TIllI COURIER' FUBUSHED ETOT THURSDAY" ' Tauraday, December 20, 1923 Entered sj second clai mail matter Qk posluffire at Ailiotero, N C. The newspaper fraternity through oat the state will welcome the return of R. R. Clark of Stateaville who waj formerly editor of the Landmark but who fur the past few years has been fxfitniater of Statesville. WifctWsifpt'i Republican's, Wa of tht-i wikinrii Cee&dgo "for. IWaeat; that aettiea it for that" state at tease - Davie cvobt iae kuuM a can-j peiga tor rusto for u arecaan ei ewwtit to perpetuate th Baegaf-y of the eMBtyH Verees who fooght hi the wax bKweea the States. Lloyd George the Uat thing Thwdore Rooeevelt ever sd " rery lime I say. thoo shalt not itekl, tfiere b a panic in Wall Street". The Carolina Banner last week is sued a most attractive publicity edition in which were featured many i'f Sanford and Lee county'8 business, educational and progressive enter- p rises. The death rate a- a result of auto mobile accidents has steadily in crease! since 1917 when the number of fatalities was sixty six. In 1922 the number had increased to 169. Greater care should be exercised by car drivers not only from a stand point of personal but also public safety. Will the Turkish treaty with the United States be ratified by the Bea st ' If so, this nation will make another round lower in the estimation of ail Christian nations. Under the terms of that treaty the representa- IBaa L&lian Minor, rural vuparrisor of DsTidsoa county, is i Atlanta this week, ha via goaa U make an address before the confer ence of fteld re preventatives of the American Red Cross. Rev J. R. McGregor, formerly pastor of a Presbyterian church in Cedartewn, Ga., was installed as pas tor of the Presbyterian church in Lexington Sunday. Robert Dobbs is in a Wadesboro hospital as result of being wounded by his brother. Claude, who it al lered to have playfully pointed a tives of America solemnly pledge this Government to hand over the helpless supposedly unloaded pistol at him. It Armenian Christians to the mercies is thought the young roan win re- of the bloody Turk in return for im- cXej" ' ,, o i l'eu J f 4 - r i j for at iiu.-i 4k. T).-.as f. oppoaita Asheboro Gruccry, A.fr bcre, and Bradner-York J'unuinr tor is RartdiemsjL. Cash ox terms. PJ. PLEASANT, - , tt-10-18 Rasyiiemaii, K, LOST-iadW skirt. tweea Gumey Patterson's Mattreas company and RoyalJPreeatag Ctnh Return U Mn. GurMyattenoa, reward, .'" It 11-20-21 The local lodge of Knights of Py- ias i to t.e congratulated upon leci.-iion to act a.-; Nanta lau to tinise who will probably not have a vi-it from him otherwise. This movement i- one which is needed and u ' ich should have the co-operation of every person m the t""n if is a.i opportunity to teach the children w ho have to divide with those less fortunate. Considerable interest has been manifested in Representative Dicken son's bill which was introduced last wet-k for the lease of muscle Shoals to Henrv Ford for the manufacture uid sale of fertilizer. The bill speci fies that the property be operated to prinluce the maximum output of elec tric power, all of which not used to manufacture fertilizer would be sold under authority of the Federal Power Cnmmis.-ion. The leading company would be limited to a net profit of 8 per cent. Representative Dickenson i.; an Iowa republican. portant oil concessions. It is known as the Treaty of Lousanne. Turkey has never kept a treaty and will not keep this one and why have any treaty with such a country? To rati fy this treaty means a surrender to savages and placing the Armenians, a Christian people, absolutely help !t j', and means eventually their extinction. U. S. ARMY STORE Army Goods Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes Any thinir you want to eat and to wear Always Headquarters for Xmas Goods Another twelve months have passed and Christmas is within another week. To some of the American peo ple it means nothing more than just another day of rest from daily rou tine; to others it will mean the happy home coming of friends and relatives I after a long celebration; to others it ! means merry social good times; to the youngsters it means Santa Claus and the happiness it brings to the dear little hearts should gladden the hearts of all of us. Christmas is the time for all of us to be happy but let us who will be fortunate enough to spend this happy day with I our families remember that there -is ! always some unfortunate person somewhere who will not be at home for this day but will perhaps be in our own town, sad, lonesome, and heart broken because circumstances did not permit him to be with his a brother of A. M. Scales of Greensboro, died in Portland, Oregon Tuesday following pneumonia and heart trouble. He has been on the bench for fifteen years. The Pinehurst Berkshire Farms last week gave a meat demonstration which was of especial interest to farmers in Moore and surrounding counties. The demonstration consist ed of every phase of caring for meat I