V V X -Mi TIE COURIER ggUED WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT HEM I2.U0 A YEAH l.N AU ANCB wcUlfl. XLTO V Aaheboro, Nona Carolina, Thursday, Nerew.br 23, 1922 NUMBER GORGES CLEUKCEAU FRENCH WAR PREMR ON VISIT TO AMERICA (f France, arrived in SJ- it week, and w a fTderful reception. Acewnpanljd JTSl E. M. Houe and -ether. i he 2JTt once to Oyster Bay and laid fSeath on the grave of Theador ifvelt. The renowned old "tiger" mdte no wora u o. ------ jSe of the ex-president, bt wn eve took in every detail of the fenced Been "".I- Vrnm he in pnciusuic. " UvwiA wnnr h t to the ttoosvc4t .pent some time in the iamou. vropny then returned to Jhe residence y Carles Dana Gibson, the artist, i ,f,.r1 1 h. PTncta to spend tha t of his time while in New York, i before beginning a short tour of the country. , . i;t Before a group ui I November 20, at a luncneon giv I em ms nuaor, he delivered a brief but eluquent address, ma representing many shades of political Minion. Among other things, he said that his purpose in coming to this !ntry was not to tell how this gov cmment should be run, but to get it to help France, by telhsg us what Prance neeas most. His speech, by request, was withheld from th press tor the present. For the Ume being the "tiger' is spending his time as far as possible in comparative seclusion but later on will deliver a series of addresses be- fm returning to France, lwo physi him recently Russell PREl "WRS at THEK'HfijNYOiE COilimiTY FAIR Premiums were awarded a. feftewc at the FranktinTille Community Pair, Baxuroay, November 11, 1922 f rtvwen. Largest bloom, on potted hut. 15. won by Mrs. C. C. Brower. Seccnd largest bloom, on potted plant, 3, won by Mrs. Jesse Denson. lhird largest bloom, on potted plant, 12, wen by Mrs. C C. Brady. Largest plant, four bloom, yellow, $2, won by Mrs. C. C. Brower. Best collection, six plants, $3, won by Mrs. Bessie Praett Second best collection, of six plants, JZ, won by Mrs. C. C. Brady. Cat Flower. Largest four bloom, white, $1.00, won by Mrs. C. C. Brady. Second largest, four blooms white 76c, won by Miss Fannie Sumner. Largest four blooms, "pink, $1.00, won by Mrs. L. II. Curtis. Second largest, four blooms. Bisk. 75c, won by Mrs. Norah Maner. Largest six blooms, yellow, $1.00, won by Mrs. Jesse Denson. Second largest six blooms, yellow, won by Mrs. Nora Maner. Largest eight blooms, bronze, $1.00 won by Mrs. Abe Hudson. Largest eight blooms, lavendar, $1.00, won by Mrs. Norah Maner. Largest vase of mixed flowers, $1.00, won by Mrs. Jesse Denson. Fancy Work. Best collection, four pieces em broidery, $2.00, won by Mrs. G. C. TRUMAN H. NEWBERRY MICHIGAN SENATOR RESIGNS HIS SEAT RA1ISEUR NEWS U. S. Senator Truman H. Newber ry, of Michigan, whose right to a seat la the Senate has been seriously ques- nened, baa submitted his resignation 14. take effect immediately. He felt impelled to this action by the recent defeat of Senator Townsend, his Re publican colleague. The turn oi even Us, he stated, made it futile for him to continue his present connec tion Witn the government, as he would doubtless be the victim in the future of political persecution. Keviewint the main features of the contrbvers. which grew out of his election foui years ago over Henry rord, he declar ed his right to a seat in the Senate had been lully contirmed. It was also rtated that if henceforth there ap pearedfto be opportunities for public service, he would not hesitate to offer himself to his party. - dewberry was convicted in his own state of conspiracy to violate the' Runaway, Not. 21. The members! of the do.