r . Thursday, January 3, 1924 THE ASHEBORO COURIER, ASHEBORO, N. a Tile five tUR COUUIERt PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS . Thursday, January 3, 1924 .- ; .-j - ..' 'i r - Mr. Carl I Cox, manager of Mof--fitt'a Army Store at Rockingham, wai .in Asheboro 'Sunday for the funeral -of his cousin, Harvey Yow. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. A. Routh, of x- "Franklin ville, we the gueste of the -family of Elmer Rich, Sunday., : viM r&rria Cranford will entertain -tv- c L C Sunday School class , of the Friends church this evening. Mr. Billiard, of the Fairbanka ;" J Morse Engine Co., at Charlotte, was " : business visitor in town Thursday, , . -v Mr. R. F. Little, of Hickory, was v ' -lhe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh v - .Tarka during the Christmas holidays. - Mrs. Frank LowdermUk ana aaugn , ter, Lucile, were the guesta of Mrs. ' "NH:i Kin at Why Not last week. Vvvv Misr Are: Ridge, stenographer for the County board of education, spent ' 'last week with her parents at Cara- i "WAV.' ' 'JJ . Mr.' and Hit' Charles Cole and f '' V, v Children 'were the guests of relatives I." .at Seagrove during the Christmaa " tinltdavs. x Miss Cleta Rich was the guest of " , "Mt. B. B.. Moffitt at Trov last week. .5CI?;r.v-: Miss Lura Kennedy, of Wbrthville, 'lA - spent last week with her sister, Mrs, r- rtvde Wood L'Ci Mr and Mrs; J. M. Baker, of Rae- "; X -Torn", anent Christmas with Mrs. Bat '" Barents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D, vi"'i Snnnn. . l-" Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Murray, of Roanoke Ranids. and sons, E. A. Mur Tav; Jr.. of Washington, and Carl v Murray, of Philiadelphia, were the , .guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter ' ; V Presnell last week. Rev. H. F. Fogleman spent last -week with his parents at Climax. - Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hiatt, of High Point, Dec 27, a daughter. ;Mrs. Hiatt before marriage was Miss Bertha Freeman, of Ulah. Dr. E. C. Perisho, of Guilford col lege, was the guest of the family of J. Armfield last week-end. Miss Clarice Albright and brother, Terrell Albright were in Asheboro .Sunday for the funeral of Harvey "Yowi p. Mr; EY A. Murray, Jr., of Washing--ton, D C, left Monday for Roanoke JRaplds to visit, his parents, before returning to Washington. Dal JKj ; Rich snent the ' Christmas .holidays with his uncle, B. B. Moffitt -at Troy.1' - , -' -j" Born to Mr. and Mrs., S. Frank rPhillips, December-17,, 192S, a aon. Mr. Wilmer C. Presnell was a vis itor in Star Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cagle and Mr, and Mrs. "Grady Cagle, of High Point, spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cagle. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rich and daugh : ter. Mary Louise, and Henry Rich ' were the guests of relatives at Den -. ton last week. Mr. Ad. Lowdermilk, of Martins rville, Virginia, spent the holidays -nHth Ma limthnr.- TL TV Tiwdprmilk. Hal C. Rich, of Oak Ridge Institute, is visiting his father, Mr. 0. W. Rich, uiuring the Chjfetmas holidays. jMaater B. B. Moffitt, Jr., of Troy, .-spent last week with his aunt, Mrs. O- Elmer Rich. Mr. Carson Winhingham was a business visitor in Troy last Satur day. ' ' Mr, Worth Wrenn, of Blue Field, - West Virginia, was the guest of his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wrenn t Franklin ville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raeford Brown and Bon, Billy, of Durham, were week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Win iipgham. Dr. W. P. Lawrence, of the Elon College faculty and son, Phalti., were visitors at Why Not last week. Miss Clarice Albright and Ferrell .Albright, of Seagrove, were visitors in 'Asheboro Monday. Mrs. Otis Rich and daughter were 'the guests of relatives at Star last "week. .. I Messrs. Paul Fulton and Clifton Mrs. H. 3L " Robbina : and' 'little daughter, Margaret Ervin, visited relatives in Charlotte (rem last fit- day till Monday.