THE RIER iSSL EU WEEKLY PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN J2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCB CO f0Ll Mt XLVU Aht-boro, North ( srulins, Thursda) . Dec rob r 14, 1922. franklinville news WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS general news" V t MHEK JO METHODIST MATT i.R 1 HI Ml ) UK, II M HiMil. s j- : of i Ca: c! ' ta'.- tCK ... y la -i y. in- Gr M Mo. to i A ,. Hra.iley, field secretary, 1 , .'uf. of western North ,:ri:ce of the M. E. Mi 1 1 raly Dawson, secr- ,:,, district, League as , -,- n.teiesung addresses League of this place et.urch Sunday evening. Hollady spent one day , ,:h Miss Pattie Lutterloh. L. (.'raven has moved his Stanley Avenue to one of '. houses in Grimes' Mrs. M. G. Maner, John and K. M. Hancock went iio one uay iat RAMSEl'R NEWS sc t l;.nitist nd M- ounuav ,im',j give entertainments and C'.in-tira- trees ai mcir churche- Saturday evening ".uc. ., rf!hody is welcome. Nannie Parks, Ms. Ruth York .' i(.--i. I.acy and L. T. Parks, of Parks ( ! Roads, spent Sunday in t0T"e , lav. Dust of the Earth, by pupil, ,,f Ramseur high school will be given at the academy next Saturday evening The betterment Society will be triad to see a lare crowd present. A,miMon 25 cents. Everyone should avail themselves of an opportunity t sc.- this play. Mi -. ',. ('. Kusell, Mrs. G. P. Craven an .1 K. l.utterloh went to Greens boro M.'i"lay. Mrs. Charles Vestal and Mrs. Fan nie c, v. Iio have been spending some time vi'h their mother Mrs. Wjncy Park . I.av returned to their home at I'lan, field. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Parks, are spending a few days this week at Greenslmro. Mrs. Kate Makepeace has gone to Rocky Mount, where she will spend 8 few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Preildy. Mr. 1'i xworth, of Marion,' S. C, who wa a former citizen of this place was a visitor here Saturday and Sunday. Misse.- Jessie Craven and Lena Grimes made a shopping trip to Greer..-boro Saturday. Itewev Coble, of Greensboro. 'spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of Mr. G. H. Jones. B. Y. P. L. Meeting. T'0 V- v P. l f t'f A.-ticiinh. iiiptlst cuurci. held Us t.,.ii.(-s.- M ,. social meeting at tt,e hom- ,,: .ir Mr.-. ('. G. Frail,,:. Jr. .,.., :.,v . Detvn bcr i:. N.w ..ificei - lle:c ei.-c't td fur tlit? following year. Plan- w n discussed for t liri.-tinas actnitn--. A social hour was enjoyed after tne l.u-1 ness was transacted. The busies.- as sistel by Muss Grace Frazier served chicken salad, saltines, pieces and coffee. 'if IT- .at MX e o.t.ui.d . tin..! t, h G ii n: I . it; i.ew :a.. l'r;. C. E. Social a"d Business .Meeting. Miss Esther Ross delightfully enter tained the Christian Endeavor Socie ty of the M. P. church Friday evening December 8, at her home on Wainman avenue. After the business was transacted the meeting was turned over to the hostess. They were taken on an automobile tour which caused much fun and mer riment for the evening. During this a contest was held in which Misses Clare Presnell and Ethel Williams ex celled, receiving a letter "automobile" for the prize. Later the hostess serv ed lemoAade and cake. i..": w t-K as a turtr I f-ple o! IU- Max!, ;. c .,i ci. Dr. Hill. ui. i.. -bought t.i first an',-!' lean, n, g to dr.e it. 1 ! or a n. an to lea i n to d r tills age. Dr as vigorously at as he did twenty year- ago. former Governor Lock ( laig, who has been seriously ill at his home at Asheville for several week- is still considered in a serious condition. -,s pre toli t, t.'.e teriar i"r!iiday .itid Is a i . u .- j a i car after Hill, it is sa;d reef uli W. H. Willi E.eii'g services nil :'ur!iri ill be tield at 7 .00 oclock. ,-Mrl . C, l'.allarrt ,!..-!,. tary, Wisit,l our Mls.--or.ary on the l.'th an i made ai, addle Smoe the beginning ,,f t!.e em-e year, the follow ir,g t..,-, . the .shehor,, church t, W. K. I.uck. J W. Cox.' M ; - Qjx, Miss Virginia St.