i J-. 1K-: ' 5 ISSUED WEEKLY x PRINCIPLES, KOI " 1 .v r - . v rnLUME XtVn' North Canllaa, Thursday, Not ember 23, 1923 ' NUMBER 41 THE PREBENT . RECENTLY SHO CF REAL-FIG . - Va. a. Dl VtaKt AS H Will be BepoUtio of His. fc n n-. 04aaamn a v. by UlS . FRANKLINVILLE NEWS! James, the 4 Tear old child afMr. vS'raaklinFilW and wm buried Tues-ll f in cemetery or rranklinvilli IL E. T. -. ..- .- - . ;John Banner, of Ore- Hill. apea. week-end at the Grove hotel. ' Wv X Jones and familv m visiting- v Jeensboro. ' Mr. andvflre. J. M. Shepherd and Aaneetfa 9 T Th a . a. n i (By David T. Staaifc)r -Jrtta the family of Mr. It L. Curtis. T WMd bo td" geiChaney Graven colored, having congress. wnnv p.,,w;,, two more rooma and two wwches built extra session beginning in ; March ? closely akin I Mr. and Mr. Walter ' Dtienn nt Winston-Salem; were here last week SaVS - PwfiU, Mr-ind ThPre seenw to hinge at this TOO-ffci Whefe P"tum mere sef, w - . with Olean Times as knotvne nncmr -MSTflna to Me- If e it k-rive ReDUblicanB are "?on1 nospital last Tuesday when Sfifin TerofpliKX'bm 2derwent an opation f0- . -a kMiiAtti thor rnav ran tiat t u!.. "A. WH; n7 L.e Endolph and FranklinviUe ,.c ,t.,Zr.ta7ieiW. companies IlllUUMCl 111 K"v on PYlra session COngre ... V""6-r'---Y"'! Their DOWer Will be sunnlempntpH hv ia rF laoimra in nnrn TiHr ; - ri w.-w. v . thp senate that will forcef"""--unng companies are placing Mrs. Bettie Maness had a stroke of tleS. Will lUBl 1.1 1W .xauui& wua tar,in.6Zto-B5,?,,,, at the home of rMs. Sarah publican majority in congress itB lite 5onea w t111ijov two years nence. L. M. Curtis made a husinpas f rin f The president evidently believes . Giwnsboro one day last week, that his party has not a ghost, of! .Mrs- Charles Vestal and Mrs. Fan- chance" to win in 1924 without th Wainfield, Ind., and Mr. oassaee of this bill. He naa accora--, .. wuu x ai ks ana lacy faly put his cards on thejable. His aJC8 JJ"?. an extended trip to Ral messaKe to the joint session of con-,eihj Fayetteville and Pinehurst last gress on Tuesday impressed ttfe great , wek- , , , v. audience with the feeling that ft wasl-'f1-. nm, f Greensboro, and E. witnessing the beginning of one of the Ir'?0' Winston-Salem, were greatest political struggles that has;11" J ..... d.'nvi fhla Aimfnr T tha man I Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Garrison. Charles who sense the future the occasion was yHn Clement Cox went to near dramatic. On previous occasions tho-Mcf5frtli B? to see Mrs. president had gone W eon$ress wlth;Sowl,.wl2 triticaBy ill. tiiesoft pedal on bis words, but tbis rty Moffitt had the jnisfortuneof tm wo. Kar.t in Ma nLt.aai losmg a good borse Saturdav nicht. with umlertonea . of desperalioiu.Lto 'P1? Dt of front of him sat men whose n eyes' 72n oy "tb P- flashed the fire of 'pugnacity Asininl" V RBf!?r " in their hearts. No man a land loom ed in sight for the first time between him and his progressive antagonists,) ' r . . - r-' -ii . I I m 1 ' I .w. I f ,1. -Y 'f yYL RAiLEUIl NEWS" Mrs. Jaekaoa ' Craven, '- BeUved Lady, Died Ust Soaday Night After Brief Illnesa Other Raaueur News. ' Mrs. Jackson Craven, known Jo all cur folks as Aunt Bebeeca, r passed away Sunday night after a brief ill-1 : . i OL i J J m it 1 - t MaI tinvtvia Ivsw4 InnrM 4tias wha people are privileged to live being 9ft THE SHIP SUBSIDY EILt- WILLIMT L'iSUREREAL ;;":I!ECEAHT.IIAri2 (By David P. rSt Clair.) erating. passenger steamers between - America and Europe , and to the -Standard Oil Company and too United . Fruit Company that carry cargoes of Newhei-e else In the world except at heme, tUM In the U. 8. A. will X dinners for Thankiglvlng be pUrttlfuf and "the t 9t you aver ata." You see Here the grand eld