I - - ' ' . ' ' - ' 1 I . V ' 4 i t I t - mm 17? D:: 1 it ISSUED WEEKLY -tOLUME XUX TRAGIC DEATH OF :J HARVEY YOW Automobile Wreck Caused The Death of Yow Robert Bunch Seriously Injured.- TWtown of Asheboro was inex- 4SuVhocted last Saturday SSrSt when the new. cam. that lBaxve? T YowThad been instantly UUedta m automobile accident two thr mfles this side of Carthage. or.W ".-j m!U Robert Bunch .j Tn Miller all three prominent ; tLrfWSoS wenPt to Car- J young - yoW tnage on the went to seea youug other two attenaea a , .I t. fiyr after midnight, lor huiub Dviu i tte young men. with Mr Yow dnv hat. had come two or three miles, when to rounding a curve the car in lome way turned over, killing Mr. Yow inetantly and seriously injuring Mr Bmich? Mr. Miller suffered some ffinffftatfaea. but was able to come Kheboro in the early morning and tell the sad news. he body of Mr. Yow was brought to Asheboro Saturday afternoon and the .funeral conducted from the resi dence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Yow, on Sunday afternoon at l.6, burial following in the local cemetery. The service was conducted by Kev w H. Willis, of the M. E. church, and rinrfne was under the direction of H???, Morinc. The hymns jura. . ivAr sung" were as iouows: -' T'" of . My Soul", "Nearer My God to -"V j ti, f Ad-ps". One of tuTiaWest crowds seen at a funeral ; . . , "f innir time was DreS- , in Asneooru iu. -- r" -t , ent to pay the iasi mouw v. r to one of the town's most popular. ThffS tributes were profuse and beautiful. One design especially noteworthy was the one twentyix young men of the town, fecial friends of the dead boy. Kit pall bearers were Messrs. Bntt Amfteld, CUfford Morris. Curry Lof toShafter Ferree, Frank Foster and Eldon Garner. . , The flower girls were Misses Golda Hayworth, Ethel Johnson, Vman cSrdV'Maie Presnell, Mary Lof UnTElizabeth Skeen Ruth Hadley, and Marguerite York. The design gen by the boy friends of the young man was borne by Messrs. Harold and Hardy Moore. fflafcvey Roscoe Yow, the youngest sonM Mr, and Mr8.,E, R- Yow was almoat 22 years of age. He was a member. of the Christian denomimv ?tioot hftvlni prof eased faKh -vnnw lived inlA8heboro since 1916, having moved here from Seagrove with his parents that year. He was a stu dent in the Asheboro High School and later took a business course at Oak Ridge Institute. For the past five years, he has held a position with the Asheboro Drug company, where by courtesy to customers and diligent attention to business he became pop ular with the public and highly val ued by his employer. The deceased is survived by his father, mother, and two brothers, Messrs. U. timer trimmpd in fur with rnrsnirp ville; and Mr. Walter Yow, "KHJK makes his home with his parents. . sH,nsl a 8wt Peas- M.rs- for the grief stricken family. Among the out-of-town visitors at- tending the funeral were tne iouow ing: : Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Huffine, Elon College; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Iindsey, Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Men, and Mr. L. W. Black, High Point; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Covington, Ramseur: Mr. Carl Cox, Rockingham; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Auman, Seagrove; MC and Mrs. E. R. Brown, Hemp; Messrs. C. H. Ireland, R. H. Brooks, W. & Piffee, Carl Ridge, and J. Norman Coble, Greensboro. ! MS. PRESS SPOON DEAD Mr Press Spoon, of Ajtheboro ' ' Bout 1. died in Greensboro sani- .' . torium last Monday, following a "r stroke of paralysis last week. The (A jd I body was brought homo and the fun i 'ral eonductodty Rev. V. M. Stanley, at Mt Tabor yesterday afternoon, si 1 ) tor which burial followed In the etmo , tery si that place. :. Burvivinf'aro tho widow, who wis , Mls Mcpherson, sad the following children: Joe, Hobert, Bhlrtey. ' Coy, . " and Fmest Spoon; Mosdamea Ger trude VMtal and Pearl Hudson,' and 1 ', MIki Lillian 8poon. Ho was. the lat surrlvint mornber of tho family . of the Uto Joe and Bailie 8poen. ra hmthars and slsttrs of the ( ii-Mwi wero as follows , K. C. ! fpoon, Fnmneurt W. D. Spoon, Ashe boro; Willism Spoon,. Grant jtown nhip; and Mesdames G. G. Hen Grnsboroj , Job ' Henley, ,ro Fr Route; and Mrs. Ku i:an - r. The last named has been !") moro than thirty years. , I'r. Fdoo w a btff-bearted. ren t- i, hnrd-wrrklnr ciUsen. A large r r nf friends Joins in sympathy to 2 rr ::UL ASSOCIATION'.'