. L ' nr. CaA'YEAR.ffl ADVANCE IrtilirTL NmH OwriB.;TUrUy,7tlr IS, 192J NUMBER J ISSUED WEEKLY"' "SsS"1" i tr r i 1 y: ' A - a.ss . i ii i i 1 THIRD AND PROBABLY , FQURTH?ARTY. (By David F. St Clair) Washington, July 24. The political at least ten sUtes of the Northwest m wealed, by the election 3 'iffiSSffoWwm-rf S. senator DEATH OF PORBIER ' i. AaObUUttU BUI George 5. Hendricks, Jr., of Greensboro, died Monday afternoon at Wesley -Long hospital at the aire of 31 years- form injuries sustained in an automobile accident - which occurea about four miles-North of Greene aoro FARMERS' A!ND FARM i WOMPTO CONVENTION ,rtain that there will be a third and last Wednesday. probably' a -Wurfltfair the next jt,. Hendricks was returning from regjdential'raoeK r ..Cndftiona that Virginia where he had been engaged in some work in connection with his profession as chief engineer, when tne car was stormed for some purpose, tne machine being left in gear. When he returned to crank the car is sprang forward the -wheels passing over tne theu$oH924.-Th iwide-extent of the mssattattctieirof the west with k KMilka .arty and especially with the Harding administratioB.iiiw i-wvim Mr. Hendricks' necK. Ke was makes it evident that the progressives wa8 paltiaUy paralysed as a result or will lead a desperate struggi the aadent. - : POTuMican national convention to I, iffi,Tjtji-ir. h on of fV fi. beat Harding and nominatejheir man, Hendriek8 0f Greensboro, formerly of whilej it has been well known here tor , yro who with three brotohers sometimrtbat tne nenry oru and fiye gigters survive. At4n the Democratic party is going to leavS1 H&.stonevunturned to secure I for uMr-eunoi i uuiiuci i ratie nomination. I The wheat crox in North Carolina Politicians u&ere believe these two year onnt, to 1,077,000 bush- strugglevne to eaca of the l- ?r ! els mere than last year's crop wa, tiesrwill result fa placing four tickets (say8 Frank Parker, statistican of tne in the field iand possibly may throw Buwau 0f Agricultural Economics, the election f the President into the jTh pro(iuctioh this year is kouse lor lourxanoiuotca ma? 5(685,ouo ousneis; ana averaKB i x bushels an acre in tne une. ie average price if JM2, 3c bushel more than it was a year ago. The average price in the United States is 1 95c a bushel, while it was 11.03 a WHEAT CROP GOOD "El ,.iffLL'l'W' Ttrma" A The Farmers' and Farm Women's Miss , Marcia McCleod, of neai Convention wiU be held at tne "State lEllertey and Mr. jJSE. Mofntt, College, Raleigh, July 31. Aunat 1, )Aaheboro. were quietly married at the and 2, 19Z3. weanesaay, August a, ueuieoiw potwhc - is "Farmers' Business Day", -ad (Johason-afc EUerbe., . Thursday is Boll Weevil Day", v The wading took place at o'clock liooms at the College are tree. i m the morning and was . witness oy will be provided at fifty cents , aach. ;onjy jjjt nlatives of the young couple. Take bed linen and necessary toilet Immediately after the ceremony Mr. articles. Write J. M. Gray, bU jfr. Moffitt left for the Western College, Raleigh, for room resexva- part 0the State .for a ten days stay BOBPREYOSX: RAMSEUR NEWS i BOUIJIVOVER SUMMER'SCHOQI HERE 4.u. jtnl ; fnfteir that no one 01 UK. w "O- " w them may have a clear majority, in that event the people of the United State would be deprived of selecting v- k.iint tv.!i- own President and they would be deprived of that, right by !DUShei a year ago. The average pro- having to submit to the choice ot a(duct.ion jn the United States is 14 house they had chosen two years be- Ducheis to the acre. fore the election for President. c the principal crop in this To every observer of tne situation, i ft 37 of the cul. tion and further information. County Agent E. S. HiUsaps says: "I think that this is a great oppor tunity for our farmers to take a few days off, and at the same ume ' imo out for themselves what the State D partment is doing in the way of 're search worn along