1 mm - . "V, JZDTT A YEAR IN ADTXNCD "IXLTX3 AslWr KecthCaxs&n. Thn',rc&Mryt,tta. KYC8E2 I r T UUIIOIIO BANES r . , ENJOT GOOD YEAR' The hre Wta ta- Aehehere have heW their annua; MUM waww .- n-wif i.iwrt TKs Bank ef KawLalph which la th oldest ban in the county, having been established to r -.'haa noid rea-ular ilividenda and . capital and aorplae of mora than ' 0. ..The Rnt National ; Bank, was established in 1WT, ha a 4 stock of $50,000 and' a rma t cKnncfl. dtii vaoma- undivided wnicn makes the capital atoek .re" than 1090Q. It is a member of ...e Federsi Keserve System.- Uurinr the east yea a dividend oi twelve per jiiiMi Th Asheboro Bank and Trust- Company, which -was or ganised in lmas a capital stock of month during the pasfc.year and ihe re sources are now 16lMH)0. The direc tors are composed of some of the best , "business men; in tne county. . ' MRS; J. O: REDDING HOSTESS ,f .RANDOLPH BOOK CLUB LYCEUM ATTRACTION 4 ATCOUBtHOUSE The TaVlr'rww Bregma ,rDo -we fifeaBe4ey the AjfcereoBrogaa Entertainment Company, ander Ue aa-J spteea -eff the Woman's Club, Monday eight. xThe program was . aplendidiy rendered and was much enjoyed . by those who were present. The Lyceum attractions have been .a financial fitt ers this year and the Women's OnS has lost considerable. 1 is to ee hoped that they will have the eooneratioaf the citizens ef the town. . .when Ute next entertainment is given; whkh wfl) be the last of the season. The We man'i'Qub has made this arramrement hoptna: first t entertain the veevle in a wholesome way and Beeond te wne- OUR RALEIGH LETTER PeCSPOpNDIESIN fc-v rrrrr'-. v YaxweA Sachaate - Stateawela ea 8Utce ' ' . Fiaaaeee (By Maxwell Getmaa.) RALEIGH. H. CL Febraray thr- Atereat u the Legislature - this week, ea theaart of both the irabUe Tana tne legislators, is largely direct ed to toe work of the committee m iehanre of the investijratioa into the financial condition of - the State, as kecommended by the Governor in- his tnrtlun and dramatic address at a Ijoint session of the two branches of tne ueneral Assembly last tTlday. ' Mr. Maxwell how states that he d'd not mean to assert or insinuate HOME TALENT FLAY AT CAPITOL THEATRE t loof FrMav afternoon Airs. J. 0 '"Vk i a.X. ih MAnw. hfifO rt ' the Randolph book Club. A number jl guests were also present for the .mpptincr Mrs. W. D. Stedman read a" chapter from the autobiography ofj telegraph, operator, pTnw&ra note alter wnicn cuts. w. a. ENGINEER FIELDS KILLED IN WRECK AT HAGOOD, VA. av-. a ; w -a. the tAwnn7hrlh. wn ril that a do lar of North Carolina money the town stand by the Woman's Oub h d been misappropriated oi wrong which always stonds for the J"" .VlT towns uplift and benefit lf tT"C? 11' . aui vv tt aaaw uw vmuuib . w vua in appropriating too large sums to meet the condition of the State's fis cal .ability to successfully shoulder through heavy appropriations, de manded by the Educational Depart ment, for example, 'and other calcu lations being pressed upon the Legis lature, he deemed.it wise to make the statement public which appeared Mr. J. M. Fields, Jr., Seaboard Air Line engineer, was killed early Thurs day morning when Iris train Ho. I which runs from New York to Jackson ville, Florida, ran into No. 301. Wash- ineton and Hamlet at Haeood. va.. due I to misleading of the block signal by a In a latter statement Mr. Maxwell telAirrnnli Amnhw 1 says: . Mr. 8 a Spoon e Axheboro, SUr Kotrteated at Memorial Hospital last Friday