ISSUED JtTZIILT i PKIWOPLES, NOT IIEN? r v y 12.00 A YllAU IN AD VANQ AshUre, North Carcttaa. Theredayi Msvrmber t, 153 NUMBER regular oac:;; terhsufljr courts "BEGAN HKE.tIO.NDAY The regular term! of October enml .i convened Mondays with I0P-S9JKG CF;THE OADVqBEGIHSdON At meeting ef k Miibzhway eom- 'DuaiM'ini county niu . mwi w "r -- - - r . Jud T. B. FirJey, of Norm. Wfllft-GnllfoM county tbsr firev X the week, boro presidio. end; Solicitor HaydenIt wu decided to hard V Naee 1 hc aement, of Salisbury -representing '-spur connection Mtween tb Ptensunt the state. ;Thir i .the first tempfl Garden and,, proposed state .road to court; under the mw, law, i ilowinRaplleman and to. fop soil two miles i oinh -eoimtv to nave five terms'! of the old Beasajit Gankm -road rua- duriag th War. ..-s ?r Uning eiong the Railroad tratvTbjs i.uto Fhilev has been in ltaadolpb agreement was rcaohed by the- 1nint .1 J v n4. . V,. . 1- :T . county naiore iiwnj w nuiw. wt pjnuw ncaaiDa. at EFFORTS TO SECURE COtf WANCE OF JOINT- v . v : DEBATES.'WFH 1HE REFl'SliCAN CANDIDATES A 'report widely circulated by Ee , night ef Friday, Norember reepect poblkans to the effect that tha Demo- irelrv each ateetinc to iesin at' 7:30 eratic eandidatee - -hare ' been driven Vdock. and 1 hereby invite vou and 0 from tha tora'p, following the meeting lr. J. Ed pence, candidates of the poeionea at tianaiennan on account r-Kepuoucaa. party lot me enaie ana NEXT HOUSE MAY BE A THORN IN THE SIDE OF ADMINISTRATION (By Parid F. St. Clair.) NEW GREENSBORO-MT. -GILEAD MAIL ROUTE STARTSNEXT SUNDAY The people of this section will be Washington, Nov. 1. Republican interested to know that the proposed on the inside at the headquarters of mail route from Greensboro to MC TIJTv .rfT.-r." 5.jrt!!J,??"?r Republican national congressional Cilead via Asheboro is a certainty. unit, murain di ut im uu hk iimw ua, ntwwni uh nrg ogn- : i: . - ii letterrbelow,.f M Crahford, chauy Ing nan-d to JotoMebaU of the po- ott"" f ' Tv h' SSJam'-iff ii 16 majority fo? their party in Jeffreys, manager' of the Greensboro SS&SSS?'?: ?5!f?iK--.'b W advertised the next house. They also admit that Daily News. The telegram front "uuoc nfr, iuuiww ana tha postere wiU state that tha can muh m r.oiiv .w.t . W.iinonn t m, t.f.. . that -the contract for this route had been awarded to him. The mail truck unanswered Tnme ot going to press. The letter was PJV iidate of the Kepublican party have eiaive Democratic majority. In other SSk rifrrJf participate at the meet VOrds the Republicans on the eve of T . ' .- . ill ! . , . . - . .. 1 MV . TrfV-V. A'JiIib Jaan tha mahij ". t, . . .... . . ; ' " " et va i did impiesaon as a iair anw mow jur jae eonumasionerr room &$ me CourtH" JTr ' "T- pia ana jouv eeoaie, ine lnviiauons th election do not hope to control the will start Sunday, November 5. W. P Jw -- - iTlrr.r'rJ-TwLrv.-.: .W.;aWiMiwiiB you as next house even though they do get Th. numose of thi, mt, i vance the delivery of newspapers and ber of years been aoiicitor in tbia,ua-f ne-Teasant Garden . road .route trict has made many friends to the haa long keen hanging fire. The Joint for re-election thiS j year and 'iwlMertrfac the spur connection and to quenUy this will be his lasVyisit to sand day the old Pleasant Garden A shehoro as a prosecuting attorney;- J road leading into GreensboTo bv vav In charging tha grand Jury; Judge f Asheboro street CStisens of thell Finley spoke on law enforcement ano cumax and .Pleasant Garden sections psnwiallv of the