i'Ali.. 1 a if t s ', 1, 1 Cvl -ir .1 lA .t ft? nurt- - "a r '.-.:? 'r!vf fcs.a; :t. u 9 ij'rnur court ft-: -a t!t--j x'jcM r. v. Amn i 5 c ,t t.-,- NurU CeoliM,- -in4!.d w.!e J'.aiie - Aihhwi w fi. C t tr.-u-ft tx? al prerlmf . an- CU-k;,and by S- C Clark 'aa2gTed to t ..c J, 1 re: Plo&sfc MtNaul and c. O, Arminrongi ata Nowaiber 8. i eun JucN'ejU by " their next friend.; 1932, and recardtxi in Book 230, fur V. E. tMoser: snA-itiOrteUa M01SST, an the Offioaof h Register of I :i. Ex Part,- the same being No. Deeds'of '-Undelpn i-eeentyj NarU i i on tha xrXK-ial nraceedia iockt ' r.i-rJina riafaatt hvtnr bean aadein tf said ceart, the undersign i luiwonn will pb Saturday tee 12th ay.f Jana&ry, 1924, at IX o'clock M., at the cottK nous door in Ashe lore. North, Carolina; sell 'at public auction' for cash to the highest bid- del- -the 'following1, tract or pared ef rand, situate, lying end being "in ftfchland- township, Randolph county, North Xfcrolinav adjoining the5 lands if JohmW. Lawrence, William- Mc Neill and others and beta not folly described' by roetea and bounds t a follows,1 to-witf1 ' 'Vni t tTract;gintt&i aa'post alcruhning thanoa West, 25 chains ta a red oaki thence South' 84 chains ta a niin,'the : eoimtyjlii; i thence East on aid Hper 58 chains ami SO Jink to a' stone;; thence North 31 tchains to post oat in Hancock linei fcontaininy on! ;Iuttde4, and I eight 4180) acres jnor btJea. r . J -Siwh6ytrtwt: Beginning at a ataka ta George MeNailla. iina-toe East aide-el1- the - factory -road - and runninr Sevth. il -rods- to a ; stake in Kennedy V line- arid-thence TOast- 20 fyda o,a stoke, in JSeorge McNeil's Uiw'imderwewithMcNeiJl'S line to the beginning; "cdntaihfiig ' five arid one-fourth (5 1-4 acres more or less. ThntfJtael;th'day f December, iMS.a a-j(rityj- WW h. ? v ?a C!MOSER, 4t 12-20-23. ..,. Commissioner. wftcS OE MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power and au (thdrity : contained in that certain (mortgage, deed, dated November .2, -1922y executed by ,W. L; . Andrews and wife Criigie Andrews Jto S. C Clark, and by Sj'a.'Clsrk assigned to C. G. Armstrong, and recorded ., in Book 2XV Page 348 in the Office of the RegfsterM Deeds 6f Randolph coun- ty, ,Nort! .Carolina,5 default having been made in .the naymenMf the in debtednea secured Aereby according to the.teima thereof, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction foreashrto the highest bidder, at the court house door - at Asheboro, North Carolina, Tuesday; January 22, 1924, at 10-30 o'clock A. H the fol lowing (described real estate: A tract of parcel of land, in Ran dolph bounty, 3 North iiQajroBna, in Trinity township, .and, bounded as foC- Beginnings at a stake in.' the East line of Prospect avenue at a point 1103 eet South of the South line of the ,010 Trinity Road; j thence- along the East Jine of Jospect avenue 200 feet to atakt thence In an Easterly th payment of the indeatadneaa cured thereby aacordka' ta the nerma thereof, the aaderagned wui oner ior ul at BubLifl anctkn fox aash. to the highest bidder, at the coorthouee door at Aanceofa, p. arm retina, day, January X2.at X0:Sd a'dock, A, 1L, tae louowineacnoea iw .w )A.tiat Or-Barcal Jo laad.'in.. tha CoantyMBtTtaadolpht. muX. State -of