1C3 A YEAR IN AD VANC3 1 '. NCMEK 17 rtb Carolina, May t, 19:3 vcif:sxL:.i 3& : t Sr: CIAL LLTTEH - n;o:i vrMJiiNGTON UsiiEr.ono vtants v ;. ., TO OI i AIN IiOAp alii; A i . 1 t &r.i Ilis ,Intcrru:r.-i 1 . Court Project r-''" cling Held Last Week to i, Interest Promoters of New Railroad Project V; CYCLONE VISITS RANDOLPH COUNTY CTA1 2 HIGHWAY NUMBER 75 from T4' Much Damage Done to Farm To Be Reconstructed ? froi Dwellings, Orchards, and j. Chatham Line by W7 of . -,t.. T,rw Ft Cairl, 1 y "m.t 3 -The reaction ent ;renUy fit lea?5 in favor .01, the "not want to D ? " UJI positive- po , international There' are before the country for the next W1 , .i. v.. will become a far the 11 . i.iv.i ntamnist I0T more iornuuu .""-o---- n S his populan ' to the , two years of bis administration because be Sayed none of 1 leader in the White .blican cons Now be Fnrr iYerrnination to stem '1 snows uusb "" A. Ameetin wag held In the court-, house, at Asheboro la Friday' in toe interest of the proposed railroad from Swannsboro via ayetteville, Kaetora, Aberdeen, Asheboro- and by -,tligrn Point. Winston-Salem and thence into the counties of northwestern North LCarolina.s i S - ' i ,:. The purpose ol the ;meetuig was to imnress J. R."': Banrett. of Har nett county;, with the importance of buildins- the railroad which he and kis associates have arranged to build from Swannsboro via Fayetteville in stead of Lillington, as proposed. Mr. Baggett, who is at present . senator, representing Harnett,- Hoke, Moore and Randolph in the state senate, and Timber Ramseur r from J. Erweod ' Cox, nway Commissioner for tkis nearing TOWN AND ; 4 Vl ICOUNTT NEWb What Our Field Correspon dent Hears-JIatters of - Interest Discussed -jOn last Saturday afternoon about A ' 1 ( rVtiwV a. evelone visited . Kandolpn :l .a l r,,t-. i uonuui tj imi in from tia'.. let to Mr L F. the southwest section of the County, the re; rt thai State Highway No. passing through Union townsfiip - ana is is u recgnstrucMw jrom. going. througl the Shilob and Coler- Cha; ine by way f Ramseur and idge section, extending on into r Dur- 1' k. -v.il --i '.J'-:i' ham and other eastern .counties. It Itis v l leave the link from Asho om. k oOT.rout amaon was done boro to Lexingtoa not completed. No. from Cox Mill Ppnd in Union town- 75 is c plete from SUtesville no ship, into Ebiloh section.: Around Mr. Lenin r i .by way of Mwksville, :It i.tma vnn.nnnn'. iu livda - two has al. 3 been, built from Chapel Hiil miles west cl Dewy, xtmpei was - bp- J -J ,,r rooted and. fences removed at - Mr. do!; h tounty bjie at Marley MflU an John PresnellB, ear Dewy his ahed Broab Creek... vf.rv;-,f Sj; bam end the barn waa tflted ever , to dxsxp ri t.t to SB HELJ HI one sidej Mr. : Tyson Vuncannon ii iXRO bth A?d TH. has for. years given much thought, to buildings.wertl almost completely de- u building a railroad, from, the' sea into- moUdMd,ilMX. .wa no one living in;. , - en. ve -" r.-,. VJn, , irreconcilawea m ms f. --rrr : forpropoeing to fee-into a court which S on which a favorabUa?: n rt other hand there are more TWnooratic leaders who- are convincea SSTESSBtaf bajrfallen Ibetween iwo stools ta.pJSLa; He naa ram a,-"- 7-- ' is the Creature of the league of, na- Hierb W alienated thousands ' m n..vitAOn wv.Wmrs by hiti de- -Nation ;of; the 1 lieve ,that tr Be mamiin 5 there will be two. RepubHcan tickets in the field and $bat some Irreconcil able like Senator Hiram, Johnson will 1 -J it., -tins ik.