wave of crime, which of the counts aoneared before th "Join)- has followed the war. - He also spoke board with 3iy long petition asking that of the large number of crinies-which' the'boaro) change their original plans, are daily recorded in the pere and that they spend the amount of mtmey ad of how it is impressing thess public He called attention of the grand 'Jury of their dnty toinvestigate the' con dition of the. court house femnty home and jail. ' - '. ' :' The grand, jury is composed. pi the contemplated on the spur connecfion an or use that tat. hard aurface the Pleasant Garden road. The board: inamben statMl that th -Did fieasant Garden road route . jZ!." . . Tr ahairman of the Bepublican county ex-. aa much as ! majority. uuin um WVUfB . , UfWUlsu WW' aairiM AmnviH&4 A m m . ' ' 1 J i t. i v tj - . - aiui canvasa oi u) enure usi nrat class mail tn Rmll.n J i"K" ThatijuDMOtt lor a reoiv. at Rniihiirn nai)afa mnnin. i.l,v.7. "7 . . :: . ' -' ' - ; wanfni!v 1 i T tt ooro ana o give mail service to 'S5Rn o,.irm ! ? If te?rWSve" f" W0' Steeds, Seagrove,vEther, Star, 'i H .104AjNvKU, uhairman. , closes the blunt fact that the party Biscoe Trov WaHpviiii' uV rl iiPvtrnk County Ex. Committae. must command a majority of at least "TaAd Candor! 1 Sgefevf ,t''6? o- and D. M. Weatherly, 4? f88.. to J w country entirely without any . batindidate. for housT oVf fSen-S? JhnMfa6 day tra!.n For mei' : 1 .-ntp3ii w group of men more than 20 m num- ar and a ha f the OmwAaW. ReDublkan County Executive inJ -'TT.'TC '.-..iT' "m, - jj . ber masquerading in the present fraws has nnprnt ;ta You agreed, verbally,' last Cox and Spenee may consent to pap- ttdpata an the debate. ' - HEADQUARTEBS DEMOCRATIC jCODNTY, EX. COMMITTEE Asheboro, N.; C, Oct. St, liXL C. H. vox, uhawnan Sir lourt housaJn Asheboro. Thursday ZZT?r,r,Z . !"""ACM papers and this new star- following: , : : - jaurface with the exception two and John B. Humble, foreman r R N.s half inilea. r Brown, Jasper Foust, J. P. Collett, J.j ; The spur connecting the Rsndteman H. Bhane. E. J. Miller; J. M. Bobbins, toaiLto that-of the Plflaoant Oanion K. C. Spencer, J. F, McMasters, W, M.; road is 1,6 miles and hr hardeTrrfeeed." Moffitt, u. u ,mtson, -w,;y.1oone,- vpon connecting wit the Pleasant K. F. Kinney, 0. T. Macon, H. C. ( Garden road the Spur leads in the di Lambert, Jasper Vuncartnon, ;i Ji A.rection of High Poirif.., This, epnr con Burgess and L. C. Paynei' .. .. . jneetion is about one mile 'west of The following, are the petit jurors: Rrtter's lake. . D. R. Cassady, R. I. Kearns, G. W,I It was estimated by the Bommis Speacer, E. W. Simpson, C: E- Julian, doners that tliis agreement wpuU be A. M. Wright, G. Gross, E.-lvMoffitt, aavings 'to. Guilford over 1L F. Patterson Walter vFarlowWijf62,0Obaa B. Miller, T. L. Sykes, G. P.; Snider, eonstruction. -, . OHborne Slack, John E.Hockei Cie- ; ' , ; .-: -' ' wnere were a nuiuuef oi iiuuvt cases , nwn t-m una . disposed of Monday. 4TJ;follongf';; X y1 i-wajjj!4N are among the cajes: '- .;"'''.'vV:4:i' Elo CoUegeOctpber Mr. and , , . a P w waM uvn OKN will nprfnrm tViA day afternoon give' me an nsweJ Randtema Frid wl IT06?,0 T fnp "1,-'' addin carrV the firstas to my invitation for a joint pontics ffltW4tarTBainen ShT ? ther ,R?Pubhcan for all of those points, debate by the candidates of tha. two, oUodL Cld?tor I"de Sme f Mails will be massed at the nnrtioa of ttwi nnntv in- Hnnriiirin'u w r l-luCJk- without Democratic opponents and v " " . massea at tne afae by ha dttaana