- vv : -r-i--" ; V..:-. - -? J, fsr y V if-- V?..' ' A 4 . t ISSUED WEEKLY. v principles, not:::::; : ? J1C0 A YEAH IN ADVANC3 v - - . a -, dill 77".".. . i .-vt 4. . , Iph (Jount&s ln- Aahebore, North Carefaa. Therapy! October is, 19." NUMBER tt HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS IN AS HEEORO LAST NIGHT ToW af Short-Cemiags ef the Rrpnb licaa Party; Do-Notaiac. Congreas and Prices of Farm Products. Hon. Josephua Daniels, secretary of Rando debtedness SeptlO, 1 922 Last week and previous to that time we published ws r.rtnn'pr what the countv was due on Jmher L 1921, which was $51332.00, which was approximately TKJZtSfo rwrt. We are able to eive in this week's issue the eerver, spoke to a court house fun of .mmtY.indebtedness on the 30th day of September. 1922 of eT!7 ?um& amount due on outstanding bonds and notes and the name many women in the audience, l V.Ali1iniT a nnfo orroinof fVia ..nnvifir wrUV. f ko as a good many Republicans. amount They are as follows as shown by the expert ac countants of the state who under the state law have com pleted the investigation; of the financial conditions of the county to September 30r 1922: County of Randolph . ' Asheboro, North Carolina. -j Notes Payable and Bonds Outstanding September 30, 1922. Notes Payable Road Funds. First National Bank, Asheboro Bank of Randolph . . Mrs. Sallie Armfield ..... . . Peoples Bank, Randleman W. J. Armfield, Sr. Brie Sketches' Of the f-. Ciad- adjdate , for . Solicitor.' a member of the finance committee of lua chorea and u alas a member of to iVJ.l. ! 1 L l.M. 1 Eton. Zebalon .VaTxe Long, of Ire- uv. m. - k.oi 1- t den. ourcaiidaU for solicitor, la one 7.V J-l iZZVvZZ The speaker, as introduced H. M. Robins, a member bar. who made a short and speech and in closing said Mr. Daniels had Bared the 1. WVJV as well zZzr . i--IT T . wno.nas.made coc4 by the sweat of - W brow.- H isoTmosTwe: by Mr. ?? in. county like of the locai "J"C r" ticket la a maa appropriate tfr. worttt nd character The . . JSUi MSFSIJI. Mt am- Mllffi - - .aJ iaviWH !U 1 M . METHODIST EPISCOPAL ' -v-CONEERERCE ' T. 0. Spencer . . Chas. L. Presnell .. .. W. A. Kearns Neva Briles Lowe W. L. Varner R. R. Pearce W. A. Hockett E. L. Hedrick G. H. Hussey . . General County Fund: f First National Bank, Asheboro W. J. Armfield, Sr. Bank of Ramseur W. A. Kearns J.T. Thornburg .. Virgil Presnell . . . . , Mrs., Blanche A. . Pickens Mrs. W. B. Lassiter E. A. Brady .. Madison Hammond $30,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 739.88 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,800.00 The session- of. the Western- Keita . Carolina Conference, which was ia. session At Monro last week, ua c -Monday, '. .. .. BeT. A?C Glbba, who has se.'ac eeptably and favorably , served the . . KfclAihodist caaseb in Aaheboro for the - ; past three years ' will go to Tnomae-, j Title, -and Rev. R. G. luttle, who tee been at Thomasvilie roes to entaw axy-chavch, Greensboro, taking, ts .. place ex Ker Jtt. c Sprinkle, who was v mad presiding elder of the AsheriHe ' diotrict. I ' " . 4 "v.,-, , ' Rer. W. A. tambeth, wio had beisaX' pastor at Wesley Memorial, Hirfi' IM past lour years, is seat , ' Jter; W. iu WiUis, w the Asherille district er J ttha Hast' foOr win. nttuma tn i. tkl law. l&JUarnsV 'Candida MiMi ' ter of, deeds, waa' boiTi nd HiAnri li laft ts h inmiui " i -j running jio sheriff .o Randolph.; coun W f ather'e ' farm Cedar GroWthat a transfer from some othet o ty on ii l)eartic ticket Mr. Cox towiisMp. Heis it lias ivi wiv puiwai yMnrnta ib' f' .iwcuum iuu wiuvy.': o ;iu icnura. countries from Germany so he fed i1B5K?HMStfwlaf n.lh .. J. Ppif tUS -effort WUI , De W annntT than thM thrM