Tksradaj, November 1, 192S rg Two nmASHEBORO courier, asuebouo, k. c nr "W iv M1 55 ' - - -- -- -- -- ( t One of The a!ue-Qving w I You Have Ever Best Events AUea No one who has in mind the p Winter Coat or Dress can afford to this sale of fashionable new Coats ded rff a miss and 0: when t!: o dresses that us they w?5; f ness of dress every woman is a distinct c no duplicate town cs? H anv intention 01 ways glad to have you visit our we know that an inspection of f Tiers can rest assured rcase a carmen! from : e ;h-it distinctive precious to the heart of i: one of our garments : i :,i if;;e:C and there are down s whe-hrr v,u have on v illi; or not. are voi We are store and v O 6.66 4.11 01! stock will prove a most pleasing experience. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PRICES Marvelous Values in Dry Goods Utica Sheets, 81x99, hemstitched $1.95 1Jtica Sheets, 81x99, Hemstitched $1.85 Pepperrell Sheets, 81x99, hemstitched $1.79 Courtland Sheets, 81x90, plain $1.59 Crochet Spreads, full size, blue $2.95, $3.95 Dimity Spreads, 72x90 79c Utica Pillow Cases, 42x46, hemstitched 53c Peppermill Pillow Cases, 42x46, plain 38c Curtain Marquesette 29c, 33c, 35c Curtain Scrim 10c, 18c, 23c Good Quality Dress Gingham, 32 inch . 18c to 28c Romper Cloth, all colors 25c Apron Gingham 10c R virtue of the power vested in 1 me as ex-Sheriff of JUadolph couaty, ; North Carolina, 1 will on the 6th day 1 of November, 1923, at the Court House door in Asheboro, N. C, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of collect ing the delinquent taxes for the years, 1920, 1921, and 1922, sell the . real estate of said delinquent tax pay ers. The land to be sold, the delin quent owners, the amount of taxes, expenses, penalties and costs being as follows: Brower Township, 1922 taxes. Lemons, E. C 4 acres, tax and cost fll.-l Chntico, John T., 1921 and J.i, ii acres, tax and cost Concord Township. F. L. McDowell, 25 acre, tax :,mi cost Franklinville Towni-hip. A. II. JJ.iuon, 00 ac tax and c.-l "'- I). V. Craven, 1921 and 1922, 0 3-! i) acres, 1 lot, tax and cct 60.49 Liberty Township. V. S. Cox, 1 lot, t.( and cost New Hope Township. 1. M. Lassiter, 100 acres, tax and cobi Richland Township. K. W. Calhcott, 1 lot. tax and cost J. .1. Wolcl , v i - -o-es, 7 lots, t.. and tost 41.12 Asheboro Township, 1921 Taxes .1. W. Lanclev. 30 acres, tax and cost Cedar Grove Township. Jane Vi al ker, 17 acres, tax and cost Sarah E. Rush, 30 acres, tax and cost Coleridge Township. M. C. Yow, 46 acres, tax and cost, Franklinville Township V. G. O. Bryant, 46 acres, tax and cost Grant Township. E. C. Trogdon, 4 acres, tax and cost ...... E. E. Barrihger, 38 acres, tax EXALTING THE SPIRITUAL HOW TO CAS THE PEAC8 BORES THREE FOR ONX tv,. fh.rlrft Observer in an edit orial iect!y refers to the fact that the Philadelphia Record has reproved the fsct that the State of North Car olina for an alleged exaltation of the mate r, ul uver the s-pirr-ual. The Keconl had rd of the wonderful ma terial progress of ti.e State i.nd ven tured to suggest that the State should pay m le attTjUun lo enure. nu The Observer calls attention f.ict thst the Philadelphia ;, .: r-f--d cf es l;rhtn ..,( nuoVs tre North Carolina school, to the news;-: mei'.t ; Law !'.:. The No:-.h C.r .!!. l presenlintr the main tutors cnanges 5.05 5.43 by th furr.. proi'f Genv : of ,t-tutii-v amiv.iii ly i ' whir1' are i for . m to the lan ulp.'V -t I fsr-.- ,lfl , snii-' ssen.b!;-.' 'icpri;r:'i: :! renri'ii . to ?9.:;r:: i ,: !:'. ' " i'. led. Th- in ,ii arc extent of hene'itiii $1.0(K). ,:iropriation according to pop- Thv , Normal School ; . ' . 1-0 Agri" T Co'N $0.