- T " Superintendent wox. ex the road force working on the old . Uwherrie road, and Mrs. Cox visited relatives at Rocky Mount a few days last wee. Mr. Marmadukt Robins, of Greens boro, was the guest of relatives in town during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. U. IX Lawrence and daughter. ol seagrove, were visitors in tows last Saturday. Mr. M. T. Lambert and two little daughters, Esther and Lucile, of Thomas ville, were week-end guests of relatives in Asheboro. Mr. TV Pna and famtlT of Rim. . I It j T 1 1 aeur, were guesta of Mrc and Mrs. ' ounia nu woe wwsuen. G. W. Elliott in Randleman last week. Col W, P. . Wood was an ' honor guest at a luncheon given " ia the Confederate veteran of High Point last week. : ! Mrs. Jack Meador, of Fsyetterille, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harria Rush. ' . , Mr. W. C MOlikan, one of The Courier's valued friends, Randleman, Route t, started the New Year aright by calling Tuesday. The house in which Mr. and Mrs. Hinsbaw have been livinr for several years, is being moved from the comer of Fayette ville and Salis bury streets, to face on Salisbury street The site on which this res idence has been standing will be used tor a lexaco rilling station, which will be operated by Messrs. James Mr. Bright Dickens has returned to his studies at Liars Hill College af ter spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dickens. Miss Pauline Burkhead was in Siler City for a few days last week visiting the family of her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lineberry, of Greensboro, visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Elliott in Randleman during the Christmas holidays. Mr. J. 0. Redding, who was in the High Point hospital for three weeks, has sufficiently recovered from his attack of appendicitis to return to his home in Asheboro. However, Mr. John Redding, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Redding, suffered an attack of the same disease one day last week ana was laxen 10 tne mgn roint hospital for an operation. He is re ported as doing well. miss May McAlister was a visitor in Greensboro and Raleigh during the Uinstmas holidays. Elder Jr". W. Keene, of Raleigh, will preach in Asheboro next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, and again at two-thirty in the afternoon. Mr. John Stinson, of Orange, Va., was a visitor in Asheboro two or three days last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steed. December 23, a daughter. Misses Lola and Thelma Luck vis ited relatives at Troy during Xmas. Miss tfertna apencer, of Greens boro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Spencer on aeagrove, Koute z. She was ac companied by MiS3 Abbie Mims, of irfeensboro. Mrs. Joe Pritchard, who has spent the last three months in Greensboro with her daughter, Mrs. Irvin Stout, is at home with her daughter, Mrs". C. W. Steed. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Spencer and family, of Seagrove, Route 2, spent Sunday with their son, Stanley Spen cer on Sophia Route 1. Mr. Ted Walker, of Elon college, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, at Gray's Chapel last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Forrester and daughter, Miss Lucile and son, Lane, of Ramseur, were visitors in Ashe boro last Friday. Mr. Worth Wrenn, of Franklinville, was in town & short while last week enroute to Bluefigld, West Va.-' Mr. J. M. Presnell, of Seagrove, was a visitor in Asheboro yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ward, of High Point, visited Mrs. Albert Smith last week. Mr. Geo. P. Hendricks, of the U. S. Navy, was the guest of his parents, Mr. andMrs. G. A. Hendricks during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. PhilliDs and little son, J. W., Jr., of High Point, were week-end visitors of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cox, on Asheboro Star Route. Mr. W. M. Baldwin and daughter, Miss Wilma, of Sanford, wore visi tors in Asheboro one day the latter part of last week. Miss Isley Smith, of High Point, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Leon Steed, of Atlanta, Ga., returned home Monday after visiting Mrs. L. R. Barker durina- Christmaa. Mrs. L R. Payne, of Trinity, while Miss Hazel Hughes returned Mon day from High Point from a visit to friends. Miss Bera Scarboro left Thursday for Red Springs, where she is visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Georsre Ross, of Jackson Springs were the week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rosa. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Steed, of Can dor were in town several hours Fit day on their way home from Liberty wnere. tney spent the Christmas holi days with Mrs. Steed's Barents. Miss Hallie Ross is visiting friends at wnitevuie. Mrs. Sallie Rush, who has been quite ill for two weeks is improving, Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Beck, a son, December Z4th. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Underwood and little daughter, Catherine, of Liberty, were in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craven, and small son, of Greensboro, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Birkhead and family on South Fayetteville street. Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Bowman, of Reidsville, were the guests of Mrs. Bowman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Lowdermilk on South Fayette ville street during the holidays. Mr. Sam Walker, who has been a patient at Mercy Hospital in Char lotte for several weeks, is reported to be improving. Mr. Frank Burns, who has been confined to his home for several weeks with a severe coH i3 improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Worth re turned Monday from Fayetteville and ivaieign wnere iney were visitors dur ing the Christmas holidays. mr. j. m. .Lassiter, Mrs. Rush Lassiter and Zeb Rush were in Greensboro Monday. Mrs. Lee Fritz and daughter, Kittie Lee, are visiting Mrs. Cora Moffitt They expect to visit in Lexington be fore returning to Troy. Manv of the vounir folks who have hppn at their homes during the holi days are resuming their work in the various colleges tnis weeK. John Hadley, Edwin Morris, June Phillips, and William Underwood left yesterday for Durham to resume their studies at Trinity College. Misses Martha Evelyn and Clarabel Morris have returned to their work as teachers at Moreanton and Mat thews, ' respectively, after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Morris, during the holidays. A small son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Little, of Thomasville, was accidently shot by a 22 rifle in the hands of a brother one day last week. ' A ball nassed through one arm, shattering the bone. Mr. Little is n son of Mrs. Martha Wright, of Asheboro. Miss Helen Ferree, of bkiatook, Oklahoma, left Wednesday after a ten days visit to relatives in Ashe boro. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cox and chil dren, of Lexington, spent the Christmas holidays in Tamna, Flori da, with the family of Mr. Cox's brother, Mr. Ross Cox. They went through in their car. Mr. Robert N. Page was elected president of the sandhills Kiwanis club, of Southern Pines, a few days MISSES PRESNELL AND RICH ENTERTAIN Thursday evening. Misses Mae Presnell and Cleta Rich entertained informally at the home of Miss Rich en Cox street, honoring the boys and girls who are at home from the dif ferent colleges for the holidays. Miss rresnell sang two solos, accompanied on the piano by Mus Nan Lewis. In contest, Miss Marine Redding ex celled, receiving the prise. The hostess assisted by Miss Vir ginia Lowe, served assorted cakes, whipped cream and coffee. The fol lowing were present: Misses Iola and Nan Lowdermilk, Maxine Redding, Annie Leslie Ferree, Nan Lewis, Vir ginia Lowe, EUen Presnell, Messrs. EL F. Fogleman, H. M. Rich, J. W. Burkhead, Jr., Wilmer C. Presnell, Hal Rich, Lester Rich, E. A. Murray, Jr of Washington city and Carl Murray, of Philadelphia. MRS. JAMES G. CRUTCHFIELD GIVES CARD PARTY MRS. J. K. BENNETT ENTER TAINS IN HONOR OF GUEST Honoring her house guest, Mrs. J. L Bolton, of Union, S. O, Mrs. J. N. Bennett entertained a group ef friends Thursday afternoon. The parlors were appropriately and taste fully decorated with holly and Christmas greens making a lovely setting for the affair. After greet ing the honoree, needlework was en joyed for a while until the hcstess an nounced an advertising contest In this Mrs. W. H. Moring excelled and was given a dainty prize. The hon oree was also given a prize, a pair of candlesticks. In the course of the afternoon the little daughter of the honoree, Annie, gave several readings in a most charming manner which ad ded to the pleasure of the guests. As sisted by Mrs. Henry Ingram and Miss Brown, the hostess served a salad course, with wafers, sandwiches and coffee. Saturday afternoon Mrs. James G. Crutchfield entertained three ta blea of bridge and one of rook at her home on Sunset Avenue. The room were decorated with Christmas colors and greens. When the cards were collected, Miss Lucy Lee Lovett held nigh score in bridge and Mrs. J N. Bennett in Rook. The prizes were pottery candlesticks and a bowl. A delicious fruit salad course with saltines, sandwiches, cheese pies and coffee was served. RANDOLPH BOOK CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. J. D. ROSS AN INVESTMENT ' which assures aa animal return af not leas thai 1 per cent which aay aa additional 2 per cent annually when net earnings the total capital amount to t per cent in a corporation under the direct man agement of a group from aauMwg the most successful executives in the Piedmont Section secured by one of the most modera and best equipped weaving mills - ia the Soath manufacturing a consist ently profitable line of goods IS WORTH LOOKING INTO. For full particulars write BOND DEPARTMENT AMERICAN TRUST CO. Charlotte, N. C FRANK B. GREEN, Manager. The Christmas meeting of the Ran dolph Book