mx' Im, . , . .. . i i . i . . wfiuiirw iiiMii um um mm., uaua the -lof Jioa . . tetbtaocntaweltAiw " " ' befor4 jury or tisewfatre, -bThas . feq .serred th, with an f .li ; ; f, I "' 1 11 ' ' 11 ; tbanast lon jUadidatetfQir 6herMCJ Mr. Al ;(Cov?;f iAsaeboiov Is $100,639.88 $5,000.00 5,000.00 ' 5,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 $55,000.00 eeme to Randolph county to save de mocracy from her foe, can party. Mr. Daniels' speech was hoar and a half in length, boor devoted to a review of the non achievements of and failure of the Re publican party to keep its promises, and the remainder given to a review of the accomplishments of the state under the Democratic party, conclud ing with Randolph politics. In the beginning of. his speech Mr. Daniels said to come grandson me county ana mat two oi ms sons him on oe names of the Worth family. broad' Mr Daniels prefaced his address full of mbet seventh He ? is a most brilliant searchlicrht ', .turned ori ' be memorial to the iate Kishon Joha iged,r public :. spirited f sman, Mf and acts f this jnan fails to Carlisla oleo : a,: ' i i v . . . . seal for .tho betterment v and disclose anything iH the-feast 'haded I The enhfown tnrA i'tt.. with a welcoihe to the women who by uplift of -his eUowmen, and will be ngentlemanly. In obedience to thelreport w as Tpresented and read by Rev. the right of the ballot had become impartial; and fair in administering -the demand of; the great wave of ' public ' C M.' Pickens. The sum of $50;000 is equal partners with men. He exhort- duties ipcmbeni updn' his onice, sentiment to place clean men office ; to be raked by-the conterence tor the ed them not to take the ballot as an Kind and courteous tiAall, a man who the public eye turned at once to 'Hit. purposes of "meeting a like amount' adornment or privilege but as a duty jn every fjay .ia wMch men are meaa- Kearns and nominated Him rfof regis-, jittm tM North Carolina conference, and opportunity for bettering condi- Ured. cornea -sauaTeiyuD to the stand- ter of deeds. , J ; thes to meet tha reoiriw.mttte;f a tions of all. ard. Able, resourceful and honorable His life work has been spent on theIk Duke in recent gilt for the uuroose .n ojjcaiviufi vi fiu.ciiimcNi,, iiAi. wa.i Ja vin iox tuiu. lit mm me nemo- uuimu wmm w iibo iwen wiccessiui, iels said in his boyhood days he con- crats qffer a .candidate who will re-'bas served as secretary of the Farm nected it with court houses and jails, fleet credit to a;pubUc offce and Re- art. Union with great satisfactmii to but now he regards it as housekeep- publicans, all tne county will'-vote ConcerBeil He- will make an ideal: mg on a large scaie, as irom Dinn to i0r uari Decause tney Know be Is eom- oiucerv" the grave the individual is connected petent and wjltnever .let politics in- he was especially anxious the United States mail classified! Bef- man of high christiali character.! The conference ia. ta ra tKhiWw to Randolph as he was "a vice and;has'iwjdafcircU4-of friends baying served a' number kt years as tobe twed on a religious educational by marriage" of a citizen of and acauailrtances "who .... will sunoort a steward in- the M; E. church. The building at.Trinitv Cn). whiv, in n fwve gut fa. " A At t School Fund: First National Bank, Asheboro . . $1,500.00 Commercial ltioiiaL Wilmington . 25,000.00 Bank of FiviUe ; v. v. . . 000.00 Bank of Ramseur . 1,000.00 Total Bonds Outstanding: Public Roads 48,000.00 Court House and Jail 18,000.00 Refunding Bonds 50,000.00 County Home 30,000.00 Road Improvement 49,000.00 Road and Bridge Bonds 150,000.00 Randleman Township 25,000.00 Liberty Township School 8,000.00 jJ'Sf' n.rjjrf,'w--a with the government. His birth is terf ere With hia office',, s' registered, during scnooi days, mere is .,.,.