! Arhr'.oro ItlnUtorlal assoda 1 fcn!.l lu rKulr monthly ,w. Juntjury 7, 1924, . n , in the flirctors room . irt ;.uopi r.nnk. At y. K-fr will be lHd i r ' y"r. A fuil sttndnre ii l throughout t' mr.ilaHjr InvitoJ to sttrri'l o r.c:i.hrs. COMMISSIONER WEAVMRESIGNS Gives as Reason of Resignation His Business Located In Guilford County. Mr. J. T. weaver wno ra x chairman of the board of comnussion- ers of Randolph eounty has tendered his resignation on account of tU bus- mes, in Guilford county. Mr, Weav- er has been an excellent commissioner and not only the body of men with whom he has been associated, but also many of th Meadmg too co -ty Wrret his th Position. Mr. Weaver has " - .fi ti fllowinir reaiirnation " Randolph County, UVUl V WU4V w , Asheboro, JN. C Gentlemen: My business being located in Guil ford County and said business requir ing all my time outside of Randolph County, it appears to me inconsistent that I should remain Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and I respectfully tender herewith, my resignation as a member of the Board. The same to become effective Monday, December 31st, 1923, on the regular meeting day of said Board. Copies are this day forwarded to the following: C. C. Cranford, Chair man Democratic Executive Commit tee; D. M. Weatherly, Clerk Superior Court, Randolph Uounty. Yours very truly, J. T. Weaver. MIgs L0UISE STEED BRIDE OF I MR. E. P. BAZEMORE Mt. Gilead. On Saturday, Decem ber 22, at 10 a. m., a wedding charac tered by elegant simplicity and sol emnity occured at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Steed, of Mt. Gilead, when their daughter, Louise DeBerry became the bridge of Mr. Edgar Perry Bazemore, of Lewiston, N. C. In a setting of ferns, running cedar, galax, and cathedral tapers which banked the improvised altar, the home with its distinctive charm, was never more lovely. As the hour approached, Miss Bet ty Page Steed, sister of the bride, presiding at the piano, accompanied by Mrs. W. Fv Ingram with the violin, bautiftiUf;renaored "0 Promise Me", after which to the strains of the wed ding march from Lohengin the bride and groom entered, preceded by little Miss Martha Baldwin, cousin oi tne bride, daintily dressed in -white vlaco Hd tollavvbe arinr.thoirln4?rth neart 'OfHBi lovely white toso. - They were met at the altar by Rev. J. A. Lee, former pastor of the bride, who m his usual impressive manner, as sisted by Rev. J. H. Bunn, united them in marriage, using the beauti ful ring ceremony. "Sweetest Story Ever Told" was played softly while the vows were being taken. The bride was becomingly attired in a traveling costume of imported bordelalne, wearing a close-fitting hat of black satin, and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and valley lilies. Miss Betty Page Steed, sister of the bride, was charming in Persian brown orchid Tn6 RvmT.athvl8Wt " red rosebuds. Immediately after the ceremony l t.Vlp hrirlp unA trrnnm lpft hv atifnmo. bile for Lewiston, home of the groom, where they spent the Christmas holi days. They will , be at home in Mt. Gilead after January 1. The groom is a graduate of Wake Forest College, and at the present time is principal of the Pinoka con solidated school. Witnessing the ceremonv were rel atives and close friends. Many hand some presents attested to the popu larity of the young couple. METHODIST EPISCOPAL MATTERS (By W. H. Willis) The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be administered at our church Sunday morning. raator Kose, Jogleman, and Greg ory, were present at our watch night service and made addressee. The following were added to our membership Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. waiter umngton; Mr. and Mrs. &. E. Nance, Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Jarrett, Mrs. Maggie M, Anderson. Mrs. Blanch