- Club were royally enter- j tained by Miss Elizabeth Smith and' Mr. aad lira, E. C VVatkins at the beautifml country home of. Mr. Wat kins last Friday night ' Everything was arranged for the enjoyment of the large camber of young people who gathered there. The first part oi Uke tmaifig M program was a pa- FIRST WOMAN SENATOR TOOK OATH OF OFFICE TUESDAY THIS WEEK NEXT YEAR WILL SEE FINISH FIGHT BETWEEN THE POLITICAL PARTIES Mrs. W. H. Felton, "the grand old I woman of Georgia," took the oath of j (By David F. St.fClair.) Washington, Nov. 22. The election per of faetraction handed out to each P-i"- wl" P"" i: . ... Ibe for a day, because ut tne recen guest curectfag everyone to a certain part of that room where was found an other note With further directions an-i so on till at jacket of envelopes were found which were addressed to each male guest and in which he found the name of hlar partner and also one to each lady', with number of table in which they were directed for the in teresting game of hearts. Everyone greatly enjoyed this contest for about an hour. Next a contest, "A Ro mance in Music" was engaged in. Mr. E. C. Watldns and Miss Bess Thomas won both contests and were present-, ed with sheet music as prizes. After a few mieutes of music the guests were invited to the spacious dining f 1-.. XT U. A, .L- TTilSllinir V7.; . . " ff .'hM given to the present session of first Woman senator of the United: " r. . . , . ... vugicsa a 1 1 unuudi iiiiritrL iui uk: public. The lJe..iocratic party has election Vaiir t. oeore was eltcu:. successor to fill the unexpired teiin oi the late Senator X.atson. Mrs. Felto. was appointed by the governor ol Georgia prior to the election to serve until the election. She is 87 years old and taking the oath of otnc crowned with success her lifelong ef forts to "blaze the path for American womanhood." It is understood tha. after Mrs. Felton has answered the roll call Wednesday and perhaps made a brief address she will retire without objection in favor of Mr. George, who delayed presenting hi; election credential.; in order that Mrs. Felton might be seated in the Senate as the first woman senator. . . .1 x 1 A - 1 1 , i b w, uie case oeing appealed ,ed .u Moek rrMm nnH kp withl ' - - to uie supreme court of the United !a-m.i Kow. t T,!A APPEAL TO THE uio wiiicn ueciareu unconsiliu- i ! .j i come back to its own and a strong progretsne element has cut the Re publican party. The Democrats pre sent o solid from. T ne Kepubhcans begin today a serious struggle as to which faction shall control the party in 1924. This the closing session of the 67th coiign ss is the skirmish stage of two treat political battles, the battle with in the Republican party for control anil the battle lnvween the two creat i ? has come back with fight in its eyes.' Every man on either side and in either faction has tightened his belt!; -. There is 7.pst fnr th t'ruv in hi vnirJlj f.: . rimming 10 ine quicK ine election gave them have thrown off their sloth and ttonal the statute under which he was accused. His title was finally con- the .soft firmed by the Senate itself by a mar-0ur8e the club ,ed by Miss Smith at!lrom the m.msters and Sunday school face of the elecion relurns th "lf 'LVe Votes- ln the receni the piano sang several good numbers ""Penntendenfai of the county for the death. Theit ;luuatjty umler n( stated that although he is far past 80 j Second best collection, $1.00, won by years of age, his physical condition rs. ymrgarei omun. is equal to that healtny man of 50. v.lx..! . 