-S' J:--vJ3:J;3Ti?t-VJJS?i,'S' .N The tet iX5te 1 President maoe.ma,ew tri..n. 7ntBnn who is now in Europe tA his Mends in Amer- lifts rn t M , 1.. Vk viil b a. -candidate - lor -" Du.ij.. hef nn the next . Republican , national ' convention, ?? Johnson is due in Nw York the latter part ' of Mav and his riends are now busy hi Hv him a reception as ' a prospective opposition candidate to - Harding lor tne ej)uuiicwi wi- Johnson, It said, will mtof'ti " mm An fwn counts airainst the Fres- h Ident; hisi proposal to enter the league , by the International court "camou flage" and his opposition to the Pres idential primary. Nearly half of the delegates to the Hepublican ? national KvnvAntioif at chosen by the primary RVRtew and Johnson believes that : the t" ; "T3w,.-;,1nrv'o 6wnnn.fi bostilitV"td? this Y extension of democracy, will give the -, Californian at decided advantage in , the. primarj1 for; winning delegates. v But the' eyes of i &emoerate John son will be defeated for nomination. TTa is fa lAaa twtnnlar now than he was In 1920. ,,He Js regarded as ;noth 4 lng more than a very chean Imitation "of Crfonel Roosevelt and of ,onw of rninjM.l'1 , best 'i. known" fraalities ' TWa la' nA Imitation at all.' But b ia nnw beirinninir to be looked up- on: as the last forlorn hone f the 1p wvnnrilabW for 1924. that is of course if Hardin roes on insisting on this country's Joinina; the eourt. And John- son. could certainty olI enough vot! ' to flay havoc with., the . fortunes of V Hardinc.v rj . ton it must be Wmembered that tt Is still more than eeve months ' till ronsrres reassembles and Henry Cabot . tMs&, the . wan who . defeated the learu "of - nations in ; the- senate, is . still, at the head of the table In the . senate ; foreiem . relation . committee. "Lodge hag already commenced,: to de vise reservations , to . kill v Harding's rourt or to propose in its stad what be cs'ls a iwontt absolnte'v free of all taints At te learne. ' Lode n at work to bnr the court pronosal In the pltreo holes of t enimitt,' ' Cb- frvers he say Ws letter to Governor Mvde of Missouri has no other mean Tint .he will have to recVon with forv Pemocrsts and all the mild teservatloti leaia FeDiihllcan" in the isenaM who ; will be daily Inquiring wbat bs become of the court. . They will insist on knowinir whv it has not iron rnovted out. But Lodjre will th' mountain counties." now nronoses to build a road from Swannsboro, '.to1 West Jefferson, where he will connect with the railroad to" Johnson City, Tenn., making connection with the coal fields and a through line into Cncin- Mr Baggett was present and made a statement as to the great advan tages of a railroad from a fine har bor on the coast into the Lost Prov inces and thence into the great west Mr.' Baggett has perfected arange ments to build more than 100 miles of the road from the sea to Lilling ton and thence to Newton's drove mi his housed the barn waa blown !r over- " A district raUyef the Methodist! and the oof ,W the bouse found on a . rretesianr caorca wm oo u i.t- tv.