irffl A t:for;(Satar4y 'night:. ou;.lWitooifiS l Cox Ind J. Ed Spenee, Repub- been endorsed by that party KSuraf,J!? to enmnlv with vnur nmmiap. ... ' . , liin .nnrfiriatiia fnr tha unit. oww ux uiese uiaurireius so-caiieu .. i , " .. r i Mcpherson; it . a . i il j ' 4 . ' . .. ... OM rriAWi lonoiAiia in thai if iiiimm a now aeaire to uuorm you wat i nouse w representatives, respectively. . "6v-.. w.c. inti-.i.oM ji u. am advertising L C. Moser. Ueinocrac-lava been Mited. throueh the chair- b0B1 ta the Hardihg administration MO Ti, i" k" will be made on all the nffiw lices will also be possible, as ic candidace lor the Legisiaiure, and fciu) Oi tn PuDhcan couniy execu- ffV"16 epuD ican policy than any outb"nd ma.T n v i.. .. .'ii'vi.i.i- . . i i Demhcrat. It ia not th 1 )p..,ncrn, k "cuu"' outoouna mails. date for clerk aL thn suuenor court, of thone ihino-H anrf nnrtirinat in bo are behmd the movement to im- . tentative schedule -calls . i- . t - j.i K.f ; . TPArh At.tftrnflv Cipnpml 1 lanorhprr.v mail .- j r,-. - -j to speak at two points, town: at Aane- joint debate boro and Randlenian, on uie mgiu iu the day. E Thursday, November 2, and on the yited to bf pi if the political issues oi irybody is cordially in5 ssen. truck to leave G but so-called Republican representa- :J0 m- each Sunday mom; tives like Keller, Woodruff and John- J401 Mount Gilead by 8:30 son. . No Democrat has so severely Returning, the truck will react exposed Secretary Mellon's policy in "ro about 1p.m. refusing to make the Standard Oil stockholders pay their share of income CHAIRMAN HULL SURE tax as has Kepresentauve irear. These insurgents are lyiirg awake at WEfcM KAliM Ltl lEr . inews - . Mesiri.'W. E, and W. C. Capel, (By Maxwell Gorman.) ai Troy and Candor, very Wfirhly es- Raleighj" October 31. One week teemed former citizens of 'Ramseur, night to find flaw in the Harding ad- uvu, w"B;,.nv,uiu. , wu "-- iMimgw wit uwiiicn uui, iwr miniarmtinn armnr I'hpv will tint aratii! natinnol tion day, and every good citiaen is in- nrday. ' Mr, Capel, Sr., has sold to the oniv be returned to the next house hHt Saturday in fno.f t tensted, or should be, and it is their Columbia . Mtaufactunng Company recruited by new men because the torial and congressional elec 4uw. to. .yotyv -yj-' ; ";jnd Rianjseut. Furniture Co. and E. C. Harding administration has ostracised "a Democratic victory is no This fa eld -rtuff preachment, it i& VWhs his property here wich con- them so far as patronage is concern- at the elections November ' iv wiiwo- a iiiiuw- usual viu uwiue vl ir. vuiiBi ej. Hut more than that they are men "The onlv OF DEMOCRATIC 1 Chairman Cordell Hull f t si W. J. Moore and Ed plead guilty of affray They irerej Mm. i&W. Brown eateretainBd at an.1 Du T 7 .eff S ""T4. Te Mr vapel ed- But more lined $10 and one half XheTOsts, or- elaborate - dinner Tueed lwnorfne y a r!,1""? MU v-f """""w" oi pnncipie lor the dered to appear and :show itood be?tie 87th nniyersary" of Mrs. Brown's navior at me ucvoper term-oi court, lira, """f-". Buaii'tfiue iwHiien. im entire nome. was attracliyelv ander frBTermter;tteW State vs. Dema Bean, traver for judgment, continued until April term. t xiio uiuv nuPRT.inn nt attempt to buy maining," Chairman Hull'! womwiaa well as men-especially those M. -S.vAiCaveness and family, of them with patronage has failed and added, "is the extent ofth in the rural section and in the smaller ; Greensboro, re visitors here Sun- that was why they ware ostracised. Practically everv