niirmV Mr. Sdood had heen indispossd e several months but vp ohudaienly grewtoc worse it was fomd necessary for him to have an operation. - The doctors realised that hie condition was serious and little hope wis entertained for his recovery. He rallied and seemed te be improving for few days after the operation, but the end: came on Friday night, Mr. 8 poem waa a thorough going, eonsuan tious fames and will be greatly mis sed fa hi community. He Is survived by hia widow and the following sons and daughters: Artemus Sooon, Asae bore, Phalti Spoon, High Point, Mrs. Cornia Williams, Ulah, Mrs. Fletcher Humble. Asheboro, Mrs. Alene AshH worth Aaheboro, Mr. Moss Spoon Ashebero, Miss Donnie Spoon, Klg4.j Point.; Mr. Spoon is also survived by one brother, Mr. S H. Spoon, Arch dale,' and two sisters Mrs. John Humble swdL Mrs. Henry Stores of Ashetwio. Tne foneral services were conducted at FlagSprings Sunday. Burial fcl- LEVEL CROSS SCENE OF COClt FIGHT While eeck fighting is an unusual seett In this section of the country there was aa up to date well ptaaaea fight ooaducted in Level Cress- town ship, at the old Wheeler farm: about 1-e mile east of Level Cross chorea last Saturday. Rural policeman. M. Otwell got news of the fight, where- apon be notified policeman Cnaries Hinsaaw of Randleman, who later no tified Sheriff Cox, of Ashebore. Sher iff Cox sent Deputy C. E Lovett and jailer S. D. Lowe to the' scene. On arrival they found more than 150 guests assembled and enjoying aa up to date cock fight. There were f srty one cocks there; some of them have since been estimated to be worth from $890.00 to $1000.00. All of the men present but a few left the scene as the officers appeared; seven of thesa being from Grensboro, and are as follows; J. M. Hodgin, J A. Meacham, J. A. JKlves, Mike Schwitzermore, R. D. Jones, R, D. Goldman, and J. J. Walk er. There were also a few Randleman land. A scene naturally ensued vhen 1 9Juzens Present among them, ,Roy Polly wanted to go to the lodge and ;awln8! ami eo. Hasty. Mr. B. J. Tickk begged her to stay at hame be-bth of Randleman and W. A. Tooms cause he was afraid of women. , 01 M1 Cro8S Township were arrestee In act 2, the men again held thi as. l,hev UP d claimed their ! center of the stage, the scene being chickens. Mr. Smith did not leave the A marriage of interest to many of . spring cleaning in the Tickk home Kroun(ls but Mr. Tooms left for a snore our. readers occurred in Jacksonville I The singing of "Empty Pockets ", es- un?e and returned. Mr. Smith admit Mr. and Mrs. Petty Tickk. a musical eemedy in three acta was given at tee Capitol Theatre Tuesday night. The sue ex the eartaia for tne m- logue displayed a chorus of eight young ladies whose singing and danc inn added much to the mav.Mr Maddox took the part ef Father Time, Dame f ashion waa played by Virginia Ked-! ding, who wore pink.taffeta dress with f ihrer slippers. Casing into a sil ver bowl she saw the girl of 1975, Miss Clara Presnell, the male flapper Jess Scarboro, the woman who wants to vote, Frances Barker, the woman who wouldn't vote, Ellen Presnell, and the girl of 1869, Mabel Ingram. The characters entered separately as the chorus sang, "What Do the People Want?" The first act was a scene in the liv ing room of the Tickk's with Mr. Tickk, Samuel Brittain, in dust cap, ear rings and beruf fled trousers staying at home with the children awaiting the home coming of Pdlly Tickk, Miss Mary Kui- lowed In, the