farmer and the turkay 4o anit portray the realv American Thanksgiving spirit? This la the 1922 Thanksgiving and trs the - Washington, Nov. ?7 The ship sub-' Hw .hill InmlvM anrh a nnlflmantal . years,-old last. August,? and .having! principle and precedent in legislation' reared a large-family, most of whom that no;roter in the country ooght to survive her. -Mrs. Craven has been a be ignorant ef its true meaning. Jt member of the Methodist lhurch here ' crosses a boundarv line that has never lor a number ot years and although it before been openly at least invaded. : ; 1 ' ' has not been her vrivilesre to attend tv .t.Wv. a . nnn.nAnf . . tka .r-. t ita services for quite a while ?n account piu wiU tak from the U. fi. treasury 1 1 TP if yuZiO,OOQflOO and pay it over to about V r wjro. . DUiywrv tuoiiuuuui i . 0, corporations and trusts op- , sunny disposition, always v having a smile for. her friends and bearing the burdens of life cheerfully. She leaves three ' sons .and -- fonv.. Anutrhtfr in mourn herpassmg. J. Eaakin, Mon-j u a merchant marine any l'Ji!, Mr ' W; ' G how 1 The-Harding admiifletration 'ltnS-?i,,eB4-tW Iker shippmgboardaw beV ' a 11 1 1' fuuku uBKu- j jjjg told in no uncertain words that a ters. All of them live in or near this fewr naB8enirer and mail shina and a t ?SSZ? rai 'i6.68 w cargo ships steaming alon ear-,.'. - ZttT .iS.tain defined routes do not- mike a, 1,? J33 T"fs; merchant marine. These limited class- 4 i yJ??F$kLZL tt' shiP "o United , Voi'..States a dominant position on - the i cemetery at that place. : f . , -.-.Wn. ast Th-v rln not adenuatelv ' ifti.,,!? f r', TSS sha" in h commerce of (the world ' JS SSL.???5 stu4ent? San under the American flag as the pro-, idy are claiming. . . Great Britain : the mis- -i - 1. ! . i.'. r. --V-' lStfJ any fast supplWiier when-th. i,;" Bo Tr.1-!-.: .vl world war camel , England conquered iS the commerce ofthe world with the ' TEXT? r 7 """'Ui vuKiu, tra steamer when it superceded the t there. " v,' Ry i l- , j.j-jj i t. .u. , j The church was 'filled last Sunday' SSt "ZU skS' nSX2' ul v j. u seas under a nation s flag and picking -iSH. K!? 5.v-1.wrr Ponents of the su Mrl C A.,Marley left Tuesday forLj?.naA?e: -1 HMt ef them ail. ft , - t 1 up cargoes wherever it can find them 1 '-"j" h"Lj-fiS ajL-vll'in the face of competition that eives ;A iuuwi,wr u.iouKw .u. ika 0fin .(nmin..,f .a.ht ;" to be held at Ramseur Baptist churchi t V" ' aAMa, aaiooj 4149 wivoy - uwiuum , iwnr' . at-, 10 on i Thanksgiving .morning o'clock. - , 4 , . ' 1 . rl , 'On Thursday night a musical pro gram was given at the school building But it is difficult to .find any' real ly responsible Democrat in the senate who will come out with - the flat footed assertion that he favors .fili buster in order to strangle the shin subsidy and thus bring on an extra session of congress next ' spring. The question was put squarely up to Sena tor Simmons wno Is almost certain to Lbe the minority leader: in Vths .next wnate. He lAoot JUs 4ie4d.and-said he would not like to answer the ques tion. But would it be a ' erreat ad- Nantatre to the Democrat if thpre was! an extra session, ne was Rkd. - He' una aumtted there would be such an ad-. ooro. vantage going to the Democrats from an extra session. . - But how? The shinKuhdv- hill figst will more seriously divide the Republicans than how. Its defeat will be a signal victory for the pro grearives. In an extra session they will be far stronger than they , are new, not only in ' number; but in morale. Not onljTthat, but- If ,Sim- 9)B1 is thn numnmtia laaav Ka Wgressives will be lined uo with the jflemocrats. We an told hf some of pe wisest prophets in congress to fTOke no mistake on that -score for uuauns