section V towns of the state. - - -;J day. ' In some of the district! where these States will etmLZ ll decorated witb potted plants and snow L- T most vital institu- C Free spent-a part of last insurgents have Democratic opponents yictory, and every class of wMto crysanthemumv Amenca Is the home. week with ber daughter, Mrs. W. E. the administration is either openly or be largely represented. ,am room a co!6r motif pPprnt lalaTand i ntes composing the family con- fct Aslpbro. secretly supporting these opponents, ters." white, had.been effaetiyely' carrfci nut JiT u rV y' . wl!oul The: reviyaj Jneeting is still going on This is notably true m Kepresentatave , 6. D. Peebles and D. : E. Koonce, plead guilty of selling' stock without license. Prayer for, judgment. Is con- ti mi Ail until A"rYiI famM' rv i-v4-. -. ' State vs. Hobart-Chrisco', continued. The table was a weneW taafityTi im ,?m enipty bulIainKlf not 8 at the Ramseur Uaptist church, and is Keller's State vs. Bob ;Sykes, eentinu, bytthe cb4ad5ier-tQeattlrt .the i ! Tv. ww"en "s kwdi accompUshing much good. ..: t:.....:i -j.j tmui w' jrr. r-""" l euiw vs. uiiwouu juinuerry, ueienu-ium. center ant plead guilty, assault upon a fe- State vs. Tom Tucker, ' continued district in Minnesota. A' . .1 VIZ u"t price has been -put on his head be- fTr" V-.tAA .nJ onnu hp hA thp l-niivao-A t tnVo tha Tr"""""" Y win wo ir' me -nekt to love of God rYrKab; 0 d topeaXh ,& ito'elimy laecwa.'ninh IUU-,"rw.."e. ,ov, W'.oounwy Greensboro. erty. " r- rested .-thahirlJiiU m& WW j, m, ura m &u, love oi come anu .... MPR.r. J. A. nnd.M-'A-.l ihii. hpnrlno. tl,n "J.ta. 5ICi-l,"aL' ana was truly work art PlnsI. i. lr "" Bl " jras .. Messrs JL' A. and M"A.Ward and If the, RepubUcans .lose controlOof 'I;-'wa Watk-Vkt You n and Un. AIpt Rnrcrpsn nf (Irppnshnro. a visitor to her mother, mrs. M. nouse omy dv a sniaii jimjonuv uic oa- u tne, wepuuucans .lose control ox .- . , ro, lodfethat control if they efect" the r " ' WlHS lL. . i ., - JfM Q 1.DJI.V. HJ .IV. .IWV.l.., ....d. " a . . - - ... . .... candles in hand namied candelhra zA-Y ... ..ey. 0811 vote- 10 DUt a G. Smith, here Sunday. Harding administration may have for Miss Mary Lir.ebefry, daughter ef State vs. Alvin Swanev and Claude'ed to the beauty of the nmtv Ai -quBaon l"elr Parents m thousands M, and Mrs. w E. Luck an(1 fam;iv the next two years a rocky road to Capt. and Mrs.Uohm H. Uneoerry, ef Routh, continued. dainty and attractive hasteta filled e.lln T1" ,before f0,- of Asheboro, were in town for a short travel. Daugherty, Mellon and Fall in Greensboro, was quietly married at State vs. Will McCollum, defendant with mints eave tha finfehinir toneh ii w WUB nexl luestray- A8 time Sunday afternoon. the cabinet will all be marks lor the tne nome or ner parents Wednesday, plead Ruilty, sentenced to twelve After the guests had assembled and Jt,X,TvT . i 5 . ?. woman Rev. W. M. Smith and family left darts of the enemy. Some of these October Zb, to Mr. Kandolph Gordon mouUis in prison and assigned roads thanks had been offered by Urn. Lew- uT' TC "uVu,rel'y 1010 yu' wna' for Franklin Tuesday mormng. Tut insurgents have openly charged bee- weny, oi iticnmon.i, va. immediately in Cabarrus; not to serve sentence, if 'alien's son-in-law, Rev. & B, B 1 1emocTatl,c Party, as constituted ganiseur-Franklinville new pastor retary Mellon with being directly re- following the ceremony the bride and fine and costs are paid in other cases. Thompson, she was asked to extin- u per.8mnel(; ln. wtortn Carolina to- jv. W. L. Scott, of Jefferson, is ex- sponsible for the coal strike of last groom left in their car lor Richmond. j .o iuaii muiuij npctpd this wppk SUmnier. HIS iamny convrois uie mis. nciij i! me Ki'im'iiiiKiinjr oi A number of our folks are attend- nitsourgn ioai company, uie Kicai.