-, an examination, a marriage certificate1 - MIC It.C'MOSER, ' Wm, C HAMMER,; Candidate for Bgress. is secured and last of all a death cer- Candidate lot the House of Represent I noticed Bome.time . ago in v tificate. I '--'-:.X---ftolto-.r,& Mr. Daniels discussed at some length 'zMfriU v . " - f .'.'' Democratic candidates, all of ' whi. in the last campaign, m sm-ana, opngiit you , , instead of reducing taxes they who hwjvwwaysvtakenvanv ' them; that while they wrest . a movement vbitH, ave JUat ( aoUced that nothing was said I Blair, supernumerarv t CZm. ' - the taxes of the wealthy, ior tnema WesB w, , ' .f. WM -i-iwi i.a w.i.i . i.WWWUl UT. IMTi ' IX. . UUn.' i VI :,. AlUimi ..... aft.. ... ..... . j.-.-t. -'. . ' ' : fbe: ur rfi;wr'mtA ": ? "cuwc iwaaira..aii,t;-.wnicii.:i the present Congress and its failure-to I. Mr. JUtt Moser is the nominee , for enjoyed readinit and which i fuljy en carry out its promises made to the the bouse of representatives.; iie la. adoMM.TM' W'liiuMim;ua people ed that had increased had reduced .1 . L.J i working people. nimuttltiea to wbich; ey ;U He contrasted the railroad strike was ootb ana. xearea . Alamance irom nienaomng ms Eame But'aa a under the present, administration to county on faria and knows the needs dtlaea of the coimty the One under the Wilson administra-, of the firmer and. his family; ( After without his knowledge Of pertnisaion tion and told how President HanUng fomplettaa was first on the side: of the lahor mer. ? ,'?"9i O Muamance, ne iTirl finHino- it diimleasine to the nreft- iVMUS 100 u ani iWunuini thn nd finniiv ciireo.a; A; li. oearree. alter wnieajie jib nas reacnea a Biace or Brommenee Uft th Wtlement to the ilroao ani wtnrned to taught for and influence, that is enjoyed by very n ,- . thrco VftilML ' H then wont ti the few who have been in rrtnffeao n lrwnor ! $30,500.00, " He spoke at length on the farm .bloc University and studied law. He mov- number of years. His speech in favor 'and explained that it was brought t to Randolph "county five years ago of allowing Henry Ford to take Muscle o tnn oo 'sbout by the Republican senatoi s in said has since that time been associat- Shoals is declared by competent judges $186,139.88 the Western States joining with Sena- ed with Hon. William C. Hammer in to be one of the ablest arguments tnra Simmons. Underwood and Otner , m uracuce oi jaw. uiaue in uiu ooay in years. INO one Democrats. The speaker referred to oj, erectang - a religious educational buuawig at Tnhity College. ' - The following are the appointment in the Greensboro districti-, ; ureensooro district; .rasiding' eJ-' der, W; P. Womblej Asheboro, W. "B Willis; Coleridge, J. HI . 'BrendaBr Deep Riveri J. Ai. Howell; Gibson-' ':Ctoyt"6wesboro Bethel,1 R-'A. -Truitt; Caraway; J. W. Kenne- XiJJ'.' B- Hayefc wua xniung, supernumerajm-' rtog3tden,. Gv Tiv Bondi . WalnutA 1st of iAlamance. he f ' went to of the ablest men wha ever irepresent' M Institute , and the Univer- ed thia district in the American eon Other annointmnnta a intw.'.' ..w. ftff1 Setter,' .' &fewpJfii ThomasVille Mafea t vivV ' Stmv A. C. OW; Southland' Est V. - fB Johnson; Welcome, John- W Gr:7vt V snperintendent children's hme at Wli' 1 ' own-aaiem, t;. A. Wood. ;v DR. DELIA DIXON-CARROLL SPEAKS IX ASHEBOB6 Loan from State Special ing Fund School . . . . . Build- the signing of the armistice when the war was over and told of reading on the day following the signing of the armistice, Clemenceau's words: "It is easier to win a great war than it is to win peace." He pictured the hopes of the people and how they were dashed to the ground by Congress refusing to follow Wood row Wilson by ratifying his great league. He said that al- $378,000.00 1 though we fought to end war there I are now more men under arms than at ' any time in the world's history in time $564,139.88 'of peace. The name of Woodrow Wil son never failed to elicit great ap e nt r Art' plause from the audience when men $9,715.00 1 tioned by the speaker. Mr. Daniels referred to the great I tragedy that has left its bloody trail in Dr. Dpli niirnr,o 11 -if r-lf J Mr. MnsfrVi e-rnsrioTK-o n a forma pntprtjiinn the thnntrbt Tnr nn. mr- i.i.i . .