McGlohaa Present berabip, 486. The pastor wont. to Durham Wed nesday to meet tho board of manag ers of the Methodist summer school Tho mother of Mrs. O... P. ' Routh died at tbs ;parsonaM at Central talis on tho 89th. She was taken to Yedkta eouirtr for burial, ; AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT . , i n1" "tonwhil accident, near Hopewell, Vrnrlnla, on day. last week, Miis Myrtle Walker and ber Wfjhor. ' Ei(fh ToinL were Injured, Wbil th young lady7! fatherWM so badl hurt that he died In a- few hours. MUs Annie S. Walker, foi mar. altv tan tit rrirrfc ti (n th ssm sedan with other mem bers of th family but escaped In Jury. A. M. Idol Deal - ' - , ... Andervm M. Idol. one of tli bogt known ami moiit highly rerj.c-rUKl rifhims cf Hh Tolnt, died Inst Mon i v, pi-Bfl 78 yt ar, 1 v n a C'nnfi..!crt Vtlsmn n-l J ri. : .iiirnt T 11 UlS Mtliui..t li-.!fo!nnt church. Thrp sons sur- Viv. Ashebor. North Qttir.vi I II II Mayycoi find A little time for A little time for II I&Oi&l ... i , - ' II II AHtdetimeforfnenihip, For gladness and good cheer But not a single moment For worry or for fear. , Katherine Edelman COLLEGE ASSAULTED Assailent Unknown Suspect Arrest ed Asheboro Blood Hounds Sent Miss Dorothy Lowe, the nineteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lowe of Elon College, while , on her way home from the post office about six o'clock Tuesday evening, was assaulted by an unidentified man, who was masked. Miss Lowe was walking through the campus and was near the new building which is being constructed. The assailant was con cealed behind a shack and stepped out grabbing her, throwing her to the ground and attempting criminal as sault in which he was unsuccessful. Miss Lowe's clothes were torn from her. She tore herself from him, he following threatening to shoot her if she made an outcry. Miss Lowe fainted as she reached her home and was unable to give information for some time. She had medical atten tion and afterwards told the story. Ed Clodfelter, who was walking from Elon toward Gibson ville was ar rested on suspicion and as feeling was running so high was taken to Greensboro for safe keeping. Mr. W. C. York was called to bring his blood hounds. He and Elmer Svkes left immediately with the dogs. They followed the man through Bur lington and down to SweponviUe, at one time being near enough .to see the fire on a discarded cigarrette but the heavy sleet stooDed the trail- There has been much excitement at fcion over tne tragic affair. Lowe is a highly respected Miss young, woman and a member df th Senior ciass at Lion (Jo Liege. PRESIDENT SENDS GREETINGS President Coolidge extended New Year greetings to the American Po-' pie m a meSag. c which h said? At th nut thm am ... . .j a mo ena or me Old Tear ana th.. Winnie v. . if : well to take . account of . our spiritual, moral 'and material re sources and seriously appraise th progress of th past 12' months 1 ..-a.. -j ' te ,th ooming yeat The . ,; nation. has mad s record of gratifying ac- eomplishment. There lalverV miSn to believe advancement will continue In th coming months. It is a please or to xtend th heartiest of New Year greetings to the American peo - pi and expret th hone and ennfl. j u-4 tn, r . uciiw ui win Dnng men a lull ...uw.v pivayBiuy , uin nappif Mis' Martha Elliott Bride i ef j. fi ;, Ssm Wslker. V :j- MlM' Marth Elliott and Mr." Walker were married Sundnv. Mr. Sam De- Comber HO. t tha hnma f t a Tillman. Mrs. Wslker is Ihn attr-' ... j . i . .a.. ... . - . - uaujjnwr oi air. ana flirt. N. r.iiiott, of North Aaheboro. Mr. wiKpr it a proprom farmer of Ahcboro Route 2, M the non 'ofJ!rok U a son ft Mr. and Mm, Mr. and airs, F. 8, Walker. Thy J. C. IIwmk, if Climax; and I'm, will make thrir hm . $', id ti I' lnr. v h s !