1 Tk.. Un... MINISTERS OF RANDOLPH own Town 'To the.r'enenne's the ,.f u u: ,,,, v.. ; .1 :u W. ew responses have come in yet ,. ,'Vnpra,inn in :hp vv . u - ... ... - J iooi face 0f e election returns they court campaign the case was an issue m tbe prograrn with "Good Night '. EtaKst un lhe ,ca11 was sen. cuilistances provokeo a noie o1- ailmira. w v, , 4w M" and many expressions of ap-;ut the teachers and many of the Uo f of th h. opp0iients. It has been established hat New preciation to the host and hostess.-- unty scheols have responded liber- Tn h of tne leaClliary Re berry came by his seat in the Senate F Mr E R BaWwin and famil of Perhaps the fact that there have pubucis J t0 nillume Ule Jreng0t through the excessive use of money, r.Z:'n'Jy " 7 na f y'.?l been so many changes in the pastoral J;f tn nrno.,.paaivp Tl,v inv.,rianip having B0,ething like a qua? Bothe nR. ,ha" te l aS l,U",0n &n.. U, A iT? Z!L n d0. ,.th.?.iel8?J ind as a part or their majority in both his election. The present political r- A. A. Gant and family went the funds will come in later, as thi trend shows a public attitude of hos-1 ' ft unday. They were call has never failed to meet with tilitv toward such methods, nn.l it i accompanied home by Mr. Gant's sis- heartv resnonse. If it has not hoen of the average' Best pair embroidered pillow eases, nkeJf the Senator thought it prefer wr Mre- Ansel ana enna. possible to take a collection in you Nor has age im- 1.00, won by Mrs. G. C. Russell. able to go out of his own accord rath-1 Mrs. W. E. Marley and children church or Sunday school, will you not paired his unusual ere. intellectual pow- Second best pillow cases, 76c,- won er than be kicked out later on. No spent the week-end with friends at ! arrange to do so the first Sunday pos by Mrs. A. C. Pugh. Best collection four nieces erochet- nr,An 1'iwiM ruFFNSRflRO TO i'na $2.00, won by Mrs. Norah Maner. WnfiH nFlSK FliEDL Second best collection, $1.00, won by Mrs. Jane Craven successor has yet been announced. houses. These progresshes are first of all Republicans they Will tell you notfung scares a reactionary more than to tell him that jirogiessivism means a third party. He wnl tell you Greensboro.- W. E. Marley went aft- sible? Surely the church people can- "'c " ... "IS er them Sunday, spending ite Jay werahip as. well when they know TtVTeU " f.tv tne peopie oi Armenia and byna are Hnw . - ' nH TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL NEWS there. j..; j 1 n f i j T. T . .. , . . , Vr.V.A. Graham and ramily spent - Robert M. LaFollette and niram John lne Innity high school classes are r ,lsv loir .v i Vf v nounce the Ohnst. and no effort has . ...i:u ,., i.. .l. Best crochet table runner, 76c, won planning to have a school paper. It i, Spring. made on their part to help the tl" " T"n iST hAntfri that thio o a n amAminhelia.' . v . nr tj i s r . . I uc r If thnt la noinrr nnno t n rplmvp ... - , -'J .vwinuumicu meSSITJ. J. W . IJIXOn ana li. r . Min- I " -- I'lnih thio cmrnctimi nt a rhi Perish this suggestion ot a third party. fWJJME by HkT a GarrlsoT Ol vuillimssiuiici o. , c . , . . r. . mi . . , . - w. ;., TL. ti..i r L 1 i i Mu.m it mmc i miner uw, mil . . i "c iiaooea uie an enuiusiasuc gnaJ, Who have been pamting at 1 ,i .."V "".J""'c" That negatlve slogan nas Deen sent ent Sunday here. I"""1 