-. : r,y. . Af mfla Asbeboroi. Saturday and f Sunday. Tb. -a. Mar 5tk and tb. vThla meeting will Uie pnea m wnicn anouusr mum . o ; rr- standing was lifted off without injury , to the aldmaL- In - another, instance "!&$: C little, Field the Young peoples A. O. Dixon, D. D nA lf mffewd a broken leg and aa-,.-eresun taias ny nowo cnurcu ana fonnd from Some buildings in this wwrence section five jfeiles away." - In Garner, ... I T . 1 -UV..k..J il. J.v.nml WOK., , ana xrwn-K.... president jjf the M. . P. conference, "Z?'I?rtil?Tr SSS and Mr; Norman Wills, of Greens- uuico. item . oiuiuiiii uiuuw . v. 7t xirni ' -itAittviitaii Roncountv.Mr , Baentt has bul we "L "Xf??i 'H2 $100,Oi,J to tbe" M.'P. college, which arranged to.buJd a road from Swanns- 'nn0dTrave hon ,a Dein bulU at Hlgh lnt e, bore via Jascsonyaie to connect, with i? Si we ns the ProgTam:i" , pgTedup and hurled for a-insider, .r1? Mr R. J.Pierce of Asheboro .wenti i)nddrM.-4'The.Biiainesa of down to yisit his sister in Grant town- the ci, n ch. in the Community," by ship Tuesday or this wees em jouna ReT v, r Harrisons great crowds looking At the path - ol tij;4- -open ' Conference, led by the cyclone which extended a quarter eV j. rence C.' little.: Of a mile except in places. - ' , -, . satui u.iy .afternoon: J:oo Bong " Mr. Pierce went from Mrs. Rebecca service. -T)nnm. tit iim sWn Rmwh MK" 2:20 Organized for service a ma a rr.t -fnr 1K vpr until - a . " I a) The Sunday School Ret. fw vpars- a. The - old . dwelling La rencv C. -Little, Field Secre- bouse was blown off of its foundation, ; tary - Young Peoples Work, the ceiling was blown away for some ,5 (h)- The Church Rev. A. HiRtanr in hheeta and was scattered' -1 D.,vpresldent M. aaiTAWit Yinnrlwvt varrfs. anH for' a ' C' irence.j the west but whether it will be by Fayetteville or Xillington is not cer tain, v, It by i Fayetteville it will go to Aberdeen, taking Blue's road over. The following delegates were., pres ent at the meeting at Asheboro: 1 M. J. Wrenn, F. M. Pickett, J J Sizemore and Fred N.'Tate, of High Pointf Thomas Maslin, of Winston Salem; J. -O. Redding, General W P. m..j'i I T 71) A : Ah.hI.u1 and JV A. Spence, Asheboro; Leonard Tufts, of Pinehurst; W. A. Blue, Hi A, Page and Albert Blue, of Aberdeen; J. W. McLautrhlin. W. B. McLaughlin W. T. Covinsrton. Wiliam L. Poole, and E. S. Smith. D. U. Sandlin, John R. Tolar Jr.; a W. Sandrock, J. Mc- Connell, and A. L, Thompson, of Fay etteville. - A - half mile or more pieV of the V,: V"r325 rial in. the. house were scattered thru kot. ; Committee annointed by the meeting mm niwimfannM was ssrvic for the purpose of determining wheth-Wow down aiKj tbe ifa.bg were strlpp- (" er the AshfcLoro-Aberdeen branch of )ed nto splinters. A persimmon tree V. the Norfolk-Southern Railway and the, to famete,.. not far ;from the' , (1 1 M, Harrison. ay eveninar-T;0 Asheboro-High Point , branch of tnejhoTlse wa8 twisted off ten' or fifteen Southern can.be acouired as a part of feet inm round and was blown a railroad project of a trunk line from . . dfl more and theft clowed Jress,Rev.U.M.: Andrews, e Conference, led by Rev Dixon, D. D. . c w- MnmincrwSiiiWfiimdav Swannsboro 'into: the - iwrttwestera. f fa the jround for so or 50 ; ,.r66v-Educational raUy.' ' eounties of the state;l!i. B.