- laieiga. . r - - - - hi Ajaneooro last nday nitrht anal a teacher and a lawyer has eminently ment that he will not be elected , spoke to a large crowd of DeoDie whT fitted him for a representative of the again, and that his majority in this listened with interest while ahe nut people of the county. election will be the largest ever given1 lined the issues of the camDaiim and ppr. T. v. wP.TO-.D, v Ll- vM'-i??'1?,?-! f Pdicted success for the Democrats vy mj ju n-Aiuiitil, .uvvc nit" nuv new, iccbuiieu a piaco VI Candidate for Clerk of the Court, prominence and distinction and still holds a warm place in the hearts of Prof. D. M. Weatherly, candidate for his countrymen. The humbleet citizen Cash on Hand Cash in Bank September 30, 1922: First National Bank, Asheboro . . Bank of Randolph . V. f. . . Asheboro Bank; and Trust Co. .. Peoples Bank, lalemah ...... Cash on hand . ... i $4,708.23 2705.00 51,60 841.98 1,105.51 $34,512.32 The foregoing statement will bo verified by1 the state auditors whej are still in Asheboro and can be found any Jay in the court house at Asheboro. Call at the court house and take this with you and ask the auditors if this u not a comet statement": V -;; vy' T ';r KM. 8T ANTON DAVIS . - ' ' ,,- '13 8ERI0USLY ILL jert. Stanton Davis suffered a stroke f"yjI at her home. Sonhia e j, Bundsy, and It eonnidered U r"ws eondiUon, . Mrs. Davis r stroke a few yeare ago ! w ber usual state of health r the second stroke eme.v Wra iia i, th j- t Mrfc ( wiU i ""J yorth Asheboro. r , , . Te DeTk ChUdrea CurnH te Dath te chlldr-n cf drnUy Me iT. who "l '"'n Cooleemee ' .nfvi:ie In I'vie tounfy, wre 'i tai ! -,'H T . '-,7 t.r-n Jr. , ' ' V 1' t I . ' '-!- - !l j 1 t ! f-it- FORD PRICES REDUCED ( Ml BAY WORTH, ANNOUNCES ' ReducUon of 150 to the prJeee f all Ford care and trucks is anaoBeed bv Mr. C. W. Hsrworth. of the Aahe- boro Motor Car Company, ef this city. The reduction was effective, last week. D Lolled Information regarding - the Mmi aonaara elsewhere , ia I advertisement to this tasue ; e( , The Courier., :. ''i -v ; -.; .. a' TWath ef et-SherisT Seeadere. ' '.After an illnett of ten wonUe fre Rrtffhfe disease. ex-Sheriff . gaadBe dlfld at his home at Troy laxt wmk. Mr. Pnumlers was a beloved and vai od tl!liti of the town, always rot eifiA In any forward movement and la in of the eommunity. Tk f i; f'.l -rvi. 't were eomlocWni lat $573J8548o,tbe Near East and said that the blood of the million Armenian unnsuans that have been massacred by the Turks in the past three years would be upon the shoulders of this country because it had refused to accept the proposed mandate throwing protection ground those unfortunate people. I He graphically pictured the five great men of the war: Lloyd George, of England; Veniieleus, of Greece; Orlando, of Italy; Clemenceau, of kFrance, and Wilson, of this country, eacn ol wmd oh btitcu uku n w their country and all had had the backs of their countrymen turned up on them. Mr. Daniels spoke ftf the tpienma work af Harbert Hoover ' durlnr the war but regretted he had been on the platform, as there was lltue Be couia say in defense of the present admin istration. He referred to toe