broadcast trom wasning-un witnin the a v 1 i .i onH oil id rtAi n rt Hnna that il nnooi K! morgan preacned tne "V" ' " -r"1" Vu week by the reactionary writers. nf nrai.HVnl umn with limited funds and the fact that . , f the Turks are to deal with. Won't Mrs. jane graven. and looting forward to Duttintr out a r.iwnihnn Sim,i. t.r With minor inal tindliigs wood Cox and the engineers the i XT ril uiAM(n VT ' tv, k.nininn! Best knotted Counterpane, $1.00, real paper. To get in practice fo i no -Vfinitelv established lwon bv Mrs- Norah Maner. thin work each class has elected an Ln'Zce of hfJhway off dais1 st counterpane, 75c, won editor and five reporters. The cla.8 at a coherence of Wfwy on,cia,slby Mrs. George Patterson. who presents the best page of news It was avreed that the route would! Best old hand-woven counterpane, each week for a month is excused ed close study of the town and condi- teachers see that your church does . , o-.iu .-.f tv, BOe, won by Miss Belle Dove. from a theme. The eleventh trradt tionn anA it iR hnnAd will hor mnrh something? Or if a layman wouli. menu aiong o , .,, t.. Prettiest old nuilt, 75c, won by Mrs. won out on news items with the nintl. ww1 fmrfj, help present the cause and arrange Went route to the intersection of Norah Maner- le rIninK a dose second thit Dr. L. E. Thompson, who has beene offering, it might be ag weU in ttte Ashe street route inence biouk Hut in spue of tne reactionary ef- Kev. S. L. first of a series of practical sermons on the subject, "What is the JWaer the lurks are to deal with. Wont f R iiri.t. t iff fTt.' . 1 . vnn mlniotorfl and Snrinnu crhnn - . r witn xtamseur: mis sermon snow- " , - -- lrom springing out ot the stowing eauiuron, tne littie man with oushy , iron gray hair raises his wand and the nresent route in the main, how ever, the route will pass R. W. H. stana'n nlar. also the nlace oi Dr. jrrri. Battle, thence to a point near fete end of the present macaaam, Fanr Wortt. week. The work shows promise. nratirlfcHTiHstrv at SiW Pitv has ome cases. Flease send the money Second prettiest quilt, 60c, won by In answer to the cry of the Arme- accepted position with the city a quickly as possible to the treas Miss RellA Dnv. minn Mn Trinitv nicrh cohr.nl re RphAols : Winatnn-Knlem mil tw Urer OI Uie 1UIU1, mr. 1. Vj .Best l-adaes house dress, $1.00, won upended generously,.. The grades up.thisweek ljtike .up. work-there. - jnep.oro. ' ' - by- Mra..jV:Hi ffentris&v Remember . puts his trumpet to his mouth calling upos till progressives in congress for a legislative rally in wnicn the ship M subsidy bill musi. be put to sienp. If jvioser, . .--. ,, , .. ,,., .. to" the tenth" gave thirty two dollar,. Viae Valfer Scett, of Greensboro, tion, no matter how smal Ike road will then follow the new by Mrs. J. R. Lntterloh Seccnd best house dress, 76, won while the eleventh grade, consisting spcic the week-end at Ramseur, ive roaa win wren miuiw ms - j j location to the east of the present! Best child s dress, 75c, won by Mrs. ehijd and pledged theniselve hUfhway, crossing it about the Man- - oraay. of twenty, two i.iember3, adopted one Mr. Fred Myrick and SPELLING CONTEST HELD We arc proud of the line spirit of our rnhin school bovs and fills ami I a.' su.c lc cono an ojjor.K ion at Mo'r.oria W hisruits. 24 mounds flour. Mrs. that none of us will ever regret tlic hosmtal. is rapidly i eoove, n ! ' M . . I . . 