1 TUB ASHEBORO COUMEn,'ASHEBORO, N. C f-M Page Severn Jwn ef AwKbor. Nerth Carelto. j - And ef a New Reirtotratioa el ' te Vetera ef the Meidpdily j'i -x-i'it-l (. VmK aean that A ID" ' "UI election kM bees called and will " e held on TueadT. the 29th day . of January, 1924, to determine whether a majority of the qualified voters of 1 the Town of Asheboro, H. w wiii tK nronased aale of the Ha- FUetrie Light and Power ' in Plant and Distribution ' pany. under and Is accordance with ikT.,. nf a contract entered ' into Jetween the Board of Commissioners f said Town and the said Carolina . IPower Company, dated the 9th day of August,' 1923,' which 1 recorded to the Current . Minute Book of said -Raard of Commissioners, page 192 , to 195 Inclusiwi. 1 which hai been ex , tended for another thirty days and - .rfckfc ta mM to nubile inrfoeetkm and -may be seen ea application to .the . r "I.tV SIi.Uctiri is to be Ka . n: oider : of a . the 3o4rdf Commisslonera f the said T $ 1 .hoHnrn Hulv adoOted t . avwu vi - . - m November, 1923, and -JS"?! .v kwtm nf awtfnn 2623 Of t T1HI nuirDrt" - - - - -tv rwaMMata -Statutes f I North .Carolina? and will 'be held pursuant " tv. Mtatntoa in such CS868 BiaOO The polls saau do "" .itiim fmrn 8 o'clock A. H. UBT . ... i -until Sunset. The polling piace .ww ' -for! the County Court House; in. the , Tow 'of Aahaboro' A. new, remsira -j.!-. tka nnalif tad -VOterS Of - the Town has been ordered foresaid deo - rtlon. iThe registration books will be I eornrttencing wwn xna win. y Jti December. rl9237and twffl remain open continuously. Sundays excepted, -to and including the 19th day of Jan tuarr, 1924." iL I fieott,J address, a oVhmJ V. : CLl has been; appointed Rmtriutrr for said elections J, M. .r-jurpnnm end . J. B. Ward have - been .H.ri -mated as radges of election for tsaid .special election ; '- J By' order of 'the . Board of Commis- tsioners 01 tne Town 01 Asneooro, , This the 17th day of November, - NOTICE OF MOBTGACE BALK i - By virtue of the power and author ity contained to that certain mort gage deed executed by P. V. Andrews and wile Mauoe t. Anorews m o. u A KOT1CE Sealed proposals will bs received by the Town Council of Asheboro, North Carolina at. Town Clerk's of fice up" to I P. W January 10th, Seaater peerge De.) Pts.lW iet Ceelidce to Test ea - jjvi'Ckeaper f ertiiiset.-.j .a-, As" a test ' of President ? Coolidge's fnMrit-v whn. in hia first meeeare to CUrkd rZaZZZiirrtZ Cwra, he declared that 'Cheaper 1924, foj water work, improvements C G. Armstrong, uatea ncvemoer a, w , . . 1922, and recorded to Book 100, Page Walter P. George (Dem. Ga.) kas 3571" the Office ef the Register of prepared an andment to the Ford Deeds f Randolph county? , North ney-McCumber tariff Uw looking 'to CawUna, default having been We in the elimination of the duty of $5 a thT payment of the indebtedness se- ton on sulphate of ammonia, which U nJreT&y according to the term. f ' Jnrt v.. .w. .,.a.v wilt f fT for moniate group used in fertilixer. ula at'nublic auction for cash, to the l "it is not conceivable that Congress hiohest bidder, at the courthouse door in view of the strong vtatements '-" of at Asheboro North Carolina, Tues-1 President Coolidge, will continue this av. Jamar 22. at io u o ciocK, A-i dutv or S3 a ton at tne mreei ex- ILr the following described real ee-f pense of the fanners, when all other tate: ' ' ' - (fertiliser materials are duty free," A tract or- parcel of land, in , the Senator George said, explaining his County of Randolph and , State "of taction in introducing his bill. North Carolina; In Trinity Township, I .Kr.:w.,uit-- .