r st, x:;j mE'ASinxono couiues. asheboeo. n. c. THE, COURIER - PERSONAL: PARAGBAPEa .1 ) Mr. kit. C R. Cox ,w4 Mr. Siieeiy Bird, ef Rehjaoad, ni4 in Ahbre Saturday' and went to JUaapi K23 where they are TiarUng reiawrea. . n 1 Tnwy. . m , Mr. and Mre. D. S. Cohrane went 1 ""Mr. Wta C P11. .fate WTJ'iS ,! 10 family. 1 today to rUi kia parentt, Mr. v,tTwl .7 Jw IOUt w T w rjinJT i ftv bB t the various col- rlSToS. KAKLAe, i. the leUUV "Dt7- . w ' "TJ ,Ti i . - rsA Wnrj i. k JUt. tt. r . Fogleman baa ' been Sf SIHl Mr .Tent, in Guilford county Itow Rich Jurinf the Chrirtmae m toWB wunty u ftStfftfwS' ' M tolnel Tffi SaiSSSdK oTD.ve.poK 'J Collet Lenoir. jta Wgdtaf the hoh- Mraud Mra. Sam Spencer, of Jl,htrj.meinin Aahtboro Mra! C"" Term., are he gueta .itii rr aiater in Aaheboro, Mre. f MesdjkmM Fox ndBL l Carl Slack, of Hen-!- C.." ' hereon are riaiting the families of N. ,n Carthage before return- AY .Cox ahd Oaborne Slack during the, 8Mr Clark Allen, of Whittier, Cali ; Sioudaya. , fornia, after a week's trip across the Blsa Jiaoei vox, siuuem. i continent arrived in Asheboro j; CHRISTMAS I BITS I HAT batting on CbrUtmai day lnaurea freedom from fever and toothache during the coming year Is one of the old-tluie superstition which still exists In France. In Scandinavian countries It Is believed tnat the pow ers of evli are peculiarly active on Christmas Eve, but from Christmas day to January 12 are In active. Among the Tarlous Slav peoples Christmas and the beginning of the New Year are commonly nulled tha hibai juuh wt ....... .. v - cuuuiunL urnvmi in AKnnnm tyt . -. f !North Carolina College, Greensboro, day. Mr. Allen was only a lad when ' VuLas " $ i. Mn tX holidays with her k. ut A okK u. vjiristmas. V . I, m rr .... i ... . i v. v aoucuviv, wuv I ao Hi ail V . . . , -: rLfl Ji. .-J Mm i P fViv i ,i , Mistletoe Is a comnarat vp v rxvnt parvnea . . . picoui nieinunes oi ms cnuanooo in - , . - Mr. and Mrm. Garrett Allen and Asheboro. favorite for Christmas decoration. In littl dattgnter, Verna Gole, of Miami, i Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Byrd, of Rock ; tne E'gbteerith century rosemary, bay Texas, axe viaitlng Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, 8. C, have been guests of their i and hol,y were used. 3L Allen, of Aaneooro Koute 1. inis sister, Mrs. F. L. Brooks during the , In the Balkans it Is be'leved that is their OKI visit to nortn Carolina nolidays. They also spent some time , In two yeare and they will visit in the with home folks at Kemps Mill. county icr wccm itciuic icvuiii-; air. james uovington, oi Kociung- 1 1 inr to Texas. : ham, was a visitor at the home of Miss Kate Bulla is at home from Mrs. Mary Bums during the holidays. "N. C. College, Greensboro, for the 1 Mr. E. C. Watkins returned to his Chriatmaa holidays. ; home at Ramseur last week from a Misa Liine ram, a student at tne "'8 ueer nunt in texas wnere he Uational Cathedral school, Washing-.bagged three fine ones, ton, D. C, is the guest of her parents, Mr. Irvin Cox, of Central Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks during the was in the city Christmas eve. Mr. holidays. jCox and his father have retained an Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rich and sons, I interest in the Central Falls Mill Lester, D11 and Leo were the guests Company and will continue with the iof relatives In Troy this week. .business. Mr. Cox's many friends Miss Margarette Wood is ill at the will be glad to know he will not leave Uiome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .the county. Clyde Wood, on Cox Street. I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lowdermilk, of Messrs. Elmer Rich and Henry Rich Newton, are the guests of relatives -were business visitors in Charlotte and friends in Asheboro and at Erect, and Statesville last week. jMr. Lowdermilk has had the contract Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lloyd enter- for the Newton High School building tained the Junior Christain Endeavor ' which is considered one of the best in Society of the M. P. church at their in the state. home in bouth Asnenoro last Friday i Mr. Jesse Thrower, formerly of .evening. I The Courier, now with the Charlotte Little Reid Pool, son of Mr. and .Observer, was in Asheboro for the Mrs. J. H. Pool, is spending Xmas.week end. ! iolidays with his parents and will re-! M. 1 w w - r . i 1 .! vi a e t i I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Craven, and turn to school for deaf January 1. M , M. , r . , . n.i nfi nf nr. Mr- an1 Mrs- Je Forrester, and xij TmZZ V !sii . 