cemetery. ; WHEELER-GARNER Ihe way to protect the State s , Fiorida. when Mr. j. -p. Garaer of'pecially the pantomine sinang, scored ted ojvnership of three of the feathered credit, and the only way, is to keep jacksonyille was married to Miss Ruby; high. Senator Zella Highbrow, Miss warrios while Tooms claimed 15. Both it sound, ine . btate cannot keep aau. PmonrJtv iri iw a; Cr f,,r,'.h01i were placed under arrest and hmuo-ht PI Vi ''YL1'VJ vi aiiiv iJtv wjvun (IUHUOMCV4 liiviii -Mil , if. . " v"v : US V kf I ann ,,nA ' i i . , . i ""roi vi a. i v& uu,wu oi inaeoieaness aiioai:cember U 1922. The wedding Va-. a and consistently fail to earn its liv-lVery affair attended by ing expenses. 1 have disclosed noth-1 only the-emmediate family and a few iwcji. a tuuicwriiL uunu uiiurney ; intimate friemk to the men. She was. for the anti- J? AsneDoro iut gave bond, paid their, trousers bill. The act closed with an,lmJj!l and returned with their fowls. Indian dance by the chorus girls in In-! . w,nen deputies Lovett and Lowe ar dian costume. Special mention musti" ,ln Asheboro with their car he- Mr. Fields was a native rif C 10 ATI Q- I 5 Underwood read a sketch ot tae. ine, boro, but had lived in Raleigh for sev- of -James Oliver "Curwood The cur- eral years. 7 rent events jwoved 4f unusual Inter-;'- . c , est and many of them caused discus-, LIBERTY NEWS AND .Sions concerning cuxicui. wp .. ; owialal tvuis Jay. Different . musical selections on ; ' the phonograph yere enjoyed. Rev A. L. Lucas filled his regular ' The hostess assisted by her sister, appointment at the M. E. Church Sun Mrs, W. A. Underwood, served chicken day morning and night. ' .salad wafers, coffee and fruit and nut , Mrs. Erma Phillips, little Margaret, mamrguentes. rare, tinen Lynch and lifter fag fullds, or retire aerial bnds. from The, W'a , nayes spent Sunday at Seagrove. revenue when due. ; mst lat . .1U''"S ""ui:" "'"', fo-' u mn th p, rZrr W.V" .n.nuv . twpnvfirtw ci i -a . Mr. -Park W PicVAtt crf o f! r , r. is a graduate 01 uuuiora oiegre, later ressea Dy ciuy Lawson, James liurns. i :" r " . vuumy rair xniUAi Ariimi vy- X..!j. . virn.- A "vz l " e-m "mi living expenses. Ann tne ,H,f-, ; .u 0 cf.. xi;i,: grounds wfiere they rema ned until Mr. j. K. Iairalng fX?rt afcountan.t .couldt "Ot lear" Mrs.;Garner is the daughter of Mr.:be made'of the lighting also, Missldecked with bags suspended from the th Vi l T I mvJsugauon ot:and Mr8 j. p wheeler, and is a very L?""I.Bhe?,"?Krts llie Ichtirmingyoung woman. She is a n.1,?1 "P - graduate of Winthrop College. Mr. Virginia Barker who led the dance by toP each holding a prize fighter, there first appearing in an Indian soio dance. was considerable excitement and the The scene of act 3 was a voting pre-iT i ,coula De aone vnttl tne .... r r- fnnrlo ovnen T'l 1 , . MEETS WITH MISS LOVfm jdays in Wilmington last week fiscal policy of this General Assem- Miss Helen PWlpman nA , t v In.." ?: If. t , 1 engineering in Indiana. ' ' " u i y muni uk 1 1 A 1 1 1 wii.il 'i Knnw pnm.' ! - ... l ... ..i: : ... . . - lsine younc Dusiness man. rne voune Miss Mittie' Lovett was hostess tojHenderson attended the play at Julian 0f thee facts, He is a prom The brow. Monday and were claimed. this act after having been locked upilnon?llnfLon' ot Ureensboro, as a crazv woman Lv CaDtain Bridget ,tw.enty three of them. O'Brien, Clari Presnell, and discloses! , ln, a"tion to the capture of the. identity of Bil v Lavson. In this , omcers secured live . the the Friday Afternoon Club afthe meet- jraay.iumt. . "While eating the bread of the rZr """ ul ng last week. Xhe club is tms yeari iiCD"c u'fun1 "L vreensporo state, 1 am trying to earn it, and v tuymg. ,wnwm r.jr """?