-s M mi. and bounded, ks follows, .via; Begin- ph4t of ammonia much of ft is im ning t'tak ff 'jjf ported, Senator George ; points t out. rroew . aQd he B(1(la tnat taiarmers are pay south of the Old Tnnftjrroadenee w the duty. The United Stotes pro along the East lin of Prospect ave- duceg sulphate of ammonia than nue.100 feet to a slake; thence to m i-.r-oiiired tomeet the domestic de- . n. n 1 it... I,.,. aiMiM . th Niwth F . . Hnwij yHi i imand. Tne surplus is exportea ana line 5 lot No. 0, and 7-loo feet m eompetitioB with the same to' a stake to Mendenhail. line: I ,i . v aM .Ma a - m w . - ..a . ... , - 1V1C1KU W UV a V WW tnence Mortn wun jaenaennau s ome, jnnd a market here in spite of the Us- JW IRb w 'iaa.v, vucitvc ui Westerly direction along the South line of lot 58, 8Z7 and 88-100 feet to the beginning; Containing 84,932 so.; ft more or less. The same being lot No. 69 as- snown on a map of tne new i subrdi vision of ' the - Artisan iff. Senator George declares. Another Raise In Next Tear's Attire While the cold November winds were blowing, the manufacturers of nAwanlaa ' aftHMt w.w4nf m BM1 elVtivfiinfMi Acres Land, made by June p., John- their on warm aayg 0f j d ifTi L isi8?1 jmd summer when light doth- mi. r- i- 1 o v. i in? will again be comfortable as well Vs. j'w as modish. That is to sav. these man- 'I' Hio I laarnvthna 1 ' VOW ' r.t I . ""w ufacturers increased the cnces- on S. C. CLARK,-Mortgagee. cloths to be sold for the next warm C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee, season. 4t 12-27-28. v w . The advance in the case of percales I is half a cent a yard for the light ground goods and three-quarters of a NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL. ESTATE cent more Tor the dam-ground lao- ncs. rrints were increased nan a Under authority given in a Judg- cent a yard. Shirtings were ad-d ment of the Sunerior Court of Ran- vaneed about 1 1-4 cents a yard Dolnh countv. , North Carolina.' In These increases are in addition to that certain special proceeding , en- the advances made early in Novenv titled . In re: Flossie McNeill and ber. Glenn McNeill bv their next friend W E. Moser ' and Cordelia, Mc- UlfiOKUlA MiXiKOS MUV1NG 923, 05t 12-27-23. JAMES B. NEELY, - Town Clerk. Neillk Exi' Parte; the same being No. 436 on the; special proceeding docket of said court,: the undersigned com- NOTTCE and sanitary sewer extensions. The work embraces the following quantities:. 600,000 gallon filter, Repairs to old filter, 80.000 gallon steel tank on 40 foot tower of steel. 260,000 gallon concrete reservoir, 250 G. P. M. centrifugal pump. 750 G. P. M. centrifugal pump. 200 feet 12-in cast iron pipe. 1800 feet 10-in. cast iron pipe. 1600 feet 8-in cast iron pipe. 26082 feet 6-in east iron pipe. 13 tons special eastings. 8 12-in. gate valves. 2 10-in, gate valves. 5 8-to gate valves. 86 6-in gate valves. 45 valve boxes. 42 fire hydrants. 28765 feet 8-in sewers with appur tenances. 8300 feet 10-in sewers with appur tenances. 2 septic tanks. Plan, and specifications are on file with Town Clerk and Engineers. Cop ies oj specifications can be obtained from Engineers on deposit of S5.00 which will be returned to bona fide bidders. Set of plans can be secured from ttngineera on payment of $25.00. certified check for o per cent of the amount of bid must accompany bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. ARTHUR ROSS, Mayor JAMES N. NEELY, Clerk. J. B. McCrary Engineering Corp. Engineers. NOTICE Or MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power and an-' By virtue of the power and asthor- therity contained to that certain . ity contained to that certato - mort mortgage deed, dated November Z, gage oeed- executed by U. W. bpeon 1922, executed by W. L. Andrews and and wife Annis Spoon to 8. C Clark, wife Crissie Andrews to S. C Clark, and by S. C Clark assigned to C G. and by S. C Clark assigned to C. G. Armstrong, dated November 8, 