- d. i, Steed, Joe Sleed, Mrs. Carn,- I Mrs. C. J. Willed, Mrs. W. F. 1 Will any one please phone Ui tor, the address of any of the follow ing: Ernest Steed, .Mrs. .!ineru A. Smith, Mary McDonald, Eugene HarrelL Mrs. C. C. and Mrs. C. L. Cranio rd ' i tV, 1 .1., 11 efk in-- .1 M ! -U -,d g. i-'er. lack na.-- Id-tllC. II. a . : i : , , ! i 1 1 cl.a. .u-ler -and e.aii n w a I: I 1 M V -k-t .,- ' S . , t . -pani.;. Mi- I i Mrs. J 'lid Wllf: at M.u. Mr Mi lv. af fun Hickory public schools which were were i'nt hostesses, at the home of closed last week on account of an epi- the latter, to the Womans Missionary demic of influenza reopened this week Society and the Aid Society, Tuesday with the situation reported improved, afternoon. The search for Mrs. Clara Phillips The following are new officers for from the Los Angeles jail has so far tn Missionary Society for the ensuing been in vain. Mrs. Phillips was serv- "r: President, Mrs. W. li. Lassiter; ing a term for the murder of TVJrs. Vice-president, Mrs. C. L. Cranford; Alberta Meadows, for which she was Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. A. tried and convicted several months Underwood; Corresponding Secretary, ago. Mrs. J. D. Ross; Treasurer, Mrs. Marvin .fcovett; Social Service Super- DEFEATEI) COUNTY OFFICIALS inten(ie"4 Mrs- w- H- Moring; MIS PRESS INDICTMENT AGAINST sion studv. Mrs. W. J. Moore; Ap W. L. COLTRANE AND WHITE PO'ntment for Voice, Mrs. N. M. iraniora; superintendent Children s a or, tic Ti : ml t- .id.- i -.lyod I, el part w II.,,. tl'.e n-.-ult of tne .-in,,, I and the audience, it is i jiiimed, had -ore sides from laugiiing . hard. We hop.' that this is not .-e''..,us. The proceeds consisted of thirty -torn-books for our library and about twenty-three dollars to buy books. This, added to the other amount we have made, will improve our library a great deal. Trinity is striving to gel an up-to-date library and she is surely reaching her goal. Examinations; then holidays! To M. i: .-!!-1 in,,ri: I't' .,' t! ' n's'!d the l.eagje (.,.; :'I,-on of ( Jreen.-bo: o, ai I.. W . h-'er, of lireen.-bon work of the league. Presiding Elder, W. I-' -rt spent l'ruy&am 'eensb.,rx . ..v . r m- n ho ro. ,e western I agui Sunday i. Also Mi.-s And- M r. Dewey on the Womble, of Greensboro, here Saturday DAVIDSON COUNTY'S NEW OFFICERS TAKE HOLD ( ameron, K. M. titoKes and tii it h are the new commis Mi. Smith being the new Sheriff Bruce Tolbert, new sheriff of Davi,!-on county, has appointed Charle- w. Gilliam as his chief dep uty am! G. C. Loflin, of Thomasville, as jailor. Daniel Loflin, of Alleghany township, is one of his township deputies. J. I-'. G. W. sioner. cliairm; - E. C. Ilyerly, at one time superin tendent of Asheboro graded schools, is clerk the superior court. Jesse W. Dickens, of Silver Hill, succeeds Mr. Ih.e'ly as county welfare officer. W. .1. I'a'ker is the register of deeds. W. o. liurgin is the new county at 'torne . Gene Kirk, an ex-service man, for merly rook in Co. A, the Lexington compuny in the world war, is the new tustodian of the court house. Lee Crotts is the new lceeper of the tountv 'dime. That i- a fine renort Misr Gertrude Alexanher. home demonstration agent for Davidson county, has made. the tarm demonstrators in the va rious counties are making in most tMtsmo t excellent reports. The Ran dolph agent so far has filed no report of his activities. Mrs. Hay worth Host ess. .virs. c. i,. Hay worth was hostess Monday afternoon to the joint meet ing of the Woman's Foreign, Home and Ladies' Aid Societies of the M. P. church. The three societies come to gether annually in December for a Christmas and social meeting. A great deal of business was trans acted by the societies and especially was marked interest shown in the present drive for a million dollars to save our union colleges in China, In dia and Japan. Also for the student loan fund recently instituted by the Woman's Foreign Board. After the business of the meeting was transacted the song "Silent Night" was sung. Miss Ruth Cox charmingly entertained with a Christmas reading, after which the meeting was turned over to the hostess and a delightful social hour followed. The hostess as sisted by Mrs. Moses