-bmitn, oi f tx, oni. . , Gaj vanlzed roofinc vwas I X f a 1-School Assemble. . P.AfMyl hainviftn''' A. I . LnomnsOIt. l .... i. ..i- - ... i y t .m. t. .... Aknj... i Y w iouna at auierem Diacea in me wvuus.- r idi iaia, iu vuiiumu A threshinsr machine was found in a Lawrence C. Little. field and no one in: the neighborhood . (c)--Study ot Lesson. knew where It came f rom. f li: 40 Sermon, Rer. A." Q. Dixon. An-apple tree JiatL blown from some Sunday Afternoon z:oo song other plan tation into the middle x of service, v ? , the wheat field on' the Brown farm, r " 2 30 ''Stewardship andthe Klng- In tnany places all " the trees were, dom,""Rev. a, u. ukoii,. m- Raeford. chairman; A. L. Thompsoa, Fayettevilleir secretary; wran ford, Asheboror Fred N.v Tate, High Point; W. A, Blue," Aberdeen; Leonard Tufts, Pinehurst; D. U. Sandlin, Fay etteville; Thomas aaaiin, winsion- ston-Salem,' and n, r. Jueai, aniue- j : , . in manv maces' au uie'' 1 trees wenr- uviui .vm, - Short jpeechea reinade at nStaethw' 8-00--Ow College'f S?6!0"? fc.v. f. fA i nlacer the trees were twisted and the Willis. ' ; m IB. s. bmitnt apnara t:J5l-?Ta bait loosetied and nartly torn off and 3:40ppen conference. lar, U. u.anqM.npma5 wwuii ""lBot Mown uo C ' Sunday evening 5: Mf, Sisemore, - I W barrel ataveswhich had the vice. ,.v: - . f 1 t months to psck th foreign "mmit to beat the court ff ti e 1 in party, t. 1 I Ci' ' '. 1 t fan irr rri 1 . f l-i,m--l a f . i rfw a i for, f 1 T I 1 1 r v. M y t i. " I ly i I I li .0 r .. t n s and save Lodir still f of the Ir- nV. Brand- I ',-.(. V.r.tck. -, On fl'a Influence will t. t- f,:l Vs va ii . t of New, .. , .' or I i n- o l ns recently ,.n, f r r t r'litif. F tO 1 " f .1 flf t... I t. l.rs 1 ! Mr, ayde Wood'e new dwelling, is iarinr eomDletion. It' isr a inlce Craven confirms building and Is in South Aabeborov Mr. B.- C , Moaer, who lives near Randleman, Is having his residence re medeled. -Mr.v1 Moser'a heme ;will when finished be one of the ' most beautiful; comfortable and costly homes en Randleman Route 2. f - J . Mr. T. A. Brookshire, the popular 'manager of the Randleman Motor Company at uanaieman, is navuig ua residence remoaeiea. - -: If advertising does not pay why la it that our largest and most uocess fni hnaineas men of the country are the largest , and most preststant aa- Jt is safe to say that the ousen ox Asheboro have never - bad a - better ticket presented to them than the one nominated in the court house Satur- daV aiffht. ' All the candidates are businese men of ability, v v t a ' - Mr. A- F. Williams, of Central Falls, waa among the visitors in town Saturday. He is a fellow and believes m The Courier, a; : It waa a oleasure to meet Mr. M. A. Bennett, of "Montgomery.' county, one day last week in Randleman. He was selling some fine sweet potatoes on the Randleman market' When it comes to raising sweet potatoes Mart Bennett stands at the head of the list Besides being a good citizen Mr. Bern sett Is ' one of Montgomery's best farmers. Ha was farm demonstrator in that county for a number of years. He has been county: surveyor in Mont gomery and has represented the coun ty In the legislature. ne owns a peach orchard of 60 acres. t Mr. Ben nett is a hard worker and is fully de serving of the success that he has at tjainad. He takes an active interest in anything gotten!? for the further advancement of Montgomery county and Is a most loyal supporter of the Dnmncrattf nartv. ' . 