1922, Armstrong, and recorded in book ana recoruea in cook zuu, rre ssi, 200, Page 343, in the Office of the in the Office of the Register of Deeds Register of Deeds of Randolph conn-. of Randolph County, North Carolina, ty, North Carolina, aeiauit navmg ; aexauii navug oeen maae in uw pay been made to the payment of the in- ment of the indebtedness secured debtedness secured thereby according threby according to the terms there to the terms thereof, the undersigned or, the undersigned will offer for will offer for sale at public auction sale at public auction for cash, to the for cash, to the highest bidder, at highest bidder, at the court house the court house door at Asheboro, door at Asheboro, North Carolina, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 22, Tuesday, January 22, 1924, at 10-80 1924, at 10-30 o'clock A. M., the fol- i o'clock, A. M., the following described lo wins- described real estate: A tract or parcel of land m Ran dolph county, North Carolina, in Trinity township, and bounded as follows: real estate: A tract or parcel of land, to the County of Randolph and State of North Carolina, in Trinity township and bounded as follows, via: Begto- Beginning at a stake in the Earthing at a stake in the East line of line of Prospect avenue at a point i Prospect Avenue at r point TOO feet 1103 feet South of the South line of South of the S. line of Old Trinity the Old Trinity Road; thence along; road; thence in a Southerly direction the East line of Prospect avenue 200 along the line of Prospect avenue, feet to a stake; thence in an Easterly ! 103 feet to a stake; thence in a direction along the North line of lot Southerly direction along the North No. 70, 458 and 62-100 feet to a iine of lot No. 65, 636 feet to an stake in the North line of Lot No. 84; 1 iron guke in Mendenhall's line; ' thence East along the North line of thence North along said line 160 ieet lot No. 84, 802 feet to a stake to said to an iron stake; thence in a Wester line; thence North along the South ly direction 577 1-2 feet to the begin lihe of Lot No. 67, 652 ! and 65-100 ning xhe 8ame lot No. Mt feet to the beginning. Containing 2 a. Bunm nn , man f tk n ih. and 65-100 acres of land, more or less, 'division of the Artisan Acres Land, The same being lots Nos. 68 and 69 as by June E Johnson and record- shown on a map of the new sub-di-ed in the of the fogiBter of vision of the Artisian Acres Land,. Deeds of Randolph County, North maqe oy june r-. .oiuison ana recora- c ,. fa plftt B k p ed.jn the Office oi 'the Register ; of Containikg 1 66-100 acres of land NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND TO NORTH CAROLINA . Under and by virtue of authority given in a certain order or judgment rendered in that certain special pro ceeding entitled Molsie Brown et al vs. Grover , McCollum et al, now pending on the special proceeding docket of the Superior Court of Ran dolph County, North Carolina, the same being No. 420 on said docket, the undersigned commissioner will on the 19th day of January, 1924, at 12 o'clock, M. at the court house in Asheboro, North Carolina, offer for sale,' at public auction, to the highest Several large families of negros mlssioner will on Saturday the 12th from Georgia are moving to Hickory day,- of. January, 1924,-; at 12 o'clock, and are taking charge of farms fa, at the eaurt nouM door in Asne- tnat uewwn Air purpose or raiH- L ' VT l1 ' T L - 1? ' , It A. 1.1'. I i-n r ' asyvfAva . flin nnmutn Vim LmJ rwiiTvi. ranrrn a .nrnnnsi hspli . hit nil ri i ir i uass. uvbwiii a.aia iickiub iiavn. ubu : ' - m - 1 auction, for cash ito the highest bid- yean of experience ixi the cultivation J bidder for cash, the following de der the followinr.i-traeta i or narcels of cotton and the owners of the farms ;iribed real .estate, lymg, situate and of land,, situate, lying , and being In which, the negros have rented think Richland township. Randolph county, the negros will be, able to put the iNorth' Carolina, adjoining the lands farms on a larger paying basis .by. of.joon w. Lawrence, .,Wiflami Jatr raiamg coiwn man oy raismg grain, iNeill and others and being more fully ; described oy metes and bounds as eei rarmers isamg mm v inter feUwfcwlj;, -n , . ,n Course at State College . Tirst: Tract: Beginning,at a post TI7. .AV a. T J?P & C?atoS CaroUha f arme to a gum, xne county nne: tnence . u.r r-v ; j ro .v.t. .-j on I oy ' the . otate TTaTinW'aualified as administratrix, . . . ! m 1. j - M -m - - - ' i . -f . Jag BUBayt"l!fleceasea . -peiwre , v m:, eatherlW 0erk''bjr Superior 'Court Handolphi county.?' ;- V .. lAlt nersona having Ialmii against taaid -estotoare'hOtified-i to present . . . .1 - - . . . ..... . ,,-y.j.Ci.T, ft : disri oriWoire the-10 dav of Dec- -ember, ., 1924 or thk notioe .'wJIIa be Opleadei hefc recovery; and mil nersona owinir 'said estate will come . forwardjad. make. .immediate JSUSAlf C-BTJNDYmtoistratrl, High Poin NJ C Routo 5. t-pd-lZ-o-23 - NOTICE OP MORTGAGE SALE Ty virtue pf the power and author nntind In that certain mort gage deed,? dated November 2, 1922, executed by S. H. Murphy, and wife .Daisy Murphy to B. u. jiarx, ana oy JS. a Clark asstoged. to C G. Arm ttrong, and recorded. Lin Book XOO, IPage 842, to the Office of the Regis terof Deeds of Randolph county, "INorth Carolina, -default having been rmade in the payment of the indebted caess secured thereby, according to the '-terms thereof . the undersigned will Matter for sale at public auction for NaOm In herehv irfven that the ash, to the highest bidder, at -the'dersigned on the 7th day of May, courthous door at- Aaheboro, North (1923, purchased at a tax sale conduct- 'aroima, luesaayj anury iwa, '44 Dy j. Brady, rjx-enerai ana rat 10:30 o'clock, A, 1L, the following j tax collector for Randolph county, at - described real estate: v I (he (court house door, Asheboro, N. . tract er parcel of land in the'e th following described real estate County of Randolph and State of u ,aajd cotmty and State of . North INorth Carolina, to Trinity township, ' Carolina one-fifth interest to 12 sand bounded s follows: - lacres of land to Back creek township, Beginning at a stake in the East 'Randolph county, known as the Flora . - a a ai a wwi f . a rn I . " r ' Hint 01 tne via nign rotnc-i nomas-1 -villa Road at a point 91 feet South -of tha South line of the Old Trinity 3oad; thence East' alongthe ..North 'Uine of loU Nos. 11 aod S&i V l-t rfeet to a stake in the South wen eor- more or less. This December 18, 1923. S. C. CLARK, Mortgagee. C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee. it 12-27-23. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order made by the Clerk of the -Superior (180)-acres more or lessT . Second Tract: vSetrfanfag at a stake to George McNeill's line on the East side of the factory road and running South 87 rods to a stake in Kennedy's line and thence East 20 rods to a stake to George McNeill's One and thence with McNeill's line to the beginning, containing five and one-fourth (5.1-4) acres more or less. This the TOth day of December, 1923. I. C. MOSER, 4t 12-20-23. Commissioner. NOTICE un- poultry courses are being in Randleman, Randleman township, County and State afore said and being more fully described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 1. 