--lrhtpr of " Mr. .and miles west of Anhfhnro. iThursday, Jaaaary I, 1924 : is dawning each - passing work; and rest is ii ilJissj'" il play; AT VARIOUS CHURCHES "Watch night" services were ob served at the Methodist Protestant, Methodist Episcopal and Baptist churches Monday night. At the M. P. church the Christian Endeavor and Ladies' Aid. societies joined in ar ranging for the service. Mr. Lacy Lewis, president of the C. E. society, presided. An interesting program was rendered, consisting of readings, music, local and instrumental and sketches of the different phases of church work. Mr. R. R. Ross, one of the charter members of the church, told briefly of the organization of the M. P. church in Asheboro, about which very few knew. There were thirteen original members when the church was begun in 1891. The late Rev. W. R. Lowdermilk solicited for the church and partially superintend ed the building of it. Rev. N. W. Harrison, of Greensboro was the out of town guest present. He made an inspiring talk. Refreshments consisting of sand wiches, cakes, coffee and cocoa were served. . A spirit of good fellowship was manifest and an enjoyable even ing was spent, celebrating In the ringing out of the old and in the New Year.'W'' The7 M. E. Church service was of especial interest, the 'program con sisting .-of music, reports from dif ferent 'departments, short talks by the various pastors of the town con cluding, with,. .talk on. mistakes -of th oast year and nlana for the new year by.the Dastor. Mr. WflllB. Cof- fee and cakes were served during the evening. i no . meeting closed with silent prayer M th bell ran - the old year out and the new year in. Th service -at th Baptist church was under th supervision of -'the bj .rjr.. u. -'FOUowlns; business iTIm m " WMrM"n Vtognm J tJJlffi.Tf 7? "." octmUea of the church. Light t. ' . 1 """"iincn , were served. f. 1 vt 'i 'prVE MARRIAGES !')- I vi'iS vt.1 lr". i i Mr. J. A Neighbors. J.'P. officlat- f " ' WJ-JFaMJKI f nomf ,north, of ,AheboJ?1ir ft0? U f ' Mr. Harve OVBuna,r6f Asheboro Bout 1, and Mini Erve R. Farlow I Mr. Toffl mnce,1 of "Cedar . FalU. land. Miss Maggie , Bell Henson, of iK um hIihlu 'r ' 1 " ' Trt 'Mr. Edwin T. Hill and Mis Lfllie F.. Hughps. Mr. Hill is a son of Mr. P., W. Hill, of Central Fall; and Mrs. Hill is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hughes, of Eandloman Route 8. - . ; 4 . On Pccomber 22, Mr. Robey Crtnoy and Minn Mary lllnnhaw, -Mr. Canoy is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Canoy, of Fnphla; whii Mrs. Canoy is a dnof-hlr of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hln- i. ... . . ' hw, of f.cw Bnlem. . ! On Dcromhpr Mr, ITobert ITn- Cork and :, Mnirhie rVler, - Mr, i" "-t. V, II. l . '. r, r.f A--1 .l.oro. $2.00 MISS HAZEL MIL LER MARR1 Former Asheboro Girl Becomes Bride of Frank N. Nelson, of Kingstree, S. a A marriage of interest to many Asheboro neoDle was solemnized at ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Skeen, 1n Biscoe, on Wednesday evening of last week, when Miss Hazel Miller became the bride of Mr. Frank N. Nelson, of Kingstree, South Carolina, Rev. Walter Baker, the bride's pastor officiating and using the ring cere mony of the Presbyterian church. une nome was decorated wiin f ems, white chrysanthemums, smilax, and many candles. Miss Janie Ew- ing presided at the . piano, and the bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. T. H.' Skeen. Mrs. Henry Harward Weaver was dame of honor, little Kathryne Louise Sullivan was flower girl, and Master Thomas Hunter Skeen was ring bearer. Mr, Henry Harward weaver was best linaii. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are in Florida 'for their honeymoon, after which .they will live in Lexington. Mrs. Miller is the only daughter of tiie late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, of Asheboro. Her childhood was spent ; m , this town until her parents died Isome ten years ago, when she went to Biscoe to live with the family of her uncle,. Mr. T. H. Skeen. She was educated at Converse College and is talented in music. She taught last j year in the Lexington graded school. Mr. Kelson was educated at Citadel and is a young man of sterling qual ities and fine business abilities. JOHN BOBBINS WILL BE GIVEN HEARING SOON Preliminary bearing will be held within the next few days for John Robbins, negro, who is suspected of the attempt to rob and murder D. L. Owen, Southmont merchant The negro who is suspected xf . the