and Miss Ruth Cox served congealed salad, wafers, coffee and the noted Salvation Armv doughnuts. A large crowd enjovell Mrs. Hayworth's hospitality. It is understood that a Republican lawyer jumped over the traces and ran as an independent in a certain county in the, last election, and he was in dicted at Greensboro United States court this month for taking $f0 or $ri() fee for aid in getting compensation for a world war veteran, while doz ens of lawyers in other parts' of the state who have charged much, have not yet got in the toils. R. L. Vvhite, Jr., and W. L. Col trane are indicted it is claimed be cause T. L. Cox, a former citizen of work, Mrs. Dr. Hayworth, Assistants Mrs. Dr. Asbury, Mrs. T. H. Redding. Sermon subjects for next Sunday: 11 a. hi. The Secret of Keeping on. 7 p. m. The Sin of Cain. Judge Allen Retires This Month Judge Oliver H. Allen Is preparing to hold his last term of court as more regular judge in the near future. Judge Allen will conduct a term of court at Smithfield after which he will ftep down and 'give his place to Henry A Grady, of Clinton. preached at the M. K. church Sunday n ig ii i. Mr. Collet Coffey, was pleasant visitor night. Mr. Wood, of Asheboro, spent Sat urday night here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Branson are the proud parents of a fine son. ..... .. n.Miiiay.s: 1 1, i.i..-. o. n.. mariin and others, of ..c ..,Kii scnooi siuuenis ine tirst ex- J-Joerty, were visitors here Saturday animations comes as a blot upon the The Box party given by the school anticipation of the second, the holi- at the gymnasium, Saturday night, was days. Probably we should be optomis- a, great success. The athfctic exer tic and that when we learn to- enjoy c'"es were much enjoyed by ail and the ahsence from schcol and the joy tne splendid boxes prepared by the and fun in Christmas, we have our ex- young ladies sold like "hot cakes" animations through and packed be- (altho' they had gotten cold) bringing hind us. Examinations started Frt- Wltn the other articles on sale over day afternoon, December lfith, and ei?hty dollars continue tnreough the following 1 here are so many things to be veineiay . We then begin our Christmas holidays to return on New icais nay lull ot resolutions to start a second term of successful year. said in favor of the school work here that a correspondent could write weekly news on the tim,,! ..i. i; , .-mi i , .- ..-..v,, ult'liu x IIII- school c'Pal Marsh and his splendid corps of uliici.s me uoing a great years work and the community is furnishing the background for the worthy efforts of The four litemrv . J .- nuni UHvftfi,i,uiui Jul Llie WOrUlV their meetings regularly and so far the faculty to produce fruit hit VP lOltn C-1iirtn,,,,f.,l . 1 1 i ." . . MECHANIC WEW.- Friday Afternoon Club The regular fortnightly meeting of the Friday Afternoon Club was held with Mrs. Ollie Pressnell on Salisbury street. The topic for the afternoon study was an interesting one. Mrs. J. G. Crutchfield read a paper on the Variety of Geographical Settings of the Present-day Short Story. This was followed by a paper read by Mrs. I. C. Moser on Variety of Social Con ditions in our short Stories. The Club has this season been using the course on Contemporary Literature is sued by the University of NT. ('.,' and the meetings have each been fill of interest as well as valuable informa tion. After the papers and business of the club were finished, the hostess served a delicious fruit salad course with sandwiches, wafers and coffee. T...J All 1 New Market, who refused to take the c. i .; .. oath two years ago that he had been m months serve(, noti t a citizen of the county six months pirants that he would resi at the prior to the election, as he has lived em 0f the 1922 term. in Greensboro ever since and made no application to register this year, when he came up to vote, his name was not on the registration book it having been M an(J Mfs F,ct(;her R M f erased when he admitted he had not Troutman N. c lrHell countsrent nnth n f 1 f S SZ Thanksgiving with Air. and