Nrth Caaplina Jn Trinitr Township, and baundad as faUowa, visf egur aingat a stake in tha.Eaat. hnah of PreTeetJLvan'at Kiat 800, feet atmthf the Oid Trinity road;,4hnc along the. East 1 ana of , jProspoct , w aoa, 100 ifaea- to atakfrh thence in an Eaaterhr ii recti oivaloajo the Kfrth tine of lot N 60,878 aai '78-100 feat tor, staka-tnr 'Mendenbairsline; thencaj NoSth with . VeKdenhall's Una, loa.feet aoai atake; ,thencD tn a Westerly aireetioa -along the South line of lot 58,9q 44 88-100 feet to the beginning.' Containing 34,932 (j: ft maiwaor'teasi LThtfaama, being tot No aa ahown-o amap 01 tne newsttbdiykm i f . the. c Artisan Acres iLand,! mace iby'Jurte E. John son, and weorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph ce-un-ty, North Carolina, in- Book page. Tm vecamber 18 lsmst. -j S.'C.CLABl, Mortgagee; C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee, 4t 12-27-23t f.-v. . v..',v; I f . - - ' I a 1 1 , c - v : I a il rn .... aeWl c.rl ; aa wi.4it:.l vb f iir a ty t - tit lui .. 'unty, .0!.j. - . . lf- Una, In t: . at-t a paeJ V- i '".'., if, d R. E. klaaoa a. " t : .? ;t.. ; . i C A. ' -, ' ..' ' (-.' :at al, t' e aa- e l.r.g Nok t " -- 1- . .. ,! w. - docket- of W J 1 irW.a' tw" , eoaae fla ta Seal court, ti e t-nflergneti eoiami .htr. o K'atuM ufnoa a. , . . ws;i en the l.naday ' of J -&r , I Hn la taousbt ta met la aU i, 14. at 12 o clock. Hi afth Muiti oe twiiuata n-irt i -4 i--hou&a door in Ashtboro, North C-ro- a iua is. .""i:B. 11 at tmb'i aucUon. to tie IVal 1 ' . ... t. N. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By Virtue of he power and author ity contained In that certain mort gage deed executed by G. W. Spooh and wife Annis Spoon to S. C. Clark, and by S. C. Clark assigned to C. G. Armstrong, dated November 3, 1922, and recorded in Book 200, Fagessi, in the Office of the Register Of Deeda of Randolph County, North Carolina, default having been made in' the .pay ment or tne moeoteanees secured threby according to the terms there of, the. undersigned will offer "for sale at public auction; for cash, to the highestTbidder; at 'the court house door at Asheboro, ' North Carolina, Tuesd;y, January 22, 1924, at 10-30 o'clockvAtyL the following described real 'tatr frpivK 'K Li " County; 'Of, KaiuiolBh and ,Statei ..of North1 lmaii TO-.Trimty township, and bounded as follows, viaBegin- Jiing at a stake in the East line of Prospeet Avenue-at5 point TOO feet Seuth ofjtha.S. line of .Old. Trinity road; thence in a Southerly direction along ihe;juy) 3c6speiatiayenue, dirjsctiojj along the North line of lot 103 few-td' atakf thence in a tMlWk''itkieTM::X Souliierlv'Jirection along the North Esteke WH Kdrth line'of Xot Nor8lf 'liiwrof lotN. 6535 -feet ZtS' jta thence East alonar the North line of iron stake in Mendenhall's line: ' lot No. 84, 302 feet to a stake in said t line; thence North along he South, pine of Lot No. 6?, 652 and 5S-100 wfeet to the beginning. Containing 2 t and 65-100 acres of land, mere or less. The same being lots Nos. 68 and 69 as r shown on a map of the new sub-di-f vision of the Artisian ' Acrtf Lanrf, ffmade by June B. Johnson and record yd in the Office of the Register of , Deeds of Randolph county, North j? Carolina, ia Plat Book Page - S This December 18, 1923.' .. ' v; i S. C. CLARK, Mortgagee, f C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee, 4t 12-27-23. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. thence North Wong said line 150 fet ta andiron stake; thence in a Wester- niiig. The- same being .lot No." J54 as ahown on a map of the new", sub- made by June E. Johnson and record- TLV.S f lgct a. aiakvri yvt- vuy. a toanuaa fame as a singer: W ajso won 'nbtlca !; Rv virtue of the nower and author- yity contained in that certain mort , gage deed, dated November, 2, 1922 executed by Archie Cameron arid I.- irtfcoi rnnwmn to S. C. Clark S and by C Clark1 assigned to Cj.G. V. Armntnmgr. and recorded ? 200; Page 340, in the Office of the r-SMrfater. of Deeds of Randolph unt North Carolfea.- default hai jba been made in the payment of the r Indebtednaaa secured Xharebr accord 1 Lng to the terms thereof, the under- aignea wm oner ior saia. at puuuc miu&iim fa caan. to tne niffaesT oia- der, at the court house door at Ashef Wo. North Carolina, TueadajvJn.; ' nary 22, 1924, at 10:80 o'clock, A. M, ... . . t 1 f 1 I 1 L - A - . a 'ina zouowmr ocsctunxi rrai cmai. , v A tract or parcel or land, ' in ,uie County Randolph aad. SUte of f "North Carolina ia Trinitv Towttflhip, "Vand bounded as followsj j Beginning at a stoke fat the East linef Proa- ' nect Avenue at a point 100"r feet i South of the South line of the Old 'Trinity Road; thence along the East ""line of Prosnect -Avenue.: 100 feet, to 'a stake; thence fn-an- Eastarlv '' diU Erection alongr the North fUn f-tlM " " take in Men deni all s Iijior 'thehca North alon Mendenhall . line' 108 ' 1-2 feet to a tui - ini aaU .."Cut thence in a Weaterly direction along the South line of Iowlla A, Knight 278 fc?t to the bcp.iiUiig, contau'ing 30,044 so. feet more or leis. Ihe name being lot No. 68 as shown on map of the new nub-divlsion of the Artisan Acr" Inml, mnr,by Jnn Johnson .. ! c i in, the Ci ! -e of the r of I)eels of Ran t ': h County, ir I'lat Uook if - r. r bU aubtl oog ot oijht-tlmo With iiHt tranquUlltT ' . -.'Waea twtttabt aoaaaa,''1 "A-rj! Wfcaa tvDlh ahapaa'tka Ta -Of ltfv( iWi. Ot Mkt .t-, v -X, I aaait aoatatlr ,V 4 if, Th paaoaful sccsra ana brtfbfc A4 Uataa to tia .aepbyn p'lar ; ' ' Tha lody ot parti a tfay '. fjpoa tha atrtaga f alaht ..'"?.;?.'' Kwhaa twmht atnaa.wi : SJ U KRabart Wortklaatoa Oatta, ta Omaha t Baa.,,4 ;,-;). i,r B t x-j r.f iwj) aioeHwfBe? iKcMavia'ln V runtarfalMhlf 'All tiut "'V "i 1 Jewelers have always to be on fhew gnard, wat.l'jsiylaf.iUIi tlons made frpn) glasa jay'be fenart teavetjia ercproncU'oniyould, aaa.Ttha; aioe lejepien4ary. Ietj thatof the'iUai-for,Brdnsa nt- fi .i- Perhaps -the cleverest 9 eouBterWts ef gems have been constructed In lab Oraforlea where ? the -exact 'chwnleal constituent of the j real satoncirt taketf m4 tusett heat, rJ? " the London1 .'TJt-Bita,1 . The arflcle ' produced; when9 cut'" poltshed and set, possessea In an extraordinary degree the hardness, durability r ial luster ol patnrea own stones V . . The" sapphire "and the rruby - have been very successfully . counterfeltel but the drawback, to thla method of reproductl4n ' Is' ltg expense" and-'tt , long process, involved ; ,Tha ;. stones produced