1 I I nr. ami read to the bridge near R. W. H.1 Best loaf cake, fl.OO, Stone s home. It is said that the dif- J. H. Fentnss. ferencc between the present route and Second best loaf cake, 75c, won 1; tke pioposed new route to Buffalo is Mrs. Jane Craven. aVmt 8000 feet. It was agreed that Third best loaf cake, 50c, won by aather slight change might be made Miss Fannie Sumner, ear U,e Kucky Knoll school. Best layer cake, $1.00, won by Mrs Prei-ent plans contemplate the J. R. Lutterloh. There has boon up until la.L yc i in i r.i.u.v iiii;n .school only two .socio tie., ine lor vim giils and anoilit'r tot Greensboro, his father, place. Mrs. V. spent Ih Clias. II. L". Craven vri- . . : ! vr. C.raviTi of thi rontr. ! A I'll n: t'.i preciated and will help swell the fund family, of That may save a 111 e from starvation Wvoming, are spending some time or persecution. Dort it one vear. Sixtv dullais w,i with Mrs. Myrick's mother, Mrs. Mo p,ace ana ,nunu,n? .v.c i,;s; m rJlt.rini, ' ' ; ; ,, Mr p i KMrns u.i, i, ist ..n- in asheboko vrww W 1 UUIIVJ ....v, - I - tmio's home. Th... room it is stated, will result. k a -aung of about nine-tenth of a Jesse Denson. fact that wc helped to keep alive some ule from this city to the Randolph Second best biscuits, $1.00, won by little boy or girl. ounty hue. The chief deflection from Miss Jessie Craven. lee loute originally approved is , Third best biscuils, 50c, won b funii in i hp derision to follow the old Bessie Pruett. won by Mrs the uoyt.. l..st ..;;, li:c. . many hoys to nave a gooa one, so a lew boys organized a secret society. They named it the Johnson Lueiuo Society, after S. C John.son, a 1oi..l. professor of Trinity. Hus year when the girls met to or ganize, there was a motion to divide The county-widi- spelling of was hfld in the cnuit house I day aHenioiiii. l. irh .'cho.,1 counlv was p:.lith.' . . one ir;i Vnu fAnt Vl 1 1 - air wm hp nti-ce6ti in KtmuirlhvK' he ship bituiuuy anu on its coit totn congress into .spivi..! inarch u is me di-ir-i nr ut blow win nave h. .. to tne reaoiionai .. oi . ill toe KeuuUi.iail i ..i . coin.ro! oi L.t t' lii'j radic.l (,.u . lorce the ihMuii next i. .H a Knock .iini.cred i.. i I'.t'oieiit .. I.e.,, the ...e -laiulh i , be e '. l kI Clau-V t;n:;e tive, sive. A nui contest 1 roni I lie Messrs. J. W. Stout Fogleman went on a wild chase last week and had the ! of a long distance view of one or two spelled all ti e but didn't bring any home with them, follows: Miss We are glad to hear that Mr. Kli and Miss Lucv nlier of o: i ii . I tin- ; 1 ! d re II nlerod ', .. i cure lain w n'.U given, are r.urges.-., KaiiisOu lie Myers. Trinil li.eau JIC o; These young ladies are entitled to g. .. i .;.iii' r.. vid 1. i. ..I. h a The Democrat.' faiiL' f nu : a t ea sives but will I eat schemes iirojio.od Deinociats see it Hie move is a seiious liium lave iioni Ik award of the contract for this road Second best layer cake, 75c, won by the society. aext April. Contract for the entire Mrs. Kitty Parks. rtete from Greensboro to Asheboro Third best laver cake, 50c, won by via Kuimleman will be let In 1923, it Mrs. E. P. Webster. Is expected. Hest fp:t 'ike, fl.OO, won by Mrs. Contract for -hard surfacing 1.6 Garence Parks. As of road linking the old Pleasant Best ginger snaps, 60c, won by Miss Garden highway with, the new Ashe- Jessie Craven and now we have two societies for the girls. The narrte of the old t,ocieiy .e mains the same, Euronian. The girls of tHe new one decided to call theirs the Dixonian. All four of the literary societies are doing much better- work now than