Mrs. C. C. months prior to the election in 1920 and no one claimed he T , , ... . , , had a right to vote. Of Mr. John Ridge and Mr. Ahih Pecli- course his running for justice of the r-ps1t'ofI'l Poult' v,slteJ at J- c- peace was a part of the scheme and ad C. C. Ridges Thnnksiriving. plan to get indictment, for it does not Mr. Ira Summey killed a hog last set well with the Republican bosses Wednesday that wtiHied 779 p rinds, when they find they cannot run over The largest that ha3 been killed in this the election officials in New Market, community this aason. Their bulldozing methods make no Miss Mabel Ridge, of High Point, headway there, and for years efforts spent Thanks giving with her p&ieiirs, have been made to find some way to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ridge at Mechanic ;..a: ir: xt . 7" .uun c.ccuon oincers m iew Miss Elsie (Caahatt, one of the ,,,-vii -ueeessiui in Keeping a ood spirit of work and interest go ing, ine dovs societies held prelim- t.UIllAl,e nf rl JmiMlwi ii n ... ' ......... IU W, 1 . .j. .u. J 37 -J---.- vii, T Z ; , , "r ,u'u' holidays with hev parents at Farmer, ing to the federal court with a charge M- t, ,, which at most could and would only . MlSS f Bul P-'""paI of Re.i- be an error of judgment; but it is not r.ry, "ch"0' Ti'1 puJ".ay w,th Mlss even that for those who have looked Mabel RulKe at HkU Vo'nL into the matter state positively that Mlss Mamie Lackey, one of there was nothing done by any elec- teachers at Cedar l'.io3, vk r t tion officer that is a violation of the Saturday and Sunday at home. Messrs. J. C. and (,. C. Ki Ige a d Fletcher R. Mayes were in A. lieboro Friday on business. Mr. Edward Surratt, of'i-) spent one day last week with his brother , Mr. S. D. Surratt. of thin 1 ronamv the next mnv ., ......v. tunn should make for the benefit of this irenrntin ,f i . , ;,:. f... iiiii- wi moil tiLiiens anu tne manes tor ine purpose of rhonsi speakers who will .lebate between the town is peculiarly situated in favor of two societies for the Johnson society, this work. There are hardly tw Jmclid Auman, John Andrews, and streets in the town that do not par Julius Meredith was chosen, or the allel a valley between them, makinVit Boys Progressive, William Hall, W. several thousand dollars easier U K , iarkin, and George Arnold won. place watermains. If we ever expect I his debate will be held sometime this to progress as a town let's think about month. doing this in the near future. TrinitT high school h-s nrt vet The several Sunday schools of Ram fal.e'omt'treWnVbast ba Sr'rhtn 1nfe.rt-Jnt"' Farmer ItiitT T Cbriitmt dB rarmer outfits down in defeat by ' winning two games on Trinity Court. F,filIW WUh Rrijv m Both girls and boys showed excellent tSCaP6S Wlth Bnde 8 Money- sportsmanship and the game wont off After a letter or two, then a visit well. Miss Lota Bouldwin earned off and a brief courtship of four days, the honors for the girls, while her Miss Fannie Speagle, of Hickory was brother Herman, repeated the same act deserted by her husband W H Hunt. for the boys. This is the fifth .traight The couple were in Salisbury' whea game that the boys have won and the. the groom stated that he must go to the f;rst game the girls have played. Kannapolis or Concord for his bag- A new member has been added to,,gaKe,,and has not been heard of since. TJCtore teavlnsf howeVer. he nprn.Kl? the bride that it would be better to draw out $900 of her savings which the i.i.-. 