Inothli .way rre, lnvartably old as "synthetle . wry fori-; Another jnetnodV and- ie to. ;vhlc)l the term taking44 ) might be' applied, has: been used to "'obtain the emerala and the aquamarine. Pdr'fthttvpuK nose ordinary rock crystal H Used.! . This stone la cut In the same man ner as an emerald , or an'aquamartna would be. cuL.. It te then epHjt,, color ing mattera .tnrt'ed, nnd, tiie'jSjoiin Is .then carefully rejoined, ,wUh, In vlt- Ible cement with the mult that the once-transparent 'crystal: necome 1 riicolond tern" taC enhanced Value i ""rn dealiarwlth" diamond 'the cotoa- terfelter Is w afcalnst' the most wom ! derful of nature's- tema, J Thei various l efforts of scientists have met with ab- l Aorata faHiirii of, aoccesa a auca an 1 - 1 . . btflnltesimal degree' a "tO.maka nna producuon ludlcrona ' ' ? ' When buss and worms' are nlen'ti T'cf y heaviest. Mn .links' td1 a ickory in.EveUne aer- yrelTa linef thence South 8aegf5 West 15 elwina ana m unra p beginning, containing sixty -aat J66) acres more prleas exceptmg -ona acre heretofore 'eotvfeyed, T, of tMaTAfa This the lOtfi' day ' , " 1 v t. C. mOSER, it li-20-23.' t V Commiarioneri ' , Woneifjnojabra'ach!eveinwrt wnosa centenanea . wiu d ceieonuou in 192 -Include dCharlotta'.MiTtmge, one of thenxart peollflcf.-arUers.ot the yjctortaei?'AacTnettoia ed 4nsthd Qftjce of the Register , bf Deeds of Randolph County, North Viarouna, 10 wt oo 1 uv. Containing 1 66-100 acres of land more or lesa,-. 'r - S. C. CLARKy Mortgagee. " , C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee. 4t 12-27-23. .i.i..la- S 'OVK CHRISTMAS TREES j -r Ancient sun worshipers used v to decorate trees, because they thought a spreading tree was like the sun Ris ing higher and higher in the neavens. .They used lights to signify the light- ning; apples, nuts anooaua 10 ivvu the ran, moon and stars, and figures of animals to denote the animal sacri fices hlciwer.jnade, to, .their .god. The angelsV cross,, etc'jwhlch we add war trot la by Christians to conimenv orate Christ The star at the toy Is a symboL.of .the star which led thai in the field of literature; Sara Lin-fl plncott, American wrjtorfiOJhiurnal' 1st, who became wll known under the pen name of ''Grace Greenwood," -and Marietta Albonl a famous representa tive of the eld. Italian echoU of sing ing. Boeton traaler.';)4 rjm m i iiinariiini i i ij. ;v.- H i parti' hiehest bidder, the fuliowuig d. cr b- e4, real estate, skuata, l-ing and be ing in Randolph county. North Caro Una" and 1eing mora fully' described by.metosVand bounds, as follows, to- ' - y' v-"1 -.. Adjoining the lands of 8. Kllui sen,'Amose Clodf alter beirs end oth ers and bounded as. follows: Begin ning on a atake on the Brewer Spring branch -where to old'Revf vlin crossei said brandv pine, ;4ogwood; S. O. and ash pointer and tans Morth 9t Wt 101 pole' to Jtorves .comer pine,tB.tOw and sourwood pomtorai theace, Norths 40 poles to-C. E-Ma' nil's AlTitr thence North 83 rEast 120 poles to a white oak; thence with said Kne" 3 tr South "" 9 1 West iUto the branch Bown' th ; varfou1 coarse of 'the branch to' theold 'Reeves line; thence East 8 poles to a stake) thence Sflfuth 20 West 4 poke to .a. stake in , Clodf eU?, liner thence,,.Westvto the bsrinning 8 .poles ,conUiningi ptty- 501 .acres mora or jess. ;.;. r alnlixtn tha lands of O. C. Brew- Rranaon Morris and others and de scribed aa follows; Beginning at, a storie-Jn'pw of Spanish oaVAred oak "and dogwood ptrfnters, Eveline Jerrell's corner ' to' Brewers .one, thence North.. 