from slaughtering to cooking. The members of the Cedar Falls school sent a contribution of three I dollars to the Near East Fund. Mr. I M. U. Kanoy is one of the teachers , there this year, the others are Misses ; Ethel Allred and Pearle Hussey, of Asheboro Route 2. Anson county has had, according to t reports, an exceptionally good year and it is reported a great deal of Christmas activity is noticeable. Christmas mail from England to j America is now on the high seas on ' board the American steamer, Levia-1 than. Mr. Charlie Rodenhinner, a clerk in ' the Lexington post office has had a; severe case of small pox. i Asheville has had an inch of snow. W. R. Lambert, of, Elizabeth City, has a field of radishes he expects to harvest before Christmas. Mrs. C. W. Spencer, of Gastonia, died Saturday from effects of burns which were caused by her clothing catching on fire from an open grate. German dye trust officials are again attempting to monopolize the world's markets and to wreck the industry elsewhere. The mid-winter meeting of the FOB SALE At a bargain, one saw mill outfit, fifteen horse power J. L Case traction engine and Hedge mill with new belts. Apply to, Thos. T. Redding, Asheboro, N. C. 2t 12-13-23. Route 2. - 1 1- A" ( Fi)R Aon tainT ft. .. furnished r maf unukhed ier Cit I house keepinf, . Oat rally locate! , WANTED Ka to "eell Kai Quality Products dircet U aaoMim is South Randolph county Pleasant, permanent, profitable , bu&iness. Little capital - aeeotdl Make practically erery famji, . stead satisfied Customer. Work ers make large steady Income. Civ age, occupation, references. W T Rawleith Ofc, Dept 170, Freeport St 12--23.. -a Seal Sweet oranges, large size 30c doz. 1923 Crop Budded EngUsh Walnuts 40c lb. The Store is badedift Gd Things to Eat Raisins, Nuts, Figs, Dales, Apricots Oranges, Apples, Tangerines, Grapes Celery, Iceberg Lettuce, Cranberries, Ripe Tomatoes, Bananas, All kinds of canned goods L L. Winn 1 mm Prop. North Street near Acme Hosiery Mills Asheboro, N. C. H The LITE Light and Trice I? PORTABLE Electric Power Plant compMe with batteries (Model U-ll) own. Let us devote a little time to doing a little something for just such North Carolina Press association will a person if we know of any such case neld at Pmehurst, January 3-4. Lets be happy and make others liW , ,,I,n,19?2 !lere ,were l'359 PeP' wise happy. ASHEBORO SCHOOL CLOSES TOMORROW killed at railroad crossing and 4,439 persons injured. In commenting on these figures, D. H. Beatty, superin tendent of safety, issued a statement as follows: The number of automo biles registered in 1923 is estimated The Asheboro graded schools will Wl11 exceed 14,000,000 and when corn close tomorrow lor the Christmas Paid with the number in use in Holidays and will open again January 19?7 is .an increase of 180 per cent. 2nd. On account of the lateness in With this ever increasing volume of starting the school last faU the holi- nghway traffic crossing over the days have been made shorter than tracks. the railroads through many iieretoiore. The out of town teachers agencies for broadcasting the safety will spend the holidays at their word been successful in reducing "ornes. year after year the number killed and injured. Twenty per cent of the farmers of the state this season nv. rrnA Mrs. J. S. Loflin has returns! from ba,e,.to the planted acre of cotton, ac- (nrennnp r n. n - a. . Mr , 6 " i.M:neni issued Dy mrs- Frank Parker, agricultural statistic ian for the state. Sul The B?y Scouts of Thomasville en- Jyea a nunt on Mr. T. J. FWh'a township one day Phone 59 Phone 230 PROMPT DELIVERY G. P. PMTCHARD'S GROCERY QlKMMIIIIIIUIIIIHMIIIUIIIIIMtMtllHIMiiMIIIIIMnMiniMtHIIU lllllll lllQ 1(1 ItMHftfMISM FARMER NEWS NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Extends to Christmas travelers an invi tation to use its service for Holiday trav el. Extra sleeping cars provided, and reservations and tickets can be secured upon application to ticket agents. J. F. DALTON, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. 0.H a week s visit to her daughter, uuy nuc, ac candor. and Mrs. M. F. Skeen Sunday in His-h Point wifh 6 , ,oo iwui, who unaerwent farm in Trinitv an operation for. appendicitis at High last week romi nospitai last week. She is uo- Trov is .rranWno. t' i. ing well and expects to be able to mun?ty Chrirtmftree Cm" come home by Christmas. W R. Walkor 0 III i Misses Madge and Ve.on Kearns, surance mn of GreensboS has the who are in school at Pleasant Garden, distinction of being the firt' man in .spent the week end at home. They Guilford county ofhaving a Wl sen were accompanied bv a number their young friends, among whom tence and the payment of costs were Misses Mabel Aldridge, Grace the sentence. Coble, Gray Hinshaw, and Pearl i..LC, aim iuf. nanes eeiey. . tij . BirFi irvw rr Mr. Paul Wager, of Troy, N. Y., is ! W A N T C(l II at iuechanic, at the home of Mr. W f ' ,Ll, 1 VVLiU. W. Lassiter, spending the Christmas - holidays with Mrs Wager Mrs., No clas.s.hed advertislne will b Wager will probably remain here un-:,aken for ,,S8 than 50 cents and aU r v r- n-.