1 Beginning at a stone on the East side of Asheboro street, L. A. Spencer's store house corner, run ning East 8.38 chams to a stone, J. Kobbins' corner: thence South with am in -nieiri ni!aid KooDuw une to the branch: lmrt' niiJms .i ' thence up the various courses of the College of Agriculture , branch to the fork; thence up the iod from January ntoiu hght hand prong of the branch fowhaton SDrinsr ublic road or Ashe- ence North with said iiiia iwiu . ' raising. Four different-fa. or sirees 10 tne oegmmng, con ' available and the visitor taimng four (4) acres more or less. may take hia phnirA no fn, ika Lot No. 2. Beginning at a stone. about which he desires latest inform- w A. Lineberry's Northeast corner atlon. The courses offer an excellent l? we w- wmningnam s line; opportunity for North Carolina farm- i thence East along said line 76 feet to ers to become better acquainted with st0.ne in w- F- Tally's line; thence me agricultural work of the college ouuu,w aiong saia une 10 ieet 10 and to learn of the results being se- BtoM Talley's corner; thence cured by the experiment station ! Westward 75 feet to a stone, Spen- scientists and the extension service eers-corner; thence Northward 75 specialists. The course is open to 'eet e beginning, containing one and is "v" more or less, m . eluding the dwelling house, out houses, building and improvements thereon. Deeds of Randolph county, North Carolina, in Plat Book Page This December 18, 1923. S. C. CLARK, Mortgagee. C. G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee. 4t 12-27-23. ? NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power and author- itv mntAinnri in that certain morc- eaare deed, dated November 2, 1922, Court of Randolph county, North executed by Archie Cameron and Carolina, in that certain special pro- wife Ethel Cameron to b. L. -iarx ceeding entitled R. B. Mason vs. Maie and by S. C. Clark assigned to C. G. Carter and her husband C. A. Carter Armstwinfi'. and recorded in Book fit al. the same hemp No. 430 on the 200, Page 340, in the Office of the Special Proceeding docket of said T -r T 1 t DonilnlAh ... l j.1 1 .7 I - : i rcegiair 01 ixuo court, tne uiiuermncu cuiuiiiiobiuuci county, North Carolina, default hav- wm 0n the 12th day of January, ing been made in the payment of the 1924, at 12 o'clock, M. at the court indebtedness secured thereby accord- house door in Asheboro, North Caro ing to theMerms thereof, the under- Una, sell at public auction, to the signed will offer for sale at public highest bidder, the following describ auction for cash, to the highest bid- ed real estate, situate, lying and be der, at the court house door at Ashe- ing in Randolph county. North Caro boro. North Carolina. Tuesday. Jan- Una and beinsr more fullv described uary 22, 1924, at 10:30 o'clock, A. M., by metes and bounds as follows, to the following described real estate: wit: A tract 0, parcel of land, in tne, Adj0inlng the lands of S. R. Rus County of Randolph and State of lj, Amose ciodfel)ter heirs and oth North Carolina, in Trinity Township, erg and bounded as follows: Begin and bounded as follows: Beginnmg nmg, on B stake on the Brewer Spring at a stake in the East line of Pros- branch where M Reeygs line pect Avenue at a pomt ,100 feet cro8ses Mii branch, pine, dogwood, South of the South line f the Old s 0 and TOh ,8 and runs North Trinity Road; thence along the East 49 West 101 poles to Reeves' corner; Pe4 AvenuelW) feet to pilie B. o. and sourwood pointers; a. Buuwi .uiBiK- ui mu-i thence North 40 ooles to c-E . Ma- r?ctlon the ii5XA tiotl ij0t son's corner;" thence North 89 East No 39, 327 and 78-100 feet to a m le8 to a white oak thence with, stoke to MendenU Bne; . thence llne 3 South 9 We8t to North along Mendenhail s line 108 the branch down the various courses 1-Z feet to a stake m said line; 0f the branch to the old Reeves Kne; thence in a Westerly direction along thence East 8 to a 8take; thence the South line of Louella A. Knight South 2n West 64 poles to a stake in 276 feet to the beginning, cemtaining ciodfelter line; thence West to the ou, sq. iwi mure or ic. xue beginning 8 poles, containing fifty same being lot No. 58 as shown on a 50) acres more or less. map of the new sub-division of the . j55j . 