at tempt succeeded in wounding Mr. Ow en and his wife. The time of the hearing depends bn 'J-.the, condition of Mr. Owen and also1 the condition q tne negro wno was aiso wounaea jp the battle. The attempted robbery and murder occurred oh the night of December 22, and is; the most sen sational , happening in tne soutnern part of, Davidson in several years. --4timn:' B-thoiisanduenhad gathered from . all over Davidson ounty.' All members of this crowd were armed but despite this fact there was ab solutely no disorder. According to information from Davidson county, Mr. Owen and his wife and young son had completed the day's business and were in the act of leaving the store in their automobile but had only traveled a few feet when a loud re port was heard and at the same time the wind shield of their automobile was shattered. Both Mr. and Mrs. Owens thought the pistol Mr. Owen's, was carrying nau accidentally dis charged. Mrs. Owens suggested that he throw the gun over the side and Mr. Uwens complied with this re quest just as the pistol left, Mr. Ow ens hand another shot was fired at H, i.. r i ucuupanuj ui vne car unu mr. Owens received a large portion of the load in the top of his head, jaw and neck. Five shot also struck Mrs. Owens in the face. Mr. and Mrs. Owens jumped hurriedly from the car. As they did the negro came from behind the car with his gun cocked. Mrs. Owens lumped in front of him and when the negro demanded uiv me mat money , sne said, "You'll have to go get it". Mr. Owens then made an effort to get his pistol irom me ground. The negro then fired at Mr. Owens and the entire load just missed his head. Mr. Ow ens managed to get his gun and im mediately opened fire. The neoro took to his heels and Mr. Owens fired several shots at the fleeing black. The gun belonging to the negro was found a few minutes after the battle and it was discovered that it was be spattered with blood indicating a se vere wound. Davidson County offi cials got in touch with ' Mr. P. F, Miller and W. C. York, of AshebOro, who carried blood hounds to th seen of the disturbance. , Tho . dogs soon got on uie trail and within leas than an hour the negro was captured. . Little James Weodrow Bradr Passes Away at Coleridge .Victim of , MenoBgitis. , 1-James Wood row Brady, th seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred D Brady, died, st their horn Fridsy evening from spinal 'menengitia, H was run over by an automobile sever al weeks ago, and suffered a frac tured skull, and whil - playing at school isst week, fell and hurt his head again," menegitis' took bold Im mediately. m"; , V ', t Funeral - services ' war "wnducted Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at th M. E. church by Dr. J. IL Bren dalL D. D. II Was laid to rest in Concord semetory.' ; ". ', j rJsmes was a bright little boy, and will bs mUsed, not only In th home, but also on th street of our little town, l . - '' y , ' He leave to mourn his lows, besides bis narenU. two aluter. Jewel and Bereete, and. one brother, Joseph, several friends and hear relatives. " Flowor girls 'were: Mlws liettle Moore, Swnnna Cravn, Elsry prown, Elm a an Novla Davi, Mabel Cox and 1 fat tie Caven. : Pall bonrein: Mfr. C. II. Cav. nt", E. K. lUinn, L L. Kichardnon, and J, B. Craven., A YEAR IN ADVANCE -A NUMBER THE TAX ANDi . BONUS QUESTION Coolidge Administration Faces Dangerous Situation Over Tax and Bonus Question. (By David F. St Clair.) Washington, January 1. Indications now are that the (joouogo aaminis- tration will soon face a dangerous di 1 lema over bonus and tax reduction i leristration. The action of the house ways and means committee in its at tempt to shelve the bonus by giving consideration first to a tax reduction Mil KoaAil nri fVio linpa nrnnnaad hv Secretary Mellon has moved the f rfends of the bonus in both parties in congress to swift counter action. Secretary Mellon contends that tax es can not be reduced as he proposes with the granting of a bonus. On the other hand former Secretary McAdoo declares that a much greater reduc tion in taxes can be made than Mr Mellon proposes and an adequate bo nus be provided