Club was held at the home of Mrs. J. D. Ross Friday af ternoon. The program for the after noon was a delightful one. Mrs. J. j O. Redding read a chapter from the book "Life and Letters of Walter Hines Page", while Mrs. T. J. Red ding read an interesting article on "Henry Ford". These two readings were followed by current events. The hostess then invited the members to the back sitting room where small tables were arranged. Place cards suggestive of the Christmas season helped the ladies to find their seats. Here a luncheon was served by Misses Martha Evelyn, Lucile and Clarabelle Morris. The first course was grape fruit with red cherries. While the plates were being removed, airs, we l,. Hammer, president of the club gave a short sketch of the club since its organization. This opened up an interesting discussion, and, memories. The next course was pressed chicken, potato chips, celery, and pickles, followed by coffee and cheese biscuits. Another interesting feature of the afternoon was the electrically lighted Christmas tree of unusual beauty. On this tree were presents for everybody. Each club member made a gift and enclosed a wisn, tnese the hostess numbered nnH allowed the members to draw corres ponding numbers. This exchange of gifts has been a custom in the club for leveral years. The entire lower floor was attractively decorated with holly and Christmas flowers. Announcing The opening of our newly equipped and modern Bakery As always, our motto is "Quality and Service" Ask your grocer for Table Pride Bread the bread baked in your own county by the ASHEBORO BAKERY Asheboro, N. C. assise? Bejpnning December 29th I Put My Business On Strictly CASH BASIS MISS ADELAIDE ARMFIELD ENTERTAINS JBoltonheimer, of High Point, spent 1 in High Point shopping recently, was .last' week with Messrs. Shelley and accidently tripped and fell to the 3vrStyre. .sidewalk, suffering a fractured wrist. Dr. Elwood C'Parrish, of Guilford i Mn- Payne is recovering. 'College, delivered an address at the1 Mr- D. J. Kemp, of Asheboro Route Friends church Sunday evening. . 1. in celebrating the New Year, . Mr. Houston Elliott and son, Cleron j brought two fine purple top globe no daughter, Miss Pauline Elliott ' turnips into The Courier office. One were visitors in Denton Sunday. weighed 7 1-2 the other 8 1-2 pounds. Mr. C W. Wilson and son, of, Trin-' The largest one measured thirty 3ty township, were., among ,. the busi-1 inches around. Mr. Kemp has many mess visitor in the city Monday, Mr. turnips almost as large as the ones 'Wilson. very Jdndly; remembered Theihe brought In. 'gfuricr with an extra flmiiRoyal Mis Kate Hammer, who has for JUmoertwig apple1 of his own raising, the past season been with Fuller u V7 moved his Brothers, a large mercantile eatab- V . - ' - S S r . a- .-, . ainop io ma new store puuuinr , on ' , TI T : TT 1 . . . rr aunaa avb. nt nas a SV0CK OI Cry drooda and groceries and continues hii , agency for the Singer sewing ma- .chine,, and bicycle repair shops, , , Mrs. C M. Ferree and f daughter. AM Jtliss Bertha, visited relatives in High ; -''; Point last Saturday night and Sun : - rdar. ; ... v V Mr. S. A. Cox," of Asheboro Star Jtouta, was in Asheboro last 8atur '. ' iay and Sunday on account of .the udden death of hi ephew, Mr. Harvey Yow. , ' 3'J il.v i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allen end f ami- Miss Adelaide Armfield entertained very informally at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armfield, Jr., on New Year's Eve. The house was decorated with mistletoe and hol ly. The guests arrived at 10:30. Everyone was asked to write a New Year's Resolution. They were read aloud by Mr. Armfield. Neely Hunt er won the boy's prize, a silk scarf; and Ethel Lovett won the girl's prize, a gold head band. Refreshments consisting of pink and white brick cream, fruit cake, and stuffed dates we-e rerved by Mrs. Armfield, assisted by Mrs. John .'. . je Wood and lishment at Appalachia, Va arrived in Asheboro last week for a visit to her father, Mr. George Hammer. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cov ington, of Rockingham, at Memorial hospital Jm Asheboro, December, 29, a ton. 'The young man has been named James E., Jr. An enjoyable .hunt occurred in Back Creek township, Monday before Christmas in which a party of sixty participated. The hunters assemniea at the home of Mr. W. C. MllliV.n and from there went In different di rections; There were more than 1i- -i- - , V. i . -- recuona. , mora wtio mvn mn wan Mrs. Allen's parents.' Mr. and '.Mrs. S. S. COX. on Asheboro Star JCoute. -: : u' ,. . .1. . .. Miss Lliile Parka was a guest at ra house party in Rocky Mount during ;part of the Christmas holidays. Other T"psts were friends Miss Parke met t a summer camp. 1 her eight-year-old ton' of Mr. 