- vopi. mu . .i. iutokhj, ui ing the circus at Greensboro thib est coal concern in the country and it Millboro. and is an attractive young suV is said a word from him could have woman. She was educated at Koanoke State vs. Will McCollum, plead anil- swish the liirhts fromthe 78 tinv can ty; ordered to appear each criminal dies on the birthday cake, Inherusu court lor three years and. how arood al charminir and iovial mannen Mrs. behavior and jrive bond of $200 f or , Lewallen stenned forward and blew appearance and pay costs in case. the candles out In spite of her 78 State vs. Will McCollum, plead guil-J years of aee. it miirht be added that ty; hned $50 and :osts. I she is 78 years young, she ia hale, ijtale vs. A. C. Coble and Joseph i hearty and active, her life has Wn Linebtrry plead guilty; conditional and is yet beinjr lived a life uT use- sentence of fine or imprisonment. state vs. Virsrie York and Clarence McPherson, judgment that each def endant be Imprisoned1 six months' and mat they pay costs oi ease; further, that they enter into a $200 bond and that they appear at each .April and September court for two years and show good behavior. Capias to issue upon motion solicitor or sheriff., &uie vs. Bill Yokely, . defendant plead guilty: imprisoned three years and assigned Cabarrus roads. ', ' Vt State vs. John O. Gray, for house breaking and larceny, defendant being nine years old, wu ordered sent to the Jackson Training School. , . 8tate vs. McCy ; plead-: guilty; kipping board bill, bill has been paid. Judgment suspended upon payment ef eosta, . ,.. .-' ' . , - y avu ssiia . a nane Mixon for lareeay and racaivins Btan- ten King's auto in June of this year. rrsa uon only being-en trial, Truitt Nuen not being apprehended & A. R. CONVENTION IN ' HIGH POINT THIS "WEEK i , ""now .eonvenuon or Nona Carolina Division of th-Daughter Of Americaa Revolution convened in '"gh fomt Wednesday: morning at ,7ey Memorial church. Mrs. W." O. Winston-Salem, Is regent a will preside -at the convention, "A Point ku m.h. nMnn. oa for this eonvenUons, and plans toj j uu w oeiegaies royally. . - , - tsf. ,tymt ""-'facial. V'"r'''' "at ores covering approximately "w acrea at iatu fJ0,"1 North Carolina irl 6Wttry morning. . Although IS.1?011 cf fires have been Twr1' urbi and put out, hun W L"6 ,re u" aname in va- aKtiona,' fc fr, no lives have SlldlJ!:-!!? ,nr rI'ort burned '"Owes. iKa .., . Maul.v vuiiiiiung- viie'n- laiid and T' ln1.M Liccnw I.ufrf. t L,e,yl Uaun.1 Bcenw to to r- v, frni,i - frlC 1 ! "' 81. IPTilry J : ,h Othrr , ; !'uiin to : s t i J ' 1 fulness. She has made her home here with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, for the past six years. The following were present to help make the day a memorable and happy one: - Her seven children and their families, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lewal len. of Elon College; Jtev. and Mrs. H. S. B. Thompson, of Randlemnn Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lewallen and K. ju. lew alien, of Asheboro; Miss Lizzie LewaU len, of Burlington; Mrs. Bettie Gray, Miss Lillie and HL G. Gray, at Greens boro;, Mr. and Mrs. E. K Barnes, of Llleeville; Misses Georgia said Bdith Uoora. and