to Raleigh on November 2'J ami cnM UK,vl- " u pari ol the llaimng ad ministration in tne lace ol events. But il it is beaten what is to lie done with the three billion dollar fleet Cox, who is in St. I-oo's hospital ranidlv recovering. Mr. John Overman, of near Marley the state spelling contest. a niii iv mi.i.h- n:.i...n I . V, This motion was carried m. nas mr. rvag.use,, oC..iC i.. 4 w rnrvihor rr crniTiK m mm fn oiih Kir. mam , i ni . a ; ; ir,.i,Tri having brought to town an ear with STUDENTS ON LEAGUE bult. by the gover ent. 1226 grains. tion must be found for Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ionasl were In an address last week to the stu- l " problems such a: called to High Point Saturday to the dent body of Wake Forest College, brings up the line of t death bed of Mrs. Mattie Leonard, a Hamilton Holt, noted publicist and twecn the two partie former resident of Ramseur, and a former editor of the Independent, des Whether a third party ...ei .-, . l)a 1 10) is. every gri's- o. i..o wild 1 1 . i 1 1 1. As liip a.ihsidv hr.t a'l' I . i Bsie graven. doing mucn netoet- worn now uian --- . . . ,,, , i . , i not the nm,... Second best ginger snaps. 50c. won they have in the past, and we are still "ter-in-law of Mr. Ifonari She cUred that Henry Cabot Udge w!W not the I emoci an . ... . ' r. ' . or.a uu70V sum av on.! fl nprf) RP T- miM Miiinnnuih n nun mi V iilhfr l.vinir 1-1 IOrmUlatllli a (Olisl Wro road will be awarded in tne ; eerlv future it ia ruilipupH that. Guil- bv Mrs. Llziie Allred. ford county officials are also planning Best pound taffy candy, 50c, won by history of the school. w rebuild the present Pleasant Gar- Mrs. J. n. rentnss. en road, hard surfacing the i parti Best pound chocolate 1 i ii-iw uiatAUIUU Of HI wuunvi uv. i "v " j ...... nm . . .... . - - j .. if A first-class sand, clay road over Best pound seafoam candyk2ic,von pUDic ,ebate. The query is Resolve we remainder of tne route, to Char- by Miss Jessie craven, ley Weutherly'8 place. I Best chess custards, 50c, - mrs. J. n. renvrioB, hoping to make them the best in the P awav Sunday and flr- more responsible than any other l.vng ,iv.i,iK w iiiun v -;-a .ham. KolH Mnmlnv Wp Kvrrmfl- mraAn vri-nl thp lilio-pr for flip nrt'K- AKnnt thp nmt. nf Dpcpmhpr. the fudge, 25c, Boys' Progressive Literary Society wi debate tne jonnson nociety in a vices were held Mondav. We sympa thize with the bereaved ones. person except the kaiser for the pre.s- ent wcrld crisis. Mr. Walter King and family, of While organizations of world pow- Ninio solu tho problem, i Hus that leavage be - for VJ24. spunks up or f acini; the task of formulating a const ructivc program for 1924. And the Democrats as well as the Republicans have some difficult uestiorui to answer. What is to be their attitude tow ards prohibit inn for RBV. FOGLEMAN PREACHES ' Second best chess custards, wc, won thej'rogressive. FIRST SERMON IN ASUEBORO, by Ml8S Jesae ve"- uannea uown. Best -three quarts peaches, $1.00, The dormitory nrppnsboro. were here Sunday after- , ,. . f nnr!ii noon. origin the peace movement with the one UlU1 ,s ")w engrossing th.- mind it. ' .4 a cUa,.ij r,.- i iwuio i uutnw,i marri nirv to eniorce won ware ih j .... - and (irtrol Our roX" Last Parks spent the weekn.l with Miss fairly molern ttid Mr. olt. Andrew tion has hea,.,l co,,fs,o upon the n . A ' p :-i t Kuth Yorlc r.mpin rx-rhftnn deserves the credit MU",UUM- year tne JOnon ow.cv.ji o.. . Vlrlrmnn nf Plpasant ; .u" r,... We are told that We are expecting to Rohprt Kirkman, of Pleasant f0T irjvinK the peace movement its firt . 