is a wisara ox comoinauon Ut us give our readers one -atonal tastration that they may have f or- tten of the maafarfnl irlfCfnr mm. bination of this aanata fl fate of the first Wilson admin- hinged about as eomnletelv Panama tolls . Issoo as tha administration now binges onJ f wip suDsiay. Wilson bad made ; P aoyeraie errort tA Ht tha aanata n ! the tolls bill. Senator O'.Gorman, ri "7 lor. an Irish Democrat, with n his race's hatrod of Great Britain, MM chairman of .the senate. Panama wmmittee. r Through his Jafla-f tKLi.i commW held herings' on 1 " for the purpose- of killing it. r -jwniy report or the committee dsnuied the bllL Simmons, who 1 C? ember ef the committee; was M time sick la bed at his home ew Bern. He received a dlsnatch 1 ZZ. ow WTwrPAPEHS AS MOST iV MURDEF PODB PERSONS AMrXtLT ALLIES OF CHURCH . WilUam C. Fairies, 60 W JJSffSK j - .... . man 01 iiovcr, o. v.t ww ut nvaa ?. - .t r. p nl. w.lln km e.r. ment Society.' at the academy day evenini, Dedember 2, admission 25s. Everybody invited. ' U. JS. Kouth. d 0. Julian ami iiiiKinu n ill ihkl iisminv savsanina 1. . wrnm uin t.wuia , v. w.w - Mrs. Annie Pegranv of Wboro, Jb8, Um of James tt. Taylor anal church to the representative is visiting her sisterT Mrs. D m! l0" lfw,? thess, of tl.e- United States, 1 weatnerty. John Brady asent the week-end against Pater lather, causing Un to M his f--5J:iv to the story suffer a few bruises,- but none serious. th ij!? Episcopal church rt HartTitSffi?K coWatioas tMay," ud pr, Kol their lives during tri world wa-anddh,,0!ten7rt! involved, 'although WWJteM r: ' " v, - 'to those rho served and returned will .""JrT W"h A. -ylpomt ef violeiu vF steamer "was the secret of Germany's manume success- ' - , - But the Hardlng-Lasker' ehia sub- V 1 JUmseur route' 1 jP ' ? f i lantla and Pacific norta ef the United - . and last week caught a red- horse 5!viil,lfB?!0fS' V- ;peari and Blanche and!80"1 "O1 hir ships touching jr."1. Fred and Lawrence Leonal'Sncan por .V; -f enormously wealthy ship owners likoV? . r the Standard Oil Company and the . y United Fruit Company that ship only ;- ' V their own- soods-And the: Seoul "who-. ; .&?;& jj, . iilijfuinn Iimm nrtrta la tfia At. t receive the sup r- . Point, are spending i . i with friends, i ?' , - few Methodists w TR1 wan prom r.iTH.FfiRD 'i (The fate Jstrstion U the P , (Harding i rhoshfp . i. i iTTinTlT.n IV HHHH UII 1M UieeilDUVIUI at . T .fas .' anw j-itha. wn.tftTit'-r. - ipnviiegea corporauons out me ST? "'uv" " SSMtt Wish's: rr ?t .couiu no fwu' every representative ol the cnurcn w , courthouse buildinir in the iriSTnS T" -i" ROAD BOARD MEETING f!!"LVn","u co-operate with them. w 0f the walk leading from Mar- fV'T" w? n - :WmiSnTd5ot TytaTw;;-raiSr , . W tha b ? pamg subidy bi.l The board 6 roadTrustees met Sep- hat he washing. Six member Of g ZsTuable 'allies of thosel Tentatave plans cal to -a bron the government would save $20 000- a .ama a a. v a. Trial 1 QUinr TUmil V Wt-rf WUUIIieU WIlCIl . . . mn Ire Ml V n1- IIKUIU VI tvs ' - -- VW UCI cailllUiU. a. Alt? uuuvnwiu vi. WIUUSI V AfaUM V v V a . . j 171 ., a XT .., vvasv uw . V . twAitnfitin a a a T DA ITSS RlUflmi MWaaV. W ( 1 1 1 I . . 