the AsiiL2cno courx:?.. Asmsono, n.c STATE IiiGn wAY BfflMiTC3c. . . ARE READY FOR PRO:,IULGATION 'Arcpesifirred to Jrevent ADUse.ot tate'Koada ana to Give Better Protection to'the Highways .. -Users jf : Roads Will Haveto-Acquaint Themselves With the New Laws. Stl iw5to and to give better proton (to town of .the toads. Under See tionlO thpUr 160 Public Un of North Carolina." session ef the general-assembly of 1923. the state hichway commission ii authorised or-. 22n certain regulationalt deems nee tuary tn regard to state roads, ;.-..; Promioent among; the new regula tions is ' one ; requiringr1 edestrains walking on the highway to keep f on the left hand aide of the road. ; Oth er noticeable regulations are sereral maldngit unlawful to drive certain treaded vehicles over the highways built and maintained "by the state. Violations of the . regulations- are classed as misdemeanors., , , . The new regulations follow: ' TV New Regulations. "Section 1. No house or other atnirtura or substance weighing in excess, of ten (10) tons shall be mov ed on or over thef state highway, ex- ept by special and written . permis the state highway commis sion. " , - "Section 2. J$o lumber, logs,' cord wood,-or other material shall be placed-upon the pavement roadway r shoulders of the state highway, or shall 'any material be placed in any manner thereon that will inter fere ith the drainage of the high m tha maintainaiice thereof. "Section S. It shall be unlawful fer any maehine, engine or contn trivance whatsoever, to -move Upon any state highway or bridge thereof which has a flange, rib, damp, , or ther objects attached to its wheels or made.a part thereof and which? is likely, to bruise, ijure or mutilate the surface of such road or bridge without written permission first ob tainedfrom the state highway com wuHKfon. This section shall not be construed to prohibit tire chains of reasonable proportions on vehicles wheri'required lor safety, and arising from1 eonditions tending to cause such vehicle to slide or skid. Sec A. No tierson shall throw or place.or cause to be thrown or plac ed unon anv hisrhwar or. bridge any tacks; nails, wire, scrap, metal, glass, crockery, or r otner BUDStanee" .inju riouxto the feet of persons or ani mals., or, to ores, or. wheels of ve hicles:: Whoever accidentally ? or by reason-' of an accident, . drops, from his hand or a vehicle any such - sub stance on any highway or bridge shall, forthwith -make'- all- reasonable efforts, to clear such highway or other.bjoctluUl;.bs5draealung or across any portion oi ine state highway without permission - of the state hiehwav commission. "Sec. 8. No trucks: or other vehi cles .shall be operated dn the state highway when the tires ol whicn are worn to an extent to cause dam age to the highways because of any defective or worn condition. Protecting the Roads. "Sec. 7. No log-cart or other sim ilar vehicle using a tire of less width . i - i . i i ... i man iour incnes snail do permuted at any time on the state highway without first obtaining' permission in writing from the state highway com mission. And no person shall be permitted to transport discs, or oth er type of harrows, on the state highway unless ample protection is made to prevent the tooth from cut ting or otherwise mutilating the road surface. - , "Sec 8. No vehicle shall be op erated upon the state highway with two- wheels on the edge of the hard surface of any highway, and the op posite wheels on the shoulders there of, for the purpose of retarding the speed of such vehicle. All vehicles shall be provided with sufficient brakes. "Sec 9. No motor truck or other vehicle loaded on any road while standing on the roadway and while and in a manner to interfere with the traffic thereon and the maintenance thereof. ?Sec. 10, : No motor vehicle shall remain on the roadway. whil fain erved bv a filling jtauon, garage; or jiiuuc Bunion. . ' . - , . "Sec 1L It shall be unlawful to repair any motor -or bother vehicle - on -the surfaced way of any road way in a manner which may impede or otherwise interfere with traffic or maintenance of the highway.' "Sec 12. NoYehicle or other ob etrsetieu whatsoever shall be - left standing m the roadway:-" at v night unieas' tU' same shall be protected by proper light or lights 1 oa the same and- no Disabled vehicle shad be left standing on the highway for a longer' period than tea (10) hours.''' . 