, Ttexrsday, July 19, 1923 , THE ASHEBORO COURIER. ASHEBORa N. iS ! Hnn qualified u'Eieulor un- lui will - and Testament of TQ the TAX TATEKS" dt ,. - RANDOLPH COUNT! DONT-BUEN-MT HOUSS iTO fcOAST YOL'l EGGS I cam shortly after creation. I Reaolntioa ado-tad br th IU-rd of " .j i, ' nTonWkilL' deceased, late of .Cunty Commissioners at its meeting came with civilization's dawn aad , Jdan Jaeoaennau, . . . - . 92 . , , . fM,htiwiii k hr until tim i. ! Lrr ltr - the paWlc: worm v--. - - r wtufUvS, a Urye amount; of WSf hibti W. " pV tate them fied. fon w i ri; ; "l and after the first day of Angust, this notice will be pleaded m bar or 1923 u propert both7 , their recovery. All 'J to said ertate wui p.ec '-".purpose of being listed, or discovered This the 3Uth day 01 june. ik-j. D. H. PARSONo, High Point, . C. Adeline Llende.i.-. i. ay the Tax Supervisor as beintr then i unlisted, shall be subject to the addit KOTXCX. NOTICE OF SALE OF LA SD NOTICE I ytu be here until time u mo I am ubiquitous, and the world is my territory I am ing all the time night and never rest I am perpetual, say my trade debauches good and causes justice to tremble. ers say that I am more poisonous than the viper and the deadliest foe of society. I am the poisoned shaft of falsehood. My nefarious art has caused men and women to be thrown met. whole i work day I Folks names Oth- Having qaaltheJ i Eeeotru eo Under and by virtue ef an order eft Havine Oua'.if.ed as administrator the estate of Vinauen i". Hunt, decea the Supenvr Court oi Randolph eoun- on e esLiU: 0 rj j Allred, deceased d, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of ty, made in the pecial proceediiijr en- before L. M. Weatherly, Cierk vt the the bopenor Court i iU-dulsn couu- titled A h, inigti, Adnir. vs. Ma.ue Superior Court of Randolph County, ty. Julian et als, the same being No. ij ghall t public auction at tha All persons havine claims ajra nsi on the special proceeding ...ocxet of ti,!flrhest bder ,vr -,sh fj th nnm. said estate are notified to present said court, the undersigned cumni.v on Uie 7t; BV 0f juiv at there to the undersigned, duiy ven- sioner will, on Saturday the 21 day of the hour of one o'clock P :. fled, on or before the 9th day u: July, iyj, at i o ciock m.. at tne July, 1924, or this notice will be court house door in A.-hebort:, North plea!ed in bar of their recovery; and Carolina, offer for sale to Lhe lushest all persons owing sai'l t state will bidder for cash U.x-e to certain Executor of Deceased. t 7-5-23. Come forward settlement. This 21th day of Jwt, MRS. LLLA M1LLEI; Auinrx., V. 4U6 Mallory St., 11 -K i l :3. ill" T, X. c. NOTICE TO CREDITOKS shall be collected by the said Clerk, end returned to the General Fund of Iths County. It is hoped that Havine Qualified as admmixtratixi the estate of T. M. Jones, i.c-teasedl It is hoped that all persons who late of the County of Eandolph, State, have failed to properly list their hold of North Carolina, before D. M. ings for taxation will come forward Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior prompt!y and report the same before fnurt of Randolph County, North .the 1st day of August, and save the rrnlina. this is to notify aii persons penalty that will be exacted there having claims against said estate, to after. nt cime to the unaersiznea on or before the 1st day of July, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. All persons indebted to said deced ent are requested to come forward promptly with settlement. This t:-e 15th day of June, 1923. MRS. ANNIE JONES, t 5-21-23. ... Administrate LEE M. KEARNS, 3t 7-12-23. Clerk to the Board NOTICE In that certain special proceeding entitled E. P. Hayes Admr. of Algie Silman vs. Harland Siimuii and How ard Silman. The defendant Harland Silman above named will take notice ;ng liquors are being seized all follow me and 1 11 disgrace you. I am the handiwork of the devil himself. I AM GOSSIP. I AM SCANDAL. Moral :"Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." John D. Rockefeller, the "Oil " What are others faults to me? Kink", celebrated his 84th birthday 1 1 have follies of my own, July 8th by going to church in the eyery flaw 1 see morning and later entertaining a few And make them wider still ? friends at dinner. It is enough for me to know, . I have follies of my own, ENFORCING OUR DRY LAWS (And on my heart that care bestow, And let my friends alone and make immediate tracts or parcels of !a:id, lying and bei:is in Level Cros Township, Coun ty i.mi State aforesaid, the last one of said tractj of i:n- beir-jr bounded by the lands o? V.. L. C..u.