Agricultural raw; ' "Several farmers have talked to me about getting up a delegation from this county and making the trip to gether. Talk to your neighbors ,and see if you can mane a car irom jrouf community, and then get in touch with me. 1 think that tne trip wui be both a pleasure and profit It does us good once in a while to gst out and see what the other ieuow v dokig, and we can stop and see some things on the road as we go- and come from the meeting. As stated above the rooms will be free and tne meals will be furnished at the college for fifty cents each. "If you are interested see me this week or as soon as possible so that we can arrange the trip." FRANKLINVILLE NEWS . after which, they will be at borne Asheboro. v. , ;. Mrs. Moffitt ia the daughter of Mr. aad-Mra. Martin "W. Mcleod and nas been a. nurse in the. Memorial hospital at this place or the past two .years. Mr. Moffitt Is the son of. Mrs. Cora Moffitt and holds a responsible posi tion with the Lexington Grocery .Com pany. - " FORMER ASHEBORO GfRL ). WEDS IN TROY Miss Beatrice King of - Troy nd M Harry Price, of Monroe, , were quietly married at the m. . parson- M at Trnir. lajat snturdav rr.orr.mir by Rev. J..W. Harrell. The wdctme was .witnessed by ..4jr relatives of the young people. . Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Price len it. unAnMi rfuiiv more eviueni. -'" great farming west is preparing for a showdown with the party in power. The plan of the progressives t Is to beat Harding with a man like La Fol lette or Kenyon. The progressives wn can not achieve this re- t.ivntMl acreasre m the btate , wnne cotton occupies but 23 per cent of the acreage. The average price for corn is 87c for the entire country; last vmf it was at this time 66c. The fore cast' for North Carolina is 50,457,000 bushels. ,The farm price is 11.20 in suit with the delegate 1ro M lthiss Sta4;compared with 89c jin in U4 wf.W WV"P" ts c. Thev are How , orepalr- irig te'send omisaries Into he' middle and New England States where Sena tor Broohart says the farmers are in just as critical, conditions, fwm.prof iteering in sugar and other comodities miA in the srreat cities where , the la boring people ' ar wfreetof 1 fa winter because of the IHgti V leod. eotJ. But Broohart. PWyawiyaannw rade-Miss Allie tone. the jitate, yeMOago, MT. GILEAD'S NEW GRADED SCHOOL FACULTY Mt Gilead has the following faculty dlMted for the cominsr year, ,, sod.' 't i i ' J ' oA to friends nere tnat me i tf.-. - . : . . , . in to grauu i'.hiib. audmii. interests of the west woum nominw ip erade Miss Mary C. w.tio. na the progressives would ourtn graae juibs mar, out. TTBTdinc and the progressives v. ,ivn r the Farm-Labor party as they had no where else to go; The Pemocr8,t8would. not grant half their demands and they would; never Jjomin ate so individual a eandidatfrea Henry Ford. They now look r upon Hiram Johnson as almost as reactionary as Harding himself, livery report mum. comes from the west confirms the view of Broohart that at least a doz en or more States in that section may go over to a third or fourth party in 1924. An amusing eature of this situation : fk. fo-t tho Old Guard Republicans appear to believe that a Farm-Labor party will hurt the chances of the Democrats even more than it will Harding. They argue this way; the Democrat will nominate a man with progressive tendencies; that is if they beat Henry Ford, a radical-iconeclast; Forni-T-nhnr nartv will noroJ- ..f. . .hImI. Hardin? will be the only conservative in, the field and the stand-pat vote of the country will keep Mm in thA white House as a matter of safety. But they forget that Tart was the only stand-pat candidate in 191Z .a ni Varmnnt and Utah voted nnu viu for him. Book . Fifth1 erade Mrs. O. M. , Scarboru. Sixth, grade Mrs. L. P. DeBerry. Seventh. grade-r-Miss Rebecca Ward. :" EightjsM15 .JtoJo ElfeaWth Fehn,':V : , '"" ' y'--"--- Ninth irrade Mr. N. P. Yar- borough. Tenth