1 - M U a a nAO J IHOTIAO lllWUlluilIK Ail members were present. fighter, sur- column of granite on tne subsidy emphatically dispute this the smoke cleared away. Four, New- a ;,. of , righteousness, justice mounting a column 01 granue oi.itne subsidj It Is orTereJthatTrUndard county ton, Iela and Fred Taylor and .Claud. J truth." . ."i"""" YU'T'ZLT;Z wm r;;'. ! Johnson, their grown cousin, died. ftVtSAaV aV MIIDMISUVVU t - . tar's to Montgomery county line, in-1 This case is one of the most nota- NEW COUNTY OFFICERS io tersectmg with the new road in Mont- oie cases mat iuu -ever iwu "u ... ...... am 'iL . M a. L A 1i a..Aa A.ak aaimaiil gomery county, and that t&e roaa- be wie bouh wqumwu i built as soon as tha county force has years, and has, attracted widespread in-j The county officers elected on No- completed other road neretoiore wrest. vemoer i ww w " " , 'i the county served rxanteov on bu-bU proposition. i Lfecemuer . me , . t. i. natiHn M B PTiuniiTinv vnR iviiTNTON VK.nMt.1n the recent election and all The commissioners, l aa uiow was irvMMWM w avata. uanj'uiinssvti vmw v ai vi ' p Cox, Joe Hicks and others, asking jor privilege of improving a certain cart The Civil Service commission an- pear the names of the sons and daugh-1 xhey point out that the payment of ters of Guiliora wno iosi tneir uvea tne BUbsidy will at once stop a golden -way beginning at Mrs. Jennie Lang- lev's leading to gravel roaa, near . .rr.T.,-. .TM-rn unvn.v durlnor the worm war. -yn- ira una, otrAm that is now fin win ir into the service men and women.quite a detail, those shipowners who get the subsi inasmuch as some 2,600 persona from ay (but no others) could deduct from their income taxes their profits on during their' operation of the ships and in case PfrrnvnrE ANNOUNCED tha affieara includinr the county com- brief discussion or tne proposed . taey were owners 01 we cargoes as POSTOFFICE ANNOUNtbU tha ffleers incrooing u "W", , . insisted that those who fa, the case of the Standard Oil Com- ItTT .1. tKa ! a-rved and returned are. like those who panr -6 per cent of what they had Liiae l. a.ns9 duuiuv utaunawtuvxn awa a , - - - - . . . . nounces that an examination will be Rhadv Grove rraveyard. same being w-ij Thnmn.vllla'januarv A for the allowed on condition that it be done j-purpoM 0f Kiecting an eligible to fill at tha eznanaa nf tha community en Only,-and. use tha bounds of old read, or not to exceed a width Of 18 feet - It is ordered that J. E. Brady and a C Cheek investigate a certain road west, of Bethel, and report same to board on Tuesday after the first Mon day of their next, meeting. ., ... wu SENATOR BAGGETTS PRO POSED K. K. K. BILL John R. Baggetf, of Harnett county, the senator who ; was elected In the November election, from this district, rMM RanHnlnh la a Dart. eXDOCtS Ndf Wm to hurV; to wiiWngrtoyeVr tT get th- followlngbill ; Ve the hni...nnl- v . il the bill' on the way . to the not only majority of his ' !-K'tir on committee, but tha .'ft" opposing it In the fsce nunons button-holed the senators! ay' a!so said bere that Sena n'?M hi effected a combine j TVTV tha -V-mnllles . treaty fn nm by the s-n- ; f-d the Whita Houkc only ven , '7 -And Simmons' f r,. rnli r ln,l ht h r4,vpr t"1'' hl , lw0 comblna'dunn. l,o Dcm . toes to Kim w.th the ara alivsif k-xy." 7',m0?f hI" forty's 1" ''r in i a ,ii Ith atu" fcf t!,a Irmo- . :" o win over t , mae the t- for the , , . the ainate . . ' M It has not had ,r Pugh (lor,, ,, ; are !"-'e man a r,. I'ia f n ) r.- .t i , I r, l.,ft ,wi ' I n - ! ij-p 1 , )1 a i It r ti.ia 1 l' I ihmmrh tha Ipoifdature: - "AM ACT TO BE ENnTLED" AN ACT TO" PREVENT. SECRET '5 .nam. WSOV U 1 D lltflPDt "The General Assembly of North Carolina to onset: "l. That' It shall beuhlaVful for any person to bo found off of ais n remises dlsmilaed ormssksd la such manner as to destroy Ms idtnt'ty. , Any ' perfon 'vieiartnir' this act shalSbe gui'.-y ri 'a feonv, ahd upon etn.lrUin rhnll be iff-.p-oned.ln W itaie's prison "no: Jess thiii tne ;'ur and- not more than flvo years. 