-ey, U. 1". Heath, A. W. ('ray and others and being more fully i--cri' ed uy mats end bounds, cour.-ei. an ! !i;ui;c?s as follow s, to-wit: Kir.it Tract: Beginning :it a t ne :r P.. I.. Causey's li:.e. lu.'.-.iritr jSvr.h 2') 1-2 rods to a stone, 11. I', iuath's in New corner by the mountain ro:;i! ; thence Nathan ready Vest 39 rods to A Cray':' cor- is necessary to kill a pood name.lHill's lands, Clegg Gamer and Ail- ner. mence ortn tne inland lord This is my sole mission here. Shun derson lands, in Randolph county also road 59 rods to W. R. Rich's corner; mo and vmi hno i.v- .mnrl will of 3 acres more adioins W ill Carter Thence nearly West 72 1-2 rods to from decent sccietv and left friend ion ol live per centum ef the regular j less. let with all these slams 1 go amount of tax due, and in addition on and find sufficient subjects upon i '(thereto the sum of twentv five cent, which to prey. Some of my follow-. 6t 7 5 23. Uoc) payable to the Clerk tn the'ers forsake me. but I cannot be dis- (Board for writing the delinquent list, cou raged others fall in to take their places among my ranks. I am most pleased when I hear the '1899 evils of TOV neighbors ana then I her- Charles Gray has tin.- nay e.'.terea aid it to the world with my swift about 14 acres more or less mflsspnp-prs the tnnrurs. I do what Hope townshiD. adioinmz Nathai NOTICE OK r.MRY TAMER One Ford touring-car, farming im 1 iements, son.e wheat and Corn,' and other articles too tedious to mention. All persons having claims against said estate are uouned to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 21 day of June lt24, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rtcovery; and all persons owing said estate will coma forward and make immediate settlement. This 2Uth nay oi" June, 192. J. II. ALLRED, Administrator of D. L. Allied, dee'd. Charles 11. Redding, Atty. Ct 0-21-23. CLEitK'S NOTK t lands Fred Saunder and To:n Thorn burg lands in New Hope township. This 29th day of June, 1923. LEE M. KEARNS, 4t 7 5 23 Entry Taker fifteen (15) acres more or less. Second Tract: beginning- at a r.tone. rickett s corner; thence Somh C NORTH CAROUNA. RANDOLPH COL'NTY, in the Superior Court E. P. Hayes, and j. A. Hayes, vs. chains and 45 links to a stone; thence E- A- Ingold, Earnest Infold Hugh Lyon Carr, the lu-year-ol son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larr, o Durham, and a relative of Julian S. Carr. was killed in a wreck at Larkinsville, Alabama, las Friday. The young man hau complex ,ed his Sophomore yeai at Trinit; College. South 68 degrees East 11 chains to a stone in the Causey line; thence North on the Caurey line 9 chains and 76 General ''"ks to a stone; thence North 87 de- rain H's nest 11 cnams ana oo nuts to the bef'mninir, containmcr ten (10) Zula York and D. V. Yoik her husband. The defendants Earnest Ingold, Zula Yorx, and D. V. "iork will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Some Foreigners Don't Like Them ne wh0 steals my purse, steals Lloyd George Says America Has trash. Right to Seize Liquor Tis something, 'tis nothing, ,Twas mine, 'tis his, Thousands of gallons of intoxicat- And has been a slave to a thousand and con-; masters. me my good that an action or special proceeding fiscated by gdvernment agents in But he who filches of i . i l l Kaah ...... m .i n n n . 1 xt a r i i i t i 1 ; eniiuea bb noovc una uccn tuunucuvcu rew lorn naroor. roreign lines name in the Superior Court before the clerk wh0 come from "wet" countries bring Robs me of that which does not en of Randolph County North Carolina with them supplies of drink for the i rich him, for the purpose of selling certain real return voyages only to lose these 'And causes me to be poor indeed." estate in which Harland Silman has drinks to United States officers, who Muncie. an interest. are trvins to enforce our prohibition . The above named defendant will laws. therefore take notice that he is re-. Many newspapers and individuals quired to appear before the UerK oi NOTICE OF ENTRY TAKER mds of Georire Lamb and others. ; Tli if the 2nd day of July, 1923. j I. C. MOSER, Commissioner. 2t 7-12-23. NOTICE! Having qualified as executor on the fore D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county. However, uoya ueorge, aaaressing a , j... havin claimg airainst in I'.n irin nil am s:ivinvf 1. 