t' t si lent of 1 f .r '. v.'o.-' -i ' . turenr A ' ' n, e ' - truth of I , . - how U 1 9 UU I fr rr "T 1 rril ft 1 t-i

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