- The peach berer which, infests the peach tree near the surface of the ground haa been until the last few years a most difficult thing to con trol. Heretofore much time and mon ey were expended iz digging these borers out with knives or with wire. The hills were built up as high as possible so that the borer would Dore as high up on the tree as possible so it would not be so difficult to dig out the borer. A more satisfactory and cheaper method of control is to gas the bor er with the white crystal chemical known as Paradichlorobenzene. Ex periments conducted by Dr. li. W. Leiby of the Division of Entomology I in commercial psach orchards in Ral eigh and in the Sandhills during the past two years show that from 95 to 97 per cent of the borers will be kill ed by this chemical when properly ap plied. Lr. Loiby recommends that P-ben-zine be applied in this state during the early part of October in the cool er rhniat.t and the latter Dart of this ' thi's year mL,tn Ul the warmer section of the V.hic'1 IS a ft0 inrliiHintr tht BUndhilU- l- The Newt and Obeerrer recently printed figures, furnished at its re quest by the Insurance Commissioner shewing that North' Carolina paid two dollars for r insurance for mry one dollar that came back to the peo ple, better fire protection should meaa lower rates. In the matter of life insurance the people Af North' Carolina pay out three dollars and more for every dol lar that is paid out in death losses. The statement of the Insurance De partment for ten years is as fellows: V.t lew, in -aU'res of sla- ','o;th Laroiira law tin '. incidentally i r "the libei al and tf' animr.tH the " The lump sum .s Vr Ft at.- insti- S;.:'e activities, r."!.66. This large- i edncat'on, in f Sv.U' citizenship ('f"-i'i:-e lidians, 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 Premiums Received. 7,768,996.82 8,287,446.69 8,389,818.59 9,498,370.59 11,045,730.42 1161,062.99 16,72132.06 20,590,550.05 21,000,757.76 22,893,897.47 Losses Paid.' 12,623,676.28 2,722473.82 2,744,670.58 302,143.00 356388.82 592,985.00 4,604,799.86 583,070.02 5,494,521.26 5,649,748.91 3.41 000 11.18 3.65 3.57 7.66 year, in .' iitn.n M i-..l,uui) .' r outstanding ii..i'htedness. The State Hosnial at Gi Nisboro is maintained at an annual expanse of $235,000 while an additional appropriation of $27, ".00 is n-.ade for the nefrro crimin al insane. The sum of $50,000 was provided for establishment of a col ored Ketormatory and l raining choum lair results will be secured when applied in spring. The fall ap plications are preferred because the borers are smaller and therefore more i:suy Ka.s.sed, and because the work ; of the Do.ers is confined during this season to the outer part of the trunk. 1 Describing this chemical, Dr. Leiby ,says, "The chemical is a crystal with the fineness of coarse salt. It should be scattered on the surface of the ! soil in a ring about one inch wide around the tree, and about one inch 6.00 3.24 fachool. An orphanage tor nejjro cnil- f th h k Th lmmv oti,h. dren is maintained at Oxford at an tions 0f tne borers should first be annual expense of $20,000. The very SCraped away and the gas ring then bizaoie made Elizabeth City the bond issue. i appropriation of $173,000 was applied at a level opposite the highest for the negro Normal School, at , polnt 0n the tree where the work of this to come out of The bond issue also provides $123,000 for a nep-ro Train ing School at Fayetteville. The school building for the Cherokee Indians cost $30,000. The State pays its Confed erate pensioners $1,000,000 a year; it cost '. '. ... 