1 , visited at R. W. York's last jmtia jmpu), in tho organization of ,n the election hi Rev. H. F. Fnirlpman tks nam nan- me Asheboro M. r. churcn. won uy ni. . . v. his firsU aoDotntment 8undayi Second best peaches, as l . ' .. J . J w4 T lir Vn.t'a loot . ., in Inmn rij i.j.t . . . . ..I,,,; : I . I. I ; m vfinA ((.hatpin this vear vjaraen, viancu iv. i . m.-n jnit al impuiKe in tno organization oi -; , ,'''"rl" " ",lul ulp for th triangle debate V .week. the fin league tribunal but the mot of Fresidont Harding -nd that lor tne tnangie aeoaie. -id w:i.n nnAnnin,Unt nf th . u.TT; i. .. i... .i... he mav now bp pvnorin,! i,. Un...i u,.m m. i,. .. .- cunRLmruvE wurt I an ucc uui r ut im: . . . . . i . li.. . . i girls and some of the boys and girls of Trinity went on 75c, won by a picnic to Miller s null last luesday Columbia Manufacturing Company, eairu, to enforce peace. i t 7 . t, (vomnaniexi dv rreo uurirH, riu- Mr. Holt declared that Wilson con tot hi. a... i t o i-w , Rpoml hpt neacnes. ue. won ay a menic to MUiers nun mat luemimv. y, ,. , , r. ,i ir. nun umini umi .ii ' . " uM n r.irtli Thpu wpm chADeroned bv Miss Con- ' ,.,,T . suited lart. Mkdge, llugnw ami I'.ooi '"xxcTwre che-aiirwrth' un Theodore Mane... returning -by way t'ion(1 of th Ixdge Democratic and progressive It ren.ains to be seen. t huniler. and Taft "without change" into tl)c draft of the league. Mr. Holt dunned of TaemaUle'i BliCfcalr. . My people in thl.'eection a. well JJr the enUre iUU will regret to 2? .f f,t fUnt chair r t ThomTiIle, which was to been placed in the town coin. Zu. dltortl W the Stateavitl TwnairUU furniture manufactory wTtu. om4 nw wd - expetiM In ttl "T' mammotk chair to advertise Jrtewn, by alttlng In a eon JT 9v In the town. The chair T VB turn Rut r. f- D.l-l-k - W .rST1 tVk Wit t Ral-J 'for h the ehalr u fmni tnal di. 5 . hi offered to 4r t?rt of "Mnfeture of the t .'.uJTlml the dcKroctlon to -fBTr?hl.by rmi of the ec4 , t j (li? W weh MudenU A TV 1 L 1 1 .11,1 a A 1 apples, pear, and united athletic aasoclaUons and are hfat Trini- J. H. ren Hfttrmined to back the teams they " " ' ' V. C. Marley and family vWted at Mr. C. R Craven'., at Buffalo Ford, Sunday afternoon. , ed off n... .v.- ttii. Mna. 11.00. won by Mm. Jane Cra- Everybody had a jolly time. Fori m'h"?-"1;!;. . . . 1 Both the girl, and the boy. have or wt. and h i. in . li. Second best keaOdp ,x" ""!rn-.. 75c. won bv Mrs. J. II.. Fen determined trUa. are putting ouu o lar inmy nas Beat three quarts bean., $1.00, won , every basketball game and we by Mr. Jane Cravem. , plan to keep thii record for Trinity. Beoona oen oeane, toe, won '" J. H- Fentri... Bert quart each com, wop mwtore, and better bean., $100, won by Mis. Jeaae Craven. Seccnd beet corn, eoup mixture, and butter bean., 75. won by Mr. T. I. J,f time and - expene In . Bert three quart of pkkiweet VI WWl ..vv, " Second beet plckU. 