1 n r tj Artisan Acres Land,, made by June 2Z&J E: Johnson and recorded In the Of- n ." d . Kl 1UCU OB IUUUW13; OCKUUUUK Kb B L.xl At . oowi iarm women and men free of all charge for tuition. aieror lot no. lot wenee North along tne west una hi iota-'eai ana-'B, Brickhouse land, adjoining the lands of J. J. Miller. R. R. Pierce, Clarence Williams, et al, listed to the name of Flora Brickhouse estate. Taxes for which said sale was tnade for the year 1922. , . ? t r Time f or redemption of tor .aior ..u al aatata will (exnire the 7th 311 1-2 feet to a 'Make to the Souths Mav. 1924. and to default of Jine of the pid'Trihity RdadJ thence redemption the undersigned will de--wet along iaid jtaer82 ;fet W alaandf a-deed as provided by Uwm tsUka; thence South' along the -Eaet 'mediately after expiratioa of . 'laid ;iire of the Old High Point-ThomaH time allowed for redemption aa afore . villa rbaa, 91 feet to. the berirmiiur.'. talning 70430 dq ft, ttbr or lesa.i - The amount of cost and tax for the T1 1 same being No. 1 and 2 as shown 'Mid land was sold is (2.89, the pur- awn map ox ui oww U(mirrIB10n DT 'rhaae bid being MSAO. ' i). 1 Artisan Acres Id.'rflad1)yfrv p r PIERCE. Purchaser. Ju e E. Johnson md reeordedTln. the Ut pd,14-i4j r Caraway, Rt 1, N. a 4Y .ir at thai P .' ruij w.i".l'it. ' . Jflimdolph County, and Sato Wotfli 0roltoa, in Plat Book Nov- 1 Pari .Thla DeeemberJ.i23;of!P', T . w. y a C. CLArcX.'Mortgag 0 a G.'AlUllRONGSdltC M eWk . RALEIGH MAN KILLS HIS WIFE AND ANOTHER MAN : Said lands will be sold subject to 'the dower interest of the widow of Lawrence Oat ling, son of former W. A. Lineberry, deceased, which postmaster, Bart M. Gatling, of Ral- said interest covers all of said lands, eigh shot and killed Owen Stvn. a The above riewrihM lanHn nn Ka. cnauiieur, wno is said to have been ing resold by reason of an advanced touna in a Dearoom with Uatling's bid which has been placed on the wife. He then pursued his wife and price at which they were bid off at snot ner to death. a former sale thereof. Police declare that Steven, and Thia the Slut Hav nf rw-mW vwuing- were partners in iiiict wnis- ism key traffic Gatling fled and has i not been captured. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to authority given in a Dry Trains on Southern Capt L. T. Royal, of, Washington, rv ry m a.. m l.a, -a. J . VJ' r?.??,Jr??:i certato mortgage deed bearing date tt;r. w,, ZriZTf TfZi f 21, 1920. given by I. N. ;wi" SSftkf LtV Watson and hi. wire, L. V. Watson on the road, this was the most and . . n c(,i T jj Christmas hi has ever seen. He did-. ,J; "LSffi ' !!. ff& She notse.an totoxicatod percon tba tiie offic oi the tratof this Christmas. . Sati n itonk IsS. on 292. the The date for the state-wide Junior 1 ..i.v .1 I .1 I L.a V a hvh v( uuuu vi lira uruer ceieuraun mi been changed friol January 18. 4 ' r aC .1 T t , NOTICE TO CBEUITUSW w.nfrfrfttialirlSa3 adittoistrato 09 the estate ei v. m. r-e-on eeased, before - V. (M. weatneriy, mark- of the Hrrnenol ixmn ' lor am County of Randolph, North Carolina; this is to notify au persona navmg clsims against said decedent tds pre sent same to the undersigned tm or ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TTaving Qualified a, administrator t Ka a.talA v n,U P. Wtilta. C. Ii .a .V.4IUI.J.. T.. ased, lata , of Randolph county. I0r tJii notice will be pleaded U. bar nh Carolina, this la to notify all I Pf , their' recovery. All persona ito 10ns having elalmi' against ' the oelUd to aald decedent are rejjpesbrd it of .aid eeeaced. to. xitblt:to multe prompt ettlement,'' .A, nt to the unkripH tatviHifh ; z the 23th day af , Decemoer, n . IU ' H . M . r a It A VI . fl O , ill A.. VII VI iniufa fU(f Will 7 of -Dumber 1924,' erithla no- will be pleaded to bar of their vry. . 