1 Messrs. G. H. Richardson and J. M. Ttavia. of Millboro Route 1, were in A ahehnrn. Saturday. Mr P. P. Jones, who lives about fimt miles west of Liberty, has been in failing health for some time; tie on of the countv's industrious cit Izena and his many jnends trust ae wfll soon be enjoying his usual good "health and strentrth. -'' , Mr. J. AT. Scarboro, of breensboro, has sold his house and lot in Worth- villA to Mr. W. A. Jennings. " - Mr. T. W. Phillips has. moved, his family from 'Randleman to Asheboro. Mr. Phillips is a good citizen- and we welcome him and bis familyto-nour town.) . They formerly lived in Ashe boro and moved from? Asheboro to Sanford. " Mr. R. L. Moffitt. a prosperous saw mill tnan of Coleridge township, was a business visitor in Asheboro saatur-dav. Mr. Hueh T. Brown, wno lives about.ohe mile east of Asheboro, had six acres fa tobacco last year that netted .him 12200. From this can b readilv seen that growing tobacco 4K 3nnir wnfJl . ..C ji -i..!... ' - V.oJ Kof. , V. by Spng RESULTS OF-ATII. 1- - LETIC FIELD DAY ; Bamseurr Wins the ' Prize . Defeating TrinitfPart t .. of Cbmmencement 1 . .- Ramseur winning 51 ' pointa - and 5 Trinity 4S. rivinsr Ramaeur the xrixa., Jor winning the most point, -bald at , Asneooro r air urounds as a part of county eojnmencement: - -; , li n'KU : Jump uiru-A. JHeilig iTrimty,. first; JX Marley, Ramseur'." 1 second, g '" ,. High Jump-KBoys)J4cDewell, of,,-. . Trinity, first? Cecil Cox, Ramseur, sets if ond, - ; - ; . s ' ... " , Broad'' Jump (Boys) Ray J Pars' iah, Trinity, first; Chiaholm, Samaeur, ' -100-Ya5-baah-(Boyi)-- U Do well, Trinity, first; L. Porsett, i ' Ramseur, second. . 220-Yards Dash (Boys)--Ray Par'V rah. Trinity, first; Chiaholm, Ramseur, seur, second. ' f rtte MUe Ray---D.. Bulla,. Trinitjt "t; S. Lynch, liberty, second. . 60-Yard Dash (Girls) CallieV' Brown, Ramseur,: first; Henrietta Un-V 1 der?' , Asheboro, second. X wash (Girls) Nora Scott, X Ramseur, first; Lela Hder Trinity. second.-' -. vv- ,. f , 60-Yard Dasli for Grammar 'Grade 5 first; Mary Lee Wr.ght, Ramseur, second. X J? AapdDash Grammar Grade Girls Deha Payne, Trinity, first: Vada " scott, Ramseur, second, v . p " 300 Yard Relay, Grammar Grade v Girls Lola Bouldin, Trinity, first; , Adel Kivett, Ramseur, second. - ,4 3-Lewed Race. Hiff Shnni n:i.l " Nora Scott, Ramseur, first; Hazet Kearns, Farmer, second. " a-tggea Kace, Grammar Grade I tarls Emma Marsb. Trinifr nt- t Ina Hill, Marlboro, second. . &ackKace Jane Russell,- Ramseur, ' first; Connie Kearns, Trinity, second. Bean Throwing, High School Girls Ramseur first,1 Trinity second. urammar Urade Bean Bag Throw ng Ramseur first, Trinity second. . 