grade Miss L.ucne nupgins. Eleventh grade Mr. R. E. Hamlet. Miss Mary Scott Tucker and Mifs. Pauline Perry will compose the music faculty. NEWS ITEMS The automobile collision three mites south of Asheboro between a car dr:v m hw ft. ft. Jones, cashier of the in dependence Trust Company, Charlotte resulted in an injury to airs, jonen slights cute in the face by glass, while Mrs. J. M. Crotts, who was in the other ear, flesh was lacerated in the forehead by gashes made by broken glass. ' Mr. Jones lost control of bis car because of the radius rod fall ing down. When the two cars collided the radiators were broken on both cars, but no serious damage was "done. Mrs. Crotts remained in Ashettoro Mr. R. A, Davis, Jr., assistant pro fessor of education University N : C., srhnnl has accented the prm oipalship of the FranVlinville school for the coming session. The new moving picture show open ed in Franklinville recently was large ly attended Saturday night. ., . . The people in this section were much pleased to learn last week that rworK improving and widening tne highway between Asheboro ana tne Chatham county yne win segui y August 1. Phtef Justice Walter Clark, of Ba leVh. and daughter. Mrs. John Allan Maclean and Mr. W. A. Graham, nf .WaBhiiieton. D. C were visitors in Franklinviue last ween. Mr J. TJ. Walsh, of New York, S, C. is now connected with the Randolph Mills in Franklinville. ' ; Mr. William W. Drakeford, ot Dur ham, spent the week end here, the iruest of Mr,.J. N. Walsh. i if TWUa . -'Rflrtha EUisor.!fe , of Ni Orleans. . .Jai.)riflitirieleMil4s, frlo "tiw. Miss Ellison is deaconest in the M. E. church and has been, elected head of an institution icn caring for and training children m New Orleans. She is maxing quiie a success. Miss Ellison is the daughter of Mr. J. M. Ellison and we are all glad to have her visit us. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wrenn, Messrs. Everett Wrenn and T. C. Henson visi ted Norfolk and New Port News, va., last week. Mr. R. S. Craven has moved his family to his residence on Mill creek in Grant township, for Winston-Salem where they will make fheir home. '. , Mrs. Price is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. Fletcher King formerly oi Asheboro. She was educated at Guilford College and has been v Etnost successful; teacher in Montgom ery county schools. Mr. Price is an Bob Prevost has bee a. bound over . The teacher ef Randolph county -under. a $1000.00 bend oa the charge, assembled. here, in jood attendance of the larceny of a car fcekmging to Monday morning for the eix . weeks Charlie -Johnson, of Greensboro.? The term of summer. . ch oL . Some-Junt ear was stolen ob the rdght of June near a hundred attending with, other 30th; later that night a store was coming, possibly two hundred will s- hroken into near Worth ville after tend. Professor T. S. Story of. Trintty which the robbers were chased across' High school is- in charge . and Is ge , country -for nine miles to the vicinity ting work out oi the teachers beautt of Red Cross where the ear was driv- fully. At present, we dent have : the en in to a ditch and the occupants es- names of tne other instructors. JCaae-. caped. Later five men appeared at a seur is glad to welcome the echool neighboring house, Prevost who was and hope that all who attend wul be ' with the party was introduced 'as the greauy oeneutea oy tneir stay wim . . . ' . ... ... . . Ml 1 J.t.i - , owner of the car which was standing nm aiv sura wo. wi oe own . , in the ditch and an attempt made to to them. . : . , ty 1 : sell the machine. .Still later Bob pre- ana mxs. b. u. ruga spens oan- vost and John Prevost and John Fields Jy Mrs. Pugh'e . tathert, Ms. all of Greensboro were picked up in wey burrow where they ceieocate ., the neighborhood and brought to town h 67th birthday. . There Vera about ' by a passing motorist. Guy Prevost lLL'-' peopie in avtenaance ana s gresa and Fields have not been taken. The "PHd of. good things to eat were am, defense in this case this morning was aoundance for all who were present. . based on the partial alibi. . .. no wisa ior air. xurrow, man roan Some of, the defendants "have bere-yj8"; Pccasions like this.' The tofore figured in several sentences in Misses Boltons of South Garouaa are ; the Federal court a few years ago and J at air. rugn s uus weex also in the State coourt. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marie .aw ' children made a, trip to Mt, Aiiry and NORTH CAROLINA RANKS Moore's Springs last week. ,v f FIFTEENTH IN MANUFACTURE P,1-c: S. Tate is spending some ume 'L. - , with friends, at WUroington and ether North Carolina in rank in the value Pnts his old home. , of artjcles manufactured by establish- Mr- and Mrs. R. B. Finson, and Ut.' ments whose products are valued at "u,""' wmiams, attenaee $5,000 and over was the fifteenth Cycloi" Mac's revival at Greensooni State in the Union in 1921. This is Sunday-afternoon r . ' ' according to the official preUminary , Mr C' A- Marley is spend& ' figures made public by the Depart- ew days wrth her daughter, Mrs. S. industrious young business man ana holds a position , with Boyd-Higgms and GoForth Construction Company at Winston-Salem. I- ; . Old Union Methodist Church Home V- Coming Day, Fifth Sunday la July, the 29th. i Morning Exercises NOoenine Sonar There is a fountain MiBed with blood. , , i Singing Hymn Children of the fheavenly King. Prayer. Smging llymn-Come, . Thou al mighr King. Historical sketch of Old Union by Miss Dora Eeddimc. ' Singing JlynuW-I love thy kingdom Lord.' ' . . ; 9 Address Ouf 'flld country cnurcn. Singing Hymn The church in the f,wild;:.wwd. ' :'.:,:r-i-' !mgEg7HyrMffly nothing less. Address How the layman can make a rural church go, by Fred N. Tate,'. High Point. Singing Hymn How firm a foun dation. Reminiscences by visiting Home Comers. Singing Hymn Blest be the tie that binds. Benediction. Old Union church is three miles from Randleman near Sophia. The ment of Commerce throujrh the Bu- A'..V'ave2ess' at Greensbor.. reau of the Census, and it shows that M.188 vei.y? Wiliama spent the ther an 33 ofntai. in t1 weK end With friends at MillbOTO. procession in which North flomiina .. v- and W. E. Marley attendee? has the fifteenth place. f ut'?e Exposition At Higk Wew York with its great popula- r'' r . ' tion stands first, and Pennsylvania m5L J Curb' Mi second, with Illinois third. The dgS,MJ?fLltt.a"d Mlss Marlette,aa showing made by North Carolina, ZiZnU iT? 7 -wn based unon itji nnnniaWni, ' o Moffitt attended services at Rev- K. High . Point tremely fine one in tHis respect i Harbisons church at Except for the great State of Texas 'TT'; . A , - -North Carolina is the leader in all of r.Mr- Cad E? "I am5y' i ot the states to the Southland is in the Cl5 TOTiJS? Swnd .- lead of many of the States of the . fr?..011' "" tneiv North and West in the value of the f"T Aaf,u.mitft spent a jars . product of its manufacturing estab- wee ,("1nd8 6reensnonv lishments. - '. 'w ; "d ij: fatally e T , visiting the old hamrtsw ;njs native TO OPEN FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH fnd for some wks.v-Wnfld we mat ; - ruuier ocuu is enjoying. toe Tnount- ' Eugene Steinolfr6f ' Vienna, ain breeses. Wsh' IwallieMMr ,g tetheUnited,6tatsto den?- T'J - iuidb cuzaueut wnw,ioi' urang-o-burg, S. C. is here with 'frjends and relatives for several dkyvi" sv , Mr. A. H. Thomas spent last .wees: in South Carolina in iuleresfc seur Broom Company. ; . ' ' The reviyaT;at pe Hdlmesa cnuree A... Prof. is coming onstrate that he can by a- painless uttie mcision with a knife reopen the fountain of youth in aged men and revise the old wrecks who have been living too fast. s , COURT ADJOURNED first church building there was erect- An additioB is being built to Groveled in 1786, and the first camp-meeting hotel which will add more room a-so said