4.44 , applies $10,000 for support of a Con Beautiful Dresses Crepe de Chine and Satin Dresses with lace and em broidery trimmed, in all the desired colors $9.95 $14.50 Silk Dresses in the smart est Crepe de Chine and Satin face weaves, Black, Brown and Navy $16.50 $29.50 Newest styles in Poiret twill and tricotine dresses, coat and tailored effects, with braid and button trim mings, special $14.50 $29.50 Lovely Coats New coats with the popular side effect tie, some with aide draperies with squir rel collars and some in graceful tailored mod'js. Special values in Velour, Bolivia and Plaids, Coats irt all the wanted colors $12.4g-$24.50 . Children's and misses coats of Plaid effects ah'd plain colors, with fur collars, and collars of contrasting col ors. Very serviceable and good, looking, sizes 8-14 years. Special $4.9S-$16.50 Suits, Skirts, Etc. Ladies Poiret twill and tri cotine suits, braid and em broidery trimmed, some with new side tie and some in tailored effects $18.50 $27.50 Beautiful Plaid and plain skirts in 'Tan, Brown, Gray and Blue $2.95 $7.95 Brushed wool sweaters in all the desired colors, spec ial Ladies wool scarfs in Blue Tan and Brown $3.9S-$12.48 Lad ies' Wool scarfs in Bluc in all the newest styles $1.95 $3.45 Accessories A new shipment of corsets, all sizes, special 93c Level Cross Township. J. A. Loflin, 189 acres, tax and cost 23.52 New Market Township. R. J. McGee, 41 acres, tax and cost 13.28 Richland Township. W. J. Moore, 1 lot, tax and cost 57.82 M. E. Ashworth, 2 acres, tax and cost 8.86 Randleman Township. Sidney Tate, 6 acres, tax and cost 6.49 Henry Rains, 23 acres, tax and cost 9.93 J. W. Holder, Jr., 1 lot, tax and cost 3.27 Tabernacle Township. W. C. Thayer, 76 acres, tax and cost 8.09 Union Township. Uwharrie Mining Co., 147 acres, lax and cost 16 GV Asheboro Township, 1920. W. I My rick, 2 lots, tax and cost 3.93 Brower Township. J. M. Fox, heirs, 50 acres, tax and cost 5.89 Columbia Township. Mrs. J. A. Holmes, 1 lot, tax and cost 5.76 Franklinville Township. G. B. Trogdon, 1 lot, tax and cost 3.24 Manly Allred, 2 acres, tax and cost 3.37 Liberty Township. W. H. Wheeler, 1 lot, tax and cost 20.01 W. T. Steel, 3 lots, tax and cost 25.27 J as. A. F. McMasters, 100 acres tax and cost 18.16 M. R, Cox, 1 lot, tax and cost 7.63 New Hope Township. P. L. Shores, 100 acres, tax and costs 14.15 Providence Township. Mrs. P. R. Johnson, 95 acres, tax and cost ; 14.15 Tabernacle TownsVip. H. H. Hix, estate, 7 1-2 acres, tax and cost '8.80 S. H. Dorsett, 1 acre, tax and cost .... ..' 8.03 Trinity Township. J. M. Smith, 1 lot, tax and cst 16.95 H. L. Brown, 1 tot, tax and cost 3.24 federate Woman's Home, and $60,000 for the Confederate Home. It gives $200 a year to the Confederate Mu seum, at Richmond, and spends $250 a year in upkeep of the Confederate Cemetery. These are but incidentals, picked out at random. What is more to the point is that the bond issues providing for permanent improvement to State institutions, educational and charitable, foots up $10,667,500. The immediate application to enlargement or tne university at Chapel Hill amounts to $1,650,000. The sum of $1,350,000 is applied to the St 'e Col lege of Agriculture and Engineering, an institution that is filling the State with a youth practically trained in the trades and arts. The North Car blina College for Women has (lie ex pansive benefits of $1,350,000. The East Carolina institution where teach ers are trained, and which was the joy of the heart of Thomas J. Jarvis, finds its facilities enlarged upon a million-and-a-quarter scale, while 455,000 is applied to extensions at the negro Agricultural and Technical College. An industrial school up in the mountains, training the boys and girls in the territory of Cullowhee, put a part of its $388,000 in develop ment of a light and power plant and coiaunoiuiiK us ouiiaings anu trquipmeiii. on a oasis mat is recog niicu even in mis advanced age as nrst-ciass. ror the Agricultural De partment which has been bringing ri i . j, , p o ixuim Carolina torwara at such, a rapid pace, a tine home was provid en, but more room was needed and .the Legislature gave $125,000 for an extra