'Miss Blanche Birkhead, of Greens- 7' J-.n SL nt "Sl'Lh S boro, spent Christmas at the-home of ..from an attack of pneumonia. , Mr 'an'd Mrs j w Birkhead-S. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burrow, of Troy, j Mr. Ed Hatch, of Hamlet, has been are spending the Christmas holidays t visiting relatives in the citv during with their daughter, Mrs. Talmage the holidays. 'Bonkemeyer and other relatives. j Mr. and Mrs. Bert Plummer, of Mrs. Sallie Rush is recovering t Little Rock, Arkansas, arrived in from a recent attack of pneumonia. Asheboro Monday for a visit to their Mrs. Mary Jane Lowe had a right .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plum lad accident last Friday night when - mer. Mr. Plummer is engaged in the .her foot slipped and she fell down j furniture business and has been suc the back steps at the home of her c?ssful in it. daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bunch. One Mrs. J. L. Bolton and little daughter, bone in Mrs. Lowe's shoulder was Annie, of Union, S. C, are guests of .broken. Her large circle of friends Mrs. J. N. Bennett at the Ashlyn will be glad to hear that she is doing Hotel. fTiicely. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Moser and son, Wallace Moore, the seventeer.-vear- Thad, returned yesterdav from old son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, I Smithf ield, where they spent Christ- j had the misfortune to accidentally mas with Rev. D. H. Tuttle's family. : shoot off one of the middle fingers Mr. 0. J. Coffin, editor of the -on his left hand while out hunting Raleigh Times arrivexl in Asheboro -one day last week. i yesterday for a few days visit to his ! The teachers of the City schools brother, Mr. W. A. Coffin. j -are at their homes for the Christmas holidays as follows: Miss Margaret NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Sparger, Mt. Airy; Miss Eva Bullock, Rowland; Miss Alma Lassiter. Me-: By virtue of the power and author-' chanic; Mrs. Daisy P. Mobley, Clover, ity contained in that certain mort South Carolina; Miss Dolly Worth- gape deed, dated November 2. 1922, ington, Winterville; Miss Callie Vun- executed hjr S. H. Murphy and wife cannon, Asheboro Route 2; Miss Daisy Murphy to S. C. Clark, and by Enolia Pressnell, Charlotte; Miss S. C. Clark assinjfed to C. G. Arm Dorothy Hiatt, High Point; Miss strong, and recorded in Hook 200, Elma Priest, Council Bluff: and Miss Page 342, in the Office of the Regis '.Margaret McNair, Winston-Salem. ter of Deeds of Randolph county. Miss Adna Lamb is visiting rela-' North Carolina, default having been 'tives in High Point. ; made in the payment of tlie indebted- Samuel J. Crotts. son of the late ness sec,ure1 thereby according to the "Thomas Croft nf Thrn. tnv.-n. , lerms ereot, the undersiene.l will ;tiin ont fn MUcUci; t-.ntv. , oner for sale at public auction for rt ..-w... ..A.ua.io.uui, two years ago, has returned to Ran- to die onChrtstmas day Is of 111 omen as regards one's place In the after death life. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Pursuant to an order of sal here tofore made by the Clerk of the Court of Randolphcounty, S'orth Carolina, in that special proceeding entitled W. J. Scott et al vs. J. M. Nrott et kl, the same being No. 424, or. the special proceeding docket of Jd court, the undersigned comnus- isKiner will on the 2Vth dav of De- j ctmber, 1923, at 12 o'clock, M., at the court house duor in Asheboro, North j Carolina, sell at public auction to : the highest bidder for cash, the fol- : lowing described real estate situate lying and being in Grant Township, Randolph County, North Carolina, ad- ' .joining the lands of W. J. Scott, G S. Scott and others and being mors fully described as follows, to-wit: Kirst Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and be ing in Grant township, Randolph County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. Whatley on the North, the lands of Frank Cole and Neal Cagle on the East and the lands of H. D. Smith, Ashley Smith, William Luck and Terrell Smith on the West and the lands of William King and Rufus King, Frank Cole and Neal Ca gle on the South, containing two hundred and thirty (230) acres more or less, less the the tract of land de scribed as second tract. Second Tract: Beginning at the Ash Corner, the Southeast corner running thence the old line, North ADMINlSTRATO NOTICE j Having qualified as administratrix on the estate of SalUe J. Hag-an, ae ccaied, before D. M Weather!), clerk of the Superior Court, Uu u to noti fy all person having claims against said estate to present to the unoer signed on or before 5th day of Dec ember. 