to have been the urst in isorxn up-to-date bath rooms. Carolina, was neiomieuj. ft H Patterson and crew are put ting our streets in fine shape which is appreciated by our people, Superior Court of Randolph county Vweelt adjourned. Thursday of last week to Mr. Johnson Kas done triet pleacnisc' reconvene on Monday. Judge Long and with great force and inspiration. returned promptly Sunday afternoon a large attendance has proved the a- . and opened court Monday morning, terest in the meeting. ;V and tried one case which was compro- ; mised Tuesday between plaintiff and , CARD OF THANKS defendant, Asheboro Roller Mills and v C. M. Horst of Hagerstown, Md. We desire to express our sincere The case of C. N. Royals vs. Roy thanks and appreciation to our friends Ingram last week resulted in the jury anc( neighbors for their faithful aeW. finding that both defendant and plain- vice and sympathy during the illness tiff were negligent, but awarded no death of our dear companion ant damage to the plaintiff. mother. J. C. HANNAH and CHILDKKM. UAIH Uf LiriLft WILLIAM The Democrats on the other hana during the day and went to her home point to the fact that every . one f fi v..TuW nartv States is nominally Republican SUte and everyone of ttiem that casts its electoral tote for a, third or fourth party minintites that much the chances of Harding's election. In many -of these States there is not and never has been a Democratic party. In Mtnaesota the Democratic party la as near a nonenity as the Republican u in South Carolina. As Demo crats size-up the situation this great .MHn nafaetion is from the Repub lican and not from the Democratic party. ' What Ford may be able to do to the Democratic! is another matter. rnitNTT STTVDAT SCHOOL CONVENTIOM JULY 0 AND 11 Si! . Those In charge or we arrann- ; menu for the Randolph county Sun day School Convention, which will be v.M at tha Methodist Episcopal church, Trinity, Monday and Tttesday, July 80 and 81, are coniwent wi Sunday school workers from all sec- ' t lofts oi te eounty wiu am in ': ance at the variouJ sessions ,of, th . Programs for the convention have , , Been wiii an .uv-. -- - - V-2 each Sunday School Invited to send a V v Urge delegaUon of teachers, officers and other Wrested members to the . eonvMltion. : ' ' While the eonvenUon is planned . .i. fn Rnndav achooi teachers I and ofHcers, aU who are tatf . ' , ,i.. arhnol work are invited to at- . tend, and a special taviuaon is given te the memters of men's and women s organized Bale classes. , "V.. The principal speakers fot the oe- canlon will be the , louowingi Iwror.ra K Uttls. aecretarr ' Wt work. North Carolina ' l rotf-unt Conference! Mr. . ' , ' t luprintendent in Lexington while the occults of the other carl remained in AsheDoro until Tuesday morning and went to their home in Charlotte, mra. vrotts car was a Dodge while that driven oy Mr. Jones was a Ford. California is again rocked by an earthquake. This time the shock was not so pronounced as many of tne previous shocks during the last few years, but considerable injury wao done to buildings and to walls and to himnnva In different pans oi oouui- ern California; chiefly in Los Angeres and San Bernardino. G. B. Flynn and June Ball, wno were arrested last week near the Virginia line, were bound over to Forsyth coun ty COUrt on a Charge OI larceny ui automobile tires. These defendant are also charged with the larceny oi automobiles in the United SUtes court. ' Judse WalUr E. Brock, formerly of Wadesboro. now of Winston-Sa lem, has been picked as campaign manager for W. u. mcAuoo, canoiaui for President J - neighborhood in Hoke county, has died from the wounds uuuetea upon nun by a negro with who he had' trouble because ox weir running nu mm au tomobile. ,vv,:'CtiV-V ' 1 Two atarma visited parts of Dsvui mi Muntf last Sunday afternoon. One extended between , the -Yadkm river and the Tyro township in the di rection. of Denton., lian