& n ,XZZ, ' "Mre"!w,ln Ul questioning motives of other, T. J FRALEY. OF LAKELAND act the men reassert t.hlvpc whil vercoats, iive raincoats, a suitcase MChJS 2tata diversity I Mr.' J. W. Frazier of Guilford Col f Zm e?:,i VCrn Mor,";S-n ha,! " ' ' FLOlftDA, DEAD the love element of play predominates. i n,tain,n ornaments for the -fowls epartment of the-State .University iJJ S.fJt?!!' .hf t.-i a gpe: 1 .. ?al more .f reputation and Miss Tillman, the dirertor of th niv 1R(I s.ome whiskey. Rural policeman ri 4 hoo hoA-ri mrtKT. lntereKLinir aiiu '"' uaicino mat wkkk, iur. vPKDnnvi nhtu or cribA ,.,.,1 : . ------ - - - i ui. i. ix i u -arM rr T tb ' T - - r 4.1 icaujuauiig : i- .1. Hn pv. n fnrmor KfinfMln - a . . 1 ttiiu 11 1 . xi i r iH.ipr. -r. ii 1 : r x t. m - ' r" IUUCU-vb. '.. . . ; hi .... n.mnumi poucy 01 me atatO 10 a 7Pn. diflr at. W km. in l.oVal ollowing the program tha nostess rvuin omiin, uma Kivett KOund hasis than I have. The (rood Fi.ia Jr.. o" t" ,n rved cmcKen saiau , waics, ""'f ir.. .r'.r""' -o.v. sllc- :r,a ocotcn i-resoytenan Ben Lacv vi0to, u.. f .... ' ' action had ever been takpn .H..1. Whe and coffee. ' "ay aiternoon. . ,w,.s , .Ri,t when he called attention vZ7 in7ZTL Zt'r the sport made by the cocfe thew, icai Junes, or rnoi Mountain, lo a net. def rit of 1 SS.1 ROil ; i r, . . " . ... . X':3 ,c?cl ."'"R , r9 ,tl, e, it : end in town ,:, . : ; '""""V , , rnerat-services were roniluctede at praise. Miss TiUman staged the play """" ul -. nuimenu Miss Tillman, the director of the play:3,"" s,?me whskey- Rural policeman h cit- as Daisy Anne Grey played the part , ieiLsays that ? ock f,hts have been eland, of the heroine admirably.' tnei"e ever since last summer' and , - Mr. Considering the fact' that this Tlav e.has rePted it befoi out n - : x 1.1. -i ' JSS10NARY SOCIETY "Z r T 7 r, ntmg expenses in one full rounded ItffV ORGANIZED AT HOME OF !mIHit-,B,? ev; B- A year uf revenue income, and the mis- . MRS. C. L. CBANTOBD3'. " Govcrn&r and the Budget aad 0E I ZY rn t. i iuwi.Ni';m. (.-oDiui'yon was in .The Veune neonle of the M. E "Vl"m" s visitinghi.r par-' full vulue his faithful """'-.X.ritK Mr. c. L. Cranforu-, mEiPa "i- George Keitzel. economy mast be nractmed . to iiohar.yoctyne1!ine cers were elected tfii the year 01 I-. , j. c. Lut,Pr nd cf "I . . ',r"V:f " ina?, t,enc'1 lnt0 a tw tis of (Jreensboro. I - President. Elyer Kic narasoii, vice ,. , c ' , n miuion uoiiht VS Donna Lee Leughhn, Sece- daJ and SnndaV Ramseur with then recommended ..t.pn Pnillins. Treasurer. Irene 1 ff"" the Keifpo-Mabel Ingram. 1 M " Gnim- 'tMJli-y Mia Lema Kivett entertainer a ess assisted oy " " number of her friends at h er home 9to serveu P c ' i";. .Wednesday night. After playing BROTHER, LI'.W COINS tneral-services were ronductede at praise. Miss Tillman staged the nlav MftfhA,!;,.; 1 1. T I i i- .1 me irjjuigui.ii tmuti. in, iji.KcuuKi, uiiui'i Liie inaiiagemeni oi me wayne t Thursdav morninir bv Dr. .T. M. Gross P. Sewell Prndnetinn rnmnnnv rT Ar-'I?N COINS STABBED RY f ministers nf thp ritv Mr lanli. Honrcria. iha n nrtinnHn.v -v 4- t-i j . i ot ..... . . . ' ' 1 ..,. -.tuiB avaieyaa-surviveii by his. wile and managing the "Microti of Love,", naming u,ti. ,0na sonlitvin v ralev and a half sis- which wan n-iven hprp last v.ar 'n last bundav l!en Goins w:.s i.iin- meesiter, MMp. H. Barker, of High Point.: Tlvj chorus included Misses Margar' fu,ly but not seriously, cut - by' his t ,, "-rr-.i-"-1-1; iiiwtwi.g'SL.w.attjeu,. i.vvn:o, , jiin yv hxuijmivi,, yirguua jDarner, iauune.i "V vviiio. iu ue men nKra ui wiciriirrst wife was a sisrerAbfV. T'Cur- rBuTThea-'ElI Louise DOIM.E WEDDING IN THOMASVi;.!.!