1924 or this notice il: be pleaded in bar of tiieir recovery Ail persons indebted to said estate are expected to come forward ai.u cake immediate payment ELIZABETH STEED. Administratrix. Randleman. N. C. Route 1. Ot-ja-l 1 -2y i NOTICE At one time yonne men mJeht take as many kisses from a maid as there liBei across the big road to the spring were berries on the mistletoe bough. The French have a queer belief that bread baked on Christmas Eve will beep fresh for ten years. Only about a third of the world's population has ever heard of Christ mas, let alone celebrated U. (filfrtHttnao &ptrtt a Eralitij Bj THEX COOK ELIOT tra-51lStal!bWlltttKM13 (. 192J. Western Newspaper Union.) branch; thence up said branch to the corner of the fence in the branch; thence a West direction to the North East corner of the peach orchard; thence along said fence to the road; thence due West to the public road; thence down its various courses to the old corner; thence in an East di rection on the old line to the begin ning. This the 13th day ot December, 1923. I. C. MOSER, 2t 12-20-23 Commissioner. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Havir.g qualified as executor on the estate of Mrs. M. A Purvis, deceased, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 1st day of Dec 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement. This 22nd day of November, 1923. M. C. YOW, Executor, 6t 11-29-23. Bennett, N. C. NOTICE Having qualified as Executor on the estate of Thomas A. Slack, deceased, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of Superior Court of Randolph county, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri December, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said es'at1; "ill come forward and make immediate settlement. This 3rd day of December, 1923. C. C. SLACK, Executor, Thoma A. Slack, Greensboro, N. C EGGS EGG 8 EGGS 11 Eft taaleai t Never got su luuiy eggk, say Mr. Hon er 1 wseu two boxes of Bckucnamp Egg Producer and it iiM-rrjM Hi) rgg upp!)' from 6 a iz lo liy W. L. H. 15 tlfgt id 20 days I two tRixc;. of your egg pro Vjcer to m her.s and in just 20 iia - I got exactly 133 doten eggs. 1 r.e l.en:-. C. R B. I REE i PACKAGE Kor a laii.te-. t:i:.e I will end pre paiu 2 of rm large eiie $1 package.- for Jl 00 P. O money order, jr personal check accepted. Try Bea..tBamp Egg Producer on a separate pen of hens. Try it on your pulleU ar.d moultii.g hen. Try it on old hens that refuse to lay. You will be debghted with results Start every hen in your flock to laying. Remember you take no risk. If Beauchamp Egg Producer fails to accomplish what you think it should in 30 days, re turn box and unused contents and I will cheerfully refund money. W. M. BEAl'CHAMP, 2238 E Baltimore St. Baltimore, Md. JDK By virtue of the power contained in an order of the Superior Court in a special Proceedings entitled Victor .Parker et al vs. Gurney Henley e al commissioner will OU don't believe In Christ mas? The Christmas spirit Is dead In you? Tou hate the undersigned all this crowding to stores ori t!le 29th day of December 1923 at to buy presents for friends, - o'clock m., at the court house door in rt.sneuoro, i. oner lor sale lor 6t 12-6-23. R. F. D. No. 4, Box 155. "He joined the Co-ops" reports County Agent Kope Elias in telling about one Mecklenburg arnier who i found he would get over $400 more for his cotton by having it properly I graded by his own paid grader and I sold through the Association. relatives and acquaintances who will certainly be crowd ing to other stores, or even the same ones, to buy pres ents In exchange? The whole thing seems so commercial such nn affair of even exchange, and somehow obliga tion that irks you? That is the way you feel? But yon still have enough of the Christmas spirit left to wish you didn't feel that