7 JBasenau Kandlemanj first; Trinity ' second. t " 8-Legged Race, (Boys) Ramseur first; , s Phvical Stunt Ramseur first- 0 ... Physical Training Ramseur first., Total .number of nointa wnn h " Ramseur, 51; Trmity. 48; liberty, 4;", Asneooro, x; Farmer, z; Marlboro, Z. I ty" " 1.' r TOWN MEETING. -- ' HALM, WORTH SUPERVISOR . m4mt. pFAXillliN't-1 niow von will please find list of the persoas appointed as list takers for Randolp county, for: lilt, with their severer post otuce-aaaresaear 8 EV Iowdermuic, Asneoor ww. J. iW. , 'Morgan, jr., .iiaca vrora township, v -i- J-;.-, G. F. Gatlin, Brower wwnsnip. . .-.CL'vRi; Itearne,. Cedar .Oroya town ships 5 "i.ti-1? "Al vl n.-mcm asters, voncora. ww- ahio.'1- -iffn - H,T.y Coleridge wwnsnip. v ; y j. a , Forrester, Columbia- town- ii9.kS'J--i: V.','v43'i;.','?" : c. H. Jutian; , Ptankllnville town ship.'1 "' .,i!'-'J iJS .-- Henry C. Cox. Grant township. )Jt T, Adams, LeveU prow towa- lblp.'W--.'-('- i-Afw :ti " Walter" Scott, Liberty: township.. J . L. White. New Market town- Matthew- B. :-8eawell,!, Pleasant Grove township. J j. " ' . v.?.- f J. B. Allen, w ope lownsnip.,, . W. J. -Pugh, ' Providence , tow bip. A-- r'.--'"r'm . ' June Fox,. Randleman township.. Geo, ,H. ,, Cornellson,, , Richland township. " '-; '; '-'' ' ' " :' T R Pavna. TrinitT townshlo.' ' Latta E.- Hoover, Tabernacle townihln. ' " ' Ereret Calllcnt, Union towaship. 1 4 1 ,1 "J I 'I oviud' iwiici awrwi niuui jtceu ., uiu . , , m aHa, f tm bA nn tbam M found . . 7 : 0 0-"UnlOn UnriBUBB nuBHYor in. the path of this cyclone, the rest t:..itJ"vtiV:i:: - h J tbeatDaratus nrobablv eoiniTon be- ft 6pon- conftrenoe. ledTbyl fotre., A wire pasture fence was blown B! , fSSJti riM the maaathedlahebowvStM, "i'il;-.--.. . route was i. blown out of . hia buggy - -.7 . T and the bugg waa Jtom to and the' DEATH-.OF TMRS. J. A. CRAVEN narness strippea 011; nis muie. v jur.i t v Brown was Jlown a considerable dis-J Th gfifcfc of D Mrg, j. a. tance and when he landed ha lay clow rriv!nt2,v k. --orry to hear of the Y tnejrounaena mw-"enousiy t . - Mrs ( She died, at home in Scurry, Texas on April .Tha J arrVtAlT1 becca Brown no the field.; . A hickory tree some 20 Tw-vni va feeble, not ableln wne.a-..v a.v. LKS ""ir."". rbeffBT . attend Uie burial of hi, wife. house above referred to, .consisted or VTRGIXLi-OAIlOIJCTA BALL ' ; -, GAT IB .-. JSTWS""" her home to Scurry, Texas on Apni(-"? ..g,, buildThie ZtSTt busin &ouse wire &i down TBff SSllf. they lived In AsheboVo, and ia always Aae.?.rhe-anmkrfiiMae. to his own afi neas. Mr. E. C. Burgess, who has been ill with pneumonia at his home in South Ashnhoro. la able to be "up in -the house. He was "critically ill and his friends were fearful about his recov ery. .,' i Jdr.W. H, Connor and family have moved from Sophia to Asheboro. i Dr. J. G. Crutchfield has our thanlra for a renewal of The Courier. He ia a arood dentist and he thinks Ahjhnm ia tha beat town on earth, ' Mr J M dayeness ia numbered among our renewal subscribers this waaIt ', Mr (-jtveneas ran KB amona vue business men oi found busy orndinir to hia own affairs, and is NOMINATING OFFICIALS- "At a meeting of. the citizens, duly called and.advertiRed. in. the court f houaelast Saturday nio-ht a. ciiJsuin', ticket was nominated