1 "Sec 13. It shall be wuawful for the driver of any motor or ether ve hicle to7 brtar the aama: to ia stand. till by the aide- oa ihe roadway, nor shall any of the cars be parked ia a manner that' witt impede or other wise interfere with -traffic Upon the highway or hinder or otherwise -in terfere with the maintenance there of, 'i.',; g, ;..:rt I "Sec 14. No advertising signs shall be erected on the nigaway or right of way- thereof so as to ob struct the vision or otherwise in crease the hazard and all signs shall be placed in a manner to be approved by the state nignway commission. "Sec, 15. No person shall remove, injure or tamper with any signs placed by the authorities of the state highway commission, or by any officer or agent acting under its direction, nor shall' any person op erate any vehicle over any 'highway or bridge which is lawfully closed for construction or repairs, and con- 'FOXAIxDEYANS? FIGHT TQ A DRAW The Asheboro JUhletie dub Vat launchedto a saeeessful start here laM-Taursda night, before tnusiasue crowo. -'. V- William rox. local bey.' and Kid CvsKVOf GreenslMirev weue eigt'4ast' rounos w a oraw ih un mata ooth of the evening. Both boys gave r a splendid exhibition ef ..footwork and ring tactless to the; entire approval of the! fan,- the fight. was never, trac rinc at any time. Fox was some what, nandifspped py,a bad eye, re eeiveq sj recent bout ( at ( vreen-boro. The preliminaries were featured by the. bout between- WQlard Feme and Dee Kivett EiyeU came sack for a knockout at the end of the fourth. after being floored three times, in the first, round. , Both fighters exhibited splendid nerve, and ability to take punishment. In the wrestling Charlie Brewer of Greensboro delighted the fans with his flashy work, securing the first auu uura xiuu), over onus, xuwiy oi the same city, in three and one-half minutes respectively. Brady secured the second fall in two minutes. Jake freshen had the edge on Hardy Moore in a four round argu ment with the gloves. Kelly Johnson slightly bettered Bill Dickens in another four round setto. K. O. Martin, heavyweight, who is scheduled to appear here m the main rej""" T , y . v i The ruaeral services ec are. Iaey Karibeta ejaaitsrly meeting ' was a m a a a a a. &l aeu AUgmss aaa xa. ju taa mmw a e'cWk service Saturday metnhif, i Mereas Hodgia, Joa Price and soverai ethers made good talks. At the aeon aVAMa S ai wninaM aVlmi s4rWTaa s W-e Vi'ifUfi e lev uftono W. . which., had azv-ea-J il.6,aAJUa ur sj ,iivim(i. bectfetacted xr tna eccaaioa, .Liter -VJ - - laa hear of social coa venation the Wend War aad the Taealar masiwsi . Business aiue meeting was anenoea to. ju eignt e-doex p. nv, a young peoples' meeting war held. Miss Edith MEL ef High. Point, and ethers made good talks en Christian Xadeav or work. Oa .Sunday . mommg the church was mow , than - filled and heard good sermons by Nereua Hod cm- and ethers. Marlboro is an old estabUabed church, and large -crowds always attend (Quarterly meetings an trary to posted notices, whether the work thereon is being done by the state or by a contractor, unless permit to pass is expressly granted by some person in charge of the work. Restricting the Weight. Sec 16. The state highway com mission may designate any portion of the state highway as a light traf fic highway and restrict the weight carried theredn to such limit as it may deem proper, figuring on the basis of a given number of pounds per inch width of tire per wheel, or otherwise. Such roads shall be in dicated by proper marks and it shall be unlawful, except by special writ ten permission or the state Highway commission, to carry any! greater weight, upon the state , highway