story. In promotion of the cause, the oiaie uoara oi education is given an appropriation of $2,031,7'50. There are liberal appropriations for rural High Schools and rural libraries; for the Bureau of Maternity; for welfare work and for State Health work, and all the time completion of a $65,000,- 000 system of State highway " work, individually by the State, has' been in progress. As a matter of tfourae, while (he material is uplifting the Statf, the State is upholding the spiritual. , a borer is evident. This means that P-benzene must often be applied on a small temporary mound of earth lightly above the normal soil level. After the crystals have been care fully distributed on the top of the mound or soil level, they should be covered with a few shovels of earth (which is free of sticks or stones, so that the mound will appear cone shaped, care being taken that the cry stals will not be displaced or pushed against the bark of the tree. The gas given off by the P-Benzene, being (heavier than air, the penetrates through the mound of soil and as phyxiates the borers." According to Dr. Leiby three fourth of an ounce of the P-Benzene can be used with safety on four and five year old trees, and one ounce on six year or older trees. Recently one half punce has been used safely on 3 year iu trees m fennsvlvania and killed 90 to 99 per cent of the worms, the P-benzene crystals having been left around the tree for two weeks but then promptly removed. On oldei trees the crystals may be left arounu tne trees six to seven weeks, aftei which the mounds should be pullec away from the trees with a hoe. Peach growers in the sandhills an planning to use this gas in their or chards quite extensively this year, following the successful demonstra tions conducted there last fall by Dr. Tl ' ... ijeioy in several or tne lareer Sand hill orchards. The method is hitrhlv satisfactory when the work is proper ly done, it requires no extensive in vestment and is therefore of value to the small home orchard as well as the commercial peach orchard. F. H. Jeter, Editor Ext Service. $137,557,963.34 $40,874,577.55 Does not include dividends re turned to policyholders. Does not include endowments ma tured. Does not include annuity contracts. This means that in the past ten years the people of North Carolina have paid out one hundred and thirty-seven-million dollars in life insurance premiums and the losses paid have aggregated only less than one-third of the sum. In the old times most of this money would have gone out of the State v never to return. In recent years the North Carolina companies have received a considerable portion of the premiums paid and this stays in the State. Also, most of the out side companies writing insurance in North Carolina are now loaning lar&re sums in North Carolina so that much of the money remains invested in the State. But whether North Carolina or companies domiciled in other States receive the premiums, the fact re mains that nearly one hundred mil lion dollars have been paid by policy holders in the past years on premiums more than have come to policyholders in losses paid. The cost of the insurance business is large, but the time must come when the cost of doing business will be reduced. The time must come, too, when such large eums are not taken from the insured and piled up in large surpluses which are far greater than needed to protect the policyholders. Roaches can be exterminated by scattering sodium fluoride on the shelves or floors where they run, say insect investigators at the State Col lege and Department. .Weazisome coughing Plow up the cotton stalks, the boll weevil doesn't like a nice green win ter pasture but the soil does. need not be endured lone. Dr. Bell's I'ine-Tar Honey will stop it quietly by clecriTip nwy the hea.y pii!c;m and reducin;; in fljr.irna:ij(i in ;c.:t ih.vt 2nd throat. It combines just such mod ern rv.