-: i, wafers and not cnocoia. 'number of games thev were invito' in The 'Society was uen msm. u, th dining room where -f iP,. benediction. AUEDjLADY PASSES 'were served, consisting of peacr.es, whip cream, cake and hot choeoin: ; Quite an enjoyable affaii" was a " . . ' T) . . U 1 Tl . , ouijninc mi iraiay 1 any given nv Dp wnp. nn nncln ffnvl. TTpnripttci lT,wloiMirrtl surplus, and of Haywood Parks of FvnnWinviiie, Swaim, Frances Moore, aiiprorinatiors and Airs. Si next two years covennir trie .v i - .:. u i':' .. . r , - "iiw in.nc- lujh iiUllR- .villi Mlill lt:i iidl amount of that fallacious sur-"several years ""' i "-wo more iuii For the past eight years IV . ..u,.- ... c.iniaim jiicuiih: i.n3 OKI has ira 1 iug in uic w?u story apflied to Mat iinanciiig, wuh State credit getting of thai grow 'in ui.f 11. 1. 11 wp . ini rnnv iTin't t r i . 1 1 i . , . , , V ' - oer 01 ine scnooi nnard am get out by- denouncing me. or by in the Methodist. Anmh. ix"'"" i"K in 1 at uk aril sound 1 l'.'-.lrv ide lakeland his ho-ne and he -e took rui active part in tlie d.-veliipeiiien'. i'ing city. H. wis a irrm- a steward anvice Irs. WyriCK ramoru uu number 'of voun. oeonlp in honor Mrs. Ometa Leonard at her home v rl . C..tJ,. The deceased was the r." LX'rS " 7: L.m,,,- home of her sister, airs, ran i arm nAnr Denton. Febmary 1 at ears.of aee. liter ef air. and Mx. Seth (Jran nnrl the wife of HiU Wood, more than 30 years .ago. She is ved by two sisiers, the evening were rvtn nnn ivi rM. rail ifiiii.-i"". -. 1 is an aunt of Mr on nk iiKiiuui musical selections am wilO . , ' uer oi guts were received. attoL1 v.hirli fruits were served. Those ppiv-'-i' Mises I,oia Kivpit T illitin n..Al..... xr:: r i JLI1I Ci-iin. --"-iviici, n i'ji m r ii?.i('i:;wi, Will '-Ian- - Viit 1tu -o.:.u tj- : . .1 I... l r-.onfnid Of r"-'"" """'I ivui.il oillllll, J.I- : OM airs. umr, ... V' Kush, Lauretta Smith, Mess -s ' " boJ.-She lui.1 made heu home FrR7. Camoron ..,. Mr. -Unas. w. iimwu Person, Charlie F raz er ad always expressed much aifec- Jonej) fnr the Dast iew mouths, bhe t splendid woman and much De hll who knett- her. The burial a was concluded at Concord Ust SunJay ,V!rs 0)SPrvre,, as it February 2nd anniversary lay at the Haptist churrh . '"' . 1,1 "" r" In honor of the pastor's second yen )B BOLL OF MISS services. The record show that C7 i BULLAE ML'SIC CLAs members have-on added to the mem-. ' , Ul J I iL . .... uuruir i.no iwo years At tni rr- and C. I" BAPTIST CIirR(TI MATTERS- presented by our own good oh; I'l-eslivte-iari State Treasure-. "Kidiculous," Says Morii:-on G ivi-nior Morrison said he read the latest .statement from .daxwi 1!, and ho described tlie Cor-poratiiiu- Commissi,. nor's position as "ridiculous " "I think Mr. Maxwell had better attend lo his own lui-iness and trying to run the whole .la-.e, iw si;.e.. ihe t,ovrrnor asserted his faith in the b y tiie budget mik-i oe Dreci iii.; siaienici'.. ln re ; r. ri I lo an ultimate surplus ; rev alue over exjienses f.ir the late Hscal