wuy?' Well, then, there'! hope for you. oralse ha I cash to the highest bidder the follow ing described lands in Cedar Grove township, Randolph county: Tract No. 1: Beginning at a Red oak and running south 42 chains and 85 links to a white oak; thence east 35 chains crossing the creek to a stake; thence North 31 chs and 13 Iks to a pine, Hammond's corner; thence North 21 chs and 75 Iks to a black jack; thence West crossing the creek to the beginning, containing 235 acres more or less. Tract No. 2: Beginning at one of One thing your state of mind tells the above named comers in Fugnoy's me, although you are almost a stran? line running thence South on his ger. Is thnt you have no children In line 24 chs to a black oak on the your house. Children are certainly North side of swamp; thence East 39 necessary If one Is to be spontaneous l2 chs t(?, a,stak0e tLhence N(!rth on about Christmas, year In and year out. "jlT t t0 3 Cr" A . , ,. in, ( nr f other tract; thence West on But lacking children, go to the toy de- gai(, ,jne 39 chg to the b inni partment of a store and spend an hour containing 100 acres more or less, a few days beforo Christmas. That Said re-sale is being made on ac- n-111 be a remedy for Chrlstroas-weari- count of an increase bid having been p we Avoid Sickness TAKE mmmm Esc 1752 PILLS O Q O Bed Tim will rlAanaA Th flvstpm nnrifV Ed the blocd and keep you well. For Constipation Indigestion, Biliousness, etc. Entirely Vegetable. AN INVESTMENT which assures an annual return of not less than 7 per cent and which pays an additional 2 per cent annually when net earnings on the total capital amount to 9 per cent in a corporation under the direct man- ;.';emi'nt of a group from amoung l he most successful executives in the Piedmont Section secured by one of the most modern and best equipped weaving mills in the South manufacturing a consist ently profitable line of goods IS WORTH LOOKING INTO. For full particulars write BOND DEPARTMENT AMERICAN TRUST CO. Charlotte, N. . FRANK B. GREEN, Manager. FLOWERS FLOWERS Ford the Florist High Point, N. C. Mrs. W. C. Hammer Representative for Randolph County Phones 11 and 144 ness al' In Itself. You will? Fine! Well, then, on the way home, fill your anus with Christmas wreaths and mistletoe, and when you hnve reached your hnme hang them yourself. No, don't hand them to a servant. Then, then well, you won't need any more remedies, except those your heart will dictate placed on said former bid. The bit ding will start at $2075.00. This 13th day of December C. N. Cox, Commi 2t 12-20-23. NOTICE! 1023. sinner. Having qualified as administrator For the Christmas spirit on the estate of Franklin G. Frazier, . ,, ., , , eceasec , Deiore u. in. weauieny, is the most easily Induced spirit ta il. g rjor Court of UaM. i K . iL. U- 1 i i.: 1 i i idMi, ii me niKficM iH'nier, at me -dolph and has purchased the Arthur counnous noor at Asnenoro. Aorui Wplhnm fo- i TV,oio Carolina. Tuesday. January 22. 1924, Shin, and will enirai-P in farming Mr at 10:30 o'clock. A. M., the following crotts married in Missippi and has seven children. world. That is because It Is so vltaL It's a reality, you see, not Just a state of mind, but a reality that exists and has only to be leaned towards a little to envelop "u. And It's certainly well worth that leaning. You know that, QWtftcUy weill Well, then, lean I described real estate: 'I A tract nr luirrol nf I'm. I in tltn IfnnnK- nf Ron,llr,Vi i.r.,1 d..lo f Mrs. W. A Gregory and little son. North Carolina, in Trinity township, W. A. Jr., left yesterday for a visit and bounded as follows: to relatives and friends at Roxb,., Beginning at a stake in the East Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis and fine of the Old High Point-Thomas-children, of Marion, were the guests vjie Roa, nt a ,K,jnt fppt South ?u lV B' Brook8R' family during nf the South line of the Old Trinity the holidays. They also went to Road; thence Eat alonf? the North nam' ::"e of lots 11 ami 2H, M7 1-2 Mr. Guy Fox has srld his garage in ;t to a stake in the Southwest cor "?StTT 40 Mr A' C- Moton- of lot No. 10; thence North along Mr. Fox will open a filling station at the west line of lots Nor. 10 and 3, Leaksville. ;?15 1-2 feet to a stake in the South Mr. Ed Hedrick killed a wild turkey line of the Old Trinity Road; thence -on J. A. Holder's farm near Glenola, west along said line 282 feet to a whilo hunting one day last week. 