so designated than that , so prescribed and shown on the road signs. Bee n. iso vehicle; engine, contrivance, o other object ef whatever character shall be , moved upon or over any highway or bridge upon wheels, rollers or otherwise in excess of . fas weichts nrescribed for isaid Ught trafic ' roads without first obtaining written permission from the -state highways commission. sec w. -? ho motor or joiner vehicle- having' anr overall v width of more than ninety-six - (96) . inches shall be operated, on the state. high- way..u(tosec4ia'A pexmissioiT' oi tn -stJtte mgnway pmmiBBion. , . - -. ; i "Sec 19. No private drive Or roadway shall be constructed to in tersect any portion of the state high way unless adequate drainage shall be provided and in a manner to be approved by the state highway com mission. "It shall be unlawful for any per son to use any part of the road as a turn-row, nor shall any person be permitted to plow within the right of way. "Sec 21. No fence or other ob ject shall be erected on the right of way of the , state highway and in a manner that will interfere with the drainage of the maintenance there of, nor in a manner tending to in crease the hazard thereon. "Sec 22. Ne material of whatso ever kind shall be placed in the ditches paralleling the state high way and in a manner that will in terfere with the drainage thereof, and no person shall divert or cause to be diverted, water into the road ditches and in a manner which may interfere with the drainage of the state highways or in- a , manner to cause damage thereto. Constructing Railways. "Sec 23.' No railroad, tram road, or other road using ran oi wnat- ever character, shall construct a track across any portion of the state highway system unless special per mit Is granted in writeing by the chairman of the state highway commission.- "Sec 24. Whoever operates a motor vehicle at the intersection of highways must keep to the right of the intersection of the center lines of the traveled part of such ways when turning to the left, except when traffic officers otherwise direct "Sec 25. No ears or other ve hicles shall be - permitted to park on bridges or fill constituting any oout next Thursday night gave exhibition of shadow-boxing. A battle royal which literally brought down the house, completed the evenings entertainment ee-Maw Additions U. twr Vocabulary. ' Of the making of sow words there Is ao 4; an this U as it should be, j atnee a aew thing demands ana de serves a aew name." The late J war ado as aequamtad . with sector sad ; Stacker and, smoke creeft. wUk the hyphenate and the profiteer and the fabricated Ship. The theater In Us many uvertfled mawlfattstlone Is con-. tfnuaBy obliged to create aew vocables Out of old ; nowadays when' a pity U tm-ne4lnto a story, tt is novelised ; when it Is adapted! for tbo moving pictures It Is plcturised, and when U la slmpllfled for performances m s puppet show It ts puppetlsed. ' A friend of mine who has spent two years of exile at Hollywood tells me that an actress engaged to make a motioniicture from a play in which she had been starred was startled when the director suddenly shouted to the man in charge of the lighting arrangements : "Kill the baby 1 Throw the ash can on her!" the baby being a small spotlight and the ash can be ing the technical name for a powerful projector, so-called because It has the shape f an ash can. From "All Sorts and Conditions of Words," by Brander Matthews. Rev. W. N. Hayes, of Seagreve, visitor , in Aaheboro one . day the Utter part of last . week. , Mr. Hayes has recently dosed a success ful series of meetings at Uwharrie. Clan Yet whe died at the home et her sea. Mr. Shellio Yerfc- tnflew aerth of Liberty As gust if, was ca ' ducted front Bethany L JE. easrch, August 23 by Rev. W. T. Ashbara. Mrs. York was 71 Tears eU and was held in higVsteees by all whe knew her. Her death was very unexpected a she was sickfinly a few days and her -condition was not considered serious. Mr. York, had been a member ef Bethany church for a number of rears and the church Juts lost one ef its oldest members. 