1. law. MISS ANNIE BELLE STOl'T BRIDE OF WILLIE M. the senior class f Trfnlt.v Wh Cfn Aril This makes twenty-three members in the class of twenty-three. Mr. Story, Andrews, ami Miss Con, ley attended the Teacher's assembly in Raleigh Thanksgiving. They each re port a profitable, enjoyable time and feel that the time was well spent. Three teachers from Trinity we feel that was a pretty good showing. it had taken her years to accumulate, and let. him carry for safe keeping. Her bankers protested and advised her, but to no avail, and now the police are at a loss to locate the man. They have no idea he gave his correct namt. cox TRINITY NEWS W.HENKY PRESNELL, FORMER hamiuli'H CITIZEN, DEAD Mr. Hpmv TVfvonftl 1 nrkA rA Vi mm JM reare.i m Cedar Grove township, at hi home in Statesvilla last J Mr. Presnell left Randolph wnty alnnit fifteen years ago and JWd to High Point, later moving to amesvilie. He married Miss Maggie lo this union there were five JBrnter-, three of whom arc married. On dm... i . . " 1 ' . i I mHrnpi Mr Hrttntr in uienani wno was Killed in Wreal war. Mr. Presnell was in- WHti , the Hinkle Livestock Com rl, of Statesville. He was 49 years UDQ in, , ..urn tl A KI iKAV KM u,,r-1 Ml ATE HOSPITAL u .. . " . .lAAJOreil HQ mn.,.h'. .. .. runwn : . , -o - .. ........ in AHheborn anH P.n.lnnU s--v -hi read with interest that she iwrt!t',,l "Pational theraty ftn the sute hospiui in Raleigh. CUuf?T,ve wa Croa. nurse Ert p county for om time and fZl ln,t her PoiUon in this ffl Lr,enl 10 New "here she r Poit Kraduate work. jEWAN ON ALBEMARLE MfiWS I1EARLD HoUwr of Shelby, who for Lm lh Greensboro New. t rlV" the Uw nii i ,, the sen ef Dr. , Homef, of Bhelby. fM . fflfa?llP,,-F"Wtt' ' fc.Lt 1 eio0,,n tor the a,. Jack Hayworth Celebrates Fourth Birthday. ' Dr. and Mrs. Claude Hay worth en tertained about thirty of the little folks in honor of their son, Jack's fourth birthday last week. There were various forms of amusement which the children enjoyed after which they were invited into the dining room, which was decorated artistically. A large white cake on which were four candles was in the center of the table. The colors were pink and blue and everything was carried out minutely. Ice cream, cake and home-made can dies were servedajid the guests were presented wittfimirs the little girls with glass telephones filled with ran dies snd the little boys with toy pfcs tols also filled with candy. Every body in town knows and admires little Jack Hayworth and congratulates him upon his fourth birthday. On rterpmlipr ftth .1 nuiet hut. beaut:ful wedding took place at the,P'ace residence of the brides parents Mr., Mr. C. C. Ridge is receiving Christ and Mrs. J. C. Stout, when their most mas Roods for his store almost every attractive daughter Annie Belle came the bride of Wilile M. Cox. Rev. T. J. Green pastor of bride's mother preformed the mony in the presence of a few tives and most intimate friends ThA fncultv nf ttio Pandlo-,,, u;v The room was tastefully decorated scruol was most delightfully enter tained last Saturday evening at a six o'clock dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holland in honor of the suoerin- Bob Gray, a colored man who driv ing a buggy had the misfortune of be ing run into by a heavy truck a few days ago. His buggy was almost total ly wrecked. It is reported that places here are for sale. One of the places the old FACULTY ENTERTAINED Ganaway place, which is the prettiest place around town, also the Dougan Johnson place on South Main street. be- day now. the RANDLEMAN HIGH SCHOOL cere-rela-. Colder Weather Prophesied The Weather Bureau at Washington prophesies much colder weather for us, and indeed it would sem tnat it is well on the way. Storm warning also are displayed on the Atlantic CaasL This is expected for the next two or three days. SHERIFF COX STARTS IN with ferns and cut flowers. The bride was beautifully dressed in a Midnight blue tricotine travel ing suiu n.e gmom ami urine were tendent and principal of the schoo accompanies oy rar. j. i.,. tirooKg. E,i Carrol and W. E. Powell Miss ivtyriie i ox, Mr. iiaipn cox and snectivelv Miss Nannie Pope to Greensboro homes with Mrs. Holland where ttiev lett lor Washington, 1). On last Sunday night Sheriff A. Carl ' v.v. vua nan nil 01 inaLiwil LllaL a (lisunerj A blind man irave a concert in the u,ae ,,,...i; .,.. n, ,.i.i ' ' - " " . , i,t wjnriai,,,,, ncai nil oni iuuihj school building Friday night. It was home, and with a deputy and two mem well attended, and was worth the tiers of the nnliee fnrr-e f A nKnm i-ho are making re-thelr w ilj spem their honev- lovable young bv all who MeWa Edgerton Pannes Melva, the two and a half year old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. II. J. Edg erton, of Kemps Mill, died yesterday ifrom diphtheria. The little girl hail diptheria in its worst form and as a llast resort was brought to Memorial 'hospital about 3 p. m. yesterday for an operation. She passed away but .the parents are consoled that they did everything possible te-aave their little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton and their sister from Ohio, who is visiting- them.