4 .i l ' 4 !I rr.ons and all ether parties ' ' I to said enute will pleeae 3. ... -..-.; .-,; :-,vl DAVTD C WITITE, JR- rstor or tne t.rtate of Da- It pi 1-3-24.. , . Climax, N. G w ! C. V, I - 1 12 i r- dcoeaaod. .3. ' t t' .nntinj v. u'.-h r.! r eve In t!.a 1 J. Aii servlf). i r-n I'ew '-, In ( r mn t r i row nn a ' 1 1 tj end a ' ..'cr i i. . '1 f . In- I 'ill ' -; NOTICE - Pa ths' TuW It! ''TtiA is to rcne'notlca that the .un- ()irignel has rnade application to the Governor of North Carolina for a pardon for the term m the county roads I or aDamionmnt ana ntnv miroort of the wife of the undornlfn ad, which ws. impoiwd by the Spr- l.tr Court of Baodo'j h Vnnty, North Carolina. 'the tPt-..,l Term, 1025, and that. the sri'icntlon will rrs or sctloo on the sm. b-tri It l' -f ft I r Tim luJi d-i of 'number, V . T. C, Klvr.TT, It r l. . reUt!(mr, "i . . c.ravian , f.ton-!;-'lha l&th day of January, and the 2t 1-10-24 L C. MOSES, Commissioner. fice of the Register of Deeds of Ran. dolph County, in Plat Book Fage This December 18, 1923. S. C. CLARK, Mortgagee. C G. ARMSTRONG, Assignee. 4t 12-27-23. NOTICE stone in place of Spanish, oak, red oak and dogwood pointers, Eveline Jerrell's corner in Brewer's line; thence North 88 degrees west 7 chains to a white oak, the Russell Mine corner; Thence South 89 de grees West 28 chains and 80 links to a hickory to LW. Russell's line, two hickory pointers; thence North 12 chains and 60 links to a dogwood. ..Having qualified as administrator L. W. Russell's corner in B. C Brew on the estate of Mary E. Pounds, ers line; thence East 12 chains and deceased, before D. M. Weatherly 50 links to a hiskory, O. C. Brewer's Clerk of the Superior Court of Ran- corner; thence South 2 chains and dolph county. 9 links to a forked white oak; thence Thla ia to notify all nersons having North 75 degrees East 24 chains and claims against said estate to present. 75 links to a hickory to Eveline Jer them to the undersigned, duly veri- roll's line; thence South 8 degrees fled, on or before the 22th day of December 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons owing said estate wui come forward and make immediate settlements This 12th day of December, 1923. W. C. HAMMOND, Admr. Asheboro, N. C fit 12-24-23. : i:.rTu payment of a note or bond of I S?-i5SalT-vlV0OQ) dollars of even having been made in the payment of aald Lboitd and, interest due thereon, and I .1 I j. -1 ft. I J 1 litJ: ithe(meUrw being passed due, the " .4l .Ill . 19 HiTmr ouauixMia aw uOTaiwr m . m . i .v. . j t iKiiMTS 19247at 6e court house door hi Ash before Dp We thy. Clerk, t the k . N . r. T. . Mtl ty. hfrh. all persona having said es mult, claims against atatora .hotlfUd t , present them to the underaitfnsd, idolyj verl fled, on or before the 1st day of Dee. 1924, or this notice will be pleadelLia bar of their recovery i and al; perfoti. owing aald estate wui come lorwara and make Immediate settlement ' - Thai 22nd day of November, 1VZ9., ! JiVCa YOW, Executor, j ot 11-Z9-28..VW i if BenaetWO. ' NOTICE . ' tfavlna emallfled a. executor on the estate of J. P. Cranford, deceased. before D. M. We.thr1y. Clerk of the Superior Coortvof Kandolph county, all MrwM 'havlg, clalroa aain.t aald eatato art notified to present them to the undrraipn!, duly veri fied, on or before the 15th dsy of De-e-mhfr. 1924, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery! and all peraon. owing . said estate win come forward and make Immediate settlement. , , ' f y ;; .. This the 10th day r, December, 1923. . ' - ' r - . E. P. IIATE3. Executor, J. V. Cranford, Randle