- :ivertisemenU sent in must Mr. Emory Gray, of Reidsville, was companied hv remittance the guest of Dr. Hubbard the frist . to the week. V sen-was be F. O. 15., Kast Oiange, N. J. ciecn'icily for hht and power IIOAIKI.ITI'. pnMiucc; wherever required. llO.UKUTK is not limited in capacity one unit f00 watts .r nif.re. Any output obtainable by adding units. IlO.Ml JJTi: is made 12, 32 and 110 volts. l!0..n-.l,i TK is portable, never needs a repair man to come if need be take it to the man. IlO.MKIdTE needs no foundation place it where you v.ant Jk and move it when you want to. HOiMKLITH is compact, simple, strong, dependable, and durable. Homelite is made by The Simms Magneto Company 276 North Arlington Avenue East Orange, N. J. On Display at City Tire and Battery Company Asheboro, N. C. GRAY LAMBERT, Distributor, Asheboro, N. C. NOTICE I have sold my interest in the Service Garage and am in no way connected with the business. GUY M. FOX, It. Asheboro, N. C. WILFRED C. CARR OPTOMETRIST Hours 9-12; 2-5 113 Yt W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Practice Limited to the Examination of Eyes and the Fitting of Glasses. ' WANTED A good, reliable, sub I stantial farmer. Will give such a man a good chance on my land. VVm. C. HAMMER, tfn. Asheboro, N. C Lou 1 1! at home or nchool, HookKeviiiiit. Shorthand, ijTit'". c,l ei vice on ensdit. Position gimranteM. EDWARDS BUSINESS COLLEGE WINSTON' SALEM AND HIGH POINT tf I f f f f f f f f NEWS ITEMS The postoffice department, upon request of Congressman Hammer, ha under consideration the extension of Liberty rural route to include more families. The trial of Phil E. Fox, Ku Klux Elan editor, for the nrurder of W. 8. Coburn an attorney of Atlanta, Ga., is in progress. Fox has been declared a paranoiac, which is the most dan gerous form of Insanity. The state is endesTOiing to counteract this testimony. Hunter Sharp, former Marshal and Vice Consul to Japan, died Monday. He was a natiTe es? Hertford county, this sUte. Ivey Thompson, a Mt Gllead school boy had the misfortune, while playing oa the , school grounds of losing an eye. FOE RENT The John Hammer house on Oak Avenue in Asheboro. Apply to Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer. WANTED A second hand coal heater or an open Franklin heater. Apply Courier. Asheboro, N. C. FLOWERS For flowers for evary oc casion, see or plionj yur older to i Mrs. Wm. C. Hammer, airent for Ford, High Point, N. C Qui. De-llyery. FOUND A pair of spectacles in front of the Standard Drug com pany. Owner may have same by applying at The Courier offioe and .paying for this ad. High Point's Greatest Jewelry Store Gifts That Make All Women Happy Precious metals and gents have a charm the feminine heart can not resist, and in selecting such Christmas presents, variety has no end. Just step into Stamey's store at High Point and you see a myriad of gift things that makes choos ing presents delightful. Each is that splendid quality our store is celebrated for, and which makes the gift from here most appreciated. A Few Suggestions Gem Bracelets, all colors Diamond and Platinum Watches for the Ladies' Watches by the hundreds, all sizes shapes and Jewels ' Fancy Bead Necklaces, with Bracelets to n atch Sterling Silver Enamel Lockets on Silk Cords Diamond Bar Pins Pearl Necklaces in gift boxes Whiting and Davis Mesh Bags Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets Chests of Silver Sterling Silver Serving Pieces Bracelet Watches , ! Pearl Necklaces and loose stones . We have a great line of Women. Watches for jnea and WILL TRADE I wilP trade my Buick car for A good truck. Must be in good condition or you' need not apply. J. A. Bolder, Asheboro. It " - nONT WORRY ABOUT CHRISTMAS! COME TO fflGH POINTS FARMERS ASK YOUR- COUNTY Agent about nan meal for feeding poultry and pigs, then write us for samples, feeding Instructions and frtcea, TAYLORS CREEK FISH MEAL SALES CO, DRAWER E BEAUFORT. N. C 4t 11-20-23.., . : 'id IIS - A' - -4 a . OPEN NIGIITS AND SELLING TIIEM RIGHT AT 123 NORTH MAIN In the medium line the price for boys start at z.00 and go up to $15.00; young men $15.00 to $100.00; for women $15.00 to $500.00 No bigger or finer Uneof Watches. to bi found at any, store in the Stato. w ,,.!,, r j'.i'-i '- ' Wo want you to know, , that this store carries a large and raried lino of jewelry and can serve the good people of Asheboro to the best advantage. FORRAlJ!--fTre -Bassenger ' Bukk mx'or wui trad for ront truck or. real estate. . LJCoffltt, Asheboro W. W " 4 I f 11 20 23. 'r FOR SALE-Two Wsck . and whJU pointers, srell j trained, ' good re-' ' IreaTtrs and a pair of black - and . ..whit puppiev Poster. Stamey's ;"Jc:oIryStoro.: TIIE GIFT SHOP SUPRESU5 ... . v: "' niGII POINT, N. C :,. 1 , i. it pd 1J-20 Mofitt, N. a y " U. .. . . - , -. " i- - , v '' v ' ' -

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