W. B. Penninjrtoa, of Elon College; fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. - a 1 1 LDn rockmaa Going to High Polat People throughout thai seeAon of the state will be totereatod J knew that announcement Tea mads ihe tet ter part ef last "weak to th effect that . Dr. Harry I Bnseknsm, si Greensboro; wiU arrive to High Bflnt within the next week or tea nyrw, sd will be associated with tin hnmn McCain hospitaL For stal seaia Dr. BrocJunan has bees hurtetistogiat at 8L Laos hospital, Gissssxrm, sd U eonaidered an expert tfinRttwUclaB. He will be aaaodated viU ike Burnas- MoCala hospital In tos fvtta M Ishoratory is beinaf oawt Dr. Brockman ia eonaidered jm i l tfai best trained end ecjnipped sp?tere Is the state haying bad yeas jn jrtsdy and careful work. He will bJetraea sodated with Drv Burrse, Dra. x3hs gert. Woodruff and MiAtoliy, , the present staff of .tfas o$gm;.; A f ' BBSSSBSBSSSBaBBtSnMBBSBSSaBBBM T andsill Fait Optsi Not. 7. V,; 1 The Sandhill fair thai Um W famous in this section ef tas steto ss the "fair without a Wwc?," ria open Norember 7 and eonUaas ikoasra the 1 Oth. The annual name 'aM, the four days of racing, the f at rade and annoal pageant will armru tute the principal entertaimt fir turcs of the fair. The pagans W.U fair to be a more pronouncsd iein than It WHS last yrar. li is f "i'a S dnr the direction of llins Al trr cry, of ( 'hnie ( 'y, Va. It v sTnt- . ly lira. !' tz9 I ' T" ( ivr r i l ft, ! t... " : i I S t I 1 t i r - r - i ' what the Democratic party has done to preserve and protect andmaintain the continued safety and happiness of your home, your home and "mine, es pecially in the small towns and coun try districts of the state. The answer you will get will neces sarily carry with it the pictured recol lections of the assaults on our homes are the enemies of Democratic good government and continued premacy. ter suggest to me that you can learn what you should never forget, without iurtner prompting at this hour. College, Roanoke, Va., ailer which she ('P'' took a business course. She has held t.;( a responsible position in Greensboro 11 Mr. Walter King and family, of settled the strike at any moment, in Greensboro, spent Sunday wfth Mr. W. stead, the coal barons have been ena H King. bled to extort from the American Supt. T. F. Bulla, of Asheboro, was people $200,000,000 as a bonus be a viRitor here Sundav afternoon. cause of the enforced idleness of the Mr. anM Mrs. Fred Warren, of miners for five months. ' Greensboro visited Mr W H Kina- Secretary Daugherty may never De tAn. uavilui uiru m udjin- ' WT. M... II... ( 1,1.1. . X. ' f XT f IT .1 Ilt.'lf . .1.11 V l.,L"l Klin 1 tf impeacnea out ne is certain to poas ui in ornixLr.n idoii.iiui lor more than two years is a traveling salesman. 'im . If. ' . White SU-.j r. J-.. m, ..... Mini am v nunuMV. ine limitaaons OI this let- r. T r r o .., nmi unnleanant and anxious moments li tne next nouse is aoie to ormg mi The Beetkm Rainbow. State Chairman Norwood, who has been directing the canvass of the state, and his able assistant, W. C. i&ugaenhour, are optimistic about the conditions and prospects. in town Monday. V. C. Marley and Greensboro Monday. Capt. T. C. Davidson died suddenly wife went to department into the limelight with an in Spencer yesterday morning. ne I investigation and let that investiga- was preparing to go out on a run I tion be aired on the floor of the house, when he was stricken with an attack RANDOLPH COUNTY TEACHERS ;And there ia Secretary Fall's Teapot of