for mayor and - town commissiOTiers. under the new law, passed at the last session of tho legislature the remaining officers are marlA onnninfivA on4 ItAiw nomas nrJTI . - t-.i. , 'f not be on the ticket to be voted at the ' coming election. V4 V The meeting was called to order by p Mayor -Joe D. Ross, who called Prof.t E. L. Moffitt to the. chair and re-i. quested V.. McL. Cranford and L. D. ' ' Bulla to act as temporary secretaries, f On motion these lofflcerswere made permanent and the chair ' requested ' Mayor Ross to state the object of the j . -meeting, which he did in a five minutea,, -t talk. - v- .;.t':iv.,;-v3s w ; ) Nominationa were then declared ie . be in order and Attorney Moser in ar neat, well timed little talkjtlaced Ar- thur Rosa in nomination. There beifig . no other name placed before the meet--v " i ing Mr. Ross was unanimously noml- - j Nominations for commissioners be1 ; 11 v i in or in Ardor, about 18 of the SfOOO.7- -i - it men and true were placed before the convention ana tne iouowing- werw 3 1 I 3 nnminoted; J. A. York. Walter . Ai Bunch, Dr. J. G. Crutchfield, E. Walton and A. M. Ferree.. - This virtually closed the worav; ol urown Darn was -completely oemouan- burning The fire ed and the hay and fodder were Mown ?HoJit wa?, forsome distance. r. 'ft was impossible for th -The cyclone waa funnel haped, and MVt t home. lJt , ,t In Uff DHAD ! V fan, 1 rn A large number of baseball (ant from Aiiheboro and vicinity attended the -Carolina and Virginia fame at Grenntiljoro laat Saturday. The game was a cloae one from the start to f!nlh and mnny of the spectators from hcra claim that It waa with out a doubt the bout and clontit rima they have ever wltnonnfd be ip(.n roiii-ra tfni!i. Carolina, f!r a hnrd f ;-ht siirrrniled in wnVulnir l-j .y Willi a rlnri Tlrtory ot two to t)iu. Arrvril.nfr to reports from unmi of our local fnnn who wr In Crtw.ni'ipnro ln"t f f ur1ay tha l"'n wan f;!l"ft to overflowlnit, anl . (if tl o f ir, who f 1 to lio I ' ).,i.U fur r"R'rvn! I ;m wrrn Inr. lo o:"nl tlt ri'fd.t In tn hot-l 1 the main; frame buildinr buUt up to MR. H. H. KENNEDY . and adjoining a log bouse. The frame' , . 4. LOOSES HOME BY FIRE building waa blown away and the sills f . . ., . . - and-sleepera a f raining raeattered. flr -alarm sounded Monday All the top of ,the , log house (wa j., o'clock. .Upon in- blown away and Wot with it th top y It waa found that Mr. H. of a large red oak tree nearby. . The Wj Kannady-a bome on Sunset .' Ave. orvwu M. wo inp cvw, wuiuiuu- hnmfno-. Tha fire had made aucn j oueoyerea mat the fire company in places there appeared to U two or itmtr0 ed M ach ,f far. v Ken more funnel sUpedcyclonea aome-. fnrnKai9; The origin, of . the what fake the aescripUon'we read - not ta- Mr. Kennedy had about in the destructive East tadMO.CO insurance with Mr. Farrlsh, monsoons. At times these funnel. ut, f . Hartford Fire shaped cyclones would come together, inn,,.. Company and WOOO.OO with I.JJJVJT-U1MW , Sv . vamr, Morris m Ross, repreaentauves similar cyclone red ' throng the af Tfutual Fire Insurance Compa same eecUon and was most destrue- - v,hn- thin amount doea not eov tive not far from tJie track of this ey-' J th6 hjfin of Mri Kennedy's splendid c one, and for twenty years or more v.