88 .. degrees west 7 bW j a wlilto .oak. thfiKusseU Mine earner; Thence South 89 id-. greea-Wetf -vmam w " vi.v.n, nT W Rnssell's line, two hickory pointers; tbWf North i 12 chains-and -iftylinks to a dogwood, 1 W.HuBsell's corner in B. A Brewj er' HneriJwnee East llchains And l '- v 1 le 1 ia t r 1 r . . . c ry. " ' , A!l persons andaJ o".er inc.jted-1 said estate, wul mi1,. j,nn-Al;atA navTnent. vlnis toe lthviday; pf DeoemUr, 1923. , v - - - c:t- a - David, c wirrrE, jil; : MAdminiBtrata of -the Estate ef Da vid C M'hite, Sr4deesaaetU. i i ' 6tpd UV2023.::i.v- m'l. ,'-V MORTGAGE SALU NQTICE 7 Xrtder:'asd,by" vfttueor the f ower of Sale-eon tain ed m certain mortg g xlee executed and delivered by Allen Green and wife to Dr. J.' W. Peacock and by hta assigned to T," J. Finch, said mortgage deed" bearing date of,Mavi'lstl'1915.''which arrears n 'record 'ill the 'offiee of 4he Eegis- torr of 'Deeds!foF.Kanoipn vounty in book f deeds No. 151 at page. 498, default having been made -in the py ment'Of- lhefi indebtedness'- secured therebvi ' the Hiidersiened anil vell said lands to'thehigheart bidder -.'for aattatPtMhbt'hottBede4r in ABhe- boroif N, C-ien- Friday, the 4th day si January, "1924C at 12'dock II, the following described land, -situate Jrf.lTinitw'town&kip and bounded ' as MJJOWSJ i UfLi.fis,j-.'Xi.a B cu: l-iA-ar-i . a,. . l.t;a ' se'-Uement. T'.a t: 4 i:.Vt 1923. e. r. txecttor, J. P. Ci.. amri, N. C ; n i. thonv Welborn in Randolnh..Countv. N.' C. and to include and cover jhar, Cortina Greenes part ror-inteit, r, as daughter of 'Anthony".' Welboin tfcis undivided .estate ,n ..ti 1 -' This tha 3 4th, ; .Jay 1 d pecemjber. j.' rinenv. Aasigne ii3-wr: X V 1 i .L n i' December! ii-t" 3 NOTICE1 ,t CTavin Qualified admjnlfltyaM? on the eitateof f MawE- Pound AMiaatvt. ; before u m. Clerk tf the Buperior-Courb of ..Ran dolph -tountyf' r i'i.Mf;i rw.tci tlfs( all persons, havin -juuaaitns nld estate tor presen lL nTxtaralomad.. duly Veril Mfnm tne . ma May December ,1924, "is,noticeJ1i 2 .iJLt.t J W of theiJ1 recovewt all a -tt wlll -come forward '.and, make tamsdkteJfcttleM Thi 12th day ueeemDer, ihj, ' . w r. HAMMOND. Admr, J. ' Asheboro. ' N. d. available' It aheuld be sutTDlied hv n. ing such substitutes as meftf? scran fish ,meal, tnilk or kigh grade' tankage, recommenas A. u. imwpdottry ex ') " j m- J. jn 1 tii 9.' V-."- ' '-!?l!'. 14 : ii IF A , i i lit ai iJ':.U'4-ofil .j :vbut- fdU1a quicklv ,-.chr . h-1 them oy talcing ut. oeus t u.tv TarHoef in time. It brins s t 1 inflamed .tissues, in the thro; -and chest,jvt the aid thi rr L ij -Dn Bell'atofW the couK w, . ,nfr the same medicines thatyour doc tot . would .prcscr jbe-'-comb ine J .. '1 with the welUtied old remedy t pina-tarljoney.j hi tare is pleas V ant, too.. Keep Dr. Bell's on hand ' h,)fy u ftWijrff "'."'' : n.i if'M "i ')'! t." r f. r '1 666"quitklf;relievw' Coll?, fn iOusbe-ss and IleaJchcs.' 1. . f y. - fTW' f'' V, ' , JI J"'"'"' - at 1 f td Ik-la tttr'iiisal f-fp' J r ; 1 ' J" 7 0? fv . TV.