acute indigestion and within ten MEET NOVEMBER ELEVENTH Dome negotiation in which he practic- minutes passed away. Capt. Davidson ;ally gave away more than a billion was a middle west man, and spent Superintendent T. F. Bulla has call-, dollars of the American people's oil to much of his life there. He came to H a mufltinir of the teachers of the the Standard Oil Company. Secretary North Carolina about 20 years ago Col. A. D.linnv ant ha d.n imntwt the, mrhnn Fall's defense of this transition has from the Illinois Central railroad iw . ii .! J .1.' V..l U,, CM- 1 I . U C ..... V. Watte rolled in Saturday after a sy-1 committeemen to attend the meet- tematic canvass oi close counties. He Ing on November 11th. appued a course ef treatment in each nTj, j. h. Cook, at the head of the He been completely demolished by Sena- has been with the Southern .since corn tors La Follette and Kendrick. j ing to the state with headquarters If the next house is controlled by i crincically at Spencer. Capt. David- case and healed up many sore spots' department of education of the State .the Democrats alone or by the Demo- son was assigned to the High Point a ...4 kani). imJ ' . . . a.u.i , h t.t..ll.. '. , . r V j,i I . .vnttf- Willi Ika mA n f thA InanrMnll 1 ak.K.tM , r . I 11 u nnflntfir mnn uw ".UMiiij uvurnvw tMlMtrm TOT WOlfflAn. Will M BIWU fences. Hia report to state headquax-!aD4. rpaV" an address in the forenoon ten inTUsed additional hope and assur- ) in tha aftarabon a nraetical reaff- ance, which means a "clean sweep" of mphy cUss under Dr. Cook s direction every eongressional district, ninety will be the prtneipel feature. Mr. Hundredths of toe state senate, and an Bulla hopes to have a part of the pro increased majority In the state house mm tha ri lUvntH tit fittinc ef representative. Mrs. Lindsay Pat- sxe crises for armistice day. wrson ana pr; im uampDeuwiii nave the opportunity sf seeing Major Sted man and Bob Doabhton increase their majeritiee agafai, 4.- ..... ; Pay ef Lcjialatere, "rThe approaching session of the gen es! assembly,' which convenes m Jan- LWCREASED WATER POW- - 13 PROJECT ANNOUNCED A nmlart whtrh will ha anffieLsnt to frmetete 60.000 horsepower and the outlay involved wiu oe Detween aor 000.000 and 17X100,000 was annoaaoed mar. will be one of the most Interest- this week by the president of the lss snd Important ef recent years. CaroBns,-Teiinesaee . Power Company The eaMdldates chosen at the polls at Ashsville. Completion of the plans November 7 will constitute the next will involve the building of two huge kgi stature and they will have to serve dams and generating stations on toe wt the pay ef fou dollars a day, or Hiwaases- river in Cherokee county. 2 to for the seeaion, ami tea to ov. .nauaea, m we program, wmco ys with' pay. '" perhaps the most comprehensive ever A constitutional amendment is to be undertaken in North Carolina. Is the TOtod 6n at next Tuesday's V election plan to utilize the power to be gen- that. If adopted, will provide few as era ted at toe punt., ine power wiu pay for each law-eaker for tne two make possible - the development of semrs.- j-V' ' .vi - ' ast resources of the western part of , ".i . ;; : Ithe state and the adjacent territory of Reginald Dean Curtis Dead. 1 Tennessee and Georgia and It ia ex- Rsginald Dean Curtlsnlne-nwnths- pected'to aUract capital jnany times s'ld son of Mr. and Mrs. B. D.' Curtis, that Involved " in, the. waterpower of Greensboro died at the home of bis project. 