-jgeVe with the little one' when the eR came. The parents and four brothers and sisters survive. , I The burial will take place at Holly' Springs today. Mr. and Mrs. Edger-J ton moved from Ohio to Randolph j county about 18 months ago. They! have the sympathy of the many friends. i The guests were received at the door by Miss Willie Milikan and in vited into the parlor where a cozy fire and comfortable room present ed (uite a contrast to the bitter cold and rain outside. After a brief period of getting acquainted and exchange of pleasantries, the guests were ushered into the dinning room, which was pret tily decorated with ferns and narcisus and where was spread a sumptuous repast consisting of turkey and other goou tnings prepared in that ininii- manner as none other but Granny" Holland can do. After dinner the guests retired to the parlor where tables had been ar Fertlizer Price I.owi r Next Season ranged for cards and the balance of ('., where they moon. The bride is a most woman, and was lovei knew her. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. N'. K. Cox, of Greensboro. He re reived his education at Buie.s Creek, and is now a prominent business young man, of Greensboro, he holds a prominent position of book keeping with the Patterson Company. After a few days in Washington tiine mr. ami iirs. i ox win return and make their home in Greensboro. Fertilizer salesmen in of the State are f the opinion prices of fertilizer will be lower next season. A fertilizer man In the Sand hill section gives the reason for this opinion as follows: this section he,crnin? W?.HpC"t i" Plyj"R . image, loon ami iig , Willie H lew thai ,1 il n . r ., wiui imui'i iiov icftitfl me call Ol uie Ellison occupied themselves otherwise. Those enjoying Mrs. Holland's hos pitality were: Misses Vlra Clodfelter, Ruth Coltrane, Mary Allen Bulla, While the crop of cotton will be i Rachel Donnell. and Glenna Flovd short in the country, this man fig-1 Mesrs A. B. Beasley, J. S. Hicks, ures that North Carolina will gin , inard Holland, Ed B. Carrol and probably 860,000 bales, which Is a y. k Powell, right big crop, which will mean a sur- j plus of seed for the oil mill as thel Farmer High School GWes Pier, crushing season approaches, and with jho Farmer high school on the eve holders weakening, he intimates that1 njnfr 0f December 22, at 7:30 o'clock money. A comedian als some pretty y-ood stunts Alvin English, who was reared here, but new resides near Hillsboro, in Orange county is visiting relatives. Mr. English told the writer cultivating a farm of. three acres, he is thinking of planting cotton next year in addition to tobacco. Mr. Royals seems to be doing a fine business in the grocery line down on South Main. Mrs. Marvin Andrews who has been sick if improving. Mr. Frank Shaw, of South Tinnt, was married a short time ago to Mi.. Cora Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Fail Johnson, are bark to their home in Trinity, after spending some time in Thomasville. Mrs. Mary Thompson Hogan, with her two daughters Mrs. Kent Nancr, and Miss Irene Hogan, of High Point, visited relatives on Johnson street last week, they were accompanied h Mr. Kent Nance. Mr. Neuce McDowell, our mayor, is working in Virginia at present. Elizabeth Johnson, of High Point, visited on Johnson street lust week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ingram, of High roint, were in town lat week Dulled off he located the distill plain view of the public highway and waited until about day light when tw men went to the still carrying jug Just as thev irot to