'stake; thence South along the East Mr. Simon Fox has returned to line of the Old High Point-Thomas-Detroit, Michigan, after spending the ville road, 91 feet to the beginning, Christmas holidays with his parents, containing 70,430 sq. ft., more or less. .Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Fox (The same being No. 1 and 2 as shown Mr. R. Pounds, of Cedar Falls was ,on a map of the new sub-division of visitor on our streets yesterday. ,tne Artisan Acres Ind, made by , Among the visitors in town Mon- June E. Johnson and recorded in the 'Jay were Mr. E. B. Johnson, and two Office of the Register of DeedH of 'daughters, Misses Jessie and Annie Randolph County, and Sate of North ' -r - Y ... . w , . " 1 - 1 ; T I .. Tl . .. I. V . T onnaon ana Mr. Hooson jonngon, oi i"'"'"1; V"1 ""u 1 inn uecemDer in, lyz.j. S. C. CLARK, Mortgagee. . C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee. 4t 12-27-23. CHRISTMAS CONTEST Have n larKc hunch of mistletoe Ming In the archway. Hnve the chl1 dren guess the number of berries on It, awarding a prize to the oue guessln nenret. Sure, Santa IDas Here The Southern Planter SEMI-MONTHLY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America 50 Cents for One Year $1.00 For Three Years $l.r0 For Five Years TWICE A MONTH TWICE A MONTH 1 35,000 Th'TJmbajr. ?;Kr. G. H. Bean, of Aaheboro Star V jKouW, while In town Monday gave I Courier a pleasant tall and W i im, m vi. , I A. I Mra. W. H. Berrr has made some ; tttractire cemetery designs out of I ;i Mr. k NOTICE The annual meeting of the Farm- papera flower., aid a number M"tna Fire Insurance Assoc..- w ... t(AH nf 1 B mini nh minlv Ml PHlmt 1 1 wreathes were seen In the " 7" v','," . m.i-. i meet January ine mi, ni vnnnunn morning. r a i. t. .it M. Otwell found a Ford urt house in Asheboro at 1 o clock Wdster on the Asheboro and A. M a fun atten.iance oi me pou-, . tireensboro road near the GuilfoH ,cy nomer, ""'- nd Randolph county line Monday : momnif. . Th xar had ffinttika a I V, """"l VII IV no license S. L- COX, President. C. E. ALLEN, Secretary. I St 12-27-23. -a,.. tytKHJSZJZzz-w miir lUefcia tLj , X lolph countv, all persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to present them to the under signed, duly verified. m or before the 22nd day of December. 1 1 24, m- is; notice will be pleaded in h:r ' recovery; and all prr 1 ;aid estate will come fo'-.e :.! nake immediate settlement, i This 18th dav of I cei; V r, :: 23. J. A. COLTRANE. Ailmr. fit ml 12-20-24 Guilford Cidleire, N. C NEW SERIES Building & Loan Virtrt Marfti Fnlm Marri'L if theway Lodle Morris, of Thoma n ille, and Qarabal, Morris, of Mergan ton. are trpertdtna the Xmas holidays rith their parent, Mr. and Mr. E. H. Morrla. . Wis Louella Lowe, of Philadelphia, OUR CHRISTMAS CAROLS In pagan uay dauclng was usually MANY HAVE APPENDICITIS ccompaDle'l by atnglng, ud later DONT KNOW IT dsndng and singing contlnwd to go I to ether, even In Christian churcbea. Around the year 1200, howeyer. dsDO lug was glren op, but the singing per BUted. During the rlftnth century ry nd wat waa una Much so-called stomach trouble is maUv chronic apnendicltU. This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, I I ii in rnait f i.wi VnnKan Mn. woww" in iinrini oi carwii .,: f ' r ' r .7' t.v. Uut mut chM act on V on i - . . tt . oui iew rot- the Christmas noil- - v t. oocuiar. ponicmsny m r-u.-vi . "V?-,, ... IL0W!r. .L? ."i 1 ' rrmar. Tb. first crol printed ; ' Mf.-and Mra.' lowtll t Ba-. after "'l b" Roar's He.4 c.reO, which TOKi n Chriatmaa day with Mr. and """ "' "l. ;r:L. 7: Uhi In 1021. and la atlll The 11th Series of the Randolph County Building and Iioan Association will he open January 1st. Ine Association has been a -rent blessinff to its stockholders and has helped more than 100 people to secure homes. There are today more than 2300 shares of stock, and loan approximate $100,000.00. The 11th series should be the largest of any pre vious series. Subscriptions to this series should be filed on or be fore January 1st Come in and join us and let us help yoii to own a home. RANDOLPH COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION U F. ROSS, President. T. F. BULLA, Sec x X X England. t .aaamamWrnm VfX BUnd. Drug Con, TU iW w t Vinton-Salem.