-dicin. 3 ai your doctor pre scribes wi'h the s.'Othin;; pine tar honey that Rcncnirions have relied upon to break up cough. Keep Dr. Bell's on hand foi till the family. All druggists. Be jure to get the genuim:. DR. BELL'S Pin-Tur Honey This Octobe: r 1st, 1923. Indies gowns long-sleeved muslin j a minv Ex-Sheriff Randolph County. j - - 1 95c $1.65 Ladies'. long sleeved gowns 98c $1.65 Big assortment of ladies' silk Jersey Petticoata $1.50-$5.45 Inactive Wonderful Bargains in Hosiery Ladies' Silk Hose, all new shade $2.98, $3.85 ! Ladles' Onyx SUk Hose, all colon .... 185, $2.95 Ladle' Venetian Silk Hose L66 ,-Ladie' Fall Fashioned Silk Hose fl.35 Ladles Fall Fashioned Hose, all colors . . 95c,' $1.20 ( Ladies Silk Hose - 48c, 55c Ladies' Mercerized Lisle Hose 25c, 48e Children's Buster Brown Ilose 25c, $5! Children's Venetian Hose. Snort Ribbed . 25e '.BoyV Heavy Ribbed ScHool Hoss ....; .'. Kd, 'it , ft jrr,"M 3 Liver "f hm baa trouble with as fcscthr llrtr," wrote Mrs. 9. Nkbob, U 4412 Sputter SLi HoMtoa, Texas. ','WteM . M ft - ll A . A - -- 4 I wouw mi IMU1MU, i p mum Q fc.1 aHf. uy fMftaf hay MO, uptipHMMraq Q wmifMMMtaMUu4 JS svM&lyfetUMfetAMasica CI fliatlMowchouttrdr. A 9M , My I feATs atm mwb m mmj O Utns.1t sot Mir CI tvx tt4tttow .11 btn sftU c 4 c 4 c . Republican ' Organ Spells Oat the , Wrifirig n the W1L ' Republican, newspaper in the Went .. are Jully ccxpuxant oi .the political ef fects of the distreBs .among the fann ers, especially in the trmiK-JWIgirLisfppl , repon." Gimmentlnjf, on the recent i election of Judee Samuel B. Hill, a Democrat, ia the Fifth Congressional District of Washinrton, the Oregqn Statesman, ia Republican journal at Salem. Oreiwn. says: 1 "Jf the Presidential election were to he held todiv there is reason to be- i lieve that the verdict would be about ft the same a that rendered in the K 'Spokane (tfashbigton) district That ? WMflm was a nauoial election Jrure and aim- 1-1. Vi Su.Vlla. w .m. pie, and th swst two i mlt the pa press itneli "i rve : parting of dure hair srre.w Eleewhei nee the ttaVeaf that, whew food SMS sot ssesi ts set wcO,' Sf Sst ssossaoklsi IttU eoor- :T. y. i u ft iw't V ThcdfordV Republican party threw lections rather than per- j to progresiTiy ex- ibllcan party Is at the is ways. It can not en- indpat end half projrres- in lU editorial utter Mron Etatesman eayir -Tb Kennblicans are lostnr practi- eally erery Election they enter." This ttmHrttta '. Irttereetmftya'wlth the sUterorrt of John ' T Adams, eharrtna ti the Repubtiean National iwwtlow I hare wislted howf attenf I Tn in' adterlisement'wblcn a main I of stores ceased to be published 1 fn 'the newimsBeri of Wajdunrton, D. C ,tM effkisiresidene tof, AUorttey .. IOnraJ Daurherty who promised to j"brlnr down the cost ef iiriBf,"yap , ipmi the following m n '", ' i , "We don's eontrol s sursr refinery, so we hum to sugar for 10 cents j: -' Of S f "'. ' ' ' "V.e At roi-ir.. a rndrn lr'- ry t -f r ' '- is Vt r'l I " ' 1 i 6 Regular Rooft for Regular Men YOU want tegular tool for your home, garage, bungalow, cottage, barn or factory nd im Vf got that tocf. ErrTi Roofs wlQ make good for ton just as they Lave, made good for thousands of others, and just as they have toade good for BS, - . We ssjr BlrrTi IW "will male -good fof yor becauts ydacM from long expcrtetK that they last, for yean and ysarveod that ;; foILj wowi.lhoa. Lie tncu' foob, sad ; booest wear sotonxK tkt tKcy are eager to . Vtcfl thdr Incndi What U( talus tfey srt. ; ;'"'; .WUuWyois'K .Slungle Desga Roofing, Bird's Plain Slate ' ; ' Surfaced, Btfd I Cranitiztd Roofm jj, or Binfl , " V. Twin SiingWs, we can prore that in the long ' rua Ci; Ji lixit cost tii!e for t'e mic fay , T f 1 T'