for by the issuing of bonds on the basis of the Liberty bonds with $100,000,000 interest ' and sinking fund to take care of these bonds. . ,- The friends of the bonus are advis- ed that no tex reductioB -measure shmlll bp enacted withotft nrovihW tu fi 4,o j ko Mellon proposal should be allowed to pass, it would mean the defeat of the bonus. The bonus Republicans in the house have therefore called a confer ence for January 10 in order to pre sent a bonus bill to the house on Jan uary 21 so as to take precedent of the tax bill. . But the tremendous pressure of the public oh congress for tax reduction has further alarmed the friends of the bonus. When congress adjourned for the holidays, the bonus members felt safe in their prediction that they had a wide marginal two-thirds ma jority in both houses for the bonus and could pass it any day over the President's veto. But some weak kneed senators have, according to re ports, declared they could not vote for a bonus in the face of the Presi dent's veto. The bonus people are now consider ing the plan of tacking the bonus bill en to the tax reduction bill as a rider and they have sent word to the White House that if tfie President vetoes the bill in that shape and thus de prives the soldiers of a bonus he will greSS sK Ty:;i- ::? ' .- Without doubt the bonus forces are in an overwhelming majority in both houses but as time passes that major ity appears to be shrinking in the senate. The anti-bonus people are now counting 26 senators for their side and they believe that by the middle of January they will be able to count 33 senators opposed to the bonus. That number or one over a third of the membership of the sen ate would render the President's veto or any separate bonus bill effective. To meet this situation a bonus rider f hrt fha -1 V 1., '11 .. U .. 1 vv. vma. uui occiim iu uc auouiuiiy necessary. But if such a move is attempted it is certain to precipitate one of the most desperate battles ever fought OUt in COnO-rPSS. Tho fnnli'Hn-o I . . iwxv.ca i are now engaged in organizing what , is known as an administration bloc in 1 both houses for just such a crisis I The motto of this bloc is "savf the ! President." A tax bill with a bonus ; rider perched on its back would be j like carrying a death's head to the White House. The most emphatic passage in CnoliHn-o'a j to congress was his opposition to the bonus The brunt of opposition to the bon us cornea from the men and corpora tions who made enormous profits out of the war. They well know that the backers of the bonus have it in mind' 10 maae tnem disgorge and they are V , determined to figfy with the despef. ation of robbers if necessary to keep their loot They know the income tax -f-in the higher brackets will nnt H duced but' increased if the bonus 4d,-.v vocates have their way. In reality this bonus battle is an effort to take from the war profiteers their plunder ' expected that the lobbies of congress wi wmr irom me people and it may be will be filled with the sirenta of hn,l- holders and giant corporations for th next iour weeks. Robert Bunch Improving at Eureka Hospital. ' Mr. Robert Bunch, whd Was In th automobile wreck near Carthage Fri day night when. Harvey ' Yow was killed, and John Miller slightly In jured and who- himself .was seriously kJu.,d- I- Proving. Mr. Bunch', condition has caused his relatives and friend much anxiety He suf fered a fractured skull and a very intricate operation has riven much relief and it is hopediU result in a permanent recovery, i A number of Mr. Bunch' friends in Asheboro bar been down to to bim. ,; . ' MBunch is' Jn Eureka hokpltaj near Carthage, where Mr. John Mil- ler assisted in Uklng him befor eonw , Ing home on Satumlay morning. i ' Mr. Miller was at first thought to "I be suffering from shock only, but . Sfter he returned home and collapsed - from nerve strain it was found that hi had suffered a dislocated shoulder. However, b la out again, . T . . . ' " L t ' , -l " , , Mis Laura tt tiusrr, of n-iarri"d latt ntl Mr. Evpr : 'it 1, wpre ' 1 1 Wi.:Jt v 1-0 -'T - ' Wi t , 'y ,

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