'and E. D. Johnson, of Randleman, No gum were used. The hunters were under the direction or mr. jonn Slack,' of Randleman, end he was in ttru mental-in, giving the party a most pleasant day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cox and little daughter, Lucile Caviness, were week end guesta to relatives at Plsgah. Mrs. James Cheely. of Manchester, Clm- arrJviul Tn - Aafcahnra'' last WAak . ...v. . uijmj.m, uaj nor vwii v nr parents, . ir. i anu 1 . t v-ork, hen he Was kicked in the Mrs. L M. Fo. - - t V ' f .- by a horse. ... Mr. John A. Hurley, ef Camden, N.' Krnt, the eleven-year-old ton ef ! J. and Mr. Clyde Allred, of Mebane, I n.. Marietta Bumey, it right ill of .N. C pent Prt of the Christmas 1 "umoma. rr,;,rN , , f ,v . I holiday with their sister end sister Mr. William Durham, a student of in-law, Mrl.T ScaM, North Char Trinity Collcg, Vn the guent of lotte, N. C." While thnre' they fall it, Mrs. J. W. Burkhead for' a i motored to uiina urovo to visit meir cousin Arthur Huney. tars. u. j, nignaiu"ii. wuw been it Memorial hospital for tvera) days 1nt Wrlc r. iind Mrs. Thomas M. Keamt, isville, were ruestt of rele i ,i town for .a lew days last weeks, hat returned to her home, Un. Rlharr!ann hail a aeriona nnara- F. Tesh, of Lexington, waa tlon end her improvement hat been r in the home of Mr. and Mrs.! slow. Her many friends ere glad she Cross during the Christmaa , hat recovered sufficiently to return . . - ' I home. , ' 1 ; D bore; MISS HADLEY ENTERTAINS v ' . V FOR VISITORS " Miss Ruth Hadley entertained about forty young people of the town last Friday evening, in honor of her guesta, the Mlssee Hunt, of Pleasant Garden, end Mitt Margaret Bogtan, or uaain. . v , . tTogreftsire conversation end an "age contest" fumlfthed amusement for the evening. In the contest, Miat Lena Milliard won the prise, a box of stationery. . . Fruits and eandlet were served as refreshments. The bouse wet gay with Christmas deeormUona, , - 7n t Buiiain ago. The Asheboro Bakerv reonened last I K. Wood, Mi:.? Xf-tt 'c week, next door to Hasty's Cafe, un-'Miss Betsy Armhe; i. der the management of Messrs. Ed-1 "Lintenlntr in" to ;'" chimes of ward Vandersheur and C. L. Hastv. I Trinitv Church. New York, over the i nis Daicery is turning out Dread ana radio was a special teature oi me en canes or nign quality, ine samples tertainment. displayed m their show window rival those produced by many city bakeries. Mr. W. U. Stedman left today for a visit to his brother, Mr. E. W. Stedman at Tenaha, Texas. Mr. Stedman was accompanied by his brother Mr. N. L. Stedman, of Hali fax county. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilden. of Greensboro, were the guests of Mr. I and Mrs. W. M. Allred during Christmas. Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Iindsey, of Winston-Salem, spent last Saturday night with Mrs. Lindsay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cox, Asheboro Star Route. .Misses Louise Caviness and Lola Dorsett, of Greensboro, are guests of Miss Eve Cranford at her home on Sunset avenue. Misses Kate end Ida Smith re turned to Greensboro vesterdav to resume their studies at North Caro lina College, v - Mrs. Sybil J. Barker, of Asheboro Route 1, wet in town yesterday af ternoon returning from a weekNi vU-l r , f it to relatives and Xriendt at Edgar and Sophia. Mr. D. D. Chrisco, of Seagrove Route 1, waa In town . on business yesterday end called at The Courier offiee to renew hie subscription. nr. irwignc Kicnardson. who is a student at trinity College, spent part J' viiimmum iiuiiuaa ju auo t I am cutting my expenses and selling for cash in order to give my customers goods at very close prices. Come and see for yourself. I will continue to deliver Groceries always. as I thank the people for the nice business they have given me for the past 9 years, and hope to serve you in the future as the past. A. O. FERREE Phone 120 NEW SERIES & Loan ' 1. The 11th Scries of the Randolph County Building and Loan Association nili be open January 1st The Association has been a great blessing to its stockholders and has helped more than 100 people to secure homes. There are today more than 2300 shares of stock, and loan approximate $100,000.00. The 11th series should be the largest of any pre vious series. Subscriptions to this series should be filed on or be fore January 1st ' r. Come in and join us and let us help you to own a home. ' - . , . . rf RANDOLPH COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSCaATION T. P. BULLA, Scc-Trcas. . L. P. liOSS, President ,t V v