ear. when taxes levied but uncollected are paid into the Treasuiw. "It is ndiculous," theGovernor said i n.irt in discussing Mr. May wrtl's stalement. "No railroad taxes l:ae been collected for either of the two years of Tny adm'mistratinn, yr Mr. MaxwoII refuses to credit any o.' that and sayit that it ought not to be credited. The committee appoint ed to investigate this matter will find the truth He was instrumental in home in Lakeland for Son lege a Methodist instil uti rificei the f:r.iily estate a had this cfllcgc which began Mr. fall. Mr. r ralev was-agant for I lie South- : e .-i a :"curhig a ev lie:n ('e; lie ' u' -. a site for work la.: ern Railway Comtfiny for year.- at I ranklinvillp. Chapel Hill aa.i Southern at Greensboro. Mr. Fra,j?y's body was 1 :o,i!;' (o Green; -boro Friday siflrtmo-i an.' iva? figures used buried in Greene Hill (V:'ie1ei-y. "'(.. onmissioti A. W. I lvler, editor of ihe North c-r- olina Christian Advocate, rondi-eled tlie services. Mr. F ralev was a man of liy H'-V est Christian character, a'id !;i: ilf.' was an unlifl to the rimi;-u:i;!'y in which he lhed. M. E. MATTLl;S The man-,' friends of the contractinc part ies will be interested in the an nouncement of a double wedding which occurred at (he M. E. parsonage in Tliomas ille Saturday, January 271 Ii. T. H. Johnson offr-inlinc-. The cm-tract ing parties were Miss Annie Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mis. T. W. Milchell, of Denton, to Mr. Yei!io:i H. Naric.'. a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nance, of Farmer, and Mi.-.; Kile. Nev some, daughter of Mr. and Mr.-. L. E. Newome, of Denton, to Mr. Henry Heck, of Lexington. All of the young people are of pn.,-. ' ..-.ii :r , a: r-ev n:. c mi:s. c. c. ( r M'oi;i) , i:ti.i;tis pimsciI.i. a c tween them whereupon, a f i -VToIIq w- - . ; cd, the result of which is that 'jfienWasMMji cut i.n the shoulder and on the arm ""-t with a large knife and, Lum has a bruise on h,s head. Henry Lewallen, who as with the men when the dis agreement started, in trying to separ-' ale the brothers, leceiwd a slight gash. Lum Goins wa.s placed in Jail, without bail. Hen is improving but -.'tis .weak from the o,s oi blood and from Ids wounds. .i,i.:ii cor vi v " TEACHERS MEETING gO()r ol va; I I'risci'a CIl. The H. WiWis jy by letter, M- "Mr. Maxwell had better attend to " following officeri lembers of Mass Bulla s music c08e- 0f the morning sermon remarks will have a monthly houor xoljf were male by several of the members, will be published in The Courier. , and all the members present came for requirements 'are. 'ward shaking hands with the pastor, ssed lessons, expressing their sproclatlon of his .11.4 1. vmiirt HniA d.lU V ojkrutA a mm A JljJ.. tV..; '.. . o above SO. - ion in the future; for whleh the 5'-f .N..rth Caro1 rA "I hl? iUier rm, nr tiiin!l an Sntlt ed to DSJftor winh tJ. mMn Mi Vln.V.t we" -s iw..w--. r-r - r-v. Bftn.lu hi. TI,.11 W Joined Sumb lyn l.av.siter. A Vnung Peoples Missionary So of ten members, has been orga Mrs. C. C. Cran ii-e- he,t-;.s to t Wednenbiv aflern w.llCii toe guest. ; .ewiiiy w er- Invel . el' cut flowers an I Fnlli.w ing a ole.i hostess assisted by Mrs. ( ford served congeal; d salad At a recent cooting oi' County Teachers in the arrangements were mad an accurate com us nf ;i dreu of the coll -ilv. 'lic i will !. ee. I-' !. - a;);-"i-i'.. ,a -nal; C1 i - -. i t nee a oaiei .r..e in Aiu ii. t'iiK ON S!ii;ii;,;;;) ; i SI Sl-I'NDKi) 1 NTM. Iii-' Ilandolpii Court iiou.