76d won by Mr. Or Cnrti. Bert , threw quart . prewtrre any arlety, 1.00, won by Mr.?. H. Fen- HH.ST COAL MINIM; M . CHINK HKOI (Jil l TO S I V I K a Hcneme The firnt coal mining machine to be brought to North Carolina was re ceived last week at the Carolina Coal Company at their mines at Coal Glen I, "" wnwuifir rionn v-aro- M doln hi. turn to - attr.ct ttntinn to l ii t tn and tho ; th by rhi sr. t,- ' - - ... tiuinr aad FWd rjct. x Bert els ear of-oorn en tUtt, Me, won by Ollii Wrenn. - Second beat aU wart, 25e, Won by Hermoa Hudnon. v. - ' Bert trtrlnr yelled pep orn, 25c, won by Mii Dorothy Fc s ' . Bemad beat -yellow p0 , won by MIm KlUy Lew Jone. I'.pat .Mnf of red pop eor, X5e, wnn by Vine Kitty le ion. - -4 t t rl rP crn, 25c, won Largent pumpkin, 50c, won by Mrs. Geo ix Patterson. Second lerfert pumpkin, 25c, won by Hubert Free. Railroad to be Sold. The Carolina and Yadkin railroad, terrment of futura conflict. .ether better than otherwb." and de- " JP nvtr South- dared that while It could not be rx vr" . ' pected to rtop warn entirely it woubt " U a Goodman xhortwall, of the Mrve a a powerful and effective W- r' modern type, electrically driven. mpmum: oi cutung nown tnree or four which for tome month, ha been inl Already the Uajrue of naUon. with ,'l0fJ or co' . ?- A big 11-ton Bert peck of turnip, 50c, won by the hand, of a receiver, will be .old 52 naUooa a member. I actively "nn' ba. been added to the Mr. Norah Maner. let public auction In accordance with f unctioninr and ha. efrecUTely nettled " " " a.i.nuonni roury, Second beet peek of turnip., Zbc, an order authoriaed In tiuurord .u-, least U intemauonai conirovr- ..n... ior un.iorgroun.i penor court rnoay aivtrnoon oy aiee, any owe oi wrucn minm htw im Judge W. F. Harding, of Charlotte- jto war. Th only great nation, of the! The Cumnock mine in alxo getting world retnainlac out of the league of ready for a much biggor output of Second bert biacuita, 26c, no eon- natloa. are Afranlrtan, Algeria, Kuj- coal. The fuel .Ituation in thin part won br William Dickena. BMtleck of Iriah potatoe., 60c, won by MIm Belle Dove. Second bent Iriah potatoe, 25c, won by Mr. J. H. Fentria. Bert pck of tweet potato., 60c, wm by lira. Geo. ratterson. Second bert peck - aweet potatoes, 2n won bv Mr. Norah Maner. .Bert iralktn of onion., 60c, woh by III. Je1. Craven. Seeood bert onloaa, 26c, no content. Bert atrinf of pepper, 25c, woa by Ine. Curtl. Bert banket ef'lettoo, 50e, woa by William Curtl.. , ; ; Second bert lettuce, 15c, woa by ,i Girl Under II -year H. ' 1 , ' rtet Hilts tvVzwon by Kiw rfnf -'h i ix. tort. Bert tea eakea, 50c, won by Mini Cora May Fo. Second beet tea cake. 25c. won by flUe lixite farka. J Rut rhaonlkta tiAkm 6 Or. won br laflaa Manraret Free. Second bert lodge, f&c, won by Mia. Ine Curtia. Bert fHrli' acheol dru, fl.OO, won by Mia. Kitty Lee Jone. Second bert dreee, 50e, won by Mias. If ami Allred.' - -j Bert durt cap,' 50 w6a by Miae lltry I Johe. . f'winl Wrt Hurt rp, tic, won by V i Con I'zf It. . aia. Pern, Mexico, Gerenany and' the ef the etate will toon be rami for by United State. the local concern, and with a quality - ef eoal that the eonaumerr" My can THANKSGIVING PROGRAM not be .urpajiaed. AT BEAGBOW HCHOOL Theakjurtrtoc program will be rr. dared 1 the school building, Wedrix day evonbir, Neromber 29. Mr. W. L. Lynch, of ritUbutrh, Vn., make an appropriate talk for vh oc earton. Fall owl n the program a EIGHTY I.IVKS IX)ST WHKM fTTEAMKR SINKS IN fU LF Eighty live were lost when the will steamer Tepolobamo went down lp the Gulf of California when brk,t In two In the middle by a wad of .'. ririrtvlwaUr 30 feet nigh which folMvTl ir-.a' ef refreehmenta will be eerved, the! tkie from the river iwwr Calc-ic-i, ' : yroeeeda ef whlh will f toward the j Calif onila. Monday Th:c' i-eie Improvement of the school. Every- twint -four ptin-ivorn irKlg 'ii y, n, body le Invito) to Yn prMnt. women and w ' I' l r:). i

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