fell m .au- ferent places doinj considerable oam- m ta th cotton crop. 1M rawr house and other out places belonging to Knouse in the same ncuuty.we unroffed.. Parte of the chimney or Venus Berlus was blown down. - Pans f Mr TUiriuB barn was mown both t m mall rvclane that WSS - not varv wide but tore p fruit trees places and did some damage to unv j William f rxton died at his home Miss Lillie Huehs visited her sister Mrs. T. C Archer in Greensboro lastl week. " ' .. .. G. H. Jones and family, and Mrs. Sula Parks- and daughter, Miss Louise, were visitors , h Greensboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Parks, miss Ellen Parks" and MrS, Fannie Cox, at tended the farmers picnic at Guiiiora Rattle Ground last week. Mr. J. T. Buie went to Greensboro on business last Saturday. Mr. E. P. Parks, of Winston-Salem, J. R. Parks, Jr., of Greensboro, were visitors here last week. Mrs. Farmie Cox, of Plainfield, Ind., is visiting relatives here. Miss Sula Patterson, who has been attending summer school at N. C. SUte college Raleigh has returned. Colon Cox and W. J. B. Burke, ol Greensboro, spent Saturday evemn-j and Sunday with relatives here. The Epworth League of M. E. church has planned a picnic to Nixonn pond next Saturday. Mr. G. r. Craven and Miss upai Scott spent last week at Greensboro. The protracted meeting commences at Franklinville Holiness church last Friday eveninar. Rev. Flrnie SUh- ley, of Asheboro, is assisting the pas tor, Rev. J. E. Shaw. Mrs. G. H. Kinney, of WinHton- Salem, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Allred. Married Miss Irene B. Thader, of Summer- field, and Mr. Wm. F. Smith, of Rileys Store, were married at tne Register of Deeds office by Rev. W. H. Willis yesterday. DAVID BETTS HONOR MISS RICH Married Miss Nettie Beane and Mr. J. B. Lucas, both of Seagrove, were married at the office of the Register of Deeos yesterday. Rev. W. H. Willis officiat ing. William David, the four months old Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Moffitt, of Troy, : son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Betts, of delightfully entertained on Thursday - Asheboro, died Tuesday following an evening 0f last week from 8 to.U. illness of about two weeks. The rune- jn honor of their neice, Mia ral services were conducted by Rev. deta Rich of Asheboro, " W. H. Willis and Rev. H. F. Fogleman Uvlng room and" dinning rowSi at the residence yesterday. Inter- were ,ecorated in baskeU of Quean, ment iouowea in tne cemetery oi tne Anng lace and bowis 0f daises. M. E. Church. M. E. MATTERS (By W. H. Willis.) Two poundings! Choice offerings WORTH WHILE ENTERTAIN- !irm the pantries of Worth street, MENT BY KING'S COMEDIANS 1 and South Asheboro ladlas. My best bow. From The Dade City, Fla., Banner. Jack Kings Comedians are playing a week's engagement here at the present time. The show is far above the average of the tent shows that usually appear here and is equal to many that are on the circuits com posed of the big cities. Jack King, himself, is a good comedian, wan the ability, lacking in so many fun makers of handling the more impres sive of his lines in a dignified and feeling manner, Three marriages for the weex: Samuel Yates and Melinda Kenne dy. Charles Simmons and Ophelia Wil liams. Jim Dillurgham and EtU Smith the latter two couples .colored. The writer acknowledges an invita tion to Home Coming Day at Old Un ion Sunday night He preached there during his college days. ! The Randolph charge will hold its circuit Sunday school conference a. The guest were welcomed ny awr, , and Mrs. Moffitt and introduced te ; the guest or honor. - Progressive rook wes played at fptsr tables. Miss Beatrice King woitna prize for top score, a lovely bottle es. . perfume. Miss Rich was. preseate ; with a dainty vanity case. Delicious refresments, , cantitlttttt of block cream, angel food knd pound cake were served. Color schejhe piBX , and white was carried