-r, ' Tor taking e . chool c'uli V eo ii, mi! eo ir; 1 i v. as ai .eld A I) IS SI'KING ii e.-, stuffed date. Club roon- -ai!;e;-;-d for t in 1 1" i-- deoorai ioi, olterl plants '"it ft.-n n 1 1 e . L. Cran sand a ile a- Wiuk '-ii ;he , H.'.-h l-oint ;.. A ece:i under coo .-, - moiulis I;: era trid coffee. his own official duties. If he will at- 'fl'liss Elyer Richardson, l'-esicgnt, Sec re la rv. tend.to looking out for the freight ' obert Pm'"'Ps- Treasurer, Iron. GRADY II. DULLER SIN(;S OVER RADIO ' ":''' io:-. from ' -'el o ., t,., ,;,.. '-Micti .1 for Ihe ,;,..L Sis been mi-- eo-ij...: ..... HI spring. About It.: ,, .C, i-omjileled i U,e fecLio I',,,,,, Mu,dv Creek lo iLin ,,, nine ,,f liophi... Koyer-l org.ison Company are tiie con tractors. Ti.ey exp. cl to , egui work uhout the first of April a.ml the,,- p-.au ' - to push it through to completion. corvrv Kearns. lndilierence, one IaCV llKinicrrillr, uni' ll siiuimi.os ,four ereat evils, was discussed Sunday i as ... . well as Malor Ilaxtor Durham rr evening, a good crowd was present. r off the Jwnor roll or January appreciation Tii ( OMMISSloNl.RS MONDAY MET and ' " Vt 'Jl I L L Aved r Wm. .TheA1 rrj -, r-j tr-'";" '"riThe second of this series next Sunday Me Cain, tliyra Wright, Ida! time of administrator the ordinance ! ,.J i 7?,J T, atI evening. rrish,t Kale Smith, - Uuisejf baptism will be Rnnoanced next Sun-nd 1 Mnk wo W1" et "A heart talk alout a revival" will r.r.f' " Pnblie Printme laeair. - I be the pastors topic next Sunday rn.ffln. .T I u -i rii 1 1 fncica.. u. a. . . . i . iprvirw. in nn. r .... , . . j- . " ;" J.C K . . telirlnfl.itta mwA T T evenmr. Mr. k. h nrrr . nf mi " r.r.M ic..u. -iLi iBartsen nere was much interest muni ,. s i in a telegram which came last Fr.lajf Grudy Milelr to Mrs. W. The count boanl. of were in session Mon. ight,- Jackie. Brooks, Bon INTERESTED Itf , 'tING CARNEGIE v-' 1EDAL iXJtt .MIC WOPp ns of. Asheboro a Jiitor ring a Carnegie modal for od who rescued Mr. J. L. m a live wire during tie . Mr. Johnson's sou wa of the Junior B.-Y. P. U The. nastor'e subject for -the next Sunday, 11 a. m. "Alignments of thd Uospel Message"- 7:80 . .m.' "The Power of Faith in Christian Service. This., being the third of a aeries of sermons on "Spiritual Power lit Christ' ion Service." There will be three er four others in this series. tThe Subject will be announced from the pulpit from time te tlnfe. s v . . . - . jt' The time for our revival servicss harj had It not been At: the ?l ''iQ to begin on the lueeond Bunds v in April. Jiev. . S. PTool ofHsttlesburg, Mis, will . con duct he meetings. j - Mr. PToot is one of the Home Board evangelists, and ' conduct , a scriei of services for the- church last March. ' Everybody seemed to he high ly pleaned with his sscmons, and will be alad to hear him sgsin. .- jasi w. KUhr;. rntor. '. t On January 27th MNe ne Wood of JUn.ltrmnn ftnd l'r. lPrrtt Huwu-ell St I have been lulled Jao, n Hammer has tah tne h the Carnegie Ccmmis urg, Ta., and !will push i - " , " .' ' - : "H MILLER U HNS TO COUBIEB " illrr, who hns for the' brrn with the . Ran- - t'.