1 1 i-n. nnieriudii ... . . . . i i th Rnnerior Court at his office in "Z. iL estate ot tL. uougan, tieceasea, ce- w r - -- iiuwioiAtica law tiio iifii' i-w the County of Randolph on the 7th grittish liouor stores aboard ships. day ef July 1923 then and there ans- iaa ritirvwiv rv rtitt tmit inn in T.nia . . , i i n I v. .... 1.0 .... . ..... w " r " j j large crowd in tne weisn capusii ,, n:ft notifipH to nresent the court for .the relief demanded m chu6rch in London declared that, in f?ld e?tar e .not.lllea. t0. Pres!1 ;n ,iii onnol t cnurcn, in inaon, ueciarea uiai, "';them to the undersigned, duly ven- . r " T . Ills OOU11U11, Allicnca liaa a uguk w ftaA nn or I ""ur " r Tr" ,, seize liquor on foreign vessels. tie This the 6th day of June, 1923. further declared that this country is D. M WEATHERLY making an "experiment to deal with Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran- ! probably the greatest curse of modern dolph County. civilization", and that it is m the m 4ts 6-14-23 " 'terest of civilization that our prohi- bition laws be given a fair test. James Craig, a young man of a prominent Rocky Mount family, was Don't forget to save some of that .drowned while in swimming at Mar- best grain for seed. There is always blehead, Massachusetts, the first of a scarcity of native grown pure bred, last week. He had just completed a selected rye, oats and wheat seed In ;year's work at Harvard University, 'the fall. fied, on or before the 19th day of July. 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and an persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This the 12th day of July, 1923. C. A. HAYWORTH, 6t 7-19-23. Executor. An appropriation of $105,000 is be ing used to enlarge the textile build ing and provide additional equipment at the State College, Raleigh. 1900 Charles Gray has this day entered about S Acres of laud n:oe or less, in Union township, Randolph county, N. C, adjoining Ziil Hill, James Ca;- licutt, Uwharne Mining tiact and others. 'This 29th day of June, 1923. LEE M. KEARNS, 4t 7 5 23 Entry Taker. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES Effective January 28, 1923 Asheboro, N. C. Daily Except Sunday Leave 8:45 a. m. Aberdeen, Ellerbee and intermediate points connects at Star for Raleigh, Charlotte and in-, termediate points. Leave 3:30 p. m. Aberdeen and in termediate points. Arrive 1:00 p. m. Arrive 3:25 p. in. Abeerueeii and in termediate points. For tickets, pullman reservations and information address or apply to L. D..BURKHEAD( Agent, Asheboro, N. ('. acres more or less, adioinine the , Court for Randolph County for the saie oi real estate tor tne partition, and the said defendants will further take notice, that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court at his office in Randolph county, and answer, plead or demurr to the petition in this action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 6th day of July 1923. D. M. WEATHERLY, Clerk Superior Court. 4t 7 19-23. 666 Malaria. ChiDs and Dengue or Bilious Fever. It destroys the germs t ".ires Fever, NOTICE ; NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION ' Having; qualified as administrator . on the estate of Johu T. Brookshire, NORTH CAROLINV deceased, before D. M. Weatherly, RANDOLPH COUNTY IN TPF SI) Clelk of t!,e Superior Court of Bam- PERIOR COURT. ' ' ttv , Fred W. Welbom fV1 I,ers"I;s having, claims against vs .-aid estate are notified to present R. A Cox " them to the undersigned, duly, ven- ' ' . Ified, on or before the 1st day of July, hy virtue of an execution directed j iy4, or this notice will be pleaded in ;o the untleraigned irom tne Superior bar of their recovery, and all persons tourt oi uanuoipn County in tne owinsr said estate will come forward above entitled action I will, on Mon-lan nlsika immediate settlement, day, the 6th day of August, 1923, at This 13th day of June 1923. utruti iu., u. uie t,,oun nouse uorr i ot said County at Asheboro, N. C, A bear weighing 365 pounds was recently caught in Haywood county. 