4 REVIVAL AT WEST BEND '- The revival which was ia ping teas at West Bend M. E. church last week was . a great success. Rev A. L. Lu cas el Liberty did the Lucas did excellent crowds attended every much good' was accomplished. - j? " Pi .-i 4 MEMBER. u jter a. I fJOr. Jm preaching. Me. preaching. Largo rery service aai BRIDE COMMITS SUICIDE AT HER HOME IN HAMLET Mrs. Ruth Freeman Stark, about 21 years of age, and a bride of six months, commited suicide August 22nd, at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bolivar Stork, at Hamlet, by drinking a poison drug. Relatives and friends of Mm. Stark are unable to assis-n a motive or cause for the rash act . . v. :; KU KLUX PARADE CAUSES , . , RIOT IN prrrsBUBG A force of. denutv sheriffs wan rushed to' Carnegie, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa., at midnight, August oui, wnen a paraue oi jui iuux klansmen was blocked by a crowd of about 600 people. A'number tit 'shots' were fired and one man. dressed in white robes. n NO MEANS OF KNOWINQ First NOTICE O? SALE UNDER ' MORTGAGE Under the power of 'sale cbntafeed in a certain- Mortgage Deed sriven bv T. 1 Roberson and wife' Norah' Rob- page 201 the undersigned Mortgagee will, on Saturday September 22, 1923, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Asheboro, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following aescriDed lanus in Kandoiph (Jounty: Beginning at a stone in the line ith" Smith; thence South 4 1-4 de crees West 6.83 chs to a stone: hence South -5 1-4 degs West 21.75 :hs to a stone; thence South 84 3-4 degs East 26.45 chs to a stone; thence North 5 degs East 25.00 chains to a itone, corner of lot No. 5; thence North 84 3-4 dees West 26.20 chs o the beginning, containing 72 teres more or less. This the 21st day of August, 1923. C. L. ROBERSON, Admrs. Z. N. Cox, Atty. t 8-30-23. RANDOLPH COIWTY BENCH SHOW Friday, September :28th;) 1923 $100.00 in cash prizes f or ' S POINTERS, SETTERS, HOjUNDS AN .i V a , ...... J , .-. r . , .' 4s -. . - u Brini on youi irood dogs "aid win part - ' . 7 jot this money 5f;r'T..'; iiuvc vuur- uug licit; u w ww -, y NO CHARGES FOR ENTERING YOUR T,- rfi at elcrcn o'clock1 I- XEWS OF FORD MOTOR COMPANY Meachant Is tin Brown hon est t,6. Second Mercnane Dont knowf he buyf for cash. fed That Came Out of EvIL One of the most remarkable cases of gbod arising out of evil is brought to mm4 by the erection of a fountain at Enterprise, Ala. xne lountain, wbJchisaietly--toveaed mouhted by the figure of a boll-weevil In bronze. The memorial signalizes the prosperity which came to the southern "states when, owing to the de struction wrought by this cotton-plant pest, the people found It more profit able to cultivate other crops than cot ton, on which they had previously depended. Detroit, Mich.. August 29. All previous production records of the .ord Motor Company were exceeded luring, the week ending Tuesday, Tuly 31. Domestic output for the veek, The tord News announces, to aled 41,198 Ford Cars and Trucks, !C8 greater than the record establish ed the week before. Daily production for the six days va8 almost a constant succession of lew records. Friday, July 27th, itarted it with 6,907, Monday came ilong with 7,009 and Tuesday ended '.he week with an output for the day of 7,121 Cars and Trucks. Increasing demand for the Ford, Which is hrine-inc jales figures, continues and manufac turing is Deing at capacity in an en deavor to meet It '. The production schedule for August calls for 183, 735 Cars and Trucks,: the largest Month '8 schedule so far. The Fordson Jractor plant's output for the week ending Tuesdav w 2 - 002.' ' - The Lincoln division of the comm. ny turned out 208 cars. Two Catch the Same Fish. M. P. Tierney, a Northumberland (Ea.) Justice, was called upon to rule In an unusual case. H. O. Barde and Harry Miller were fishing close to each other at Cherry Run, when each had a bite. They pulled up and found they both had hooked the same fish, a 14-Inch trout A dispute arose and they went to the Justice for a decision as to owner ship. Mr. Tierney ruled that the big fish should be split and each should take a half, which was done. Both men went away, seemingly satisfied. part of the state highway system. ."Sec. 26. No person shall drive through any school tone, .or other danger gone, designated on the state highway and at a greater rate of speed than that - designated upon such tone sign.:; ', v . "" . "See. '. 