'V "This act shall bo tn force on apd A '.er its ratificHllon." i.C'"', m 5 LrWr from IUnk Cashier. After an aboenr and silence of three werU, A. W. Whit,- former cs'l.ier of the Hank of Etoney Point hn written a .letter to A. L Watts, prf blent of tbfl bank. . '.. Vhit dikarrf'rl three weeVl ago n I Ibis Is tl.e first Information, so far rs knewn, rerriv.! from htih sUic. An auil.t of the bank dlRcloned an ap-i-nront shortage of 3,000 to f IZ.O0, prrortling to Offlrittls of the bank. I ! 'n 1 k lAn taVrn enre ef by bon.ls i t r ti n JnMu'hnf bflS been in ri Hi 'l t! rrplion of S fcW i f ,::.,!: i the d:ni-tarenf of th. ef.ntamnlated vacancy at Denton. The examination is open to men and women 21 years old and. upward. Postmaster Marvin A Gallimore, of that place has given notice of his res ignation. The position pays $953. Postmaster Gallimore gives as his rea son for tendering his resignation that he expects to accept a position as clerkjm the Greensboro postoffice, which, it is understood, is more re munerative. v HIGH SCHOOLS WILL DEBATE ON RAILWAY LABOR BOARD next two years will bo wise and just Fire Near Farmer ' A fire which orginated from a defec- died, entitled to everlasting recogni- paid themselves for hauling their oil tion of theirserrice tn enduring bronse These income tax exemptions alone, and marble. it is estimated, will exceed $10,000,000 Cant Randolph do as much? This per annum. But in addition the bill county is as justly proud of her boys j proposes to lend to these preferred Chapel Hfll, Nov. 28.-The query for the high school debates for the pres ent sshool year has been decided on. It 1st " .-- '"Resolved, that congress should pro- , w ci 4. COUnty 18 aS jUSUy UIUUU VIUOI wjm , uroWKS W .CI.U W UlUnc uicic.m S ?h'PO $125,000,000 at day when the house, smoke house and garage belonging to Mr. c. n. jonn- aon burned to tne ground, uniy aui- nndar the hand of providence were per mitted to return, as any.county. Our sons were just as brave, Just as pa- ... ... it, i . , FMmS V tie or tne Deuoing anu aiew trktic iny. The amount of cost furniture were saved. There Is about ' elich man and woman xgu nswanei .on m. fS"';'In the county Would be very small to Mr. Johnson is a "SS'-w nonument to those who heard fc?? "iilf .bJ?n7lKu!and heeded the call to duty. We can't place. Second Lyceum Attraction .Coming The second Lyceum number of the season will appear at the court hsuse in Asheboro r rlday evening; secern ber 1. This attraction comes exceed ingly highly recommended the rate of 2 per. cent per annum, While business men, farmers and or dinary people have to pay the' govern ment 6. to 10 per cent for the money they borrow. But that is not all. The bill is filled with plums for the pre-' ferred shipowners. The ereat danger of the bill, its op- afford not to honor the living and the ponents point out, is that it sets up a dead ' precedent in the extentsion of subsidy. -It flings wide open the door, to one TEACHERS TO MEET AT of the greatest menaces of the repub- RALEIG1I THIS WEEK lie. President Harding in his plea for the passage of the bill said the prece- The thirty-ninth annual session of'dtmt had already beep set in subsidy being Liu ll nvaat at Halplirh this Week : n.iKK rnaHi Tha nnrwinonta nf shin Jane Goude, "the girl iom the West, ith the first seislon held Wednesday .ubsidy deny that there is any par- Mfla, antaptalnav. Thl. I. I ha .1 1 L . r ! ,L. . V. , n . 