-. h fortunate. to haTtog this fpen. A cyclone of the same nature If. 1 ,,J not the mama ona did much damaira In t . m . vl the Barr.p Creek F' rfhm of Mont-.E. C. Crown place wu oamagea aii ..,,,. u'Ki.u IVia (tniic nronerty. and D. A. - UOXI two after that cyclone nine peraona, out buiMings and other minor losaes. victim of the otorm were buried.' atl Prof. J. L. 8aunders writea Con- Ifammer, who was to speaa Mr. S. S. Cox writes The Courier as at l i .1 High School In Montgomery follow.- county, that there will be no eom- "A cyclone p:nd through the south mnr, ,viont owing to the cydoiie. rnrt of Crnnt t ,wn !,in. Arril 2Hth. , h l aunders anysi Mv. Clarence Husrhes. of Asheboro, has favored us with a renewal of his subscription to The Courier. r. Hno-hra holds a od position with tha McCrary-Redding Hardware Com pany and believes in paying , to ad vance for a paper, tie owns s ucu tiful home to Asheboro and fine farm abont tbrAs mileamorth of town. v Mr. J. F. Routh, of Randleman, has baaa doin some work on - his raai- iiiMi that adds aa tne annearanoa. . Mr. a H. Gomelison, of Mkhfield, was in town one day last week. Mr. John AllredV of Worthville, t U boildins. a dweUinc house . to South Messrs. 1. Rom Smith ; and . Roy ReitseV of liberty, were busineas Tia- itors in Asheboro Monday. Mrs. W. T. Morton, of Uw yisitinjf relatlret to x v ; . Week. : Y .-,,-. Mr. Jake Jvy, of , ,.i section, haa purthae a. z miles north - of AaL .' ... build a store bouse ot IrK.'Vfl Mr. Erastua Browei e f -'x ..r.tkln nmt aloncr amootb. barring a email cyclone, during which1 the city lights went out ' MRS. FANNIE F.'diCKS DIES IN HIGH WHS y Mra. Fannie F. Dicks, wife of Al-r berf Dicks, died at her home to High s Point, at the age ol es years, im funeral service was conducted by Key. .0. L. Routh assisted by John Nance and Michael Farlow. at an bore Church, last Sunday. Mrs. Dicka ia survived by her husband vA .' i grandcbildrent Miesee,'-' v. . a na Dick and Mr " . , - High Poir ..'. . V--'"'..V: ' . tr ,, '.. , . . . - I.. .. . .r'l - . ' fl t;..' 4 !. 1 j . t:rfn 0 eri'I 7 o'tiu i:--mtv Is nv.-h pru 'I .! " (! ') T n Xw i ..li of 1 u- ' ' ' V.. V. C, ,r. . r' ,i,t 1 :r, six ' r. m., and 'y i 'i! timber, . 'iii's hnnae, eye.-- n n l.uiMingH, in(T 1 i.'.l of erty. rt the an ' ! ,n'n 1 en- i' lait Saturiiajf evening between i F"ven o'rlm-k a modt terrific ... v i . t t !l .1.. vl; iifi i-eKin ana vicinity, u nh i,mB(fe to homcH end prop .' ' .'ne of my pupils who hava r 1'irt in our rnminrncempfit i . 1, Tt hmfl'"i, mnking ' f r t' "'U to TTii.'iiil in to bis new- house ; ab f north of Asheborov - i. i Mr. Glenn York, e. , . , , . spent a few hours to A,-"V - s day. ' ' A. . V.'V Mr. Carl Anman and ' ;. tl Mrs. W. D. . Smith. ' of . . ;2 spent Sunday in Aaheboro., - -. Mr. and Mr. O. M. Roul' i lioro Route 1, were in Ash day.' ' -' ' , ' 4 ' . ;r . Mr.tlarvey Dougan and'.. Back Creek townahip. Spent boor In AfihrVoro, Monday. . Mr. W. C. York, who In man ' Iho rn(!o!.h County Fftlr A tion, bia throur-'i l is enprgy an. . ,- ! .'i It 1 h l- '.. r a;

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