17 Bdanced'Pii lil3.Il. si 1-' uSI sen to uie mgnest bidder lor cash to satisfy said execution, . the right, title and interest which the said R. A. Cox, the defendant, has in the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: 1 Beginning at a stake in William I Coltrane.'s line; thence south on his line 9 chs and 8 links to a stake, his ; comer; thence west on said line 5 ichs to a stake; thence south on Wil- t Ham and Abner Coltrane's line 62 chs to a stake, William Coltrane's corner; inence east on the old Clark line T. A. BROOKSHIRE, Administrator of John T. Brook shire, deceased. 6t 5-14-23 Randleman, N. . NEWS ITEMS Henry Lincoln Johnson, the repub lican member of the National Com mitteemen, from the State of Georgia, has made it impossible for a white woman to serve on the National Com mittee with him from the state of Georsria, and it is said that a colored '44 ; woman will be selected from Georgia chs, 43 links to a post oak, William 'as a representative along with the col eoltranes corner thence south 1 chain and 40 links to a stake; thence east 3 chs 95 links, Mordecai Lamb's corner; thence north onfrLamb's line 42 chs 50 links to a Spanish oak, his corner; thence south 81 degrees west 3 chs 95 links to a stake in old ClarR line; thence north 5 chs and 52 links i on Robert Little line to a dogwood, Rhoda Grice's corner; thence west 1 10 chs to a stone; thence north 10 chs jto a stone; thence east 10 chs to a i stone in the road on Robert Little (line; thence north on Little's line 14 ,chs and 18 links to a white oak: thence west on J. M. Davis line to the beginning, containing 339 acres and 69 poles more or less. This the 3rd day of July, 1923. ' 5t 7-5-23. A. C. COX, Sheriff. i ored man. This will srive one Stat two representatives on the National Committee, both of the colored race. ISpeedL the Leviat : .t ..... Balanced Gasoline speeds your car PERFECT balance means power and flexibility to a ship lack of it, vibration and waste. Big balanced screws drove the Leviathan to a new long-distance record. "Standard", the Balanced Gasoline, wiJl not only drive . Vour Car to new mileage records but give it a smoothness and flexibility that only a balanced fuel can furnish. i t . . 1L-Illl4ll lI BLdl LB W .ft.L ., a iru 1- - . 9 I 1 11. ..-... I. i- . ,, pick-up, pours out power on tne nuisana nas ine buying b v.-; It throttles down to a standstill end burns dean whether '&l V' " ; your: car Is idling, tearing along wide open or running last-ana-siow in traxnc " . . . v - A perfect motor1 fuel- must be balanced to have all these ,jualides.. " Standard; is correctly balanced-the result of years of ' painstaking ' research! and t the utmost skill in rnanufactujring. Down town or 'cross country, you can NOTICE Made right here in the Caro lines, at Charleston. Sold at hundreds of pump that bear this seal. v afely stick to j&tondara;. j vi r 1-1 U v , ,H StANDAUD OIL COMPANY 'i .... i ill . . i i i i j.ii Li.r .to';- " i fi'lijl-" r , . iv,r' '.AY ' 1 - .)' "i-fr,4 v . . - i f-rl-' 11 II 4 Having qualified as executor on the estate of leand y Kenin'i.y, deceased, before D. M. Weatherly. Clerk Super ior l;ourt oi Kanooipn county. All persons having clams against ; t;aid estate nre notified to prescne I them to the undersigned, duly verifi led, on or before tH 14th day of July, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and al. persona owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This the 9th day of July, 192:!. THOMAS GARNER, Executor 4t-7-12 Scajrrovc N. C. It is said that Oncur Underwood is almost certain to be a candidate for President before the next democrat convention. '0 ADJUSTS THE CAUSE OF f i nu . wi - 11 MiCXACt W DR. HOY T. HODGLN Chiropractor First National Bank Building Asheboro, N. C Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to S p. rn. Phones: Office, 60; residence, 241 After j i - Rave a Backet In year : 5 .pocket tor evcr-rtidy : ; refreshmeuL ? M 1 Aids oVstion. ; Ansyi thirst Soothes the throat j Fir Osiilty, Plavsr aol ' I iVi ttetsalti Paekaxt,-S 'mm DR. F. C CRAVEN Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat llamseur: Monday, Wednesday and I Friday ' Ashebore: Tuesday, Thursday an4( Saturday Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. : Phones: iAsheboroo, No. 22 Ramaour No. (& DR. O. L. PRESNELL . D-NTIST .i' Offices Over First National Bank " , rilONE 226 ASHEBORO, N. C , HAZIER & MOSER , Attorncya at U ' . i'l ' omcM In Law BuOdlnt, Aababoro. , c -1 FLOWERS FLOWERS Ford the Florist 'High Point, N.C;;; ;; Mrs, W, C. Hmmet . Representative y ; for Randolph County ' Phones 11 and 144' Mr. Arthur R", hnM thrr yonri-ohl huhf wm tkn 9y tf Chnpt Hilt fw ':,y v ' .f 1