27. No-- vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed than ten (10) miles an hour 'while crossing any wooden or steel bridge or' bridges where warning sign is displayed, having a; greater 4 span than twenty (20) feet., ' v'. "Sec, 28. (All rural mat! boxes shall be' so placed as not to "inter fere with traffic or maintenance of the state highway.: ., .. : . "Sec 29. Pedestrians walking - on highway shall keep on the left hand side of the road. ' - "Anyi violation ef 'the ', foregoing rules, regulations, and' ordinances shall eotinUtutC a mln!imrnor and be punishable as provided by stat ute ENROLLS YOU Ware&iirOrderNoT:Fbra Fadier starts kmother bds she can add a little even the kiddies will contribute their pennies and in' a surprisingly short time, the whole family is enjoying the pleasures of owning a Ford. Here is how you cati do it through the M Bring the first $5 in to us Enroll under the terms of the new, easy way to buy a Ford. Select the car you want We will deposit your money in a local bank, at interest. Add a little each week. You will be surprised at the rate the money piles up when everyone is helping. Soon the payments, plus interest paid by the bank will make the car yours. Come in let us give you full particulars. ASHEBORO MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 175 Asheboro, N. C. This Bank Depository for Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Payments ASHEBORO BANK AND TRUST CO. Asheboro, North Carolina Natural Phenomenon. On the top of Kiguad mountain In Quebec there Is a level field a few ZZZ urtace of this! oeoeoe00ooe(ooeoeooeoooooeo9 "field" Is simply a mass of granite ) boulders of a more or less uniform j W size, about as large as a half-bushel . measure, nor as far down among ,-the i boulders as one can see, Is there even , a hnndful of sand or any other kind of soil. A satisfactory scientific ex planation of what caused this phe nomenon of nature has never been given. , . . Defending Dad, Little May O'Ualley was a great chnm of her dad, and always consid ered It pert of her Job to defend him. Her uncle, who was visiting the 0Mal leys. delighted to tease little Mary. Tour father's positively the most homely man I ever sawIM announced Uncle Dan one day to Mary. "He is not r defended the little girl. "He's never home," she. added, much to the satisfaction of Mrs. O'Malley. Judge.. DeublHcaded Cahee. Double-beaded calves are becoming quite common tn Canada. From. .Al berta comes newt of a calf with two perfect beads being bora at Old Han, ' 0 Booth, Ia the asms mH a story of a q double-beaded calf comet from Quar-.' q o o o o o o o o o o o o SANITARY CAFE The owners of the Asheboro Weinie Stand opened a first class Cafe yester day in the McDowell Building. . . . We Serve Special Dinners-, and Suppers every day 40 cents SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN NEUS 50 cents DIN- mills. H. B. . Tbe owner of the Al- berta freak baa pbotogrsphed and the owner ef the Kew Brnnswkk freak bat had tt stuffed. . V Uner kt4M- f Ten thousand flowering plants sad ferns of various kinds sre retired every, ytsr .for the .public rooms ef the White Eur Uner Msjeitlc. A V v We serve WThite People Only SWE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS o o o o r' O : W.' ( tl heslpj rrtsr.hoTiBt is prorldpa S the ( ( ) f - f-.-ij Tf!.ntl r'fw!!! sr f -i i" ' ' s t-:' -lst .' 1 SANITARY CAFE : I'O ' O ."' & '. o o o o r k I 1 V" c 31. 71 1 '1 1 t tU f.rr- !) f 1 i Ncrth Cm fr- i .. . I v M w 4 Kff

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