1 ' : , u ' j -parenU Thursday, evtmlng ! et 8:30, . . ' ' . ".'J'l A . 5 s'dock following an .Illness ef several Flre DepaHsient Called Ont .'. weeks. FuMral senrices were con-1 ltl local nre ueparunent was vaiieu afternoon- br ' Rev. lu C Btubbins, which nrovsa eniy to oe : some ury rmstar of Grace Methodist Protestant grass burning some distance behind thurch. Interment rouowea jn uie me nome si sir. nr. a. vvuin an pun- Grn Hill emetery. Mr. Bnd Mrs. set avenue. ITiere was considerable Curtis are formerly cf, Randolph smoke and much nr;mment, but the torn;', .- '. - Uaio amounted to r ' ' Ing. eratewith the aid of the insurgents: Asheboro road as conductor, more Daugherty and Fall may expect to be j than three years ago. He made many subjected to the rack and not a coat friends in this section who will learn of whitewashing. Cabinet scandals j of his death with sorrow. Capt. Da- -are fatal to the success of any ad- vidson had been changed to Spencer ministration. It was the trafficking 1 several months ago, but had had ne tn the public domain by Taft's sec-luce to return to Asheboro within the retary of the interior that did most! wife, who at the time of her hua to, defeat for re-election in 1912 but past few days. He is survived by his the- Taft administration never had i band's death was in Seattle, Wanhing m scandal comparable in magnitude ton, and two daughters, both of whom with Tea Pot Dome. reside in Chicago. The funeral and In view of what may happen on 1 burial arrangements have not beea November 7 the managers of the Re- announced. publican party are exceedingly ner-1 . reus. They have issued an 8, 0. 8. RANDOLPH BOYS PARTICIPATE call all along the line for they now IN HAVER FORD BALL GAM realise that to lose control ef the . house means purgatory for the party Ia a gamef ball between Guilford for the next two years and defeat in College and Haverford College, Phila- ivze, Tney anew mat they must delphia. four Randotoh county boys have a majority which will eliminate the insurgents They 'can never hope to eliminate the farm bloe in any pos sible majority they may get but the farmlloo will trade. The avowed in surgents wiltsoU HOME OF DOCK WALKER ' .. DESTROYED BY FIRE FRIDAY wilL-partidpste. vis.: Will Johnson. Asheboro; Hal Laasiter. Mechanic, and Nereus English," Arcbdale, and John Frank Frazier, of Liberty. The game will; be played on Saturday, No vember fourth, and much interest ia being manifested. ,' - : Death of Robert A, Green. . Taihprt fl Cnan a U.,M- (!... Mr. Dock Walker's home at Anne-'of Thomasville. hi in aanv ut. boro route 2, was completely destroy , hospital last Friday Mr. Green had ed by, fire last Friday. Mrs. WaUer;an operaUon, for appendicitis- some i was away and the older children at day before and complicaUone i arose i schooL When the fire was discovered which resulted in his death. M r. Greea ' it was toe far advanced to be extin- was 64 years eld. a nativ r tii dncted from the Curtis borne Monday out Tuesday morning to put out ft Ore guished. . It is thought that It caught county, but for the pout sweral veers aucniT uua. airs, .naiaar, naarnauo nu nome Thomasville had twtnty-flve dollari t in money where he made ' many friomU. . tie which was pot la the safe which was I graduated from Wake Forest Collng burned, as was aU of the fumJtjre.jin l8Hi." Funl .nic were am rljthlng, canned goods and all of the j ducted from the PniU;t church t hvuse. prpperty, ' . l'Uoinnsville I'litufiuy n'.'.iu.- n.

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