1 1 - -j 1 1 1 .1 . Ivide f or enforoement of the decisions second of thcserle of five entertain- eri mUngs wifl be a meeting, of forms of subsidy. The government ea a few preferred shipowners any euaTanty of benefit to the 1mm r.B.HM a, HI l.l.n. rm nUWIIir , r.nM . I Ka ntKA h.nrf t hut ria ranised by the DialecUe and Philan- Club last winter tponsored the ,.Rd- wdi be the addreas by Dr. Henry Vani roads for tha nubile and lends money thropie societies at th UnKfasityj path Lyoeum and .the ;.aaUre wurse pyJrtf Princeton, who will lecture to the farmers with a clear impllca- of tha railway labbr board.1 i vjmonU. which cometunder the auspice-1 aiociaUon of county superintend-1 .ubaldjd This is the eleventh year of the high of thaWomaa's Club anaKnlghU o i utl Tuesday night The ouUUnd-1 without school debating union, which was or- Pythlaa of tha town. TnT Woman s w tnlMn of tha teachers' meeting ' public was an enjoyable one. .; '. Monkey's Escape Cbaaces Pis Si., , -A monkey that had. ben Imaortad for the purpoea of what is believed to Last winter sixty schools which, had won theif preliminary contests sent teams, nrnnberinr 40 debaters, to Chapel Hill to enter the final round for the Aviock memorial cup. . " . I tor tha nurooea Every secondary and high school In be the jrst operation for transfer of North Carolina is Invited to become a md fat this state thwarted the plans member of the union and participate 0f the doetorswhen ho escaped from in tha state-wide debate. Every school y. pi ef captivity. Dr. T. iL K tan that enters will be grouped in a tri-fton, a High Point physidaa was ai angle with two others, each putting ranging for the operation, and wboa out two teams, one on the affirmative he went to the box for the monkey to and one on the negative. Every school prepare for the operation, , bo found which wins both of its debates is en- Uia monkey had departed., A reward Ho the assembly Friday night on the subject of ."Poetry and Nature." The state-wide spelling contest . will take place Wodaesday at f .80 p. m. This is always an bate testing feature of the meeting, as a large number of chil dren are- always , present Jo sartid pata, ,- ? a ' - .' 1 was offered for bis return.'. - -y tlUed to send it teem to Chapel HiU for the final day ." . ' I Death of Confederate Veteraa. 'J JTApplra Tree Bars Becona V.rop i James Ad.IUon Kuckard, promlnnt t a Ul ft.nar raranllv was record-! farmer and Confedrat veteran, died ed the fact that an apple tree In the at bis home several miles south of stU-.u hear Jon -boro was in full Urfnirton, on November 1. lbs fo b!nnm and had some apples . on it r.rol wss rondurtad at Onler IUU nearly m Ine tin guinea rrF. This lupiikt churrh, November 1H, eervlcrs in (', s-cm-l tt' t of apple the tree; con, lurte.l by the Hsv. J, U Slinn, f,,, lr:( !',: (, "I. . 1 ''"T fcf the derra-ie.l. ronrttr riw unnnrir.i t . . BCI'OItTEP AS ON A DEXXlNsrjeorlchlng a few favored ship owners Freight car shortage reported bt aO sections of, the country during Mcont weeks is now abating, according to re ports compiled by the car service di vision of the Amerlcsa Railway Asso. elation, while general movement of railroad traffic la continuing in abnor mally hlirh volume. On Novembers 8, shippers had orders In to railroads for 174.4'JB cara more man eouui oe im fniBrty surrliod. but this Was 4,741 Jens thn U, numir orderl and not svaibil.le n Octolr 81. ' , cation of nub lie benefit. Every argument: of the subsidy hunters has been demolished and Rep resentative Davis of Tennessee, one of too star opponents of the bill, declares that tha problem of an adequate Am erican merchant marina is simply a business problem to bo solved like; any other groat bnsinees problem la , this country. It can not be solved by y at the expense of the people and dis erimlnating against the smaller ship owners.' Shipowners like other mo pie must get down to a basis of bust-: naae prtncipiear- u, on uiai mum ra- erioa can not secure an adequate mer chant marina, It does not. deserva one. '; sXteoblls CWlide. ; ' f; .Eleven people were hurt wlea' two' sutomobilcs run. toirether at Lunhe.- ton.- On of the rtiivers wes I i,.red un'lr $ M.00 bond. , - V-( r

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