-T "7,, TV .U3L Wise Mv BetUenemlt "f ' f 'rf tr Mr. Mrs. Scrap aj a &r v. I v ' v 1: ' got mn aaauwiui aari . .'' rwUNeea-AlfecteiTrlffiilnfl. A peattle jWash.l deat man' bad s remaraapie ,TCfienqe a wireieaa Ilstenlngui station," Aher adjusUng the head "phone b could sot cbtln- gulsk any sound, hut 'when he 'mad some remark to that effect to those with him he was able to hear th broadcast concert quite distinctly.; Im mediately be rStopped talking, - all r sound of wlrelas- ceased. It la 'ta Sumed thnt the vmratlon of hl own 'voice bad(Sopie effect, oa his heating to. nnrrpTTO7 THOMAS .4):i,'nl' I tnW-nK 'iff stomach trouble proved worthless." in mf case.' Everybody1 receommended something eise ana nouung noia, I became a doubting Thomas as, to n cnrw.1- While ia St: Louis a party praised Mayra Wonderful Remedy, so highly that I bought a. , bottle , and 3 Iaiimv . . if (a a tnmnle. harmless nrft-" paratio'ii 'that 'removes the catarrhal' mucus rrotrr tne-mtesanaj tract arui llavii Tii" ltiflnTmtnn "which eausds practically all :stomach,: liver -and b teatinu , ailments,, ine'vuing appenaj' riHB.o. fBados will -convince- Or money refunded. .For sal by Stand ard Drug - vmpany , ana . druggist WHAT ir IT IS t lOstleto nay be parasitic as the botanists Ada, but properly festooaed npcv the. cbandeBetwttlirtM eon Ughtf gloislng through, ita Ieatea,"at Christmas time, and- the ghi there nn! decneatkett, ia view of th tradition, sreU guppoae It ta jatasUkf . ' ; I '.'riAA aarfaBa! r,.V:';V',f' ftrirbirlt.'r-liSoi re? yrere pirerAHnlri for our semiannual examinations, in night' before the exdtlnt event'' took tpiac I bad to gd away and had not atodied my French at an.' That nlglit I areamad wa, warm haTlngux.fSsnj- lnatlon In French. Ton can Imagine .Tnyf.astrtnliihroen when the tcacherj 'wrote the ivt aaAa qiUt'tai dreamed f on' fla tMri 't , . ... G, AK:cnce. 01IE people are greedy for rralo. Hipj are sot the v. bo ph- t -.ort If., . J a.. l i. ' n-1 It ;-!'..i:,g v.'"n'lTf;:l' t; ry f v", aii'l j ' n, and f 1 .. - 1 f r ( ' ' ''" Som'6 investor thinly bf th aljoye plan" as 1 u tftiy pH.'parT6i thejriurids into other h; ' .If yoi want diyersif ication'ypu can get it W m - V Witbouf go outside the field H -C'iaf n VArr11 invrf rvi Xa '- witftevery . rA' i.1. 'iisrainst loss ? v ' " . 'Nwia good interest yield: . - - fe?vGe.TGold 3onds yoti get.an iriyest-;ri il .L.I lrr live ." V cf :2 ?5Cment,upstuiassea'Xor safety of - princi Fully secured by - mortgages5 drf-incbmo :irbdUcin'. pc cent eresfc andJissued in'varioUs denomir. h jtiQn there" is ' tiq better Way 'for ' .th c c Hi ..ill ? ..as, weff as the large i'lhyestor to' ' put , hiz i ,(1v surplus-to iwork.! ry .write a-r,r:r-. ,r. -xvt.v; ..t . Uf- i ,:' '.! t- I T ! -!' 5f-:-,''''li ' viV.O. (i v' el ft r ' . Want Proof of Boblna 2 ,To sttla a controversy as to ' 'O er robins winter In Port artlnr t gordenar f t XDialcn. about plac a Lalf diuL-a bf the i',- '1 been makfnif their 1 -a. " t f -n? "' 1 , to pror- .) c 1 1 i "nl .-1 It to tv' "" .: ef 1 ini 4 .1 ' '"',.!. v.'' , . i '- V't a 1 W i 1 r I ) If v' pixij !e In c'-" f "t ' t a V - " - '-t A ! 1 I

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