fnsn, N. C, . . . -t -6t 12 11-23. t bidder -for Cash the following tract or Parcel of land, situate, lying and being in' tsacx -creel townanip, nan- do lp county. NOrta Carolina, and being-more fully described by metes and bounds. '. as follows, to-wit: Berlrmlng at a stone, Sandy 8walma corner, running north 83 chains to a pine stump; thence West 80. chains and SO links to a stone m the Coltrane Jtoei thence South S3 chains to Coltrane line; thence East 80 chains and 80 links to the begin ning, containing one, hundred (100) acres more er leas. ' Thk land Is being resold by reason af an advanced bid having been placed on the price at which it was bid off et a former sale, - Thla tht 81st day . of ; December, "T i ;V'V J. B. SMITH, L C Moeer. Atty. ' It MO-24 .' Mortgage. NOTICE! Having Qualified as administrator on the estate of Franklin G. Frailer, deceased, before D. M. Weatherly, Clerk of the 8unerior Court of Ran dolph county, all persona having laima against aald estate are noti fied to prtsisr.t them to the under signed, duty verified, oh or before the 22nd -day et- December, lwn, or mis notice will be pleaded to bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said esUto will come forward ana maxe immediate settlement.' , . . This 18th day tf December, ivzs. 1. A. COLTRANE. Adrtir. et pd 12-20-24 Guilford College, N. C. Th altlm.U factor to the solution nf rnont of life's, srrtat problem Uaderahln. The real leader is tht man who eaa gt the . eommuhlty. the township, the county or the state to -s rnill together ' and fwmpliah anmPtliinr Worth whila." Dn II. fUlnnwr, PuHvie School of Agri culture. . ;; . - , " r - " 'N '' , West 15 chains and 60 links to tha beginning, Containing sixty six (66), acres more or less, excepting one acre heretofore conveyed to' J. T Brewer. t This the 10th day of December." 1923. '. L C. MOSER, V Commissioner. 4t 12-20-23. NOTICE AnniUatlAn will be made" to tht Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Fred .Nixon eonvuneq at February Term, 1922, ef tht 8upeHor Court of Randolph Countr;fn crime of Larceny Recehrlng.and aen- tenced to Cabarrus county;! rot-. a term of 1 1-2 years. A U persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are invited to rorwara weir prawva te the Governor without delay- ' Thit the 1st day ot January 192. . '' FRED NIXON, . i. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator on the estate of H. R. Tow, deceased before D. M. Weatherly. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county all persons ' having claims against said estate, are notified to presenT- them to the undersigned, duly ver. fled, on or before the 5th day of Jan-, uary 1925. or this notice will ha nlaad ed to bar pf their recovery) and alf persons owing said estate wlU com forward and make Immediate aettlt ment .This 81st day of December, 1923. ; W. E. YOW. Aimr. Chas. H. Redding. Attv. , 6t 1-8-24. , ' v . v NOTICE Having califledTas'. Executor en the esUto of Thomas A. Slack, deceased; before DtrM. Weatherrv -Clark ai Superior Court of Randolnh anotitv. alt Mrsena harlnw iflalma- arainaT aid estate ar notified, to' present them to tht fcindtrsigned, duly vri Deeember, 1924, ft this notice will M pidaded to bar of their recovery and all: persona owing said estate will, ome forward and make Immediate, etUement . v . v ,.. ; This 8rd day of December, 1923.'' ,t u.iC. C SLACK, Executor, J s s it7 . CroonnKorA M -" ft ta-e-23. 1 H. P. D. No. 4, Box IBS. ! li , OUX 100k 'Fis' the"VoundaUo; ef tha ai,--r,-.U w a m-mh-r todostry and graaUig the ais. Mr. Scales was a member .... . ... m a va puu ' " i Mr. lawysr natal raia. of one of the states oldest and trio at .BV ! vrfitorsr alitor 1;, rt? tuu colw' prominence.. , . ; , '

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