out.H Master B. B. Moffitt, Jr., served minU. . Trinity Township Sunday School ! Convention Wonderful Success , The Trintiy township Sunday schorl convention met with Prospect M. E church last Sunday and a very large crowd of enthusiastic Sunoay school workers were present. The different phases of Sunday school ivoi f. wn discussed by Fred N. Tate of High Point, Mr. J. J. Farris of High Point, Professor J. H. Kuebusn oi uaywni. BAPTIST MATTERS Miss Edwards, the superintendent of Mother's Aid for the Baptist Or phanage at ThomasviUe, was visiting In our community a few days sgo. in vefttlgathiff the - needs or a wiaow with six small children with view vf extending her aid. The Asheboro Baptist Sunday school totea ia. Sunday to take collections for our orphanage monthly. - ' " " The pastor will be away this week attending the Piedmont Association at Greensboro, but will return - in tbn to preach' 8undayr ' Sun1cU fof nxt Sunday! .' ' 11rt,a a. m.. "Chri-tlait Iiundein." 8:C) p. m.. Tl lv rtone of th" All of th other members of tne ! Gilead next Sunday. troupe are good also. Their charac- Our church was represented at New ter actor is the best that has been In I Hope Sunday by the following: Mr. Dade City for many a long day. An land Mrs. C. W. Cranford. Mrs. J. U. enjoyable feature of the performance j Miller and son Grady, and the writer. f.ie Z " nty president The Ki'cn uf wuo vwinpsii .o ouiuwia rcHuiuuuiia in memuiy vi rhiitrh bulldinlT. alulOUeh a Ooa the late Miss Lucile Caviness were on WM amai xo accomodate tr presented to the Sunday school by crowd and some could not pupils of Mrs. J. u. itois' class ana , "t--,h achooi in the township were adopted. rin few minutes on the pnrjrrm Two of the writer's former pariah- to be used as they saw fit ant t.v- onera from Lexington, suss iuia out an exception iney rwponam ' Bette and Mrs. H. 8. Luther, wor- a well arranged program of from fiv shipped here Sunday. to ten minutes each, using songi - The' many friends of the fomer' speeches by tne cm wren. sa i-- pastor. Rev. H. C , Gibbs were c,Maiy enjojea oy au VJ"1"; Ughted to have him en their BtreettJrendiUon of these n'1, : here Tuesday. He was vuiunc sir. gv 'm" t Land Mrs. I M. Cranford. ileadershlp In ;tne various iun... r . . m ... k n ..i. W m ...... t is real acting. Each member seems to have absorbed the spirit fol tne character he . or she represenu, m that ' everything appears perfectly natural, and not a forced burlesque, as so many of the actors In these small companies do. Between the acta some very goo vaudeville features are given. Jact King is no bad clog dancer hlmserr, and one ef the troupe Is a wonder fully fine "dancing fool." The cold weather at the beginning ef tne week naturally cut down the atten dance at the performances consider ably. W cannot help but advise ail thoee who enjoy a clean, gooa thea trical performance to make It a point to attend the shows given tne Dai. lance of the week. ' " J. W. Stout and Company1, of Ban ford, have been awarded the Contract for the building of the new dormitory at t!m Date A. & E. eolleiffl. Went - ' i t. a i '." of f 101,00'), to t The funeral of Wm, David infant son of Mr. and Mrs. - Walter Betts, was held Wedneeday, Rev.s H. F. Foglemaa and the writer officiat ing. : A second edition, revised and en larged, of the Epworth League picnic was held at Hanieys luesaay. i . Next Bunday'i sermon subject : ' Morning Here a Little and There a Little. - '- - :-nin(r The Eerpont In V- Trinity is making fteat prepm for the County. Convention " meeU July Z0, 81. They nave r thelr hearts and homes and i "all who will to come," with t' tn ranee that they will be car i . We are looking forward to a i time St the County Convention, spurt from thu exffllpnt r'v ill be a rst Inspiration to to ! f.-Unwu'-'p ft l: " j ! In IXM.tnn lat Fri.lay ni-' t nr I,. . , , 1 ! 1 "S ! r ' ' 01

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