-rj.nf ha sccept ; " ( - a: r-rr. "t 'u r I - '. ! p I ; sii-ltc tt-an e r j. a r narTlrd are here, for the first. - testi mony Monday In the printing contro versy oetween tne (Jo mmiut loner o Labor and Printing and Edwards and Broaghton Printing: Company. . - Mr. Ehringhaus. former solicitor of the First District, and Mr,' Hartsell, Stat senator in- the 1921 .Assembly. will conduct the examinations for the legislative' commission jnd attorneys for the private interest! in tho." con- tro-versy will be onlookers, : By hold Ing' the Inquiry down to "bare bop facta, the committee hopes te' ret througft . with the v controversy this week. V trom Mr. II J. Armlield, in which he made the an announcement tlint he would sing a n uttHU"1 01 w"'ich U 7:00 o'clock oer tho radio In 1'iits- 0 Couric' ext week. dutk, i a. l lie messaire nsknl ihnr ciim.mr.sioners I :iv Q, T. mul transacted considoial.le busffV'ss an account of uhirh tain k win Liiiiiuti in IMUMlllia, f. ..... Clark Hooker, a member or West umi , , ' ear n,m- man aapel was buried from the Methodist V,ers fncntlR ln Ashe'.ioro lis- (church here Sunday. The writer ot- "" "rer ears ror the ,0un,( of rrnigeinents be made for his motner, '-ONSTRATION PIGS GAIN 313 iv 1 ra lnL.-in tf!11. i.. I. i. - t vv.a.. waw lUUIMW ..1 V J; ,-i; CAfe OP TllANKS';;;- . We wish to return thanks through The "Courier to the rood friends in New Hope Township for their - many kindness jown to us during the sick ness and" death of our aunt Mrs. My rick Woed. May the Lord blens .each snd l ef you. ,, ' - MIL AND MM, CIIA3 W. CT.AN'- ficlstcd. , , 1 TRINITY "AND FARMER PLAY BASKETBALL IN ASHEBORO A very Interesting basket ball iame was played between Trinity and Farm er high schools Friday afternoon in Asheboro. - The purpose of thehr game waa to ply off a tie o the. two team met on neutral grounds to see who would be the winner, Farmer came out victorious. . - NEW GARAGE FOR ASHEBORO r. Mestrtv John Brittalit and sons are erecting a garage on South Fayette ville street between Mr. Basil Brittain resident! and 8. VY. PresneU'a, . '." Wslter E. Neill, bne of tho youngest of the late war veteran died at the Natlonnl Fnnltorium in Tennewae last week. Kin body was shipped to Salis bury f r ( M. , - Mr. R. S Milluon. L . ' . hiu x, T, "uim oi . ""io, iiiiiuipn rouniy l 88 KnM '""appoint- "c""'".-'irai:on agent, says tlfct ho ment that no one seemed to le able wc'Khed some Rhoatr, for Mr Tz. V to have gotten Plttuburg over any of w"ght last Saturday which hek-n the radios in Asheboro. ,on demonstration for the pasiimnroa end that these shoats showed a-gain- CHRISTTAN ENDEAVOR ROa5TY iperuml!"''' C0St f f'V6 wU .- AND BUSINESS MEETING i Mr. Millsop. would liketo Imow the About twenty-flv. member, of the ' raise horSZ .VJ! jj . r -w. svsi wm emiiu isk ' ' j 1 M sonage Friday evening. February 2, for their monthly social and business meeting, with Mr. H. P. Fogleman, norc After a ' report by various commit tees was heard and the business trans acted, two very interesting . paper wore read by Mrs. J. I. Pugh and Miss Lollie Jones on the organisation of our first Christian Endeavor Society, which waa orranlxed, February , 1821 by Rev. Francis E. Clarke. -' ; I - During the social hour two contests were hold with Mm.' J- D. Rosa ana Mr. Robert Jones etwlllng. , .' , ltcr cream snd cake werrper.ed. know how many ke intends to feea this summer. . - i JOHN BLUE,' INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER, DEALER John Blue, International harveoter Company dealer ami reprewntailvo of Scotland county Is the winner of a 11,000 eahprlxe which wss offered to the priisfl wlnnr, in the North snd Soluth Carolln division, who ma le t!m grestent Increase In ..leq t) I'r. Hue I nd Vir mm- " ,., v i