the still the ne was scented the officers, and made a dash hundred for other "diggings". The officers started in pursuit and would have caught them if they hail not became entangled in the meshes of a barbed wire fence of which the officers dii not have knowledge or informatios and about which the "blockad Ts" had k no ,vli .Ige. While the new sheriff failed in this his fn t raid to gft the offenders, although the still and equipment and mash were destroyed, yet we like the way shorilffT went about doing things, of hi conduct shows he means to (.ro after lo'ators of the law and not runt "lit himslf with getting a still now and then. I. M. (. El (WARDS UK TTKNS TO ASHEBORO wh Pi. an, I Mrs. M. G. Edwards. have for the past year lived in Salis bury, have returned to Asheboro t milk" their permnnnnt home. Dr. Ed wards w ho is n veterinary surgeon aho who practiced in 'Randolph two yean Mr U..l D..l.i:.L ...I... 1 1 ,1 I V, f) .... 4 - I'll. 1, tnic JWCT11IIIK. M IIO IIMH IMH"II i,,.x m i, r r 1 1 , wi n ,u, iwnnimil tUUIHI very low for some time continues ''t year, moving there about a year CAPITOL THEATRE TO OPEN ! TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Aaheboro's new moving picture show, the Capitol Theatre will be for mally epened next Tuesday evening,' December 19th. Mr. Francis White, who ia the manager, has spent much time tnd money in thoroughly equlpp- - Ing the theatre and has arranged fof i an extra good line or pictures. i ne bufldlnr belongs to Mr. W. J. Scar 1 bore nd is modem and up-to-date in every respect The new theatre would be a credit to a town mucn larger, than Asheboro. I p. m. will giro a play entitled "Bor rowed Money, at the school building, at Farmer. The proceeds will go to ward school improvements. ASHEBORO GRADED SCHOOL CLOSES NEXT WEEK a r actios In seed prices end meal may be as severe as the recent rise. With these conditions in mind he argues that the price, of fertiliter may be ma terially lower, as he cannot see where the big crop of meal Is to be absorbed without concessions in fertiliser prices. He says his mill has considerable seed to buy, ahd he expect It will be. The Asheboro Graded School will bought for much lens than mills were cOM, nMt Wednesday for the Clintd eipectlng a short time ago they would i ml holidays, and the teachers who lave to pay, and that it is" logical that jv elaewhere will leave for their re-crtilixer-should be lower in conse- s()ective homes. quence. ' . The year round garden ocers health Many a man of small calibre thinks and happiness. Are you planning, he Is s big gun when loaded. oursT - about the same. Mrs. Wagoner, mother of our towns man, is visiting here. Mrs. Wsg oner lives in Cabarrus County. f.fro Dr KdwnrdR mar hen intiribtWi in Randolph county and has decided to return here. He ha many friends in this county who win be yiad lo rnoi ler lives In Cabarrus County. , 'his county who win he lal lo know Mrs. Parker, who has been in feeble ' his decision. Dr. anrl Mrs. Edward alth for sorne time, at the old w'" reside in the Methodist Episcopal ..I.. II I . . 1 r, . . n M rj.lH 1. ..1-141 i health I Parker House, is sbout'the seme. She parsonage lis up mom or me lime. .She is the 1 last link connecting the ! with the new. old Trinity Tn- Mrs. Edward 1 vlHln her mother. Mrs. Psrlier at Wilkes- GREYSTONK PARK IM PROV EMENT.H CONT1 N 1 EH Hroughlon, of Troy, ( sndidate at Grey-stone park con Mayor ('. ('. Uroughton of Troy, him announced that he will be a candi date for the rrading clerk in the next senate an da good fight in anticipate. The work,.. ,Hrge ,,,,-ee rit nnn.l, u JU,RP ,.hH,ip VnrVr of Au iiuikiik 111 ini-i "1'iewaiKx ha nIo nnnniinrf-.l him.oir . . l. sewer and gravel fdreelx. It in undo stood that from forty to fifty thoim late. It in understand that (wiih lisve friendn actively at work for there A i ii , 1 1 i ' . ' ., " lorniiii nnivpij- at wntK lor tWW ind dollars ail) be spent in this do- now. Mavor Uroughton has served fee elopment. ; t,u ca . . ;cr sveraj Urma.

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