t-6-3 treaty and the limit of ships 9 to ja pan, ( to America and 5 to England, and said at the confer) ee there was nothing done as to limitation on air ships, submarines ana poisonous iu, the three most destructive measures employed in the recent war.' He de plored the fact that there is now no association of nations,' America is en th -Ida line: that when the war Closed America wae loved today she has no friends; that other nations aay we are Yankee lover ef dollars, i He farther added that "nd man liveth ante hinv eelf." ' It Is equally true of nations as ef Individuals that stark ' eetflstmes n-rti and lnhxree those who practice K. We despised the office or ,uie rMvl Samaritan, and we tnoogni M sail Europe our urplus at high prices and said, "Soot take thine ease, we will fatten en Kuropea distress.' We soon learned that now as in . olden days, n just God eald, This night thy soul is required of thee." We fall feta th morma of low trices and dia trM, We Could have eaapd moat of Jia IntMi and walkin in the dark- et thn tlirw) ypra II We naJ (Continued J "r ) clerk of the court, was born and raised can approach him, with the same de on a farm in Guilford county. His gree of freedom, and receive that same preparation for college was under the cordial and respectful greeting that he instruction of his brother, J. M. Weath- would extend to those more fortunate erly, who waa one of the best teach- in life, unlike most men who have at ers in North Carolina. Prof. Weath- tained prominence. Mr. Hammer has erly was graduated from the Univer- never gotten away from his love and sity of Nashville Peabody Normal Col- affection for the humble people. In him lege in 1891 with high honors. His the farmer has a true friend, one who life so far has been spent in the is ever ready to champion his cause schools of North Carolina largely in anywhere and at any time. Randolph county, teaching at Ram- Mr. Hammer was educated at Yad- eeur, Fianluinville and Randleman, kin College and Western Maryland where he has labored unceasingly for College, at Westminister, Md. After the uplift and betterment of the boys his graduation he taught school with and girls of his state. It is a fact un- marked success and then attended the disputed by arty one that he is one of University of North Carolina where he the finest instructors in the state, graduated in law and received his li- Havlng reached a mature age. blessed cense. with strength physically and mentally, Mr. Hammer, prior to his election the Democratic party has called him to congress, was eolicitor of thia judi- to its service in tail campaign as one cial district for a number of rears. of its standard-bearers. ,was then made district attorney for He is very popular in the county the western district of North Caro- and hundreds of boys and girls who line, both positions he filled with signal i nave under his instruction been led to ability. Mr. Hammer is the son of a a higher and better life, are going to Methodist minister, whose life was support him. They appreciate the fact spent for moral and spiritual welfare that as be has given bis life in the ef the people. Like many other min- past to the welfare of the young men is ten' boys he had to make his own and women that now he should have way financially, and knows full well placed on his brew this wreath of the life of a man who labors for a honor. living. No class of people appeals Mr. Weatherly will be elected and more strongly to him than those who will make one ef the finest clerks tho.toii. 0"S in the nation. This is the only speech that Da. Carroll will undertake during the campaign. She spoke interestingly af the wonderful progress North Cara lina had made in education, road build ing and emphasised especially the work of the health department of the state. Dr. Carroll devoted the major por tion of her remarks to the women, whom she encouraged to take an ac tive part in politics, that the govern ment of the state and nation may be improved thereby. She advised that the women take hold of the political situation go into the homes anjt Ttfi"" other women why they should exarc : the right of the ballot. J Dr. Carroll predicted that Lindsay Patterson will be defeated it her effort to wrest congressional lu rels from Major Charles M. Stedmnar" in the fifth district She said that in her opinion the time is not yet ripe for North Carolina to consider send- jlng a woman representative to con gress. mi Camden, N. J., as resident physidaa, after which time he returned to Ran dolph county and has become associat ed with Dr. C. A Haywoth, in Asheboro. : ; .v v. county has ever had. JOSEPH WEAVER L. M. CBANFORD ELS. EDWARDS Candidate far Coenty Ceamlasloners Many people who hsve known of Mr. Hammer's efforts in the discharge of hie duties in the positions he has filled are going te support him re gardless of poliUca, knowing that in him they have a man who pi principle above all else. DR. WAITB LAMBERT Candidate for Corner. . The candidates for county comtnls- . . . . . tj.i tionera are wo weaver, oi Arenui U. a. Cdwarda. of FrankllnvUle, nna K U. PnnfonL of Now Hod. -They -m n 0ooA bturh-taa men of aterUngl Dr. Waite Lambert, one of the fore- worth and Integrity.- Mf. Weaver is most young physicians in the county. noted for ha business sonny aa has been nominatea ny im uemocrau -nsl Bannd hidemant in all mat- f or eoroner. He is a hixhhr educated tern.; He is a man of unblemished young maa and will serve with honor character. He was reared at Weaver-lead dignity, the office far which he iu and Mcaived his education at the. has been named. Dr. Lambert Is the college there, a He moved- te this nee-tion-of the state more than twenty years ago. He was with the Rittei Lumber Company in High Point for IS yeera ' after which he accepted a position with the McEwen Lumbal Company! which position he baa liaoe held. Mr. Waever is a man ef fine buainMS ability and la a man of ia fluTKe in bis community. He la a n.en.ber ef the Frwmdi church end t eon of Mr. J. T. Lambert, of Moffltt. He received hie early education in the public school near his home later go tog te Trinity College for year or o, later going i we uiuversuy oi North Carolina where he rraduated in 1017. la the fell ef 1917 he entered Jeff arson. Medical College from which he graduated efUr completing a four years' eour in the study of medicine. lie spent one year at Cooper Institute, a a. Mcdonald, J. R. RAGGETT Candidates far Senate. Messrs. D. A. McDonald, of Moore county and J. R. Raggett, of Harnett county, are the Democratic nominees for the senate Jn this, the 12th sena torial district, which is composed of Randolph, Moore, Harnett and .Hoke coon tie. Both of the candidate are expert- -enced legislators and men of affair. Mr. McDonald is well known to . our reader and 1 one ef the best and safest men to legislate for the heat interests of the public - Mr. Bagrett Is a lawyer. He wee for one er more terms a member ef ( the general assembly and took a high . stand. He la an orator ef ability a ' well as a fine lawyer. ' -, . The lection of these two hlgh-tenM gentle men will mean much te the eltl aena ef thin district, and they will he , repreaentaUvee ef whem the' people wUlheprowi. j Tbev wiu be succeeded la toe next election by repreeentaUvee from Ran dolph and Uoke -counties, arrange menta to thia effect baring been made by the committee before the candidate were nominated, ,